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PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. _- - _ --- ~__ CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality. services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL _ __ _ _ _. __ _ _._ ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2006; 7:30 PM _ _ MOUND CITY COUNCIL CI3AMBERS _ __ _ . _ __ *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Paae 1. Call meeting to order -Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve agenda, with any amendments 3. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve minutes: December 13/16, 2005 regular meeting 1-12 *B• Approve payment of claims 13-66 ~^ *C. Adopt a resolution appointing Finance Director Gino Businaro the 67 9 Acting City Manager for 2006 *D. Adopt a resolution approving the purchase of at least a $20,000 bond for the City Clerk 68 *E. Adopt a resolution approving the purchase of at least a $20,000 bond 69 for the City Treasurer/Finance Director *F. Adopt a resolution designating the Official Depositories for 2006 70 *G. Adopt a resolution appointing Council Member John Beise as Acting Mayor for 2006 71 *H. Adopt a resolution appointing Council Members as Council Representatives for 2006 72 1 • Planning Commission -David Osmek 2. Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission -John Beise 3. Fire District Committee -Bob Brown 4• Meeting backup for Mayor -Bob Brown *I. Adopt a resolution appointing Parks Superintendent Jim Fackler as Assistant Weed Inspector for 2006 73 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS *J. Approve recommendations for citizen appointments 74 1. Planning Commission -three year terms ,-, . A. Jorj Ayaz ~ B. Becky Glister C. Orv Burma 2. Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission -three years, staggered 75-79 A. Jim Funk B. Derrick Hentz C. Don Heywood D. Mike Mason E. Michelle Olson F. Sue Pilling G. Teri Turner *K. Approve an extension of the license agreement with Hennepin. County 80 regarding electronic proprietary geographical digitized data base and authorizing the City Manager to sign the extension agreement *L. Adopt resolution relating to certain hazardous property; providing the 81-82 Collection of certain costs by special assessment pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 463.15, et.seq. *M. Approval of Consent and Waiver Agreement for Voluntary Abatement 83-90 of property located at 3198 Westedge Boulevard pursuant to M.S.S 463.15 *N. Adopt resolution approving variance for upper story addition at 2636 91-93 Wilshire Boulevard - Dr Paul Olson, applicant *O. Action on resolution request for 2005 Municipal State Aid Funds 94-95 Advance Funding 4. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 5. Public Hearings ~~h ~,~,~~ A. Case No. OS-59: Vacation -Portion of Unimproved Lake Stream J 96-114 Abutting Properties at 5951/ 5945 B Boulevard Applicant: Shawn Ness and Mary Soderlund PC Recommendation: Approval with conditions B. Case No. OS-84: Recommend to be continued to January 24 meeting 115-146 Rezoning proposal for property at 5680 Bartlett Boulevard from R-2 to B-1 Applicant: Gillespie Senior Center PC Recommendation: Approval with conditions 6. Action false alarm ordinance 147-152 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7. Action on resolution approving Declaration of Covenants for Lost Lake 153-157 ~~ ' 8. Action on resolution approving Right of Entry Agreement for property 158-167 located at 7601 County Road 110 West, Minnetrista, MN 9. Planning Commission Cases Case No. OS-74: Variance - Front/corner setback new detached garage 168-201 2308 Fernside Lane Applicant: Jim Fretham PC Recommendation: Denial 10. Review /Discussion /Request for Action -.Mound Shoreland Flexibility 202-211 Request (tentative) 11. Review /Discussion /Request for Action -Minimum Lot Size 212 (2 Acres) For Planned Development (PDA) Projects per City Code Chapter 350.460, Subd. 2 (A) 12. Adopt a resolution designating The Laker as the Official Newspaper for 2006 213 13. Action on Public Gathering Permit application from Twin City Youth Sailing 214 Regatta for Mound Bay Pazk for July 7, 2006, requesting fee to be waived 14. Information/Miscellaneous A. Reports: Finance Department -November 2005 215-217 Liquor Store -December 2005 218 B. Newsletters: Andrews Sisters Trail Donation 219-220 C. Correspondence: Metropolitan Council 221 Hennepin County 222-226 15. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas maybe viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www. cityofmound com. c ~, ~~.~ 7 .~, ~ gyros pab sit 1S3• ~~ ~'~ISED JAINLAR~r 6, 200b DECLARATION OF COVENANTS 2006, the City of Mound, THIS INSTRUMENT is made this day of Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Declarant"). RECITALS A, Declarant is the fee owner of the property in Hennepin County, Minnesota described in the attached Exhibit A: (the "Subject Property"). 4 Declarant wishes to subject the portion of the Subject Property which is described in the B. attached Exhibit B (the Declaration Area") to the covenants and restrictions herein er contained. C, Declarant is making this declaration in consideration of the issuance, by the Minnesota De artment of Natural Resources (the "DNR"), of a variance permitting Declarant to remove 1.4 p acres of cattails from Lost Lake; and wishes accord the D 1NRa on behalf of the State of Minneso a the benefits of the covenants and restrictions hereafter p DECLARATION Now, therefore, Declarant hereby declares that the D~ ect tol the following conditions and sold, held, conveyed; occupied, developed and maintained s ~ restrictions: 1, Restrictions on Use. The Declaration Areaesinstalledtappurtenantlto the Dceclaration Area, (i) no additional docking structure may b claim of ri arian rights; whether or not such installation would be based on any P (ii) no use of the Declaration Area whether based ontoc~e bed, shore] ne,gor veg tation of be permitted which results in additional disturbance Lost Lake. JBD-272962v3 COUNCIL BRIEFING January 10, 2006 `~ ' Upcoming Events Schedule: Don t Forget!! Jan 10 - 7:30 - CC Annual Meeting Jan 17 - 7:30 - HRA special meeting Jan 24 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Jan 24 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Jan 31 - 6:30 - Volunteer Recognition -VFW Hall Feb 26 - 6:30 -Chamber of Commerce Ball Upcoming Absences Kandis Hanson Jan 13-17 Vacation Kandis Hanson Feb 10-11 City Manager's Conf Kandis Hanson Feb 17-Mar 4 Vacation City Hall and Public Safety Admin Offices Closed Martin Luther King Day Jan 16 President's Day Feb 20 City Engineer Four firms were interviewed for City Engineer on Jan 6 and the pool was narrowed to two. The two finalist firms will be interviewed for a second time on Jan 19. MFRA, Mound's City Engineer for 30 years, has been eliminated from the competition. Have a great weekend seeking the sun! Ka.v-d,~i~ MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 2005 The City Council for the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, November 8, 2005, at 8:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mike Specht, John Beise and David Osmek. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Planner Rita Trapp, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Marilyn Byrnes, Virginia Gardstrom, Robbie Flatten, Tom Casey, Randy & Marilyn Bell, Tom Owens, Tom Rockvam, Michelle Olson, Mark Smith, Dee Olson, Jim Funk, Greg Eurich, Ray Salazar, Mark Hanus, Andrea Ahrens, Keith Foerster, Dan Rogers. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. ~~ 1. Open Meeting Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve Agenda Kandis Hanson requested the removal of Item #8, False Alarm Ordinance, stating that it would appear on the January 10th agenda. Specht requested the removal of Items 4D, 4E, 4G, and 4H from the consent agenda for discussion, and Meisel requested the removal of item 4K. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the agenda as amended above. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent Agenda MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to approve Items A, B, C, F, I, J. and L of the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of December 5, 2005 special meeting B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $823,812.45. C. Approve Payment Request No. 2 from Chicago Bridge and Iron in the amount of $244,689.82 for the Chateau Water Tower Project D. (removed) -1- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 E. (removed) F. Approve Hennepin County/City of Mound Lease Agreement for Election Equipment G. (removed) H. (removed) I. Cancel special meeting previously set for December 19, 2005, at 8:00 a.m. (for consideration of Lost Lake Dredge bids, which will now occur at the regular January 10, 2006 meeting) J. Approve Kodet Architectural Group, LTD, for preparation of Space Needs Study and Conceptual Plans for proposed new Public Works Maintenance Facility. K. (removed) L. RESOLUTION NO. 05-154: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT FOR PRESERVATION OF CITY-OWNED REMNANT PARCEL IN LOST LAKE DISTRICT 4D. Award of Bid for Repainting of Island Park Standpipe Specht asked reason for bid being higher than the estimate, and Hanson reported that she would check into that for him, as this would be question for the City Engineer. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to award the bid for the Repainting of the Island Park Standpipe to Champion Coating, with a bid of $166,000. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4E. Award bid for 2006 Retaining Wall Project Specht again questioned why the bids came in higher than the estimate and Hanson will get back to him after consulting the City Engineer. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to award the bid for the 2006 Retaining Wall Project to Rosti Construction, with a bid amount of $266,496.00. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4G. Adopt Resolution Approving a Premises Permit Application by Mohawk Jayicees for Gambling at Dailev's Pub Specht requested the removal of this item from the consent agenda because he will abstain as he is a member of the Mohawk Jaycees. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in favor: Brown, Beise, Osmek and Meisel. The following voted against: None. Specht abstained from voting. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-155: RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING AT DAILEY'S PUB 2 -2- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 ,r''^ . `i 4H. Action on Ordinance Amending Section 380 of the City Code as it Relates to Establishment of Land Use Fees Specht questioned why the site plan review fee was reduced from $350 to $200. Sarah Smith explained that it was lowered based on the expense and time to perform the review. The fee is to cover costs, but not to make money. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Beise to pass the following ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 18-2005: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 380 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO ESTABLISHING LAND USE FEES FOR THE CITY OF MOUND 4K. Approve Cooperative Funding Agreement between the City of Mound/MHRD/MCWD for Innovative Stormwater Strategies in Downtown Mound Redevelopment Project Meisel stated that she would be abstaining from voting on this because of her ownership of property in the redevelopment district. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to approve the Funding Agreement Mound Harbor Renaissance Project Stormwater Best Management Practices. The following ~` voted in favor: Brown, Specht, Beise and Osmek. The following voted against: None. Meisel abstained from voting. Motion carried. 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the a enda. None were offered. 6. Approve Minutes of November 22, 2005 MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to approve the minutes of the November 22, 2005 meeting. The following voted in favor: Brown, Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: None. Osmek abstained from voting because he was absent from the subject meeting. Motion carried. 7. Planning Commission Recommendations A. Case #05-72 and 05-73 -Minor Subdivision/Variance - 2855 Cambridge Lane Rita Trapp of Hoisington Koegler reviewed the request for a minor subdivision and variance at 2855 Cambridge Lane. She stated that both the Planning Commission and City Staff are recommended denial of this request. Osmek asked if undersize lots are unusual in that neighborhood and Trapp informed him that there are others smaller than 6,000 sq. ft., but she has issues with creating another non-conforming lot. Brown stated that all of the neighboring lots were originally platted as small erlots, and making another non-conforming lot doesn't work. Meisel agreed that the undersize lot would conform to what is in the neighborhood, but doesn't believe that another non-conforming ~' lot should be created. 3 -3- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 Tom Owens, attorney for the applicant Ben Milbrath, presented the council with examples of what he thought were similar situations where the applicant was granted minor subdivisions and variances. He stated that if his client isn't granted this variance, he will request that the watermain and road encroachment onto his property be removed. He believes that his client is requesting to make reasonable use of his property and is not changing the character of locality. Ginny Gardstrom, 2867 Cambridge Lane, presented a petition to the Council in opposition to the request for a subdivision and variance. She stated that it was signed twenty residents in the neighborhood who are all requesting that this application be denied. Tom Casey, 2854 Cambridge Lane, made reference to a memo he provided earlier, that stated his opposition to granting this request and reasons why which hw substantiated by referring to the City Code. He also referred to a Notice of Intervention which was included in the agenda packet, that he and Ginny Gardstrom filed on November 10tH MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-156: A RESOLUTION DENYING A VARIANCE TO THE 6,000 SQUARE FOOT LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2855 CAMBRIDGE LANE. P&Z CASE #05-73. PID #24-117-24-42-0019. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-157: A RESOLUTION DENYING A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2855 CAMBRIDGE LANE. P&Z CASE #05-72. PID #24117-24-42-0019 B Case No 05-70 -Variance for Upper story addition - 2636 Wilshire Blvd. Sarah Smith reviewed the requested by Dr. Paul Olson fora 20 ft. variance to ad an upper story addition over a portion of an existing garage located at 2636 Wilshire Blvd. She stated that the Planning Commission recommended denial of the variance request by a 3-4 vote and City Staff recommends approval. Because of the differing recommendations aresolution has not been prepared in advance and will be brought back to the next meet as directed by Council. Osmek stated that the Planning Commission was looking for a hardship in this case and not the reasonableness. The addition doesn't expand the footprint and this addition seems a reasonable function at the requested location. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to direct staff to draft a resolution for 4 -4- '; Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 consideration at the next meeting, granting approval of the variance request. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. (removed) 9. Action on Ordinance Amending Chapter 256 of the City Code as it Relates to the Docks and Commons Advisory Commission Meisel explained that the proposed merging of the Docks and Commons Commission with the Parks and Open Space Commission is due to a number of issues going on as far as asking for recommendations from the Docks Commission. The votes that are being case are not looking at the program as a whole, but are based on what type of dock holder the commissioners are. Osmek commented that he feels that the Docks Commission is a functioning body at this time and thinks that their configuration could be changed to add a person from the waiting list, to get some outside influence. He prefers at this point to give them some more direction and direct them on what to focus on and what is expected of them by the Council. He would like to work with them to iron out their differences. He suggested giving them an additional year with additional guidance. Brown also suggested sitting down with the commission and directing them to look at the program as a whole, and not at what benefits them as individuals. Beise stated that the combination of the commissions shouldn't be looked at as dissolving the Docks Commission. The Parks Commission will lose just as many members as the Docks Commission. There will be an equal amount from each commission so that they can learn from each other. As the liaison to the Parks Commission he feels the combination makes a lot of sense because they already cross paths in a lot of areas. Specht commented that he is the liaison to the Docks Commission and sees the biggest thing happening is the commission not coming to a collective group vote. There is a dwindling fund balance in the docks fund and they are having no success on how to resolve that. He has talked to City Staff and feels that now procedures are in place where bringing the commissions together will be better for the citizens of Mound and the people on the docks program. Osmek again stressed that he believes that getting rid of the Docks Commission instead of remedying the problem is not the way to do it. Putting the two together will dilute their focus. He feels they are focused now and very few docks problems haven't been resolved. He made a plea on their behalf to at least have some level of discussion with them to set goals and set communication lines to allow them to understand what the Council wants opposed to dissolving them. Meisel stated that she has made proposals to the Docks Commission that fell on deaf ears. If merged, the funds would always remain separate. She doesn't feel that goal setting and giving one more year ~^ will accomplish anything. When she took office there was a big fund balance because very little was being done to maintain our biggest asset. 5 -5- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 Dan Rogers, 4913 Island View Drive, approached the Council stating he is opposed to changing the current Docks Commission because the Commission affords a voice to the City Council. He agreed with Osmek that combining them would be dilution of the voice to the City. Disagreement between the docks commission and Council may be a healthy thing and serve as a checks and balances. Keith Foerster, 4645 Island View Drive, referred to an article that he read in The Laker that stated that the Dock Commission's views no longer aligned themselves with the views of the City Council and City Management. He was hoping that other residents would be concerned over that statement. He asked the Council to find a way to make the program the best for everyone in the City. By eliminating or silencing people that don't agree with their view is not the way to go. Democracy is not based on silencing critics, but to assure that everyone is heard. Meisel stated that she welcomes disagreement and what the newspaper article didn't say was that the Council looks for every commission to give recommendations, and the problem is the commission can't seem to make any recommendations because they are voting for self-interest. Kandis Hanson continued by there have been meetings with the Docks Commission imploring them to make recommendations and it simply hasn't happened. Due diligence has been done to try to get these recommendations. Greg Eurich, 5585 Sherwood, stated he is a member of the Docks Commission and asked where this is all coming from. As far as self-interest, members look at the program as a whole and make improvements. Recommendations are coming from unanimous votes made up of abutters, non-abutters and multiple slip holders. They do have issues with budgeting, etc., but as far as self-interest goes he doesn't think most of them have self-interest. He encouraged the Council not to dissolve the Docks Commission at this time. Jim Funk, 2940 Oaklawn, stated he is on the Docks Commission and is opposed to combining with the Parks Commission. He presented some history, stating he was a member of the original task force and a lot of work went into forming the commission and to dissolve jerk-kneed would be a mistake. He agreed with Osmek that they should meet with the Council and get targeted direction. He stated that sometimes the vote is with self-interest, but not always the case. He feels the commission still has a purpose and with some contentious issues now and feels that the commission is needed now more than in previous years. Mark Smith, 4665 Island View Drive, supported what Osmek stated and encouraged him to be a liaison to the Docks Commission. He stated if someone wants to get rid of a commission, he probably shouldn't be serving on it. He asked where the members of the Parks Commission were to voice their opinion on this merger and Beise told him that he is their liaison member. and carrying their approval. Smith also expressed concern over the dock and parks funds co-mingling and Meisel assured him that they would remain separate funds. Hanson also stated they are two distinguished budgets and won't merge. 6 -6- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 Mark Hanus, 4446 Denbigh, reviewed the history of the formation of the Docks Commission. Years ago when the Parks and Docks were one commission, there was a lot of anger and mistrust between the Council and Commission. There were many, many reasons for this, but it boils down to one main reason; docks are very close to people and a passionate issue. It involves a lot of dollars when one looks at the alternative of having a boat in a marina. Back then there was not one commissioner that was on the docks program and now people feel they have a commission that understands their problems, whether they're abutters or non-abutters. He feels that if it goes back to one body made up of people not in the program, the mistrust will brew and boil and it will go back to the days where it used to be. As far as self-serving, if it is or isn't is not for the Council to judge, but having served on the commission since inception until last year, it's not hard to lose sight of your focus. He urged the Council to really put some thought into merging the commissions because if it's an error it won't be easy to fix. He thinks there are ways of achieving the Council's goals without getting rid of the Docks Commission. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to continue the Docks Commission as is and work with them for a year to give them guidance, and to reevaluate the situation after a year. Osmek requested the liaison to the Docks Commission so he can work with them !`~ to resolve some of the issues. The following voted in favor: Brown and Osmek. The following voted against: Specht, Beise and Meisel. Motion failed. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to pass the following ordinance. The following voted in favor: Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 19-2005: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 256 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE DOCKS AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION 10. Action on Ordinance Amending Chapter 255 of the City Code as it Relates to the Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission See discussion above. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to pass the following ordinance. The following voted in favor: Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 20-2005: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 255 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION. 7 -7- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 11. Adopt Resolution Establishing Fee Schedule MOTION by Brown, seconded by Beise to adopt the following. resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-158: RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE 12. Adopt Resolution Approving the 2006 Final General Fund Budget. Setting the Levy and Approving the Final Overall Budget for 2006. Kandis Hanson reviewed the budget process, followed by a presentation of the budget summary by Gino Businaro. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to table this item until December 20, 2005, at 7:30 p,m. He feels the budget is the most important think that the Council does and if they can't come before the public with a unanimous vote they haven't worked hard enough to do this job. The following voted in favor? Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. Osmek asked to add the budget discussion on as item 17A for this evening's agenda so a decision can be reached this evening. 13. Adopt Resolution Approving Levy for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the Year 2006. MOTION by Specht to table action on this item until the General Fund Budget is determined. Specht then withdrew his motion. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution as amended, leaving the HRA levy at the same figure that it was in 2005. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-159: RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY NOT TO EXCEED $136,124 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF AND FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 2006. 14. Action on Contract Proposal with Law Enforcement Labor Services Local No. 35 -Police Sergeants MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the Contract Proposal with Law Enforcement Labor Services Local No. 35 effective January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2007. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8 -8- Mound City Council Minutes -December 13, 2005 15. Action on Proposed Sianage for Andrews Sisters Trail Tom Rockvam presented the plan for signage for a portion of the Lost Lake Trail previously designated to be named the Andrews Sisters Trail. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to accept the plan as presented by Mr Rockvam. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor asked fora 10 minutes and the meeting resumed at 10:52 p.m. 16. Executive Session for discussion of attorney/client privilege information regarding Michael 8~ Judy Gardner vs. City of Mound John Dean explained that the City received a proposed settlement from the plaintiffs and will be going into executive session to discuss the agreement and receive recommend on what position the City should take with respect to the agreement. This is client/attorney privilege information and the Council will report back after this session. The Council returned from Executive Session at 11:14 p.m. 17. Consideratin/Action on Gardner vs. City of Mound Settlement John Dean explained that they just concluded the discussion on the proposed ('^ settlement agreement as outlined and he answered any questions that the Council had and gave the recommendation that the settlement agreement should be approved as presented. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Beise to accept the settlement agreement in the case of Gardner vs. the City of Mound as presented. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 18. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Questions and comments from Councilmembers: Brown asked to extend the Council meeting and take a 15 minute recess to allow Councilmembers to go home and get their budget material, return and discuss the budget for an additional hour. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to reconsider Item 12. All voted in favor. Motion carried. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to recess for 15 minutes, at 11:21 p.m. to allow Councilmembers to go home and get their budget materials. All voted in favor. Motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 11:42 p.m. 9 -9- 12. f continued) Brown and Osmek distributed a list of proposed amendments to the budget and the Council discussed these items. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Brown at 12:47 a.m., to continue the meeting for 15 minutes. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Discussion continued on possible cuts from the budget. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Brown at 1:17 a.m. to continue the meeting for 15 more minutes. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Gino Businaro will plug in the revised figure for consideration. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to continue the meeting until 8:00 a.rn. on Friday, December 16, 2005. All -voted in favor. Motion carried. 18. B. Correspondence: Mediacom C. Reports: Harbor Wine & Spirits -November 2005 Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 10 -10- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 2005 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met on Friday, December 16, 2005, at 8:00 a.m. to continue the meeting of December 13, 2005. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mike Specht, John Beise and David Osmek. Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Public Works Superintendent Greg Skinner, Police Chief Jim Kurtz. 1. Reconvene Meeting Mayor Meisel reconvened the meeting of December 13, 2005, on December 16, 2005, at 8:00 a.m. 2. Continue Item 12 -Adopt Resolution Approving the 2006 Final General Fund Budget, Setting the Lew and Approving the Final Overall Budget for 2006. Osmek raised point of order that this is a legal continuation of the December 13, 2005 Council meeting as confirmed by the City Attorney. Mayor Meisel stated that this continuance has the Department Heads in attendance so that they can explain and provide input on some of the proposed cuts to the 2006 budget. Department Heads answered questions posed by the City Council with regards to their proposed 2006 budgets. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in favor: Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-160: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2006 FINAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,766,770; SETTING THE LEVY AT $4,216.905; AND APPROVING THE FINAL OVERALL BUDGET FOR 2006. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to reconsider Item 11 on the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3. Continue Item 11 -Adopt Resolution Establishing Fee Schedule Osmek stated that after losing the Docks Commission, he has a problem with doing any fee. changes and wants to change his vote. Brown agreed with Osmek, stating that we need the Docks Commission to act as watchdog. Previously the vote was unanimous. -11- Mound City Council Minutes -December 16, 2005 MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in favor: Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 05-158: RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE 4. Adiourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adjourn at 9:53 a.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 2 -12- JANAURY 10, 2006 CITY C4U~1-CIL MEETING 121405SUE $14,594.08 DEC 122005CRCARD $3,567.70 DEC 122105SUE $3,737.18 DEC 122105SUE2 $16,478.83 DEC 122705SUE $385,673.51 DEC 123105SUE1 $55,663.63 DEC 010405SUE $270.00 JAN 011 005S U E $54 , 54 3.73 J AN TOTAL $534,528.66 -13- City of Mound 12/09/05 1:37 PM ,,~----- --_~-, \ Page 1 ~ ' '~ - `\ Payments CITY ©F MOUND Batch Name 121405SUE Payments Current Perlod: December 2005 User Dollar Amt $14,594.08 Computer Dollar Amt $14,594.08 $0.00 In Balance Refer 121405 MEISEL, PAT Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2004/2005 CBD #14-117-24-44-0006 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Transaction Date 12/8/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121405 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT $1,375.32 Total $1,375.32 Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow RELIEF ASSOCIATION DUES $3,800.00 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 u ~ wF ~ Total a, $3,800.00 Refer 121405 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (FIRE _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 10-19-05 THRU 11-18-05 CELL PHONES $67.01 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Transaction Date 12/7/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.01 Refer 121405 TRUEVALUE,~MOUND~ _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 10-05 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $274.09 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-322 Postage 11-05 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $6.82 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 11-05 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $129.64 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Transaction Date 12/7/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $412.55 Refer 121405 WRIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE - Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow #05-3337 WT #253170 BAIL/WARRANT $500.00 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Transaction Date . 12/8/2005 ~ ., _ Wells Fargo 10100 Total , $500.00 ,_ , .~e ~, e , ,_F ,~ n.. .-.. ..~ .~,. , Refer 121405 XCEL ENERGY _ .. ,,. t.., .,.. ,.~.-A..._ ... n ._ ~.~ ,.... _, Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 09-27-05 THRU 10-26-05 #302170356 $23.13 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-22-05 THRU 10-23-05 #302184725 $19.79 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-25-05 THRU 09-26-05 #302264484 $223.79 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 08-28-05 THRU 09-27-05 #302288379 $12.38 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-25-05 THRU 10-24-05 #302298275 $53.53 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-20-05 THRU 10-19-05 #302302027 $58.65 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-25-0 THRU 10-24-05 #302312047 $79.75 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-27-0 THRU 10-26-05 #302372217 $40.36 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-24-05 THRU 09-25-05 #302373865 $34.22 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 -14- City of Mound 12/09/05 1:37 PM ~ / ~ `~ ~; ~ ~ Page 2 ! .~.• Payments _ C~1'Y OF MOl1ND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-21-5 THRU 09-20-05 #302431232 $38.36 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 08-23-05 THRU 09-24-05 #302487652 $754.78 Invoice 121405 12/14!2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 08-24-05 THRU 10-24-05 #302556784 $261.19 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-27-05 THRU 10-26-05 #302666084 $28,17 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 08-21-05 THRU 09-20-05 #302688202 $984.55 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-27-05 THRU 10-26-05 #302733232 $17.55 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 09-19-05 THRU 10-18-05 #302740421 $142.91 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 09-19-05 THRU 10-18-05 #302740421 $142.91 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-19-05 THRU 10-18-05 #302740421 $142.90 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities 08-21-05 THRU 09-20-05 #302767611 $1,308.47 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 ~. Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-28-05 THRU 09-27-05 #302781623 $11.98 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-24-05 THRU 09-25-05 #302831785 $88,17 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #302913166 $15.97 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 09-21-05 THRU 10-22-05 #302975029 $44.60 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-22-05 THRU 10-23-05 #303070078 $56.89 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 09-21-05 THRU 10-22-05 #303141541 $597.69 Invoice 121405 12!14!2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-27-05 THRU 10-26-05 #303164216 $77,95 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities OS-24-05 THRU 09-25-05 #303292094 $89.21 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-25-05 THRU 09-26-05 #303327776 $21,88 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-23-05 THRU 10-24-05 #303462963 $27,18 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-25-05 THRU 10-24-05 #303472720 $55.18 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-24-05 THRU 10-23-05 #303496812 $120.39 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 08-24-05 THRU 10-24-05 #303543190 $51.18 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 09-21-50 THRU 10-22-05 #303703346 $1,059.34 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 09-27-05 THRU 10-26-05 #303767005 $81,49 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 -15- _ City of Mound r rl~` ~- •..~. -~ Payments CITY ~3F MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #303816391 Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 121405 12/14/2005 Transaction Date 12/2/2005 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $31.51 08-26-05 THRU 09-21-05 #303885182 $1,650.08 Wells Fargo 10100 10100 Wells Fargo $7,284.89 $479.56 $4,186.99 $1,333.17 $1,309.47 $14, 594.08 12/09/05 1:37 PM Page 3 Total $8,439.20 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $14,594.08 Total $14,594.08 -16- City of Mound 12/09/05 10:14 AM s~ \~ Page 1 ~^ ~ ~ / ~ Payments ,I ~ CITY OF MOUND Current Pe riod: December 2005 Batch Name 122005CRCARD User Dolla r Amt $3,567.70 Payments Computer Dolla r Amt $3,567.70 $0.00 In Balance Refer 122095 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 099124 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 11-29-05 501 OPUS #0003 MPLS $11.00 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 12-04-05 HOLIDAY INN LMC CONF $218.98 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-212 Motor Fuels 12-01-05 PETROL PUMPER $30.71 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-09-05 METROTECH REPAIR PIPE $224.36 LOCATOR Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-15-05 BESTBUY LCD PANEL $81,65 Invoice 122005 12!2012005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 RepairlMaint Supply 11-15-05 BESTUBY LCD PANEL $81.65 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-15-05 BESTBUY LCD PANEL $81.64 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous 11-16-05 MYWEATHER $1.gg ~--- Invoice 122005 12/20!2005 Dash Payment E 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous 11-16-05 MYWEATHER $1.9g Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous 11-16-05 MYWEATHER $1,gg Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous 11-17-05 MEETING $27.48 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous 11-17-05 MEETING $27.47 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone ~ Cells 12-02-05 VERIZON BATTERY $21.30 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 12-02-05 VERIZON BATTERY $21.30 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 12-02-05 VERIZON BATTERY $21,28 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies 11-09-05 DELL COMPUTER MONITOR, SMITH $330.52 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies 11-19-05 INNET 7 $31.95 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-431 Meeting Expense 11-02-05 DVINCI NAVARRE $88,93 Invoice 122005 12/20!2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 12-03-05 SEARS EDEN PRAIRIE $106.49 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R 11-08-05 NICHE GIFT BOX $103.50 Invoice 122005 12/20!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 11-14-05 CARL BRANDY INC $328.20 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 mash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 11-23-05 CARBONES $37.28 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 _17_ City of Mound 12/09/05 10Pa e 2 9 I~ •.~ Payments - CITY OF MOUND Curren t Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 11-23-05 CARBONES $14.38 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildi ngs 11-30-05 AUTOMATED CONVEYING $353.85 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies 11-02-05 OFFICE DEPOT BINDING MACHING $187.24 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 11-04-05 HOLIDAY $12.07 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 11-08-05 HOLIDAY $30.00 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Celis 11-09-05 SPRINT/NEXTEL $626.81 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 11-11-05 EBAY $14.62 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 11-14-05 OFFICE DEPOT,MTKA $12.10 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies 11-15-05 EMERG MEDICAL PROD #840 $212.95 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 11-29-05 SA,EXCELSIOR #841 $40.09 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 11-03-05 SYMANTEC ANTI VIRUS $31.94 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 11-16-05 GANDER MOUNTAIN,2005 BOOT $150.00 ALLOWANCE Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Transaction Date 12/9!2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,567.70 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,045.91 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $195.42 601 WATER FUND $356.77 602 SEWER FUND $132.39 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $837.21 $3,567.70 Pre-Written Check $3,567.70 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $3,567.70 -~8- City of Mound 12!09105 10:14 AM ,~'r '\ Page 1 ~~ ~ ~_-~' Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 ,..., ,,.-- ~ .s. ... .. _,, Batch Name 122005CRCARD User Dollar Amt $3,567.70 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $3,567.70 $0.00 In Balance Refer 122095 ELAN CREDfT CARD Ck# 099124 12/20!2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 11-29-05 501 OPUS #0003 MPLS $11.00 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 12-04-05 HOLIDAY INN LMC CONF $218.98 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-212 Motor Fuels 12-01-05 PETROL PUMPER $30.71 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-09-05 METROTECH REPAIR PIPE $224.36 LOCATOR Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-15-05 BESTBUY LCD PANEL $81.65 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-15-05 BESTUBY LCD PANEL $81.65 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply 11-15-05 BESTBUY LCD PANEL $81.64 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous 11-16-05 MYWEATHER $1,gg .Invoice 122005 .12/20/2005 ,~ Cash Payment E 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous 11-16-05 MYWEATHER $1,gg Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous 11-16-05 MYWEATHER $1,gg Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous 11-17-05 MEETING $27.48 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous 11-17-05 MEETING $27,47 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 12-02-05 VERIZON BATTERY $21.30 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 12-02-05 VERIZON BATTERY $21.30 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 12-02-05 VERIZON BATTERY $21.28 invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies 11-09-05 DELL COMPUTER MONITOR, SMITH $330.52 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies 11-19-05 INNET 7 $31.95 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-431 Meeting Expense 11-02-05 DVINCI NAVARRE $88.93 Invoice 122005 12!20/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 12-03-05 SEARS EDEN PRAIRIE $106.49 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R 11-OB-05 NICHE GIFT BOX $103.50 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 11-14-05 CARL BRANDY INC $328 20 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 . `, Cash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 11-23-05 CARBONES $37,28 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 -19- city Of Mound 12/09/05 10 ~ ____ \ ~' ..