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CITY OF HOUND Hound, ~nnesota CM 80-319 CM 80-320 CM 80-322 CM 80-325 CM 80-321 CM 80-324 CM 80-323 Mound City Council September 23, 1980 City Hall 7:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Minutes Pg. 2139-2142 2. Public Hearings A. CBD Assessment Pg. 2137-2138 B. 1979 Street Assessment Pg. 2133-2136A 3. Street Construction A. Hanover 'Road Pg. 2132' B. Other 4. Parking on Drury Lane Pg. 2128-2131 5. Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) 6. LAWCON Grant Pg. 2123-2127 7. Abated Taxes - Levy Pg. 2120-2122 8. Acting City Manager Pg. 2119 9. Payment of Bills 10. Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 2087-2118 ll. Committee Reports Pg. 2143 9-23-80 CITY OF MOgND Mound, Minnesota September 22, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-329 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Drummond Road & Chateau Lane Attached are copies of two letters from the Engineer wherein requests have been made to: 1. Narrow Drummond Road from 24 Feet to 22 Feet 2. Narrow Chateau Lane from 28 Feet to 24 Feet This will be on the agenda for the 23rd. Leonard L. Kopp McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ LAND SURVEYORS ~ SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minne~nta 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 18, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Improvements Drummond Road Dear Mr. Kopp, The City has received a petition asking that the 5100 Block of Drummond be constructed to a 22 foot rather than a 24 foot width. We are going to stake the actual curb line for a 24 foot street and talk to these people. We think we can build a 24 foot wide street and still satisfy the concerns of the people. We ask that this not be placed on the agenda until we get a chance to do this. LS:ch Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls pr in~e~ ~n ;'ec¥c;ed pape: McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS · SITE PLANNERS September 18, 1980 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) S59-3700 Hr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Hound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Improvements Chateau Lane Dear Hr. Kopp: Mr. and Mrs. Seger who live on the corner of Edgewater and Chateau have requested that Chateau to its dead end, south of the Burlington Northern Railroad, be constructed as a 24 foot back to back of curb street. Their reasons are: 1) that this would save a large elm tree and some flowers and hedge; 2) Edgewater is going to be 24 feet wide; 3) there are only 4 houses on the street; 4) there is adequate off street parking in the area; and 5) the curb on a 28 foot wide street would be within 9 feet of their house. We have no objections to reducing the width of this street. Primarily because of the small distance from the house to the curb line. Under normal circumstances we feel that a 28 foot wide street is not excessive even for a dead end street. Yours very truly, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, Inc. Ly]'e Swanson, P.E. LS:J1 Minneapolis o Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls printed r~n ;'r;c¥c~ed paper 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 22, ]980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-330 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Assessment PID 24-117-24 41 0]46 Attached is a copy of a letter objecting to the assessment on the subject property. Leonard t. Kopp Y September 23, 1980 To, City Clerk/Treasurer, Mound From, Norman A. Rice, PID #24-117-24 41 0146 4974 Brunswick Road Mound, ~N 55364 (612)472-5462 I am filing this written objection to the proposed assessment on PID #24-117-24 41 0146. I believe that the assessment is slightly incorrect. We are being charged for 92 feet of curb and gutter frontage. By my measurement, it is actually less than 86 feet of curb and gutter. The contractors stopped short of the corner: If I were to do the best possible job in this area, I would continue the curb and gutter around the corner to meet Cambridge Lane. I believe that this corner area, where you put grass, will be scraped by snowplows and driven over b~;;.cars. I illustrate the situation, -; Across ~he road(~eland',s g977 Brunswick Road), ~he curb and gu~ger is stopped even shorter. I realize that a "proplem" area exists there, due to the stone fence, but let's work together and fix it... instead of closing our eyes and hoping it will go away. I propose that the best solution is to continue the curb and gutter around to Cambridge ~ne, approximately 10 feet further than now. That would make a professional job, not a shoddy one as it is at the present. If it remains as it is now, I feel that we should be assessed for a maximum of 86 feet of curb and gutter. The remaining footage 81 feet plus 6 feet (not curb and gutter) = 87 feet at the ~ rate. Our footage should be: 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 22, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-326 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Assessments PID 24-117-24 21 0023 Lot 8, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit D Attached is a copy of a letter from the subject owner asking he be released from the assessment since that property supposedly paid an assessment for Wilshire Boulevard. In 1964, the lot was assessed as follows: Curb & gutter & storm sewer The assessment for 1979 Street is on Page 22. 25 front feet 15.6 feet of driveway Total $842.11 Charges are: $279.00 93.60 $372.66 COLUI IA HEIGHTS MOTOr, INC. 4849 Central Ave, N.E. 571-3333 Minneapolis, MN 55421 Authorized Dealer Volkswagen BMW International James Lassek 2431 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 September 20, 1980 Mayor of Mound Mound City Council City Clerk- Treasurer Gentlemen: I recently received a notice of assessment for work done on Lakewood Lane in the amount of $372.60, assessment number 24-117-24-21-0023. Since I had existing curb, gutter, and driveways prior to the up- grading of Lakewood Lane, and have previously been assessed for curb gutter and storm sewer, I ask that I be removed from the assessment roll. Sincerely James Lassek 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 22, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-327 SUBJECT: Public Hearing Assessment PID 19-117-23 32 O185 - PID 19-117-23 32 0102 & Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer relative to prop- erties fronting on Manchester Road. leonard /. Kopp ~- McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENG~N[rr. RS ~ LANB SURVEYORS I~ SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 18, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1979 Street Improvements Assessments Job #4213 Dear Mr. Kopp, It was brought to our attention at the last council meeting that two properties fronting on both Manchester Road and the new extension of Dorchester Road should not be assessed for the frontage on Dorchester. P.I.D. # 19-117-23 32 0102 would have the frontage reduced by 60 lineal feet and P.I.D. # 119-117-23 32 0185 would have the frontage reduced by 100 lineal feet. The following is the new total assessment for these two parcels: P.I.D. # 19-117-23 32 0102 P.IoD. # 19-117-23 32 0185 New Total = $3,585.25 New Total = $4,881.65 With the correction made on these two parcels, the total assess- ment roll will be reduced by $1,785.60. If you have any questions, please contact me. JC:ch Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls prm~ed on ;'c,c¥c;ad paper 9-23-80 CITY OF MO~NO Mound, Minnesota September 22, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-328 SUBJECT: MSA Streets - Three Points Boulevard & Tuxedo Boulevard Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer relative to bid letting. The State has approved the plans and the Engineer is asking for a change in the Plans and Specifications to allow work to start in the Spring of 198]. Ieonard L. Kopp McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSUL,,NGENGINEER , LANO U VEYQ $1TE?LANN B$ Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 18, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound Tuxedo Road and Three Points Boulevard Dear Mr. Kopp, We have now received State Approval to bid Tuxedo Road and Three Points Boulevard. We would suggest a bid opening the first or 2nd meeting in November. We propose to put out an addendum to the specifications which would not allow the Contractor to start work until Spring of 1981. If this meets your approval, we will place the ad~ for bid in the papers. LS: ch Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls 9-23~80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 22, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-331 SUBJECT: Bus Shelter Attached is a copy of a letter and plan from Metropolitan Transit Commission for a bus shelter at Shoreline and Bartlett and at Wilshire and Tuxedo. A resolution from the Council authorizing the shelters is requested. l~eonard L. Kopp f ' Metropolitan Transit Commission 801 American Center Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612/221-0939 September 11, 1980 Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: Proposed Construction of a Passenger Waiting Shelter Site #C-996, #C-997 Dear Mr. Kopp: Please review the enclosed site drawing(s) for Passenger Waiting Shelter(s) which is/are being considered for construction. If a building, sidewalk, electrical or other permit for construction is required, please advise. Shelters identified with the "D" prefix are approximately 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 9.5 feet high. Type "D" shelters will have an over- hanging roof, (shown as diagonal lines), extending beyond the open front. Shelters identified with a "C" prefix are approximately 12 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 9.5 feet high. The shelters will have aluminum frames with tempered glass or plastic windows. They will be similar in style to others installed throughout the metropolitan area by the MTC. Your written approval of the proposed passenger waiting shelter in- stallation(s) is requested. If you have any questions regarding our Passenger Waiting Shelter Program, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, David C. Palmquist Assistant Civil Engineer DCP/LRS/pjk/39 Enclosure Form 8/11/77 C/S MINNETONKA CONSERVATION AGENDA Regular Meeting, 8 p.m., Wednesday, September 24, 1980 TONKA BAY VILLAGE HALL 4901 Manitou Road (County Road 19), Tonka Bay 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Roll Call Minutes: August 27, 1980 Treasurer's Report A. Monthly Financial Report B. Bills committee Report A. Lake Use Committee (1) Special Event Permit: Underwater Boat Museum (2) Code Amendment: Channel Definition (3) Pumpout Stations on Upper Lake (4) Dredging Policy Review .(5) Grays Bay QW Review (6) Water Patrol Report (7) Other B. Water Structures & Environment Committee (1) 1980 Dock License Application Withdrawal (2) Dock License Applications Review (3) Variance Applications (4) District Mooring Area Review (5) Private Club Reclassification Review (6) Code Amendment: DUA Abandoned Boat Removal (7) Gas Dock Regulation (8) Environment (9) Finneman Letter of Request (10) Water.Quality Conference (11) Other 6. Co'de Amendments Ye A. Race Policy (3rd reading) B. Monahan Amendment (3rd reading) C. Ice Hazards Removal (3rd reading) D. Buoy Removals (3rd reading) E. Channel Definition (lst reading) F. DUA Boat Removal (lst reading) Other Business A. Report of Nominating Committee B. Election of Officers C. Other 8. Adjournment 9219_80 --' 21 .6667 % F..PARTMENT BUDGETED CURRENT EXP. Y-T-D EXP. ALLOWED ACTUAL 2011 COUNCIL $ 19,065.00 11,489.69 27,156.76 12,710.64 .. _.1.4240 3012 HUMAN RIGHTS 450.00 -- 37.47 300.02 .0830 4013 MANAGER 90.208.00 8,634.20 64,915.63 60,141.67 .7200 6014 ELECTIONS 6,490.00 31~OO 254.00 4,326.88 .0390 7015 ASSESSING 34,050.00 32,381.00 35,098.96 22,701.14 1.0310 9016 FINANCE IO6,796.OO 10,O47.54 71,868.12 71,200.89 .6730 1Of8 LEGAL 14,O00.OO 1,166.67 9,333.36 9,333.80 .6670 !118 PROSECUTING 11,275.OO 99.00 5,160.OO 7,517.O4 .4580 4031 POLICE 522,699.00 56,756.50 388,437.39 348,483.42 .7430 7032 FIRE 115,920.OO 6,O18.48 62,184.71 77,283.86 .5360 9033 INSPECTIONS 31,944.OO 4,293.30 25,501.29 21,297.O6 .7980 9933 PLANNING 13,655.OO 6,907.30 18,874.55 9,103.79 1.3820 1034 CIVIL DEFENSE 9,045.00 80.70 1,645.50 6,030.30 .1820 8042 STREET 253,585.00 26,514.60 204,289.56 169,065.12 '-.8060 9743 SHOP & STORE 37,295.00 2,492.49 20,739.90 24,864.58 .5560 5847 DISEASED TREES 49,O15.OO 16,671.30 40,855.78 32,678.30 .8340 4069 PARKS 74,725.00 4,507.51 58,078.42 49,819.16 .7770 L 3082 TEMPORARY LABOR 4,000.00 2,229.00 ~5,217.60 2,666.80 1.3040 509! LIQUOR 181,138.OO 11,928.23 108.463.12 102,764.70 .5990 3078 SEWER 390,325.00 27,755.29-' 22,460.73 260,229.68 .5700 )i73 WATER 250,667.00 24,757.81 189,448.40 167,119.69 .7560 ~ IMP EQUIP OUTLAY 1OO,670.OO -- 44,727.50 67,116.69 .4440 ) CEMETERY 3,350.00 -- 908.98 2,233.45 .2710 ! RETIREMENT 75,5-18.OO 5,978.15 50,344.52 50,347.85 .6670 ] FIRE RELIEF 46,306.00 -- 9,780.24 30,872.21 .2110 ~ WATER REVENUE 37,136.OO -- 37,264.30 241758.57 1.OO40 ] CONTINGENCY 20,000.00 .... 131334.00 -- TOTALS 2,499,327.00 260,739.76 1,703,O46.79 1,666,302.31 .6810 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~eptember 1~,19~0 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on September 16, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Benjamin Withhart, Gordon Swenson and Donald Ulrick. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, Assistant City Engineer Lyle Swanson and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 2, 1980 were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 2, 1980 as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. The minutes of the me~ting of September 10, 1980 were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 10, 1980 as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. BIDS - ISLAND PARK TENNIS COURT Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-359 RESOLUTION TO AWARD CONSTRUCTION OF THE ISLAND PARK TENNIS COURT TO THE LOW BIDDER - TENNIS WEST IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,878.00 The vote was unanimously in favor. PUBLIC HEARINGS Vacation of Storm Sewer Easement The City Clerk presented an affidavit of publication in the official newspaper of the notice of public hearing on said Vacation of Storm Sewer Easement. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor then opened the public hearing for input on said Vacation of Storm Sewer Easement and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. No persons presented objections and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-360 RESOLUTION VACATING THE STORM SEWER EASEMENT OVER LOT 22, SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 & 32, SKARP AND LINDQUIST'S RAVENSWOOD The vote was unanimously in favor. Delinquent Utility Bills The Mayor then opened the public hearing for input on said Delinquent Utility Bills and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. No persons presented objections and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Lovaasen moved and seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-361 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY STAFF TO TURN OFF SERVICE TO DELINQUENT UTILITY ACC0UNT~ The vote was unanimously in favor. STREET CONSTRUCTION Tree on Shorewood Lane The Council directed the engineer to inspect the driveway of the residence on Shorewood Lane to determine responsibility of damage and proceed to cut the tree down and leave it in six foot lengths. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT No comments or suggestions were presented at this time. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY A~IARD Diane Nelson of the Automobile Association presented the 1979 Pedestrian Safety Award to the Mayor. Councilmember Polston arrived at 8:10 p.m. TAX FORFEIT LAND Lots 20, 21 & 22, Block 6, Dreamwood Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-362 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND RESALE OF LOTS 20, 21, 22, 4 AND S'. 5 FT, OF LOT 3~ BLOCK 6~ DREAMWOOD AT PRIVATE SALE The vote was unanimously in favor. Lot 13, Block 14, Arden Lovaasen moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-363 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND RESALE OF LOT 13, BLOCK 14, ARDEN AT PRIVATE SALE The vote was unanimously in favor. Park Land and Tax Forfeit Land Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-364 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LOT 6, BLOCK 11, DEVON BE RETURNED TO THE STATE AND PURCHASED AT PRIVATE SALE FOR RESALE TO ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNER The vote was unanimously in favor. Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion to direct the City Staff get an appraisal on Lots 13, 14 & 15, Block 11, Devon as a building site. The vote was unanimously in favor. PATROLMAN KRAFT'S DUTY TIME Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-365 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE TIME EMPLOYMENT OF OFFICER HERMAN KRAFT FROM APRIL 1, 1964 UNTIL MAY i, 1970 The vote was unanimously in Favor. BIDS - AIR MASKS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Lovaasen moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-366 RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE OF AIR MASKS FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FROM THE LOW QUOTE OF CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,759.50 The vote was unanimously in favor. REFUND - ESCROW FUND - INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND Lovaasen moved and Polston seconded a motion to approve the refund of $1,100.00 to Orville Huseby from the escrow account for industrial revenue bonds. The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS ' Swenson moved and Poiston seconded a motion to approve payment of the bills as presented on the prelist in the amount of $660,387.44 when funds are available. Roll call vote was unanimously in favor. JUVENILE PROBLEM Councilmember Withhart expressed a concern regarding the juvenile problem in the downtown area. HAZARDOUS PROPERTY The building inspector reported on the status of hazardous properties. BOND LEVY CANCELLATION Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-367 RESOLUTION CANCELLING THE LEVY ON THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE DATE - 1-64 IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,6OO.00 The vote was unanimously in favor Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion to direct the City Manager to cut 3½% from the proposed budget. Roll call vote was three in favor with Swenson and Ulrick voting nay. Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-368 RESOLUTION TO DIRECT THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO LEVY CERTAIN TAXES Roll call vote was three in favor with Swenson and Ulrick voting nay. Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion to establish a police department consisting of a chief, an assistant chief and nine officers, one of which will be an investigating officer. Roll call vote was two in favor with Polston, Withhart and Lovaasen voting nay, motion failed. ADJOURNMENT Polston moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on September 23, 19~0 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Mary H. Marske CMC, City Clerk/Treasurer Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 18, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-319 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - CBD Assessment Attached is a copy of the CBD Assessment roll for the Septem- ber 23rd Public hearing. Also attached is a resolution the Council passes each year so the intended use of the property is parking because the merchants paid for the lot in the original assessments. IxAOUI,4D C e,. EiI M h, IN'T EN./XNt CE. August, 1980 13-117-24 33 0001 MueJ le .667 18 4.5 11 7.67 .01207 33.33 .01280 58000 .02735 115.47 26.24 56.07 197.78 13-117-24 33 0064 Bur. No '~.o 32 lO ~2 .0661 I00 .03841 30000 .01415 632.45 78.74 29.01 740.20 13-117I24 33 0066 MN. Fed ~.o 8 6 6 8 .01259 1OO .03841 27300 .01288 120.44 J78.74 26.40 225.58 14-117-25 44 0o01 Snyder ~.0 ~7 ~2 IO 19 .02991 50 .01920 72000 .03396 286.14 !39.36 69.62 395.12 14-117-24 44 0002 Bank 1.0 lO J7.5 27.5 .04328 98.4 .03780 10o000 .04716 414.05 77.49 96.68 588.22 14-117-24 44 0003 Cont. 1.0 33 !9.5 62.5 .09837 50 .01920 30000 .06131 941.07 39.36 125.69 106 12 TalPph,~n~ ' 14-117-24 44 0004 moenig 1.0 ~8 7.5 25.5 .04014 51.6 .01982 74800 .03528 384.01 40.63 72.32 496.96 14-117-14 44 0006 CarJSOll.0 50 .01920 11200 .00528 39.36 10.82 50 18 13-t17-24 33 000~ House 1.0 10 5.5 5 0.5 .01653 50 .01920 27500 .01297 158.14 39.36 26.59 224.09 13-117-24 33 0005~ of Moy 1.0 30 22 5 47 .0739~ 95 .03649 132000 .06226 707.74 74.80 127.63 910.17 Curtis 13-117-24 33 0006 Johnson 1.0 8 9 7 .02676 50 .01920 31800 .01500 256.o~' 39.36 30.75 326.11 13-117-24 33 0007 Howard 1.o 12 5 25 75 .02881 42300 .01995 59.06 40.90 99.96 13-1~?-24 33 000 Orn 1.o 50 .01920 1070o .0o505 39.36 10.35 49.71 13-ii7-24 33 G3110ft~ce 1.o 16 3 io 9 .02991 lOO .03841 ;o45oo .04929 286.14 78.74 10~.o4 465.92 13-117-24 33 o014 Lauer 1.0 4 3 7 '~' .01102 23.5 .00902 25300 .01193 105.43 18.49 24.46 148.38 Mi tChel 1.0 5 6 11 .01731 85.1 .03269 50600 .02386 165.6o 67.Ol 48.91 281.52 13-117-24 33 ool5 Lauer 13-117-24 33 OOI6 I.O 7.5 7.5 15 .0236 62 .O2381 46400 .02188 225.87 48.81 44.85 319.53 13-117-24 33 OOI7 .1.O 7.5 7.5 .01181 74 .02842 41800 .01971 112.98 58.26 40.41 211.65 Robt. 14-117-24 44 0046 .667 70 .02689 9000 .00424 55.13 8.69 63.82 Jnhn~nn 13-117-24 33 0027 E. Bickm ]~ 29 30 23 36 .O566E 275 .10564 64600 .03047 542.05 216.56 62.46 821.O7 Wm. 13-117-24 33 0039 Cla~k .667 lo0 .o3841 20400 .00962 78.74 19.72 98.46 C~ast 13-1t7-24 33 0040 Coa S t .667 66.66 .02561 8500 .00401 52.50 8.22 60.72 13-117-24 33 0042 Broi ch .667 40 18.5 39 .0613[ 66.66 .02561 1649OO .07777 587.20 52.50 159.43 799.13 )Super 13-117-24 33 0043 Valu .667 141.25 .05426 23400 .01104 11.23 22.63 133.86 13II17-24 33 0045 C i ty .667 33.33 .01280 62500 .02947 26.24 60.41 86.65 13-117-24 33 0046 Bakery 1.o lO 7.5 ~7.5 .02754 22.5 .00864 28300 .01335 263.47 17.71 27.37 308.55 14-1t7-24 44 0036 Hi 1 1 ie'l.O 36 6.5 42.5 .0668S 58 .02228 149200 .07037 639.91 45.67 144.26 829.84 14-117-24 44 0037 R & L 1.0 11 3 2 12 .0188S 32.5 .01248 48700 .02297 180.71 25.58 47.09 253.38 14-117-24 