1946-04-02ill smmberc being Mlnu~o OX ~he roger ~etin& Or hroh 6; X946 we~ ~a4 ~ &~p~ve4. The ~oXI~Xn~ b~XXs we~ p~sente4 for Sub. Henn. County Relier Northern St. Power Co. Theo. Luetge re Phillips 66 Station, Mound Gilbert Grinnn Grocery Al. Boll Don. Boll H. Johnson J. L. lvercol March charges 3.OO Ball its. T.4? Siren 1.00 8.4T Constable services 4.95 Gao for tractor 12.14 Grooerios for Feb. and March for Mrs. F. Moore, poor relier 38.~0 Time slips 31.50 . s 1.80 " " T9.,~O " " 18 .TO Moved by Korman and 2nd by Cloutier that the above bills be paid. Carried. Moved by Huettl and 2nd by Xorman that the applications o! Gilbert Grimm, and A. J,. Rodgere for building permits be approved and permit8 issued. Motion C tried. Moved by Huettle and 2nd by Woman that t~J Co. oil grant permission to J. F. Thomaa to pla~e olay or dirt on the Village Lot adjoining his property, but not to build any obstruction on said lot. Carried. Moved by Cloutier and 2nd by Huettl that the resignation of Mre. N. Deering aa Treasurer be accepted aa o! May 1, 1946. Carried. Moved by Huettl and 2nd by Cloutier that. the resignation of Harry Millberg aa assessor be &cceptod. Carried. Moved by Huettl and 2nd by ¢loutier that the resignation of A. L. Casey aa Village Clerk be accepted. Carried. Moved by Huettl and 2nd by Xorman that A. L. Case7 be appointed assessor for the unexpired term of Harry Millberg, resigned. Carried. Moved by Cloutier and ~nd by Huettl that we purchase 800 gals. ~atoning tar for the road~ fr~n the Republic Creosoting Co. 0arried. Moved by Huettl and 2nd by Cloutier t~at we have the village books audited by the State Department. Carried. Jo further business the meeting wes adjourned. Clerk.