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1980-08-12 CC Agenda Packet
CII¥ OF MOUND Hound, M|nnesota REVISED AGENDA CM 80-273 CM 80-275 CM 80-.270 CM 80-272 CM 80-277 , CM 80-278 CM'80-276 CM 80-274 CM 80-.271 Mound City Council August 12, 1980 7;30 P.M. City Hall 1. Minutes Pg. 1840~1843 2. public Hearings A. HUD Funds Pg. 1839 B. Licenses - Former Three Points Inn - See Council Memo. Pg. 1838 3. Bids - Mound Spring Park Water Connection (Will be opened Tuesday) 4. Planning Commission Recommendations Pg. 1831-1837 A. SubdivJsi'on of Land ~ Lots 24-26, The Bartlett Place Pg. 1828-1830 B. Street Vacation of Part of Gull Lane (Withdrawn) Pg. 1826-1827 C. Lake Front Variance ~ Lot 7, Block 1, Halstead Acres Pg. 1819-1825 D. Variances - Lot 5, Subd. of Lots 1-32, Skarp & Lindquist's Ravenswood Pg. 1816-1818 E. Variances - Lot 8, Block 18, Wychwood Pg. 1814-1815 F. Variances ~ Lots 16 & 17, Block 12, The Highlands Pg. 1812-1813 G. Subdivision of Land - Townhouses Pg. 1811 H. Side Yard Variance - Lot 47, Aud. Subd. 168 (Withdrawn) Pg. 1809-1810 ~. Sign Variance - Ms. Dee, Inc. Pg. 1807-1808 5. House - 4900 Block on Crestview Road Pg. 1804-1806 6. Sports Center Pg. 1849 7. Street Construction A. Street Easement - Chestnut Road Pg. 1846-1848 B. Other 8. Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) 9. Appointments A, Election Judges Pg. 1802-1803 B. Housing & Redevelopment Authority Pg. 1800-1801 10. Tax Forfeit Land - Lots 17 & 21, Block 12, Pembroke Pg. 1798-1799 11. Payment of Bills 12. Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 1786-1797 & 1845 13, Committee Reports Pg. ~850 Mound, Minnesot~ 8-12-80 August 12, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-279 SUBJECT: Bid for Mound-Spring Park Water Connection Attached is a copy of the bid tabulation for the Mound-Spring Park water connection. George Boyer of E. A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. will have a report and recommendation at the Council meeting. Z C) 0 Z 0 8-12-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota August 11, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-277 SUBJECT: Sports Center Some people will be at the August 12th Council meeting to discuss a proposed Sports Center lease. L. Kopp 8-12-80 ~I~V OF HOUND Mound, Minnesota August ll, 1980 COUNCIL.MEMORANDUM NO. 80-278 SUBJECT: Street Easement - Chestnut Road Attached is a letter from the Engineer relative to an easement for Chestnut Road. To satisfy their desires,~the City would almost have to buy two of the tax forfeit lots. McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 August 7, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Improvement Easement Dear Mr. Kopp, I have met with the owners of the property abutting the pro- posed Chestnut Road extension through Kohlers Second Addition to Mound. 15,100 square feet of street and utility easement are re- quired on their property. Mr. Danger and Mr. Karvonen say they will grant the easement if the City will give them title to the same square footage on the east end of their property as shown on the attached sketch. Mr. Karvonen has requested that this offer be brought up for Council consideration. LS:ch Enclosure #4909 Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. L~e Swanson, P.E. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls pri/~tec] t)n ~oc¥cied pape~ N Cr'L~ 0 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota 8-12-80 August 11, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-68 SUBJECT: Refund of Street Vacation Fee and Variance Fee Applications for Agenda Item 4 B and for 4 H (Planning Commission Appeals) have been withdrawn. The applicants of the two items would like a refund of the fees paid. A refund of one-half of the fees will be listed on the bills. Street Vacation fee is $50.00 - $25.00 refund Sideyard Variance fee is $25.00 - $12.50 refund ~'~Le6nard L. Kopp cc: City Clerk-Treas. AG EH DA A,~g,,st 12, l~)~O '7:30 P.H. C i ty [ia l 1 · ~ 2O--275 !t. 5. 6. 7. Hinutes , g Public l-lear-[JigS A. JtUD l'-unrJs Pg.i B. l. lcenses - l:oti~',~]r I'hFce Poi~_s Inn Planning Con:mission l~e,:~,mcn,:t,~:Tons Pg. 1831-1237 C. l.ake Front Vari,.,~,te- lot 1, d]k. 1, llal';l',~,~d Acr~s Pg. 1319"1825 E. V~ri,:nces - to~ 8, l~lo(:t< 18, ~.ryc',?~.<)()d Pg. 'l'~311~-J315, i(}1 I ...... STSn TM ri,',~, ;~ /is. Dee, lnc Ih]. 1 A 'I .,::::.::a ..' '. ': ',~ , :.')'~ , ':3 B. ":,::'.' :,j ~1 , . .._::.,: ~i_ .~: :: :~ :i'/ :' .:, ,,F.:ii: ~ :t ~ '; !/ .': ~}, .: ,< ., ., . OF Y IIE ?ur::,~:;nt [o dlle call ,~d ~ntice ',:[~er, of, a r~gular ~zeting of the City Council of i. he Cily oF 11~und, l~n~,~pin G)~nty, Hinnesota was held at ~3~',1 ~'.~ywood Ro;~d in said City on August 5, 1~30 at /:jO p.m. 'l'hnse pres,:;~t were: ,~nd Cit,/ Clerk '~- lf l!qU I'ES -I-~ e minu~es of tl~e ~:i::,';ting of ~Ii~l,/ 2~, l"~0 ,..ere pic~s:,~l:ed For ~:c~i~si~h:r.,'Lion. of July 2~ 1)$0 ,~s ',;~Ibi~lit:~:d, 'fha vote was The C~ty Elerk presented an affidavit of c...~)licaticn in l:1:e offici:~l nmvspaper of I:110 notice of p ~lic haaF[ng on said V.~c,'~tJon of Dl-unFwick Ro.nd. Said afl:i~,"vit..~ 'i f.,1 t ?t_Aii!I;.~G CO:.iiiI'-..,'<,~C,N t'0 /,F'i'i,OVE St.;;)OI'~tS,'Oi'I OF !.(]-IS I0--13, Cc~unc i ln-x rnber Wi' .iii Special 1Jsa s~ng. Said ,:i:i:i~h;vit '.',',~s ¢i)ccJa] Use PCFnlJt - ~,Oa~,,~:pair 8 FJbc:rgl,'~ssing and per:sc:ns ~)l-;~S(!ii~ JO cio '30 ,I . , t I] i / ' .) , -iI fi'.,:.::!,:~.~n ~;o,.,:-~d :,~d U lrick s:c,'~n,Md a ~:~l: ,OR ,SIC Y ., F , CO ) ) I ,,') 1 '2. o , ? /. 0. t 'L 2 APPLICATION FOiARIANCE CITY OF MOITND FEE $ ZONING APPLICANT INTEREST IN PROPERTY 9o NTP, ArT~N _ X,Vu0cCa'%~ Address ADDRESS .LoT ~ ~~ Te le phone Numb e r VAR_LANCE REQUESTED: >~ --r .~,N. OTE: FRONT [ YA O FT.] I REAR LOT SQ. YARD FT FO O TAGE_,~O~'OOO~ N. C. U.::: or 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward re que s t. A buildi'ng~permit must be aoplied for within one y,.ar ~rom the date of the LANN~NG GOM~SSION RECOMMENDATION Plannln9 Commission acknowledged the undersized lot, lake front and accessory build[n9 nonconformancy; but denied the 2.~ side yard variance for the house. DATE July 28, 1980 COUNCIL ACTION: RESO LU TION NO DATE :::non- conforn~ing use FOR: 0 [] X ©00.0 ( ooo.o ) Deaotes iron monu~n~.nt Denotes offs~;t stake Denotes existing dev. Denotes Propo.~d elev. Denotes surface drainage Proposed garage floor dev.= LAND SURVE¥C':gS, iNC. 3030 Harbor Lane No. Plyrr~outh MN 55441 Phone: (,51 2) 559-0908 Proposed lowest floor dev. = proposed top of found ,tion elev. = BENClt MARK: Iho. reby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the Uoundaries of the above described land and of tJ~e location of all buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on sa~d land. /?/7 File No. Book - Page GG- 30 Scale /";J o '3 APPLICATION FO] ARIANCE CITY OZ MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS ," / ...... / ~', PLAT.~,~/~,.. PARCEL Address INTEREST IN PROPERTY ,,_-,.~ 4'L : -;' LOT :b~ BLOCK Telephone ,'-'- -'(' ~ ~'/'~ ' ' ~ ' ~ .... :~:~ .---- / FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Te le p none Number -~'~- NOTE: YARD /~"~ FT LOT SIZE*~' REAR YARD FT_J[ LOT SQ. / / -- , bro F o o T ^ Z N. C. U. ':" or O'Fi-IER (des cribe) 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvenaent in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters frmn adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. A building perinit .m.ust b~; a-,.pli,.d for within one y~.ar frorn';zhe crate of the ..... council resolution or.variance granted becon2es null and void. Variances are not tra~ferab!e. APPLICANT ../' Signature ?LANN~NG COMM£SSION RECONfNE~2NDATION Acknowledged encroachment and undersized lot and recommended approval of addition providing addition meets all existing setback requi rements. DATE July 28~ 1980 COUNCIL ACTION: , RESOLUTION NO ~-l:non- c onforn~ing use APPLICATION FO] CITY OF NiO rAp, lANCE ND A PP IJI CAN T _P-~_l_ _J.?_ .... Te le phone INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant)__ Address PROPERTY ADDR~3SS ..... PLAT PARCEL Telephone Number /-'1'72 '-~'~)~~ ~y__A ~_~ .A~kg RkgQUESTED: ~Z[~?N~TT [ ] ACC~CSSORY NOTE: / / YARD LOT SIZE REAR YARD FTJ I~OT SQ. N. C. U. * or .1_. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Clive ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affect, d property owners showing attitude toward r e que s t. OTI-iD;R (des cribe) ..................................... ....................... ; -~ ~' "~ A butldiaff D,.~r~n~b ~nusb be ao~l-ied for wxtmn one ve,~.r fzez.n ' ' ' ' ','.'. ..... ~ ...... i 17._~'i..:.i...2~ '.'~" council resoluh, on or var~a,~ce granted oeco~es null and vozd.l Variances are nat;,.ransfer~_ble. _ . ~ Signature / deny siduyard variance. DA'rkg July 28, 1980 COUNCIL ACTION: *Don-conforlTling use ! RESOLUTION NO ............... I p~o~ -U~40;l Joj DOISlAIpqFiS. . . AJeulu,~lojd. ~.. · SDS rlOLl jo l c,,'~oj dd¥ :NOI.IA*GN:.I:.:I~iO.qEtEI NUI.) ..... O:J DNINNV-'id -u~.ld.~'a u[ 1. · o - ' o .. , -oN lO-i :HOd O}]J S:tF/O3H SI 371S 109 NI H3AIV?,A V :SMOllO; s~-~ pop!A!p oq o.L -130L!Vd I:1 :] N,~:O 33-1 $ 33J CINVq -JO ClNFIOI/~I :JO ~9V-I~IA e-gO'~ '30S NOISIAI(]E]CIS ~O:1 NOIIV:DI-IddV i t APPLICATION FO] ) 'ARIANCE CiTY OF NIOUNi3 %ONING /I--/ PROpICRT¥ ADDRNSS_ NAME OF ............. ~ ......... ~ ............................... PLAT _&._l_& ~2 g~ PARCEL Address 5-9:(20 ??~,4dp~f?pO [{ O . ,LOT ~/ BLOCK Telephone Nmnbe r _f~/~ ~i?~ ADDITION iNTEREST IN PROPERTY s ~c'>/,':4 FEE OWNER (if ottner than applicant) Te le phone Address ................................................................ Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: YARD ..................... ]3 UI I,])iNG LOT SQ. FOOTAGE N. C. lt. ~:" or O'FH~ZR (des crihe) 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing sbn'~in~ location of proposed irnprovex~aent in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dirnensions of adjoLning property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, .nd streets per~in.¢nt to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3 each letters from adjoining affected ~c,~r,:~rtv owners showing attitude toward :r o ,_tues t. i?:;ASON FOiL REQU!CS'F: ' . ~ .; A ou~,:h,~., pe::~nit ~:n_u_st he al)iT~Jed for wi,: ~a oqe }mar froi-a the c!-,~',~ of the council rOSOlh.!Oll O? variance Zranted ~CC,%290S :~ull and void. V~:cJances are not transfera, ble. ¢ /~ ..... ,':"/z " '-z - ,-'- / c,-, / , L>I,ANN]'NG COM~[SS[()N ",:Lb;COMNdI4NDAT)iON To deny appl lcation for side yard varlanc ]')A'JJE July 28, 1980 C O'O N G I L A G 'r I 0 N: iL ?: S 0 T .1'~ 3.'t (") N N O ~'.,non- c onfor.nn[ng use CiTY N2, ME OF ' ~ 13'i1'1.,}~ 3~ co ~ {~ o~,30 qTco INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicent) ~.,'I.4>-F.