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2017-10-24 CC Agenda Packet Comprehensive PlanIntent The Village Center Mixed Use Area is centered around the intersection of Commerce Boulevard and Shoreline Drive. There are existing retail stores, restaurants, the Transit Park & Ride ramp, and Veteran's Memorial Plaza. While the existing area is dominated by commercial uses, there is potential for redevelopment in the northeast corner of the intersection. Redevelopment should be a mix of residential and commercial uses, with the commercial uses concentrated at the corner of Shoreline and Commerce, and transitioning to residential uses further from the intersection. The mix of uses may be organized vertically within the same building or horizontal among multiple buildings on the site. Emphasis should be placed on circulation to and within site. Considerations • Commercial should be concentrated near the intersection of Commerce Boulevard and Shoreline Drive • Building heights should be taller along Commerce and lower towards the adjacent single family neighborhoods • Care should be taken to on site access from Commerce and Shoreline • Internal circulation should support pedestrians Acreage (gross) 21.60 Redevelopment area (net) 3.82 • Residential 70% • Commercial 30% Residential Unit Types Townhomes, 1 Multifamily Intent Redevelopment should be a mix of residential and commercial uses, with the commercial uses concentrated along Commerce Boulevard. Consideration should be given to the potential for restaurant achors at Auditors Road and Shoreline Drive and/or at southwest corner of the Dakota Rail Trail and Commerce Boulevard. Residential uses should transition in intensity as they approach the lakes. Redevelopment will allow for the optimization of Lost Lake Harbor and the views across Lake Langdon as amenities. Internal circulation for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles is a priority for the Downtown Lakes Mixed Use Area. Consideration should be given to eliminating Auditors Road as a through street to improve the pedestrian environment, though some type of appropriate circulation should be maintained through the site to support any commercial tenants. Developing plazas, streetscape, and/or other public amenities that connect uses to the harbor, Dakota Rail Trail, and the Village Center is important. Height limitations could be variable if greater open space is exchanged. Considerations Views across Lake Langdon & Lost Lake should be maximized for buildings away from the shoreline Connections to the Dakota Rail Trail and to the lakes are needed Internal circulation should provide pedestrian connectivity and limit driveway accesses on Commerce Site assembly will be required in some areas Acreage (gross) 22.68 Redevelopment area (net) 9.53 % Residential 70% % Commercial 30% [Residential Unit pes Townhomes, Multifamily for City Council Consideration -10/13/2017 Intent As in previous Comprehensive Plans, Eden is identified as a mixed use area to recognize the existing land use pattern and to provide flexibility for redevelopment. To better reflect changing demographic and market trends, however, it is anticipated with this plan that the area will transition from a predominantly commercial area to a predominantly residential area over time. Commercial that does remain is anticipated to be located along the major transportation corridors of Shoreline Drive and Wilshire Boulevard Residential development should transition in density and intensity, with the most dense, multifamily uses, along Shoreline Drive. As you move away from Shoreline Drive, townhomes become the predominant use, with the potential for even single family homes adjacent to Shirley Hills Elementary. Considerations • Density and intensity should transition down as development moves away from Shoreline Drive. Buildings along Shoreline should be oriented toward each other rather than facing Shoreline Drive • Connections should be made to Lost Lake Trail and Elementary School • Shoreline Drive development should be designed as a community gateway Site assembly will be needed in some areas Acreage (gross) 15.92 Redevelopment area (net) 11.01 • Residential 80% • Commercial 20% Single Fam- Residential Unit ily Detached, Types Townhomes, Multifamily Acreage (gross) 40.06 Redevelopment area (net) 9.03 % Residential 80% % Commercial 2006 Residential Unit SF Detached, Townhomes, Types Multifamily nt �d along Lost Lake and Lake on, the Promenade offers a ful setting for all types of land The area is guided mixed use tide use and site development ity in recognition of the ✓ness of the properties and ply impacts from wetlands and Iain. While some commercial will i in the district, it is anticipated development will likely be more ntial, including single family ied, townhomes and multifamily. connector between Downtown arfside Park, the Promenade I support visitors and residents avel through the area on foot or Streetscape should include its like sidewalks/trails, lighting inches. It is also important that ig orientations allow views to the siderations Floodplain and wetlands may limit buildable area of some sites Redevelopment anticipated to occur in pockets with larger residential and institutional uses likely to remain over long-term Opportunities to view the shorelines between buildings desired r 41110611 Draftfor City Council Consideration -10/13/2017 Considerations in Developing Mixed Use Development Character All Mixed