'CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable
cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community.
*Candidate Robin Baumgartner retracted her application, due to a personal conflict that arose.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2013 6:30 PM
Open meeting
Establish the process — Mayor Hanus
Interviews of candidates for vacancy
A. 6:40 John Beise
B. 7:00 Anthony Berticelli
C. 7:20 David Brickley
D. 7:40 Robert Brown
E. 8:00 David Osdoba, Jr
F. 8:20 Cynthia Penner
G. 8:40 Mark Wegscheid
Results by Mayor Hanus
*Candidate Robin Baumgartner retracted her application, due to a personal conflict that arose.
MOUND, MN 55364-1687
PH: (952) 472-0600
FAX: (952) 472-0620
Interviews WEB: www.cityofmound.com
Mound City Council Vacancy
What follows is how I see the interviews taking place. I believe it clearly states the process and covers
possible contingencies. Council Members should be seated at the council bench and candidates should
be at the podium.
The Process -Preliminary Interviews — January 29, 2013
One at a time, the interviewees will enter the room, be welcomed by the Mayor, and be invited to the
podium. He will explain the process to the applicant. This will be followed by questioning.
With only 20 minutes per person we will use a round robin method of questioning. One question is
asked and then passed on to the next person. Council Members are advised to have their questions
prepared ahead of time. Questions that apply to all should be asked in the same format for all.
Questions that are specific to one applicant will, of course, be unique to that individual. The applicants
can ask questions as well if they want clarification of anything. There can be a dialog with the applicant
if desired. But keep in mind that with 20 minutes you should keep you questioning as brief as possible.
Framing questions to allow for brief answers is preferred but not required.
At the end of the questioning, the council will be given a pre printed ballot with the names of all the
applicants. They will then cast their votes on that ballot of their top 3 choices by placing a 3, 2, or 1
alongside the names of their choices with a 3 being their top choice and a 1 as their lowest choice. Vote
for 3 people only. The Secretary will collect the ballots and tally them up. The 3 highest numbers will
be advanced to the finals and the Secretary will announce to the council the 1St, 2"', and 3rd choices. All
applicants will be notified by mail or phone call of whether they are in the final 3 or not and thank them
for their interest and participation. The final 3 will not be given the final ranking as they are all equal
again at that point.
In the event of a tie for 3rd place, another ballot will be cast in similar fashion but only for the people
that are tied for that position. In the event of a tie in the tie breaker vote, the Mayor may cast a second
vote as a tie breaker. This is consistent with State Statutes regarding filling a vacant council seat. It
allows every opportunity for the deliberative body to decide as a whole who the finalists are, but also
provides a solution for an impasse.
The Process -Final Selection — February 5, 201_3
The finals will be conducted the same as the first round of questioning except with more time, members
are able to dig deeper into the applicants. Because of this, a series of questions may be asked by each
member prior to passing to the next member. Since this final selection is only for one position, the vote
will simply be a popular vote. Each member will cast their vote for their first choice. Again, in the
event of a tie, the Mayor casts a second vote to break the tie in accordance with State Statutes.
printed on recycled paper
November 2012
Home Phone: 952-472-2898 — work: 612-889-0340 Cell: 612-889-0340
Place of Employment: —RE/NIAX Advantage Plus
Address: 4154 Shoreline Drive, Spring Park, MN 55384
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe. No
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one)
Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you have had that would prepare you for being a
member of the Mound City Council.
Volunteering for various local organizations gives me great access to people and hearing their
issues. Also my work as a Realtor in the community requires I keep up on community events and
trends as it is any job to highlight the many features of this community to families moving here!
In addition what prepares me to be on the council is my past service of 10+ years on the Parks &
Opens Space Commission and 4 years as a Mound City Council Member serving on many
committees and initiatives. I understand the challenges of making the difficult decisions that are
best for our city as a whole while facing people in the room who may not agree! I also bring a lot
of historical knowledge about the city (a lifelong resident of Mound and part of a family that
moved to Mound in 1925) while embracing the many current changes and vision for what our
community can become!
What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of
this city council?
I believe research is important. Sometimes this will mean conversations with people involved,
hearing what they are saying, and learning what is involved with a decision made by the council.
I am organized. I keep a professional appearance. I have integrity and try to do what is right. I
am able to review a case in front of me and quickly determine the pros and cons. This ability to
make a quick yet educated assessment is key in the council chambers as many things that are
brought to the council need to be decided upon at the meetings in order to move forward. I am
also proud to have earned the respect and trust of many members in the community.
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues this
council will need to address in the next year?
1) The continued practice of doing more with less and continually re-evaluating to find
additional efficiencies and cost savings.
2) Re -designing and updating our downtown image and demographic information to
entice private business to invest in coming to, building and opening here in Mound.
3) Promote Recent Accomplishments. Many residents and businesses are not aware of
all that has transpired over recent years. Continue to deliver the message of growth.
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
Getting engaged in the process quickly as I have a working background of the council and
knowledge of many of the issues facing the council currently.
Strong promotion of our past accomplishments and the vision for the future as it continues to
evolve with my unwavering passion for what is best for our city!
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on this
city council.
The only potential conflict I see is when there are votes pertaining to the Spirit of the Lakes
Festival where I am on the Board of Directors. Even though the Spirit is entirely volunteer
based and none of the volunteers see any financial gain I believe it would still be perceived by
some to be a conflict and I would abstain unless the rest of the council deemed otherwise.
Return application by 4:30pm, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to:
Or fax to:
Or email to:
City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
November N
Name: Anthony M. Berticelli
Address: 5764 Bartlett Blvd, Mound, MN 55364
Home Phone: n/a Work: 612-696-7272 Cell: 214-457-4568
Place of Employment: Target Corporation
Address: 1000 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe. No
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one) Yes
1- Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you have had that would prepare you
for being a member of the Mound City Council.
As a Senior Business Partner with Target, one of my many responsibilities is the management of
multi-million dollar projects. Similar to projects and issues faced by the city council, these projects
often encompass many local, remote, and offshore teams, multi-year timelines, and coordination of
many "moving parts". Successful project management involves the ability to set long term goals and
plans while celebrating wins and milestones often with those involved.
Prior to moving to Mound in July, I was a resident of one of the fastest growing cities in the
nation; Frisco, Texas. The growth of Frisco posed some unique opportunities, namely that most of
the cities' regulations were written when the population was less than 10% of its current size. One of
those regulations directly impacted my neighbors and me, when a bordering Community College was
allowed to build a 5 -story parking garage 80 feet from our homes without consulting or informing the
impacted homeowners. I helped to represent my community to the city council, mayor, and school
board to voice our concerns for many months. During this process I found out how important the
role of the city council is to the businesses and residents of the city they serve.
While living in Texas, I was introduced to the fundraising efforts of the Leukemia
Lymphoma Society's Team In Training program. After fundraising for multiple triathlons, I began
volunteering as a mentor and eventually as a nationally certified triathlon coach. As a leader within
TNT I often spoke publicly to large groups, led teams of individuals from very diverse backgrounds,
and motivated others to be successful by creating achievable plans and timelines for my participants.
2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing
the work of this city council?
One of my undergraduate degrees from the University of Notre Dame is in Economics. This
diverse program allowed me a unique view into many economic perspectives, including contract
arbitration, micro and macro economic theories, and social factors that impact the success of
governmental entities. I also hold a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice with a focus on social,
ethical, and procedural relationships between government, law enforcement, and the community.
My 10 year career at Target has focused on Assets Protection and Corporate Security. I have
held roles a national instructor for programs like Crisis Management as well as being a District
Assets Protection Team Leader dealing directly with crisis situations and leading teams through
similar events. Another aspect of my role as a District leader was to represent Target and
coordinate National Night Out for the communities my stores served. In these roles, I was able to
work directly with Law Enforcement and local government to help build community and
business partnerships.
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant
issues this council will need to address in the next year?
I think the most critical role of the City Council is to represent and improve the community we live in
and serve. The continued development of Mound Visions; specifically the plan to capitalize on Lost
Lake channel to make downtown Mound an active lakeside district is a unique way to bring business
and families to the area. Other cities like Wayzata and Excelsior are known for their lakeside
offerings, and I believe Mound will be the same.
Another significant issue I see is continuing to focus on residential development and
community attributes to further develop Mound into a destination for young, professional families.
One of the characteristics that drew me to Mound was the opportunity to help develop a community
into one I want to live in long-term. Transportation options, safe environments, education, activities,
incoming business, lake access, small town feel and affordable housing and property are all factors
that help to lead to a successful, attractive community.