~ '~'J.z~.~A~ VARIANCE REQUESTED: YARD b'T LOT SIZE REAR ] YARD FT. 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing silo',vi ag h)c :tim: of proposed irnprove:~.~ent in relation to lot U::es, other buildh~gs on property and abuttN:g streets. 2. Give ownersh:p and dJnxensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locat:ons of all bui!Jings, driveways, and st:eets pert:tnent to the application N. C. U. ::" or LOT SQ, by extending survey or al:tawing. FOOTAGE 3. '- ' letters oining al, coted .................... A~tacn " - from adj ' propc riM ow ne rs s.::ov¢J..,:~ a~titude toward :C,plC:~[. FOIl R F';(~U bj¢~'.P: A l):dhilng pe.,.,,-,"dt ~-,:~:;t l-~- ',~pi:c t for ' :'-' ' , :,, .,.,.,.nth one ye[st f.,_'o::~ {;h,~ ~:',.f'e of the council resolution or v:~-'Ja::co ,r.i--,:t,-d l}eco.:nes ,,u!l ::,.::d void. lra:,.': lutes are 130~ ,.~. ~.LIS i e L ;i])J.O. Slg?-,:rh:re i ....... ~(,()[,±.~_~,LNID~.L._ .-'N Approve sign as re~ltu..stcd. i) 'r , '\ 'N* b'r[NO (_,O~4_M.t_,';, .I. ON ;~ ', '~ 4';'* I ?,)7 8-12-80 cIFY OF I,IOUND Hound, Hinnesota A~gust 1, 1980 COUNCIL t,IEHORANDUM NO. 80-272 SUBJECT: Itouse - 1~900 Block on Crestview Road Attached is a copy of a petition received from the resi '~ near a burned out house on Crestview Road. 'Fhese persons have asked to appear at the August 12th Co~ncil meet i rig. July 31, 'Fo The }{ound Ciity Council and Mayor In August of 1976 fire destroyed the 5m~er dwell.ing of the house on the porth side of C~estwiew Road ~n the 4900 ~,:<~a. Ail windows including ground level ones, ware broken du:Sng ~:~e :'xtinqui~hSng of the fire. Doors ~,.~re left open with frae and easy access. The interior has s~pporting wall studs ~e~cly burned Lhrough. Six feet inside the back door th~:ce 5s a Lhroa ~.d one half foot bole bu:nad in hhe floor. At this point soma of Lhe :upport floor beams ~re bu:~ed away :akSo. g the floor vary da:g~a~ous. (:ore the attached pictures to show the alcove.) In the past foul years a n:}nber of verbal complaints have been made to the ~)'4i]_dSnS inspecLor. By act~al co~,at, eleven contacts have per:on:lily Seen ~m.de at City Vail. Th~s do~m not count tele- phone co,:tacts. All were made by Mo,~nd eL~<~ns ]iv~ng within o~3. e hundred yards. We even had Tad Jude check at City Uall for us. He was given promises, but no action. Our major com:e:~ is the dangerous situation for our children. By actual count Lhere are five preschool and e~ght e]eaentary school children living within one hundred ya~:ds of the h. ouse~Ciwm the natural curosity of child:an a~d open access of this house, it is only a 0:,'~ttc~r of time b:>~[or'a a child is iuju:ed. -i August 8, 1980 S[Ji3,J }~c'r: F-_ 1 i~l: l~ i Oil Judges ,~u.n :~,J is a copy of a r'n:n'~oi-.nn~lr~,m From tl~e City CI¢~Fk Fo_commend- lng tn(; ~pl~,)lni:m~nL of the l i~ted peFsons (Is el~ction judges to i) }V ilol ly So,si:rom Carry Chase Vi~:kie Childs HaFy I~.1 l(;:n Church ~,,1~ )~il J a pal ,,,~{ ily .:il :SS q.