Use areas within Mound will be encouraged to incorporate elements which create character and support a pedestrian -oriented environment. While each Mixed Use area is distinct, there are common elements that are important to consider. The City will explore, as a follow-up to the Comprehensive Plan, identify how these design elements could be addressed through guidelines and/or regulations. Building Placement and Linkages Along major corridors buildings should be placed close to the street with adjacent buildings having similar setbacks. Residential structures with individual entries should be setback from roadways to provide for a front yard area. A minimum amount of street frontage along major corridors should be occupied by building facades to provide a frame to the street and minimize long stretches of parking. Street -facing entries are encouraged along major roadways and should be architecturally prominent and accessible from the street. Rear entries should be well-defined if there is rear -yard parking. Plazas and pockets of connected open space should be created to provide informal gathering areas. Pedestrian connections should be made to Dakota Rail Trail, Andrews Sisters Trail, Surfside Park, the transit ramp, and the Village Center. Views and connections through developments to the lakes and to the downtown core should be preserved. Building Design Multi -story buildings are encouraged to support redevelopment and to allow for additional for open space. Heights are generally expected to be multiple stories along major roadway corridors. Buildings with floors more than 3 stories should have upper stories step back from the street to provide an improved pedestrian experience on the sidewalk. Buildings should "step down" in height adjacent to residential neighborhoods and the lakefront. Long facades should be divided into smaller increments by architectural elements, including variation in building materials, shift in facade depth, etc. Multi story buildings should have ground floor elements that appeal to the pedestrian like awnings, windows, etc. be built similarly close to the street should be linked through sidewalks/trails should be setback from major roadways with accesses along major streets Draft for City Council Consideration - 10/13/2017 Higher floors have greeter setbacks, Ground floor elements like awning, and decreasing bulk windows important for multi story buildings Facades have windows and doors at pedestrian level w� Bulkheads and other accents should i brick or stone Pedestrian and cyclist connections to features of the center city Landscaping within and around development makes for pleasant movement throughout Pitched roofs with dormers and cupolas Street facing facades should include wood replicate Mound's historical character lap siding Building Materials and Roofs • A minimum amount of the building facade along the major roadway should be windows and doors. • Wood lap siding, or comprarable products, should be used. • Bulkheads may have wood, brick, stone, or precast products • Roofs recommended to have architecturally interesting compound hip and gable roofs with dormers, cupolas, etc. Public areas have the opportunity for multiple Parking should be screened and interior to functions the site Parking and Landscaping • Where possible, parking should be located to the rear or side of buildings rather than in front. • Shared parking is encouraged between complementary land uses • Structured parking with entrances on side streets encouraged • Interconnected circulation within sites or blocks encouraged • Screening with hedges, low walls, or decorative fencing should be used to separate parking and service areas from streets. • Minimize large expanses of parking through use of parking islands and creating smaller, scattered parking Draft for City Council Consideration - 10/13/2017 MAP 1.1 I PARK & RECREATION SYSTEM IL A, A, / Dutch Lake - �Phrook ^il4nd r Halstead Bay 1] Lake Langdon Cooks Bay I / Canary \ 1 / Beach Jennings Bay r Three WestAm points Park Crescen I Paul F Beachside Harrison Bay La esi a Shore, Centerview Shore Beach Zero Black Lake 7ic ra1ke CWZ AL VW -do/' ' , Avalon Park Chester ` herven — Ridgewood Park Doone Shore Park ark / Priest Bay PhPhelps Bay Active Recreation Passive Recreation =Community Park =Open Space =Neighborhood Park= Public Shore =Pocket Park Regional Recreation =Public Beach =Regional Park =Special Use Park r �.` zipAl' Seton Lake Black Lake i Halstead Bay MAP 1.2 1W Surfside Connection Search Cor - J ridor IPriest Bar 7 FUTURE TRAILS & SIDEWALKS neral Lake A Phelps Bay / Existing Bike/Ped Facilities Active Recreation Passive Recreation —Regional Trail =Community Park =Open Space —Local Trail =Neighborhood Park= Public Shore —Sidewalk =Pocket Park Regional Recreation —On -Street Shoulder = Public Beach Regional Park =Special Use Park PARKS, OPEN SPACE & RECREATION GOAL, POLICIES, & ACTIONS Goal To provide a variety of active and passive recreational opportunities to enhance all residents' quality of life, meeting the needs of all age groups and providing year-round recreational opportunities for a population diverse in age, structure, interests and activities. It is also important that this system assist in protecting the natural and historic resources of the community in a manner which leaves them unimpaired for future generations. Policies The City of Mound has identified the following policies to guide the planning and development of park, open space and recreation areas that meet the community's goal: 1. Strive to provide active recreation spaces within a short walk or bike ride from every resident (approximately 1/2 mile from neighborhood park or 1/4 mile from pocket park). 