1946-10-01106 Regular ~eeting vet. 1 1946 Meeting caAled to order by Mayor Raitz. Members ~resent Huettl, 01outier amd Jud~. Minutes o! regular meeting and special meeting re~d and approved as read. The following bills presented for payment. Northern States Pr. Co. Hall Lts. 4;20 ~iren 1;00 Anchor Hospital Hospitalization of Herbert Wilkes. ~erbert Grimm Groceries for Frank Moore for August Herbert Grimm Groceries for Frank Moore for ~ept. Merle Smith 13 Gal. of Gas for Firs truck. $2;89 Total' ~5; 20 $ 25;00 ~ ~4;85 $19;~9 Alfred Boll Pure oil ua. Frank Rosasco net man Johnson 10 ~al. of Gas for Tr~c~or 4yds. Gravel Del.O.O.D. Pumper to Mpls. 5 Gal of oil for tractor Time slip 1M,O05 lbs. of coal for hall Time slip ~1355 SZ;ZZ Total ~?;50 $5;00 T~al $95;OO $6;00 ~5;11 $1Z;50 $z;35 Total $101;00 Moved by Huettl,seconded by Cloutier bills be palS. carrieS. The following applications for building permits were read. oarroll R Anderson. Raymond A Stadther. Theodore Luetgers. K.H. Williams and Martin Hendrickson. Move.~ by CAoutier, seconded by Huettl said permits be granted amd issued. Moved by Oloutier, seconded by Huet~l the mill rate[for the ccmming year be set at ~0 mill for ViAAage purpose and 10 miA1 for Road & Bridge fund. carrie d. Moved by Cloutier, seconded by Huettl the Clerk secure Judges 2 Clerk for the election on Nov. §th 19~6. carried. uierk ~ '-