1942-05-05R~ULAR M~TING MAY 5, 1942. Meeting called to order by Mayor 'A~om~e. AX1 mere%berm of council were present. Minutes of regular meeting of April 7th, were read and on motion approved. THE FOLLOWING BI v~S WERE PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT. Sur. nenn. Co. Relief- Frs.4 L. Gray Co. Pure Oil Co. Harold N. Rogers~ ~or. States P. Co. J. N. Ogland, J. L. Iverson, We r~on Ive rson, He rman ~onns on, R. E. Walker, Tu~e~o Grocdr7 G. M. White, Frank More, 7 WPA Cases $7.00 Add. Prem. Comp. Pol. 4.48 Fuel oil Mall 4.60 Service on ~d. Scullen case 12.51 Hall lights. 1.64 Time Slips 12.00 " " 154.40 " " ~8.50 " " 81.00 " " Z.00, Gas~ Tractor 3.99 Time S;i~s 8.00 " " 4.00 Moved by Iverson, 2nd by Lindholm that theabove bills be paid. Motion carried. Moved by Iver~on~ 2n~ by Thomas that the Firemans nave the use of the Village Hall May 9th, for their Spring Frolic. Motion carrie~. Moved by Lindholm, 2nd by Iverson that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Village clerk. SPECIAL M~TING MAY 18~ 1942. Meeting called ~o order by Mayor Thomas. Following members were present, Lindholm, Mc~.alters~ and casey. Move<{ b7 Lindholm, 2nd by Casey that we advertise in the Improvement Bulletin for bids for gravel to finish Road ~ork on pr~ect ~l- Motion Carrie~. Moved by Mc~alters 2nd by Casey that meeting ad~ourn. Motion Carrie~. Village Clerk.