®„. Payments Pa e 2 ciT~- o~ nnouNo Curren t Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 11-23-05 CARBONES $14.38 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 11-30-05 AUTOMATED CONVEYING $353.85 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies 11-02-05 OFFICE DEPOT BINDING MACHING $187.24 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 11-04-05 HOLIDAY $12.07 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 11-08-05 HOLIDAY $30.00 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 11-09-05 SPRINT/NEXTEL $626.81 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 11-11-05 EBAY $14.62 Invoice 122005 12120/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 11-14-05 OFFICE DEPOT,MTKA $12.10 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies 11-15-05 EMERG MEDICAL PROD #840 $212.95 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 11-29-05 SA,EXCELSIOR #841 $40.09 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 11-03-05 SYMANTEC ANTI VIRUS $31.94 Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 11-16-05 GANDER MOUNTAIN,2005 BOOT $150.00 ALLOWANCE Invoice 122005 12/20/2005 Transaction Date 12/912005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,567.70 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,045.91 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $195.42 601 WATER FUND $356.77 602 SEWER FUND $132.39 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $837.21 $3,567.70 Pre-Written Check $3,567.70 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $3,567.70 _20_ City of Mound 12/19/05 11:33 AM Page 1 ~~ ~ % ~~ \ Payments _'~' _ \~ CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 122105SUE Payments Current Period: December 2005 User Dollar Amt $3,737.18 Computer Dollar Amt $3,737.18 Refer 122105 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment _ E 601-49400-322 Postage Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-322 Postage Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Refer 122105 VERIZON WIRELESS (FIRE/FIN)~ _ Cash Payment E 101-41500-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 122105 12/21!2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells ~'~' ,Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Refer 122105 WR/GHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE Cash Payment _ G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Transaction Date 12/16/2005 Refer 122105 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ,r^ Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 y mash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities ' Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 $0.00 In Balance 12-05 UTILITY BILLS 12-05 UTILITY BILLS $131.00 $131.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $262.00 12-03-05 612-269-9058 $8.51 12-03-05 612-723-7560 $0.77 12-03-05 612-751-3572 $0.77 12-03-05 612-751-3573 $0,77 12-03-05 952-240-5244 $42.74 Wells Fargo .10100 Total $53.56 #05-3391 #7601 $500.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #302241096 $78,71 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #302282490 $50.84 09-29-05 THRU 10-25-05 #302436889 $11.66 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #302473769 $106.86 09-21-05 THRU 10-22-05 #302522859 $270.60 08-23-05 THRU 10-23-05 #302831785 $73,21 09-24-05 THRU 10-23-05 #302889405 $86.93 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #302896248 $252.53 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #303127228 $43.42 08-23-05 THRU 10-23-05 #303249566 $19.13 09-26-05 THRU 10-25-05 #303318069 $71.76 -21- __ City of Mound ~ 12/19/05 11:33 AM --~'"_ ~~ Page 2 '~ Payments GtTY OF MOUNQ Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 09-21-05 THRU 10-22-05 $318.47 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities 09-21-05 THRU 10-22-05 #303655926 $757.34 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-381 Electric Utilities 09-21-05 THRU 110-22-05 #303655926 $757.34 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities 11-OS-05 THRU 12-07-05 #51-6002835-9 $21.82 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Transaction Date 12/5/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,921.62 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,724.67 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $759.65 601 WATER FUND $142.66 602 SEWER FUND $1,110.20 $3,737.18 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $3,737.18 Total $3,737.18 -22- __ _ City of Mound 12/22/05 11:45 AM ,r~.t - ~~ ~ Pa ments Page 1 r~ ' j ~ ~~ y .- -- C6TY ~F MQUND Current Period: December 2005 Batch Name 122105SUE2 User Dollar Amt $16,478.83 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $16,478.83 $0.00 In Balance Refer 122105 MCKINLEY, JOHN _ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $2,000.00 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-305 Medical Services 2005 EYE GLASSES $37.00 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 ~~.~, ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,037.00 Refer 122105 MINNETRlSTA, CITY OF P ~ ~~ -~ ~ ~~~ ~~ Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance EXCAVATION PERMIT $250.00 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 PO 19223 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 e M_. ~ ~- .. a..~ a Wells Fargo 10100 ~, ~ ~ Total $250.00 Refer 122105 ROBERTS, COLLETTE e_., _ ~ . ~~~~ .~ ~~ ~.~.Kr~ _ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical _ 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $1,766.57 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Cash Payment G 101-21716 Flex Plan Dependents 2005 DEPENDENT REIMBURSEMENT $421.00 Invoice 122105 12/21/2005 Transaction Date 12!20/2005 ~~ _.~„~, . a , ..~ ,~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $2,187,57 '~, Refer 122705 SCHWALBE, SUE _~ _ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $1,000.00 Invoice 122107 12/21/2007 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Refer 122705 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 1 01-431 00-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 . 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ,~^ Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 '~ Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #302170356 10-19-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302184356 10-23-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302184725 10-23-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302224623 10-25-05 THRU 11-17-05 #302241096 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #302264484 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #302282490 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #302288379 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #302298275 10-19-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302302027 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #302312047 $1, 000.00 $23.44 $333.81 $17.35 $264.63 $61.58 $167.76 $56.80 $12.84 $38.73 $51.08 $56.48 -23- _ _ _ __ City of Mound 12/22/05 11:45 AM r/~ _ _ \ ~ P t Page 2 ~ ~ aymen s CITY O F MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #302372217 $41.41 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #302373865 $26.87 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-19-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302431232 $35.49 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-23-05 #302436889 $11.88 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 $87.84 Invoice 122705 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-23-05 #302487652 $604.07 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-05 THRU 11-23-05 #302522859 $239.67 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #302556784 $111.78 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #302557595 $64.14 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302598796 $28.88 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #302666084 $27.84 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-19-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302688202 $1,002.78 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #302733232 $17.34 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-20-05 #302740421 $130.33 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-20-05 #302740421 $130.33 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-20-05 #302740421 $130.33 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities 10-19-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302767611 $1,131.76 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #302781623 $15.09 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #302831785 $55.56 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-21-05 #302876916 $28.13 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-23-05 #302889405 $79.70 Invoice 122705 12!2712005 Cash Payment E 1 01-431 00-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #302896248 $557.73 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #302913166 $16.09 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-05 THRU 11-23-05 #302975029 $104.71 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-21-05 #303070078 $38.20 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 -24- --_ City/ Of MOUn(~ 12/22/05 11:45 AM r"~~. - _` Page 3 / `, Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #303127228 $42.61 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-05 THRU 11-23-05 #303141541 $675.14 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #303164216 $67.20 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-21-05 #303249566 $9.56 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #303292094 $56.94 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #303318069 $193.65 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #303327776 $21,12 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #303462963 $23.30 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #303472720 $42.15 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-23-05 THRU 11-23-05 #303496812 $103.20 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-24-05 THRU 11-22-05 #303543190 $20.84 ~ Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-5 THRU 11-23-05 #303655926 $916.46 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-05 THRU 11-23-05 #303655926 $916.46 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-05 THRU 11-23-05 #303703346 $906.01 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 10-26-05 THRU 11-28-05 #303767005 $85.92 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 10-25-05 THRU 11-27-05 #303816391 $27.33 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 10-22-05 THRU 11-23-05 #303885182 $1,093.92 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,004.26 -25- City of Mound 12/22!05 11:45 AM /,.-~," "`~ Page 4 ~, ~~ Payments .L -.._ C4TY OF M®UND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND Current Period: December 2005 10100 Wells Fargo $8,750.20 $916.46 $3,635.67 $2,044.74 $1,131.76 $16,478.83 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $16,478.83 Total $16,478.83 -26- _ _ City of Mound '"~ Pa ments CITY OF' MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Batch Name 122705SUE User Dollar Amt $385,673.51 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $385,673.51 $0.00 In Balance Refer 122705 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 11-05 ROLL-AWAY CART Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 AMUNDSON, M. LLP Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES Invoice 192110 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 ARCHITECTURAL SURFACES INC. _ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~J ~~ Cash Payment E 101-41910-500 Capital Outlay FA WALL PANELS Invoice 70123 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 463535405 12/27/2005 ~' Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE 'Invoice 463534804 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 ASPEN EQUIPMENT _ Cash Payment E 1 0 1-431 00-500 Capital Outlay FA #1609 BODY DUMP #605 Invoice 1983501 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 ASSURED SECURITY d.rv ~ ,e. . Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings KEY CUTS Invoice 37866 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 BELLBOY CORPORATION ~ _ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35589100 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 40906800 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35638900 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35513300 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35483800 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 40871700 12/27/2005 ~'iCash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35545800 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 35524300 12/27/2005 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 1 50.85 $0.85 $587.75 Total $587.75 $508.08 Total $508.08 $75.06 $73.27 Total $148.33 $62,388.40 Total $62,388.40 $2s.2z Total $28,22 $436.97 $207.31 $3,343.92 $89.60 $609.45 $34.73 $3,888.67 -$2.96 -27- _..___ City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~~'"~~ '\ Page 2 ~ J ~, Payments ._c_.-_ __.._~ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35705500 12/27/2005 Gash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 40964200 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 35721200 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 35735800 12/27/2005 $3,808.80 $140.00 $3,974.35 -$424.20 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16,106.64 Refer 122705 BERENT, TOM _ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $143.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo Refer ~ 122705 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 10100 Total $143.00 Cash Payment E 101-41110-431 Meeting Expense COFFEE $25.00 Invoice 531973 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-431 Meeting Expense COFFEE $25.00 Invoice 531973 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense COFFEE $12.50 Invoice 531973 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 281-45210-431 Meeting Expense COFFEE $12.50 Invoice 531973 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals COFFEE $63.90 Invoice 532579 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $53.00 Invoice 529531 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $45.00 Invoice 531962 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/8/2005 Wells Fargo . ~ ~ ~ 10100 Total $236.90 Refer 122705 BOYER TRUCK PARTS ~ .., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ w.: ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery AUTO SUPPLIES $12.84 Invoice 43275R 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery AUTO SUPPLIES $42.30 Invoice 43443R 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo ~ ~~ 10100 Total $55.14 Refer 122705 BRAVO COMPANY USA,INCORPO _ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies MI #12,CQD SLING $307.75 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 PO 19102 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $307.75 Refer 122705 BRENSHELUFINE LINE DESIGNS _ Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow EROSION CONTRO L ESCROW RELEASE $500.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/8/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 122705 BRW ENTERPRISES Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 11164 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 WINE $38.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.00 -28- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~/~ `~~ Page 3 ~ ~ '~ ~ Payments - - -- --~- C~TY OF MQUND Current Period: December 2005 Refer 122705 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS Cash Payment E 601-49400-224 Street Maint M_ aterials 10-05 3/4 MINUS CU2 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materials 10-05 3/4 MINUS CU2 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 BURKE, JAMI v Gash Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 FITNESS INCENTIVE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 BUSINARO, GINO ~, ~:~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNT Cash Payment _ E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies W-2 FORMS,TRANSMITTALS,ETC Invoice 35426 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 ('~ .Refer 122705 CARG/L SALT DIVISION ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ `, Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 1489413 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 1491414 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 1477177 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 1476686 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 1503797 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials BULK ICE CONTROL Invoice 1501583 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE $1, 557.97 $1,557.96 Total $3,115.93 $54.99 Total $54.99 $252.37 Total $252.37 $226.40 Total $226.40 $2,136.40 $659.02 $1,271.89 $1,320.77 $639.11 $2,597.16 Total $8,624.35 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts OIL FILTERS $20 28 Invoice N67409 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts CONVEX MIRROR $2 85 Invoice N67513 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts WIPER BLADES $25 29 Invoice N67034 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts WIPER BLADES $25 29 Invoice N67034 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts WIPER BLADES $25.28 Invoice N67034 12/27/2005 ..Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts CAP TAPE $6 72 y ;nvoice N67215 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts CAP TAPE -$6 72 Invoice N07637 12/27/2005 _29_ _. City of Mound _-_ 12!28/05 3:40 PM ~. ,/ _ o ~ Page 4 ~ ,~ ~ Payments -L --- .~..---...____..~ CITY O F MOUND Curren t Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts WINTER BLADE $25.88 Invoice N67132 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts WINTER BLADES $38.96 Invoice N67224 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 . . Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~ $163.83 .. Refer 122705 CASH, PETTY CASH .. _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, REPLENISH $255.81 PETTY CASH Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 PO 19287 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~ $255.81 ~ Refer 122705 CAT AND FIDDLE BEVERAGE ~ ~ _ ~~~ ~ _~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ry ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $551.00 Invoice 42908 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $228.00 Invoice 43135 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Totai $779.00 Refer 122705 CECE'S SIGNS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #7501 MAGNETIC SIGNS #1205 $25.00 Invoice 2561 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #7501 MAGNETIC SIGNS #1205 $75.00 Invoice 2556 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 a.., .. ~ ~ Refer 122705 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (M/NNEG ..,_ _ ~.. .. Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-000-053-000 $170.06 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-001-095-800 $493.46 Invoice 122705 12/2712005 Cash Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-001-853-000 $1,154.58 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-001-972-603 $88.05 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-001-972-603 $88.05 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-001-972-603 $88.06 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-004-818-801 $216.05 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-004-921-200 $222.86 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-383 Gas Utilities 10-18-05 THRU 11-16-05 #543-004-921-200 $222.85 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 a Wells Fargo 10100 Total , A 4 $2,744.02 ~ ~x .. Refer 122705 , a_.. ~ ~.,. „_ CHAMPION AUTO ...~ .a ~ a _ . . .x _ .. . Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts HAVOLINE $23.41 Invoice D355276 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23.41 Refer 122705 CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT, I -30- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~,,,.,--- Page 5 (`~' ~'~ ~,~ Payments _l.. ~AA~___~ CIl'Y ©~ MV~~~ Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies STORAGE UNIT Invoice 47820A 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies STORAGE UNIT Invoice 47820A 12/27/2005 $283.67 $2,276.48 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 ~~ ~~~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,560.15 Refer 122705 CLARK, BRIAN ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $13.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12!28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13.00 Refer 122705 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 80947217. 12/27/2005 $310.90 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 m - „~ . ,~-.. ~m Wells Fargo 10100 .. Total $310.90 Refer 122705 COMPUTER CHEQUE .. . ~., ,.m~_~,. ..~.~~ms.A_ r~~ ~ ~' ~ w Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 11-05 CHECK VERIFICATION Invoice 106851105 12/27/2005 $54.50 Transaction Date 12/20/2005. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.50 Refer 122705 CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN ~ ~~ _ ~'"" Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs 12-09-05 DREDGING LOST LAKE $161.60 `~ 'Invoice 3112680 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 ~~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $161.60 Refer 122705 COOKS, J.P. COMPANY ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ m ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies DOG/CAT LICENSE TAGS $93.22 Invoice 464326 12/27/2005 PO 19150 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $93.22 Refer 122705 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 11-05 COPIER MAINTENANCE $341.80 Invoice 67016 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $341.80 Refer 122705 CRYSTEEL DISTRIBUTING INC ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ '~~ _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #1069 EQUIPMENT FOR TRUCK $31,805.48 Invoice F19896 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery CREDIT--RETURN Invoice F20523B 12/27/2005 -$2,346.30 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 E . ,. V . ~ ~., . ~ .., Wells Fargo 10100 :.. , , . ,,, Total $29,459.18 Refer 122705 CUSTOMIZED EMBROIDERY, INC . ti , ~ ~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,RITTER $39.80 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,NELSON $14.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,NELSON $14.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO NELSON Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 , $14.00 Cash Payment E 101-42400-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,SMITH $80 00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 . -31- City of Mound """-' 12/28/05 3:40 PM ---- ~/~ -~ Page 6 l/ ~, Payments _~ _ CITY O F M®UND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,ROBERTS $28.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,WEBER $20.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOBO,WEBER $20.00 Invoice 1062 12/2712005 Cash Payment E 281-45210-430 Miscellaneous CLOTHING/LOGO,WEBER $10.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,BUSINARO $38.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,NORLANDER $22.00 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,MOORE $10.67 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHINGlLOGO,MOORE $2.67 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms CLOTHING/LOGO,MOORE $2.66 Invoice 1062 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $315.80 Refer 122705 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts 516 METERS $1,488.63 Invoice 3333238 12/27/2005 PO 19457 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,488.63 Refer 122705 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $438.30 Invoice 343333 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 342471 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 342472 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 344503 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 344504 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 343848 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo Refer 122705 DELTA GLOVES $876.50 $52.80 $1,871.55 $115.55 $291.00 10100 Total $3,645.70 Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies EXAM GLOVES Invoice 84075 12/27/2005 PO 19196 _ Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total x. , , , e.., a , t ~, ~ ,~.., Refer 122705 DESIGNERS OUTLOOK, LLC _ . .. Cash Payment E 609-49750-218 Clothing and Uniforms LIQUOR Invoice 1589 12/27/2005 _ Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 DETERMAN BROWNIE, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic PUMP OIL TANK/DISPOSE Invoice 274909 12/27/2005 PO 14894 $78.40 $78.40 $309.12 $309.12 $1,147.00 -32- __ City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ff,,.._- ._._~\ Page 7 (~~' /~ ~, Payments -~ CITY CAF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 . Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 D/VERSIFlED SECURITY /NCORPO ~% ~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic SERVICE CALL SECURITY CAMERAS Invoice 2055 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 _, ~.. ~. A „~, Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 ,w . a . EAST SIDE BEVERAGE .. _ _ Cash Payment _ E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 630820 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 220413 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 220414 12127/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 220322 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 220323 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 633099 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER ~'• Invoice 220485 12/27/2005 '~ 'Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair #17 REPAIRS Invoice 23772 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Welis Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 ESS BROTHERS AND SONS INCO _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts C/P SAN LID Invoice HH6967 12/27/2005 PO 19249 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo Refer 122705 EXTREME BEVERAGE ,.. ~~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 379799 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Wells Fargo Refer 122705 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMP Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 21841 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft DrinkslMix For Resa MIX Invoice 21855 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo Refer 122705 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 1 01-431 00-2 1 8 Clothing and Uniforms 12-13-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 ~r-~ Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-13-05 UNIFORMS ~, Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-13-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 10100 10100 10100 Total $1,147.00 $65.00 Total $65.00 $208.00 $2,058.25 $22.00 $805.10 $22.00 $176.00 $6,381.15 Total $9,672.50 $1,197.67 Total $1,197.67 $210.87 Total $21p,87 $96.00 Total $96.00 $123.00 $165.00 Total $288.00 $56.81 $19.01 $26.17 -33- City of Mound J ~ ~ Pa yments ~ C6TY O F MOUND Current Per iod: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-13-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 12-13-05 MATS Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 12-13-05 MATS Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 12-13-05 MATS Invoice 6648791 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 12-20-05 MATS Invoice 6655234 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 12-20-05 MATS Invoice 6655235 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 12-20-05 MATS Invoice 6655230 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services 12-06-05 MATS Invoice 6642400 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-06-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-06-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-06-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-06-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 12-06-05 MATS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 12-06-05 MATS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 12-06-05 MATS Invoice 6642398 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-20-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6655233 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-20-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6655233 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-20-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6655233 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-20-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6655233 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 12-20-05 MATS Invoice 6655233 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 12-20-05 MATS Invoice 6655233 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 12-20-05 MATS Invoice 6655233 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 12-06-05 MATS Invoice 6642399 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo Refer 122705 GARY'S DIESEL SERVICE 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 8 $8.73 $23.86 $23.86 $23.86 $53.97 $106.82 $59.97 $37.09 $57.28 $19.01 $26.97 $8.73 $26.88 $26.88 $26.88 $50.22 $19.01 $26.17 $8.73 $25.32 $25.32 $25.32 $59.09 10100 Total Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Invoice 69009 12/27/2005 $871.96 $1,293.96 -34- __ City of Mound ._ 12/28/05 3:40 PM /„' ~~ ~ ~ Page 9 'l % ~ ~ Payments 1 -__s- CITY QF MQUNI~ Curren t Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery #184 AUTO REPAIRS $676.60 Invoice 69130 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery #192 AUTO REPAIRS $60.84 Invoice 69212 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery #605 AUTO REPAIRS $50.59 Invoice 69352 12/27/2005 Transaction Date .12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,081.99 Refer 122705 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies _ 11-30-05 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $121.09 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-210 Operating Supplies 11-30-05 WATER SERVICE $4.51 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.60 Refer 122705 GME CONSULTANTS Cash Payment E 401-43103-300 Professional Srvs _ 10-16-05 THRU 11-26-05 STREET $910.50 RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 24018 12!2712005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $910.50 Refer 122705 GRAHAM, ERIC ~ ~ ' `~ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves _ 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $6.50 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date ,~, 12/28/2005 . ~::.:. __ Wells Fargo 10100 ,. s ... ro Total $6.50 Refer 122705 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY ~ „ . „ _ ~..,,.. Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale _ LIQUOR $484.22 Invoice 332003 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,772.68 Invoice 332002 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$47 73 Invoice 681718 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$322.40 Invoice 326896-B 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,859.32 Invoice 335699 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,438.60 Invoice 335698 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$28 80 Invoice 682732 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,199.77 Invoice 340447 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,088.23 Invoice 339494 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,652.28 Invoice 339318 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$215.40 /^ Invoice 368840 12/27/2005 ( Transaction Date . 12/9/2005 ~. . ~ . . ~. Wells Fargo 10100 s:~., ~.. Total $g~880.77 Refer 122705 H & L MESAS/ AGGREGATE CONS ..~. ~ ~~~ ~~ rM ~ ~ -~ '~~ ' ~~ -35- __ City of Mound ~~ ~ Payments CITY ®~ MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts BLADES FOR #605 Invoice 66811 12/27/2005 PO 19247 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts Invoice 66812 12/27/2005 PO 19240 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts Invoice 66813 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Refer 122705 HANSON, KANDIS Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-331 Use of personal auto Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Refer 122705 HANSON, RAY SIDE PLOW BLADES #605 LOADER BOLT ON BLADE 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 10 $481.06 $365.08 $1,603.11 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,449.25 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT SEPT,OCT,NOV.DEC DSL LINE $5,000.00 $650.64 $199.80 THRU 12-31-05 CONF/TRAINING $52.17 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,902.61 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies UTILITY BASE MAPS $7.19 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies UTILITY BASE MAPS $7.19 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Welis Fargo 10100 Total $14.38 Refer 122705 HART, PATRICK _ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $45.50 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Totai $45.50 .., . _ d. ~, ~ ., Refer 122705 HAWK/NS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals CONTAINERS (9) $45.00 Invoice DM125080 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 122705 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts SKID STEER $27.88 Invoice 61787 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts SKID STEER $27.88 Invoice 61787 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts SKID STEER $27.89 Invoice 61787 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts SERVICE WATER TRUCK $73.75 Invoice 61929 12/27/2005 _ Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $157.40 Refer 122705 HEITZ, DONALD _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 BOOT ALLOWANCE $150.00 Invoice 122705 12!27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 122705 HENNEP/N COUNTY iNFORMATlO -36- __ City/ Of MOU11d 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~/~~~~~ Page 11 ,r'"'' j I, ~ Payments ....ow _ CIl'Y aF IViC?UN[~ Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-418 Other Rentals 11-05 RADIO LEASE Invoice 25118033 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals Invoice 25118032 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Refer 122705 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Invoice 882 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Refer 122705 HENNEPIN COUNTY SURVEY D1Vl 11-05 RADIO LEASE Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,841.18 11-05 BOOKING FEE Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 101-42400-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 460 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 460 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 460 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 460 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 460 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 465 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 465 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies AERIAL PHOTOS Invoice 465 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 10-05 ROOM AND BOARD Invoice 001206 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 11-05 ROOM AND BOARD Invoice 001244 12/27/2005 Transactio D t 1 $1,823.19 $1,017.99 n a e 2/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,097.50 Refer 122705 HENNEP/N COUNTY TREASURER( ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ Cash Payment E 101-41550-440 Other Contractual Servic 2005 TRUTH IN TAXATION Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER ~~~~~~~ ~~ Cash Payment G 101-23008 2020 Commerce Parking Lot 11-19-05 RESOLUTION FILING FEE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 11-20-05 EASTMENT FILING FEE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 $561.15 Refer 122705 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training EMT BRIDGE COURSE Invoice 00101834-B 12/27/2005 $756.75 Total $756.75 $48.00 $48.00 Total $96.00 $300.00 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 -37- Total $561.15 $720.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $97.60 $50.00 $50.00 Total $1,637.60 $712.00 $1,385.50 __ City of Mound ~~~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Perlod: December 2005 12!28/05 3:40 PM Page 12 Refer 122705 HERC-U-LIFT Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery HP HOSE, PRESS FITTING $81.66 Invoice 01P9341420 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $81.66 Refer 122705 HESSBURG, DANIEL _ Gash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow EROSION CONTROL ESCROW RELEASE $500.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/8/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 122705 NOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $225.00 Invoice 377047 12!27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $225.00 Refer 122705 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, / Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 11-05 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $1,397.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 401-46377-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 GREENWAY PHASE 2 $2,399.37 Invoice 122705 12127/2005 Cash Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 MOUND VISIONS $1,779.25 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment G 101-23028 2855 Cambridge Lane #0-4-4 11-05 2855 CAMBRIDGE #05-72/73 $276.25 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 MISC PLANNING $690.25 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y y ~ 5 Total $6,542.12 Refer 122705 HOME DEPOT/GECF (P/W) _ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities TIME SWITCH $47.93 Invoice 007897/5147270 12!27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47.93 Refer 122705 HOOPER, PAUL _ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $6.50 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6.50 Refer 122705 HYDROLOGIC WATER MANAGEM _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply TRT RB ADJ PLST 3/4" $778.34 Invoice 0205770-IN 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $778.34 Refer 122705 IKON OFFICE MACHINES _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying 11-24-05 THRU 12-24-05 COPIER $166.61 MAINTENANCE Invoice 23951801 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $166.61 Refer 122705 INFRATECH Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic POWER SURGE REPAIRS $1,531.47 Invoice 0503024 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12!20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,531.47 Refer 122705 /NSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES US -38- clt~/ Of MOUnCI 12/28/05 3:40 PM ''~ ____,. Page 13 ~`"~ ~/~ ,~ Payments -f ---°" 1 cizY a~ M®urvc Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 401-43103-500 Capital Outlay FA CIPP LINING,LATERAL REINSTATEMENTS Invoice 37758 12/27/2005 T t' D $21,440.00 ransac ion ate 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 JOHNS VARIETY AND PETS .,r, ~ ~ ~~ _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies CLIPBOARD,PAPER,PENS Invoice 0144894 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies CLIPBOARD,PAPER,PENS Invoice 0144894 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies CLIPBOARD,PAPER,PENS Invoice 0144894 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 ~ ..:, . Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 . T, _.. . JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR ~. u ~ ~ z.,.u , . ~ ~~~ , ,..,_ -P, ~h a . ,....~...~ ~ w . ~ .. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1999879 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1999880 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1999881 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX ~'~ ,Invoice 1999882 12/27/2005 'i Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1999883 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT--LIQUOR Invoice 296941 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1003462 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1003463 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1003464 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1003465 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1003466 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE Invoice 296941 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE Invoice 298679 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1007255 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1007256 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2008368 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX /~ ,Invoice 1007258 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1007259 12/27/2005 $21,440.00 $3.86 $3.86 $3.86 $11.58 $367.39 $811.04 $3,883.02 $54.90 $405.34 -$17.12 $305.20 $748.43 $1,106.70 $837.55 $1,861.65 -$6.67 -$5.33 $276.75 $1,174.10 $479.50 $302.50 $194.10 -39- ..._ __ City of Mound ~ ' ,, Payments CITY OF M(3UND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1007260 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1007261 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous COUNCIL COOKIES Invoice 121205 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous COUNCIL COOKIES Invoice 122205 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 _~,. Refer 122705 ... ,w._.~.~a.. .,_, _..... , , KENNEDY AND GRAVEN _ ., ...~f-..P =..~~ ,,.. . ,._..»,~oa, _... ~ , Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 MISCELLANEOUS BILLABLE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 REDEV PROJECT AREA #1 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 11-05 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 401-46377-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 CTY RD 15 REALIGNMENT Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment G 101-23022 2855 Cambridge Minor Sub 0 11-05 2855 CAMBRIDGE LNAE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 401-43103-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2005 STREET RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 WALDRON CONTRACT Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 GARDNER LAWSUIT Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 EXECUTIVE Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 ADMINISTRATION Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 FIRE INSPECTORS CONTRACT Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 MISC PLANNING/ZONING Invoice 122705 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA 11-05 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 MISC LEGAL Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41600-314 Legal P/W 11-05 MISC PLANNING/ZONING Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment G 101-23028 2855 Cambridge Lane #0-4-4 11-05 2855 CAMBRIDGE Invoice 122705 12!27/2005 Cash Payment G 101-23036 4944 IslandView Drive Gharri 11-05 GARRITY ESCROW Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 KUSTOM SIGNALS 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 14 $1,810.50 $2,367.50 Total $16,957.05 $36.11 $32.99 Total $69.10 $33.00 $973.50 $7,152.20 $48.00 $67.66 $44.20 $30.00 $378.00 $948.00 $210.00 $222.00 $24.00 $354.00 $403.50 $221.sa $186.00 $60.00 Totat $11,356.04 -40- clt~/ Of MOllnd 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~'r '~ ~ Page 15 ~'-' ~ ,~ Payments c~rv of ~nuN® Cash Payment E 101-42110-220 Repair/Maint Supply REAR EAGLE KIT Invoice 253847 12/27/2005 PO 19281 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Welis Fargo Refer 122705 LAKE AREA POWER EQUIPMENT _ i Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts GUARD SUPPLIES Current Period: December 2005 Invoice 059200 12/27/2005 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply BELT,TRIGGER LOCK,ETC Invoice 059281 12/27/2005. Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 LAKER NEWSPAPER ~ 5 Cash Payment E 281-45210-351 Legal Notices Publishing 12-03-05 ORDINANCE #17-2005 Invoice 1235 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs 12-10-05 BIDS Invoice 12105 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 LAKESHORE WEEKLY NEWS Cash Payment _ E 609-49750-340 Advertising 12-13-05 COLUMN AD Invoice 00110688 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-328 Employment Advertising P/W ENGINEERING AD Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-328 Employment Advertising P/W ENGINEERING AD Invoice 122705 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-328 Employment Advertising P/W ENGINEERING AD Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-328 Employment Advertising P/W ENGINEERING AD Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 y ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 LANG EQU/PMENT, lNCORPORAT Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair ELECTRIC TROUBLE SHOOTING Invoice 141017 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 .. ,. ~ ,. . . Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 .. . LAWSON PRODUCTS, lNC ,p ,.,....