44 0038 Way. Bk 1.0 3 3 6 0 112 .04302 32000 .01509 88.19 30.93 119.12 SA 14-117-24 44 0039 Eu~ste'l'° 26 3 29 .o456~ 40 .01536 40700 .01920 436.72 31.49 39.36 507.57 14-117-24 44 oo41Eberhar ][.o 9 11 20 .0314[ 50 .01920 46500 .02193 301.16 39.36 44.95 385.48 14-117-24 44 0042 Netka 1.0 17 3 2o .o314[ 27 .01037 46300 .o2184 3o1.16 21.26 L4.77 367.19 13-117-24 33 0047 Borg i.o 4 3.5 7.5 .01181 29.3 .o1125 36500 .01721 112.98 23.06 35.28 171'.32 Lansing 13-117-24 33 0049 Rockvam 1.o 11 i0.5 i1 lO.5 .01653 40 .o1536 36300 .o1712 158.14 31.49 35.10 224.73 13-117-24 33 0050 Lans i ng 1.0 ~5 17 4 28 .04407 60 .02305 47300 .02231 421.60 47.25 45.74 514.59 13-117-24 33 Mound .667 16.66 .00640 4200 .00198 13.12 4.06 17.18 0053 )l Odge 13-117-24 33 oo54 .667 7 3 2 .0031~ 33.33 .o128o 164oo .oo773 3o.o4 26.24 15.85 72.12 13-117-24 33 0058 M~6p. 1.0 23 34.5 15 42.5 .0668s 60.25 .02315 1530o0 .07216 639.91 47.46 47.93 835.30 13-117-24 33 oo~) .667 9.33 .oo358 900 .00042 7.34 .86 8.20 13-117-24 33 0060 Muelle r .667 7 1.5 7 1 .00151 19.33 .00743 30800 .01453 15.o2 5.23 29.79 6o.o4 ) 13-117-24 33 0061 .667 9.33 .00358 500 .00024 7.34 .49 7.83 13-117-24 33 0062 Geo. .667 8 2.5 8 1.67 .00262 16.50 .00634 30900 .01457 25.07 13.O0 29.87 67.94 )S,haphe-d 13-117-24 33 0063 .667 16.66: .00640 2300 .00109 3.12 2.23 15.35 TOTALS 313 '635.34 2120300 9566'.67 2049.9[]050.00 13666.6! TOTALS .0OOOO 2603 1.0OOOO .OOOOO RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO USE THAT PART OF LOT 7, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 170 KNOWN AS DR. MITCHELL'S GARDEN FOR CBD PARKING FOR AT LEAST THE LENGTH OF THE PARKING ASSESSMENT - 15 YEARS BE IT RESOLVED BY TH]E VILLAGE CO%FNCIL OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That it is the intent of the Mound Village Council that the part of Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 170 previously known as Dr. Mitchell's Garden be used for CBD Parking for at least the len&th of the parking assessment - 15 years. Adopted by the Council this 5th day of October, 1971. 71-297 10-5-71 9-23-80 CI~¥ OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 18, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-320 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - 1979 Streets Attached is the proposed assessment roll for the 1979 streets. Within the booklet are loose pages that: 1. Shows how to read the figures. 2. An index connecting names with Property Identification Numbers. 3. A letter from the Engineer explaining the assessment. In addition: 2 There is a copy of a letter from the Engineer correcting assess- ments on: PID 19-117-23 32 0117 to $5,022.25 PID 19-117-23 32 0137 to $3,800.25 -- A copy of a letter from the owner of PID 24-117-24 24 0020/0021 combining the assessment and advising that they will contest the assessment. A copy of a letter from the owner of PID 24-117-24 24 O011 request--~. ing work on a storm sewer. It is recommended that the assessment be for 15 years at 8% interest. rd L. Kopp ~ cc: Lyle Swanson McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 15, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1979 Street Improvements Assessments Job #4213 Dear Leonard, When the preliminary assessment roll was prepared, three parcels were assessed incorrectly. Richmond Road was shortened up during construction, that change was not considered when the roll was prepared. P.I.D. #19-117-23 32 0116-a City owned lot was assessed for $828.80, which should be eliminated from the roll completely. P.I.D. #19-117-23 32 0117~was charged for 35 lineal feet too much and P.I.D. #19-117-23 32 0137--was charged for 75 lineal feet too much. The following is the corrected totals for these last two parcels. P.I.D. #19-117-23 32 Ql17 P.I.D. #19-117-23 32 0137 New Total New Total $5,022.25- $3,800.25- With the correction made on these three parcels, the total assessment roll will be reduced by $2,056.40. If you have any questions, please contact me. JC:ch Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ' John Cameron Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls p~inte(! r;n ;'~;c¥cied paper' 2640 Lakewood Lg. ne I~:ound, Mn. 55364. September 11, 1980 Mary H. Y. arske City Cle_¢_ Treasurer ~lty of Mound i',:ound, Mn. 5536~ Dear Ms. Marske; I hereby apply for the combinir~ of my two parcels so that they may be assessed under one unit charge. They are: PID # 24-117-2~ 2~ 0020 2a-!lT-2b 2b 0021 I will be out of town on the day of the hearinM, therefore this is to serve notice that I plan to appeal this assessment. Yours truly, Ruth Dorothy Gray 13¥ September 16~ 1900 ~']ary H. I,~[arske City Clerk - Treasurer City of ~ound Re: 1979 Street Improvements Shirley Hills Area Property PID $24-117-24 24 O011 I object to the final construction of the storm sewer into Lake Minnetonka on my property. The sewer outlet was not made flush with the lakeshore bu~ ends back into my land by eight to ten feet. This leaves a pool of stagnant water wnich is not only offensive to sight but smell as well. ,,hen we first called ~r. kopp about this matter, ne referred it by letter to Mr. Lyle Swanson of l~cCombs ~u~son. Mr. Swanson c~ne out to the property and agreed with me that there should nave been another section of sewer pipe installed. He was going to notify ~idmer Bros. lnc. but so far nothing has happened. I there- fore request that the total payment for my property be wxthheld until such time as the work is completed in a satisfactory manner. Leroy t~; Jes~.en 518~ w._merald Drive ~,~ound, I.,~ 55364 472-4519 929-0346 cc Leonard kopp cc Lyle Swanson September 23, 1980 City of Mound Gentlemen: The undersigned is the owner of parcels of property identified as P.I.D. Nos. 19-117-23 31 0104 and 19-117-23 31 0083. Please take notice that I object to the proposed assessments on those two parcels of property insofar as the "improvements" do not specially benefit that property, or if there is any benefit, it is less than the amount of the assessment. R~ John so_~~ ¢'1 /,,'L? (? (y~ City of Mound Mound, Mirn~ o Sept. 23, 1980 Sirs: I wish to entor sn appeal against the assessement mmde on my property at 19~8 tteron Lane for street improvement. My appeal is based on two things. 1. I believe I am being assessed at a cost im excess of the accepted bid cost. 2. I am being assessed somewhat over $1,000~00 more then my neighbor directly across the street who owns an equal amount of footagee I believe equal footage should recieve equal assessement. I agree that street improvement was badly needed, but the cost has beeome excessive. As a property owner I would l~$e to have recieved information prior to assessement in order to better plan financially for it. Consider this an official appeal to my assessement of $6,080.00 Mary M Wiebusch September 22, 1980 Mr. A1 $chendel 'McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 Dear Mr. Schendel: Subject: Run-off water at 1.909 Lakeside Lane, Shadywood Point Now that the Curb and openings are in, water is sitting on the hurb and opening in front of our garage. It runs along the curb to the opening not only from the southeast but from the north as well, and there it sits in front of our garage and also on the road. The water is not draining off the way you said it would without the storm sewer drain in that corner. Perhaps this can be corrected before the road is completed. P~ Mueller cc: anson September 23, 1980 To, City Clerk/Treasurer, Mound From, Norman A. Rice, PID #24-117-24 41 0146 4974 Brunswick Road Mound, MN 55364 (612)472-5462 