~yla fir; ~y ,J~ .fy ',,., nog i: ~i' ,;a ,~,.', :i't C , '~1 .,': . , {r{} :,I , ', l O-:r-,-t I , ', ,' :, 0 , ~ , , , ,,., % S 1 'a 8-12-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota August 7, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-274 SUBJECT: Appointment Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Mound Attached is a copy of a letter from the Executive Director of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound relative to the expira- tion of Commissioner J. O. Berge's term. This term is for five years. ' ~eona r'~LC. Kop~p/''~ ~- ~'z'~f("~ Housing a-nd Redevelopment Authority of Mound 2020 COMMERCE BOULEVARD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364. August 6, 1980 ME MO RANDUM Tp: Mayor and Mound city Council From: Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound subject: Commissioner J. O. Berge J. O. (Joe) Berge's term as a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound expires August 29, 1980o Mr. Berge would like to be appointed for another term. E. B. Richter Executive Director / 8-12-80 CITY OF ROUNg Mound, Minnesota August 6, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-271 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lots 17 & 21, Block 12, Pembroke The owner of Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 12, Pembroke is interested in the subject lots that adjoin his property. Does the Council wish us to inform the owners of Lots 16 and Lot 22 that these are available? It is recommended that the Council authorize the purchase and resale at private sale to the owner of Lots 18, 19 and 20. O)Z O~ £~£)Z ......... ~NV-I ~p~rJ __ n I&' 8-12-80 CITY OF HOUND Hound, Hinnesota August 5, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-67 SUBJECT: Diseased Trees - List # 10-80 Attached is a copy of a list of payments due property owners for removing diseased trees. These items will appear for payment on the list of bills. Leonard L. Kopp ,cc: City Clerk /777 CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA REBATE LIST #10-80 NAME ADDRESS NO. OF TREES TOTAL DBH DOLLARS Le Roy Luedke 5421 Tonkawood Rd. 1 34" $68.00 Mike Jacob 3073 Inverness Ln. 1 16" $32.00 Craig Williamson 8315 Watch Tower Braun Station, Texas 78250 5 64" $128.00 Erwin Lange 4876 Bartlett Blvd. 1 29" $58.00 Elaine Eide 3120 Highland Blvd. 1 25" $50.00 Herb Peck 2185 Fairview Ln. 1 27" $54.00 Dale Tordsen 1754 Wildhurst Ln. 1 32" $64. O0 A1 Erickson 5212 Lynwood Blvd. 19" $38.00 Lawrence Heitz 2850 Cambridge Ln. 33" $66.00 Theo Jensen 3064 Alexander Ln. 14" $28.00 D. C. Harrelson 5033 Bartlett Blvd. 53" $106.00 Leroy Jesson 5189 5merald Dr. 24" $48.00 E. C. Stubbs 2605 Tyrone Ln. 32" $64. O0 Gregg Bergquist 2028 Grandview Blvd. 155" $310.00 Steve Hesse 2631 Commerce Blvd. 88" $176.00 Daniel Anderson 3029 Drury Ln. 119" $238.00 TOTAL $1,528.00 ATTORNF_.¥ A'I' LAW 503 WASHINGTON AVENUE 5OUTM MINNEAPOLIS. MINN£$0TA 55454 6 ! 2/340-9323 August l, 1980 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PERFORMED BY TIMOTHY L. PIEPKORN FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE MONTH OF July, 1980: HOURS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. July l, 1980, Court Trial: ....... 1.O0 July 3, 1980, 3 calls from citizens .50 July 4, 1980, reviewed files: 1.00 July 7, 1980, meeting with citizen -- 1.25 July 15, 1980, 3 Court Trials and 4 Pre Trial conferences -- 4.00 July 17, 1980, Prepared 2 Formal Complaints ..... 2.50 July 18, 1980, 4 calls to citizens; 2 letters to citizen ..... 1.50 July 22, 1980, 14 Formal Complaints -- 5.50 July 25, 1980, Prepared 1 Formal Complaint ................. 1.25 July 28, 1980, 5 phone calls; 4 letters .... 1.75 July 29, 1980, 2 Court Trials; 7 Pre Trial conferences 6.50 26.75 TOTAL OWING (15 hours at $300.00 and 11.75 hours @ $30.00 an hour): $652.50 17 Page 1 CITY OF I.IOUND MOUND, NiNr~ 'ESOTA I'4ONTH OF _Julz_I?8?~ _, ,__,-_ Monthly Activity Re?oft of Water Department Work Unfts No. of Nater Customers l%ter Produzed (Gallons) Hefn Breaks No. of Turn Offs No. of Turn Ons 31o. of Turn Offs Non-Paw~ent This Last This Year Last Yegr Nonth Nonth to Date to Dat~ No. of Turn Ohs Non-P~ent No. cf Neters Tested No. of ~et~rs Reol~ced No. of Neters Read _. ;~ Outsf~e Rea~ers I~stel~ed Service C~lls '--~' ~ ~ . ~ ~ur..~Pum~ Box HouseN=fnt.ln~n. & ~nt. #611~609 I $_._ Hydrants Flushfno ~612 ~ O F~re Hydrant ~ #613 I';~.ter Ana]_~s i s ~615 School & Conf. zf618 ' 9 .Ei s eel 1.~-neous ~f6 0 CITY OF ~,iOUND I~'IOUND, MIIV~JESOTA Ppge 9 Month of July 1980 .. I.ionthly Activity Report of Water Department This Last This Year Last Year ~;'ork Units Honth Month to Date to Date No. Times Checked ~,o~ ~.,. _ ~ , 17~$ CITY OF H®ID l~ound, ~'?inneso~ Month of .Jul 180 Honthly Activity Report sewer Dep~rtment This Last This Year. Last Yf Work Un[%s Month ~on[h %0 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota Month of Monthly Activity Report of Street Department & Shop . . July 1980 , Units P~tchino ~780 S no,,? Removal //981 Sidewalk Snow Removal ~287 Street Bladin9 //283 Storm..Sewer Maint. //284 C.B.D. Maintenance Materials Tr~n§oorg Residential Sweeoino ~286 #287 Clerical #288 Street Seal Coated #289 C.B.D. Sweeping Sidewalk Maint. Street Sand & Ice Control #pgo //Pg? #~9~ Signs #?96 Shoo Maintenance //297 Em~To. Service - Operators #299 Stregt Lighting.; (Xmas) #3?0 Cemet.~ry ~{]?1 'rais Month This Year To Date to D~te Last Year i O J O O IC L$ON MEDIA, £ABL. E T L VISION ROUP NORT H(::flN OP(:RATI©N August 2, 1980 Gentlemen: At the request of Medina, we are ammending with the Minnesota Cable Communications Board our original Cable Service Territory (CST) which included Orono, Long Lake and Minnetonka Beach to include Medina in the CST. We believe this ammended CST will not change the viability of a cable system in the area since Medi- na is aware that only contiguous and/or economical areas will be served with cable TV. Interested parties may submit oral or written com- ments to the MCCB, which is expected to consider the revised proposal at their September 12, 1980 meet- ing at 9 a.m. at 500 Rice Street in St. Paul, Minne- sota. Should you have any personal questions on this please do not hesitate to contact me. Hube-' rtus Sarrazin Vice President Northern Operations HS/cs 955 HIGHWAY 55 or 80H 492 - HASTINGS MINNESOTA 55033 (612)437- 3530 league of minnesoka August 1, 1980 TO: FROM: RE: Mayors, Managers and Clerks Donald Ao Slater, Executive Director Potential Reduction in State Aid Payments - 2 cities . ' The League staff has continued to pursue the question of the possible reduction in state aid payments to cities. Previously, we reported to cities that the Governor is considering reducing state aid payments to cities to off-set the possible short- fall in revenues to the State (see July 24 Action Alert). Meetings with Finance Commissioner Burggraaff, Revenue Commissioner Allen, and discussions with the Governor's Chief of Staff, Jean King, has produced additional information. It appeared at first that the Governor was considering an across-the-board cut of funding to all recipients of money from the state general fund. It is clear that he has not decided to cut all recipients equal~. Specifically, it appears that funding for local schools might not be cut even though other local units of governments would be cut in state aid payments. Some cities have responded to the League's first Action Alert on this subject by corresponding with the Governor. I now request that you communicate again. The League staff believes that it will be very hard for cities to absorb any cut in state aid payments, but we believe that it is unfair for the Governor to cut cities and not schools. ! urge each city to inform the Governor about the difficulty it would experience by a cut in state aid and the city's opinion with respect to the fairness of cutting cities and not schools, or other recipients of funding from the state general fund. The decision on this matter is imminnent. If you wish to be considered in the Governor's decision, you must communicate with him at once. It is also important that you inform your members of the Legislature with regard to your views. Please copy the League on your correspondence. DAS:rmm 300 hanover building, 480 oedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 /7Fg [812) 222-2881 American !. e¢on 'Post 398 DATEJuly 51, 1980 GAMBLING REPORT CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO DATE G.OSS: . ~2365.00 ¢13,000.0q EXPENSES: _ sup~s ~ 271. ~ Sales Tax 90.96 PAYOUT AS PRIZES: ~362.29 ~1765.0a 1350,00 7AO0.O0 PnOFIT: ~65P. 71 ~'58"54. gO DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS: Fire Deptt ~996.00 Umpire ~ees 8&.O0 B~_, Eeu.l~o~. 279.30 Le ~_~So ft___ba Il Eq.48.84 Lcg~_B_~B. Tour,Ex. 15,6.00 A lano ~5 · O0 Checklng Account ~937.49 ¢~7~8.20. /7?7 CHANHASSEN WAFTA E M Y WES~:~N AREA FIRE TRAINING A~I) CHASKA LONG LAKE MOUND WATERTOWN EDEN PRAIRIE MAPLE PLAIN ST. BONIFACIUS The July 16, 1980, meeting of ~AFTA was called to order by chairman Jerry Scb_lenk at 7:30 p.m. at the '.'[AFTA sit. e. ~.~nutes of the June meeting were read and approved as read. Trea sturer t s report: Checking account Savings account M~ney market $ 106.73 6415.86 (includes $210.26 interest) lO,000.O0 Bills %0 pay: Eden Prairie School District (tables~ Gardner Hardware Co. Kaste Equipment Co. LaBelle's Bernie Ne.~uann Gerald Scb_lenk (pop for school) Kevin Fink Long Lake Ford Tractor, Inc. NSP Rod Grandstrand Frontier Lumber & Hardware John McCoy Continental Telephone System Thomas Sendecky Quality Builders $55.oo 1518.24 164.95 150.85 5.00 30.42 32.00 893.19 104.17 27.90 3O6.89 lO.00 56.11 8000.00 1353.91 Motion by F~en Prairie and seconded by ~4atertowm to pay bills. The next '4AFTA school is Au§u~t 16. Subjects will be: BreatbAng Apparatus, Petroleum, and Pump Operations. One person is needed Trom each of the following cities to help at the school: Chaska - B~eat.hing Apparatus - Gas Co. Building .Excelsior - Petrolemm - Building3 M~yer - ~mmp Operations - Mower Building These people are to contact the inst~actors and see what they need for the school and clean up their respective buildings before and after the school. Please contact Ray r~tchell to see who the instructors are for Breathing Apparatus &nd P~ump Operations and Lowell Lurid for the Petroleum. Fees for the Auomast school will be: $~0.00 - member cities - Petroleum 25.00 - nonmembers - Petroleum 10.00 - member citiew - other 2 schools 15.00 - nonmembers - other 2 schools I~vle Da~ is to check into prices for new toilets, hot water heater, etc. and report at the next meeting. Motion by l~pte Plain and seconded by Long Lake to send i..~ke Yarr~ll a letter discharging him from his duties of mow~_ng the site and telling him to turn in his work hours. Motion by W~den Prairie and seconded by M~-ple Plain to have John McCoy mow the site for $6.00 per hour. Member cities not present: St. Bonifacius and Excelsior. Next ~FT.A meeting will be August 20, 1980, at the WAFTA site. / 7Fr