2. Maintain neighborhood and public access to Lake Minnetonka for Mound residents through public beaches, public lake access points, public shores, and the Mound Docks & Commons Program. 3. Provide user amenities as appropriate for the type of park: Pocket Park - benches, trash can Neighborhood Park - benches, picnic tables, trash can, seasonal restrooms for field use, off-street parking when fields draw from greater than neighborhood Community Park - benches, picnic tables, shelter, trash cans, year-round restrooms, off-street parking Public Beach - sand beach, trash cans, on -street parking Public Shore - none 4. Seek opportunities to connect to, improve safety of, and support use of the Dakota Rail Regional Trail. 5. Support cooperative efforts between the City, Westonka Public Schools District, and Three Rivers Park District that enhance the development and usage of recreational lands and facilities and minimize duplication. 6. Continue to integrate where feasible the preservation and celebration of the community's natural and historic resources into the park, open space and recreation system. 7. Emphasize community input and active community participation in the planning, design and development of recreational facilities. Draft for City Council Consideration - 10/13/2017 IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK 1. Design park improvements to provide environmental and aesthetic benefits by developing planting plans that use native plants and sensitively i integrating recreational facilities into the natural environment of the site. Project or idea may come from the Parks 2. Coordinate the expenditure of local funds for park, open space and and Open Space Commission, public, recreation facilities with the provision and development of other municipal partners or Staff. services. It is recommended that the project or idea be outlined with information about why it is needed, who it will serve, Actions vendors, costs and timing. y The City of Mound has established a diverse park, open space and recreation system plan that will provide a variety of recreational opportunities to meet i residents' needs. The following recommended actions are intended to build i upon the existing system so that the community is in a position to meet the i needs of all residents in the year 2040. does It Increase awareness of history, culture and art? does It support healthy living? does It Improve connectivity? how does It Impact the surrounding neighborhood and what can be done to mitigate those Impacts? how does It Impact the envlornment and what can be done to mitigate those impacts? Is there adeugate funding for long-term malntalnence and operational costs? could It be a catalyst for private sector investment? could it be served by partnershops? how does it fit into the City's capital improvement program? COUNCIL ACTION: authorize Staff to proceed with next step - which may include further project planning, inclusion of funding in an upcoming budget, and/or preparation of construction documents 4. Establish, and implement as opportunities arise, a uniform park signage and branding system for Mound's park, open space and recreation system. 5. Conduct a Master Plan for Surfside Park. 6. Consider an off -leash dog area where there is usable, underutilized open space that has an adequate buffer from adjacent residential properties. 7. Explore the development of a few disc golf holes in a location where there is underutilized open space and users will not impact high quality natural areas. 8. Explore opportunities, including partnerships, for a community garden. Seek locations where there is usable, underutilized open space where water for irrigation can be available. 9. Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the potential of a trail to link Downtown Mound to Surfside Park along the west side of Lost Lake. 10. Identify and sell extra city -owned parcels and tax forfeiture parcels that are too small for park facilities, do not have significant natural areas, and do not serve as an access point to city utilities or other functions. 11. Periodically review and update the City's park dedication policy and ordinances to meet current state standards and respond to the market. 12. Develop a tree preference list and educational materials to support the diversification of the tree canopy. Draft for City Council Consideration -10/13/2017 1. Annually update the Capital Improvement Plan for parks, recreation, and >> Evaluate project or idea against open space ensuring that continued funding is available to meet the comprehensive plan goals, policies, and community's needs, including staffing, programming, new amenities and actions. >> Give consideration to the following maintenance. potential decision principles: 2. Create and implement a maintenance and replacement schedule to plan is a community unmet need being for phased replacement of neighborhood and pocket park facilities (i.e. addressed? playgrounds, courts, etc.). Provide an opportunity for neighborhood input on Is a new recreational opportunity being replacement projects. provided? does it inspire community pride? 