~u Cash Payment - E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES Invoice 3899188 12/27/2005 PO 19451 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES Invoice 3899188 12/27/2005 PO 19451 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES Invoice 3899188 12/27/2005 PO 19451 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials NYLON PROT SLEEVING Invoice 3903602 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials NYLON PROT SLEEVING Invoice 3903602 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials NYLON PROT SLEEVING Invoice 3903602 C h P 12/27/2005 as ayment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply COUPLER, NIPPLE Invoice 3899189 12!2712005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply COUPLER, NIPPLE Invoice 3899189 12/27/2005 $223.00 $223.00 $29.11 $33.06 Total $62.17 $119.40 $79.60 Total $199.00 $205.00 $60.38 $60.38 $60.38 $60.36 Total $446.50 $77.52 Total $77.52 $102.91 $102.91 $102.91 $15.10 $15.10 $15.11 $64.22 $64.22 -41- City of Mound %~ ~ ~~ Payments c~-rYO~ Moun~n Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply COUPLER, NIPPLE Invoice 3899189 12/27/2005 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 16 $64.23 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 LEE, JEREMIAH _ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 LORETTO AUTO RECONDITION _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #1069 PAINT,ETC #1105 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 MADDEN, FRANK AND ASSOC/AT _ Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs 11-30-05 PROSECUTION SERVICES Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 875594 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 875595 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 880530 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For. Resale Invoice 877998 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 877999 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 878000 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Refer 122705 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 17077 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 17091 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 17113 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 17123 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 16397 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Refer 122705 MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOC/ Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 53533 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 53534 12/27/2005 BEER BEER BEER BEER Total $546.71 $45.50 $45.50 $437.63 Total Total $437.63 $410.50 $410.50 $2,047.90 $17.70 $1,713.10 $1,257.10 $61.50. $17.70 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,115.00 12-01-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $159.50 12-05-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $25.30 12-08-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $179.30 12-12-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $35.20 12-15-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $133.10 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $532.40 11-05 BLDG MISC ENGINEERING $204.00 Project 08901 11-05 PARKS MISC ENGINEERING $14.10 Project 08905 -42- __ City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~'" _ Page 17 / ~` 4 %~ Payments -G'___-__.._.____.__...__ CITY OF MQUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment G 101-23008 2020 Commerce Parking Lot 11-05 INDIAN KNOLL PARKING LOT $37.50 Invoice 53535 12/27/2005 Project 11894 Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 11-05 2355 CHATEAU LANE WATERTOWER $2,012.40 Invoice 53536 12/27/2005 Project PW0506 Cash Payment E 281-45210-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 DOCK MAP LOCATION $133.74 Invoice 53537 12/27/2005 Project 13223 Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 11-05 2355 CHATEAU LANE WATERTOWER $3,667.11 Invoice 53538 12/27/2005 Project PW0506 Cash Payment E 401-43104-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $636.25 Invoice 53539 12/27/2005 Project 14615 Cash Payment E 401-43110-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2004 RETAINING WALL REPLACEMENT $388.75 Invoice 53540 12/27/2005 Project 14707 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2005 STORM SEWER PROJECT $3,785.95 Invoice 53541 12/27/2005 Project 14956 Cash Payment E 401-43103-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2005 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $4,085.25 Invoice 53542 12/27/2005 Project 15000 Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 11-05 2355 CHATEAU LANE WATERTOWER $7,565.00 Invoice 53543 12/27/2005 Project PW0506 Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 11-05 STANDPIPE DEVON LANE $2,014.00 Invoice 53544 12/27/2005 Project PW0510 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 LIFT STATION EVALUATION $9,554.00 '; Invoice 53545 12/27/2005 Project 15183 Cash Payment E 401-43110-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2005 RETAINING WALL REPLACEMENT $1,064.90 Invoice 53546 12/27/2005 Project 15229 Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 11-05 2355 CHATEAU LANE WATERTOWER $1,434.00 Invoice 53547 12/27/2005 Project PW0506 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 11-05 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $2,873.00 Invoice 53548 12/27/2005 Project 15324 Cash Payment G 101-22855 MetroPlains Develop 00-64 11-05 METRO PLAINS DEVELOPMENT $51.00 Invoice 53549 12/27/2005 Project 15372 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 4712 RICHMOND ROAD EXTENSION $1,251.00 Invoice 53550 12/27/2005 Project 15375 Cash Payment E 455-43255-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2006 LIFT STATION $439.00 Invoice 53551 12/27/2005 Project PW0504 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2005 MSAS TRAFFIC COUNT $153.00 Invoice 53552 12/27/2005 Project 15555 Cash Payment E 401-43106-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2006 STREET IMPROVEMENT $14,702.25 Invoice 53553 12/27/2005 Project 15620 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs 11-05 2006 STORM SEWER PROJECT $3,177.50 Invoice 53554 12/27/2005 Project 15675 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~, r ~ $59,243.70 Refer 122705 METROPOLITAN AREA MANAGEM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ f ~ ~ Cash Payment _ E 101-41310-431 Meeting Expense 10-20-05 MAMA LUNCHEON $18.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $18.00 .~W. >m Refer 122705 M/NGE, STEVE ~H .. ,.. ,,~ `' Cash Payment E 222-42260-500 Capital Outlay FA PAINT 1986 CHEVY PICKUP $3,105.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,105.00 -43- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM r,,,.-- .__._~~ Page 18 ~ = _ /, ~~~ Payments CITY ®F M®UND Current Period: December 2005 Refer 122705 M/NNEHAHA BUILDING MA/NTENA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 11-28-05 WINDOW WASH $37.28 Invoice 1218022399 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 7 Total $37.28 Refer 122705 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO _ Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE $450.00 Invoice R32-3430000460 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer 122705 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples ARSENIC, LOW LEVEL $23.00 Invoice 283349 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 . ~ _. r .:am „ r Wells Fargo 10100 . a..4 ,. .., ~ ,., Totat $23.00 . .. ._ Refer 122705 MINUTEMAN PRESS _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-203 Printed Forms INSPECTION NOTICES $101.31 Invoice 6374 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-203 Printed Forms SOLAR YELLOW CARD STOCK $43.98 Invoice 6389 12/27/2005 PO 18899 Transaction Date 12/8/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $145.29 Refer 122705 MOORS, CARL TON Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $25.32 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $6.34 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $6.34 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 , Wells Fargo 10100 > Total $38.00 r .. _, _ ., ~„~ . _a _ _ ,,, ,_ Refer 122705 MOUND, CITY OF _ . Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities 11-05 WATER/SEWER $25.84 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 ~ ~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Total $25.84 Refer 122705 MUZAK -MINNEAPOLIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 12-05 MUSIC SERVICES $97.16 Invoice A6311110 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~ __ Total $97.16 Refer 122705 NATIONAL WATERWO ~_ ~ RKS ~~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply WATERMAIN BANDAGES $327.00 Invoice 3058254 12/27/2005 PO 19456 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $327.00 Refer 122705 NELSON, JOYCE _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels 2005 REIMBURSE MILEAGE $43.81 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels 2005 REIMBURSE MILEAGE ,$43.81 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 670-49500-331 Use of personal auto 2005 REIMBURSE MILEAGE $43.82 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 -44- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM / r~~_...._~.__` j , /, ~''~ Page 19 Payments CITY OF MQUN® Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 NEWMAN S/GNS Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SAND BAG Invoice TI-0150916 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (FIRE _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 CELL PHONES Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (PAR _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 612-221-6740 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 612-221-6794 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 612-221-6812 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 ,~^ Cash Payment ' E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 612-221-8385 ~ ~ Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 612-363-5883 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 T t' Total Total ransac ion Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~.. ,, _,, ~ -. a ~ .-~,- .. , ~ ~ .,~ . _ , ~ ,~ ,.. , ~y., :., Refer 122705 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts GLOVE,BALL MOUNT Invoice 0193119628 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts SCREWDRIVE,PLIER,ETC Invoice 0821112774 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts SIDEMOUNT TRUCK BOX Invoice 0822153758 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts SIDEMOUNT TRUCK BOX Invoice 0193119630 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts GASKETS,ADAPTER Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts GASKETS,ADAPTER Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 NS/1 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, Cash Payment E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR HEATER OPERATIONS Invoice 70471 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR HEATER OPERATIONS Invoice 70471 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR HEATER OPERATIONS ,~^ Invoice 70471 12/27/2005 P Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 OFFICE DEPOT ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ a ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ $197.97 $329.41 $46.85 $46.85 $67.01 $67.01 $32.59 $14.01 $80.83 $34.57 $27.28 $189.28 $86.17 $78.75 $223.64 $223.64 $56.04 $56.05 Total $72q.29 $55.50 $55.50 $55.50 Total $166.50 -45- __ ~~~ Clty Of MOUnC~ 12/28/05 3:40 PM ,,,. '" ~ ~ P t Page 20 / \ ' aymen s CITY QF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $5.96 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $5.96 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $5.96 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $5.96 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $5.96 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.97 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $3.97 Invoice 316839498-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $3.97 Invoice 316839498-001 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies LABELS $23.66 Invoice 316627624-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies LASER POINTER $42.15 Invoice 316238685-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies LABELS $6.90 Invoice 316238685-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies PLANNER ERASABLE $5.09 Invoice 316020258-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies PLANNER ERASABLE $5.09 Invoice 316020258-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies PLANNER ERASABLE $5.09 Invoice 316020258-001 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.09 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.09 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.09 Invoice 315834999-001 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.09 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 1 01-431 00-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.09 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $8.03 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $16.06 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $16.06 Invoice 315834999-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies BINDERS $19.47 Invoice 317991693-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGES $103.37 Invoice 317691819-001 12/27/2005 PO 19284 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGES,ETC $136.82 Invoice 316607023-001 12/27/2005 -46- ._ City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~ Page 21 ~ ~ ~ Payments CITY C}F Mt)UND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies BINDERS $10.50 Invoice 317800678-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies CD ROMS $14.51 Invoice 317800678-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies WRIST REST $49.56 Invoice 317800678-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies WRIST REST $49.56 Invoice 317800678-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies WRIST REST $24.79 Invoice 317800678-001 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $82,74 Invoice 315955295-001 12/27/2005 PO 19195 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 ~~, a.~~_a~~.- Wells Fargo 10100 ~, .. ~~. . Total $779.61 Refer 122705 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INCORPO , _ .w _ ,. „ Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call 11-05 LOCATES $62.10 Invoice 5110591 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call 11-05 LOCATES $62.10 Invoice 5110591 12!27/2005 Transaction Date 12/19/2005 _ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $124.20 Refer 122705 PAUL A. WALDRON & ASSOCIATE __ _ 'Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 10-18-05 THRU 12-09-05 INSPECTIONS $1,660.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 10-18-05 THRU 12-09-05 INSPECTIONS $1,100.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 . a Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,760.00 Refer 122705 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA ,~~ o ~ .. , R .. , _ .... rv . Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale _ WINE $1,088.00 Invoice 8092203 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,893.18 Invoice 8093270 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $643.82 Invoice 8091450 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,028.16 Invoice 8093847 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,653.16 Refer 122705 PEDERSON, GREG Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical _ 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $613.34 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 w, .,,. ~~ u.rv Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $613.34 Refer 122705 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY ~ ,.<._ .,~ _, Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MUX $126.00 Invoice 24444330 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $126 00 Refer 122705 PERRY'S TRUCK REPAIR . Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #100 SIDE REPAIR $72 13 Invoice 31362 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72.13 -47- City of Mound ~ ~, ~ \\\ Payments .1 .-_..__ ,~~._.__._ ._1.... CITY C31F MOUND Current Period: December 2005 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 22 Refer 122705 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $447.67 Invoice 2271699 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $795.45 Invoice 2271700 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$2.28 Invoice 3328647 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$6.20 Invoice 3328646 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $629.35 Invoice 2274488 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $286.75 Invoice 2274489 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale LIQUOR $343.65 Invoice 2272272 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$64.00 Invoice 3329920 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$121.34 Invoice 3329921 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$10.96 Invoice 3329922 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$27.55 Invoice 3329923 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $102.00 Invoice 2277334 12/27!2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $757.25 Invoice 2277335 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 - Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,129.79 _. ~ , ~., ...~.,...,.. a ti~.., . _ ...~, ,... Refer 122705 POWERHOUSE SYSTEMS, LLC _ . ~._ r~t.,, ~ ... k_ . ~. .. ..~: Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic GENERATOR CONCRETE PAD $4,632.75 Invoice JR1451A 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,632.75 Refer 122705 PRAlR/ELAND CONTROLS Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay F Invoice 1385 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Refer 122705 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 639292-00 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 638818-00 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 642395-00 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 642167-00 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 645419-00 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 645668-00 12/27/2005 A DELTA CONTROL SYSTEM Wells Fargo 10100 WINE LIQUOR WINE LIQUOR LIQUOR WINE $392.00 Total $392.00 $608.16 $744.02 $142.56 $580.44 $1,305.33 $373.23 -48- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ~^~..__.___~ ~ Page 23 /~ /, ~ Payments ..®.. 1 C6TY ®F MOUND Current Pe riod: December 2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~ ~ Total $3,753.74 Refer 122705 RAHN, J ODI L ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _. ___ _.... .. md, ,~ Cash Payment E 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $46.97 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 ~ Wells Fargo .10100 Total $46.97 Refer 122705 RANDY'S SANITATION ~~ ~ ~~~ .. ~~ u ~~~~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-05 GARBAGE SERVICE $123.91 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $123.91 Refer 122705 REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals AIR AND OXYGEN $22.07 Invoice 811051027 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.07 Refer 122705 ROBERTS, COLLETTE ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ _ Cash Payment E 101-41500-331 Use of personal auto 2005 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $46.56 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $46.56 Refer 122705 BONS MECHANICAL _ C h ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ as Payment R 101-42000-32235 Heating Permits REFUND PERMIT--CANCELATION $16.00 ' Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 ;,,. 4~.~.r Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16.00 Refer 122705 SANDE, LORI .u,~ _ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $84.50 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $84.50 Refer 122705 SCHARBER AND SONS ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ .~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair BLADE $44.47 Invoice 02-2053810 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair AIR FILTERS $20.13 Invoice 02-2053829 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/8!2005 ~ ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ Total $64.60 Refer 122705 SCHOENHERR, BRADLEY T. _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~-~~ ~ Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies DOG FOOD $70.27 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.27 Refer 122705 SCHWALBE, SUE _ Cash Payment E 101-41500-331 Use of personal auto 2005 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $19.40 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19.40 Refer 122705 SM/TH, SARAH _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-331 Use of personal auto I i 2005 PLANNING CONFERENCE MILEAGE $87.30 nvo ce 122705 12/27/2005 ' Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $87.30 Refer 122705 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT INCORP -49- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM ''~~~-'""~ Page 24 ~ / ~~ ~`~ Payments CITY OF M®UND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #197 FOOT PEDAL FOR LOADER Invoice SI43314 12/27/2005 PO 19455 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 122705 STEELE, TAMI $116.22 Total $116.22 $104.00 $104.00 $1,018.25 $1,018.25 $596.40 $174.40 $174.40 $174.39 $174.39 -$26.63 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 STERNE ELECTRIC COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities STREET LIGHTING Invoice 8645 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT, INC Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machin ery WHELEN STROBE KIT Invoice 7153 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-500 Capital Outlay FA #6154 WHELEN TIRE KIT #905 Invoice 7154 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #6154 WHELEN TIRE KIT #905 Invoice 7154 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA #6154 WHELEN TIRE KIT #905 Invoice 7154 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA #6154 WHELN TIRE KIT #905 Invoice 7154 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery RETURN MERCHANDISE Invoice 7153 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 STRETCHER'S Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery FLASHLIGHT,BATTERY,ETC Invoice 12311418 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 RepairslMaint Machinery FLASHLIGHT,BATTERY,ETC Invoice 12311418 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery FLASHLIGHT,BATTERY,ETC Invoice 12311418 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts FLASHLIGHTS #1205 Invoice 1311042 12/27/2005 PO 19248 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts FLASHLIGHTS #1205 Invoice 1311042 12/27/2005 PO 19248 Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts FLASHLIGHTS #1205 Invoice 1311042 12/27/2005 PO 19248 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery LIGHT BULBS Invoice 1310070 12/27/2005 PO 19279 Transaction Date , 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 .. ...,. ~ ,_,.»~r.,. __~~,. _~-. . Refer 122705 STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS _ . ,.~, _ .. ,. ..~ $1,267.35 $17.71 $17.71 $17.72 $76.27 $76.27 $76.28 $45.53 Total $327.49 Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies TONER/TRANSFER KIT $151.92 Invoice 11133300 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/27/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $151.92 .. . _ ., - -~ ~.. ., ..~.. _ , _e , . , ., . -_. , ~ _, .. , Refer 122705 T-MOBILE CELL PHONE -50- City of Mound 12/28/05 3:40 PM i'~r ~~ Page 25 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells 11-03-05 THRU 12-02-05 612-221-6813 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 T t' D $46.67 ransac ion ate 12/19/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 40509 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 396024 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 396023 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 40432 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 395367 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 395366 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 394616 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 394615 C h P 12/27/2005 , as ayment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 40590 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 122705 TKDA ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS P ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 10-30-05 THRU 11-26-05 SERVICES Invoice 00200504927 12/27/2005 T t' D - ransac ion ate 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $335.89 .,~ _~.. .. ~.~ ,~ : ~~~,. . .~,~ ~, a~ Refer 122705 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $195.02 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $274.09 Refer 122705 TRUXSTOR CUSTOM TRUCK ACC _ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~"~~~~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #7501 BED LINER #1205 $595.22 Invoice 204 12/27/2005 PO 19245 Transaction Date 12!28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $595.22 Refer 122705 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED Cash Payment _ G 101-22803 Police Reserves HOLSTER,BELT CLIPS $184.84 Invoice 298903 12/27/2005 PO 19132 Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies HOLSTER,BELT CLIPS $75.30 Invoice 296598 12/27/2005 PO 18820 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $260.14 Refer 122705 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS COR Cash Payment E 601-49400-224 Street Maint Materials C/M BULK, UPM #2 $1,085.50 Invoice 162444 12/27/2005 $46.67 $278.00 $6,842.10 $130.55 $364.00 $3,029.10 $76.50 $2,253.25 $29.75 $40.00 $13, 043.25 $335.89 $79.07 -51- "~ City of Mound `~-_" 12/28/05 3:40 PM /" ~ ~~ Page 26 Payments CIl"1'' O ~ MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materials C/M BULK, UPM #2 $1,085.50 Invoice 162444 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,171.00 .. Refer 122705 VER/ZON WIRELESS (P/W) r , . _ , _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 12-10-05 CELL PHONES $197.82 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 12-10-05 CELL PHONES $125.75 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 12-10-05 CELL PHONES $115.74 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells 12-10-05 CELL PHONES $13.55 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment G 101-22816 Personal Cell Phone 12-10-05 CELL PHONES $218.33 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 12-17-05 SHARE PLAN $48.39 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 12-17-05 SHARE PLAN $48.39 Invoice 122705 12!27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 12-17-05 SHARE PLAN $48.39 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 , , Wells Fargo 10100 t Total $816.36 Refer 122705 _. ....~ _ u~~ VILLAGE CHEVROLET K ~.. _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #7501 SCREWS,CLAMPS #1205 $11.28 Invoice 97026 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #7501 SCREWS,CLAMPS #1205 $106.14 Invoice 96997 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $117.42 Refer 122705 WEBER, VICKI ~ ~ _ ~ y ~ ~ ~~ y Cash Payment E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels REIMBURSE MILEAGE $17.46 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $17.46 Refer 122705 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 11-24-05 THREE POINTS $1,120.00 Invoice 1194 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/20/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,120.00 Refer 122705 WILLIAMS TOWING _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 08-13-05 TOW $141.65 Invoice 80223 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28!2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $141.65 Refer 122705 WILLIAMS, JENNIFER _ Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $32.50 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/28!2005 n , Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.50 Refer 122705 . . WINE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$6.00 Invoice 130137-00 12/27/2005 -52- City of Mound 12!28/05 3:40 PM !° ~ Page 27 ,~' / /, ~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Transaction Date 12/22!2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total _$6,Op Refer 122705 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment _ E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,147.00 Invoice 142846 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$413.75 Invoice 26649 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,906.30 Invoice 143578 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$21 67 Invoice 22536 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/9/2005 w ~, ~_,M._ , ~ ~ ,,.r _ , Wells Fargo 10100 .„, ~n v Total $3,617.88 Refer 122705 WINKLER, 808 ,~ .N~ ~ ~~ < ~_~. ~ _. w~n,. Cash Payment E 601-49400-224 Street Maint Materials 11-05 SAND/BANKFILL $3,984.50 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materials 11-05 SAND/BANKFILL $3,984.49 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 12-05 SAND/BANKFILL $1,593.32 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 601-49400-224 Street Maint Materials 12-05 SAND/BANKFILL $1,593.32 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 `,Cash Payment E 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materials 12-05 SAND/BANKFILL $1,593.32 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date 12/22/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,748.95 Refer 122705 WOLFS, NICK Cash Payment _ G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $13.00 Invoice 122705 12/27/2005 Transaction Date <~„ ,.~.a ..a... 12/28/2005 ~ ~4 ~ ~... ,...,. Wells Fargo 10100 . , . Total $13.00 Refer 122705 WORLD CLASS WINES 1NCORPO .,~ .,. . .~„N. ~~ Cash Payment _ E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $432.00 Invoice 172713 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $456.00 Invoice 172561 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $293.76 Invoice 173311 12/27/2005 Transaction Date ,~m, 12/22/2005 ,..b ~.. m , Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,181.76 Refer 122705 XCEL ENERGY , ~ ~~~ Cash Payment _ E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 12-19-05 THRU 12-19-05 #51-7508325-5 $1,441.00 Invoice 122705-B 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-03-05 THRU 12-02-05 #51-4802601-0 $5,284.30 Invoice 122705-B 12/27/2005 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 09-03-05 THRU 10-02-05 #51-4802601-1 $5,144.65 Invoice 122705-B 12/27/2005 Transaction Date ., 12!28/2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,869.95 _ ,, -53- -' s~ CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 455 TIF 1-2 475 TIF 1-3 Mound Harbor Renaissan 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: December 2005 10100 Wells Fargo $164,135.35 $9,463.55 $354.00 $45,719.47 $3,191.75 $691.20 $746.00 $32,353.69 $28,899.19 $94,962.54 $1,190.82 $3,965.95 $385,673.51 12/28/05 3:40 PM Page 28 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $385,673.51 Total $385,673.51 -54- City of Mound ovoa/os 2:02 PM / \ Page 1 ~, 11~ / Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Batch Name 123105SUE1 User Dollar Amt $55,663.63 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $55,663.63 $0.00 In Balance Refer 123105 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 AP Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-05 GARBAGE SERVICE $42.13 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-05 GARBAGE SERVICE $42.13 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 12-05 GARBAGE SERVICE $42.12 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/a/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 .~..~.,. ~ ~.t . ...~:,~ 2~..~~ ~. Total $126.38 a~~, ,.~ ~.~ . Refer 123105 ARCTIC GLAC/ER PREMIUM ICE ~~ -:, ,,,~.w A ,~~.~ AP Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $94.24 Invoice 463536210 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $94.24 Refer 123105 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'~~ AP Payment E 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE, RAHN $15.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE, SCHWALBE $15.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 ,. ..,. , ,,, ~ ~:.. ~, Total $31.00 ~_~ ..e ... , Refer 123105 BELLBOY CORPORATION ,r _ AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,176 75 Invoice 35793800 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $75 86 Invoice 40995900 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3!2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $2,252.61 Refer 123105 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE ~ ~M _ AP Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts ELECT-MECH FLASHER $18.97 Invoice 752 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 ~,.. .g, ...~, m a.~v,~ _. ~ . Total $18.97 a.ho..~.; _,~ Refer 123105 CASH, PETTY CASH ~' ~~' _ AP Payment E 101-42110-322 Postage POSTAGE DUE $0.23 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 1 01-41 1 1 0-430 Miscellaneous MISC PAPER GOODS $10.65 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-131 Employer Paid Health MEDICAL $19 39 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 ~~:~ Total $30.27 b ,, ,..w ., ~~ Refer 123105 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST . r AP Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $215.90 Invoice 80956101 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 .,. a~__. ..~„r Total $215.90 Refer 123105 DESIGNERS OUTLOOK, LLC 5~, _ + '~ AP Payment E 609-49750-218 Clothing and Uniforms DIGITIZE LOGO $200.00 Invoice 1600 12/31/2005 -55- ___ City of Mound 01/04/06 2:02 PM /,r-~"" ~, Page 2 it Payments CITY {)IF M®UND Current Period: December 2005 Transaction Date 1!3/2006 Due 1!3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $200.00 Refer 123105 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE _ AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 41549 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1!4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable _., . _. Refer 123105 EXTREME BEVERAGE _ AP Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 384254 12/31/2005 $213.00 20200 Total $213.00 $64.00 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 123105 G & K SERVICES _ AP Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-27-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-27-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-27-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 12-27-05 UNIFORMS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 12-27-05 MATS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 12-27-05 MATS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 12-27-05 MATS Invoice 6661572 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 ~ Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 12310 5 .. GME CONSULTANTS AP Payment G 101-23074 4712 Richmond #05-72 Gabr RICHMOND ROAD EXTENSION Invoice 23688 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs DEVON LANE REPAIRS Invoice 23688 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 ,._., . , _., , , ~ ,.~~ ~< .~ ~ a.. , w _ r...~,. .. ~ ~. Refer 123105 GR/GGS COOPER AND COMPANY _ Total $64.00 $48.07 $27.15 $15.27 $9.86 $30.47 $30.47 $30.47 Total $191.76 $1,490.00 $1,340.00 Total $2,830.00 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $777.92 Invoice 342951 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,010.49 Invoice 342952 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1!4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,788.41 Refer 123105 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CE AP Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 12-05-05 EMT REFRESHER CLASS,WITTKE $264.00 Invoice 15208 12/31/2005 PO 19275 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $264.00 Refer 123105 HERC-U-LIFT _ AP Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply #192 HYDRAULIC HOSES $85.84 Invoice 01P9392160 12/31/2005 PO 19459 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $85.84 Refer 123105 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED -56- City of Mound 01/04/06 2:02 PM % r'~~r ~;~ Page 3 ~"-' ~ ~ Payments / ,...r CITY ®~ MtJUND Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 378064 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 123105 ISLAND PARK SKELLY AP Payment E 1 01-42 1 1 0-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #848 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES Invoice 20106 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #843 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES Invoice 20121 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #847 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES Invoice 20197 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #840 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES Invoice 20253 12!31!2005 Transaction Date 1!4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 123105 JOHNS VARIETY AND PETS AP Payment _ E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies DRY ERASE MARKERS Invoice 0141301 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies DRY ERASE MARKERS Invoice 0141301. 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies DRY ERASE MARKERS (~ Invoice 0141301 12/31/2005 ', 'Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 123105 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR $255.35 Total $255.35 $89.45 $101.45 $92.01 $65.00 Total $347.91 $2.13 $2.13 $2.12 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 299939 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1010440 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1010441 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1010442 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1010443 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1010444 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1010445 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3!2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 123105 LAKE MINNETONKA CHAMBER CO ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ AP Payment. _ E 101-41310-431 Meeting Expense GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEONS Total $6.38 -$179.76 $755.24 $551.78 $26.25 $100.45 $0.00 $459.50 Total $45.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total Refer 123105 LAKER NEWSPAPER AP Payment j'~.Invoice 1224 1 4P Payment Invoice 1225 AP Payment Invoice 1226 E 281-45210-351 Legal Notices Publishing 12-24-05 DOCK ORDINANCE #19-2005 12/31 /2005 E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 12-24-05 REZONE APPLICATION GILLESPIE 12/31 /2005 G 101-23063 5951 Lynwood Blvd #05-59 v 12-24-05 #05-59 VACATION 12!31!2005 $45.00 $23.88 $37.81 $82.50 -57- City of Mound ` 01/04/06 2:02 PM " Page 4 ~, ~ Payments CITY OF M®UND Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing 12-24-05 #18-2005 LAND USE FEES $113.43 Invoice 1227 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing 12-24-05#20-2005 PARKS/DOCKS $149.25 Invoice 2338 12/31!2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $406.87 Refer 123105 LAKESHORE WEEKLY NEWS _ AP Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 12-27-05 WEEKLY AD $155.00 Invoice 00110827 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $155.00 Refer 123105 CARSON LAWNSCAPE AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic LANDSCAPE WORK $1,365.00 Invoice 50607 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,365.00 Refer 123105 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR _ AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,081.26 Invoice 882954 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $58.95 Invoice 882956 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $5,140.21 . ~ ~_ . m~~~_ . s.M ._ .~. ,. Refer 123105 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR _ w ,. __... ...M_ , .... , n , o_. AP Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits 12-05 SAC CHARGES $1,435.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,435.50 Refer 123105 M/NNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO AP Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 09-21-05 THRU 12-13-05 MOUND HARBOR $3,150.00 RENAISSANCE Invoice VP13570-E 12/31/2005 AP Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 09-21-05 THRU 12-13-05 MOUND HARBOR $1,575.00 RENAISSANCE Invoice VP16010-E 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 ' ~ Total $4,725.00 Refer 123105 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (POLI ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~~ AP Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 11-19-05 THRU 12-18-05 $218.74 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $218.74 Refer 123105 OFFICE DEPOT _ AP Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies INDEX RING BOOK $1.44 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $3.24 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $3.24 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $3.24 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $3.24 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 -58- City of Mound 01/04/06 2:02 PM _ ~~ ~~'~ Page 5 , d~ ' Payments -f ------- "~ ".~ _-~ CITY QF M®UND Current P eriod: December 2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $3.24 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $1.08 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31!2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $2 16 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies SEALING TAPE $2 16 Invoice 318652364-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41110-200 Office Supplies PROJECTOR LAMP $65.18 Invoice 318237934-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies PAPER $19 70 Invoice 319168189-001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies PAPER $10 99 Invoice 319232907-001 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 ... ~.»~~,.,.,~ .,,-:~. ~ Accounts Payable ~ 20200 Total $118.91 Refer 123105 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ ~ P .~, .e. s AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$20.00 Invoice 8094180 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $80.00 Invoice 8093927 12/31/2005 ~^ /! !Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 ~.,i - x ,w. ~,.~~.~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total $60.00 Refer 123105 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, WC _ .1_~.. F. .a.~-.~ .,... "~~ ' ~~ AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $253.25 Invoice 2279444 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,351.45 Invoice 2279445 12/31/2005 Transaction Date „ «, 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 ~ Accounts Payable ~ 20200 Total $1,604.70 Refer 123105 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS j ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ _ AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$19 95 Invoice 639580-00 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,359.39 Invoice 648422-00 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,576.82 Invoice 648542-00 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $3,916.26 Refer 123105 RAYS SERVICES _ AP Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal RUSTICWOOD ROAD STORM WORK $6,490.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVE BASSWOOD ON HAWTHORNE Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVE ELM ON BRIGHTON Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 281-45210-533 Tree Removal REMOVE ELM ON APPLE l~4NE Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVE ELM ON SEABURY invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable Refer 123107 SCHARBER AND SONS ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ $850.00 $685.00 $675.00 $575.00 20200 Total $9,275.00 -59- City of Mound ----.--, /~,,..._ %~ ~\ Payments CfTY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair BLADES,TIRES,FUEL CAP Invoice 02-2054032 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Refer 123105 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, IN AP Payment E 609-49750-433 Dues and Subscriptions 12-15-05 PUBLICATION 01/04/06 2:02 PM Page 6 $178.13 Total $178.13 Invoice 272064 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-433 Dues and Subscriptions 12-31-05 PUBLICATION Invoice 272064 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total _ __ Refer 123105 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (P/W _ AP Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total Refer 123105 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PAR -~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ " '"' ° ~ ~ _. ~, . ., AP Payment E 101-42400-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total Refer 12310.5 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE _ AP Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair TIRES Invoice 10048247 12/31/2005 $12.50 $12.50 $25.00 $90.70 $3,453.15 $740.72 $736.55 $5,021.12 $23.63 $23.63 $23.63 $23.63 $789.12 $883.64 $200.35 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $200.35 Refer 123105 TACHENY, STEVEN J. AP Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 BOOT ALLOWANCE $39.83 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Due 1/3/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $39.83 Refer 123105 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,356.90 Invoice 396619 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $13.75 Invoice 396618 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $4,370.65 Refer 123105 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC -60- City of Mound 01/04/06 2:02 PM /'~',`~'~ Page 7 '"~' ` Payments f CIl'll' ®F MOUND Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR WATERMAIN OAKLAWN $517.50 Invoice 1242 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic DISCONNECT AT TYRONE $400.00 Invoice 1243 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR WATERMAIN BARTLETT $2,242.50 Invoice 1244 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $3,160.00 Refer 123105 WINE MERCHANTS _ ~~ ~~ ~f 4Y ~~ AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WfNE $2,329.00 Invoice 144891 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 ~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~~~~ ~ ~ Total $2,329.00 Refer 123105 WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $240.00 Invoice 11-16-05 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 ~~, ~ Accounts Payable 20200 n~ ~„ - Total $240.00 Refer 123105 XCEL ENERGY _ ~ „~ _ . , ...~,,.. ,, AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #51-6002836-0 $20.24 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 ran 1/4/2006 Due 1/4/2006 ....,. _ ~ri;,, ..,.,q ~_~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ,~~~...~.xs~...~.,~..n~ ~,~.w,~~..,P.~ ~:K. ~ ~~., Total .e, r_~,~w.~ $20,24 . ~.n..=~, Fund Sum mary 101 GENERAL FUND 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 20200 Accounts Payable $21,245.14 $698.88 $6,773.22 $2,287.82 $24,658.57 $55,663.63 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $55,663.63 Total $55,663.63 -61- _,__~ City of Mound 01/04/062Pa eM ~~ Payments i CITY O~ M®UND Batch Name 010406SUE Payments Current Period: January 2006 User Dollar Amt $540.00 Computer Dollar Amt $540.00 $0.00 In Balance Refer 10406 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATORS CONFERENCE Invoice 010406 1/4/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATORS CONFERENCE Invoice 010406 1/4/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Welis Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 602 SEWER FUND $540.00 $540.00 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $540.00 Total $540.00 $270.00 $270.00 $540.00 -62- _.__` City of Mound ~ ~ ~ /, \ Payments CITY OF M®UN[~ Current Period: January 2006 Batch Name 011006SUE User Dollar Amt $54,543.73 Payments Com uter Dollar Amt p $54,543.73 Refer 11006 3D SPECIALTIES Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms JACKETS Invoice 420616 1/10/2006 T $0.00 In Balance ransaction Date 1/4/2006 x,.._ ,. ...v,u. ~ N...,~ ~.~w..n,, .ti ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11006 ~ , ,.;. ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 01-06 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 01-06 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11006 BMS INTEGRATED OFFICE TECHN ~. Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE Invoice 011006 1/10!2006 PO 19286 Cash Payment E 101-41310-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 ~^-~ Transaction Date 1/4/2006 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ' Refer 11006 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR ~ Cash Payment _ E 375-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 2005D Invoice PA3030062 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 375-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 2005C Invoice PA2990262 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 20056 Invoice PA2990162 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 368-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 2005A Invoice PA2990062 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 20048 Invoice PA2893562 1/10!2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 20048 Invoice PA2893562 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 20046 Invoice PA2893562 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 367-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 2004A Invoice PA2893462 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 330-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 02-01-06 THRU 02-01-06 SERIES 2004C Invoice PA28936 512 1/10/2006 Transaction Date ~ 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11006 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INC. _ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-42115-329 Sirens/Phone Lines/ 01-01-06 THRU 06-30-06 SIREN MAINTENANCE FEE Invoice 31283 1/10/2006 PO 19283 /o'" Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11006 FINANCE MN GOVERNMENT OFFI Cash Payment E 101-41500-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 01/04/06 2:10 PM Page 1 $594.46 Total $594.46 $90.25 $90.24 Total $180.49 $129.00 $129.00 Total $258.00 $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 $247.50 $45.00 $157.50 $450.00 $450.00 Total $3,150.00 $623.70 Total $623.70 $40.00 -63- City of Mound "~- 01!04/06 2:10 PM ~-~ \ Page 2 ~ ~, ~ ' \ Payments ~ __ _.L-------._~~-..._.- CgTY 4F MQUND Current Period: January 2006 Transaction Date 1/3/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $40.00 Refer 11006 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 01-03-06 MATS $24.40 Invoice 6668043 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 01-03-06 MATS $131.05 Invoice 6668044 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1!3/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $155.45 Refer 11006 HENNEP/N COUNTY ELECTIONS _ Cash Payment E 101-41410-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT $768.00 Invoice 011006 1!10/2006 Transaction Date 1/412006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $768.00 Refer 11005 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-438 Licenses and Taxes 03-06 THRU 03-07 LICENSE SELL TOBACCO $250.00 PRODUCTS Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 . , _ . . ~ , Total $250.00 ,. _ . .>_ _.__.. ~. __ o . ~ .. Refer 11006 IKON OFFICE MACHINES _ Cash Payment E 1 01-421 1 0-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 FAX MAINTENANCE $237.04 Invoice 23971983 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~~ ~ Total $237.04 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Refer 11006 LAKE MINNETONKA CHAMBER CO ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $264.00 Invoice 6-122 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~_ . _ .... ....E. ~ _~ , .F „ ,,. . ~ . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ Total ~-_~_ $264.00 . a~w._~v , ~~a~ _ _ ._ _ . . .. .. . m . Refer .11006 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIR _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS 01-06 WASTEWATER $45,278.98 Invoice 813282 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45,278.98 Refer 11006 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Cash Payment E 670-49500-434 Conference & Training 02-15-06 RECYCLING CONFERENCE $210.00 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 PO 14895 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $210.00 Refer 11006 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals 01-06 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE $879.75 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $879.75 Refer 11006 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-06 FIRE MONITORING SERVICES $38.23 Invoice 471293 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-06 BURGLARY MONITORING $34.19 Invoice 473212 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 . .., , . , Total $72.42 ,u ,., x... . .. .. ~ . .~_ . ~.. ~. ._~, ,~.. ~ v Refer 11006 TR COMPUTER SALES, LLC ,.. Cash Payment E 101-42110-440 Other Contractual Servic 2006 PERMITWORKS ANNUAL SUPPO RT $1,007.94 Invoice 15963 1/10/2006 -64- City of Mound ---- 01/04/06 2:10 PM 'f~ ~ \ / ~ Page 3 ' (~ , Payments CITY OF MQUND Current Period: January 2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 . ~,,._. .,..~~„ , . ,. a .. .~, . Wells Fargo 10100 ~,,,_ ~~ Total $1,007.94 Refer 11006 WAYZATA, CITY OF p ~M Cash Payment E 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes _ 2006 VEHICLE TABS $203.00 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $3.63 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $3.63 Invoice 014006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $3.63 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $3.63 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $116.00 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $72.50 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $87.00 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $53.66 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 ~'~Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $13.41 Invoice 011006 1/10/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-438 Licenses and Taxes 2006 VEHICLE TABS $13.41 Invoice 011006 1/10!2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $573.50 -65- r~,~. i-~ _.L__-- CITY OE MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 330 G.O. 2004 - C Equip Cert 367 G.O. 2004 - A Improvements 368 G.O. 2005 - A Improvements 375 TIF 1-3 Debt Service 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: January 2006 10100 Wells Fargo $4,418.75 $90.25 $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 $900.00 $787.04 $45,428.02 $1,202.17 $210.00 $157.50 $54,543.73 01/04/06 2:10 PM Page 4 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $54,543.73 Total $54,543.73 -66- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION N0.06-01 RESOLUTION APPOINTING GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR, AS ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 2006. ~~ BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Gino Businaro, Finance Director, as the Acting City Manager for the year 2006, to act in this capacity if the City Manager is disabled, .incapacitated, away on City business or away on vacation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if both the City Manager and Acting City Manager are disabled, incapacitated, away on City business or away on vacation, then Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk, is hereby appointed as Acting City Manager. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel ~~~ Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -67- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO.06-02 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the purchase of least a $20,000 bond for the City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -68- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION N0.05-03 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/FINANCE DIRECTOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the purchase of least a $20,000 bond for the City Treasurer/Finance Director, Gino Businaro. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk r~~ ,; -69- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06-04 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 2006 WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute Chapter 427 requires the City to select an official depository/depositories for City funds within 30 days of the start of the City's fiscal year; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby designate the following banks and financial institutions as official depositories for the City of Mound in 2006: Crow River Bank RBC Dain Rauscher Prime Security Bank CITIGROUP Asset Management USBank Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota Municipal Money Market Funds BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City's deposits shall be protected by Federal Deposit Insurance and/or collateral in accordance with MSA Chapter 118A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Finance Director is hereby authorized to open or continue an account or accounts with said institutions on such terms as required by said institutions in the names of the City, and to deposit, or cause to be deposited in such account or accounts, any monies, checks, drafts, orders, notes or other instruments for the payment of money, upon compliance by said depository with this resolution and the law in such case provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the designation shall continue in force until December 31, 2006, or until written notice of its revision or modification has been received by said institution. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -70- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06-05 RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOHN BEISE AS ACTING MAYOR FOR 2006. WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 412.121 states that at its first meeting each year the Council shall choose an Acting Mayor from the Councilmembers; and WHEREAS, The Acting Mayor shall perform the duties of Mayor during the disability or absence of the Mayor from the City or, in the case of vacancy in the office of Mayor, until a successor has been appointed and qualifies; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to appoint John Beise as Acting Mayor for 2006. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Fi Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk (~ -71- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06-07 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint the following Councilmembers as Council Representatives to the following City Advisory Commissions for the year 2006: John Beise to the Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission David Osmek to the Planning Commission Bob Brown to the Minnetrista Fire Station Committee Bob Brown as the Meeting Backup for the Mayor Adopted by the City Council this 10t" day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -72- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06-06 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT PARKS SUPERINTENDENT JIM FACKLER AS ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR 2006 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Parks Superintendent, Jim Fackler, as the Assistant Weed Inspector for the City of Mound in 2006. Adopted by the City Council this 10t" day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -73- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: Planning Commission and Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: 12/29/2005 Re: Planning Commission Appointments Planning Commission Terms The terms of Planning Commissioners Jorj Ayaz, Becky Glister and Orv Burma expired on December 31, 2005. As the City received from all Commissioners requesting reappointment, the City did not formally advertise for the vacant positions. Recommendation Both Staff and the Planning Commission endorse and support the appointment of Jorj Ayaz, Becky Glister and Orv Burma for new terms on the Planning Commission. -74- 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com MEMORANDUM TOs Mayor Meisel and City FROM: Jim DATE: January 4, 2006 RE: Parks and Docks Commission Merger On December 23rd a memo was sent to all DCAC and POSAC Commissioners regarding the merger of these commissions. The responses of the commissioners are listed below. Reponses to 12/23/05 memo regarding combining Docks and Parks Commissions ~~ ,; Name Current Term Exp Date Consider for Reappoint- ment Current Dock Program Partici ant Abutter dock holder Non- Abutter dock holder Slip Holder On Dock Wait List Frank Ahrens 12/05 No N/A Jim Funk 12/07 Yes Yes Yes N/A Derrick Hentz 12/06 Yes No Yes Don He ood 12/07 Yes No Yes Mike Mason 12/06 Yes Yes Yes N/A Michelle Olson 12/06 Yes Yes Yes N/A Sue Pillin 12/06 Yes Yes Yes No Teri Turner 12/07 Yes No No Monica Winkler 12/07 Did not res and ~~ ® printed on recycled paper -75- MEMO DATE.: December 22, 2005 TO: Frank Ahrens Michelle Olson _ ___ Derrick Rentz _ ____Sue Pillin Don Heywood Teri Turner Jim Funk Monica Winkler Mike Mason FROM: Kandis Hanson, City Manager RE: Merger of Commissions At their meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2005, the Mound City Council approved. merging the Docks and Commons Commission into the Parks and Open Space Commission. It is now known as the Parks, Open Space and Docks Advisory Commission. This memo is intended to establish your interest in continuing as a commission member under the new structure. To assist in that decision, some pertinent policy information follows, and copies of the newly amended Chapter 255 and Chapter 256 of the City Code are attached: • Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month. • Appointments to the Commission will be by the City Council at their Annual Meeting on Jan 10, 2006, based on the interest expressed by the members. • Those persons appointed to the Commission will be notified by Staff after that date. • February 9, 2006, will be the first meeting of the new year. • Council Member John Beise will likely act as the Council Liaison. -76- Tease indicate below regarding your interest and return this memo to Vicki Weber by 12:00 noon, Tuesday, January 3, 2006. You may email it to VickiWeber(a,cityofmound.com, fax it to 952-472-0620 or mail it or drop it at City Hall at 5341 Maywood Road. Thank you for your willingness to serve over the years! My name: Commission on which I recently served: (Circle please) Consider me for reappointment to the new Commission. Yes No I am a dock or slip holder in the Mound Dock Program. Yes No If currently in the Mound Dock Program, are you: .) An abutter at a shoreline dock? Yes No 2) Anon-abutter at a shoreline dock? Yes No 3) Aslip-holder at one of the multiple-slip systems? Yes No I am on the waiting list for the Mound Dock Program. Yes No ,~ -~~- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. ZO-2005 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 255 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE PARK AND OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION The City of Mound does ordain: That Section 255, Park and Open Space Advisory Commission be amended to read as follows: Section 255 -Parks, a~-Open Spaced and Docks Commission 255.01 .Establishment of Commission. The Parks and Docks Commission is hereby established. 255.05 Composition. The initial Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission shall consist of the members of the Docks and Commons Advisory Commission currently appointed and the members of the Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission currently appointed As the terms of the members expire, the number of members of the Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission shall be reduced by the expiring number until the total number of members of the Parks Open Space and Docks Commission reaches seven. Once the commission is reduced to seven members, the makeup of the seven members shall include one abutter one non-abutter and one multiple slip holder. The remaining members may be on the dock program waiting list and if enter the docks program during their term will be allowed to complete said term. ~^.,.,.,,.^^,^^ ~h-.n ^^^~,~+ ^f ~°"°^ ~.~.°^^h°r°. Six members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by afour-fifths vote of the Council. The Council shall select one member of the Council to serve on the Commission from among the Councilmembers, with said Councilmember to be appointed for one year, commencing in January of each year; the City Manager and the Park Director shall be members of the Commission ex- officio and without vote. (ORD.00-112A, 1/21/01) Members shall be appointed for terms of three years. Appointees shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed and qualified. The term of ex-officio members shall correspond with their respective office tenures. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed. member before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties shall take an oath that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of his or her office. All members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided in the adopted budget of the Park Department. (ORD. #36-1989, 10-30-89) (ORD. #39-1990 - 1-29-90)(ORD. #84-1997 - 2/28/97) -78- 255.10 Organization. Meetings, etc. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its appointed members for a term of one year with a limit of two consecutive terms as Chairperson; and the Commission may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, and findings, which record shall be a public record. 255.15 Duties. It shall be the duty of the Commission to meet from time to time with the City Manager, the City Council, the Parks 8+restsr Superintendent, to consider matters pertaining to ,parks, open. space, '~^°^°°~' ^'^^'- `docks, and City controlled shoreline as a referred to the Commission by the City Council, City Manager, the Parks wester Superintendent or as members of the Commission deem proper regarding such matters. The public policy of the City of Mound is to strive to: a) provide present and future residents of the City an unpolluted environment; b) provide access to lakes and streams in the community; and c) provide parks which afford natural beauty as well as recreational enjoyment. It is understood that the Commission is advisory to the City Council and is created pursuant to the authority conferred upon the City Council by Minnesota Statutes, Laws of 1987, 412.621, Subdivision 1. (ORD. #84-1997 - 2/28/97) 255.20 Reports to be Advisory. The Commission reports, conclusions, and recommendations shall be made to the Council, Manager, and Parks 8i~ester Superintendent as may be requested, or to any or all of them as the Commission deems appropriate in the light of the matter under consideration. Its reports, conclusions, and recommendations are purely advisory, and the final determination and responsibility shall be with the City Council. It shall be aided and assisted in every way possible by the Parks wester Superintendent who shall be appointed by the City Manager. (ORD. #10-1988 - 1-26-88) Passed by the City Council this 13th day of December, 2005. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the 24th day of December, 2005. Effective the 25th day of December, 2005. a -79- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION N0.06-_ RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT (#A14569) WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY REGARDING ELECTRONIC PROPRIETARY GEOGRAPHICAL DIGITIZED DATA BASE (EPDB) AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE EXTENSION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Hennepin County has developed a proprietary geographical digitized data base (EPDB); and WHEREAS, the City of Mound desires to use the County's EPDB in the course of conducting the City's business; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound approved the license agreement on April 13, 1999, by Resolution #99-31; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound approved the extension of this agreement through December 31, 2002, by resolution #02-17 and extension through December 31, 2003 by resolution #02-112; through December 31, 2004 by Resolution 04-09; through December 31, 200 5 by Resolution 05-08; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County is now asking that we extend the EPDB Conditional Use License Agreement through December 31, 2006; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the City Manager to execute the extension of Hennepin County's EPDB Conditional Use License Agreement (#14569) through December 31, 2006. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -80- ~--. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION RELATING TO CERTAIN HAZARDOUS PROPERTY: PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF CERTAIN COSTS BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 463.15, ET. SEQ. The City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota (City) resolves: Section 1. Background: Findings. 1.01. The City Council by Resolution No. 02-90 determined that the property located at 2957 Cambridge Lane in the City (Property) was hazardous within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 463.15, subd.3 and ordered (Order) the correction of the hazardous conditions at the Property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 463,15 to 463.261 (Act). 1.02. The Order was presented to the Hennepin County District Court pursuant to the Act and the Court ordered the removal of the hazardous conditions by the City by Court Order (Court Order) number 02-19285 dated March 4, 2003. The Court Order is attached as Exhibit A. f,.-,, 1.03. The hazardous conditions have been corrected but the City has incurred various costs and expenses in connection with that removal. The Court Order authorizes the City to recover those costs and expenses (Costs) by means of a special assessment against the Property in the manner provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061 to 429.081 and the Act. Section 2. Authorization: Hearing. 2.01. The building official of the City and the City Attorneys are authorized and directed to prepare an assessment. roll listing all of the costs and expenses authorized for the Assessment by the Court Order and to present that assessment roll to the Council as soon as possible. The Assessment Roll will be made available for public inspection prior to the hearing date fixed by Section 2.02. 2.02. The City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2006, to conduct a public hearing concerning the Assessment and to adopt the Assessment Roll or modification thereof for certification to Hennepin County for collection in the same manner as other municipal taxes. 2.02. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish and mail notice of the public hearing in the manner provided by law. Sectioin 3. Payment Option. The owner of the Property may, at any time after the adoption of the Assessment Roll and prior to the certification of the Assessment Roll -81- to the County, pay the whole of the Assessment with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Clerk, except that no interest will be charged if the entire Assessment is paid within 30 days of the adoption of the Assessment Roll. The owner may at any time thereafter pay to the City Clerk the entire amount of the Assessment remaining unpaid with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which the payment is made. Such payment must be made prior to November 15 or interest will accrue and be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk _82_ CONSENT AND WAIVER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 2006, by and between June L. McCarthy, a single person, (hereinafter "McCarthy"), and the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, McCarthy is the owner of the land within the city of Mound having a street address of 3198 Westedge Boulevard, and legally described in the attached Exhibit A, (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, the Property was recently inspected by representatives of the City to determine the condition of certain improvements located thereon, and WHEREAS, such inspection revealed that portions of a second floor outside deck were in danger of collapse due to the failure of certain structural supports for such deck, and WHEREAS, such inspection further revealed that an outside swimming pool located on the property was unfenced and was collapsing, and WHEREAS, based on the conditions disclosed by the inspection, the City has determined that the Property is a "hazardous building or hazardous property" within the meaning given that term in Minnesota Statutes, Section 463.15 through 463.621 (the "Act"). WHEREAS, the City has reported the results of its inspection to McCarthy and McCarthy agrees with the conclusions contained therein, and with the City's conclusion as the applicability of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the removal of portions of the deck and the securing of egress to the removed portions of the deck, and the securing of access to the swimming pool (the "Project") are necessary in order to protect the public health or safety; and WHEREAS, The City is willing to undertake the Project and to specially assess the Property for the cost of such work subject to the provisions of this Agreement, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of McCarthy that the City undertake the Project, and McCarthy is willing to agree to accept the levy by the City of 100% of the cost of the Project against the Property; and WHEREAS, the city is willing to construct the Project in accordance with the request by McCarthy provided the assurances and covenants hereinafter stated are made by McCarthy to ensure that the City will have valid and collectable special assessments as they relate to the ~.-, Property to finance the cost of the Project; and JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 -83- WHEREAS, were it not for the assurances and covenants hereinafter contained, the City would not undertake the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter provided, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. McCarthy hereby petitions for the undertaking of the Project consisting generally of the elements contained in the attached Exhibit B ("Project Plari") together with additional work items determined necessary by the City (subject to the dollar limitation contained in paragraph 3 below). 2. McCarthy represents and warrants that she is currently the owner of the Property; that there are no liens or encumbrances against the property, and that she has the full legal power and authority to encumber the Property as herein provided. 3. McCarthy has been informed that the estimated cost of the Project, including, without limitation, all engineering, legal, administrative and fiscal costs is $3,700, but further understands and agrees to the payment of actual costs up to 120% of the estimated cost. McCarthy requests that 100 percent of the actual cost of the Improvement Project be assessed against the Property. 4. McCarthy for herself, and for her successors and assigns in title to the Property waives notice of hearing and hearing pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.031, on the Project, and the notice of hearing and hearing on the special assessments levied to finance the Project pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.061 and specifically requests that as to it, the Project be undertaken and special assessments be levied against the Property without hearings. 5. ..McCarthy for herself and her successors and assigns waives the right to appeal the levy of special assessments in accordance with this Agreement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.081, or reapportionment thereof upon land division pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.071, Subd. 3, or otherwise; and further specifically agrees with respect to such special assessments against the Property that: a) any requirements of Minn. Stat. Chapter 429 with which the City does not comply are hereby waived by McCarthy; b) the increase in fair market value of the Property as a whole resulting from the Improvements will be in an amount at least equal to the total cost of the Project assessed to the Property, and that such increase in fair market value is a special benefit resulting form the Project; c) assessment of 100 percent of the actual cost of the Improvement Project against the Property as outlined above is reasonable, fair and equitable and there are not other properties against which such costs should be assessed; and d) it is the intention of the City to provide for the payment of such special assessments in five annual installments, with interest at the annual rate of 8% JBD-272005v5 -84- commencing in 2007. e) In the Event McCarthy sells the Property, or pledges the Property as security for any loan, the remaining principal amount of the assessment and all accrued interest will immediately become due and payable. 6. Right of Entry. a) Effective upon the date hereof, McCarthy hereby grants to City, its agents, employees, contractors and invitees the right to enter upon the Property, for the purpose of making and installing thereon all of the improvements required by it to be installed on the Property to accomplish the Project and for the further purpose of storing materials, equipment and other items thereon which are needed in connection with the Project. b) The right of entry shall expire on the earliest of the date the Project is completed or six month from the date of this Agreement. c) In consideration for such right of entry, City agrees: (i) to use the Property only for the purposes described herein; ~~ (ii) to do no unnecessary damage to the Property and restore .the Property to substantially the same condition as the condition in which it was found by City at the time of City's entry upon the Property pursuant to this Agreement (except for the addition of the installed improvements). (iii) to hold McCarthy harmless from and indemnify her from any and all claims, damages, judgments or obligations, including the cost of defense of suit, arising out of liens placed on the Property (except for the lien of the special assessment provided under this Agreement), damage to Property or injury to anyone incurred or alleged to have been incurred in connection with or as a result of any work done pursuant to this Right of Entry, or as a result of City's intentional torts or negligence. This covenant will not apply to any conduct by McCarthy, her agents, contractors or employees which alter any of the work performed by the City under this Agreement. 7. The covenants, waivers and agreements contained in this Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of McCarthy and shall run with the land and bind all successors in interest thereof. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement be in a form which is recordable among the land records of Hennepin County, Minnesota and they agree to make any changes to this Agreement which may be necessary to effect the recording and filing of this Agreement against the title of the Property. 8. This Agreement shall terminate upon the final payment of all special assessments levied against the Property regarding the Improvement and the City shall execute and deliver JBD-272005v5 -85- such documents, in recordable form, as are necessary to extinguish the rights hereunder. 9. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to obligate McCarthy to payment of an assessment in excess of 120% of the estimated cost contained above, or the actual cost of the Project, whichever is less, plus interest. 10. McCarthy agrees that she will not permit or allow the removal or alteration of the fencing or guard railings that are installed as part of the work described in Exhibit B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA By: Its City Manager By: Its Mayor June L. McCarthy STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF HENIVEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by and , respectively, the City Manager and Mayor of the City of Mound, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. JBD-272005v5 Notary Public -86- STATE OF MINNESOTA } !~ ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by June L. McCarthy, a single person, as her free act and deed. Notary Public This Instrument Was Drafted By: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED (JBD) 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-337-9300 ,f"~'', ,~ JBD-272005v5 _g~_ EXHIBIT A Leal description of Property [To be completed before execution] That part of Government Lot 5 in Section 23, Township 117, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying Easterly of Halstead Bay and lying Southerly of a line drawn parallel with the South line of said Government Lot 5 and distant 1557 feet Southerly as measured along the East line of said Government Lot 5 of the intersection of the East line of said Government Lot 5 and the North line of State Highway No. 110, described as follows: That part of the above described tract of land lying Northeasterly of "Line 1" and Southwesterly of "Line 2", said lines described as follows: "Line 1": Commencing at the found Hennepin County Reference Monument located on the South line of said Government Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of North 87 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, along the South line of said Government Lot 5, a distance of 59.27 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 301.40 feet along the arc of anon-tangential curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 840.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds, and the chord of said curve is 299.78 feet in length and bears North 45 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East; thence North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East along a line tangent to the last above described curve a distance of 19.82 feet to the actual point of beginning of said "Line 1" to be described; thence North 44 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 35 feet more or less to the shoreline of Halstead Bay of Lake Minnetonka; thence South 44 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 308 feet more or less to the shoreline of Priest Bay of Lake Minnetonka and there terminating. "Line 2": Commencing at the found Hennepin County Reference Monument located on the South line of said Government Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of North 87 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, along the South line of said Government Lot 5, a distance of 59.27 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 301.40 feet along the arc of anon-tangential curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 840.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds, and the chord of said curve is 299.78 feet in length and bears North 45 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East; thence North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East, along a line tangent to the last above described curve, a distance of JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 A-1 _gg_ ~--- 178.27 feet to the actual point of beginning of said "Line 2" to be described; thence North 33 degrees 56 minutes 4 seconds West a distance of 35 feet more or less to the shoreline of Halstead Bay of Lake Minnetonka; thence South 33 degrees 56 minutes 4 seconds East a distance of 260 feet more or less to the shoreline of Priest Bay of Lake Minnetonka and there terminating. Subject to an easement for County Road No. 44 lying 33 feet Northwesterly and 33 feet Southeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the found Hennepin County Reference Monument located on the South line of said Government Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of North 87 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, along the South line of said Government Lot 5, a distance of 59.27 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 301.40 feet along the arc of anon-tangential curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 840.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds, and the chord of said curve is 299.78 feet in length and bears North 45 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East; thence North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East along a line tangent to the last above described curve a distance of 19.82 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence continuing North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance of 158.45 feet and there terminating. The sidelines of said easements are to be lengthened or shortened to intersect "Line 1" and "Line 2". Also subject to an easement for watermain purposes over under and across a strip of land 5 feet Southeasterly and adjoining the Southeasterly right of way line of County Road No. 44. Together with an easement for ingress egress drainage, and utilities over and across a strip of land lying 10 feet Southeasterly and 10 feet Northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the point of beginning of "Line 2" described above; thence South 33 degrees 56 minutes 4 seconds East along said "Line 2" a distance of 49.8 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 43 degrees 14 minutes 7 seconds East a distance of 79.20 feet more or less to the Southeasterly right of way of County Road No. 44 and there terminating. The sidelines of said easement are to be lengthened or shortened to intersect said "Line. 2" and the Southeasterly right of way line of said County Road No. 44. 7BD-272005v4 MU220-5 A-2 _gg_ EXHIBIT B Proiect Plan 1. Remove existing deck from rear of house. 2. Install guard railings 48" high on second floor patio doors. Install 6' high chain link fence around abandoned swimming pool. JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 B-1 -90- ~-. RESOLUTION # 06- A RESOLUTION APPROVING FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE FOR UPPER ADDITION FOR LOCATED AT 2636 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD PID # 24-117-24-13-0027 P 8~ Z CASE # 05-70 WHEREAS, the applicant, Dr. Paul Olson, has submitted an application for a front setback variance to construct an upper story addition over a portion of the existing garage (attached) at 2636 Wilshire Boulevard. The variance is described as follows: Required Existing Requested Variance Front 30 feet 10 feet 10 feet 20 feet and WHEREAS, the property is located within the R-1 Single Family Residential Zoning District and subject to the provisions of City Code Chapter 350.620; and WHEREAS, the property includes a 2-story home which is accessed from Wilshire Boulevard and includes frontage on Lake Minnetonka;-and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to construct a home office and sitting room, adjacent to the master bedroom, which would be built over the 2nd stall of the existing garage on the southwest side; and WHEREAS, a variance was issued in 1989 which allowed a 10-foot front setback for the attached garage as well as a kitchen addition. WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the variance (subject to conditions); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at its November 14, 2005 and November 28, 2005 meetings as required by the City Code. ~. -91- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the front setback variance subject to the following conditions: A. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. B. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the variance(s) application is approved. C. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. D. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits. 2. In approving the requested variance, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposal, as submitted, does not change the existing building footprint. B. A variance was granted previously for the existing structure which allowed a reduced 10-foot front setback. C. The existing house has a nonconforming lake setback, therefore, construction on the north side of the house is not possible unless a variance is granted. D. Due to the placement of the existing house on the property and current design layout, there is no other reasonable location to accommodate the proposed addition. E. The existing house has a nonconforming front setback, therefore, construction on the south side of the house is not possible unless a variance is granted. F. Construction of an addition on the east side of the existing house is unlikely unless a variance is approved. 3. This variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Lot 2, Wilbur K. PALM ADDITION City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minn. 4. This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction how this property may be used. _92_ ~, 5. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. 6. The variance is valid for one (1) year following its approval unless an extension is approved by the City Council pursuant to the City Code 350:530, Subd. 2 (E). The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The. following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted January 10, 2006 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -93- Engineering ~ Planning Surveying .i McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. January 3, 2006 Mr. Carlton Moore City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364-1627 Subject: City of Mound 2005 MSA -Advance Funding MFRA #15745 Dear Carlton: The Deputy State Aid Engineer (DSAE) sent a memo stating there may be advance funding available for 2006. The City should request advance funding again this `year, to cover the remaining shortfall for the R/W cost of the County Road 15/110 project. The City received an advance of $750,000 in November 2005. The remaining balance owed for right of way is $336,896.32. As in previous years, the City Council will need to pass a Resolution that can be forwarded on to the DSAE. The DSAE will prioritize the list and submit it to the State Aid for Local Transportation (SALT) Division. The SALT Division will approve the projects which will receive "advances" by February 1, 2006. In summary, a resolution similar to the attached resolution must be passed by the City Council at the January 10"' council meeting. The resolution should be sent to me and I will attach the required paperwork to the DSAE for the remaining $336,896.32. If you have any questions, please do no hesitate to call me Sincerely, MFRA D~ ~.e Robert Dehler, P.E. RD:jm Enclosure cc: Kandis Hanson s:\main:\Mou15155\corres\moore 1-3-06 14800 28th Avenue North, Suite 140 • Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 94 _ phone 763/476-6010 fax 763/476-8532 e-mail: mfraCJmfra.com SALT 512(4/04) NiJNICii-AL STATE AID STREET FUNDS ADVANCE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Mound is planning to implement Municipal State Aid Street Project(s) in 2005 which will require State Aid funds in excess of those available in its State Aid Construction Account, and WHEREAS, said City is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) through the use of an advance from the Municipal State Aid Street Fund to supplement the available funds in their State Aid Construction Account, and WHEREAS, the advance is based on the following determination of estimated expenditures: Account Balance as of date 12-29-2005 Less estimated disbursements: Project tt Project # Project # Project # Bond Principle (if any) Project Finals (overruns-if any) Other $ 336,896.32 Total Estimated Disbursements $ 0.00 Advance Amount (amount in excess of acct balance) $ 336,896.32 WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.14, Subd. 6 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8820.1500, Subp. lOb, and WHEREAS, the Municipality acknowledges advance funds are released on a first-come-first-serve basis and this resolution does not guarantee the availability of funds. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested to approve this advance for financing approved Municipal State Aid Street Project(s) of the City of Mound in an amount up to $ 336,896.32. I hereby authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to the Municipal State Aid Street Construction Account of said City in accordance with the schedule herein indicated: (initial one) X Repayment from entire future year allocations until fully repaid. -Repayment in equal annual installments -Repayment from future year allocations in amounts listed below until fully repaid (maximum 5 year repayment). $ CY $ CY $ CY $ CY $ ~ CY I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City of Mound , County of Hennepin ,State of Minnesota, at a duly authorized Municipal Council Meeting held in the City of Mound ,Minnesota on the day of , 20_, as disclosed by the records of said City on file and of record in the office. ~ City of City Clerk -95- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 3, 2006 SUBJECT: Street Vacation Request -Portion of unimproved Lake Street APPLICANT: Shawn Ness and Mary Soderlund PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 05-59 LOCATION: 5951 / 5945 Lynwood Blvd ZONING: R-1 SFR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential SUMMARY The City Council will hold a public hearing for review of an application(s) from Shawn Ness and Mary Soderlund to vacate a portion of unimproved Lake Street which abuts their property located at 5951 and 5945 Lynwood Boulevard. PROCEDURE Minnesota State Statutes Section 412.851 states that a statutory city may abandon ownership or control over all or any part of the land they have set aside, dedicated or used as streets or alleys and further states that a City Council may initiate the action by resolution or by the submission of a petition by a majority of the landowners and the owners of at least 50 percent of the land area. Procedurally, state statute requires that the City. Council must hold a public hearing on the proposal following two weeks of published notice and posted notice. The City must also provide written notice to each affected owner at least (10) days before the public hearing. The public hearing notice was posted on December 19, 2005 and published in the Laker on December 17th and December 24th. Additionally, the notice was mailed to all involved properties within (350) feet on December 30, 2005. Therefore, all publication, posting and mailing requirements have been satisfied. City policy also requires that any proposed vacation request is reviewed by the Planning Commission, Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission and/or Docks and Commons Advisory Commission (as appropriate) prior to formal review by the City Council. Members of the City Council are advised that the vacation application was reviewed by the Planning Commission on October 10, 2005. -96- /~ VACATION ACTION When a city vacates a street, the involved portion of the public right-of-way is split 50-50, (presumably to the centerline) and is usually free of easements either in favor of the public or owners of other property abutting the street. However, state statute allows that a City may specify the extent to which a proposed vacation affects existing utility easements, including the right to maintain and continue existing utility easements. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment: City Engineer Bob Dehler Application is complete for review. Public Works Director Moore Parks Supt. Fackler Fire Chief Pederson Police Chief Kirtz Building Official Public Works Supt. Skinner Planning/Engineering Tech Hanson PUBLIC AGENGY REVIEW No comments No comments No comments received. No comments. Permit application and plans required if garage is built. If property to the south is buildable, subject ROW should not be vacated as it may serve as future access. No comments. Hennepin County. Dave Zetterstrom of Hennepin County commented that he has no objections regarding the vacation request. 2 -97- UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials have been forwarded to all involved utility companies for review and comment. Any and/or all existing easements will be retained in the event the subject area is released. Of note, there is an existing overhead utility line located in the ROW. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. In considering a vacation request, the City Council must make a finding that there is no public benefit to retaining ownership of this particular section of unimproved right-of-way. 2. If the proposed vacation request is approved, any and/or all existing public and private utility easements would need be retained and/or reserved. 3. Vacation requests are not subject to the timeline provisions as set forth in M.S.S. 15.99. 4. The Ness and Soderlund properties are provided access via a driveway located within unimproved Lake Street. Private cross easements and/or a maintenance agreement will be required and shall be submit to review and acceptance by the City of Mound. Applicant(s) shall be responsible for preparation and submittal of this document(s) in a form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County. 5. The original vacation was submitted by Shawn Ness and involved the vacation of the portion of unimproved Lake Street which abuts his property located at 5951 Lynwood Boulevard. It is Staff understanding that the Ness family is planning to construct a detached garage in the subject area and is proposing to vacate the subject area so as to alleviate a setback condition. Following the Planning Commission meeting on October 10th, the adjacent property owner, Mary Soderlund, agreed to participate in the vacation application. 6. Recent amendment to zoning ordinance allows the application of a 10-foot setback (side or rear) for properties abutting unimproved streets exceeding 15 feet in width. 7. The vacant property located SE of the subject property is tax-forfeit and held by the City of Mound 3 _gg_ r~ PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the vacation request as recommended by Staff as there appears to be no public benefit to retaining the unimproved portion of Lake Street abutting the 5951/5945 Lynwood Boulevard properties subject to the following conditions: 1. In the event there are existing municipal or private utilities in the ROW, easements shall be preserved and/or obtained. 2. Payment of all involved costs associated with the request. 3. Applicant(s) shall be responsible for preparation of a private cross easements and/or a maintenance agreement which shall be subject review and acceptance by the City of Mound. Document shall be submitted in a form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County. 4 _gg_ CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # OS- A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF UNIMPROVED LAKE STREET ADJACENT TO PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 5951 AND 5945 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD PLANNING CASE NO. 05-59 WHEREAS, the applicants, Shawn Ness and Mary Soderlund, have submitted an application to vacate a portion of Lake Street public right-of--way which abuts their property located at 5951 Lynwood Boulevard and 5945 Lynwood Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the subject area is unimproved, unmaintained and is not serving as a public access in the subject area; and WHEREAS, the subject area of Kells Lane proposed to be vacated provides driveway access to the applicants' property; and WHEREAS, there are public and private utilities located in the right-of--way and the City can specify the extent to which a street and/or public right-of--way affects easements including the right to maintain and continue existing utility easements; and WHEREAS, the vacation request was reviewed by the Planning Commission on October 10, 2005 who voted to recommend vacation subject to conditions as there was no public benefit of retaining the involved portion of Lake Street right-of--way and easements can be kept and/or maintained for any and/or all utilities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, the City Council of Mound held a public hearing on the vacation request on December 13, 2005 and provided proper notice thereof pursuant to state law; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: The City does hereby approve the public street right-of--way vacation application and makes the following findings: 1. There is no public benefit to retaining the subject area as it is unimproved, unmaintained and is not being used as a public road. -100- 2. It appears to be in the interest of the public to make the vacation because it will allow for public property to be returned to the tax rolls; and allows for more extensive "buildable" area for the applicants. 3. Hennepin County has no objections to the vacation. 4. The property located immediately south of the proposed ROW area to be vacated is a former tax-forfeit parcel which has been deemed to be unbuildable due to wetland conditions. The vacation application is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicants shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the vacation request. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for any and/or all proceedings subsequent. 3. The City and all involved private utilities reserve an easement to maintain and continue all existing public and private utilities currently located in the street right-of--way to be vacated. 4. The applicants shall provide a cross driveway maintenance easement which shall be submitted in a form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County, which shall be r,--,. made subject to review and approval by the City of Mound. This vacation request is approved for that portion of the public right-of--way legally described on the attached Exhibit A. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted January 10, 2006 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -101- PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE # OS-59 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE VACATION OF AN UNIMPROVED PORTION OF LAKE STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound, will meet on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 7:30 PM to hold a public hearing to consider a request from Shawn Ness, 5951 Lynwood Boulevard and Mary Soderlund, 5945 Lynwood Boulevard, for vacation of a portion of unimproved Lake Street which abuts their property. The area(s) to be vacated is legally described as follows: The west half of that part of Lake Street, as dedicated on Koehler's Second Addition to Mound, lying northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 22, said addition, and southerly of a line drawn from the northeast corner of said Lot 22 to the northwest corner of Lot 32, said addition. The east half of that part of Lake Street, as dedicated on Koehler's Second Addition to Mound, lying northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 22, said addition, and southerly of a line drawn from the northeast corner of said Lot 22 to the northwest corner of Lot 32, said Addition. Copies of the application materials are available to the public upon request at City Hall. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Jill Norlander Planning and Inspections Administrative Assistant Posted: December 19, 2005 Published in the Laker on December 17, 2005 and December 24, 2005 -102- ~-.. MINUTE EXCERPTS ' MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 10.2005 BOARD OF APPEALS CASE#05-59 STREET VACATION -UNIMPROVED PORTION OF LAKE STREET -CONTINUED FROM 9/12!05 MEETING 5951 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD -SHAWN NESS Applicant is requesting release of unimproved Lake Street that abuts his property. The owner on the east side of Lake Street has not been heard from. The applicant would like to use the unimproved Lake Street for driveway access to a proposed garage south of the existing house. Staff is recommending release of this portion of Lake Street. The tax forfeit property south of the Ness property is designated wetlands and is unlikely to be developed. Staff will research the origin of the right of way to determine how the area should be split. Shawn Ness (5951 Lynwood Boulevard) The neighbor to the east will be glad to join in `~ on the vacation. The purpose for the vacation is to replace the current garage and realign the current curving driveway with a straight line in from Lynwood. It adds usable space to the backyard. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Ayaz, to recommend City Council approve the vacation with staff recommendations and cross easements for driveway purposes for both properties on either side of the vacated area. Osmek would like to see acknowledgement of participation in writing and appropriate signatures from the adjoining neighbor. MOTION approved unanimously. -103- n 5341 Maywood Rwd, Mound. MN 55364 Phone 952-472.0600 Fex 9521372-0620 VACATION APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date Case No. City Council Date Please or tint clsa APPLICANT Name , ~l ~ f ~ l~ ~ JS lo L...~/ T ~.~,. ~(~L.~ ,~,, N~ /~ , e - ~Q~ 1-~Niw'~-D i~ j~~jL- V l) Addro.s , YY1bV ~ YY11~ 5-~~3 b~' _ , Phone (Home) ~5~' ~~~ 3~ I~ (Work) ~~jj 1p (Cep) ~~~- c3(7~J !~~ ,~ E-Mail Addross Fax ,r/ Adjacent Addrosa ~ `~'Y, ~ ~-~~~~Z?~/ I~ ~~y~ \ ~) ~-"^~.J ADJACENT PROPERTY Name of Business (APPLICANTS PROPERTY} Lot 3 Subdivision _ I~ /C~ ; ~ ' ~' 61ock PIDA~ ZONING DISTRICT Circle: R-1 R-1A R-2 R-3 &1 B-2 &3 AREA ~~~ ~\`~ ~~ a ~ ~nn r~vP, ~~ '~r~"~C' -~ TO BE ~'u~r~e_~~~! ~- c~r'~~Ck aw S VACATED REASON FOR Sp T ~x1 17y~' ,`in r ~ Y~P1~1 [ ~~ P Tx~.?t~..rr~~S REQUEST -}- ~ ~ ,~,~ PUBLIC E A NC.'~~ ~ 1M~/ k~,ny©:~~~c~11~ ~ . NEED FOR THIS LAND? I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that i am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of thisAa`pplicatiolnn~.` A~ ~ $~~W~ ISc~S ~Au~YI 1 ~wYV Print Applicant's Namtl: Applicant's Signature Date Print A licant's Name Applica ignature Date Vacation Information (10/2512004) Page 4 of 4 ~~ ~` -104- ~rrrt~t r tt~„ .~ .. . ~b o ?,~ o ~ ~ x~oo ~~ rnrn'a ~~ ~.w~o ~ I ~~~a ~~ ~o~o~~ O ~~~o ti ~ 0 4 c o ? . ~ K S' W ~ 1 ,,.~ ( D ~ ° n ~ ~c ~ ~ o n `~ y °' . ~ a~ ,y, l ~ ~ G~ ~ ~ ~ O C rt N ry y O y. C o~ m ~ ~c o- 0 aQ ~ ~~ O n. 0 ~ ~ ~Qro ' m X30 ~ m O ~ o_ Q [ y O ~ b ~~ ~. N q A 4 Q, r 4 ~ II o co I ~ `° O ~ ~ p `~ o g a ~ ~ p ~_ ~ 0 c r' ~ J cD U; Op _n-.*, .. p N l~.a N ~ -`I C.~ m 0 `-I~ (~ ~-~ c LAKE ~ ____-~ -C O ~~ ~ 4~ ~ ; ~) ~ x ~° F-y o0 =4 ~O~ / C ~ ` 1 O ~ w b0 b0 ~ ~ -~ ~ rn ~ ~ a ~ 0 0 0 0 o ? ~* .~ N () V1 G1 O O m; oc ~'~ x o < µ• ~ ~ ; n ~ 7 1, ~ ~ q ~ c a o ~ o ~, ~ ~ "' < ~ r- ~ M `< 0 0 4 a I ~ W West Line of Lot 22 "~ o S' a k p rn ~ ^~ p ~ Q k p~ c4D D ~ O O tq Q ' Q i Q O g O O' tq Q U g O II o ~. ? O t p cn II ~ J o~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~,~ ~ v , W 0 ~ O Q O ~. ~ Q ~ ~ ~ tq ~ O ~' O Q L ~ 1 ~" ~" ~ "'' Q J ~ ~ ~ J c~u ~ ~ ~- J• J m o fi o o ~ j ~ o ~ ° a ~ J ° o a c ~ c a. c ~ °, ~ m ~ ~ Q ~ ~ °, ~ ~ o ~ ~ Q O _ ~ O ~ .1 Q Q ~ cD p ~ Q O N ~ O J ~, O ,~ O j O O O N Q ~ ry, r. CD Q. Q. ~ O N cp \ p N Q ,.~. ,-~ ~D Q ~1 ~C' <D ~ cD ~ ~ ~ Q p ~ ~v ~ ~ o Q p ~ ^' ~ ~ o o ? ~ ~ ro ~O o o o J ~ o ~D 0 , ~ 0 4 v- ~ O Q O o ~ 3 j 3 ~ y n Adjacent House N 0°23'10' ~W ~ 76.65 ''~ :9 _ 20.3 36.1 ~ ~ rt ~. a ~ ~ O ~ ~"~ ~ N ~ ~ N m \ ~ 36. 1 2 $\ PVT G~'pq 4F\ ~ ~ Ret. C~ N N z O a cp 0 uJ M t7 O j m s a ~ n O~ O N ~ " U ~, °' _ ~ r OH _"" -~ ~ pry.... ~ ...r.~...~ Proposed street Vacation W ~ \ 0 3 ~ ~ \ Z ~ Adjacent Carage u \ ~ co Adjacent House ~ / ? \ - _ ._. s o°4z'la" E 1 72 79 , / N . ~~ ~~ 0 i r„ O rt - ` > N O D ~ W ~ A O X ~ y q ` X `J ~ J ° b ~ 0 4 o cn ri. v ~ ~ W ~ ~ t' ~ ' - t n. a a ~.. Z ~ ~ O 0 o v o `i o D ~ co ~ ~ ~ ~ r II o ° ° = rn ~~ `~ 4 to m D ~ zrv ~ tv ~ n - Z -,, .o ~ N `~ 0 ~ ~ °° v a°o ~ o O ~~r~ ~ ~O ~ .p d ~ ~ ,~ ~ ,fi ~ t ~ O T O Z 0 0 Cl1 F... IV 0 7 O 4 0 ~. I O °. x b I ~-~ O ~~ ~~ I O • I r A . ~i1 '~ V 1 Property Information Search by Street Address Result page Page 1 of 2 N~n~~ir~ ~~~~~ .. . Property Information Search The Hennepin County Property Tax web data daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9; search ey: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable Click Here for the 2005 State Copy to be used when filing for ,iii . ---- -- ~ii l~'i~~ ~' ~}!~~' A~URESIir Property ID: 14-117-24-43-0002 I Address: 5951 LYNWOOD BLVD ` ~ Municipality: MOUND School Dist: 277 Constr~ HOUSE or BUILDING Watershed: 3 Approx. 1 #; Sewer Dist: 5951 i Owner Name: S NESS & T MORTON STREET NAME: Tax a er Name P y SHAWN M NESS/TINA M MORTON (at least first 3 & Address: 5951 LYNWOOD BLVD characters) MOUND MN 55364 '; Lynwood Blvd UNIT # (if applicable) Most Current Sales Informs ' Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate ValuE ~ Search - Clear arms-length transactions. 99 Sale Date: April, 19 20 Sale Price: $113,900 records per page Transaction Type: Warranty Deed Tax Parcel Description Addition Name: KOEHLERS 2ND ADDN TO MOUND Lot: 022 Block: Metes & Bounds: THAT PART LYING E OF W 130 Fl' Abstract or Torrens: ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes P Values Established by Assessor as of .7; Estimated Market Value: $153,000 Limited Market Value: $153,000 Taxable Market Value: $153,000 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $1,588.80 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: $24.40 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/addrresult., Y~7 9/7/2005 Default Hennepin County Property Map illfiiiii~ ~IAIAIk ~; 1~ ill Recente on click '.o.~ Yes -~,~~~ 29 :2163 6tIZ!! 19000 til8 59°T2 `5 5t~2 #99b4 53M+{19 85142 'SUl3 ~'i98 L~IQt3 9L'it~ ..__., ~ 85i~9': ~~~~ s~:~~ ~t iilllnurrd s3a~15 ao2~ t~9 ' S9lF9 838 221 .2292 z ,, 222 ~~t +~'' 2236 ~2~~: ~~~ ~ ~ s 5 5988 ~ 5 s~ 7ii 2?, 2248 Last update: 8/11/2005 at 3:30 PM -- READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Click for detailed information on this parcel Property ID Approximate Property Approximate Property Perimeter Area 14-117-24-43-0002 571 ft. 19,080 sq.ft. = 0.44 acres Property Address Market Value Total Tax (2005) 5951 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND, MN $153 000 $1 613 20 , 55364 , . Page 1 of 2 Give us Your feedbac Hennepin County Su Haw to use Mag Lot dimensions are availal ~~ For quicker respon; information on sum 'Recenter on click'. Show: ,o, Aerial Photos Oft ~:_.-~ 2004* Aerials On City Names Street Names Address Number *Mpls. aerials south of Fran from 2003 The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any mi: derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mall at SUPVCVOr.MapsCo)co hennepir The quality of the display may be inflii?Head by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Home ~ Your County Government ~ Licenses, Certificates, & Registration I Employment & Volunteerino ~ Health, Housing, & Social Services i Law, Public Safety, & Courts ( Environment. Property & Transportation Copyright ©2005 Hennepin County, Minnesota ~ www.Hennepin.us n..,-...-..otin;~., n..r.-., I r-....~-,,.~ u,,.,.,....~., rw,...~., f c........~s..,io.~.,~..., c~-.r....,...,F http://wwwl3.co.hennepin.mn.us/publicparcelir~~ X08 ,;fault.aspx?PID=1411724430002 9/7/2005 Default ate tilt ~. ww ~rao. Recente on click Yes No Hennepin County Property Map Last update: 8/11f2005 at 3:30 PM -READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Click for_detailed informato_ n on th_ is parcel Property ID Approximate Property Approximate Property Perimeter Area 14117-24-43-0002 571 ft. 19,080 sq.ft. = 0.44 acres Property Address Market Value Total Tax (2005) 5951 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND, MN $153,000 $1,613.20 55364 Page 1 of 2 Give us your_feedbac Hennepin County_Su How to_use Map For quicker responf Information on sum 'Recenter on click'. Show: Aerial Photos Ofi 2004' Aerials On City Names Street Names ^Address Number Lot Dimensions 'Mpls. aerials south of Fran from 2003 Lot lines different froi The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any mi: derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mail at SUI"VeyO_I'.Ma_ps.@co.henne_p The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or Later version for proper operation. Home ~ Your County Government ~ Licenses, Certificates, &_Registration ~ Employment & -Volunteering I Health, __ _ Housng,_& Social Services ~ Law, Public Safety, &_Courts I Environment _Property,.& Transportation _ _ _ - _ _ Copyright ©2005 Hennepin County, Minnesota f www.Hennepin.us http:/Iwwwl3.co.hensepin.mn.us/publicparcelimage/default.aspx?PID=1411724430002 9/7/2005 -109- Property Information Search by Street Address Result page ww,+u. - ~ Search By: AiSI?f7.E55 .~.,.~ HOUSE or BUILDING #: '.5945 __.. _ _. STREET NAME: (at least first 3 characters) Lynwood Blvd ', UNIT # (if applicable) Search Clear 20 records per page Page 1 of 2 ~~~~~ ~~ ~ Property Information Search The Hennepin County Property Tax web data daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9; Parcel Data for Taxes Payable Click here for information on your PRQPQ5FD 20Q6 PRtJPERTY Click Here for the 2005 State Copy to be used when filinrg~f!o~~r•~ Print ~ ~ `~ Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: 14-117-24-43-0016 5945 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND 277 Constrt, 3 Approx. I D P SODERLUND ETAL DONALD P SODERLUND 5945 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND MN 55364 Most Current Sales Informs Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value arms-length transactions. NO SALE INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. Tax Parcel Description Addition Name: KOEHLERS 2ND ADDN TO MOUND Lot: 032 Block: Metes & Bounds: W 82.4 FT OF N 155 FT OF LOT 2 Abstract or Torrens: ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes P Values Established by Assessor as of ~~ Estimated Market Value: $161,000 Limited Market Value: $161,000 Taxable Market Value: $161,000 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $1,692.15 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: $25.67 Total Tax: $1,717.82 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/addrresult.~ ~,1 ~ 12/6/2005 Last update: 9/11/2005 at 3:30 PM -- READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Click for detailed information on this parcel Approximate Property Approximate Property Property ID Perimeter Area 14-117-24-43-0016 486 ft. 13,376 sq.ft. = 0.31 acres Property Address Market Value Total Tax (2005) 5945 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND, MN $161,000 $1,717.82 55364 Page 1 of 2 Give us your feedbac Hennepin County Su How to use Map Lot dimensions may be ur 169 because they are in a For quicker respon: information on sum 'Recenter on click'. Show: (o~ Aerial Photos Ofi ~:_:~ 2004* Aerials On City Names (~ Street Names [Address Number [! Lot Dimensions •Mpls. aerials south of Fran from 2003 The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any min derivatives. ~"„, HCPropertyMap Hennepin County Property Map ouL ~! ~: ~! ~. ~' ~: Mlrll' `'C Recente on click ~.o.' Yes _~...: - . ' S9~}6 S~TZ t~6Z X54 '8 5942 5932 5D18 iY 8LV17 5925 59tti1 ~yyy S 5975 J~~J~ sJ:nu~ arS~1 ~~„,, ur~d ~~ 2211 2212' J 2228 r ~g~ llfi 225 ?23~f 85 ~ ~~ 5~T6 2 22+3ti No Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mail at SUfVa'~/Or.MapS@ca.hennepir The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Home ~ Your County Government ~ Licenses Certificates & Registration ( Employment & Volunteering ~ Health, Housing Environment Property & Transportation -~~~- http://wwwl 3.co.hennepin.mn.us/publicparcelir~~a~r;~ ~~upropertymap. aspx?PID=141172443... 12/6/2005 HCPropertyMap -~ ^r~ w mow: r ~, w Recenter on click v.' Yes _.' No Hennepin County Property Map Last update: 9/11/2005 at 3:30 PM -- READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Click for detailed information on this arcel Property ID Approximate Property Approximate Property Perimeter Area 14-117-24-43-0016 486 ft. 13,376 sq.ft. = 0.31 acres Property Address Market Value Tatal Tax (2005) 5945 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND, MN $161 000 $1 717 82 55364 , , . Page 1 of 2 Give us your feedbac Hennepin Count Su Haw to use Map For quicker respon: information on sum 'Recenter on click'. Show: +:_:~ Aerial Photos Ofi !:o~ 2004* Aerials On [~/] City Names ~ Street Names [Address Number []Lot Dimensions 'Mpls. aerials south of Fran from 2003 Lat lines different fro The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor, The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any mi: derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mail at SUrVeyor.Maps aC~CO.henn~it The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Home ~ Your County Government ~ Licenses, Certificates, & Registration ~ Employment & Volunteering ~ Health, Housing Environment, Property, & Transportation htt //wwwl3.co.henne m.mn.us/ ublic arcelin~ ~ ~ 2~~ ro ert a .as x?PID=141172443... 12/6/2005 p~ P~ P p ~ p P Ym P P Property Information Search by Proi~erty ID Result page ~- ~~ . Search Property ID: 1411724430019 Search_ _ Clear p~ 1 Page 1 of 2 Hr~n~~~n ~~~~ Property Information Search The Hennepin County Property Tax web datat daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9:: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable AA•IIl~R~IIAAAIAAAI® Property ID: 14-117-24-43-0019 Address: 85 ADDRESS UNASSIGNED Munic;;~atity: MOUND Schoen Dist: 277 Construe Watershed: 3 Approx. P Sewer Dist: Owner Name: HENNEPIN-FORFEITED LAND Taxpayer-Name -CITY OF MOUND- & Address: 5341 MAYWOOD RD MOUND MN 55364 Most Current Sales Informal Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value arms-length transactions. NO SALT= INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. ~~ Tax Parcel Description Addition Name: KOEHLERS 2ND ADDN TO MOUND Lot: 032 BIocIC: Metea & Bounds: COM AT THE INTERSEC OF THE W LINE OF LOT 32 WITH THE NELY EXTENSIOI` OF THE SELY LINE OF LOT 23 TH NELY ALONG SAID EXTENSION TO THE Note: This is a Partial Metes & Boun To receive full tax parcel descriptioi taxdescription a~co.hennepin.mn.us Abstract or Torrens: ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes P~ Values Established by Assessor as of ]a Estimated Market Value: Limited Market Value: Taxable Market Value: Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: Total Tax: h //www2.co.henne in.mn.us/ gins/ idresult.'S ~ ~ 3 1411724430019&callei=link 9/7/2005 ttp: p l l~ J r~r Default wat r ~_ ~; ~t i 1 ' _! Recenter on click '.o:` Yes _! No Last update: 8/11/2005 at 3:30 PM -READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Click for detailed infarmafon on this rcel Property ID Approximate Property Approximate Property Perimeter Area 14-117-24-43-0019 744 ft. 28,584 sq.ft. = 0.66 acres Property Address Market Vafue 85 ADDRESS UNASOIGNED MOUND, MN $0 Tatal lax (2005) $0.00 Gi Hennes How to (jLot dimen `~ar.wui~.e®. For quit informa~ 'Recent Show: ;~o; Aerie '.._.:~ 2004 ~, City I L~ i StrE:E (~ Addr~ "Mpls. from 2t,,,., The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrE purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsibly derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mall at SUI"VE:VOr MaDSCalCO The quality of the display may be inrluenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x7 Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Nome ~ Your Caunty Government ~ Licenses, Certificates & Registration ~ Emoloyment & y Housing & Social Services ' Law, Public Safety 8c Courts ( Environment prooertv & Transportat onrfn ~ _I Copyright ©2005 Hennepin County, Minnesota ~ www.Henne ~~,.,.~~:..,~,~., ~..,:~., w ~...,~~~~ ~.,~....~.~ r,..,.,~, I pin. us C..,,....1~a,/Oria,-...., CF~~..m....4 -114- ,.. „ Hennepin County Property Map ,--. 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: January 5, 2006 Re: Recommendation to Continue Public Hearing -Rezoning Proposal from Gillespie Center for property located at 5680 Bartlett Boulevard from R-2 to B-1 Business As the-City Council is aware, a public hearing-has -been scheduled fore 7:30-P-M-on- January 10, 2006 for review of the application from the Gillespie Center to rezone the property located at 5680 Bartlett Boulevard from R-2 Residential to B-1 Business. An adjacent property owner has expressed interest in attending the public hearing on January 10"' but has been deployed overseas for military service until January 21, 2006. Therefore, Staff respectfully recommends that the public hearing be formally ~~ opened and continued to 7:30 PM on January 24, 2006 and that no discussion and/or testimony be taken until such date. ,-., -115- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 5, 2006 SUBJECT: Rezoning Request APPLICANT: Gillespie Center PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 05-84 LOCATION: 5680 Bartlett Boulevard ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Linear _ _ _ _ __ _ _ SUMMARY The City Council will hold a public hearing for review of an application from the Gillespie Center to rezone the property they own which is located at 5680 Bartlett Boulevard from R-2 Residential to B-1 Business. PROCEDURE Minnesota State Statutes 462.357 Subd. 3 states that no zoning ordinance or amendment can be adopted until a public hearing is held by the planning agency or by the governing body. Additionally, the notice of the public hearing must also be published at least (10) days prior to the hearing date. According to the City Code, the City Council is responsible for holding the public hearing for review of all text amendments and rezoning. The public hearing notice was posted on December 19, 2005 and published in the Laker on December 24th. Additionally, the notice was mailed to all involved properties within (350) feet on December 28, 2005. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW OF CITY CODE AMENDMENT City Code Section 350:520 requires that any proposed text amendment which is not initiated by the Planning Commission must be referred to the Planning Commission for review and must not be acted upon until it has received the Planning Commission's recommendation. Members of the City Council are advised that the rezoning proposal was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its December 12~' meeting and recommended for approval (subject to conditions). A copy of the meeting minute excerpts has been included as an attachment. -116- ~-, CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all appropriate City departments for review and comment. PUBLIC AGENGY REVIEW Copies of the request of all supporting materials were forwarded to Hennepin County and the DNR for review. No comments received. DISCUSSION 1. The property was purchased by the Gillespie Center 1-2 years ago. A house formerly existed on the property which was demolished in 2004. 2. The property located south and west of the subject lot is zoned B-1 Business 3. The property is guided for future "Linear Use" according to the Mound Comprehensive Plan. As the Council is aware, state statute requires that zoning ordinance and comprehensive plans are consistent with one another. 4. Preliminary parking lot and utility plans for a proposed parking lot project have been prepared for the subject site and were reviewed preliminarily by the City Council earlier this year. The Council directed the Gillespie Center to pursue rezoning of the property and approved an interim parking lot plan so as to allow soft surface due to funding issues. A copy of the City Council Memorandum dated August 17th has been included. 5. The rezoning application was submitted and deemed to be complete on or around September 29th and the deadline for City action on the application was on or around November 27th. Staff executed a 60-day extension on November 10th. The City's deadline for action on the rezoning application is January 25, 2006 unless the applicant(s) approves an extension. 6. The Official Zoning Map shows the "north" half of the property to be zoned B-1 Business. However, based on of review of historical files, Staff believes the Official Map is incorrect and the entire subject property is zoned R-2. 2 -117- 8. Screening and buffering provisions are included in City Code Chapter 35.720. 9. City Code Chapter 350.760, Subd. 3 (D) states that a fence, of adequate design, not over (5) feet or less than (4) feet must be erected along the Residential Districf property line(s). Additionally, no off-street open parking area containing more than (4) parking spaces can be located closer than (5) feet from an adjacent lot zoned or used for ~ residential purposes. 10. Hardcover is allowed up to 75 percent in the B-1 District. 11. A copy of the Land Use Table for the commercial and industrial zones has been included. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted 5 in favor and 3 opposed to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning amendment as recommended by Staff. In general, the members who did not support the amendment indicated that the proposal should be reviewed concurrently with the proposed parking lot project. Details regardin~q the Planning Commission's review of the amendment are contained in the Dec. 12 meeting minute excerpts which have been included as an attachment. A draft resolution approving the rezoning amendment has been prepared. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS • Kelly Michaels, owns the properties located at 5661, 5665, and 5668 Bartlett Boulevard respectively. Members of the Council are advised that the property located at 5668 Bartlett Boulevard is immediately east of the subject site. Mr. Michaels met with Staff the week of December 28th and indicated that he is being deployed overseas for military service and therefore cannot attend the public hearing on January 10~'. In summary, he expressed concern about the Gillespie Center's ability to undertake the parking lot project and further commented that the lot has had little or no maintenance since the 2004 demolition of the house. He also commented on possible impacts of the proposed parking lot on his property. A letter from attorney Jacqueline Dorsey, who represents Mr. Michaels, was received on January 4, 2005 via fax and has been included in the packet. 3 -118- ~, 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952)472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPLICATION FROM THE GILLESPIE SENIO CATED AT 50680 BARTLET BOULEVARD ~ PROPERTY LO - - - i`dOTiCE-i~-I~I~BY-GIVT-' N--that-the City Council of the City of Mound, lvlinnesota~ will meet in the Councilst fromt he~Gillesplie Centezto rezone t e0following described property: 2006 to constder a reque Existin Zonin Pro oseu [,omn PID Pro ert Address B-1 Business 23-117-24-14-0139 5680 Bartlett Boulevard R-2 Residential ~ g p to rovide additional '', The purpose for the proposed rezonin is to allow for reuse of the pro erty p parking for the Gillespie Center. Information regarding the proposed rezoning is available to the public upon request at City Hall. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. B .Jill Norlander Planning and Building Inspections Published in the Laker on December 24, 2005 Posted on December 19, 2005 ~' prin(ed on recYCled paper -119- L~~ ®~~a~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ®~ 4 iu,-: David Hvistendahl Mary L. Hahn Ronald L. Moersch Barbara K. Lundergan Jacqueline A. Dorsey Britt Ackerman January 4, 2006 ~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~_ _ ;r.x _ ~_-._J --- - Kandis M. Hanson BY FAX AND UNITED STATES MAIL Mound City Manager 5341 Maywood Road -- oun , mneso a - -- Re - -_ 5680-Bartlett Boulevard _ _ __ __ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ PID No. 23-117-24-14-0139 Our File No. 2751-002 Dear Ms. Hanson: This office has been retained to represent Kelly Michels for the limited purpose of providing this notice to you. Mr. Michels is the owner of properties located at 5661, 5665 and 5668 Bartlett Boulevard. He recently received notice that the Gillespie Center has requested a change of zoning from R-2 to B-1, along with the construction of a parking lot and new access to the property from Bartlett Boulevard. Mr. Michels desires the opportunity to discuss his concerns with the Planning Department and the City Counsel before it makes any decision on this matter. The announcement of a hearing to determine this matter scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2006, is the first notice that Mr. Michels received. Mr. Michels has been deployed to the Middle East for military service; his anticipated return date is January 21, 2006. Therefore, he is unable to attend the scheduled hearing on this matter. Last week the Mr. Michels spoke with Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, and notified her that he wished to have an opportunity to present his concerns to the City Council. Ms. Smith informed him that it is possible the rezoning and approval of construction could be determined at the January 10 Council meeting. Mr. Michels requested that the City defer the decision until he returns stateside. 3i i South Water Street • P.O. Box 65 i • Northfield, MN • 55057-0651 • USA 507/645-9358 • FAX 507/645-9350 -120- Kandis M. Hanson Mound City Manager Page 2 January 4, 2006 As you may already be aware, Mr. Michels resides in the property located at 5665 Bartlett Boulevard, and he rents the other two properties (5661 and 5668 Bartlett Boulevard). One of these rental properties is directly adjacent to the Gillespie Center, the subject property. Briefly, Mr. Michels' concerns about the proposal lie within the following areas: 1. Destruction of natural vegetation. along the property line. 2. Increased traffic along Bartlett Boulevard and, particularly, the potential for overflow parking along that street. Bartlett Boulevard is not designed for on- -_ _ `street par'king,,and the p©tential forinjuries would increase significantly. - -- _ - 3. Potential flooding due to redirection of waterflow as a result of converting the _ property to afully-impervious surface. 4. Snow plowing and where the snow will be piled. Potential exists for flooding of _ __ __-- __ _____ - ~d~acent-pro~e~ti~s; de~enzing upon wher~th~sno~v piled -- ---- _ __ -- ._ _ _ __ _ S. Increased noise due to more traffic traveling on Bartlett Boulevard to access the Gillespie Center. 6. The Gillespie Center has already demonstrated its failure to properly maintain its r"` property. The Center should be asked to demonstrate its financial ability to ~~ complete the project in a workmanlike manner and its ability to maintain the property. . Another concern centers around the City Council's vote on this extremely important matter occuring during the middle of winter when many property owners are out of state. Such timing will likely prevent active participation by adjacent landowners who will be most affected by the proposal. Mr. Michels supports the mission of the Gillespie Center "to keep older adults. healthy and actively involved in the community." However, he has concerns about the Center's increasing practice of renting space for activities which are unrelated to its mission. This includes space rental for proms, wedding receptions and other large social groups. The Gillespie Center has demonstrated its desire to maintain its independence and to honor its status as anon-profit, charitable organization. The Mound City Council minutes of September 15, 2004, at item 6, note that Councihnember Peter Meyer requested a line item on the city budget appropriating monthly amounts toward the Gillespie Center. Mayor Pat Meisel responded that the Gillespie Center receives donations and holds fundraisers and did not want such support from the city. Additionally, Councilrnernber Mark Hanus appropriately noted that the community should be allowed input before "large amount of tax dollars [are] given away to private groups." ~'. -121- Kandis M. Hanson Mound City Manager Page 3 January 4, 2006 As I previously stated, Mr. Michels is currently deployed outside of the United States, and he requests that all discussion and decision-making on the above-referenced matter be tabled until he has an opportunity to address the City Council in person. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, P.A. Law JAD:knt Enclosure cc w/enc: Kelly Michels John Dean, Mound City Attorney -122- .---. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 Page 1 of 4 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, September 15, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown., Mark Hanus, David Osmek and Peter Meyer. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith,; Police Chief Jim Kurtz, Police Sergeant Ken Beck, Finance Director Gino __ Businaro, Tom Stokes, Peter Pflaum, Jeremy Pflaum, Chuck Alcon, Mike Spect, Don Swenson, Jane Carlsen, Cheryl Martin, Peter Johnson, John Beise, Carolyn Krall, Dave Newman, John Schulties, David Graham. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event fhe item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and on~idered in riotrrfal sequence. _ _ __ 1. Open Meeting Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Paint Ball Presentation I'he Council proceeded to the garage below the Council Chambers fora paint ball demonstration by Sgt. Ken 3eck. City ordinance prohibits discharging a paint ball gun within the city limits and councilmembers have ~eceived calls regarding the reason for this. This demonstration was to show the impact that these paint ball I~r''' :an have on personal property and how they can cause personal injury. Reconvene_M~ma and Pledge of AlJeaian I. A;pp:rove Agenda Hanus requested the removal of 5C from the consent agenda. JIOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion tarried. i. Consent Agenda nOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to approve the consent agenda, with the exception of 5C. Upon roll :all vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of August 24, 2004-arid September 8, 2004 meetings. B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $632,626.26. C. (removed) D. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 04-100: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR WALTER KRAKE, JOHN RYAN AND NEIL SPRAGUE OF 4937, 4925 AND 4931 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, RESPECTIVELY. 2. RESOLUTION N0.04-101: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR DONALD AND GERALDINE SWENSON, 4857 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE E. RESOLUTION NO. 04-102: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE ADDITION AT 1808 RESTHAVEN LANE. P8~Z CASE #04-23, PID #13-117-24-14-14-0010. F. Langdon Trails Development ~,.-_., 1. Approve releasing $23,845.00, leaving balance of $3,749.00 in the letter of credit for Langdon ttp.~~www.cityofmound.com/2004%20City%20Council%20Minutes/September%2015,%202004.htm 1/4/2006 -123- Page 2 of 4 Trails. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 04-103: RESOLUTION TO FORMALLY ACCEPT THE PUBLIC STREETS AND UTILITIES OF LANGDON TRAILS G. Payment Requests for Projects a. Approve Environmental Associates Payment Request No. 9 for $127,401.65 for the Lost Lake Greenway Project b. Approve Valley Paving Payment Request No. 4 for $214,840.72 for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project c. Approve Doboszenskii & Sons Final Payment Request for $6,314.46 for the Mound Visions 2nd Addition. G. Approve Tree Removal Licenses for Ryan's Tree Care and Duicks TLC. -- 5C. Adopt Resolution Delegating Authority to Pay Claims to the City Manager and Finance DirectoNTreasurer Hanus requested an addition to the proposed resolution, being that disbursements made to incorrect codes will be corrected and report of such correction will be presented to the Council at the next meeting. This will be-added to #-4tn tt~e e~chit}itto t#~e-proposed-resalution~ MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution as amended. AI vote in avor. Motion carried. ---- - ------ -- RESOLUTION NO. 04-104: RESOLUTION DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO PAY CLAIMS TO THE CITY MANAGER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER. 6. Comments 8~ suggestions from citizens resent on any item not on the agenda Peter Meyer stepped down from his seat on the Council to address as a citizen regarding funding of the Gillespie Center. He requested that the Gillespie Center be made a line item on the City Budget, with a monthly appropriation beginning with the 2005. Meisel stated that feedback from the Gillespie Center indicates that this is not what they want. They receive donations from private donors and do fundraisers. Hanus stated that before considering such a thing, the community should be asked for input to see if they endorse large amounts of tax dollars being given away to private groups. No action taken. 7. Public Hearings Abatement of Code Violation at 2712 Tyrone Lane Smith informed the Council that the property located at 2712 Tyrone Lane was issued a building permit to reconstruct a detached garage which burned in 2003. The project has not been completed and currently has no roof and no door and is therefore open and accessible. Based upon review by the CSO the condi#ion of the structure is in violation of the nuisance ordinance. Smith just recently spoke to the contractor who informed her that the truss setting was scheduled for today, but was rain delayed. She suggests remanding this matter back to staff to allow members of her team to get a schedule that can be followed to get the project completed. Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 8:20 p.m., and no public comment was offered. Dean suggested to the Council to defer this matter for 2 weeks and direct staff to bring back an abatement resolution that takes into consideration the material presented this evening, plus any activity that occurs between now and 2 weeks. In 2 weeks an abatement resolution could be presented which would include, if necessary, steps needed to take to resolve the problem, and also what the city's action will be if those steps are not taken. Meisel closed the hearing at 8:25 p.m. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to direct staff to prepare an abatement resolution as suggested by http://www.cityofmound.com/2004%20City%20Council%20Minutes/September%2015,%202004.htm 1/4/2006 -124- ~-- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Michael; Commissioners: Orv Burma, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller, Dave Osmek and Jon Schwingler. Absent: Jorj Ayaz. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Leah Weycker (Gillespie en er , ames Fretham (2308 Fernside Lane), BOARD OF APPEALS ~--~ . CASE #05-84 REZONING PROPOSAL FOR 5680 BARTLETT BOULEVARD GILLESPIE SENIOR CENTER SHARON COOK This item is a request from the Gillespie Senior Center to rezone the property at 5680 that was purchased for parking purposes. Mueller indicated he was concerned about changing the zoning at this time when the Gillespie Center has no funds to proceed with the parking lot construction. He also pointed out that it is adjacent to residential property where buffering is a major concern and the narrow width of the lot makes buffering difficult. Hasse thought that the option of parking vehicles and boat trailers from Mound Bay Park is a positive side advantage. MOTION by Miller, second by Osmek, to recommend Council rezone the property as staff recommended. Michael would like to see a complete plan before rezoning is accomplished. Mueller agrees and pointed out that, once it's rezoned, it can be sold as commercial property. Miller feels that they are following the steps are required. Leah Weycker (4527 Wilshire Boulevard) indicated that the reason this has come about --~, in this way was because the basement hole needs to be filled. I MOTION carried. Voting for: Miller, Osmek, Hasse, Burma and Schwingler. Voting against: Mueller, Glister and Michael. -125- -~ Y -~~~-~ 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 5536,4 Phone 852-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. City Council Date: _ ~~ _ . Case No. Planning Commission Date: Please a or rint clear) __ARplicant _ _ ____ _ Name I ~'?~ ~~~~~'c r~r'P -P ~ '{;~~ _ Info Address U ~, ~~-~ rrl -P t2_ (^ c~ U -- -Pi~ot~e -+fo~rte~I~--H~-(c ~ t~-Vllork"/S~~#7~(v~~~: Fix- - 7 ~ , ~~ . ~ ~~ FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING It is requested that Section 350: of the Mound Zoning Ordinance be amended as follows: Reason for amendment Zoning Amendment Information (10/28/2004) Page 3 of 4 -126- FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP / ZONING DISTRICT. COMPLETE TFIE FOLLOWfNG ,~--- ~, 'It is requested that the property described below and. shown on the attached site plan be rezoned from 9 ~1~._ to ~~~1'>~'1..P/1,~~ :n.-Q-f ~," Address & _._Legal.of.. ..._ _. _ Subject Property Address _ .__:.._ __ _:._ _ . ... Lois ~, S' ~ ~o ~-- Addition ~r,~..~ l~ PID# -. r ._ _ So. ~2 ~ L~-fs Block ytc{~ ~ S, a- ~l ~ c~.-ter .~cc.~K Plat Owner of Name ~: ~ iT ~ ~ ~ 3 p ~ ~vr'~'~ ~ S~Iz)'~~t Site Address a~~ D ~r~-~'1"C~. 1 P on bme~5o`?• cf~~. (~Stb Wo ~-t: ~ ~''!r3 ~ ~7 ~ - b$3 3 Fax Present Use of ~ ~ C~(~ r~_,L,-~- ~ ~ Property Reason for ~ ~.. ~r . ~a:e.. ~. J ~•~. Amendment 1 certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and .accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that I am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Applicant's Signature _ Date ~ ~ ~ S~ Owner's Signature /LQ Date 9~2~ ~6.~` ~~ ~.~ee~ ~~~- ~~ Zoning Amendment information (10/28/2004) Page 4 of 4 -127- 35fl,;51:5 ~~ • Planning ~Commi~sion. Thb Planning Commissbn established' pursuant to Section 245 of the City Code shall provide assistance to .the City'C~o`uncil arid; Administrator in the administration of this Ordinance and at the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall revievJ, hold public hearings; and make recorrimendations to the City Council on all applications for zoning amendments and 'conditional use permits using the criteria in Subsections 350.520 and 350.525. 350.520 Zoning Amendments. . :. ~: . Subd.-1. Criteria for Granting Zoning,Amendments. The City' Council o the Zonin Ordinance and zoning map in relation both to land uses within a ~parficula~~district'br-to'tM~''aoci~ti~nlof tl~~ ~ i~• r ~ mes. • uc amendments shall not be issued indiscriminately, but shall only be used as a ri`i~ans to re'flect~bl-ranges- in~he goats-andlT~s~'c~mm~~rit`yes-l-~fleeted------- • ., ~ . in the `Plan or changes in conditions in the City: Subd. 2. Procedure -Zoning Amendments. :~t;.. • A. ::An~ame•~nd~ment to the text of the •Ordinance atzoning ma.p may be ~~i:n~itiated by the City Council, fhe.Pda.nnirtig ~Oomrr~~i5sicn orby~, application of :a -:property~owner An.y~~arner~drnentnot initiated by the .Planning Commission shaJlb`e referred •fi~ the• Planning ~•.;- ,Cornmission for~review and may.not be anted upon`by~~ lie C~duncil until.it has received the Planning Commission recommendations. Individuals wishing to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance shall fill out a zoning amendment application-forrr~' and submit it to the Zoning Administrator. .~ • _~:, ti, B. The property owner applying for a zoning amendment shall fill out and submit to the Administrator a rezoning application form. A site `plan must ke attacletl or drawn below at`a scale large enough for {`~ ` ~~ 'clari y'sfiowing tfie'fiollowing information:'' ••- •` . .~ ,~ "~• 1. Location and dimensions~~of: lot, building, driveways'and off- street parking.. :-: ; : , - ,. . ,. , , ~ 2. Distance between: building and front, side, and rear lot fines; ,principal building and a~cesso'ry buildings; principal building "; ~ and principal •buildings .on adjacent lots: 40 2/5/00 -128- ,.-. `~ M:~und •City Code 350.5~D;, Su'bd. 2; B. 3 3. Location of, signs, easements:~~unde~rgr~~iahda~~ilities, etc: `~~~~' ~. ~ ~ ~ - ~ 4 ; ~ i 1 Any., additlonaJ,;iClforma~lQ:n. as-may r~'asonably be required by - ., ~ the ;Administrator and applicable sections ofi~the ~Zoriirig Ordinance:. ,~.. , .k, , . f . C,. The Zoning~Administrator shall maintain records of amendments to the text and zoning map of the Ordinance. • The ~City~ Coun~i~l~trmay not act until it has received the advice from the Planner or 60 days . has .passed from referral:. ,:~~~ ~° . ` Q ~~. .. f~. pt~~ilc~hegring on-all rezoning shall.be held tay the Cty_ Council. IVVllV4'i!`':/.I:VUrM., r4{.wl rtr~,~7C~••. -a.':.r. gcgn -. ~.-.--:-, ... .:. ..~ _._ designed by the City Council at least ten (1 b) days prior to the The ~Cit.:Clerk+:s.hall mail the.same notice to the ovvners;;of property:located within three hundre an i y eeF- -- of the outer. boundaries of the .land proposed to be rezoned. The notice shall include the description of the land and the proposed . -~: changes,inzoning..The Mound:PlanningrCorrimission must take ~~ ~• aoti,o.n ~.on the ~:application,within.sixty'days #o'llowing referral. The person making the application shall be notified of the action taken. ~, ~ ~ >The Planning ~Cvmm~ission~shall?r~nake Its report to the'~Mound City { i ~ ~ -<~ Council: at ~fs~~_next!regular 'meetirig'~followtng ~its~•~action recommending approval, disapproval or rn~d'ified approval of the proposed amendment. E:• ~ • ~No application of a property owner'For pan amendment to the text of the~~rdinance.or the.zoning map shall :bye considered by the.. Planning Commission within the ;one.-year, period following a~denial of such request; exec;pt~~the:Plan.I~i.pg;;~omnlis.,sion may permit a new application, if in the opinion of the Planning Commission, new . evidsnce;or a change of circumstances warrant it. 4l -129- ~ . 2/5/00 ~ ~ ~~ s a~ b 3 ~~ J q~ m YN ooO C~ 0 d J Q •~ p~W~ rq L ~ 'y G rq 9 ~ z N ~ :~ ~ , ~ ~ , +.I ~up 9 8 ~ O ~ ~qy j1G r p Op ~ y6 ~ 9 mb 6~•. ~ m V ~ ~ U ~ ~Q Q G ~ u ° ,~ 9 F3 ~ o a a a a .~ ~~~ C~ yp0 J Y J 0 a a N ~ $ $ N O N ~' 55~~ QQ ~ W ~p „ O q ~~~rn aSv~' .m aQ a WNN N ~~.~ as "" W F'i Fti~P4 ~ ~CYi ~ ~,~ ~ y+.~~~ b~• i5c4~~ !s O W m g~ ~~ O .~oOi ~ ~ O ~y h b -130- P =Permitted Use ~~ Uses- Business and Industrial Zones c =Conditional Use A =Accessory Use ~ - ~ =Not Avowed Section 350:670, Page 1 of 3 B-1 B-2 B-3 1-1 Non Non Non ~ Non Uae Shore Shore G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. Accessory Outdoor Retail Uses C C C y - - - ~ - - - - - - ~~ ~ Accessory Structure Other than Garages - - - - - - ~;~ C C C ~ - - - Animal Hospital C ~r C C~ C C C ~~ - - - C C C Assembly/Storage of: - - - - - ~ - - - ~ EI E C C C ,. n~c.n~ ~ S ~1 ~'4i 2 Food Roducls ~~ i ~, Glyn t}~q 1. LNIMt ~h~ ~ ~~ ~ 6. Popery wrw-wooo-Producla.... e t VtH~]g .... ~~_ l[9 ..... _. vm : f. Ml~ 7. Pepar PiodiMle ' ~~ • 0. TexUla rl~ ii t~ i :i 3 ~ te. Toheooo rhoduaa ~ : ~ 11. Feb~lallon MeW Produtn 1% 1) ~4 ~a.Tn~euortno~ ewdPmsm t~. LIV~dd BuNc 9lewpe Auction Hall Banks Barber and Beauty Shops Boat and Marine Sales Buildings Over 35 Feet in Height Business or Trade School Bus Terminal and Taxi Stands Car Wash Churches Commeraal Parking Lots (Not affiliated with principal use) Commercial Recreation Community Resid Facilities (~s or fees) Community Resid Facilities (s or less) Consignment Shops Construction and Special Trade Contr Cultural and Fraternal Institutions Delicatessen and Dairy Store Drive- In Retailing Establishments ~-., ,~ Drug Store C C C P P P P P P C C C C C C P P P C C C P P P C C C C C C P P P C C C P P P C C C P P P P P P P P P C C C P P P C C C c c c P P P C C C C C C P P P C C C P P P C C C P P P - - - a - - - - - - - - - i - - - _ _ _i i C C C _ _ - - - i - - - I P P P C C C C C C C C C C C C P P P P. P P C C C P P P C C C c c c P P P C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C -131- Use Uses- Business and Industrial Zones (Section 350:670) Page 2 of 3 B-1 B-2 B-3 1-1 Non Non ~~ Non ~ Non Shore G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. ~ Shore G.D. R.D. ` Shore G.D. R.D. •°~ Electrical Substations - - - a - - - - - - ~ C C C Essential Service Buildings C C C `~~ C C C C C C C C C Grocery Store P P P ~~ P P P ~ a C C C C C C .Health Ciub, Fitness Ctr & Dance Studio P P P ~ P P P ~ - - - t P P P Home Occupations - - - ~; ~~ - - - ~ P P P ~ - - - Hospitals C C C ! I.,l ~: rS C C C ~~ - C - C C Household Goods- Warehouse & Storage - - - `~ - - _ ~ - = P - P P Incidental Repair or Processing A A A ~' I A A A _ - - .: P P P (Necessary to con u a pens neaps u Institutions and Non-Profit Corporations P P P ~ P P P ~ ~ C C C C C C rReliclous, Health, Educational, or Charffable Nature} ~~I ~ Licensed Day Care Facilities Limousine Service- Liquor Stores Major Auto Repair, Tire, Battery Stores Medical and Dental Clinics Minor Auto Repair, Tire, Battery Stores Motel and Motor Hotels . Motel Fuel Station Motor Fuel Station, Convenience Store Multiple Dwelling Structure Newspaper Printing or Published Shops Offices Open Sales Lots Planned Industr Area (sbn to section aso:sso~ Private Lodges and Clubs Private Garages, Off-Street Parking Public and Private Utility Uses Public Buildings Public Park and Recreation Public and Private Schools C C P P C C C C C C P P A P P C C C C C P P P P C C C C C C C C C C C C P P P P A A P P P P C C C C c. C ,r ~ F ~ C C C S C C C C C C ih , - - ~?~ C C C C C C C C ~~ C ~ ~ - - - - - - ~ C C C C C C - P P - - - ±i P P P y, C C C C C C - - - - - - ;• r~ C C C C C C C C C ~. ~~ ~ - - - ~y ?~. ~Id C C C C C C C C C t 1 C C C C C C • - - - ~i C C C P P P ~~ - - ~ fit P P P C _ C _ C _ iti ~~~ ,~ - _ - _ - _ ~~ ~~ ~~ C C C C C C P A P A P A ~ ~f' - A - A - A ~, ~~ J.,: r f~F P A P A P A _ _ _ ~~ _ _ - ~ ~i'i P P P P P P ~ ~,w P P P ~~ P P P P P P q;l ~?!~ a R4 P P P p ~•;~ ~: P P P -132- ~~-- Uses- Business and Industrial Zones tSection 350:670) Page 3 of 3 ' B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 Non Non Non Non Use Shore G.D. R.D. '' Shore G.D. R.D. _ Shore G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. Refrigerated Warehousing - - - I - - - - - - P P P ,r Research Laboratories - - - - - - r ~. - - - P P P Restaurants{c~assq P P P P P P ,~ ~ C C C C C C a : t Restaurants (class n) C C C ~ C C C i - - - C C C Restaurants (class ni) C C C ~ C C C~ - - - 4 C C C Restaurants (cuss iV) C C C ~ C C C C C C C C C ry ~ ~ ti Retail Businesses P P P ~. ~ P P P~ - - - P P P ,. 5 Retail and Mail Order Businesses C C C S C C C - - - P P P S8n/ICe Sh0 S Single Family Detached Residences - - - y - - - ^ ~ P P P ~~ - - - , s -~avem--- _-_ C- -G c_ ; - - - ~~ 2 C C M1 • ~ . Television and Radio Stations - - - ~ - - - • ~_ - - ~ C C _ C. _ ~ ~ ~i Temporary Construction Buildings A A A ~ A A A - - - - - - ,,,_.., Theaters P P P ~ P P P - - - i P P P ( Townhouses. - - - - - - C C C - - - Twin Homes - - - - - - ~ ~ C C C - - - Two Family Dwellings - - - ,:~~ - - - P P P ~ - - - Warehousing and Wholesaling - - - - - - - - - P ~r P P Wholesale and Assembly Operations C C C C C C - - - C C C ,,--~' -133- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTE EXCERPTS AUGUST 23, 2005 6A. Review of areliminary plans. for parkins lot exaansion project - Gillesaie Center Sarah Smith reviewed that representatives of the Gillespie Center have submitted a request regarding a proposed expansion to their parking lot. Their proposal is to grade the lot and cover it with rock and leave it for a year. The idea is to let the base settle and then pave it in 2006 hoping they have more money by then. They also want to drop the concrete curb and gutter until the larger parking lot can be included with this one. They are asking the Council to consider waiving the requirement for paving and curb and gutter and allow for a phased implementation. Meisel asked if they had permission"from the County for an exit onto Bartlett ou evar an aron oo m ica e a ey ave me i and an exit on Bartlet is approved. Cook also indicated that they have the first - ---eptians-en~he-~le~en-the-csrner-e#-Ba#a®tt and~hsr€line-arad-both-#~at-lof-and-the --_ one included in this request have no uses but for parking lots. The City is in need of more parking for Mound Bay Park, and could use these lots when not being used by Gillespie Center. Meisel stated that action is not requested on this item at this time. Smith indicated that there will need to be follow up action by the Council regarding the rezoning of a portion of the proposed site, also. -134- 5341 Maywood: Road ~ Mound, MN 55364 ~, (952) 472-30604 Memorantlum City of Mound Planning and Buiidinc~ Department To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director Date: August 17, .2005 Re: Gillespie Center Parking Lot Expansion Proposal Summary. Representatives of the Gillespie Center have submitted a request to the City Council regarding a proposed expansion to their parking lot. As the Council may be aware, the Center purchased the adjacent property to the west in 2004 and are .....planning to utilize°the propertyfor-parking purposes. Discussion. 1. The subject property is currently zoned R-2 and B-1. The applicable portion(s) of the recently-acquired parcel will need to be rezoned so as to accommodate the proposed .use. 2. ` In the event it has not yet been done, the subject property will need to be tax- ~ combined at Hennepin County. 3. .City Code requires specific standards for commercial. parking lots (ie. curfiing, sfriping, surfacing, etc.) It is Staffs understanding that the Gillespie Center would like the Council to consider allowing the parking lot to be graded and "soft surfaced" for an interim period due to funding issues. 4. Stormwater issues associated with the parking lot expansion will- need to be addressed. 5. The "comer property" is not included in the current parking lot plans, however, it is Staffs understanding that the Gillespie has a "right of first refusal" with the current owners. 6. If appropriate., Staff will assist the Gillespie Center with the rezoning application. Gillespie Center will be responsible for all involved fees and/or consultant(s) costs unless waived by the City Council. 7. The Public Works Department has offered to assist the Gillespie Center with preliminary site preparation /restoration activities. These activities will be coordinated through Public Works. Director Carlton Moore and Superintendent Greg Skinner. ~. -135- Sarah, The City received the attached letter and plan from Sharon Cook regarding the expansion of their parking lot at the Gillespie Center. John Cameron and I have reviewed the proposed plan and have submitted comments to them. We feel there are some hurdles that need to be addressed before this can proceed. They have been very good to work with but they do not have any money to put towards the parking lot at this time. Their proposal is to grade it in accordance with the plan and cover it with rock and leave it for a year. The idea is to Iet the base settle and then pave it in 2006 hoping they-have rriore money by .then to_pave it (no_ guarantee ), They also want to drop the. concrete C & G until the.. larger parking lot can be included with this one This raises another issue and that is the proposed plan does not work with any future plan which incorporates the entire corner ProPem'- e igges issue a ieve is ey nee ion par g an ono ve e s to purchase the adjacent property or pay for the new parking lot as is required by code with paving, C & G . They are asking for the City to consider waiving these requirements and allow for a phased implementation. I suggest we discuss this before proceeding. Carlton -136- To: Candice Hanson Mound City Manager From: Sharon Cook Gillespie- Center Date: 17-April-2005 RE: Bartlett Lot Development Dear Candice: We have received extensive plans regarding our vacant land and the future development of the ......land.... The plans received. are well beyond our: means. We are asking the Mound City Counsel to consider an alternate p an w is we av ' detail with the city staff. This alternate plan better suits our plans for this development and our budget. The alternate plan.. that your staff has proposed is reasonable and we sincerely request that the plan be accepted by the .council. Thank you for your time and consideration, Kind regards, Sharon Cook - ,~ -137- -_a~ _ _ roll ~, --- - I ~ 1. ~.. ~ I ---'_g 7a _- 1 •, l ~~ g "-~-._ _.. ----. _ 1 T I I r - -- .a ~-'---`~-_930'1 i IJ~=:9QB "~- --._~, ---. c 939--- ' ._843. `lal -`"I. IG 1 ~ / I! m ~ LI ~ i ! ~ I &y a -.-.! - !J• 1 .939- . ~p Jd _ r- _.~~ 1 _ I'1 I ~ i x ~ nE S 11, pill I / ~ ~ ~ N. ~ ?' i- ~ } ~ ill I / 1 q 1 ` # • • ,J •''^F-.1~ , ~ --iinf ~i l ~L wi~[.- ' ~,r! ~:..--' ^ ~~ ' _~ 41"'~ i ~ ~ _~ i _h! 1_. , ~.~ °, -- - - -°- ! , p .. 11111 ,M}y^li~~ ® . /. ---- - " 1` ~° `11'1 ~1 •c --___-- -~I - . 11 i` `"'._^i ----~- ^-943'-----_.__-._ -.I~ --~- ~` _ 11 ~ it ~ ,J ~ "942 -__`_ - . ~^ `~ { { ```~. ,-'{~_____-- - ___-~ . _ 'd 1111 ~•-~!___-___--_- -~`-`..% _`"_- -_ l``ij ~~939__---__ _ 1'1111 - -'..1~ --~` -'__ -__~ __~______ ! " t _ _ ~ ____-- ______935___- . 1_ y'S.Y~ ~~. q-1~ '--- 4 - _~1- - `_ -' '! -_ _ ~ 4--~,, -- - --- _-_-~ --1------------------ -- -1~ ~'~'------,J / 7 1 ~-- - '[~_"'__'-'_' -_i rFi o ^t.. ~ ._ ~ M ~ I,,aJ4. n --- ' ~ _ - ` `~1 j. ._.- • ,r ~ rya a -` ~ _~/, ~'-~__ ~~__"- -gam` ~ ~ 1• ~ ~' ~~"--1: i ~~ -'~ ...~~ `;ply '1 ,1 iii - - - -'aZ81 ,i ~i +-I I'~ - ~ 1*~ ~ _.._- _~J~ `,1111 ________- ' ,' ~ 1 ~ I --- ---D --- , ~._ .--Q -~'- ~ '~~ -_ -_-__ `~ i ~___ _-93r---'^ v ---_~ I -931' p _~Z ~---Il-.-~ ~~ ~- c~ ~ MINNETRISTA MINNESOTA ~/ BunesUOO StPaulOmn ,',.MO°`'Q1"~''^«~*~n,w u.mnau.av Rosene 3335 wart xlphwsy as. "~~° ° ~` °A'rOOjM~""°"'°' L'! GIL:LESPIE CENTER PARKING LOT E aloarrla,"°~`"Q1tlm'"p"'°'""'°'"`" °""" AAdlNIk & SL PaW, Mn 55113 new ~~ ° >K °"'~ ° ""p1°I" ~~ ~ ~ ~ . PARKING LOT GFADING - ~ ~ ~ - AssoU6[es Fhpna: 653-636-anon S Ew...,. 6 4,w.cv Fax: 651+676.1333 ""'°'m rarwa ooc ,.,,... ~~~,~+~ t,~~,., _~.~.~ MEMORAND UM DATE: MARCH 28, 2005. TO CARLTON MOORE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: JOHN CAMERON, CITY ENGINEER ' SUBJECT:GILLESPIE CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION Ihave reviewed the preliminary parking -lot grading plan and have the following. comments and `recommendations: -1: Phi storm-sewer-shot~id-be-e~ctended-and-~vvo-satcl~ basins-added.in-the_~iriv~way _ ---. _ -- __ __------ to Bartlett Blvd. (CSAH 125). I also .looked at the possibility of running the proposed storm sewer to the County main in Commerce Blvd.(CSAH 110); however this line appears to be too high to pick up the entire new parking lot. It ~-~-~ may be possible to connect C.B.M.H. 101 and 102, but not C.B.103. The County Line discharges into the ditch that runs between Lake Langdon and Lost Lake. The size of the pipe in 110 would need to be checked for capacity and: of course permits would be required from Hennepin County. 2. Storm Water Management Permit. It appears that the -plan would only need to meet the BMP's. This would probably mean that the storm sewer structures will need to have sumps and skimmers. Because of the small size, neither rate control or treatment would not be required. 3. A staged improvement schedule brings up additional concerns if the lot were to only have a gravel surface for any length of time. A problem could occur at the entrance to Bartlett Blvd. with gravel washing into the street, since the entire lot drains that direction. An entrance permit from Hennepin County will be required. This was only a cursory review, so there may be additional items that will need to be addressed. 15050 23RD AVENUE NORTH JCAMERON~MFRA.COM PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 _139_ (763)476-6010 FAX (763) 476-8532 ~ ..-- O _ - ~----- W M Q o v J d C ,p Y `O ~a a. o d c E V N W d ` •~ C ~ .~ cal w 0000000000 0000000000 0 0 00000000.0000000 000000oooooE.ooc~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~OIOtf)h~00 O~ NOCDttyrtnCpM 0 N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Or00Lt~000LC)00O:00CDO N NrM01~ MC~COaprO!MtnOr 0 e}' O F. 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N w.. O N (S{ d -141- Property Information Search by Property ID Result page .~ Page 1 of 2 Hnp~in ~~-~~ ~~,$PtCFi Ti~i3!', Property Lnformation Search The Hennepin County Property Tax web datat daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9:: search B~~ Parcel Data for Taxes Payable .~ ~~ ~~ ~ F~~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ This parcel is enrolled in the Direct Debit program and the taxes will be automati Property ID~ 23-117-24-14-0139 Address: 5680 BARTLETT BLVD Municipali~y~: MOUND Property ID,: School Dist: 277 Construe 2311724140139 ~ Watershed: 3 Approx. P Sewer Dist: 'search (ear _ _Owner-Name: - THE_~LLLESP E CENTER _ _ _ -- Taxpayer Name THE GILLESPIE CENTER & Address: 2590 COMMERCE BLVD _ _ _ _ __ _ _ MOUND MN 55364 __ Most Current Sales Informal Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value arms-length transactions. Sale Date: September, 2003 Sale Price: $150,000 Transaction Type: Tax Parcel Description. Addition Name: MOUND BAY PARK Lot: Block: 009 Metes & Bounds: LOTS 4 THRU 6 INCL ANDS 1/2 OF LO' ' 44 THRU 46 INCL Abstract or Torrens: TORRENS Value and Tax Summary for Taxes P~ Values Established by Assessor as of Ja Estimated Market Value: $31,000 Limited Market Value: $31,000 Taxable Market Value: $31,000 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net. Tax: $806.96 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: $4.94 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult.js~ ~ 42-2311724140139&caller=link 8/17/2005 Property Information Search by Property ID Result page Page 2 of 2 Total Tax: $811.90 Property Information Detail for Taxes Values Established by Assessor as of 7a Values Land Market $30,000 Building Market $1,000 Machinery Market Total Market: $31,000 Land Limited $30,000 Building Limited $1,000 Total Limited: $31,000 Qualifying Improvements C{assifications: Property Type COMMERCIAL- PREFERRED Homestead Status NON-HOMESTEAD Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status 12822 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. Tax related questions: taxinfo co hennepin.mn.us Need help locating a property on our site? Check out our Search TIAS Home ~ Your Count Government ~ Licenses, Certificates, & Registration ~ Emplo Social Services ~ Law~Public Safety, & Courts (Environment, Property, & Transo Copyright ©2004 Hennepin County, Minnesota ~ www.Hennepin.us Accessibility Policy ~ Contact Hennepin County ~ Secures/Privacy Statement http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/pidresult.j~= ~ 43-2311724140139&caller--link 8/17/2005 Default tt~.~~~,~p;~~~ i iir-; i4w~r twMr ~' Recente on click ice:; Yes '._:' No Hennepin County Propeirty Map Last update: 8/11/2005 at 3:30. PM -READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER1NFORMATION BELOW Click for detailed information on this p arcel Property ID Approximate Property Approximate Property Perirneter Area 23-117-24-14-0139 444 ft. 10,693 sq.ft. = 0.25 acres Property Address Market Value Total Tax (2005) 5680 BARTLETT BLVD MOUND, MN $31,000 55364 $811.90 Page 1 of 2 Give us yaurfeedbac Henneoin County Su How to use Map Lot dimensions are availal For quicker respon; information on sure 'Recenter on click'. Show: ~::_:~Aerial Photos Ofi ~o 2004* Aerials On ~_City iVames _ Street Names Address Number "Mpls. aerials south of Fran from 2003 Lot lines different fro. The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and Is not responsible for any mi: derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mall at SUPV2VOr.MapS~4 C0 hennepll The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and Is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Home (Your County Government ( Licenses Certificates & Registration ~ Employment & Valunteerino ~ Health, Housing, & Social Services ~ Law, Public Safety & Courts ~ Environment Property & Transportation Copyright ©2005 Hennepin County, Minnesota (www.Hennepin.us http://wwwl3.co.hennepin.mn.us/publicparcelin ~ 44„~ault.aspx?PID=2311724110033 8/17/2005 /~~; ~ _ ~ / /- ~ --1 ,-~ _ L_ ` //_ ;-,~ ~-~ ~i~/ o I L~ L_ (-/ u /. 0 w z J 1-- Q W W z I P~N~INK FENCE S-~Or1E. wPl"1. o rCN ~ KE.'~ CURB ~ n n ~ T~~ "E NSO~2~~p 75. ~ ~ - -MIDPOINT OF 1 ~E EAST LII ,- w , I CONO'~ o ~ '' \ r~ ~ _ ~ _Z ~ ___,_T-- ~ ~ -' ~ ~ f ~ I o ~ O T 12 0~ ~ r-- ~ ~ ~ / - •-) KEYSTONE WALL- ~' ~, ~ 0 ~ FENS ~ ~i i ~ ~ ~ CHP.,N~K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ''. I `r ~ ~ TREE ~ ^ i~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~f . 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CERTIF"IGA'TIC~N I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land~~Stir`ii`~ryQr~, under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date signature; ~,Septeinb~r 1~~-+,2005 Date f survey. April 22, 20(a~ A (~.iuc~';.. ~..l~. { 4 '~~ k ~ ~ ~'. " L e J. Nord ~: ~ `~~" `~' Minnesota L~ns¢'-.No.` '2~03~~'~_t~~,~.~:' r cJ J, '•, ,,.• ,.~ ~,, iJ,~~~~~ r~F`~,~ ```~,, NOTES 1. The orientation of this bearing system is based on the south iine~ of Gioc~. 9, I'YiOUND E3AY i'ARK, which is assumed to have a :bearing of South 80 .degrees 08 minutes 45 seconds West. ~~'"~""'"`'^`'~""°~'°''-1.:°°AF$G O~ the proper#;•• .~±e>~e~~bfld hereon i~ 11,p54 square .feet or 0.25 acres.. li 3. Existing utilities and services shown hereon, where located either physically, from existing records made available to us or by resident testimony. Other utilities and services may be present. Verification and location of al! utilities. and services should be obtained from the owners of the respective utilities prior. to any design, planning or .excavation. ~~#:- Title work was not furnished to Egan, Field & Nowak, Inc. for the preparation of this survey to verify ownership. the. legal .description, or the existence of any easements or encumbrances. -LEGEND O MANHOLE ® CATCH BASIN -b- HYDRANT ® GATE VALVE ~ UTILITY POLE ~f- LIGHT m ELEC. BOX + SIGN ~~ BITUMINOUS SURFACE ~;' r• CONCRETE SURFACE ,?x DENOTES PINE oex DENOTES BOX ELDER t or x DENOTES TREE UNKNOWN * NUMBER FOLLOWING SPECIE IS TREE DIAMETER * NUMBER- FOLLOWING TREE DIAMETER DENOTES A TREE WITH MULTIPLE TRUNKS ass: ITT BOULEVARD AND, MN. ELAN, FIELD, & NO'S~YAK, ING. "SURVEYORS SINCE '1872" 741 5 WAYZATA BLVD, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55426 \ ` ~ PHONE: (952) 546-6837 FAX: (952) 546-6839 WEB: EFNSURVEY.COM COPYRIGHT ©2005 By EGAN, FIELD do NOWAK, INC.. SHEET 1 OF 1 ,i ~J ~~ ii MEMORANDUM To: Kandis Hanson, City Manager From: Jim Kurtz, Chief of Police Greg.Pederson; Fire Chief Date: December 7, 2005. Subject:. Request for council action-Alarm ordinance •^tttttttatttt~tattttrtttttttrtttttttttttt~tttttttLtttttttttrtttttat^^~t^ ;~ In an effort to reduce and prevent the number of false alarms police and fire personnel are dispatched to, we are requesting that. the -City Council adopt. a policy on false alarm prevention by implementing: an alarm ordinance. False police and fire alarms are costly to the city and create two difficulties for city staff: 1. False alarms are tune consuming :and ;take public safety personnel -away from other important duties and services, 2. Repeat. false alarms create an environment of complacency, which in turn places public safety staff at risk. The three -main causes of false alarms are technical errors, installation errors, and user errors. A recent study found 75 percent of false alarms were cause by user errors.' The complexity of some of the alarm system controls was cited as the main contributing cause of user error initiated false alarms. At the end of November, the police and/or fire departments had responded to 264 alarms. For confidential reasons, we are unable to provide a list of the alarms and addresses we dispatched to for calls for service. However, there were 44 properties that had at least two alarms and 12 properties that had four alarms or more. It should be .mentioned that the vast majority of these alarms were false. Top five alarm .properties: 1800 block of Commerce Blvd 25 alarms 2500 block of Commerce Blvd 13 alarms. 2400 block of Wilshire Blvd 12 alarms 1700 block of Gull Ln. 12 alarms 2100 block of Commerce Blvd. 11 alarms _ 147 - Request for Council Action Alarm ordinance P•2 Alarm Ordinance Summary 1. All alarm devices which- communicate a warning that a crime, fire or other emergency situation warranting immediate action by the police or fire departments are covered by the ordinance. 2. All devices which. are currently in use and those which will be installed in the future are governed by the ordinance. 3. Any person owning, leasing, maintaining property, or a person occupying a property in Mound, with a monitored alarm shall be subject to a fee using the following'schedule: • First through Third false alarm....:.:...:...No charge • ..Forth-false alarm ..:...:.......................$150 • Fifth through Ten false alarm .................$200 • Each false alarm over Ten ....................$350 4. Alarms .set off by electrical storms, or weather will not. considered false alarms. 5. Beginning with the Third false alarm, a letter will be sent to owner, or renter informing them that any subsequent faire alarm .will result in an .administrative fee. 6. All delinquent charges against the respective property will be certified to the County auditor for collection with real estate taxes in the following .year, -148- Draft 11/11/ 04 CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2004 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLLSHING SECTION ---`OF TH$ MOUND CITY CODE TO REGULATE THE USE OF ALARM SYSTEMS TO SUMMON PUBLIC SAFETY AND ESTABLISHING USER FEES FOR FALSE ALARMS The City of Mound does ordain: Ordinance, # XX?~{}{X A) Definitions: For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply: Sub l: Public Safety Personnel: Employee(s) of the City fire and police departments including fire fighters, police officers .and other, emergency service personnel who may respond .to assist on requests for mutual aid. Sub 2: Alarm User: Any- person, owner, occupant; ,--~• tenant, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind upon whose premises, building, structure or facility an alarm system is maintained. Sub 3: Alarm System: Any mechanical or electrical alarm installation designed. to be used for .the prevention or detection of burglary, .robbery, medical, carbon monoxide, fire or other condition on the premises which contain an alarm installation: Automobile devices shall not be considered an alarm system under this ordinance. Sub 4: Calendar Year: The period January 1 through December 31 of each year. Sub 5: False Alarm: An alarm signal eliciting a response by public safety personnel when a situation requiring a response does not, in fact, exist and which is caused by the activation of the alarm. system through mechanical failure, alarm malfunction, improper installation or the inadvertence of the alarm owner or lessee of an alarm system or of such owner or lessee's employees or agents. False alarms do not include alarms caused by climatic conditions such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, utility line mishaps, violent conditions of -149- nature or .any. other conditions which are clearly beyond the control of the alarm manufacturer, installer, owne r or alarm user. Federal and/or State agencies and political subdivisions of the Federal or State government shad: be exempt from user fees or false: alarm charges. otherwise prohibited fo z by this ordinance. B) Violatfions: Any alarm user who, within one calendar year, has more than three false police a arms, or more then one- false fire alarm, shall. be in violation of this. ordinance. The City shall impose a fee, .which shall be in a graduated. scale, as is set forth by the city council pursuant to section J00 or the city code. C) Review false alarm- calls: The Chief of Police, or -the Chief's designee, shall review all alarm calls to the .- police department.. The .Chief of Police, or the Chief's designee, will notify all house holds, businesses or other establishments, which utilize alarm systems, when an alarm has been responded to by the police department. The police department shall keep an annual record of alarm calls and shall notify all house holds, bus-finesses or other establishments, which utilize alarm systems, when they are in violation of this ordinance.. The Fire Chief, or the Chief's, designee, shall follow the same procedure listed above as the Police Chief or the Chief's designee. D) Process for notice of violations: Upon receipt and .determination of the fourth false police alarm report or the second false fire alarm report-to ari address, the Chief of Police, the Ghief's designee, the Fire Chief,-or the Chief's designee, after review,. shall then assess the alarm user for an alarm user's violation fee. The alarm user must submit the. required violation fee to the City of Mound within thirty (30) working days after receipt of the assessment invoice. Failure to pay the fee within. thirty days notice will cause the alarm user to be conside-red delinquent and subject to a penalty of a full ten percent of the. fee. A11 delinquent charges against the respective properties served may be certified to .the- County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes in the following year. In addition the City shall also have the right to bring civil action or take other legal remedies to collect unpaid fees. -150- Any subsequent false police or fire alarm at that address within the calendar year shall result in an increased fee in accordance with the fee schedule set- forth in Jpp, This process shall be repeated for each and every false alarm in excess of .three {3) false police alarms and in excess of one (1) false fire alarm during each-calendar year. E) Duration of the record of false alarms: The record of all responded to false alarms will be closed, and will expire, at the end of each calendar year. False alarms, not occurring during .the current calendar year, shall no t be counted as a false alarm for fee enhancement purposes. F) Letter of Contestation: After the Chief of Police, the Police. Chief's designee, the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's designee, determines that a false alarm has occurred at an address, the alarm user at that address may submit a .letter of contestation to the Chief of Police of the Fire Chief to 'explain the cause of the alarm activation.. If the Chief of Police or the Fire Chief determines that the alarm was caused by conditions beyond ` the: control of the alarm user, the .alarm will not be counted as a false alarm at that address. False alarms will be excused if they are the result of an effort- or order to upgrade, install, test,' or maintain an alarm system and if the Police. .Department or the .Fire Department is given notice in advance of said upgrade, installation, test and maintenance. G) Confidentiality: Information submitted in compliance with this section shall be held in confidence and shall be deemed a confidential record exempt- from discovery to the extent permitted by law. Subject to requirements of confidentiality,-.the Chief of Police or Fire Chief may develop and- maintain statistics for the purpose of ongoing alarm systems evaluation. H) Communication Center: No automatic dialing devices. shall be connected to the Mound Police Department, the Mound Fire Department or the Hennepin County :Sheriff's Communication Center through any telephone line without that agencies express written permission. Use of automatic dialing devices will be considered a violation of this section. -151- I) Separability: .Every section, provision, or par t of this ordinance. is declared separable from every .other section, provision or part anal if any section, provision or part of any ordinance shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any other section , provision or part thereof. -152- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECLARATION OF CONVENANTS FOR PRESERVATION OF UNDEVELOPED, PUBLIC LAND IN LOST LAKE WHEREAS, by letter dated April 6, 2005 the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR") granted a variance to the City of Mound allowing it to remove 1.4 acres of cattails from Lost Lake; and WHEREAS, the variance was subject to conditions contained in the letter including a requirement for the "establishment of a conservation easement or outlot to minimize the potential for new docks and related additional aquatic disturbances east of the proposed dock installation"; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has prepared a declaration to limit and preclude the use, improvement and development of the undeveloped, public land in Lost Lake as required by the DNR variance ("Declaration of Covenants"); and WHEREAS, the City of Mound is willing to execute the Declaration of Covenants in accordance with its terms. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Mound hereby approves the Declaration of Covenants for the undeveloped, public land in Lost Lake, which shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City Attorney, and authorizes the City Manager to execute said document, in substantially the form reviewed by the Council, on behalf of the City of Mound. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: and -153- Adopted by the City Council this 10t" day of January 2006 Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -154- DECLARATION OF COVENANTS THIS INSTRUMENT is made this day of , 2006, the City of Mound, Minnesota., a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Declarant"). RECITALS A. Declarant is the fee owner of the following described property in Hennepin County, Minnesota: [Legal of Remnant] (the "Subject Property"). B. Declarant is making this declaration in consideration of the issuance, by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR"), of a variance permitting Declarant to remove 1.4 acres of cattails from Lost Lake; and wishes accord the DNR, on behalf of the State of Minnesota the benefits of the covenants and restrictions hereafter provided. DECLARATION Now, therefore, Declarant hereby declares that the Subject Property shall be transferred, sold, held, conveyed, occupied, developed and maintained subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. Restrictions on Use. The area of the Subject Property described below (the "Declaration Area") is subject to the following restrictions: (i) no docking structure may be installed appurtenant to the Declaration Area; (ii) no request to disturb the bed, shoreline, or vegetation of Lost Lake based on the use of the Declaration Area will be made. 2. Binding Covenant. The restrictions created by this instrument are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the Subject Property, and preserving the wetlands and water quality in the Lost Lake area. This instrument shall run with said land and be binding in perpetuity JBD-272962v 1 MU195-15 1 -155- upon all parties having any title or interest in the Subject Property or any part thereof and shall inure to the benefit of said Declarant, its successors and assigns and to the benefit of the owners of properties located along the shores of Lost Lake, to the public who uses the waters of Lost Lake, and to the State of Minnesota. 3. Enforcement of Declaration. This Declaration shall be enforceable by either the City of Mound, Minnesota, acting through its City Council, or the DNR. 4. Amendment. This Declaration may not be rescinded or modified without the consent of the DNR. 5. No Waiver. The inaction of the City of Mound to enforce this Declaration shall not constitute a waiver of or amendment to this Declaration. Failure to take prompt legal action to enforce the terms of this Declaration shall not constitute a waiver or release or operate to estop or prevent enforcement hereof. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Declaration as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT City Of Mound By: Its: Mayor By: Its: City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by Pat Meisel and Kandis M. Hanson, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Mound on behalf of the City. Notary Public NOTARY STAMP OR SEAL This Instrument Was Drafted By: Kennedy & Graven 470 U.S. Bank Plaza, 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 JBD-272962v1 MU195-15 2 -156- (612) 337-9300 JBD-272962v1 MU195-15 157- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT FOR NEW WETLAND TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7601 COUNTY ROAD NO. 110 IN MINNETRISTA, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, by letter dated April 6, 2005 the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR") granted a variance to the City of Mound allowing it to remove 1.4 acres of cattails from Lost Lake; and WHEREAS, Kurt and Kari Wehrman, are the owners of certain real estate located at 7601 County Road No. 110 within the City of Minnetrista and have agreed to allow construction of 2.4 acres of new wetlands on their property ("Property") in accordance with the DNR variance approval; and WHEREAS, Mound is desirous of constructing a new wetland upon a portion of the Property in order to satisfy conditions imposed on it by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR") and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (the "MCWD") in connection with the dredging of land located within the corporate limits of the Mound; and WHEREAS, representatives of Mound have designed the plans for the creation of the new wetland on the Property and the owners have agreed to the proposed plans for the new wetland; and WHEREAS, a Right of Entry Agreement as described on the attached Exhibit A has been prepared for the purpose of setting forth the terms and conditions governing the construction and monitoring of the new wetland, and the entry onto the Property by Mound for the purpose of constructing and monitoring such new wetlands; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Mound hereby approves the Right of Entry Agreement (in substantial form) with Kurt and Kari Wehrman for the property located at 7601 County Road 110 in Minnetrista which shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City Attorney, and authorizes the City Manager to execute said document, in substantially the form approved, on behalf of the City of Mound. -158- ,~-^ The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January 2006 Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -159- RIGHT OF ENTRY AND COST ALLOCATION AGREEMENT FOR THE CREATION OF NEW WETLANDS ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7601 COUNTY ROAD 110 WEST IN MINNETRISTA, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made on this day of , 2006, by and between the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("Mound"), and Kurt and Kari Wehrman, husband and wife, 7601 County Road 110 West, Minnetrista, MN. 55364 ("Grantors") I. RECITALS 1.01. Grantors are the owners of certain real estate located within the City of Minnetrista, and which is described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Property") 1.02 Mound is desirous of constructing a new wetland upon a portion of the Property in order to satisfy conditions imposed on it by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR") and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (the "MCWD") in connection with the dredging of land located within the corporate limits of the Mound. 1.03 Representatives of Mound have designed the plans for the creation of the new wetland on the Property and the Grantors have agreed to the proposed plans for the new wetland. 1.04 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions governing the construction and monitoring of the new wetland, and the entry onto the Property by Mound for the purpose of constructing and monitoring such new wetlands. JBD-272950v4 -160- II. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and their mutual promises, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 2.01 Construction of New Wetland. Mound agrees to construct the new wetland on the Property, and Grantors agree to permit construction of the new wetland on the Property subject to the terms hereinafter contained. 1. Grantors have agreed to allow the construction of newly created wetlands on their properties as described in Exhibit B. 2. Mound has or will enter into certain contracts with third parties for site preparation activities, including, without limitation, backhoe and bulldozer work for the creation of new wetlands as described in Exhibit B, including the removal of excess dirt not wanted by the Grantors, re-vegetation in accordance with the planting schedule in Exhibit B, survey verification of the new wetlands, and monitoring fora 5 year period of wetland establishment with additional grading or planting work as necessary to ensure wetland establishment; all initial work to be completed by July 1, 2006 (the "Project"). 2.02. Right of Entry. Effective upon the date hereof, Grantors hereby grant Mound, its agents, employees, contractors and invitees the right to enter upon the Property, for the purpose of carrying out the activities described in paragraph 2.01 above. JBD-272950v4 -161- 2.02. Consideration. In consideration for such right of entry, Mound agrees to: (a) Permit Grantors or consultants retained by Grantor to be present during the time any work is being done by Mound under this Agreement; (b) Provide Grantors with a copy of all test results, surveys and reports prepared by Mound, or consultants or contractors evaluating the conditions present on the Property as soon as reasonably possible following final completion thereof. (c) Dispose of all excess material, not wanted by the Grantors, generated during the course of the Mound's activities on the Property. (d) Do the work in the shortest period time reasonably necessary to complete such activities authorized under this Agreement; (e) Use the Property only for the purposes described herein and not park or store any equipment on the Property, except during the limited periods of time when the work under this Agreement is actually in progress; (f) Do no unnecessary damage to the Property. (g) Hold the Grantors, their agents, contractors, consultants, or representatives harmless from and indemnify it from any and all claims, damages, judgments or obligations, including the cost of defense of suit, arising out of damage to Property or arising out of injury to anyone incurred or alleged to have been incurred in connection with Mound's activities pursuant to this Agreement. (h) Fully pay and satisfy any claims for payment for work done on the Property and indemnify and hold harmless Grantors from any claims based on failure to fully pay such claims. (i) Mound's contractors which enter the Property pursuant to the Contract and this JBD-272950v4 -162- Agreement shall carry insurance during the time any work is done on the Property in amounts and in coverages acceptable to Grantors; (j) Entrance and exit from the proposed construction areas will be via established driveways and Mound will restore these areas to pre-existing conditions as required. 2.03. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on its execution by all parties, and will continue until July 1, 2006 for initial wetland construction and re-vegetation, and until July 1, 2011 for wetland monitoring/reporting and wetland correction/re-establishment as necessary to comply with the intent of the wetland creation, unless the parties agree, in writing to an extension. 2.04. Miscellaneous. 1. The Grantors will not receive any compensation for the Project or this Agreement; however Mound will be responsible for all costs incurred for the Project including application and review/approval fees for the City of Minnetrista and any other governmental agencies for which approval is required, construction and re-vegetation costs, survey and wetland monitoring costs, and any additional costs necessary for the newly created wetlands to become established, if necessary, and for repair of any damage to the Property caused by the construction activities. 2. It is understood that in executing this agreement, Grantors will not be granting any permanent interest in the Property to Mound and will only execute those declarations as required by the MCWD or the DNR. It is anticipated that the declarations required by DNR and MCWD will require, among other things, that the wetland dedication be of unlimited duration, and that the portion of the Property covered by such declaration must be continually maintained as a wetland. 3. Upon completion of the wetland in accordance with Exhibit B, and except for Mound's , JBD-272950v4 -163- monitoring and reporting requirement described in Section 2.01 2 of this Agreement, Grantors will accept the wetland and all responsibilities and liabilities relating thereto. 3. Mound may terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the commencement of construction of the new wetland if it is unable to secure the necessary permits for the Project from Minnetrista; or if either the DNR or MCWD refuse to grant Mound the necessary permits for the dredge in Mound. Upon such termination the parties are released and discharged from any obligations hereunder, except that Mound's indemnity as to claims arising out of its activities on the Property shall continue as to occurrences prior to the date of such termination. 4. The parties to this Agreement each represent and warrant to the other that they have the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out all of the obligations by them to be performed hereunder. 2.04. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota. 2.05. Notices and Demands. All notices, demands or other communications under this Agreement shall be effective only if made in writing and shall be sufficiently given and deemed given when delivered personally or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: 1. If to Grantors: Kurt and Kari Wehrmann 7601 County Road 110 West Minnetrista, MN 5536 JBD-272950v4 -164- -- 2. If to Mound: Kandis M. Hanson City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 With Copy to: John B. Dean, Esq. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Or to such other persons as the parties may from time to time designate in writing and forward to the other persons entitled to receive notice as provided in this section. 2.06. Amendment. This Agreement maybe amended by the parties hereto only by written instrument executed with the same procedures and formality as were followed in the execution of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed in their names and on their behalves on or as of the above date. Grantors: Kurt Wehrmann Kari Wehrman City of Mound By: Kandis M. Hanson City Manager City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 JBD-272950v4 -165- EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Block 1, Lot 3 Judson Addition JBD-272950v3 -166- EXHIBIT B (GRADING AND RE-VEGETATION PLANS) JBD-270846v1 MU195-15 A-2 167- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 Executive Summary TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 4, 2006 SUBJECT: Request for variance approval -detached garage APPLICANT: James Fretham PLANNING CASE NUMBER: OS-74 LOCATION: 2308 Fernside Lane ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential SUMMARY At its November 14`h and December 12`h meetings, the Planning Commission reviewed a variance request from James Fretham to allow a reduced front setback of ten (10) feet from the north property line abutting Shoreline Drive for a new detached garage to be constructed on the property located at 2308 Fernside Lane. According to the City Code, a 20-foot front setback is required. As the Council may recall, a minor subdivision was approved in December and created a new "buildable" lot to be located on the east side of the subject property. The purpose for the variance is to allow construction of a new detached garage to serve the new "west lot" which includes the existing house. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A copy of the proposed survey has been included as an attachment. Details regarding the variance application are contained in Planning Report No. OS-69 / OS-74 and memorandum dated December 8`h which been included. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted to recommend Council denial of the garage variance for the property located at 2308 Fernside Road and made the following findings of fact: 1. There is a conforming location where an attached 2-car garage could be positioned without practical difficulty. Additionally, constructing a 1-car garage is another option. -168- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The application was deemed to be complete on or around November 7, 2005 and the City's deadline for action was on or around January 5, 2005. As allowed by M.S.S. 15.99, Staff executed a 60-day extension regarding the City's action the variance request on January 4, 2005. 2. Due to conflicting Staff and Planning Commission recommendation(s), adraft resolution has not been prepared in advance of the meeting. 2 -169- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Michael; Commissioners: Orv Burma, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller, Dave Osmek and Jon Schwingler. Absent: Jorj Ayaz. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Leah Weycker (Gillespie Center), James Fretham (2308 Fernside Lane), BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #05-74 VARIANCE FOR PROPOSED DETACHED GARAGE 2308 FERNSIDE LANE JAMES FRETHAM This case was tabled previously by the Planning Commission. No new information has been received. Jim Fretham (3138 Highland Blvd) handed out a drawing of the interior plan of the house as well as exterior photos. Mr. Fretham requests that he be allowed to attach the garage to the north side of the house and increase the width of the garage 3 feet to allow for interior steps into the house. Osmek asked if he has considered attaching the garage on the northwest corner extending towards Fernside Road and moving the front door farther south. There were several other configurations discussed as well. Mueller thought that the attachment on the north side was reasonable and aesthetically pleasing. It's the customary location for a garage on a rambler. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Michael, to recommend Council approve a 4 foot variance from Shoreline Drive. Mueller revised his motion to approve a 6 foot variance. Michael approved the amendment. -170- Burma reminded the Commission that the extra cost involved in re-locating the front door cannot be a consideration. MOTION denied. Voting for: Mueller, Glister and Schwingler. Voting against: Michael, Burma, Hasse, Osmek and Miller. MOTION by Osmek, second by Burma, to recommend Council deny the variance. MOTION approved. Voting for: Michael, Burma, Hasse, Osmek and Miller. Voting against: Mueller, Glister and Schwingler Findings of Fact: There is a conforming location where an attached 2-car garage could be positioned without practical difficulty. Resizing to a 1-car garage is another option. -171- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Michael; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller and Dave Osmek. Absent: Jorj Ayaz, Orv Burma and Jon Schwingler. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planner Rita Trapp and Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Marilyn Byrnes (2851 Cambridge La), Virginia Gardstrom (2867 Cambridge La), Alleene Butterfield (4862 Leslie Rd), Dee Olson (2636 Wilshire Blvd), Art Ridgway (2648 Wilshire Blvd), Cara Otto (Otto Associates), Tom Casey (2854 .Cambridge La), Robbie Flatten (2854 Cambridge La), Jamie Rosenlund (10Spring, inc.), Benjamin Milbrath (2855 Cambridge La), Tom Goodrum (Schnell & Madson), Thomas. Walsh (5770 Bartlett Blvd) CASE #05-74 VARIANCE 2308 FERNSIDE LANE JAMES FRETHAM The applicant requests minor subdivision approval to create a new. lot on the east side of the property. A variance is also requested to allow a reduced front setback of 10 feet from the north property line of Shoreline Drive for a new detached garage. According to City Code, a 20 foot front setback is required for the "west" lot from both Fernside Lane and Shoreline Drive. Staff recommends approval of the minor subdivision and front setback variance with the following conditions: 1. The City Engineer review grading and drainage plans prior to building permit approval. 2. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided in a form so as to allow recording at Hennepin County and shall be required prior to release of the resolution. All proposed legal descriptions shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 3. Water and sanitary sewer services either be installed or a financial guarantee be provided to the City in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer. 4. The Building Official must review all necessary building permit applications. 5. Park dedication fees in the amount of $1,100 must be paid prior to the release of the resolution. 6. The applicant pays all related fees associated with the review of this application. 7. Trunk charges of $1,500 for water and $1,500 for sewer for the proposed "new" lot shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. -172- 8. A 7-foot sidewalk/trail easement in favor of Hennepin County must be provided. Mueller explored some of the options for attaching the garage to the house to eliminate the need for a variance. Tom Goodrum (Scholl and Madsen) -The garage placement was a struggle. The detached location makes the most sense. It doesn't eliminate windows and it aligns with the remainder of the neighborhood. Attaching it on the north side doesn't work because of topography and the structure of the home where the garage would attach. Mueller questioned the traffic sight line. He felt there was a better location for the garage, particularly an attached location, than is proposed. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Miller, to recommend approval of the subdivision in accordance with Staff recommendations. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Osmek, to table the variance request. MOTION carried unanimously. -173- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Commission From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: December 8, 2005 Re: Planning Commission Meeting Briefing Agenda Item No. 5 A- PC Case No. 05-74 for Detached Garage Variance at 2308 Ferr~side Lane As the Planning Commission may recall, the detached garage variance request for the property located at 2308 Fernside Lane was discussed at the 11/14 meeting but tabled to an upcoming meeting so as to allow time for the applicant to respond to comments from the Planning Commission. Respectfully, Staff offers the following comments: 1. The applicant has requested that the item be included on the 12/12 PC meeting but has not provided any additional written information. 2. PC members should bring their 11/14 agenda packets to the meeting. 3. A copy of the 11/14 PC meeting minute excerpts has been included. -174- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission Cit~r of Mound Planni and Buil di D e artment FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: November 8, 2005 SUBJECT: Request for minor subdivision and variance approval APPLICANT: James Fretham PLANNING CASE NUMBER: OS-69 / OS-74 LOCATION: 2308 Fernside Lane ZONING: R-2 Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential SUMMARY The Planning Commission will review a minor subdivision request from James Fretham to ' ~ subdivide the property located at 2308 Fernside Lane to create a new "buildable" lot to be located on the east side of the subject property. A variance is also requested to allow a reduced front setback of 10 feet from the north property line abutting Shoreline Drive for a proposed new detached garage to be constructed on the "west" parcel which includes the existing home. According to the City Code, a 20-foot front setback is required for the "west" lot from both Fernside Avenue and Shoreline Drive as it is a corner lot. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The subject parcel, generally described as Lots 21 and 22, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit A, includes an existing single-family home and detached garage. The property is proposed to be reconfigured to create a new buildable lot on the east side. The existing detached garage is proposed to be demolished as it is currently located on the proposed "new" buildable lot located on the east side of the subject parcel. Property is fronted on two (2) streets including Fernside Lane on the west side and CSAH 15/Shoreline Drive on the north side. SUBDIVISION REVIEW PROCEDURE 330.20 Classification of Subdivisions. Any division or land that is subject to the regulations in Subsection 330.15 above shall be considered either a major subdivision or a minor subdivision. According to the City Code, a minor subdivision is determined based on the following criteria: -175- Subd. 1. Minor Subdivisions. The following shall be considered minor subdivisions: A. Residential. Any subdivision of land creating not more than three residential lots. Such lots must conform to all of the following: 1. Have frontage on an existing public road. 2. Not require the construction of any new public facilities or public improvements. 3. There will be no adverse effect on remaining or adjoining property. 4. There is no conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance or Official Map. VARIANCE REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Section 350:530 Subd. 1 outlines the criteria for granting variances in the City of Mound and generally states that a variance to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance maybe issued to provide relief to the landowner in those areas where the ordinance imposes undue hardship or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his or her land. A variance maybe granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: A. Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances apply to the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of property since enactment of this ordinance have no control. B. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance. C. That the special conditions or circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. D. That granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. E. The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. -176- F. The variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this Ordinance or to property in the same zone. TIMELINE FOR GOVERNMENTAL ACTION Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. Subdivision applications are governed by an alternate state statute and are subject to a 120-day timeline. The minor subdivision and variance application was received and deemed to be complete on or around November 7, 2005. ISSUES ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Map included in the Mound Comprehensive Plan guides the property for future low-density residential use (1-6 units /acre.) Zoning. The subject property is zoned R-2 Single and Two Family Residential. Single-family homes are a permitted use in the R-2 District. The following table includes the lot area, width and setback requirements for the R-2 District: Lot Area Width Depth Front Setback Side Setback(s) Rear Setback R-2 6,000 SF 40 FT 80 FT 20 FT 10 FT 15 FT-house 6 FT -garage W. Lot 8063 SF 93 FT 86 FT House - 37 FT House - 35 FT 15 FT (Fernside) (Shoreline) / 15 FT Garage - 53 FT Garage - 10 FT* 6 FT (Fernside) (Shoreline) E. Lot 6091 SF 58 FT 106 FT 20 FT 10 FT / 10 FT 38 FT Notes: *Comer lots have double front setbacks of 20 ft. Pursuant to the City Code, the official "front" of the west lot, as proposed, is Fernside Avenue as it has the least street fronta e. Members of the Planning Commission are advised that the new lots, as proposed, meet the requirements of the R-2 District. 3 -177- Non-Lot of Record Status /Hardcover. In the event the minor subdivision request is approved, the subject property will lose its "lot of record" status and therefore will be subject to the standard provisions of the R-2 zoning district including minimum side yard setbacks ten (10) feet and hardcover not exceeding (30) percent. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Fire Chief Pederson Police Chief Kurtz Planning/Engineer Tech Hanson Parks Supt. Fackler No comment. No comment. Preliminary grading and utility plan(s) were submitted and reviewed by Staff . Detailed plans will be required during building permit process and shall be subject to review and formal approval by the City Engineering and Public Works Director. Municipal utilities are available to serve the subject property. Typical procedure for minor subdivision public utility services is to have them installed to the property line or post a financial guarantee with the City if they are not installed. No comment. DISCUSSION A survey of the subject property dated October 3, 2005 and proposed site plan dated November 7, 2005 depicting the proposed configuration were prepared and submitted by Schnell & Madson on behalf of the applicant. 2. Details regarding the proposal are contained in the applicant's narrative. In general, the existing lots are proposed to be reoriented in an east/west configuration to create a new buildable parcel on the east side of the property. 3. The subject property approximately 14,154 SF. -178- 4. With the exception of the proposed variance for the detached garage, the minor subdivision meets the requirements of the R-2 District. 5. Minor subdivision and/or land use approval does not constitute or guarantee future approval of any building permit(s) or any other necessary approval by any other public agency. 6. In the event the subdivision request is approved, the property will no longer qualify for "lot of record" status. 7. The applicant has demonstrated a proposed building pad on the subject lot(s) that meet the requirements of the R-2 District and is also requesting approval of a variance for a detached garage. "Build-It Yourself" project plans to demonstrate the proposed design of the garage have been included. Proposed garage will face and be accessed from Fernside Avenue. Double front setback requirements of 20-feet from Fernside Avenue and Shoreline Drive for the proposed detached garage are required. 8. The Building Code requires a minimum separation of 6-feet between structures without a fire wall. Proposal is consistent with UBC. 9. A minimum side setback of six feet is allowed for detached structures located in front of the building line. 10. City policy requires the submittal of a foundation survey, prepared by a licenced surveyor, for all new structures located within five feet of the minimum setback requirement which shall be subject to review and approval by the City to confirm that the approved setbacks are maintained. Additionally, an "as-built" survey, to include all requirements contained on the City of Mound Survey Requirements handout is required and must be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 11. The concrete pavers located on behind the house on the proposed "east" lot will be removed in the event the minor subdivision is approved. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends that the City Council approve the minor subdivision and front setback variance application from James Frethan for the property located at 2308 Fernside Lane subject to the following conditions: 1. The City Engineer review grading and drainage plans prior to building permit approval. 2. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided in a form so as to allow recording at Hennepin County and shall be required prior to release of resolution. All proposed legal description(s) shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 5 -179- 3. Water and sanitary sewer services either be installed or a financial guarantee be provided to the City in and amount to be determined by the City Engineer. 4. The Building Official review all necessary building permits. 5. Park dedication fees in the amount of $1,100.00 be paid prior to the release of the resolution. 6. The applicant pays all related fees associated for the review of this application. 7. Trunk charges of $1500.00 for water and $1500.00 for sewer for the proposed "new" lot on the east side and shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. 8. A 7-foot sidewalk /trail easement in favor of Hennepin County is provided. In recommending approval of the variance for the proposed detached garage, Staff offers the following findings of fact: 1. There is no other feasible location to construct a garage on the "west" lot due to the location and layout of the existing structure. 2. A garage on the subject property is viewed as positive as it allows for all-season protection for vehicle(s) and helps to minimizes outside storage issues. 3. In general, the standard detached garage size is 22' x 22' 4. The amount of the variance has been minimized. 5. Sight distances are not affected by the location of the proposed detached garage. 6. There is approximately 24 feet from the south curb line of Shoreline Drive to the north wall of the proposed garage. 7. Topography on the property and the elevation of the existing house creates hardship to construct an attached garage. Additionally, an attached garage eliminates the windows on the north side of the house and removes a basement egress window. An attached garage also pushes the structure closer to Fernside Avenue /Shoreline Drive intersection which could impact sight distances. 8. Due to double front setback requirement of 20 feet along Fernside Avenue and Shoreline Drive and the location of existing structure, it is unlikely a garage could be added on the north side of the house without a setback variance. -180- PROJECT NARRATIVE MINOR SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCE FOR 2308 FERNSIDE LANE MOUND, MINNESOTA Project Description: Jim Fretham is requesting a minor subdivision application for 2308 Fernside Lane (Lots 21 and 22 of the Shirley Hills Unit A Addition). Mr. Fretham wishes to change the past property line of Lots 21 and 22 from an east/west direction to a north/south direction in order to construct a new home on the eastern side of the site. The existing residence will be located on proposed Lot 21 and a new house will be located on proposed Lot 22. No changes are proposed for the existing home, however the existing garage will be removed and a new garage will be built on Lot 21. Both lots will meet all of the required city requirements except for a setback variance for the garage on Lot 21. An existing driveway from Fernside Lane will be utilized as the primary access entrance into Lot 21. The existing driveway from County Road 15 will be utilized as the access for Lot 22. The driveway access into Lot 22 will be reduced in size and the concrete apron will be replaced to match the existing sidewalk. Variance: A new 20-foot by 22-foot garage will be constructed to replace the existing 26-foot by 24-foot garage to be '" removed. The new garage is proposed along the north side of the existing home. This location is the only viable placement for the garage as it relates to the lot, the house and the driveway entrances. The garage will encroach, at its greatest point, 10 feet into the 20-foot front yard setback. The garage was sized and placed in the only area on the lot that will adequately serve the home and minimize encroachment of the required setback. The lot is a corner lot, which requires a 20-foot setback from both Fernside Lane and County Road 15. The location of the home limits the placement of the garage to either the west side or north side of the lot, both adjacent a public road. Placing the garage on the west side would also require a front yard variance. It would also place the garage directly in front of the living room windows. This will negatively impact the aesthetic and function of the home. Placing the garage on the north side will keep it in an appropriate alignment with the home without impacting function or neighborhood aesthetics. The size of the garage is at the minimum size to serve atwo-stall garage. The garage will be aligned with the existing curb cut on Fernside Lane. It would also provide the home owner convenient access into the side door (kitchen door). The 6-foot drop in grade along the north side of the house restricts the possibility to attach the garage. The grade prevents aligning the garage floor to be at the same elevation as the kitchen door. Attaching the garage would also remove two windows along the north side (kitchen and living room). The grade difference also prohibits the possibility of sharing a drive entrance from County Road 15. The 10-foot encroachment only occurs at the northwest corner of the garage. Form there the garage angles away from County Road 15 reducing the encroachment to only 11.8 at the northeast corner.. The garage was ~-~ pushed "as far east as possible to minimize the variance and to maintain the use of the north side windows plus to ensure a clear view from the Fernside Lane intersection. The proposed variance is in character to the surrounding area, as the homes to the east and west also appear to encroach within the 20-foot setback. -181- Page 1 of 1 Sarah Smith From: "Sarah Smith" <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com> To: "Sarah Smith" <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 8:24 AM Subject: Re: Garage ----- Original Message ----- From: Tom Goodrum To: Sarah Smith Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 4:57 PM Subject: RE: Garage The elevation drops along the north side by about 6 feet from middle of house to back of house. The door into the house is up several feet from the ground elevation. To attach the garage we would need to raise the garage up to the kitchen door. This would put the garage floor well above the existing grade. This will be extremely difficult to do due to grading issues and structural problems. So generally the grades along this side of the house causes a hardship to reasonably place an attached garage. I will send pictures to you that may better show this point. - ~ 82 - 11/10/2005 w~ M~e- 534,1 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 MINOR SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. PLANNING COMM. DATE ~~ ~ yrt-N~ ' CASE NO. CITY COUNCIL DATE: Please type or print clearly EXISTING Subject Address Z3o$ F •~Sr,>>` ..4i~ PROPERTY - LEGAL Loth d-Z'Z Block ~ _. Subdivision s~+l~~ {.J_.111.~ untrr,d. DESCRIPTION PID# Imo- 117~Z~1 -~/~ -DOD zone 1Z- Z APPLICANT ~ The applicant is: owner -other. Name .~ 1 wt '~~,~~ Address- 3l 3~ 1-1-1 ~Ct~x'G ~ i~p ~ ryl>~ ~ ~ ~' Phone Home Work L.QIZ- 7Z3-94~ F~ OWNER Name G~lc ,e,~ ,y~7,t i~ (if other than applicant) Address Phone Home Work Fax ENGINEER Name < <.h o~ll ~ v~,te, r~ t`r~ ~i [,1~~~,}t. Y~k~~_ Address / D ~J5~0 ,~`,4V' ~b-r~4 ~ ~ ~ G-?~~,t.~-~ Phone Office 95Z-$~']- 9(DSD Cell Fax `15Z- Syly- 9D1oS Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this properly? ( )yes, (~ no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or explanation given why this is not the case. 1 certify that all of the statements above and statements. contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that I am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this pplication by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting,. or of posting , int ' ' emnvtn~g such notices as may be required bylaw. .S .~-. )wner's Signature Minor Subdivision Information (911/2005) Page 4 of 4 l~ off. Date ra aS Date -183- r Y --~~-- 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 VARIANCE APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date ~ ~ - ~ 9' • ~ Case No. City Council Date ~ ~ ~ ~• 0~ Please type or print legibly SUBJECT Address2~~ g ~ t'~'f`''3tC'!E +-r1~~1'~ PROPERTY t 2~ ' f 2 2 L Bl k 3 LEGAL o oc DESC. Subdivision ~F~(I?- l.'~!~ ~1U..~ ~31~1~ PID # ~ 3 - ~ ~'']-' Z~ ~" ~D ~-~ Plat # ZONING DISTRICT R-1 R-1A R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 ~ " "'F PROPERTY Name 1! ( OWNER Address ~~ 7~D t 1(~~~ ~Ut~7 ~~J~3~ Phone Home Work. ~ ~~ ~~ •~~ .gyp Fax APPLICANT Name (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) phone Home Work Fax Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditior-al use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No~. if yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): ^~,~-rr~act~ t~~~a-f,.~ Variance Information (8/16/2005) Page 4 of 6 -184- Case No. 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes No ( ). If no, specify each non-conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setbac ,lot area, etc.): SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED (or existing) Front Yard: (N S E V~1) _~~b ft. ft. ~ide Yard ~ E W) ~ ft. ft. Side Yard: (N~E W) ~~ ft. ft. Rear Yard: (N S'~E~JV) « ft, ft, Lakeside: (N S E W) ft. ft. (NSEW) ft. ft. Street Frontage: ft. ft. Lot Size: sq ft sq ft Hardcover. sq ft sq ft VARIANCE ft. Q ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the properly conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes), No ( ). If no, specify each non-conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( )too narrow ()topography ()soil ( )too small ()drainage ()existing situation ( )too shal'lo"w Oshape ~ other: specify Please describe: ~i~tt?+i~ta 'Stt~Y~a~p lcrr- ['S [~! ~ ~~ S tt~ Y.c~r~ Variance Information (8116/2005) Page 5 of 8 -185- Case No. 6. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes No O. If yes, explain; 5e~ ~-~aa~y-~,.~' 7. Was-the hardship created by any other man-made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No~. If yes, explain: 8. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes Q~j, No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments: I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Signature ~~°~~ Data ll ~rD~ Applicant's Signature Date Variance Information (8/18!2005) Page 6 of 6 -186- HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS -- (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERTY ADDESS: 7 2,nQ, t"" OWNER'S NAME: c Ii LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 30% _ (for all lots) ............... y,~ LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 40% _ (for Lots of Record) ............................. "Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.6.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE X _ ~ X TOTAL HOUSE ............................................ DETACHED BUILDINGS ........ X _ ~~$ (GARAGE/SHED) X '' TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ..........:.................... DRIVEWAY; PARKING X _ AREAS, SIDEWALKS, i ETC. X _ X TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ..................................... DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. ... X _ Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not X _ counted as hardcover. X TOTAL DECK ....................................................... X X TOTAL OTHER ..................:.......................... TOTAL HARDCOVER /IMPERVIOUS SURFACE .................................................. U D /OVER (indicate difference) ................... rREPARED BY Revised 09/01/05 -~- ~~ tt DATE Y~ -187- ~- HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS z ' 13~~'~-- (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERTY ADDESS: 2?J~ ~n5~ ~ ~~ n' ~1 1 OWNER'S NAME: 'gym ~(' 0.m LOT AREA S.Q. FT. X 30% _ (for all lots) .............. LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 40% _ (for Lots of Record) ' F~cisting Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zon(ng Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.B.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE: X _ X = TOTAL HOUSE .................................................... DETACHED BUILDINGS X = (GARAGEISHED) X = TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ..........:.:.................. DRIVEWAY, PARKING ~~ X = AREAS, SIDEWALKS, _ ETC. X = X = TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ..............:......................... - DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. X = Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not )( _ counted as hardcover. X = TOTAL DECK ........:...... '~~' ........................................ X _ X = TOTAL OTHER .................................................... ~~ TOTAL HARDCOVER I IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ................................................... UNDE OVER (indicate difference) .................................................................... PREPARED BY Revised 09/01/05 -~88- 70 0 o>.E~~ d z a ~ W K ~ ~ . ~ ~ Q F O N W Z 2 G Z O S ~a~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~, ~ ~~; ~g~ ;~ ~# ~ x~ ~ ~~ U o~~~~ ~, ~ ~" J ^^~ _ 8 g U N M U a Z 0 a ~. 0 0 N r 3 O n. O 0 0 M O 0 0 r N O O M O O (Y N ~ ~ '^ T LL r ~~~ g ~~$ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g r~ ~ A~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~# a `~3 q$ y y B g ~~ ~> > t o tb ~g- z I ~ ~ '6¢ e W S ~ i 5 2 1 i qq~„ ~¢¢y ~ =s~&3p~ ~ pp w ~ ~ ffi ~* fig ~ ~ ~ S j~CL ~~ ~ 3g~ Y~ JI ( ~ ,.,f iW m ~~ ~ n s ~ ~ ~ I I m B€ > e €° ~9 I 8 ~ o C '~ w R ~ ~,1 ,I'it l" c '1 + , I,r.. :. },t ,.. ,. sppa 8 .......... i :: ~, ~ ' _______________________ lit 51 .` .~ r _ _ _ I ~ -~- I ~''~'~ ~'f y a P5 q ':, 1 J ~~, 1 M lL 1 gszg~ ~~;'~,. ;,~11P; '1~ ~ ~ .I c ~ T ~~ ; 8 g M~ `;'Y ,r ~3'w 1. ~ ~ ..t. 11 \ ~~ ~i ~ Ql O ` I I w ud $ ~: ~ m g` :~by, t ~ 1 c'fC"' _ ~ I `ll i ~g~ ~ ,1 1 ~~ el i ' ~~ J ~^ ~ •s 1 t-.---- ~-- ~ of y i 1 o- 1 ( . ~ ~ e`~C ,, ~ g~ y I 1 a } ~~l L ` ~ P ~ ~ T 55 ~ ~ gg I ~._._. '~,.._ c..t~11 1 -i-- ~ ~.,~ ~ i ate` i I i. ;, .e `i,. . `~~ 4 ~ t Boa ll . I. i <<~''I~~yi li t7`:. II ao 1. .! ~ J m C ~~ I r f e~7 1 ~ ~ I of ((~ Y l'Y.wg .i 1 ~., ~ 1- i; , 1, ~ 7 _, - - --~ I I x j 5 t. a 1 ~ ~a I :IRt t 1 ` 1 i I ~ ' R . ~~ a N roar "~ _ S1~Ef _ 00.05 3 ~if~.9S.10 N-_.___" ...1 . •tp~ .. ..... ~._. ~ t9~Y y . ___. a , u~ #' ~ ~~ fir 'fit: a4~~ 1 ,a ~~~ >. W =tw _......~...._ e-...__.. «~ ~I g5~~~L ~°1 ~~ a~ ~',; ~~ ~~ -190- 8 N~ ~ ~T E ~i ~ E&E&~ 6 a ~~ ~~ i LL it ~ ~3 G ~7 o~ ~~~ L~ ~~ ~ id ~f{{!!!e ~ Q~ W G 11---YYY L i r a ji~ @~~ } ;~~ ~3j ~~~' ~ & ~~~ ~ U ~. Z O O 2 a. 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M a iii~li. t. y ..y }tt } - ! 1 I a7:111~ tUl lal ill Y1111/111 ^ e -tY~1Ya.. ..._ _...aa......._.. ~}~ i ~ }111 ~] i ~a ~ B1 1 ! ~ r e` ~ a ~~ li la i~ .~. r_..±_...,.~._- ~onrwwi...r. w..r,.w.w w.,.~..w,r.,_. S3J~d~ ad~~OM j o ' p NN.~wYlwwl^MV.IM~IMIMi ,~y~~T±~y~.r~w..~Y.At .yam ~~y ¢~~y 1 a 1'~Or+VWM.OM 11'1~.It~ -114LLP.a^w~1.wMIM~-Y ~~ i ~i~TV ~ iQ~Y IpYy Vn~ ~~'• ~+ .' Property Information Search by Street Address Result page Page 1 of 2 ~~ ,~. - ~ . Property Information Search The Hennepin County Property Tax web data daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9: Search By: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable ~~ i - Click Here for the 2005 State Copy to be used hen fil ng for ~ w i ~ ^ I ~Db~'FW55 $ Property ID: ,a '7 13-117-24-44-0040 * ~ -~ Address: 2308 FERNSIDE LA ~ T~ Municipality: MOUND School Dist: 277 Constr~ HOUSE or BUILDING Watershed: 3 Approx. 1 #: Sewer Dist: 230$ : : Owner Name: JAMES A FRETHAM ._._._........ .._. STREET NAME: Taxpayer Name JAMES A FRETHAM (at least first 3 & Address: 3138 HIGHLAND BLVD characters) __ MOUND MN 55364 Fernside Lane UNIT # (if applicable) Most Current Sales Informs ,._-_, Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value Search Clear arms-length transactions. Sale Date: August, 2005 ', 20 records per page Sale Price: $190,320 Transaction Type: Warranty Deed Tax Parcel Description Addition Name: SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT A Lot: Block: 003 Metes & Bounds: LOTS 21 AND 22 EX ST Abstract or Torrens: TORRENS Value and Tax Summary for Taxes P Values Established by Assessor as of ~; Estimated Market Value: $163,000 Limited Market Value: $163,000 Taxable Market Value: $163,000 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $1,716.99 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: $25.99 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/addrresult~ ~ 95- 11/8/2005 HCPropertyMap Hennepin County Property Map iwl~r >~ ~: ~' fiw Recente on click ~o! Yes _ _. - ~ gip, 495L1. ~,.^"'` .~~ ~».~ ~_: I 23i?5 zatzs a~rra aq'i 5t~M1 =~.~....~, 23t1 231t3 23Ss .-.._ ~ ~ 2317 - ass~ ~ ~ 2314 488t3 r 5CJ 719 5#'tE1t§ 23+F'I ~ ~1~10 _.' No Last update: 9/11/2005 at 3:30 PM -READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW CNck for detailed information on this parcel Property ID Approximate Property Perimeter Approximate Property Area 13-117-24-44-0040 492 ft. 14,531 sq.ft. = 0.33 acres Property Address Market Value Total Tax (2005) 2308 FERNSIDE LA MOUND, MN 55364 $163,000 $1,742.98 Page 1 of 2 Give us your feedbac Hennepin County Su How to use Map Lot dimensions may be ur 769 because they are in a For quicker respon; information on sum 'Recenter on click'. Show: ;a, Aerial Photos Ofi ~:._:~ 2004* Aerials On [w] City Names [;Street Names [Address Number Lot Dimensions "Mpls. aerials south of Fran from 2003 The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any mi: derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mail at SUI'VeL/Or MapSC~CO hennepit The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Home ' Your County Government ~ Licenses Certificates & Re4istration ( Employment & Volunteering ~ Health, Housing Environment Property & Transportation http://www l 3. co.hennepin.mn.us/publicparcelir-196 - -propertymap. aspx?PID=1 3 1 1 72444... 11 /8/2005 -~, HCPropertyMap Ha~nrtip€n ~___I x~u~t Imo' i I Recenter on click ~!