2018-11-13 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
November 13, 2018
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid; Council Members Jeff Bergquist, Kelli Gillispie, and
Ray Salazar.
Members absent: Jennifer Peterson
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Community Development Director Sarah Smith,
Director of Finance and Administrative Services Catherine Pausche, City Engineer Brian
Simmons, City Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, Building Official Scott Qualle.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of A!!tgjgn2e
3. Approve agenda
MOTION made by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION made by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll
call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims $359,730.18
B. Approve minutes: 10-23-18 Regular Meeting
C. Approve 1-4 Day Temporary Liquor Licenses for the Knights of Columbus Shrimp Fry
Fundraisers on 03-08-19 and 04-12-19
D. Approve pay request #2 (and final) in the amount of $1,365.98 to Minger Construction
for the 2018 emergency storm sewer repairs on Island View Drive
E. Approve pay request #3 (and final) in the amount of $13,553.23 to Barber Construction
for the 2017 Commerce Blvd Retaining Wall Repair Project PW -17-04
F. Approve project -related pay requests in the total amount of $1,172 for the 2017 Street,
Utility, and Retaining Wall Improvement Projects PW -17-01, 02, 03
Mound City Council Minutes — November 13, 2018
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda
None were offered.
6. City Manager Eric Hoversten requesting discussion and action on an Ordinance
Amending Appendix B of the Mound City Code as it relates to street renaming (Rename
Brighton Commons to Julia Way
Hoversten noted the proposed change was a result of a petition received from residents on
Brighton Commons due to confusion with abutting Brighton Boulevard, both for area visitors and
for postage deliveries. Hoversten said Julia Way was selected in honor of Mound's only victim
in the 1965 tornado who was part of one of the long established families in the area.
MOTION made by Bergquist, seconded by Salazar, to approve the following ordinance. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
7. City Engineer Brian Simmons of Bolton and Menk presenting discussion and
requesting action on a resolution ordering preparation of feasibility report for the 2019
Street and Utility Improvement Project (Kildare Road Windsor Road and Sherwood
Simmons said this is the last planned 429 assessment project and will address streets that were
not reconstructed when projects went through their area because they were newer than the
surrounding streets. Simmons said he is calling this "fix the Cul-de-sacs project" and includes
Sherwood Drive for which the entire length of the street will be evaluated because it has the last
of the 4" cast iron watermain, and the standard is to upgrade to at least 6". Simmons said
Kildare residents petitioned not to have street redone during the original project but noted it has
since deteriorated and will need to be reclaimed and paved at a minimum. Gillispie asked why if
the development is only 18 years old, is it in need of replacement so soon. Gillispie asked for a
thorough evaluation so that the City is just not putting a bandaid on. Simmons said the
necessity for replacement may be due to insufficient subgrade. Simmons said that Windsor
Road was extended east to a Cul-de-sac and that portion is in need of a reclaim and pave at a
MOTION made by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve the following resolution. All voted
in favor. Motion carried.
8. Planning Commission Recommendation:
A. Consideration/action - 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Rita Trapp said all Twin Cities metro area cities are required to complete an update to their
comprehensive plan every 10 years. The planning process began in 2017, including public
engagement events in the spring and fall of 2017, public hearings earlier this year, as well as
feedback from surrounding governmental units in the past 6 months. Trapp added that there
have been revised forecasts by the Met Council added to adjust the information in regards to
population per household, which is estimated to reach 9600 individuals in 4600 households by
2040. Trapp stated that market analysis was done to determine if there is still an interest in
Mound City Council Minutes — November 13, 2018
residential development options but there are limited tracks of land available for this purpose
and redevelopment will likely be the route to accomplish that. Trapp stated that the market
analysis also found that the commercial and industrial capacity in Mound exceeds current
demand based on the rents and condition of the properties a trend that is expected to continue.
Trapp noted the limited land available for industrial growth and noted commercial and retail
renewal should be the focus going forward. Trapp said that the 2040 plan maintains the 2030
land use plan direction, with no significant changes made but noted there were some land use
adjustments. Trapp stated that the mixed-use is where some changes will be made over the
next 20 years and that mixed-use has been expanded to increase flexibility for property owners
based on feedback.
Trapp stated that during the adjacent jurisdiction review process there was some comments
from Minnetrista, Hennepin County, the DNR, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and Three
Rivers Park District. Planning commission held a public hearing at the October 30th meeting
and the recommendation from the commission was to submit the plan to the Met Council by the
deadline of December 31, 2018. Trapp stated that they have 120 days after it has been
submitted to respond and let us know if there are any additional changes that need to be made.
Trapp said the plan should be in place by late Spring 2019. Trapp asked for any questions.
Bergquist asked how many acres Commerce Place is and Trapp stated that it is 3.82 acres.
That would allow for 25-30 units per acre. Mayor Wegscheid asked to return to the slide that
summarized the time and effort that went into asking for public input, noting public input
activities in the spring and fall of 2017 and in March and October of 2018. Mayor Wegscheid
congratulated and thanked Trapp, Smith and the Planning Commission for their efforts.
MOTION made by Bergquist, seconded by Salazar, to approve the following resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
STATE LAW (Metropolitan • Planning
9. Discussionlaction on contract for professional services from MnSpect and request to
approve a resolution approving agreement and contract for inspection services
Sarah Smith said the proposed contract is for three years. The current contract was for one
year with the plan review fee raised to 65% and the rest flat. Smith said the proposed contract
is for permit fees to increase from 50% to 57% in 2019 and 65% for 2020 and 2021 and
includes a conversion to electronic permitting.