3. Add user amenities to parks to respond to evolving public need. does It Increase awareness of history, culture and art? does It support healthy living? does It Improve connectivity? how does It Impact the surrounding neighborhood and what can be done to mitigate those Impacts? how does It Impact the envlornment and what can be done to mitigate those impacts? Is there adeugate funding for long-term malntalnence and operational costs? could It be a catalyst for private sector investment? could it be served by partnershops? how does it fit into the City's capital improvement program? COUNCIL ACTION: authorize Staff to proceed with next step - which may include further project planning, inclusion of funding in an upcoming budget, and/or preparation of construction documents 4. Establish, and implement as opportunities arise, a uniform park signage and branding system for Mound's park, open space and recreation system. 5. Conduct a Master Plan for Surfside Park. 6. Consider an off -leash dog area where there is usable, underutilized open space that has an adequate buffer from adjacent residential properties. 7. Explore the development of a few disc golf holes in a location where there is underutilized open space and users will not impact high quality natural areas. 8. Explore opportunities, including partnerships, for a community garden. Seek locations where there is usable, underutilized open space where water for irrigation can be available. 9. Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the potential of a trail to link Downtown Mound to Surfside Park along the west side of Lost Lake. 10. Identify and sell extra city -owned parcels and tax forfeiture parcels that are too small for park facilities, do not have significant natural areas, and do not serve as an access point to city utilities or other functions. 11. Periodically review and update the City's park dedication policy and ordinances to meet current state standards and respond to the market. 12. Develop a tree preference list and educational materials to support the diversification of the tree canopy. Draft for City Council Consideration -10/13/2017 October 23, 2017 Mound City Council Dear City Councilmembers, Thank you for taking up the issue of short term rentals in the city of Mound. I am unable to attend in person tonight, so I wanted to be sure to submit some thoughts in writing. My sister and I own a cottage on Cook's Bay that was left to us in 2014 by our parents. We have been sharing it with carefully vetted guests during the summer months on Airbnb for the past three years in order to offset the costs of maintaining, preserving and improving it. In 1950, my parents, Jim and Dorothy Anderson, designed and built this adorable cottage on the Eastern shore of Cook's Bay with shovels and hammers and a lot of skill and hard work. They were avid sailors and all of us girls eventually sailed our own boats on Lake Minnetonka, too. Mom and Dad shared their cottage and entertained friends and neighbors throughout their lives. In their final chapter, my mother succumbed to Alzheimer's disease and we cared for her full-time in the cottage until she took her last breath here. Dad lived to 92 years old, and lived here until just four months before he died. I say all this because the cottage is precious to me. It is of the utmost importance to me to screen and vet guests and find the people who will take exquisite care of it and be respectful to the neighbors. I take the matter very seriously and Airbnb gives me control over who I allow to stay. I have been able to earn just enough to pay the taxes and upkeep and then enjoy the cottage with my own family and friends. Without Airbnb, I would need to find a full-time renter and that would leave me unable to enjoy the cottage, too. I am also concerned that a rental situation could have unwanted results for my neighbors and myself. Some of the lesser known benefits of Airbnb are: • Careful vetting. I am able to interview potential guests and I have long email exchanges before I choose to let them be temporary caretakers of the cottage. • Host Protection Insurance of $1,000,000. • Mutual review process. My guests review me as a host, the value, location, accuracy, etc., and I review guests for communication, cleanliness, having followed house rules, etc. This essential process of reviews assures that both host and guests are on their best behavior. • Financial transactions handled by Airbnb, so I never have complications with guests. • Neighbors can register feedback affecting online reviews as well. • Local residents can have reunions, weddings, have visiting elderly parents and now their guests can stay close by. Most of my guests are here to visit family or friends. In addition to the security, access and control I have over my property, I also see it as a benefit to the local area. I have a three-ring binder with calendars of local events, local hardware and grocery stores, clinics, restaurants, ice cream shops, drugstores and attractions. Countless guests have raved about Al & Alma's cruises, rented pontoon boats, shopped for groceries, attended church, gone to festivals, ordered pizzas, bought gas, and have spent money all over town. Supplemental/Additional Information October 24, 2017 City Council Meeting Agenda Agenda Item No. 10 - Review/Discussion of Short Term Rental Vacation Home Use (Page 3040) I have never received a complaint from a neighbor. In fact, some neighbors especially seem to enjoy meeting guests from around the country and Europe, too. My guests always mention the wonderful neighbors in their thank you notes. Thank you for considering my perspective on short term rentals through Airbnb. It has been an overwhelmingly positive and joyful experience for my family and me. I am more than happy to be a resource for you as you continue to research this question. I'm happy to help however I can. Sincerely, Arlyn A. Anderson, MA, PCC 612-961-6421 A Sampling of Inquiries from Airbnb Members 1. Hi Arlyn, we're from . My daughter will be a freshman at and my wife Laura and I are dropping her off at and then heading back to see her play volleyball, so we wanted to experience a relaxing few days on a lake. Your place looks perfect for that? Cozy, warm, and on the lake. 2. Hi! My husband and I are coming to for my oldest stepson's graduation from We're looking for a cabin to stay in the area with him for a few days before we all head back to CA. We also have two little ones with us, age 1 and 3. Our graduate asked us to find a place not too far from so that he could introduce us to his friends. Your place looks like a beautiful respite and I love that it was built by hand! 3. Response to an inquiry requesting more information: Hi Jeff! Thanks so much for requesting to stay in the cottage on Lake Minnetonka. I notice that you're new to Airbnb. Because of that, you might not know that it is helpful, and in my case, required, for a potential guest to create a profile and jump through some of the verification 'hoops' that Airbnb has put in place. Most hosts look at the requesting guest's personal message to us, the verifications they have taken care of and the profile in order to feel the reassurance and connection with guests. When I traveled through Airbnb the first time, I was told the same thing. As a host I understand the need for it more. I have this time available - though tight on the outbound end of your trip - so it could quite possibly work out if we're a good fit. I would appreciate something about you, who is staying and anything else you think would help me get a sense of my future guests. Thanks for understanding. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Arlyn 4. Jeffs response to my note: Arlyn, Thanks for the heads up. I just put my profile into airbnb. Below is what I put in my profile. I am a who has a family of 4. My wife K. and I have been married for and we have twin daughters (S & K) who will be turning I originally grew up on a ranch in the of , met my wife in while I lived in , moved to 10 years ago and just love it here. My activities/hobbies in life are family, sports with my kids (soccer and Taekwondo), fishing, hunting, and having fun with my wife. Graduated from with a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Sciences/Production Management. Work — . I am the and I manage the territory from the Mississippi River to Hawaii with I hope this helps out. Have a great day! 5. Arlyn, This is not a family trip and I wish it was. I am on a business trip to my company headquarters with my Scott R. Instead of staying at the we decided to try your cottage for a little R&R after our meetings in the office in . We are coming into Minneapolis on Monday, June 22nd and will be at our office until 5:OOpm. I will then travel out to your location or wherever I need to go to meet up with you to check in. We are looking forward to a little relaxation, fishing around the docks, getting a boat to go out fishing on, and eating steaks on the back porch. We may have a couple of people from our team come out to fish with us and eat food. They will not be staying there. Only Scott R. and myself will be staying in the cottage. Our departure will be early Thursday morning around 6:30am. I have rented many homes and condo's before and always follow through on the rules and the cleaning. I would love to catch up with you on the phone to further discuss. Thank you so much for your hospitality! Jeff X (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) 6. Hello Arlyn, My wife, two children and I are traveling to Minnesota for a family reunion which will be held 11 where I grew up. When we visit Minnesota we enjoy going to the lake, for swimming or fishing. I also like the photo of your deck with the shade trees and hosta plants. T Hi Arlyn, My name is Peggy and I am interested in renting your Mound Lake cabin for a girls' weekend. Is it available July 23 - 26? We are all from the area and have had several girls weekends up north but thought it would be fun to stay local and your place sounds great! 8. Hi! We're a family of four traveling from NY thru Ontario to Ely and then down to mpls to visit family. Love your cottage! Would like to stay from8/1 departing 8/6. Two kids, 1 boy and girl. Need to discuss dog policy and lake/dock access. Your place looks perfect, and booking a place vs staying w family can only be understood if it was a place as cool as yours. 9. My Reply: Hi Bo! You sound like ideal guests. I would love to make this work. Its nice to have reviews to read. So many guests don't have them. If your dog is supervised and you use good common sense, we can make this work. Do you have specific questions? We could chat on the phone or here if you'd like. (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN). 10. Hi Arlyn We have hit the road and figure, after a stop for lunch, that we'll be there around 6pm now. All are excited about your place and the neat twist it puts into our annual visit. Also thinking we want to make contact w your fisherman friend for some tips etc. Bo (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) 11. Great. Don't know if i mentioned he is a guide and takes people out for 150. 