2019-01-22 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
January 22, 2019
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar, Council Member Jeff Bergquist, Sherrie Pugh and Phil
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Director of Finance & Administrative Services
Catherine Pausche, City Engineer Brian Simmons, Scott Gates, Kim Blievernicht, Andrew Heal,
Jake Mazurek, Paula Larson, Mark Thostenson, Cindy Penner, Chad Penner, Kristi Doshan,
Jeff Anderson, Sharon Thaler, Bruce Sohn (10), Karla Frigard, Lance Frigard, David
Montgomery, Russ Nettle, Gina Nettle, Eric Vail, Jake Saystrom, Kristin Hewitt, Greg Flom,
Barton Haly, Mark Jorland, Michele Hanson and Allissa Lively.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. ARRrove agenda, with any amendments th
Hoversten added pages 184.1 & 184.2 and added 713.1 Paula Larson as the 7 City Council
MOTION made by Bergquist, seconded by Velsor, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION made by Velsor, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll
call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims $323,465-09
B. Approve minutes: 01-08-19 Regular Meeting
C. Pay Request 6 & Final in the amount of $31,538.77 to Widmer Construction for 2017 Lift
Station and Forcemain Improvements PW 17-05
D. Pay Request 2 & Final in the amount of $5,368.79 to Schneider Excavating and Grading
for 2016 Storm Sewer Improvements Project PW 16-09.
E. Approve the following special meetings in 2019:
Mound City Council Minutes — January 22, 2019
1. Tues, March 19, 2019 6:00 pm Concurrent Special Meeting Workshop with City
Council and Planning Commission
2. Tues, April 16, 2019 6:30 pm Special Meeting Workshop Supervisor's Annual
Reports to City Council and Long Term Financial Plan
3. Tues, October 15, 2019 6:30 pm - Special Meeting Workshop- 2020 Budget and
Long Term Financial Plan
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda
6. Public Hearing
Brian Simmons, City Engineer, presenting the feasibility report for the 2019 Street, Utility, and
Retaining Wall Improvement Projects and requested action on resolutions ordering
improvements and preparations of plans. Simmons summarized the costs related to each of the
project areas and what the proposed assessment would be.
Mayor Salazar opened the Sherwood Drive Public Hearing at 7:12 PM
Chad Penner, 5510 Sherwood Drive, asked to clarify if it was just watermain, not sewer to be
replaced, and Simmons clarified yes. Penner said he is against resurfacing. Kristie Doshan,
5501 Sherwood Drive, stated she is opposed to resurfacing. Bart Howling 5513 Sherwood
Drive, stated he and his wife are opposed to the resurfacing. Michelle Hanson, 5598 Sherwood
Drive, said she and her husband Carl are opposed to the resurfacing and asked Simmons to
clarify where the retaining wall will be. Hanson asked if the sewer will need to be done at a later
date and Simmons said that can be done with trenching and not resurfacing. Lance & Karla
Frigard, 5580 Sherwood Drive, said they are opposed to resurfacing the road.
Phil Velsor asked if the watermain can be repaired without surfacing. Simmons said there
would be a hole by each residence which would be patchwork. Simmons said, in his opinion,
the pavement is in need of replacement. Salazar asked is the road going to be a mess if the
road is not replaced. Simmons said the road is nearing the end of its lifecycle, will be
deteriorating rapidly and there have been multiple watermain repairs. Hoversten said there is
an issue with the variation in sizes of the watermain in the area (4-6-8 inches) as well as the
need to eliminate the aged cast iron. Simmons said the minimum municipal size is 8 inch.
Karla Frigard said she was only familiar with two watermain breaks and the patching was done
very well. Frigard said she does not see the need to completely replace the road.
Eric Vail, 4848 Island View Drive, asked if it would be an option to just do the watermain and
evaluate the road later. Simmons said that means the City would replace the pavement above
the watermain twice which is why it is proposed to replace the pavement only once after the
repair is done. Mark Jorland, 5549 Sherwood Drive, said he has lived there for 30 years and
the road was redone approximately 20 years ago and the patches look fine so he agrees with
his neighbors that replacement is not needed at this time. Jake Sandstrom, 5525 Sherwood
Drive, asked to clarify that he is hearing options and he is wondering the costs associated with
each of those options.
