1946-01-08ReBul&r Meeting J&ny 8, 1946. Member~ present, Ol~utier, Zorma~ a~d Caeey. Minutes of the regular meeting of Dec. 4, 1945 were read and appr~ve~. ?he foll~tng bills were presezted for payment. Sub. Henn. Co. Relief State Meuad Hardware Co. l~or. States P~wer Co. Miller-~vi~ He~ Jo~aon J. L. A~i. Bell Dg~ Bgll Dec. mbarges Interest of order ~41~ Supplies for hall Hall Its. 17.80 Siren 1.00 Clerk Supplies &$O0 # 0~al for hall Time checks Janitor hall 8 months Time checks ~.OO _~2 2.80 18.80 ~.1~ 49.10 ~.O0 15.00 154.80 Moved by Casey 2nd by Cl~utier that the above bills be paid. Carried. The meeting w~s now turned over to the new COuncil. Raits took the oath a~ new Mayor and A. H. Huettl took the oath as Trustee. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Raits. The following members were present, Cloutier? Huettl, Xorman, and ~sey. Moved by Ol~tier ~d ~nd ~7 ~uettl that t~e State B~k of Mo~, Mi~n. be desigzate~ ~ depo. ito~ ~ Village ~n~ of ~.l~d Park, ~. Co., M~z. ~ fuz~ up to $~500.00 ~d that ~e Fe~r~ ~pgsit Insu~ce of ~50~.00 ~cr eaah De~osit~r ~e accepted as .ufficient ae~rity. ~rried. Moved by ~ettle ~d 2nd By ol~utier that J. L~ Ive~o~ be appointed ~ad aupe~iaor fgr the year 1946. ~led. Moved by Oloutier ~d 2nd By Huettl that ~yor ~it~ ~e appoi~ted chief cf Police for the year 1946. ~rrie~. Moved by ~eetl a~d -ed by Xc~ that Dr. lin. ~vie~ M~nd~ M~n. be appoizted V~lage H~lth' Inspector for the year 1945. ~rried. Move~ by ~ettl and ~nd By K~ that the Treasure~ bond in the ~t of ~2000.00 be ~newed for the ye~ 1946 ear,ed. Moved by Cloutier ~d 2nd by ~uettl that C. B. ~it~ cont~ue ~ c~tact m~ cz ~lief e~es for the year 1946. Carried. j~ ~e~,'~, Moved by Huettl an~ ~nd by Cloutier ~at the fr~holde~ bon~i~ ~e ~o~t of $500.00 ~t si~ed by Mr. ~ M~. A. R. ~gle be accepted and placed on file. Motioz carried. Moved by ~ettl~nd ~nd by Cloutier ~t ~e salariel of the Vil~e 'l'~urer and ~ill Recorder be the s~e ~ last year. Motion carried. Movei by C~ey and 2~d by Huettl t~at the oont~dt with the Subur~ ~enn. ~o. ~elief be ~n~et for 1946. Copy of contract on f~t in clerks office. Car~ed. Moved by ~uettl ~d ~nd by Cl~tter ~at ps,lesion be grated the Civic Club · zd the ~dies Auxiliary to i~s~ll a sectional stage in the VillMe ~11. Motion carried. Moved by ~sey and 2nd by Cloutier that the meet~g adJou~. . oar~ed. 95 Clerk ·