1946-04-18100 Special Meeting, Duly called April 18, 1946. Meeting wa. ~alled to order by Mayor Raits. The following meubere were present, Cloutier, Korinna, and Cagey. President ohas. B. hits offered the following resolutiea= lherea~, the Village 0ouncil of the Village of Island Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, has received frem the Land Ocumissionor of Henn. County, a list of land in the said Village of Island Park which has beo~ne the absolute proper~y of the State of Minnesota under l~e provisions of laws declaring the forfeiture of land~ to 1me State for taxes, which lands have been classified by the County Board of said Hannepin County as non-conservation and for sale, pursuant to taw Laws of Minnesota for 1935, Chapter 386, Section 1, as amended, which list of land is designated as List 174 #C", April 8th, 1946, and, lhereas, this Council has made a complete examination of all fasts and circumstances relating to such parcels. How therefore, acting pursuant to said Section 1, Oha~ter 386, as a~ended, Be it resolved, t~at the Village Council of said Village of Island Park, ~ppreve tho classification of the said County Board of said lands as non-oonserv&tion and for sale. The qaestion wa. on the adoption of the reeolutinn, and the roll beign called thers were Four (4) yeas and no Nays as follows= Hot present d.H. Huettl Ye~ Eugene Korman Tea Romeo Cloutier And so the resolution was adopted; Tea C.B. hits, President of the Village of Island Park Council. Yea ~. L. Casey Recorder of the Village of Island Park. State of Minnesota ) SS County of Hennepin. ) I, ~. L. Casey, the duly els:steal Recorder of the Village of Island Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully tempered the copy of tho resolution with the orignal of such resolutiO~, as the e~ae was adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Island Park, at its special meeting duly and legally oallid and held on the 18th, day of April 1546, at which meeting Four members of the Council were present, and the same is now recorded in the official minute book of said Village in my office, and that the same if a true and correct copy of tho whole thereof, In witness whereof I Aave hereunto set my maud and the official seal of said Village thy 18th, day of April 1946. A. L. Casey, " Recorder of the Village of Island Park, Minn. Moved by 01ou~ier 2nd by Korman that the ~lica~ions for building permits of the following be approved and permits tesued~ ~. F. Thomas, Frank Puruick, $. leston. 0arrted. Moved by Xorman and 2nd by Cloutier that Thcs. Judd be appointed Recorder tO fill the unexpired term of A. L. casey, resigned. Carried. Moved by ¢loutier and 2nd by Xorman that Mrs. Hasel Lundin be appointe~ ?reasurer to fill the unezpired teru of Mrs. Nellie Deering, resigned. Motion Carried. ~o further business the meeting vas adjourned. Rocordor,