Mound is a beautiful area with many natural resources. A third issue with significance is the
maintenance and sustainability of those natural resources. The preservation of our beautiful parks and
beach, partnering with agencies to protect against invasive species, maintaining the Dakota trail, and
the continued improvement of water quality in Lake Langdon are all items I feel are important to
keep at front of mind. Focusing on these things now will help to continue to make Mound an
attractive community for many years to come.
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
Although I feel there are many ways I could contribute to furthering Mound's causes, there are two
ways which I feel I can have the greatest impact. First, as a young professional who has chosen
Mound as a place to live tong term, I feel that I could influence and represent my peer group in a way
that would benefit the community and attract others to the area.
Additionally, I can speak first hand when referring to the development and resources Mound
has available. I utilize our public transit system daily to get to and from work in Minneapolis and I
support local businesses to help build a successful business base. I also utilize our natural resources
regularly, running and biking on the Dakota trail, swimming and kayaking on the lake at Surfside
park, as well as living directly on Lake Langdon.
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on
this city council.
None applicable
Return application by 4:30prn, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to: City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
or fax to: 952-472-0620
or email to: kandishanson@cityofmound.com
November 2012
Address: (d
Home Phone: � 5�1Q32L_Jf6J Work:
Place of Employment:
Address: k- A S -c- t4 0 0 L -
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe.
Cell: 17-- -2—L �—1
16 L- PA i2M- -t- IAI �)E
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one) es No
1. Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you have had that would prepare you for being a
member of the Mound City Council.
L t A
a: L C, Pol L C I--
2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of
this city council?
G c>6 Dry\ � P 4 GCF/V7 RiJ r- S !� t L L F ao vvn A co L/
A \J E-' L7-1 PL 6E' c,,,Q E IV, jF�'
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-""V1 a ��e'- &-i
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues this
council will need to address in the next year?
-r P L C, -7- " j:T LAj P0
t IIJ �n 0 L4-
I j�C-17
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on this
city council.
Return application by 4:30pm, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to:
Or fax to:
Or email to:
City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
kandishanson 0qcitvofrnound,corn
t5- rL
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on this
city council.
Return application by 4:30pm, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to:
Or fax to:
Or email to:
City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
kandishanson 0qcitvofrnound,corn
Name: L�" 14 A 14 o
Address: `7 �` D �i ��jS z f% zlLi4
Home Phone: -2- 2 -�
� t��� Jork:
Place of Employment: 6-, ,q'i /I7 r A C , /7 l 'Y S U % i d "
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe.
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one) es No
1. Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you have had that would prepare you for being a
member of the Mound City Council.
X0 el � r �° b'6 -11V
2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of
this city council?
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues this
council will need to address in the next year?
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
/XC sserf
�o//V '.-u/ %/v '' l l j Dsv '�/Q� �Ir
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on this
city council.
Return application by 4:30pm, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to:
Or fax to:
Or email to:
City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
kandishanson a,,cityofmound com
2013-01-15 15611 WBRMX-MN-0006 6123164910 >> 952 472 0620 P 2/5
November 2012
Name: 04kv;4 31. Yr-.
Address: -Z 11 1 �Ll' t. I -V lfI V ' I _,._ H -S '9 _V"' 4/
Homophone: 'Ft5Z-f7z-/S17-Work: Cell:
Place of Emploment: L-� -e- I I -..- �e
'Als-s qCS Z.
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe. ex '�tA dc I C -67Z L.0- I
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one) _es No
Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you havc had that would prepare you for bcing a
member of the Mound City Council.
2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of
this city council?
2013-01-15 15811 WBRMX-MN-0006 6123164910 >> 952 472 0620 P 3/5
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues this
council will need to address in the next year?
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on this
city council.
• application by 4:30pm, Weds, Ian 15, 2013, to;
Or fax to:
Or entail to:
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
kand i shanson0a 61yo;�h1gund.com
2013-01-15 15.-12 WBRMX-MN-0006 6123164910 >> 452 472 0620 P 4/
aAd J. Osdoba, Jr.
Wilshire2600 Blvd.