12. HOST RESPONSE: Good Morning Bo. I hope I'm not waking you. I don't think I mentioned that today is garbage pickup day. If you can bring the black can (next to the house) out to the street so the truck driver can see it - not behind a car, or something) that would help a lot. Tomorrow is recycling. It's the blue can. We have a larger container for recycling so it won't matter as much if we don't get to that. Thanks! Arlyn 13. Ok, done. Way ahead of you- we read about this in the book. I put the garbage bin just off the curb up on the lawn at the tail end of the car, which I guess is on your neighbor's lawn, so I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers. FYI- Noticed a crew out in the road this morning marking an area on the grass near the end of the lakeside of the street with a white flag in a white spray painted circle, and then a line across the curb. Looked like they wanted to mark the curb near side as well but the car was in the way. Bo 14. Whew thanks for the loose checkout. We've had a great time using the cottage as base of the our visit to mpls. We had a few permutations of family over to our place- grilled once, did an Al & Alma's cruise, and ordered pizza. all loved setting. Never did get out fishing- even though we had our own place, friends and family still pulled us in multiple directions. Maybe next time we sneak in a couple days early. 15. Hey Arlyn, My wife and I and our two grown sons will be driving up from on August 7 to see my mother in . We would be returning on the 10th. Last year we stayed near the but I'm intrigued by your listing. Maybe a rustic cabin on the lake would be just the thing for us city dwellers. Thanks, Mike 16. Hi Arlyn, I am very interested in staying at your cottage this coming August. I'd like to tell you a little about me, and ask a couple of questions. I've always lived in , but have a lot of family in the twin cities and spent most summers of my childhood in Minnesota. My grandparents had a cottage on where I fished & sailed a lot, and my uncle had a great lakeside home on where I learned to water ski. I have two daughters that I want to finally bring to the lake for their first time, and experience the wonderful summers of my childhood. So... that's the plan, now a couple of questions. I would love to take the girls out on the lake. I have experience sailing and with small power boats. Is it possible to take the pontoon boat out? I am on a budget and it would help a lot if you have any flexibility on the price. I'm hoping to stay 4 nights 8/15 - 8/19. Best- David X (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) cell 17. Hi Arlyn, I hope all is well, and everything is stili on track for our visit. We are excited and really looking forward to it! A friend just came back from a few weeks vacationing on Minnetonka, and said there were a lot of thunder storms rolling through. I hope that happens when we are there... they bring back great memories. Aside from just checking - in with you, I am looking at the possibility of staying another day or two. There are some other things I would need to work through, but thought I'd check with you first to see if it is even possible on your end? Best- David 18. Hi Arlyn, I am interested in renting your beautiful home in August. It would be myself, my husband, my mom and my daughter. I was wondering if the use of a pontoon boat is included in the rental. I saw a pontoon boat mentioned but I wasn't sure what that entailed. Thank you. Jen 19. Hi Arlyn, Thanks for getting back to me. That is ok about the pontoon boat. I totally understand. Maybe we can rent a pontoon while we're there. We are from I have never been to Minnesota but my mom was born there and she wanted to go back to see where she grew up and we will actually be while we are there. 20. Oh, Jennifer. Thank you so much for sharing some of your story with me. That's very tender and touching indeed. I will be doing the same with the summer. Its quite an honor. I see you were talking about going out for'a day.' I thought you might want a boat for the whole time. I could definitely set aside a time to come out and take you and your family out on the boat. Weather depending, of course. Arlyn P.S. I hope we put everything back in the correct place as we moved a few things to keep them out of reach. 21. Hi Arlyn, I'm not sure about the plug. III look through our stuff and will ask my mom. We did use a pontoon boat and we had a great time. Our daughter had a ball catching quite a few sunnies. Just so you know we ran out of propane for the BBQ on the last night and I filled the tank. Jon said to tell you that the fire pit was great and he is glad that we did not have to use the tornado shelter :) Thanks again. We really enjoyed ourselves. Hi Arlyn, we left the cabin. Thanks again. We loved it:) 22. My wife and I will be traveling to this cute, cozy cottage for a few days of R & R before starting my new job at . We plan on getting a lot of reading done and enjoying sitting by the lake. 23. When I inquired: I'm getting a . And my new position at 24Hi! I'm planning a little get away for my two daughters and myself over Presidents weekend school break. Maybe my husband will join us in the evening, but he has to work Mon/Tues. I think we'll do lots of "crafting" and maybe bring snowshoes. Looking forward to it! 25. Hi Arlynn, we just got home from the cottage. I left the keys on the table, but I'm afraid I didn't think to lock the door handle! So sorry - would it be best I I drove back out to lock it? Thank you! We loved our cozy weekend. 