Simmons noted that the $98,832 was the cost of the street replacement. Sandstrom asked how
the assessment billing works. Simmons said the assessed hearing will take place in the fall of
2020. Residents can pay in full by November 15th of that year and the balance is spread over
15 years at 5% on the property taxes. Sandstrom asked about the process for the watermain
replacement and Simmons said it is replaced at the curbstop near the road. Sandstrom asked
about the retaining wall and Simmons said it has to do with the watermain repairs. Sandstrom
Mound City Council Minutes — January 22, 2019
asked about what happens if the road reconstruction was deferred. Simmons said it could be
stopped, but it the City could opt to go through this process again to replace the pavement.
Salazar asked Sandstrom if he was for or against this replacement and Sandstrom stated that
he abstains. Keith Puck, 5562 Sherwood Drive, said that since the last time the road was
renovated the stormwater pools in his driveway (up to 3.5 — 4 feet wide and 40 feet long) until it
evaporates. Puck asked if that was addressed in the study and Simmons said that it was.
Bergquist asked what is the estimated remaining life of the existing road. Simmons said he did
not know.
Mark Jorland, 5549 Sherwood Drive, said he is sure it was less than 20 years. Hoversten said
that per Hennepin County website, the subdivision /majority of houses went in the early 1970's.
Bergquist asked the crowd is the opposition because of the money or just because it is seen as
not needed and the audience said both.
Chad Penner, 5510 Sherwood, said the road is good and the cracks are expanding because
they were never filled in. Hoversten noted the two written objections and Mayor Salazar noted
that makes 11 of the 12 neighbors objecting to the project.
Mayor Salazar closed the public hearing at 7:42 pm.
Simmons noted that this is similar to Kildare which was petitioned out of a previous project.
Simmons noted that the Council plans to move away from 429 projects in the future and that
should be a consideration. Bergquist said with the level of opposition, he feels it needs another
look. Velsor agreed. Pugh said she drove the street and although she feels it could be
replaced, she agrees with her colleagues to listen to the will of the residents. Bergquist
suggested tabling the motion and discussion ensued. Hoversten suggested rejecting the motion
and redirecting staff to bring back a watermain replacement project only.
MOTION made by Pugh, seconded by Bergquist, to have the staff prepare a new resolution that
is only a watermain replacement project and patching of the street. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Salazar opened the Kildare Road Public Hearing at 7:50 PM
Gina & Russ Nettle, 4658 Kildare Road, said their portion of the road was built in 2006 and was
excluded from the a previous road project and the only deterioration was where they parked the
fire truck during road construction and the cul-de-sac was never fully completed. Nettle does not
think those repairs should be part of the assessment. Simmons said he can't speak to the
utilities installed by the builder, but he confirmed the fire apparatus was parked in that area.
Simmons noted the assessment is based on a 28 -foot wide street only and he thought
neighbors asked for this project. Russ Nettle said over the years they were told the puddle
would be taken care of as part of the pavement management plan. Russ Nettle asked if it is an
option to have the driveways replaced and Simmons said they can put them in touch with the
contractors to have that done privately.
Allison Levily, 4642 Kildare, asked about the 40 -year life since the oldest home is 1999. Levily
said she has been there 2 years and she thinks the only issue is where the fire truck was
placed. Velsor said the 40 -year plan is based on regular maintenance and he does not think
Mound City Council Minutes — January 22, 2019
that occurred in the past but it is part of the future plans. Levily said the traffic is so limited and
it is in good condition. Jeff Anderson, 4654 Kildare, said he came to the last meeting and it was
stated that the road was built to standards and this is not like Tuxedo so he does not support the
project. Anderson also read an email from a neighbor to the Council which said he agrees that
if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Velsor asked why it was rejected years ago and Gina Nettle said the neighbors asked for it to be
excluded since everything was new. Simmons stated the project is a reclaim and pave project.
