1946-05-07~egular mee-~ing 1~Iay ? 1946 ~eeting callod to order by Ymyor ~aitz. ~ll members prezent. Minutes of the regular meeting April 2 1946 w~re read and approved. ~inutes of sp~clal meeting April 18 1946 were read and approved. £he following bills were presented for payment. Juburban Henn. C0. relief Republic Cresoting Co. Northern States Fr. Co. £hso. Luetger s Dr. J.£. Wilkins. Gilber~ E Grimm Groc. H.M. Christian & Son. A.L. Casey l,~e 1 lie Derr ing J.L. Iver son H. Johns on April charges. $.00 ~{oad tar. 94.17 Hall lts.8.90 Siron. 1.00 Constable service. 2.97 Professional services. 5.00 Groceries for Mrs ~ Moore forApril, poor relief. 19.97 Gas for tractor 5.00 Clerk salary & postage Services for I/~ year. 27.00 'freasure salary & postage for 1/~ year 15.85 m~ime slips 55.50 Time slips. 92.70 ~ioved by Kornan and second by Cloutier that the above bills be paid. Carried. Bond presented for approval by T..S. Judd for clerk. ~ioved by Huettl s~conded by Korman that the said bond be emcepted. Carried ~oved by Huettl seconded by Cloudier that the council grant the applicabion~ for .~ilding permits. ~pproved & issued. ~o ~.F. Jchultz. Gu~j~ilkie. C.C. jholden. K.C. Adams. A.J. Kov~tk. J.F. ~homas. and~A. Clauson. ~oved by P~ett! seconded by Cloutier permission ce granted to cut knoll on Denhigh ~n~ road tq~prop~rty owner to bet~r acces~ ~o garage. Carried. ~~aAAl~. Fermission granted i~ -: ~ ~ .... e~ to rent the villag~ hall ~sday i~iay 28~h 1946 for the International ~sociation of ~blic ~ploy3s for a fish fry ab 10;00 dollars. ~,lotion by Cloutier s~couded 0y Korman that the constable investigate the report of posting of the co~ons as private propertF and cutting of trees. Heport sa~ to 'the village board. Oarri~)d. ~iotion by }hettl seconded by Cloutier the Island Park Co~nity church be allowed Junday 9,venings until 0cb.1.1946 for Christian indeav~r. Carried.. ~~~ · ~.!otion by Cloudier seconded by ~et~! that Mr Guy Thomas work along with },ir. Aaitz to ,~ork out a f~asible plan on having the C~nty take over the ihxedo ~{oad. Carried. i~o futher business the meeting adlounned.~