26. Thanks Arlyn! I think that we will wait for another trip because we do have a toddler and the stairs are a little concerning. I appreciate your quick response! Cute little place! 27. Thank you so much for that tip! I hadn't realized that I was missing information & that is a very good point. I am a busy business owner mama of 3 so I'm always rushing around. And I'm sorry that it looked like a request, I thought I had clicked "message owner' which I understood to be different from 'request to reserve". I'm learning & I appreciate the feedback. I'll definitely keep your place in mind for next time, one of my in Mound & my kids would LOVE this in the winter! Best- Christina 28. Arlen, we are visiting fromIIIIIIIIIIIIIII for a wedding the weekend of 6/3. We used to live on for 12 years. We are staying at our cousin's lake home down the shore from you at (based on view and knowledge of the lake). Like your home, bedrooms are limited. We really just need sleeping space to avoid the couch. Thanks. Ron and kimberly (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) 29. 1 grew up summers between and later I know the lake well. With three kids in college, we just need some bedrooms, but will spend most time onIIIIIIIII. I think your place will be a great combination Ron (EMAIL HIDDEN) Cell: (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) Yes. I think I did everything. No parties. Locally, don't know if you know or their relations Any time on the lake will be at We have a wedding out in and grooms dinner Friday. Arrive in town Thursday, so hopefully a sunset and sunrise on the shore. Thanks. Ron. 30. 1 warned him about road construction. He replied: Well, what I remember of MN. Two seasons - Winter and Road Construction. Thanks for the warning. We look forward to arriving Thursday. Ron 31. Thanks Arlyn. We had a great weekend. We are all out of the house. Ron C: ((PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) (EMAIL HIDDEN) 32. The only guests I REGRET I also learned a lot from: We're visiting friends and definitely sightseeing, enjoying being on the lake. There will be 6 of us close friends (I hope that is okay - I saw that you guys can accommodate 6 which is awesome) and we are all mid -twenties working full-time in different places in the US and we wanted to book something during the summer where we can all meet up together again and reconnect since we've been out of school for years. Some friends we haven't seen in years, we are all respectable and extremely caring for others around us, especially neighbors. We just want to enjoy being on the lake and have a good time with old friends. My name is Gabriel and I actually work in Minnetonka at (HIDDEN) I recently moved to Minneapolis beginning of this year). Would love to talk details about dock access, canoes, etc. Thanks! Gabriel 33. Hi. My sister where she is hosting a family reunion that weekend. I'm a mom with 3 adult children and a daughter- in-law . No grandkids. We are all nonsmokers, college graduates and gainfully employed! Hahaha. I never booked airbnb before so I don't know what you need to know. My kids have always done the bookings for me. I'll be driving over from and the kids are flying up from . Most of the time we will be over at home. Let me know if you have any questions. There is more about me on my website (URL HIDDEN) Hope to hear from you soon. It would be great to find out which side of you are on .... the one closer to ? Either way, I would still like to book it, if I meet your requirements. Mary 34. Yeah I completely understand. My friends and I are all boring who are in bed by Spm, ha. 35. My Friends and I just want to spend the 4th of July on a lake and so I have been doing some research I was just wondering if you are allowed to swim in the lake? Thanks! 36. 1 sent her a request for more information about her and she replied: Hi Arlyn. I completely understand. I actually just created this account when I saw your house because a friend of mine recommended the website, so I am still new here. But I can without a doubt create a bio if that helps. So a couple friends and I (between the ages of 29 and 32) love the 4th of July. We really just love the American theme and want to do something really "American" for the holiday. So we thought of Minnesota and getting a house on a lake. We are not crazy people, we just like to lay out in the sun and swim. I also really want to go to the diner from Mighty Ducks, as cheesy as that is. And as far as a background on me, I am from , work as and absolutely love hockey. I am a die hard Rangers fan and have season tickets so I go to a lot of games. Hockey is a huge part of my life, hence wanting to see the Mighty Ducks diner:) And I completely understand you wanting to get to know who will be staying there.. my family has a beach house in which we rent out, so I have heard lots of stories. The dates we are looking for is with Thursday June 30th or Friday July 1st till Tuesday July 5th. (depending how that works. I wasn't sure what day would be easier for us to come in, but we would dell. leave on July 5th. I hope this helps and hope we are able to talk soon! Thanks for your time, Arlyn. Have a great day! 