-:~ Yes _.:~ No Hennepin County Property Map Last update: 9/11/2005 at 3:30 PM -READ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER INFORMATION BELOW Click for detailed information on this arcel Property ID Approximate Property Perimeter Approximate Property Area 13-117-24-44-0040 492 ft. 14,531 sq.ft. = 0.33 acres ', Property Address Market Value .Total Tax {2005) 2308 FERNSIDE'LA MOUND, MN 55364 $163,000 $1,742.98 Page 1 of 2 Give us your feedbac Hennepin County Su Haw to use Mag For quicker respon: information on sum 'Recenter on click'. Show: ':._.:! Aerial Photos Ofi +:~-:~ 2004* Aerials On City Names C] Street Names Address Number ^ Lot Dimensions "Mpis. aerials south of Fran from 2003 Lat lines different fro! The data contained on this page are derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can onl licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. Th purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any mi: derivatives. Please report any map discrepancies to the Hennepin County Survey Division via a-mail at SUCVeyor.MapS aC~CO.hennepil The quality of the display may be influenced by your screen size and resolution setting and is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher Explorer 3.02 or Netscape 2.01 or later version for proper operation. Home ( Yaur County Government ~ Licenses, Certificates, & Reclistration ~ Employment & Volunteering ~ Health, Housing Environment, Property, & Transportation http://wwwl3.co.hennepin.mn.us/publicparcelir_- ~ 97 .propertymap.aspx?PID=131172444... 11/8/2005 .fir Comer ~'~ems~~ ~Csa+~ -198- .fir Sw cater ~ hwso -199- ,`f~, }';~'~ R ~I .,-: ' ~1 /~aM'+ s ~b ~I~wye -200- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: .January 4, 2006 Re: Shoreland Overlay District Flexibility Request Background. As the Council may recall, the DNR raised a number of issues regarding the City's lot requirements as referenced in City Code Chapter 3350.1225, Subd. 1 (Shoreland Regulations Lot Area and Width Standards) and the original approvals granted by the DNR in 1994. Presently, City Code Chaper 350.1225, Subd. 1 reads as follows: "The lot area and width standards for residential, commercial and industrial lots within the shore/and area shall be as found in the applicable sections of the Mound Zoning Code" Discussion. As stated above, the City's adopted shoreland regulations indicate that lot area and width standards shall follow the applicable sections of the zoning ordinance. Therefore, the minimum lot size allowed for properties in the R-1 District is 10,000 SF and minimum lot width of 60 feet. The minimum lot size in the R-1A and R-2 District is 6000 SF and minimum lot width is 40 feet. As the Council may recall, the City submitted a "Flexibility Request" to the DNR on October 26, 2006. A formal response was received from the DNR on November 14, 2005. Since that time, DNR and Mound Staff have been working cooperatively to prepare a modified request which is acceptable both to the City of Mound and the DNR. • A modified "Flexibility Request" has been prepared for review and consideration by the Council. Additionally, a graphic has been prepared by Staff to help understand how the new regulations will apply to Riparian and Non-Riparian/Inland Lots. Request. Staff recommends Council approval of the "F/exibil~fy Request" and submittal of the document to the DNR. -202- ~~ January _, 2006 Julie Ekman Area Hydrologist DNR Waters 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 RE: Mound Flexibility Request Dear Ms. Ekman, DRAFT The purpose of this correspondence is to formally follow-up to the City's October 25, --- 2005 request for flexibility and your November 14, 2005 response. The City of Mound is requesting flexibility in its shoreland regulations as allowed in Minnesota Rules 6120.2800 Subpart 3. As more fully outlined in the October 25, 2005 correspondence, the City of Mound is requesting flexibility in an effort to continue its historical development pattern of smaller sized lots. Mound was originally platted with small lots and substantial areas of park commons surrounding Lake Minnetonka. The established pattern of small lots, narrow streets right-of--ways and public commons results in issues that are unique to Mound and are not found in suburban communities that are either developing, or that initially developed with larger lots. The continuation of "similar sized" lake lots helps maintain consistency with the City's established neighborhoods. In addition, as Mound is nearing full development there are relatively few "larger" vacant parcels, rather, the majority of the remaining vacant residential land consists of smaller, infill lots. Specifically, the City proposes to revise its current language in City Code Chapter 350.1225 in a manner which will: 1. Add wording from MN Rule 6120.3300, Subpart 2, D which would require contiguous lots that are under the same ownership and smaller than 60% of the 10,000 square foot lot size requirement (or 6,000 square feet) to be combined prior to their development or sale. -203- 2. Require lots created through the waiver of platting procedure outlined in City Code Chapter 330.10 (B) to have a minimum lot area of at least 10,000 square feet in R-1 districts and 6,000 square feet in R-lA/R-2 districts. 3. Stipulate that riparian lots created by subdivision must have a minimum lot area of at least 10,000 square feet in all zoning districts. Riparian lots which are separated from public waters by commons or undeveloped, platted streets may include a portion of this adjacent area to meet the minimum lot area standard. The portion of the commons or undeveloped, platted street to be included to meet lot area requirements must be above the ordinary high water level (OHWL), identified on the plat, and be agreed to by the City. These areas would have to be kept in an undeveloped state for as long as the lot existed. 4. Require non-riparian lots. created by subdivision to have a minimum lot area of at least 10,000 square feet in R-1 districts and 6,000 square feet in R-lA/R-2 districts. 5. Permit the development of vacant, existing lots which do not require subdivision if they meet the minimum lot area requirement of 10,000 square feet in R-1 districts and 6,000 square feet in R-lA/R-2 districts. 6. Require minimum lot widths in R-lA/R-2 districts to be 50 feet for all riparian lots and 40 feet for all non-riparian lots. 7. Allow the redevelopment of an existing lot with an existing house where it is not in conflict with the requirements added as part of item #1 above. Respectfully, Staff requests your prompt review of this request. In the event you have any questions, or require any further information, please feel free to contact me at 952- 472-0604. Sincerely, Sarah Smith Community Development Director -204- N C C O O i ~ ~ a.+ H L }a ,..~ LJ ~ f% ~ N M M ~~ OO w 0 6 C QJ N_ O N O OO ~'' W +' O ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~°~~ s ~~~ ~3° ~ ~~ 0 ~~n E oc '= r., .~ _ ~~~ ~ -ate L ~ C C (0 f0 ~ ~ _ ~ N C ~ o a^ o a^ ~ fQ '++ ~ _ i+ ~ c O i ~ c ~° ~ c ra ~~ o o ~ o o ~ O J Z .'-',~ J Z .'"''.~ Y.. ~_ _ U ~ C G ~ 4l t •~ 3 ~ ,~ O C ~ Gf ~ C .R ~ o = o U ? . ~ ~ ~ W ~ +.. p c'n ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ;~+ d1 ~r o-r i C '4'' ~ Vl p J u_ ~ W ~ ~ _ ~ n~i >• ~ C N O p p H N '~' O J ~ V O ~ J rOVO ~ C .C a ~ il' G7 .C o c a o = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O a ~ O n D J ~ ~ J v m ~o a 0 0 N N .N-i -205- Minnesota Rules 6120.3300 Zoning Provisions, Subp. 2 Residential Lot Size. D. Lots of record in the office of the county recorder on the date of enactment of local shoreland controls that do not meet the requirements of items A to E and subparts 2a and 2b may be allowed as building sites without variances from lot size requirements provided the use is permitted in the zoning district, the lot has been in separate ownership from abutting lands at all times since it became substandard, was created compliant with official controls in effect at the time, and sewage treatment and setback requirements of the shoreland controls are met. Necessary variances from setback requirements must be obtained before any use, sewage treatment system, or building permits are issued for the lots. In evaluating all the variances, boards of adjustment shall consider sewage treatment and water supply capabilities or constraints of the lots and shall deny the variances if adequate facilities cannot be provided. If, in a group of two or more contiguous lots under the same ownership, any individual lot does not meet the requirements of items A to E and subparts 2a and 2b, the lot must not be considered as a separate parcel of land for the purposes of sale or development. The lot must be combined with the one or more contiguous lots so they equal one or more parcels of land, each meeting the requirements of items A to E and subparts 2a and 2b as much as possible. Local shoreland controls may set a minimum size for nonconforming lots or impose their restrictions on their development. • Page 2 -206- S0 I O U~ a~ = L .a.+ ~ O i i Q Q ~ i i O 4-- O N t~i1 O N _ O ~ a ~ `° c ~ v = a ~ ~ c + ......................... L v o + x ~~ . , + ~ ~ ~ H O 6 O 3 4i w w = O ~ U Ot-+ ~'' u- Q N C LA o ~ ~/f ~ L E ~ O O v7 tD' O O v J p J ~ _ ~ O ~ II N O ~ 7 ~ ~ 7 ~ ` ~ , ~ G1 #~ ~ •O II .--i .~ ~C #~ ~ OC ~ ~ ra ~ a ~ ~ oL c f6 ~L ~ O O _a ~~ O /1 ~j L ~ ~ ~ ~ C _ (Q a'd O Q Z H Q ~ ~ ~ ~ O Q ~ '~ a ~; o ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~, • ~ a a~ • L C O O N a n ~ a a + ~ a~ . ~ ro c C ~ ......................... ~ O ' a V ~ r f0 ~ ~' ~+ ~ ~ j ~ ++ i m a o H '~ H ~ OL-+ 7 7 ^ (,/ j ~ H H ~ a~i ~ ;~ ~ m ~° ri/ Q~'O N G ~ N J J C p ~ ~ II O ~ ~ ~ ~ II O c U c E ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~, ,~ s . - U ~ C ° ~ ~ C -~ ~ .~ o ~° 3 ' ° 3 c - ~ c ~~ J a z J M ~L t~ Q O ~ O ~ l0 O II p N O ~ '~ II .~ .~ ~ ~ c ro ~L ~ ~~ _Q C I C Z `/ M ~r~L a- O O O O ~_ O Q (O f °a -207- ~..~ N f~0 c 0 H 3 w G7 J C -~ r. ~ ~.1 rw~r Q Y/ ryW T R a °'a ~ C .0 O_ C ++ i L = f~A ~ C O V N s U ~ a J O Z ~ M ~j f'.+ (C rL. >Z .D O a 0 a~ ~ a i C a..~ LJ Cn ~' Q O O O ~ ~D O II p N O' ~ ~ II ~ ~ c m .~ (6 r~ _Q 1 O O Z O M ~ ~ o - - ~ E o n 0 ~ .1 C a a d A a a~ m ~ w ~ 6 0 a~ ~; °o ~ ~ ~ ~ %. O r~ CJ O ~ O ~ ~ p ~~ o~ o~o-a ~ w~ a~ i C N ~~~~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ Q ~ .~ v''Ji '~ U ~ 0 0 rv ~ N ~ a ~ a November 14, 2005 Minnesota Deppartment of Natural Resources DNR Waters - 12Q0 Warner Road; St. Paul, MN 55106-6793 Telephone: (651) 772-7910 Fax: (651) 772-7977 Sarah Srnith, Community Development Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364-1687 RE: MOUND FLEXIBILITY REQUEST Dear Ms. Smith.: Pie uhsl~s We have reviewed the city's flexibility request to maintain the 6,000 square foot lot size in the shoreland overlay district. We have compared it with the shoreland management ordinances of other Lake Minnetonka communities. The proposed smaller lot size is not consistent with shoreland lot sizes in these other communities, where 10,000 sq. ft. lot sizes are required. However, Minnesota Rule 6120.2800 allows the implementation of flexibility where special circumstances exist. The majority of the city has historically consisted of small lot sizes and the city contains unique features such as substantial areas of park commons around the Lakeshore and a community docking program. After careful consideration of these issues, we believe that with the following changes we may be able to approve your city's shoreland ordinance: 1. Incorporate, into the city's shoreland ordinance, wording from MN Rule 6120.3300, Subpart 2, D regarding the combination of contiguous lots that are under the same ownership prior to their development or sale. In accordance with this regulation, the city may set a minimum size for when such lots must be combined. It is suggested that your ordinance require that lots must meet at least 60% of the 10,000 square foot lot size requirement before they may be developed or sold separately. 2. As we discussed, we see no reason the city shouldn't require 10,000 sq. ft. and a 60 foot width for newly created lots, to be consistent with other Lake Minnetonka communities. However, we agree that it is an administrative hardship to require variances every time an existing nonconforming lot of record is developed or redeveloped. Therefore, we suggest that you seta 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size and a 60 foot width for any new proposed lots in shoreland districts, but add an asterick to this requirement that says that lots of record that meet or exceed 6,000 sq. ft. shall be considered conforming lots. In other words, if a lot owner can meet all other dimensional ordinance requirements, no variances would be required to do work on lots of record in the 6,000 to 10,000 sq. ft. size range. We remain available to assist the city with development of an ordinance that is compliant with state rules and look forward to continuing to work with you in protecting the water resources of the City of Mound and the State of Minnesota. Sincerely, Julie Ekman Area Hydrologist c: Peder Otterson, shoreland Hydrologist ' Dale Homuth, Regional Hydrologist DNR Information: 651-296-6157 1-888-646-6367 TTY: 651-296-5484 1-800-657-3929 An Equal Opportunity Employer ~~' Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a Who Values Diversity ~~~ Minimum of 10% Post-Consumer Waste -208- _-~~ - ~' ~ October 26, 2005 Julie Ekman Area Hydrologist DNR Waters 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 RE: Mound Flexibility Request By Email and US Mail Background. The purpose of this correspondence is to formally respond to the inconsistency issue recently raised by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) regarding the City of Mound's lot requirements as referenced in City Code Chapter 350.1225, Subd. 1 (shoreland Regulations Lot Area and Width Standards) and the original approvals granted by the MnDNR in 1994. Specifically, City Code Chapter 350.1225, Subd. 1 reads as follows: "The lot area and width standards for residential, commercial and industrial lots within the shoreland area shall be as found in the applicable sections of the Mound Zoning Code." As stated above, the City's adopted shoreland regulations indicate that lot area and width standards follow the applicable sections of the zoning ordinance. According to the City Code, the minimum lot size allowed for properties in the R-lA and R-2 District is 6000 5F and minimum lot width is 40 feet (at the lake and street.) According to information contained in the official approval letter from the MnDNR dated September 8, 1994, the City was granted flexibility to allow a 10,000 SF minimum lot size and 60 foot lot width (at the lake and street) and was based on the City's Flexibility Request dated September 22, 1992 which stated that all "new" lots regardless of district requirements were to meet the 10,000 SF lot size and 60 foot width standard. However, this language was not included in the shoreland ordinance as originally adopted by the City of Mound nor have the aforementioned standards been applied to new subdivisions. -209- So City Council Directive The City Council discussed the shoreland regulations at its S tember 13, 2005 meeting and directed Staff to submit a "flexibility request" to e MnDNR as allowed in Minnesota Rules 6120.2800 Subpart 3 so as to maintai the current language in City Code Chapter 350.1225, Subd. 1. Specifically, it is requested that new lotsl which: (i) but on the Lakeshore; or (ii) abut on a commons; or (iii) are separated from the lake by other lots, all be subject to a minimum 6000 square foot area, and a minim 4 of width (front and back). With regard to the aforementioned flexibility request, f respectfully offers the following support information: Mound was originally platted with small lots and consisted primarily of seasonal cabins and substantial areas of park commons surrounding Lake Minnetonka. Therefore, the unique development pattern that exists in our community today is the direct result of these historical factors. The established pattern of small lots and narrow street rights-of--ways results in issues that are unique to Mound and are not found in suburban communities that are either developing, or that initially developed with larger lots. The continuation of "similar sized" lake lots helps maintain consistency and retains the character of the City's established neighborhoods. In addition, coverage and impervious surface requirements are not ordinarily affected by lot size or width. 2. Mound is nearing full development. There are a few "larger" vacant parcels within the community, however, the majority of the remaining vacant residential land consists of infill lots that are scattered throughout the community. 3. There are 992 parcels located along the shoreline. Of these, 178 are separated by commons and 53 are publicly-owned which leaves 761 privately-held parcels which directly abut public waters. The substantial amount of commons lands in Mound is somewhat unique and a tremendous resource for local residents. When the community was originally platted, a number of developments incorporated commons property, most of which is lakefront. This platting technique afforded those residents without lakefront property the opportunity to enjoy lake access. The public commons also serve as an important buffer separating private property from the Lakeshore, and are under the full control of the City regarding the uses and activities that can occur within the commons. 4. Of the 761 parcels directly abutting public water, 312 are zoned R-lA and 17 are zoned R-2. ~ For the purposes of this request we are assuming that parcels which were previously created by the combination of two platted lots may be re-split into the original platted lot as long as they meet the minimum lot size requirements for the district under the City Code. -210- 5. Of the 312 parcels zoned R-lA which are along the shoreline: 269 are greater or equal to 6,000 square feet 67 are greater or equal to 12,000 square feet 6. Of the 17 parcels zoned R-2 which are along the shoreline: • 17 are greater or equal to 6,000 square feet ~ 10 are greater or equal to 12,000 square feet 7. Of the 329 parcels zoned R-lA or R-2, 75 (or 23%) maybe subdividable because they exceed 12,000 square feet. However, it should be noted that some of these parcels may not be subdividable because of other lot dimensional issues such as lot width. 8. Reduced andJor smaller lot standards are supported by the current policies of the Metropolitan Council as they help to maintain affordability. In 2003, the City of Mound ranked 2na amongst participating Lake Minnetonka communities for its affordable housing score. 9. .Smaller size lots actually result in less density of development in the shoreland. Under Mound's land use regulations, a 12,000 square foot parcel could have total coverage of 5540 square feet within the normal setbacks (assuming 80' x 150' lot dimensions.) Two 6,000 square foot lots could have total coverage of 4480 square feet within the normal setbacks (assuming 80' x 150' lot dimensions). Respectfully, Staff requests your prompt review of this request. In the event you have any questions, or require any further information, please feel free to contact me at 952- 472-0604. Sincerely, Sarah Smith Community Development Director -211- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: January 4, 2006 Re: Planned Development Area (PDA) -Minimum Lot Size Background. As the Council may be aware, the Planned Development Area (PDA) standards are included in City Code Chapter 350.460. Currently, there is a two (2) acre minimum lot size requirement for PDA projects. As there are few remaining large parcels in Mound, Staff would like to discuss removal of this standard as the PDA process provides an alternate method by which parcels of land having unusual building characteristics due to subsoil conditions, topography, etc. can be developed using more unique and controlled platting techniques. Members of the Council are advised that Wayzata and Minnetrista do not have mini undertake the proposed revisions, if deemed Zoning Ordinance would be required. the PUD regulations in the Cities of mum lot size requirements. So as to appropriate, a text amendment to the -212- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER AS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2006 WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute 412.831 states that the Council shall, annually, at its first meeting of the year, designate a legal newspaper of general circulation in the City as its official newspaper; and WHEREAS, publication of ordinances and other matters as required by law are to be so published, and such other matters as the Council may deem advisable and in the public interest to have published in this manner; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby designate The Laker as the official newspaper for the City of Mound for 2006. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -213- non- rofit status of this rou ,staff is recommending not waiving the fee. Its not a Mound organization an t e impac o a arge group on the park CITY OF MOUND could require significant clean-up or 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD restoration costs. Kandis Hanson MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 City Manager PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO LIOUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS OR BUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park area. PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $500 Date(s). of Use ~`-' ~'-~ ~ ~ y~ J Area to be Used ~- ~ ~C~~--. L~~-e-~~'rr-2- ~ `-~`~''`~~-'~--~ ~ ~`'~,L-~~ Time Frame ~ ~ `~"~ ~`"','~ `~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ r~`^ Intended Use 1 `-~':4~:~J ~'-s=`t"~ t' ~~ S ~ ~--~-k-~'~U'" ~L~1 Expected Attendance ~(~ (~ Organization ~ L ~ ~ "- S F~.~+'~ S L~1L"'1~~ t~ ~ Cl Laid y-~-~"~~fi~~: 1 C} ~ ~~- _ 5 ~3~ t-~~Kc- S ~~j Representative's Name ~~ ~" C,t' L.~ ~(L~ tr~'~ Address ~~ }~C~ ~ ~~'l.~c~~/1-d) ~ ~c~~ .'~' ~~1~ ~X~e~~~n.-. ~-tNs~ 3~/ Telephone No. Home: ~.~~' "~ ~ -S`~ c~ ~ Work: ~ ~ ~'~` ~, ~~ 7 _ g ~ ~5' Drivers License Number ~ ~~ o~~ "" Z ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i ~S ~" N~ N ~6~ ~ ~ i L U ~u~ a . ~~ ~~ PN~'c. 2 e~7~ V 3~J ~~ ~- S~'~'v ~ u,`k3-~ ~~~. 4 v -pia-~-~ ~u . General Fund $973,776 CDBG p Area Fire Protection Services 203,287 Dock 164,045 Mound HRA ~ 17,222 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2004 - C 151,285 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2005 - C 3,294 G.O. Bonds 2001 - C 66,335 Commerce Place TIF (334,852) G.O. Bonds 2003 - C TIF 1-2 258,196 G.O. Bonds 2001 - A 1.4,248 G.O. Bonds 2003 - A 280,035 G.O. Bonds 2004 - A 178,351 G.O. Bonds 2005 - A 217,904 Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds 2005 - D 319,688 HRA Lease Rev Bonds (26,585) Capital Improvement 948,412 MSA 1,137,214 Sealcoat 1,984 CDB 6,764 Downtown TIF 1-2 (30,820) Downtown TIF 1-3 MH 570,387 HRA Public Safety Bldg 29,331 Water 4,204,651 Sewer 1,380,890 Liquor Store (549,171) Recycling 1,460 Storm Water 917,273 Fire Relief (92,042) Note: The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger. The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers, encumbered funds, or dedicated/reserved resources, etc. Only some accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included. A long and complete process is followed to record all transactions, before we close the books, at the end of the year. in addition, the audit from the independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties. In no way this schedule is intended to represent balances of funds available for spending. 12/13/2005 CashReportCouncil Gino -215- CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT Nov. 2005 91.67% Nov. 2005 YTD PERCENT D T REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND Taxes 2,402,210 0 1,469,899 (932,311) 61.19% Business Licenses 20,950 0 19,220 (1,730) 91.74% Non-Business Licenses/Permits 265,000 14,689 147,158 (117,842) 55.53% Intergovernmental 375,630 0 246,920 (428,710) 65.73% Charges for Services 262,850 102,859 183,548 (79,302) 69,83% Court Fines 105,000 8,835 80,628 (24,372) 76.79% Street Lighting Fee 105,000 5,710 95,035 (9,965) 90.51% Franchise Fees 352,000 7,474 301,818 (50,182) 85.74% G:O. Equipment Certificates 270,000 0 274,476 4,476 101.66% Charges to Other Dpts 11,00'0 2,633 10,298 (702) 93.62% Other Revenue 38.600 1~,2 26.68.8 1( 1.912). 69.14% TOTAL REVENUE 4.208.240 142.362 55 6 (1.352.552 76 86% FIRE FUND 780,710 42,744 797,467 16,757 102.15% DOCK FUND 132,740 0 128036 (4,704) 96.46% MOUND HRA 136,124 1,465 87,010 (49.,114) 63.92% WATER FUND 770,000 31,509 625,552 (144,448) 81.24% SEWER FUND 1,322,200 54,859 1,138,774 (183,426) 86.13% LIQUOR FUND 2,200,000 168,101 1,907,008 (292,992) 86.68% RECYCLING FUND 143,800 32,004 138,465 (5,335) 96.29% STORM WATER UTILITY 136,320 8,924 135,286 (1,034) 99.24% 12/13/2005 rev2005 Gino -216- CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT Nov. 2005 91.67% Nov. 2005 YTD PERCENT BUDGET PEN EXPEN E VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND Council 78,850 2,716 73,343 5,507 93.02% Promotions 3,750 0 3,750 0 100.00% City ManagerlClerk 291,290 22,572 259,300 31,990 89.02% Elections 1,250 0 435 815 34.80% Finance 247,440 18,881 221,344 26,096 89.45% Assessing 83,300 319 83,587 (287) 100.34% Legal 160,420 10,749 109,775 50,645 68.43% City Hall Building 8 Srvcs 115,660 7,502 96,778 18,882 83.67% Computer 21,430 5,440 17,008 4,422 79.37% Police 1,577,740 67,411 1,392,688 1:85,052- 88.27% Emergency Prepardeness 7,100 0 5,982 1,118 84.25% Planning/inspections 341,930 31,813 323,346 18,584 94.56% Streets 884,150 89,481 675,882 208,268 76.44% Recreation-Community Srvs 3,000 0 3,000 0 100.00% Parks 385,590 17,187 4,549 35 31,041 91.95% Cemetery 9,880 6,470 . 7,641 2,239 77.34% Transfers 271,080 36,791 404,705 (133,625) 149.29% Cable TV 45,000 25 31,783 13,217 70.63% Contingencies 54.720 10.682. 16.182 38.538 29.57° GENERAL FUND TOTAL 4 8 Q 328.039 4.081.078 502.502 .89.04% Area Fire Service Fund 735,710 42,917 718,134 17,576 97.61% Dock Fund 166,170 16,565 88,058 78,112 52.99% Capital Projects 26,310 299,080 2,121,368 (2,095,058) TIF 1-2 Downtown Mound 0 3,179 124,903 (124,903) TIF 1-3 MHR 0 238,652 2,944,759 (2,944,759) Water Fund 779,440 87,320 717,478 61,962 92.05% Sewer Fund 1,227,150 123,058 1,178,886 48,264 96.07% Liquor Fund 584,370 65,971 499,798 84,572 85.53% Recycling Fund 168,160 16,644 145,738 22,422 86.67% Storm Water Utility 126,630 11,632 99,607 27,023 78.66% Exp-2005 12/13/2005 Gino -217- Harbor Wine 8 Spirits December 2005 Date Weather Cust 05 Cust 04 Variance 2005 2004 Difference + Cash +/- 12/1/2005 It snow/20 249 227 22 4628.35 3951.64 676.71 -1.29 12/2/2005 2insnw/20 454 230 224 8562.1 4551.3 4010.8 -2.35 12/3/20051t.snow/16 493 392 101 12273.81 7774.18 4499.63 1.24 12/4/2005 CLDY/44 461 -461 9745.07 -9745.07 12/5/2005 cldy/10 206 206 3870.32 3870.32 -0.66 12/6/2005 sunny/cold 213 203 10 3534.39 3531.58 2.81 0.33 12/772005 sunny/20 240 204 36 4036.33 3857.13 179.2 -37.07 12/8/2005 cldy/20 236 226 10 5233.28 3818.54 1414.74 40.58 12/9/2005 sunny/25 398 245 153 9349.35 4696.29 4653.06 2.81 12/10/20051t.snow/35 490 413 77 14045.56 8041.61 6003.95 -0.68 12/11/2005 dreary/30 519 -519 11939.83 -11939.83 12/12/2005 cold/overcast 235 235 4107.59 4107.59 0.14 12/13/2005 cloudy/18 250 222 28 4909.65 4022.93 886.72 0.28 12/14/2005 heavy snow 264 222 42 4609.5 3816.45 793.05 -0.67 12/15/20051t.snow/25 260 275 -15 5987.56 4448.73 1538.83 -9.16 12/16/2005 It snow/20 431 250 181 9210.69 4590.01 4620.68 -1.13 12/17/2005 cldy/25 573 436 137 13470.82 9973.86 3496.96 1.41 12/18/2005 cold/10 525 -525 12169.91 -12169.91 12!19/2005 SUN/8 282 282 5624.91 5624.91 -0.04 12/20/2005 cloud/20 .265 275 -10 5756.39 5851.9 -95.51 0.77 12/21/2005 sun/25 300 254 46 7048.49 4520.35 2528.14 -0.68 12/22/2005 sunny/35 407 329 78 9748.74 7709.94 2038.8 -0.73 12/23/2005 SUN/43 692 587 105 20876.19 16257.17 4619.02 0.82 12/24/2005 PTLYSUNNY3 623 720 -97 17791.57 20977.85 -3186.28 -6.72 12/25/2005 0 0 12/26/2005 breery/35 214 214 3966.71 3966.71 5.4 12/27/2005 cloudy/30 238 289 -51 4408.14 5702.57 -1294.43 -97.38 12/28/2005 cldy/35 233 233 0 4855.56 4121.64 733.92 6.26 12/29/2005 cldy/30 297 275 22 5708.77 5265.42 443.35 -2.21 12/30/2005 snow/35 450 355 95 11007.65 7902.69 3104.96 -7.16 12/31/2005 pt cld/35 894 845 49 23000.86 21233 1767.86 56.64 Totals 9887 9212 ,/675 227623.28 200471.59 (27151.69 -51.25 dsg ~ ' '. '210' .~.. 534'1 MAYWOOD ROAD f OF MOUND MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Meisel~Y Council FROM: Jim Fackler DATE: December 28, RE: Andrews Sisters Trail Donations Attached is a copy of the Andrew Sisters Trail sign. At the last council meeting it was approved to match fundraising efforts dollaz for dollar. At this time we have received $2,000.00 from Tom Roclcvam towards this sign. Based on this donation, the sign will be ordered and installed in the spring of 2006. printed on recycled paper -219- ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ THE ANDREWS SISTERS, LAVERNE, MAXENE, AND PATTY, GREW UP IN MOUND, MINNESOTA. THEY SPENT ALL OF THEIR SUMMERS HERE FROM 1917 THROUGH 1931, # GVING 1N A HOUSE THAT TODAY WOULD BE AT 2506 COMMERCE BLVD. THEY ALSO SPENT A :. ~ ' LOT OF TIME AT THEIR UNCLES' (PETER AND ED BOCCIE? GROCERY STORE, WHICH TODAY WOULD BE AT 2567 COMMERCE BLVD. WHEN THEY WON AN AUDITION AT THE ORPHEUM ' ~ THEATER IN MINNEAPOLIS IN 1931, THEY WERE HIRED BY LARRY RICH, A VAUDEVILLIAN, ,: AND THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THEIR 65-YEAR, SHOW-BUSINESS CAREER. : ~ THEY SPENT ALL OF THEIR CHILDHOOD SUMMERS IN MOUND AND VISITED HERE EVERY CHANCE THEY COULD AS ADULTS, WHICH INCLUDED AT LEAST ONE WEEK EACH JULY THROUGHOUT THEIR VERY BUSY AND SUCCESSFUL CAREERS, MAXENE, ESPECIALLY, HAD A DEEP LOVE FOR MOUND, BUYING 13 ACRES OF LAND ON WESTEDGE BOULEVARD IN 1951. WHEN SHE DIED IN 1995, SHE WAS CREMATED AND SOME OF HER ASHES WERE SPREAD ON THE PACIFIC OCEAN AND 50ME WERE SPREAD ON LAKE MINNETONKA AT THE MOUND SWIMMING BEACH: THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: THEY RECORDED OVER 700 SONGS ON THE.DECCA LABEL, SOLD OVER 90 MILLION RECORDS, HAD 113 CHARTED HITS, HAD 12 GOLD RECORDS, WERE THE FIRST FEMALE GROUP TO HAVE A GOLD RECORD GO PLATINUM, WERE IN 18 MOVIES; AND WERE THE FIRST AND ONLY FEMALE GROUP TO BE INDUCTED INTO THE VOCAL GROUP'HALL OF FAME IN. 1998. THEY HAD 46 TOP-TEN HITS IN THEIR CAREER, WHICH IS MORE TOP-TEN HITS THAN ELVIS PRESLEY OR THE IG WORLD WAR II, THEY ENTERTAINED OVER 161 MILLION ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL, BOTH IN THE UNITED S AND DURING THEIR USO TOURS ABROAD. DAILY THEY BROUGHT UPBEAT MUSIC, LAUGHTER, HAPPINESS, AND TO EVERYONE DURING WORLD WAR II, WHICH WAS A DARK PERIOD FOR AMERICANS. PATTY ANDREWS SAID THAT BECAUSE OF ALL OF HER HAPPY MEMORIES IN MOUND, THE ONLY WAY SHE COULD DESCRIBE MOUND IS "iT IS HEAVEN ON EARTHI" AUTHOR: TOM ROCKVAM This is a drawing of the sign that will be placed in the greenway area by the boat slips at the center of The Andrews Sisters Trail in Mound; it is made from cast aluminum. It will be installed for the dedication of the trail in the spring. of 2006. The size of this sign will be 36 inches high and 40 inches wide with a 5 inch by 7 inch metal photograph of the Andrews Sisters. 26 -220- Metropolitan Council Building communities that work December 22, 2005 Kandis Hanson City Manager ........City of Mound .............. 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2005 Livable Communities Demonstration Account Development Grant Application: Mound Visions Downtown Revitalization Dear Ms. Hanson: The Livable Communities Advisory Committee completed its evaluation and recommendations for 2005 LCDA grant awards in November. Your proposal for Mound Visions Downtown Revitalization has not hee~recommended-for~,~DA fund~gt~~ ",~~. - --- The LCDA application process has been highly competitive again this year, with over four times the funding request that can be met with available dollars. The 31 proposals we received collectively requested $40.6 million; $8.9 million is available. ~n-- The advisory committee recommended 11 projects for fimding from the group of 31 applications. The recommended projects are those that best meet the program criteria and are ready to proceed with implementation of the project. If you have questions about the evaluation process or would like to see the evaluation comments and feedback for your funding proposal, please contact Joanne Barron (PH 651-602-1385, ioanne.barron(c~metc.state.nm.us) or Linda Milashius (PH 651-602-1541, linda.milashius(~c?n~etc.state.mn.us). Thank you or yoltr interest in Livable Communities funding. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or co~erns about the LCDA selection process. S Director of Housing and Livable Communities cc: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Joanne Barron, planning analyst Linda Milashius, planner Robin Caufman, sector representative www. metrocouncil. org Metro Info Line 602-1888 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626nr~• (G51) 602-1000 Fax 602-1550 TTY 291-0904 An Equal C - L 2 ~ -'mployer Hennepin County Department of Environmental Services -~ 417 North Fifth Street, Suite 200 612-348-3777, REDUCE.REUSE.RECYCLE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1397 612-348-8532, Fax 612-348-6500, Facility INFO Line www.co.hennepin.mn.us/environmental December 20,.2005 Mayor Patricia Meisel City of Mound ..5341 Maywood Road Mound, 55364 Dear Mayor Meisel: On December l3, 2005 the Hennepin County Board of Commissioner adopted Resolution OS-540 establishing a county Storm Emergency Financial Assistance Policy. This policy will provide financial assistance to municipalities for the proper management of tree waste debris resulting from major storm damage that does not meet the qualifying standards for receiving Federal and state disaster assistance. ' The effective date of the policy is September 1, 2005. Communities that suffered storm damage after September 1, 2005 may be eligible to receive financial assistance under this policy. Key provisions of the Storm Emergency Financial Assistance Policy include:. • Municipalities must declare a local emergency in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 12.29. • To qualify for county assistance, municipalities must first spend $3.00 per capita from municipal funds for the removal and disposal of tree waste debris. • Qualifying expenses must meet the guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as described in its Public Assistance Guide. • Municipalities qualifying for county assistance may be reimbursed for up to 50% of eligible local costs of managing tree waste debris above and beyond the local requirement. • By October 31St of each year the County will review all applications for assistance received during the year and determine eligibility and appropriate distribution of County assistance pursuant to this policy. • By December 31St of each year the County Board of Commissioners will approve distribution of assistance to qualifying municipalities. • $500,000 has been committed annually to fund the policy through 2007. An Equal Opportunity Employer - 222 - Recycled Paper Mayor Patricia Meisel ,~ December 20, 2005 Page 2 A copy of the policy is enclosed. If you or your staff have questions related to this policy, or would like to request an application to seek assistance for costs experienced during 2005, please contact William Leonard at (612) 348-8994. Applications for 2005 assistance should be submitted to the Environmental Services Department by January 31, 2006. I expect County Board action to approve distribution of 2005 funds will occur by the end of February. Sincerely, Philip C. Eckhert Director Attachment C: Hennepin County Commissioners Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager Sandra Vargas Pat O'Connor. -223- Storm Emergency Financial Assistance .Policy I. Policy Description This policy is intended to provide financial assistance to municipalities that have suffered significant storm damage that does not meet the standards for receiving Federal or State disaster assistance. A. Effective Date and Policy Duration This policy is effective and applies to storm damage occurring between September 1, 2005 and December 31, 2007. At the end of this period the policy will be reviewed to evaluate its effectiveness and determine if the policy should be renewed, modified or discontinued. B. Eligibility and Fund Distribution 1. In order to qualify for County assistance municipalities must first spend at least $3.00 per capita from municipal funds for the removal and disposal of tree waste debris. The' most recent population estimates from the State demographer's office will be used to calculate the required qualifying expenditure for each .municipality. 2. 'Local costs that may be included in the $3.00 per capita requirement will be for work meeting Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines, described in their Public Assistance Guide. 3. Upon qualifying for County assistance, a municipality maybe reimbursed for 50% of eligible local costs of managing tree waste above and beyond the local qualifying requirement. 4. If available County funds are less than the total amount of reimbursement that all municipalities are qualified to receive, each municipality's reimbursement will be reduced on a pro-rated basis. As an example, if $200,000 of County assistance ~is available, and municipalities have aggregate expenditures qualifying for total reimbursement of $300,000, each municipality would receive two-thirds of the County assistance they were qualified to receive. 5. Only expenses that conform to FEMA guidelines are eligible for County reimbursement. 12/20/2005 -224- II. Responsibilities of Municipalities A. Declaration of Local Emergency In order to be eligible to receive financial assistance for the management of tree waste related to storm damage, municipalities must declare a local emergency in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 12.29, within 30 days of the date of the natural disaster. B. Requests for Financial Assistance Related to the Management of Tree Waste Upon declaring a local emergency, each municipality must complete an application and forward it to Hennepin County within eight months of declaration date. A copy of the disaster declaration must be included with the application for assistance. C. Municipal Debris Management Plan The municipality must create a storm debris management plan and file it with the Hennepin County Emergency Preparedness Office. The debris management plan must indicate how the municipaht~will manage storm debris including the collection and disposal of tree waste debris. Failure to file a plan will disqualify a municipality from consideration for financial assistance. D. Use of Funds 1. If a natural disaster event qualifies for Federal or State emergency assistance, none of the consequences of that event qualify for assistance under this policy. 2. All funds accepted from the County pursuant to this policy must be used for the proper management of tree waste debris related to storm damage. 3. The proper management of tree waste means that the materials will be used as a resource such as wood chips, compost, mulch or incinerated for energy recovery. Open burning of tree waste is not considered proper management and expenses related to burning tree waste are not an expense eligible for County reimbursement and may not be included as qualifying local expenses pursuant to section I.B.1. of this policy. Prior to receiving reimbursement from the County, a municipality must provide documentation detailing expenses and methods for management of tree waste. 12/20/2005 -225- III. Responsibilities of Hennepin County A. Establishment of Funding Source The County will appropriate $500,000 per year from the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for expenditures related to this policy. B. Application Form and Contract Hennepin County will provide an application form that municipalities can use to request assistance. If a municipality qualifies for funding assistance based on its application, a funding agreement will be prepared for execution by the municipality and subsequent County Board consideration for final approval. C. Payments 1. By October 31St of each year the County will review all applications for assistance received during that year and determine eligibility and appropriate distribution of County assistance pursuant to this policy. 2. By December 31St of each year the C___oun~ Board, of Commissioners _will ________ __ approve distribution of assistance to municipalities, authorize the Board Chairman to execute funding agreements with municipalities, and approve replenishment of the emergency account in an amount determined by the Board. 12/20/2005 -226- ~~ ~~~ _~ ~~, 45 pa~5~ 1)1• ~+~ "VISED Jr~Ni1ARY G, 200G DECLARATION OF COVENANTS THIS INSTRUMENT is made this day of , 2006, the City of Mound, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Declarant"). RECITALS A. Declarant is the fee owner of the properly in Hennepin County, Minnesota described in the attached Exhibit A: (the "Subject Properly"). ,~- B. Declarant wishes to subject the portion of the Subject Property which is described in the attached Exhibit B (the Declaration Area") to the covenants and restrictions hereinafter contained. C. Declarant is making this declaration in consideration of the issuance, by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR"), of a variance permitting Declarant to remove 1.4 acres of cattails from Lost Lake; and wishes accord the DNR, on behalf of the State of Minnesota the benefits of the covenants and restrictions hereafter provided. DECLARATION Now, therefore, Declarant hereby declares that the Declaration Area shall be transferred, sold, held, conveyed, occupied, developed and maintained subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. Restrictions on Use. The Declaration Area is subject to the following restrictions: (i) no additional docking structure may be installed appurtenant to the Declaration Area, whether or not such installation would be based on any claim of riparian rights; (ii) no use of the Declaration Area whether based on a claim of riparian rights or not, shall be permitted which results in additional disturbance to the bed, shoreline, or vegetation of Lost Lake. JBD-272962v3 2. Binding~Covenant. The restrictions created by this instrument are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the Subject Property, and preserving the wetlands and water quality in the Lost Lake area. This instrument shall run with said land and be binding in perpetuity upon all parties having any title or interest in the Declaration Area or any part thereof and shall inure to the benefit of said Declarant, its successors and assigns and to the benefit of the owners of properties located along the shores of Lost Lake, to the public who uses the waters of Lost Lake, and to the State of Minnesota. 3. Enforcement of Declaration. This Declaration shall be enforceable by either the City of Mound, Minnesota, acting through its City Council, or the DNR. The parties will each notify the other of any allegation of violation of the provisions of this Declaration. 4. Amendment. This Declaration may not be rescinded or modified without the consent of the DNR. 5. No Waiver. The inaction of the City of Mound or the DNR to enforce this Declaration shall not constitute a waiver of or amendment to this Declaration. Failure to take prompt legal action to enforce the terms of this Declaration shall not constitute a waiver or release or operate to estop or prevent enforcement hereof. 6. Rights not Affected. Declarant currently holds valid permits, licenses and approvals from various governmental agencies allowing it to carry out certain activities within Lost Lake, including on and appurtenant to the Subject Property (the "Governmental Approvals"). The Goverrunental Approvals include: [List] No provision of this Declaration shall be deemed or construed in any way to limit or restrict the ability of Declarant to carry out those activities to the fullest extent permitted by the Government Approvals, nor to prevent the Declarant to restore and maintain any channel, dredge, structure or facility permitted by such Governmental Approvals, and to seek any necessary additional Governmental Approvals necessary to such restoration or maintenance. Moreover, this Declaration shall not be deemed or construed to prevent Declarant from seeking Governmental Approvals for additional dredge and channel activities in the event the existing channel or dredge is made impassible due to a drop in the water level of Lost Lake. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Declaration as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT City Of Mound By: Its: Mayor JBD-272962v3 By: Its: City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was aclaiowledged before me this day of 2006, by Pat Meisel and Kandis M. Hanson, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Mound on behalf of the City. Notary Public NOTARY STAMP OR SEAL This Instrument Was Drafted By: Kennedy & Graven 470 U.S. Bank Plaza, 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 JBD-272962v3