1946-08-06104 Regular meeting August 5th 1946 Meeting called to order by Mayor Rs&ts Members present Korman, CHuettlt' and Judd. The following bills presented for payment.. ~ric O. Johnson Edith B. Angle. Eatnerine Xnudson Adeline Luetge rs Lydia Higgins Florence Fields Margaret Ringer Thc~aa m Judd State Bank of Mound P~illips 66 ~ervice ~tation 15 Gal. Gas for tractor ~ub. ltenn. Co. Releif Northern States Pr. Co. J.L. lverson He ~m~J~ Jonneon Herman Jonnson Merle ~itA Thee. Luetgers Jr. Thee. Luetgere Sr. Grimms. Groc. ~lection Judge & clerk l~lect ion Judge · lection Judge ~loction Judge ~lection Judge ~le c~ion Judge ~lectlen Judge ~lection Judge & Clerk Fire & tmeft Ins. o~ fire truck July chart ~e Ball its. 6;60 ~tren 1100 ~'ime slips ~1~45 i 1343 Time slips ,~,1344 returning pumper to Mpla. ~0 Gal. Gas. 5lbs. g~se A~s is t~ eons table C~otabXe 8e~iceo. Groceries fo~ M~. Moo~ Moved by Huet~l. seconded by Korman bills be pain. total carried. 10;80 4;80 4;80 4;80 fi; O0 ~;00 b;O0 11; 30 ?; 50 a;O0 3;00 al; 50 ~1; 60 3;00 5;36 13;85 as;e4 Moved by Judd. seconded by Buettl the following building permits be granted and issued. RalpM ~dwards. August Holmblad. TAGna8 Lallak. Rudolph Babler. Rosa L ~lliott and H.J. Fahrendorff. Proviso attached to Fahrendorffe permit granting same to use dOuble garage for living quarters for one year, with extention only by permission o! Village Board. carried. - ~Ae~~' ,,, Special meeting called August lSt~ A9*6 Special meeting called to order by Mayor Rafts. The following members present. Korman, Oloutier and Jude. for the purpose of securing tax delinquent iota. On motion of Mr. Sieur&er, seconded by Mr. Xorman the following resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote of all members present. Resolution authorizing application for requisition of ~tate owned lands. Lots ~8-~9-~0-~1 and 3~ in Block 1 Arde~ addition, all being in the Village of Island Park, which appear to have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes. ~aid lots in Block 1 Arden addition are near the ¥iliage ~all and Fire mtation, which the Village will u use for storage and t~e installing of a tower for fire siren. Therefore be it resolved by the Village uouncil of the Village of Island Park, that the President Of the Council and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an application for conveyance of said forfeited lots to the ¥illage of Island Park, under t~e laws of l~il ~hapter 511 l? ?homes m Judd Village ulerk for ~e Village of Island t~rk do hereby certify that the above resolution was passed by ~he Village COuncil, at it' meeting August l~th 1946 bye unanimF~ ~ · ~). ~ Clerk · On motion by Gloutier seconded by Korman that al 11 rentals be handled by the Village vlerk to save confusions, carried. No further business the meeting adjou~ed.