1946-03-08Regular meeting March 8, 1948.
Meeting called to order by Mayor hits.
Ail members were present.
Minutes o! the regular meeting of Feb. 5th, 1945 were rea4 and approved.
?he following bills were presented for payment~
Sub. ~enn. County Relief
Minnesota Fire E~uipaent ¢o.
Norther~ States Power Co
Ho~ Joh~ on
J. L. Ive~
H. Joh~on
Don. Boll
Stats ~k of M~d
Feby Charges
6 Helmets for Fire Dept.
Hall Its. $.?0 Siren 1.00
4010 ~ Coal for hall
Time slips
Prem. on treas, bond
Moved by Xormna and 2nd by Huettl that the above bills be l~id. Carried.
lloved by lfuettl and 2nd by Cloutier that Gene Korman be appointed wee4
inspecter for the year 1946. Carried.
Moved by ttuettl and 2nd by Cloutier that the following applications, which
were aocompanied with the req~Aired fee, for Off sale licenses be approved
and license issued~ Al. Seherven and Gilbert Griun.
~leo for Onand Off sale, and resturant and tavern license of ~azol
A~elebrant be approved and license issued. Motion carried.
Letter of resignation of Harry Millberg, Assessor was read and no action
taken on same at this meeting.
Moved by Cloutier and 2nd by Huettl that the application of John P. McCarthy
for a building permit be approved and permit issued . Carried.
Moved by Caney and 2nd by Oloutier that the ~illage Hall be made available
to the Veterans of Foreign Ware for a meeting to be held on March l?th, 46.
No Charge. Motion Carried.
On motion meeting adjourned.