I am filing this written objection to the proposed assessment on PID #24-117-24 41 0146. I believe that the assessment is slightly incorrect. We are being charged for 92 feet of curb and gutter frontage. By my measurement, it is actually less than 86 feet of curb and gutter. The contractors stopped short of the corner! If I were to do the best possible job in this area, I would continue the curb and gutter around the corner to meet Cambridge Lane. I believe that this corner area, where you put grass, will be scraped by snowplows and driven over b~cars. I illustrate the FSr.ns uick fa, Across the road(Meland~s 4977 Brunswick Road), the curb and gutter is stopped even shorter. I realize that a "proplem" area exists there, due to the stone fence, but let's work together and fix it... instead of closing our eyes and hoping it will go away. I propose that the best solution is to continue the curb and gutter around to Cambridge Lane, approximately 10 feet further than now. That would make a professional job, not a shoddy one as it is at the present. If it remains as it is now, I feel that we should be assessed for a maximum of 86 feet of curb and gutter. The remaining footage 81 feet plus 6 feet (not curb and gutter) = 87 feet at the ½ rate. Our footage should be: Rice, page 2 If you don't add more curb and gutter, I think that you should assess me $33.48 less...and mark me down as a HO~EOWNER WHO THINKS THAT THIS WAS NOT A FIRST CLASS OPERATION. COLUI IA HEIGHTS MOTOII , INC. 4849 Central Ave. N.E. 571-3333 Minneapolis, MN 55421 A u thorized Dealer Volkswagen BMW International James Lassek 2431 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 September 20, 1980 Mayor of Mound Mound City Council City Clerk- Treasurer Gentlemen: I recently received a notice of assessment for work done on Lakewood Lane in the amount of $372.60, assessment number 24-117-24-21-0023. Since I had existing curb, gutter, and driveways prior to the up- grading of Lakewood Lane, and have previously been assessed for curb gutter and storm sewer, I ask that I be removed from the assessment roll. Sincerely, 'P. gb t?-l t7-23-3t-oo53. oo5, 0055 Log ~ 15 tog 16 September 16, 19b0 Mary H. Marske City Clerk - Treasurer City of Mound Re: 1979 Street Improvements Shirley Hills Area Property PID f~24-117-24 24 0011 I object to the final construction of the storm sewer into Lake Minneton~a on my property. The sewer outlet was not made flush with the lakeshore but ends back into my land by eight to ten feet. This leaves a pool of stagnant water which is not only offensive to sight but smell as well. ~hen we first called Mr. kopp about this matter, he referred it by let%er to I,~. Lyle Swanson of MoCombs ~inutson. Mr. Swanson came out to the property and agreed with me that there should have been another section of sewer pipe installed. He was going to notify ~idmer Bros. lnc. but so far nothing has happened. I there- fore request that the total payment for my property be withheld until such time as the work is completed in a satisfac%ory manner. ..- ~ ~ .-? Leroy~ Jess~ 5189 ~erald Drive Mound, I,~ 55364 472-4519 922-o346 cc Leonard kopp cc Lyle Swanson ' ~Irt;[~ s;[nox @;~osa~gg '~tzI~g sg~ 50 ~P ag~ t~o uxo~ $o ~no @q II!~ I puno~ jo ~g!S 0861 aus~I poo,~ta~Iw'I 0~97 7625 BUSH LAKE ROAD · MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435·PHONE:612831-2567 221 WEST SILVER SPRING DRIVE · MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53217 · PHONE: 414 962-6012 September 23, 1980 Ms. Mary H. Marske City Clerk Treasurer City of Mound Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Ms. Marske: Please use this letter as a notice of appeal in regard to the assessments to my property: Stephen G. Chapman 6102 Ridgewood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 PID #23-117-24 34 0030 Sincer.ely, . Stephen G, Chapman SGC:lm (A SALES & SERVICE CO.) 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 17, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-322 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Hanover Road The Council has authorized a narrow street on Hanover east of Oxford. Larry Tomcheck, 4730 Hanover Road, has asked to speak to the Council and request a wider street. Leonard [_:Kopp cc: L. Tomcheck McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS · SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard plymouth, Minne~nta 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 23, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: City of Hound 1980 Street Improvements Hanover Road Oob #5248 Dear Hr. Kopp: Hr. Lawrence Tomcheck who owns a home on the end of the dead end of Hanover, off Island View Drive, has requested that the street be constructed to 28 feet all the way to the end. The attached plan taken from the plans for the 1980 Street Improvements shows that we had intended to narrow the end of Hanover to 15 feet. The reason for this is that the property to the south is approximately 6 to 10 feet below the level of Hanover and the bank between these two levels ls out into the street right-of-way. We have talked with the property owner to the south regarding an easement to slope onto his property in order to construct a 28 foot street and he was not receptive to the idea. His property also fronts on Island View which he uses for access. His lot is also only 80 feet deep and to slope for the street would reduce this by about 20 to 25 feet. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Fails City of Mound September 23, 1980 Page Two Another alternative, if the Council wishes to make this 28 feet wide, is to construct a retaining wall on the south side. In order to support the street, this wall should be of timber and terraced with the upper level 5 feet back of the curb. This would cost approximately $4800 and will still require an easement from the property owner to the south. We have not approached him about this alternative yet. Mr. Tomcheck parks a vehicle used in his business on his lot and feels that it would be a real hardship for him to get in and out on the proposed 15 foot street. I believe he will be at the September 23 Council Meeting to explain why. Yours very truly, McCOM8S-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, Inc. L~e Swanson, P.E. LS:O1 Enclosure .~aPl3 yog .9 aldoW . 91 aldOW .l., t ,.~'Z '" gldOW ~dow,,o/~, ,~/ '1 ub!$ ,~aJ~ ~ ~ ub!$ 4"' a/dow ,,0~. S qJn2 e/dow.91 · ldow .81 esr~oH qolG'3uo~) tJ'~ a2ue5 >/u!'/ ;3o11!'1 JoPe9 .l,~l alOd' ,V~od uan 9 ,,8 JoPe3.Zl , fl" ~13.g LUll.6 ':~0~ :~ldow,,? ~ McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS I SITF. PLANNER~ Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 23, 1980 Hr. Leonard Kopp City Hanager City of Hound 5341Haywood Road Hound, Hinnesota Subject; Mound, Minnesota 1980 Street Improvements Brighton Road Job #5248 Dear Hr. Kopp: You mentioned that people have expressed concern about the sharp curves on Brighton Boulevard by Leslie and Hancnester, and that perhaps these curves could have been made less severe by shifting the street onto City owned property on the east side of the street. The attached plan shows the original route of Brighton, the route of the new curbs which have been built here and a plan which would flatten the curves even more. Curve No. 1 nas been flattened somewhat from the original condition. Curve No. 2 is actually somewhat sharper than before. This was necessary to keep the street nearly within the right-of-way . Curve No. 2 has a 60 foot centerline radius. The attached drawing shows that a large HTC bus can make the corner. There are two problems with the 3rO design. First the grade on Donald Road is very steep (14%) and when Donald was constructed a "landing" was made at the bottom of the hill east of the Brlghton intersection. By flattening this curve the steep Donald grade would come right down to the intersection creatlng a dangerous situation in icy conditions. Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls City of Mound September 23, 1980 Page Two The 2nd problem is that it would be nearly impossible to contain the water from Donald in catch basins at the bottom of this steep grade, and the property across the street would be subject to flooding in a heavy rain. The ideal solution to this problem would be to flatten curve 2 to the west. However, this would require purchase of a lot of private property and could best be done as an MSA project in the future. If you have any questions on this, we will be pleased to discuss this with you at your convenience. Yours very truly, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, Inc. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:jl Enclosure 9-23-80 Mound, Minnesota September 19, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-325 SUBJECT: Parking On Drury Lane We have had telephone requests to remove the parking from one side of Drury Lane. The parking on both sides of Drury Lane from Gordon to Tuxedo was removed by Ordinance 341 in 1975 in order to facilitate traffic movement. Attached is a copy of a letter explaining why parking should be kept off Drury. This memorandum is being written because some residents will probably appear at the September 23rd meeting. It is suggested that, if this does come up, that the Police and Public Works in coordination with the School Bus Supervisor come back to the Counci! with a report on whether or not "no" parking should still be on both sides of Drury. L. Kopp ~ ORDINANCE NO. 3Al AN ORDINANCE ADDING SUBSECTION ~;5 TO SECTION 46.29 (b) PROHIBITIEG PARKING ON DRURY LANE FROM GORDON ROAD TO TUXEDO BOULEVARD The City of Mound does ordain: Section 46.29 (b) of the City Code is amended to add Subsection 45 which shall read as follows: 45. No parking on both sides of Drury Lane from Gordon Road to Tuxedo Boulevard. ~yor Attest: Clerk-Trea surer Adopted by the City Council October 28, 1975. Published in official newspaper November 5, 1975. 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 17, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-321 SUBJECT: LAWCON Grant Attached is a copy of a memorandum from the Planner relative to the LAWCON Grant. This will be on the September 23rd agenda. Leonard L. Kopp ISBERG, RIESENBERG, CHELSETH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2116 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 612-871-5628 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY PLANNER RE: LAWCON APPLICATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL The following breakdown of the Mound Bay Park LAWCON application project has been forwarded from the State Planning Agency for our final application submittal. Blease note the total amount, 50% matching share needed, and specific item of park development that the state is willing to fund. For your reference enclosed also is the original grant breakdown plus the site plan. Final application submittal is requested and will be reviewed in detail at the Council meeting Planning and Development Services ~ J~HH~*'~DTA STATE pI~A~IH~-, A~;ENCY ~, CAL A~TD CAPITOL $~t/ARE I~UILD]NG, ~ LAWCON/L~MR Grant Fundin~ For Park and Recreation Projects NAME, ADD'SS, & PHONE NO. OF PERSON RESPONSIBLR FOR APPLICATION: %CTION PERSON: (COORDINATOR) tITLE: C ,TV ~L ~r.~-.2 ~ WORKSHOP MEETING DATE, TIME, & PLACE: SPONSOR~$ NAME: ~P, OJECT NAME-- REGIONAL PROJECT ''' P~RT IAL FUNDING OR FUr,T. FUNDING.-~ (check) LINE ITEMS ESTI~TED TOTAL COSTS PROGRAMMED .LAWCON ASSISTANCE --- ACO :. t/J./Z, ~cPzs am, ° PROGRAMMED STATE LOCAL ss s cE3'o J SUB-TOTAL: --AUDt~k-. GRAND TOTAL: AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Building Renovation Work Description 1. Handicap Building Access 2. Insulated windows 3. Outside access restroom upgrading 4. Inside access restroom upgrading 5. Kitchen facility - total unit 6. Redwood deck (west end) + access to building 7. Drop ceiling (upper), add insulation and lighting 8. Insulate rim justs, new downstairs ceiling 9. New basement storage area, outside access 10. South, adjoining, lower level patio area 11. New floor cover, lower level 12. South wall (exterior), concrete to wood 13. Structural Engineer survey 14. Fire protection equipment Site Development 4,000 1,950 4,550 3,200 3,900 5,460 4,732 2,850 900 4,225 1,820 2,340 300 500 $40,727 2. Landscaping, trees, walkway,~ benches 41,600 3. Parking area upgrading 24,000 subtotal $134,200 TOTAL $167,927 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 19, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-324 SUBJECT: Abated Taxes - Levy At the last meeting, the Council authorized the tax levy including an authorized over levy of $2,937.00 for abated 1979 taxes. The $2,937.00 figure was received over the phone. Since this is an authorized over levy, the levy must be documented. When the documenta- tion came (see letter attached), the amount was 94,377.13 - an addition- al $],440.13. A resolution amending Resolution 80-368 is requested which would change the levy for abated taxes from $2,937.00 to $4,377.13 which will increase the total tax levy from $778,267.86 to $779,707.99. Leonard L. K. Opp ) ~'/~-~' '~ DEPARTMENT OF PROPERLY TAXATION A606 Government Center Minnesota 66407 ~[~N[~I~ Minneopoli$, September 16, 1980 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Attention: Leonard L. Koppe, Manager Dear Sir: As per your recent request the dollar amount of taxes, lost through Cancellations and Abatements which accrued during the calendar year 1979 is $4,377.13. Sincerely yours, Vernon T. Hoppe Director of Property Taxation Hennepin County ~' Lyle S. Johnson Ass"t. Tax Settlements Supervisor VTH/LSJ/ld HENNEPIN COUNTY an equal opportunity employer Councilmember Lovaasen moved the {ollowlng resolution. RESOLUTION 80-368 RESOLUTION TO DIRECT THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO LEVY CERTAIN TAXES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That the County Auditor be directed to levy the following taxes for collection in 1981: Within Authorized Levy Limits Authorized Over Levy Limits General Fund Parks & Recreation PERA-PFRA-OASl Fire Relief Diseased Trees Bonds of 1976 Bonds of 1978 Bonds of 1979 Bonds of 1980 Special Assessments - City Owned Land 1981 Liability Insurance Abated Taxes $487,313. 46,23O. 58,309. 11,221. $6O3,073.00 $1,965.86 20,621.00 10',905.O0 1,658.00 $ 1,688. 14,343. 53,170. 35,149.86 22,646.00 45,261.O0 2,937.00 $175,1~.86 Total amount to be levied $778,267.86. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Withhart , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Polston, Withhart and Lovaasen and the following voted against the same; Swenson and Ulrick whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Mayor Attest: City Clerk 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 17, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-323 SUBJECT: Acting City Manager The City Manager plans to attend the International City Managers' Conference in New York State and then take a vacation. The Manager is driving to the conference and will leave about noon September 24 and plans to return ~t the~;3"M~=~i~2~ of October. It is requested that an acting Manager be named for that period. ~ Le, bnard L. Kopp ~ ' 9-23-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 18, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-8l SUBJECT: Traffic Studies County Road llO at County Road 125 and Three Points Boulevard Attached are copies of the traffic studies at the subject intersection. At this time, neither corner warrants a traffic signal. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 320 Wa hinoton Ay. South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 935-3381 September 9, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager Cityof Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: CSAH llO at Three Points Blvd. CSAH l l0 at CSAH 125 Traffic Volume and Accident Studies Dear Len: As requested by the city our department has conducted traffic volume and accident studies at the referenced intersections in order to determine feasibility of traffic signal installation. The studies consisted of obtaining a full 16 hour (6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.) turning movement count at each location on a typical weekday. Accident records for the years 1974-1976 and 1978 were analyzed (1977 data is not available). Copies of the traffic studies and accident diagrams and sta- tistics are enclosed. At both intersections traffic volumes fell somewhat below the necessary requirements for traffic signal or three way stop installation. (See sheets 5, 6, and 7). At Three Points Blvd., three accidents occurred in 1974, four in 1975, four in 1976, and two in 1978. At CSAH 125, two occurred in 1974, two in 1975, three in 1976, and none in 1978. The accident sta- tistics cannot support more stringent traffic control at this time. Based on this information the installation of traffic signals or three way stops cannot be recommended at the referenced locations. However, in conjunction with the CSAH llO construction project proposed for 1981 we will be installing signal conduit under the roadway surface and hand holes at both locations for possible future use. In this manner the under- ground system will be available if and when a warrant develops. Should further information be necessary Concerning'this matter-please call me at 935-3381. lossner, ?.[. Director HOK/DLH:de Enclosures cc: Vern Genzlinger A1 Herzog Jim Wold Bill Rusch Dennis Hansen I,~ ~ IP~oS ~1 I ~x.~J15J ! ! iP£DS '1 ~o ! Z Z rl'l ~> z [ ,~ IPEDS 3I I I j- ~ IPEDS I 1 j ~ z.. I]5t jPEDS ' i71]~ '7o/ J ! [ ~> IPEDS 3~ I · ~ , I ~z~ I~i '7'"'HR££ ,~ ,,u.r'.s VEHFOLES PER HOUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "x.., o~. o3::> o .,.j ) o~0 o..~J o ::::::::~ o'7 "°I ° -'-'1 o l o o 0 0 0 0 ;\ o °l ° © 0 © 0 © 0 0 0 / ° ~ ° o o 0 ~ 0 0 o o > 0 ~ ~ Z 0 Z o 0 0 ZZ O0 VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PER HOUR ~oZ I-r1 '-'( -'-I ZZ C~C~ VEHICLES ?ER HOUR 0 0 CD 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~> 0 m o -r' ---I 0 '"ID Z ZZ ,~//o I 9&IPEDS 3j I j.,,,, o J 7 I~ sa:]all . i ILl "2/ !:1 [ z I!SO~dI 1' ! lstl ~;;/., j I ~0 ;-- o Z 0 Z >"-o ZLL Z ) 'f__ ) rr~ ) ) ry.,.- ,,. · <:C" Z Z Z 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 C:~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I F I Z Z 0 Z Z ~o o I z 0 z -0 =: 0 r,~ 0 0 zz ~VEHICLES PER CD 0 0 HOUR o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 -r' C) 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 Z C-) c-F I c-F o o co ~ o ~0 'N ,r-- \ , F-"- 1 c I o< m -' ! ~ '' 9-23-80 Mound, Minnesota September 18, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-82 SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Rates The Council requested information on what lost revenue would be involved by using two summer quarters for sewer charges. Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer estimating the annual loss to be at $22,500. In order to determine what refunds would have to be made if this year was reverted would take a considerable amount of work which we haven't found time for as yet, because it would mean the re- calculation of over 3,200 bills. rd L. Kopp September 16, 1980 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 (612) 473-4224 Mr. Leonard Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Water and Sewer Rate Study Dear Leonard: Reference is made to your telephone conversation of September 15, 1980 regarding the decrease in revenue if the City were to base both second and third quarter sewer rates on first quarter water usage. The present policy is to base third quarter sewer rates on first quarter water usage. Historical water usage records for Mound are very poor, thus we are unable to determine quarterly consumption figures. Normal municipal water consumption on a quarterly basis, however, is as follows: First Quarter 20% Second Quarter 25% Third Quarter 30% Fourth Quarter 25% On the average, the third quarter water usage is 30% of the annual water usage and the second quarter is 25% of the annual water usage. If the City were to implement a two quarter summer sewer rate schedule and assuming that the above referenced quarterly consumption split is valid, the following weighted usage would occur: Existing Proposed First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter 20% 20% 25% 20% 20% 20% 25% 25% This indicates that the decrease in revenue would approximate 6% if the City were to implement a two quarter summer sewer rate schedule. Mr. Leonard Kopp September 16, 1980 Page Two Based on a total sewer revenue of $371,000, the 6% would represent $22,500. If you have any questions and/or comments, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES [~' George W. Boyer, PoE. '~ ¥±ee Pres±dont City of AN OKA City Hall Anoka, Minnesota 55303 2015 First Avenue (612) 421-6630 September 12, 1980 To the Mayor, Councilmembers, All Other City Officials, and Their Spouses. I wish to extend to you a cordial invitation to attend the Regional Meeting of the League of Minnesota Cities to be held at the Holiday Inn in Anoka on September 29, 1980. Beginning at 2:30 p.m., there will be a Roundtable Discussion for all Local Government Officials. This will be a meeting of interest to all city administrative persons, elected officials, and employees whose duties may involve areas of risk, liability and safety. The program will include 1) a brief presentation of the current status of the League's insurance program, 2) a discussion of city safety and liability issues and 3) a brief presenta- tion of the League's energy and noise control programs. After the Roundtable Discussion, there will be a social hour compliments of Miller and Schroeder from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. The supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are priced at $8.50, including gratuity. Please make checks payable to the City of Anoka for the supper. I am enclosing a letter for reservations to be returned by September 23, 1980. You will note that if you make reservations for more persons than actually attend, you may be billed for those who do not come unless I am notified before September 25, 1980 of any changes. After supper there will be a panel discussion by League staff and board members of questions of concern to attending cities. A brief status report on the proposed League building will be given. Legislators and candidates have been invited to attend as well as representatives from those state agencies who come into frequent contact with cities. Adjournment will be no later than 9:30 p.m. MDL:mg Enclosure £~jecL' O&jec~on.o_ Ico flroflo,~ed a/~e.a.,~o_n~ - 1979 S ~te ~ ..c rop.,to v emen.O_ ooSb tot & IS 0055 Iot 16 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT August 21, 1980 The regular meeting of August 21, 1980, was called to order by Acting Chairman Lehman at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Managers Present: Lehman, Russell and Thomas Managers Absent: Cochran and Gudmundson Also present were board advisors Hickok, Panzer and Ma comb e r. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the regular meeting of July 17, 1980, were reviewed. It was moved by Russell, seconded by Thomas, that the minutes be approved with the addition of the following paragraph: Letter Regarding Hennepin County Proposed Policy for Transfer of Tax Forfeited Land to Governmental Subdivisions The managers reviewed a recommended policy for transfer of tax forfeited lands to governmental subdivisions prepared by the Hennepin County staff, dated June 12, 1980. Following dis- cussion it was moved by Gudmundson, seconded by Lehman, that the president correspond with the County Board of Commissioners requesting an amendment to the proposed policy that would continue to allow the transfer of tax forfeited properties to municipalities for wetland preservation and drainage purposes without payment of monetary consideration. Upon v~te the motion carried. Approval of Permit Applications The managers reviewed a written memorandum from the engineer dated August 14, 1980, summarizing the nature of the following applications, indicating that they comply with the applicable standards of the district, and recommending approval on the terms and conditions as set forth in the engineer's written memorandum: '~ %.onka Toys - placemen% o~ 350 feet of shoreline '~ ~ilp-rat~, Morton Harrison Minne- Channel t Bay-Lake tonka' Mound. 80-60. ~s -- ~---f~~ ~i~ ~r-~eenw-~od Ro--~, Stubbs Bay-Lake Minnetonka, Orono. 80-61. City of Minnetonka - utilities Martha Lane-"Brandy- wood," Minnetonka. 80-62. City of Mound - street, storm sewer, Three Points Boulevard and Tuxedo Boulevard, Mound. 80-63. L. Vickerman - rip-rap, 50 Interlachen Lane, Lafayette Bay-Lake Minnetonka, Tonka Bay. 80-65. J. Fischer - lake setback variance, 4333 Channel Road, Black Lake-Lake Minnetonka, Spring Park. 80-68. Village of Minnetonka Beach - rip-rap, N.E. corner of Lafayette Bay, Lake Minnetonka, Minnetonka Beach. 80-71. Following discussion, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Thomas, that the above permits be approved and issued subject to all terms and conditions recommended by the engineer. J. Fox - floodplain excavation, filling 0.74 acre site, south of County Road 6, east of State Highway 101, Plymouth. Applica- tion No. 79-101. The engineer reviewed the application of J. Fox for excavation and filling and advised the managers that a portion of the site lies below the estimated 100 year floodplain of Painter Creek, 941.6 NVGD. The engineer recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1) that all roof runoff be directed to the retention pond; 2) that a culvert be placed at the outlet of the pond sized to limit the rate of discharge; 3) that all areas below 941.6 NVGD be penTLanently dedicated by the applicant for drainage and storage purposes; and 4) compliance with district erosion control guidelines. It was moved by Thomas, seconded by Russell, that the permit be issued subject to the foregoing terms and conditions. Upon vote the motion carried. HENNEPIN I! OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR A-2300 Governmenf C:enfCr Minneapolis, MinnCsofa 55487 September 15, 1980 Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: 1981 billing rates - Hennepin County Jail On September 9, 1980, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners approved the 1981 fee structure relating to certain prisoners booked and housed at the Hennepin County Adult Detention Center (jail). I am enclosing two copies of that resolution. One is for your information and ! would ask that you distribute the other to your ef of Police. Hennepin County Administrator HENNEPIN COUNTY an equal opportunity employer RESOI/3TION NO. 80-9-719 Cor~ssioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Olkon, offered the following resolution as a substitute for Resolution 80-719 (A): WHEREAS, pursuant to County Board Resolution of August 6, 1968, Hennepin County has been billing the City of Minneapolis for prisoners housed at the Adult Detention Center, and WHEREAS, municipalities in suburban Hennepin County have not been billed for similar services at the Adult Detention Center, and WHEREAS, the population at the Adult Detention Center frequently exceeds its rated capacity, and WHEREAS, judicious use of the Rules of Criminal Procedure would decrease the number of prisoners booked into the Adult Detention Center, BE IT RESOLVED, that effective January 1, 1981, the rate for individuals bcoked into the Adult Detention Center to be charged to the ccnmitting juris- dictions shall be $58.00, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective January 1, 1982, a residential custody charge per quarter day shall be established based on the analysis of the 1980 operating costs of the Hennepin County Adult Detention Center, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator, Sherifff represen- tatives of the City of Minneapolis, suburban managers association, and suburban chiefs of police association are requested to meet and jointly reccnm~2qd to this Board by January 1, 1981, policies and procedures to minimize the econ~nic effect of this resolution upon the ccr~mitting jurisdictions as well as minimize the number of prisoners committed to the Adult Detention Center. The question was on the adoption of the substitute resolution 80-719 and there were four YEAS and three NAYS, as follc~s: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN BOARD OF CIJDNTY CC~v~ISSIONERS Jeff Spartz X Randall E. Johnson X Richard E. Kremer X John E. Derus X E. F. Robb,~Jr. X Sam S. Sivanich X Nancy Olkon, Chair X RESOLUTION ADOPTED. Deputy Counny Auditor TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: NNETONKA CONSE LMCDMUNICIPALITIES F. Mixa September 17, 1980 LMCD 1981 Budget Recertifi~d The LMCD on June 27 mailed its certified budget to you with a notice that it might be subject to change upon final deter- mination of license fees which was under consideration by the Board at that time. Upon review and determination of such fees the.District has .. now completed its budget. The 1981LMCD budget as mailed to you June 27 is hereby re-certified. Independent School District No. 277. WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5600 Lynwood Boulevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 September 17, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING The school board is interested in hearing public opinion regarding proposed changes in the use of the softball fields throughout the district. We invite you or your organization to send a representative to a public hearing on Monday, September 29, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall in central administration. Gary K. Mayer School Board Chairman GKM/EM CC: Mound, Minnetrista, Spring Park, and Independence Mayors Westonka Little League Directors Park Commissions, Mound/Minnetrista Community Services Recreation Committee F. J. Soule, Athletic Director Varsity Softball Coaches Community Services Supervisor Administrators