Mound, MN SS364
2013 Mound City Council Application
experience1. Please describe work, volunteer or life
memberbeing a _ Mound City Council.
licensedI graduated from college In 1978 with a degree In accounting. I am a CPA and am currently
as inactive, My workexperience
a. Audit and Tax work at an International public accounting firm.
b. Assistant Tax Manager at a Minneapolis based public company.
c. • for two private and one public company.
d. Currently a banker In the Wealth Management group of Wells Fargo.
as playing an integral role In management of the business. This Involved working with other
departments within the business as well as outside vendors, Investors, and professional service
providers. These skills would all be transferable to a public sector role as a city council member.
in additi®n t® the above, I was a beard member of the Minneapolis YMCA for ten years,
including a year as Chairman.
I have been a resident of Mound since 5979.
includes2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have thot would be helpful in doing t
work of this city council? I
my education, training and work experience
a, Accounting and Finance
b. Banking and related matters
c. Taxation
d. Budgeting
e. Management of outside professional service providers (i.e. legal)
f. Human Resource Issues
g. Budgeting
h, Negotiation of contracts
3. With what you know about the Mound .
issues this council will need to address in the next year?
on local municipalities to raise revenue for the services they choose provide. This means the
Council must be very selective in budgeting and management of the city's finances. It Is the
2013@01-15 1502 WBRMX-MN-0006 6123164410 >> 452 472 0620 P 5/5
responsibility of the Council to oversee management of the city In providing necessary services
in a cost effective manner.
. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
My professional background will provide an excellent understanding of the accounting and
budgeting of the city. As indicated above, I believe it is imperative that services be provided in
an efficient and cost effective manner. I can assist in that process.
The other area I believe I can provide insight is my experience in management of business.
Mound needs to provide an environment that is attractive to business in order for more retail
and service businesses to consider locating on Mound. I understand what they need and would
assist In that process.
PleaseS. fully disclose any potential conflicts of Interest (perceived
awareon this city council,
that, I am not
November 2012
Name: Cynthia Penner
Address: 5510 Sherwood Drive, Mound
Home Phone: 952-491-2200 Work: 952-252-1288 Cell: 612-581-0901
Place of Employment: _Innovative Marketing Consultants
Address: 4284 Shoreline Drive, Spring Park
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe. No travel, I am in Accounting.
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one) Yes
1. Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you have had that would prepare you for being a
member of the Mound City Council.
I have lived in Mound for over ten years with my family and love our community! My experience in
purchasing, accounting, and management has helped me develop excellent communication skills with vendors
and our extensive client base that have quite a diverse assortment of personalities. Currently I volunteer for the
City of Mound as a Planning Commissioner. I have volunteered extensively at Shirley Hills Elementary and
have co-chaired the annual rummage sale at Good Shepherd in Navarre for the last five years. I also participate
on several committees at Good Shepherd that focus on community outreach. I am also on the Board for Early
Childhood Family Education. My volunteer experience brings organizational and decision-making skills to my
resume. I have travelled extensively throughout the United States and to many other countries. This broadens
my horizons in seeing how other cultures interact and how different communities are run.
2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of
this city council?
I work well with others which I believe is a big part of any city council. I have been working since I was nine
years old (I got my start in the fields in Iowa) and that shows a demonstrated lifelong work ethic. I am highly
organized and have a passion to make our community even greater! I realize Mr. Osmek had a big part as the
budget liaison. My accounting, purchasing, and management background would be an asset in filling the
position Mr. Osmek has left. I work in Spring Park, so I am readily available if a special meeting or event
comes up last minute.
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues this
Council will need to address in the next year?
1. Review of our plan to bring in more restaurants, retail stores, and potentially a hotel.
2. We need to concentrate on the key Government functions of Police, Fire, Water, and Streets, as we
continue to balance our budget while maintaining high levels of service to each and every citizen of
3. Protecting our greatest asset: Lake Minnetonka. Working with The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
i.e.: the Six Mile Marsh Prairie Restoration.
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
I would like to immediately court restaurants and retail businesses to build or occupy empty space in our
community. My long term goal would be to help with extensive recreation options near and around the Dakota
trail and surrounding areas. I think this would be a tremendous boost to our economy.
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on this
city council.
I have no conflicts of interest.
Return application by 4:30pm, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to:
or fax to:
or email to:
City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
kand ish anson(cr�,cityofmound.com
Vovember 2012
Name: Mark We scheid
Address: 2465 Lost Lake Road Mound
Home Phone: (952) 215-3809 Work: (952 21) 5-3809 Cell: (612) 581-6710
Place of Employment:. Broadband America Carp
Address: 1772 Steiger Lake Lane Victoria MN 55386
Does your job require frequent travel? If so, please describe. My occupation requires periodic travel but I am
able to control my schedule 99% of the time. -My travel is at my own discretion and would have no impact on
my availability to be present and engaged.
Do you live within the city limits of Mound? (Circle one) yes
Please describe work, volunteer or life experience that you have had that would prepare you
for being a member of the Mound. City Council. I am the founder and owner of two
telecommunication organizations as well as running an investment property company who has built,
remodeled and maintained commercial buildings. Broadband America is a national networking
services company that specializes in providing services to national organizations that also operates in
Canada and Mexico. The other is Broadband Corp, an Internet Service Provider that provides Phone,
TV and high speed internet to about 3500 square miles of the state of MN.
In my professional life I work with the people and the bottom line every day. Working with
Broadband I have had to negotiate with city councils for many towns and I am somewhat familiar
with the responsibilities and concerns that a city council needs to balance. I am a republican state
delegate and truly enjoy the political process of working with others to negotiate and find common
ground to move a greater purpose forward.
My past professional experience has been in the design and construction of manufacturing plants in
the United states Puerto Rico and Mexico. This required a great deal of working closely with many
different entities to bring everyone together in order to complete the projects.
My wife, daughter and I have volunteered at feed my starving children, the Youth Performance
Company and Mound Westonka POP Singers. My wife and I were chaperones for the Mound
Westonka Band and choir group when they went to New York and I am currently serving with a
small group of individuals on an unofficial technology advisory board for Mound Westonka
Superintendent Kevin Borg in regards to technologies and improvements for the school district.
2. What personal or professional skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the
work of this city council? First, I have the time. With all that I am involved with, it may be easy to
think that I would not have the time but it is quite the opposite. The very fact that I head several
organizations and am able to participate in others, is a tribute to the people I have had the ability to
identify, put in place and work with to obtain levels of efficiency that allow me the freedom I have.
I have good organizational skills and by that I don't mean I stack my notes neatly. I mean that
through my professional and life experiences; I have the weathering to see where people fit and how
they fit, where organizations will work and where they will fail. My experiences provide me with a hind
sight of sorts. One of my companies has union employees in the Minnesota branch, I have negotiated
with unions for over 10 years and have been able to make great strides in those relationships allowing us
to be both union in Minnesota and profitable.
When a topic for review arises, I understand that there are many viewpoints and more often than
not we are unaware of the detail behind all of those viewpoints. Due diligence is an invaluable process
and holding neutral until reasonable information is unearthed so that responsible decisions can be
reached is of utmost importance.
I have the understanding that no matter what we decide in any given situation, we will not please
everyone. What an individual in a leadership role must have above all is conviction. Conviction in
making a decision and conviction in defending that decision and then seeing it through.
My schooling is that of mechanical engineering, I feel I am a very fact oriented and an
information drive person. My dedication to seeing things through has always served me well, I hope to
apply my skills and experience with the Mayor and members of the Mound City council to serve it well
3 With what you know about the bound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues
this council will need to address in the next year?
Topics of economy, how do we keep businesses in mound and how do we bring businesses to Mound.
Mound is a destination, not a pass through, We need to build on that rather than seeing it as a weakness.
The city needs to identify the city's strengths just as a business does and then build on that and put that
message out there. There has been a tremendous amount of good progress with the city's infrastructure
in the past years; but this challenge will continue, we need to make sure the state of the city's
infrastructure is under continual review in an effort to make sure repairs and improvements don't make
themselves known through abrupt failure but rather are identified through process best we can.
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make in furthering Mound causes?
I feel the main contribution I can give is my time devoted to participating in making our community a
place that we are all proud to live, feel safe to live and can afford to live. Secondly I would like to
contribute in furthering all of the communities great events. The events that get people out and get them
engaged are very valuable for a community.
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest (perceived or real) you may have serving on
this city council.
At this time, I am not aware of any potential conflicts of interest in my serving on the council.
Return application by 4:30pm, Weds, Jan 15, 2013, to: City Manager Kandis Hanson/Candidate
City of Mound
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
Or fax to: -1$- 952-472-0620
Or email to: kandishanson(a-)cityofmound corn