1946-09-03Regular Meeting. Sept.. ~, 1946
Meeting called to order by Mayor Raitz.
Members present; Korans, Huet~l, CAou~ier amd Judd
Minute~-,,were eead and approved.
The foAlowing bills presented for pa~ent.
~~~e~ ~. ~li al~ 8160 Siren 1100 To~l 9~
Le~e of M~ Mu~icip~s ~es for one y~r ~0100
~.v. Ole~on ~88~ lbs Tar Mix 19~80
J.L. Ive~o~ T~e sli~s ~6~75
He~ Jonson T~e slips 74~00
Merle ~ith ~0 G~. g~ for tractor. 10~¥8
Moved by Ko--n, seconded by Huettl the above bills be paid. carried
The following application for building permits were read. Gus tar BoiJi
¢. Clifford Johnson
Guy Wilkie
marl Lareon
Rudolph Aaae
Henry M Olsen
Arthur .~ ~ennie
Moved by Huettl, seconded by Xormam the above permits be granted. With
a provision add to Gustav BoiJi t~at the garage be used aa living quarters
for one year. Renewal by consent ~ the Village board, carried
· he board agreed that starting October 1st the hall rent be set as follows
Civic Club $5;00 a year.
Civic Club Aux. $5100 a ye4r
I.P. Comm. church ~5100 a month.
Church or other organizations be given the use of the ~all for ~S;00 am
afternoon. ~5100 an evening.
Ail private, parties or da~cee be $10100 at all times.
No further business the meeting adJo~mmed
-~pecial meeting Sept.16th 1~46
Special meeting called to order by Mayor Haitz..for the purpose of ~he
.~i~cussion ~of the. Village. purchasing a truckles at present t~e wiia~e no~
exng a~Ae ren~ a ~ruc~ a~ will. Members present Cloutier,Korman ~nd Judd
Mr E.J. Piche presented a application for a permit to sell beer in the
Village fire hall ~ept. Jlst £~4~ along With a dance sponsored by the Mens
~Aub of the Lady of the Lake.
Moved by Clouti~r. ~nd. by Korman said application be granted aAong with One
use of the Fire Hall for same. Carried. Fee was agreed upon at $~100 Pi
No further business t~e meeting adjourned.