1946-11-05 ~egular Meeling November 5th 1946.~
Me,ting callea to or~er by Mayor Rai~z.
Members presen~ Clou~ler~ Korman smd Juan.
~i~utes Of regular meeting read ~a approve~.
~Yive petitions presemted and ~ad ~ folly. To the Village ~corder
o~ Isled Park, Mi~. ~e u~dersig~ed legal vote~ ~ the Vill~e of
Isled ~rk, request ~a~ ~e question o~ ps,tiring ~ne co,oil of tn~
village to lioe~e ~t ~late ~e s~e of intoxicat~g liquor in the
village ~ submitted to t~e voters of the village, as a special question,
at t~ ge~e~l village election to be held ~c~ber $, 1946, accord~g
~o the provisi~s of ~eetions 15 ~d 1~, ~pter 46, gpee~l ~vs~
.If the s~le of im~oxicating liquor is approved by the voters, we
further petition that the village council take immediate action to es-
~tablieh a municipal off-s~le liquor store i~ a suitable bus,mess location,
/ \the profits from which shall go into the general fund for necessar~ civic
improvements, such as replacement of obsolete road maintenance equipment
and the izs~allation of an adequate street lighting system. We do not
favor a private off-sale liquor store, or a~ municipal or private on-gals
liquor tavern. ~ names attached amd now in-t]~e liamd~ of Recorder.' '""
~Moved by Ju~d said petitions be exeepted and placed on special
ballot before the citizens of said village %o be Toted upon at the
Village election Decz 3, 1946. Seconded by Korman.
Voting 4 yeas and no nays
Motion by Cloutier, seconded by Korman meeting be adjourned
until Dec. 8th 1946 at 8 P.M. to allow clerk to continue with State
Election ballots. Carried.
Continue~ meeting Nov. 8th 1946. Members pr~sen~ Oioutier Korman Huet~l
and Juan.
Following bills presented for payment.
Miller Davis 00. receipt & permit bucks
Henn. Os. Releif releif charges f~e Sept.
Northern States Pr. Co. Hall Lts. 4;08 Siren 1;00
Henn 0o. Releif. releif charges for Oct.
Julius Schmahl. State Treasure Audit Village Books.
Finley Motors. ~epair~ on Tractor
Alfre~ Boll Road work and gravel 58;00
Donald Boll Road work helper
Thee Luetgers Sr. Constable service. 6;55
Thee Luetgers Jr. Po£ice service. 6;00
J.L. Iverson Road work 31;50
~lsctton Judge 5;40
~orence ~iela mlection ~uage 5;40
J.L. Iver~on mlectlon clerk
Katherine ~uSson Election judge 6;~0
mdith Angle mlection Judge 6; 60
Th~as m Judd mlection clerk 11;00
Hewn Jcnnson Hoad work ~0~
Moves by Huettl secondea by Cl~utier bills be paid carrie~.
The following applications read for building permits H.F. Rydeil
Kent K King, J.F. Thanes, ~.H. ~lliott, and charles F Heath. Moved by
Judd seconded by Hue~tl permits be granted, carried.
The following applications for Bingo Party permits.read Pembroke
Aesc. ~hipple ann Devon Associations. Moved by ~uettl seconaed by CAoutier
pernits be granted, carries.
Moved by Judd secon~ea by Cloutier the pealing hours for Village
mAection December 3 1946 be f~em ~;Oo O'clock ~ to 8 O'clock