1946-07-02Re~ul&r meetLug of July 2 1946
Meeting calle~ to order by Mayor Raitz.
Members pr®sent. Kurman, Clou%ier and Judd
Minutes o! the meeting of June 4th r~ad and approved.
The following bills were presented for payment.
Miller & Davis Os. 100 Application ~lanke for Bldg. permits.
100 9x12 folders and postage
Herin Oounty releif June charges
Northern States Power Co. Halls Its. 8;20 Siren 1;00 total
A.L. Casey 60 days assessing $ $5;00 per day
Minnetonka Properties Inc. Oil or water ta~k
Russel ~undbe rg
Merle Smith
J.L. Iverec~
Herman Jonnson
Thee. Luetgere
~rimm Stsc.
Alfred Boll
Delivering ta~k. Spring Park to Village.
Oil & ~as for tractor
Time slips
Time slips
Co~stable services for June.
Oreo. for Mrs Moore poor releif
Time slips for 4 loads gravel
3~0; O0
20; O0
6; 60
Moved by Cloutier 2nd by Kormau above bills be paid. carried.
Moved by Cloutier 2nd by Xorman to renew fire,theft & wind insurance policy
on the Fire truck with the State ~a~k of Mo~nd for $1OOO;00 carried.
The following applicatioa~ for building permits were read.o.G.Pauleon
Sidney King,Ceo. Olover and ~alter Johnson. Moved by ~udd 2nd by Xormaa
said permits be granted and issued, carried.
The application of August J Xoehler for cigarette license to sell cigarettes
at the Xoenlera market. Moved by Oloutier 2nd by Xorman per-it be granted
Moved by Oloutier 2nd by Judd to bill Streater Ind. for four hour~
pumpin~ & equipment at sawdust dump fire at ~20~O0 per hour carried.
Motion made by Oloutisr ~nd by Eorman that the Village in, tall steel tower
for Siren as soon as possible at the Village expense. That Al. Boll
J.t. Iverson and the mayor Ohaelee Raitz look after the inetaAlation.
Motion carried.
On motion the meeting adjourned.