37. My daughter's wedding will be a on the 6th, this little cottage would house myself and two of her siblings, all adults, we are nice, quiet folks that love the outdoors, first trip to MN where she is relocating from Then later: We are having a wonderful time and have fallen in love with the cottage, my daughter's wedding is today and the friend she has singing at her wedding has a problem, someone else was supposed to bring him his guitar, they forgot, would it be possible for us to borrow yours? I WILL be responsible for it, but I assure you it will be taken care of, we are a family of musicians and understand the care and love of someone's guitar, if that's not ok, he can do it acapella 38. Hello Arlyn, My name is Nancy. My folks, who live , are planning to visit this summer to celebrate their in August. They will be spending a couple weeks with me but would like a place of their own for a little while. We live Not sure on the dates yet but your place looks perfect.. and would love to see it if possible. My work number is (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) during the week. My cell phone number is (PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN). 39. How are my folks doing? Pretty good. 40. Yes, I am. We are going to visit a few close to me while they're here. We want to move them back to Minnesota soon. We'll be checking into Nancy's parents left the place in pristine condition: 41. Nancy!! I'm at the cottage and it is beautiful! The flowers have multiplied and the place feels even more like home for your parents having taken such fine care of it! And this proud moment:How-in-the-world did the toilet bowl come to look so good? Seriously, I need to know the secret please. Wow!! 42. Arlyn, I am a 55 -year old woman living i with my domestic partner Joel (Last Name Deleted). We would like to rent your cottage over Labor Day weekend. I have worked the last 26 years a4 Joel . We would take very good care of your property and be very considerate of your neighbors. We are looking for a holiday weekend get -away without driving a long distance. 43. Hi Arlyn. My name is Mike K. and I live in are running the "Running of the Bays" half -marathon in Mound on September 10 and thought renting a small lake cabin, rather than a hotel, would be a lot of fun. Your cabin looks great and is very close to the starting line! It would be 3 of us on Friday night and 4 of us on Saturday night. We're looking for a quiet night's rest Friday night and a place by the lake to grill and relax after the race on Saturday. I have a boat and was curious if we could dock it at your place during our stay. I can answer any questions you might have. Thanks for your consideration. -- Mike ((PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) 44. Hi Arlyn! My 2 friends ) and I will be volunteering next year during the which will take place in . We were looking for a quiet place in between and we believe your cottage is just perfect. Hope to see you in one year!! Best regards, David 45. Hello. We want to get away for a weekend. We are in so something nearby seemed ideal for a quick trip. 46. Hi Arlyn! We are Very much looking forward to having a staycation with some friends at your adorable cabin! It will be me, my wife Mary Beth and some of our in-laws! We love Lake Minnetonka area and are excited to explore it a bit more! Thank you so much! Adam & Mary Beth 48: An example of my screening people: Hi Adam and Mary Beth! Thank you so much for your interest in the little red cottage... While we're waiting to hear from my family, I will tell you what I tell everyone who is interested. I like to be clear upfront with folks that my priority is to host people who are not big into partying and such. Not only for the sake of finding great caretakers of the cottage (which is essential), but also we have neighbors that are close by and 1 try to manage a delicate balance of autonomy and respect for them. I try to keep them happy with our Airbnb situation because that is what makes this work. You guys look adorable (!!) I would love to host you and you have no reviews. Can you assure me that you fit the bill I describe above? Arlyn 47. Adam's reply: I'm happy to answer your questions here! We are not into partying and being rowdy in the slightest. And I've always been very aware of respecting others places and things. My uncle has a cabin up in that I've grown up going to (but we loved your little cabin and its close proximity to our place ) and his requirements are no different. We are very much looking forward to a relaxing wknd at your place and cozy bonfires, barbecuing and board gaming with good wine with our friends/family Nick and savannah. Nick is (I wish there was a less complicated way to say that ha!). I don't have any friends in the area that live nearby and only intend on it being the 4 of us there. We don't have a boat either and won't be needing dock space but we're certainly looking forward to a morning kayak weather permitting! We will of course be very respectful of your neighbors as well and act as if they were our own. I'm a a search on (SENSITIVE CONTENTS HIDDEN) or for my website if you'd like to learn more about us! We'll wait to hear about your faro situ that wknd ® Adam 48. We're visiting family for Thanksgiving holiday. we need our own space for a few days and we're wanting to spend time at the lake. My sister lives in and i have visited the lake and now have a change to stay there.. thanks