Qualle gave an update on the e -permits stating that the electrical permitting went live in March
and said the new website has been live over a year. Qualle said they have moved to all
electronic plan review that has increased efficiency and consistency, including during
inspections. Qualle said the permitting software is almost ready to be rolled -out to Mound.
Mayor Wegscheid thanked Qualle for the progress on the e -permits and said he is pleased and
is in support of the new agreement. Gillispie asked about item 51 and asked Qualle to clarify
what fees are being proposed. Qualle said the permit fee increases will occur over two years.
Gillispie said she was referring to hourly rates and Qualle said those rarely come into play, but
that they would be charged for services outside permitting and plan review, such as with
Mound City Council Minutes — November 13, 2018
Salazar asked what was the cost per seat referred to and Qualle said it was a pass through for
the software license fee. Salazar asked what the average fee share percentage is for the
industry and Qualle said recent proposals in northeastern Minnesota have 75% of plan review
and 65 — 80% of permit fees.
Bergquist asked if it is a fee schedule or value based. Qualle said plan review and permit fees
are value driven and MNSpect gets a percentage of that so if volume is up, so is there share
and vice versa. Hoversten said the professional fees have to do with the nuisance abatement
enforcement issues — not related to the planning fees. Qualle noted having to get an
administrative search warrant with a 2 -hour walk-through with a police officer and follow-up with
the prosecutor. Hoversten noted the work on Aspen allowed the city to recover these types of
Gillispie asked when all of the permits including commercial will be live on the site. Qualle said
they won't necessarily be completely paperless, it may be forms to fill out online, print and
submit with the plans. Bergquist said he pulled a permit and estimated the value and MNSpect
calculated it at less. Qualle said the fee schedule dictates to use the estimate provided on the
permit application or the calculated value if that is more than the estimated. Gillispie said it is
very confusing on what permits are needed. Qualle said he will look at both issues, but noted
the flat fee roofing and siding permits are cheaper and it is worth breaking out the specialty work
above and beyond.
MOTION made by Bergquist, seconded by Salazar, to approve the following resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
10. Stacie Kvilvang, Senior Municipal Advisor/Director Ehlers, Inc, reporting on the
results of the 2018 bond sale and requesting action on:
A. Resolution providing for the issuance and sale of $7,520,000 General Obligation
Refunding Bonds, Series 2018A, pledging for the security thereof special assessments,
tax increments and net revenues and levying a tax for the payment thereof
Pausche introduced the topic in Kvilvang' s absence. Pausche noted the bond issue was to
refund 4 existing issues with no new money and that 6 bids reflect a good response. Pausche
said Standard & Poors upheld the AA Stable rating and that the bond sale results were better
than the initial assumptions with a true interest cost 2.884% after taking into consideration the
premium. Pausche noted a portion of the bonds will be paid -down as previously discussed,
which is not included in the $435,000 in savings.
MOTION made by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve the following resolution. All voted
in favor. Motion carried.
• • • - • • • 11• - ',
Mound City Council Minutes — November 13, 2018
11. Catherine Pausche, City Clerk with an update on the 2018 General Election and
requesting action on a resolution to canvass returns and declare the results of the
municipal election of November 6, 2018
Pausche said canvassing the results of the election is required by state statue and noted that
the City Council race was within the margin for a publically funded recount which has been
requested by Nicole Pomije, the third place candidate. Pausche said the absentee ballots will
be obtained from the County and the recount will be scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving.
Pausche noted all ballots have been counted and that she was told the County election official
has never seen the outcome changed after a recount. Pausche noted that 3 of the 4 races in
Hennepin County that qualified for a publically funded recount were for races that allowed voters
to vote for 2 or more candidates. Pausche noted the write-ins have also been tabulated as
MOTION made by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the following resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
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12. Evaluation of the performance of the City Manager Eric Hoversten (This portion of
the meeting may be closed to the publicl
Mayor Wegscheid announced the meeting Is being closed under Minnesota Statutes, Section
13d.05, to evaluate the performance of Eric Hoversten, an individual subject to the Council's
authority at 8:20 p.m.
MOTION by Wegscheid, seconded by Salazar, to reopen the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 13, 2018
13. Discussion and possible action on City Manager Employment Agreement
Mayor Wegscheid summarized the closed meeting by saying it was a good discussion covering
accomplishments and some areas for improvement.
14. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
City Manager announced the following:
Candidates are being sought for Planning Commission, LMCD Board and City Council
Nov 15 winter parking restrictions
Nov 17 WCC Tree Lighting
Dec 25th meeting cancelled for Christmas holiday.
Jan 26, 2019 — Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Surfside Beach sponsored by Surfside Bar
and Grill
Gillispie asked to clarify if the current LMCD Rep is stepping down and Hoversten said yes.
Salazar wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and all concurred.
B. Reports: Fire Dept -October, 2018
C. Minutes:
D. Correspondence: LMCD-Board Member Appointments -10-11-18
Mound Vacancies Flyer
10. Adjourn
MOTION made by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to adjourn at 8:56 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
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Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk
Mayor Mark Wegscheid