1946-06-04R~gular meeting Jun~ 4th 1546 l~',~,eting called to order by ,,myor r[aitz. ~$mbers present. Clou'tier,~'~orman and Judd. '~-inut~s o£ m~3t].ng ~y 7~h w~re read and approved, following bills were pr..~,~.nt,.d for payment Ltinn. Fir~ ~uipment Go. !2 pair rubber mittens. $3;C0 2 pairs Fir~mans boots 15;00 5 Fir~mans coa~ ,& express 64;35 3 i:owerli%~ lanterns & ~xpresall;86 ~fota] J.r. ~teed Ins. Go. ~xaess premium on audit of V;orkn:an~ Compensation ~"olioy 1! ;76 V~ialtor ~ Booth ~ con.' ! ~il!aco manual 2;50 f~orthgrn States ?r. Go. I~!I Lis. 5~28 3iren 1]CO fotal 6;28 Suburban Henn Go. re]~f _[ay ckar&~s ~00 O.~. Gri:im~ Groc,.~ries For L~rs Moore for May. poor re]eif 19;75 Thoo. ~etgers Constable sgrvic~s May. 3;60 j.L. Iv~rson ~Lme slips 21;00 iierman Johnson fi=~ slips 12;30 ~lfred Bo!l lime slips & gravel 69;1C L.~.~. Chri~tianson ~: Oon. 15 Gal. Gas for tractor 3;00 114;01 ~oved by Glouti~r 2nd by korman the above bills be paid. carried i'h~ £oll~ving applications for building permfts v:er~ presented. Oscar ~ iianson.'~har!e~ ~ i'hor~son. G.~'. Paulson. ~.O. Zadach and ~ov~d by ~dd 2nd by Korn~n %h~ ~uilding pgrmi%s ~ is~'ued, carried. Applica%ion of ~tr!cb ~uFply Go. of Ghaska For a !lo, nsc ~o oF~rate a pin ball macbin9 at the Ohest~r ~ark Groc3ry. read. Moved by Olouti~r 2nd by ~dd the lic~n~o 5e grant~d, carried. ~h~ bond of ~lr~. Eaz.~l L~mdi~ for t'r~a,~ur~ ~ov~d by Glo~t~er 2nd by Korman said bond b~ e~cgpt~d, carried. 2.~r. ~.i~', fhomas ~xplain~d to the 5card tha~ the Vi]!ag~ may purchas~ tank ~rem th~ S%reater Go. for storinS road oil. ~t pros~nt stored in drums on racoon% Moved by ~%dd 2nd by 0!outier that J.L. iw~r~on insp~cU said tank. possitlo to %~ u~ed for %5~ storag~ of road oil,and ~ purcSnscd For 20;00 dollars,and th~ d~!ivmT char~ no~ to ~xco~d IC;00 dollars. i~h~ Vi!]a~ purchase said tank. carried. L[otion by Olouti~r 2nd. by Kerman giving the Fir~ chi~ authority to moun% th~ ~quSFm~n~ purchased lately,on th~ fir~ truck as i~[oved by Glouti~r 2nd ~, ~dd the following p~rzons act as judges for th~ primary ~!~c%ion to bs h~ld ~]y 8~h 1946. Gus. Johnson, ~rs Gath~r~n~ ~dd. ~%~ot ion carried. i.~o fur%her buslnes~ th~ ~etin~ adjourned. Clsrk