Salazar said 4 neighbors are in opposition and asked if they are OK with the patch of the swale
were the fire truck was located. Nettle said he is fine with that.
Mayor Salazar closed the public hearing at 8:06 pm.
Bergquist asked to clarify that this is just a reclaim. Hoversten and Simmons confirmed.
Simmons said in terms of the street improvement program, the goal is to fix the things that are
hanging out there so that everything is brought to 100% so the maintenance program can be
applied across the board. Velsor asked about the City's participation and whether the City will
need to pay more in the future. Simmons confirmed. Pugh said she believes in the program
across the board and does not believe it is the best choice to opt out but that it is our job to
listen to the residents. Bergquist said it is a tough one. Christine Hewitt, 4849 Island View
Drive, said their portion was concrete and was replaced a few years ago and there are issues
already. Hewitt asked who is to say these projects will be better.
Velsor said it is a tough decision and he would like to get to the point where we are not
discussing street projects and this was already deferred once. Velsor said his assessment was
in the $4,000 range. Salazar said he lives on Island View Drive and it was expensive and
messy but that he is happy with it. Salazar said 4 of the 7.5 residents are against. Salazar said
he agrees with the other Council members that this would allow the City to take ownership and
have a thorough accounting of what has been done, but given the opposition, he is not in favor
of doing the road at this time.
MOTION made by Bergquist, seconded by Pugh, to reject the following resolution. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
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Mayor Salazar opened the Windsor Road Public Hearing at 8:21 PM
Paul Wood, 5060 Windsor Road, said the neighborhood was built around 1997 and it seems in
good shape and does not seem to need to be replaced. Derek Flom, 5080 Windsor Road, said
he opposes the road replacement and that it only needs a few patches.
Mayor Salazar closed the public hearing at 8:22 pm.
Velsor said he felt this was in the best shape of the three roads and noted that it was much
more clear his road needed to be done at the time.
Pugh said she drove the road and it appeared in good condition but she couldn't see what the
drainage issues were. Velsor asked how the work will be contracted and Hoversten said the
utility work will be bundled for economies of scale. Bergquist said the last time he was on the
Mound City Council Minutes — January 22, 2019
road it seemed good so he is against it. Salazar repeated he wished we had a complete
inventory when the City takes ownership, but he isn't in favor of it.
MOTION made by Velsor, seconded by Bergquist, to reject the following resolution. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
7. Interviews for vacant City Council seat to fill remainder of term expiring December 31,
City Manager Hoversten described the interview process: candidates will be brought in one at a time to
take questions for up to 20 minutes each, each submitted a written application that has been provided to
each of the Council Members and that members will take turns asking questions of their choosing, which
do not have to be the exact same questions of each candidate. City Manager will give a two -minute
warning when the twenty minutes are up. At the end, a tally sheet will be used to vote for three people
each, with #3 being the favorite choice, #2 second favorite, and #1 third favorite. City Manager will tally
and announce and then the next step will be decided upon.
The candidates were interviewed from the podium in the following order:
Applicant Kim Blievernicht
Applicant Andrew Heal
(added) Applicant Paula Larson
Applicant Jake Mazurek
Applicant David Montgomery
Applicant Mark Thostenson
Applicant Eric Vail
A silent ballot was used to determine the top 3 finalists. There was a tie, so a second ballot was
taken to determine the top 3, which were: Blievernicht, Heal, and Larson. All agreed to
continue the vote instead of holding a special meeting on January 29th. Upon the final vote,
Mayor Salazar announced Paula Larson was the top vote getter and will be appointed to fill the
vacant council seat.
8. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
B. Reports: Fire Dept. - December 2018
C. Minutes: Planning Commission - December 4, 2018
Parks & Open Space Commission - December 13, 2018
D. Correspondence: Notice of Potential Quorum -Feb 25 Volunteer Recognition Event
9. Adjourn
MOTION made by Bergquist, seconded by Pugh, to adjourn at 11:01 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mayor Raymond J. Salazar
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk