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PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through team~~ork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality servieesthat respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA l'~- ~U ~~ MOUN13 C1~'Y COUNCIL. Tt1ESDAV, JAN. 2~#, 2006 - 7:3(1 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CI'f Y COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~`C,'onsent Agenda: Items listed under the (.'onsent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve minutes of January 10, 2006 regular meeting 227-233 ~^ *B. Approve payment of claims 234-265 G *C. Action to accept recommendation by MFRA on Ridgewood Road 266-267 *D. Approve Payment Request No. 1 from Widmer Construction in the 268-270 amount of $32,017.50 for 2005 Storm Sewer Improvements *E. Approve Payment #5 to Veit & Company in the amount of $18,247.12 271-273 for the Lost Lake Dump & Maxwell Properties response actions *F. Approve Change Order #2 in the amount of $2,047.50 for Response 274-276 Actions at Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Properties *G. Approval of Consent and Waiver Agreement for Voluntary 277-284 Abatement of Property located at 3198 Westedge Boulevard Pursuant to M.S.S. 463.15 *H. Adopt Resolution Approving Variance for Upper Story Addition 285-299 at 1609 Paradise Lane (Robert & Carol Lien) *I. Approve DCAC 2006 Dock Location Map 300-310 *J. Adopt Resolution Recommending Funding of Senior Programs 311-312 through the Community Development Block Grant 1 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *K. Adopt Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Amendment to 313-316 Cooperation Agreement (City and HRA) 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minutes per speaker.) 6. Public Hearings A. Case No. OS-84 -continued from January 10, 2006 meeting 317-318 Rezoning proposal from Gillespie Senior Center NOTE: Applicant has withdrawn this rezoning application B. Case No. 06-01: Proposed Zoning Amendment 319-327 Applicant: City of Mound PC Recommendation: Approval (1) Action on Ordinance Amending Section 350 of the City Code as it Relates to the Zoning Ordinance 7. Approve use of Park Dedication Funds for Skate Park and Park Planning 328-331 8. Action on Resolution Approving Cooperative Agreement for Shorewood 332-336 Wetland Mitigation Project ~~ '"' 9. Action on Resolution Approving Declaration of Covenants for new Wetland 337-342 to be Constructed on Property Located a 7601 County Road 110 in Minnetrista, Minnesota 10. Action on Resolution Accepting Bid for Dredging of Lost Lake 343-346 1 1. Discussion on Monthly Calendar 12. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Questions and comments from Council members 1. Mayor's SRA Report B. Correspondence: American Community Survey 347-348 13. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofmound com. 2 COUNCIL BRIEFING January 24, 2006 ~ ' Upcoming Events Schedule: Don t Forget!! t ~~~ Jan 24 - 7:15 - HRA regular meeting Jan 24 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Jan 31 - 6:30 -Volunteer Recognition -VFW Hall Feb 14 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Feb 14 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting Feb 26 - 6:30 -Chamber of Commerce Ball Feb 28 - 6:30 - HRA regular meeting Feb 28 - 7:30 - CC regular meeting April 1 -Daylight Savings Time begins Upcoming Absences Kandis Hanson Feb 10-11 City Manager's Conf Kandis Hanson Feb 17-Mar 4 Vacation City Hall and Public Safety Admin Offices Closed Martin Luther King Day Jan 16 President's Day Feb 20 City Engineer The two finalist firms were interviewed for a second time on Jan 19. Staff has requested a contract proposal from one of the firms and will be negotiating the content over the next week. A recommendation for City ~' Engineer will likely be on the Feb 14 agenda. Public Works Facility Planning The second in a series of meetings with Kodet Architects has been scheduled. A space needs plan is expected to be presented in March. John B and Bob B have agreed to be Council liaisons to this committee. Thanks! All-Staff Meeting An All-Staff meeting has been set for Jan 31. It is a Benefits Update. This is not a mandatory meeting but everyone has been encouraged to attend so that they understand the change in our dental plan and get briefed on the other benefit plans in place. Spouses have also been invited. Volunteer Recognition Some parameters have been set for recognizing members and outgoing members of our commissions. --Six years or more, outgoing -engraved mantle clock (delivered or mailed if they do not choose to attend) --Less than six years, outgoing -framed certificate (delivered or mailed if they do not choose to attend) --Continuing active members, who attend the recognition event -unframed certificate (no certificate if they choose not to attend-an incentive!) Public Works Worker/Water Division The new water division position was posted within the department for the required number of days, under the union contract. Receiving no applications, the position is being advertised in area papers and will close on Feb 10. ~' Parks Position The full-time position in the parks division was posted and two internal applications were received. Both were interviewed and backgrounding is now taking place on the candidate with the union status. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2006 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, January 10, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall Members .Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mike Specht, John Beise and David Osmek. Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Police Chief Jim Kurtz, June McCarthy, Jim Fretham, Shawn Ness, Mary Soderlund, Jim Funk, Andrea Ahrens Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nafure by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of ~' Allegiance. 2. Approve Agenda Meisel requested the removal of item 3M on request of the applicant, to give June McCarthy an opportunity to review the agreement. Specht requested the removal of item 3B for discussion, and Brown requested the removal of item 3G. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda A. Approve minutes of the December 13/16, 2005 regular meeting. B. (removed) C. RESOLUTION NO. 06-01: RESOLUTION APPOINTING GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIRECTOR, AS ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 2006 D. RESOLUTION N0.06-02: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK E. RESOLUTION NO. 06-03: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/FINANCE DIRECTOR F. RESOLUTION NO. 06-04: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 2006 -227- Mound City Council Minutes -January 10, 2006 G. (removed) H. RESOLUTION NO. 06-05: RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL I. RESOLUTION NO. 06-06: RESOLUTION TO APPOINT PARKS SUPERINTENDENT JIM FACKLER AS ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR 2006 J. Approve recommendations for citizen appointments 1. Planning Commission -.three year terms Jorj Ayaz, Becky Glister, and Orv Burma 2. Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission -three year terms (staggered) Jim Funk, Derrick Hentz, Don Heywood, Mike Mason, Michelle Olson,. Sue Pilling, and Teri Turner K. RESOLUTION NO. 06-07: RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT (#A14569) WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY REGARDING ELECTRONIC PROPRIETARY GEOGRAPHICAL DIGITIZED DATA BASE (EPDB) AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE EXTENSION AGREEMENT L. RESOLUTION NO. 06-08: RESOLUTION RELATING TO CERTAIN kiAZARDOUS PROPERTY: PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF CERTAIN COSTS BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 463.15, ET.SEQ. M. (removed for consideration at future meeting) N. RESOLUTION NO. 06-09: A RESOLUTION APPROVING FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE FOR UPPER ADDITION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2636 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD. P&Z Case #05-70, PID #24-117-24-13-0027. O. RESOLUTION NO. 06-10: RESOLUTION REGARDING MUNICIPAL STATE AID FUNDS ADVANCE 3B. Approve Payment of Claims Specht requested that this be removed from the consent agenda because two pages were duplicated in the packet, and he wanted to make sure that duplicate payments were not made on these bills. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve payment of claims in the amount of $534,528.66. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. 2 -228- Mound City Council Minutes -January 10, 2006 3G. Adopt a resolution appointing Councilmember John Beise as Acting Manor for 2006. Brown requested this be removed from the consent agenda because wants a roll call vote recorded for this item. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Brown to have a roll call vote recorded on this item. All voted in favor. Motion carried. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution. Upon roll call vote, the following voted in favor: Specht, Beise and Meisel; the following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 06-11: RESOLUTION APPOINTING COUNCILMEMBER JOHN BEISE AS ACTING MAYOR FOR 2006 4. Comments and suctaestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. Jim Funk, 2940 Oaklawn Lane, requested to talk to the Council about them voting to move the City Manager up on the dock waiting list and waive her dock fees. He has been approached by a number of people enraged about this and hesitates to comment because he doesn't know the facts. City Attorney John Dean explained that he hasn't done an exhaustive investigation, but they all agree that the city council has the authority to regulate activities on the public commons and among the things they are authorized to do is allocate and assign slips and dock usage on the commons and do this in various ways. They clearly have the authority to do that. In this instance it would appear that a couple of activities have been combined, being the council's legitimate role in assigning docks and slips on the commons and their role in securing qualified and capable city employees and compensating them appropriately. In this case, through policy decision, the council concluded that it was appropriate as part of the compensation package of the City Manager, to provide her with a slip on the commons as a condition or component of her compensation. There is legal authority for what the council did. Funk asked if the council felt it was an ethical move and Meisel repeated that it was part of the compensation package. Osmek commented that he and Councilmember Brown were against this portion, but shouldn't pick out that item to not provide Hanson the reward for exceptional service for the whole year. Beise also commented that it is part of her compensation package and when she is no longer an employee of the City, she will no longer have that dock. It was awarded to her for as long as she is employed with the City. The dock goes away when her compensation goes away. Specht also commented that it was part of the compensation package, and she wasn't moved up the waiting list. 3 -229- Mound City Council Minutes -January 10, 2006 Brown stated he voted for the total compensation package and asked Dean if the Council has the right to move someone from 10th to 1St on the waiting fist. Dean stated that absent the unusual circumstance here, which is the compensation for the City Manager, the City Council unanimously agreed on the whole package and it made good sense to do it that way. As long as the city has an allocation system in place for assigning slips and dock permits on an annual basis, other than unusual circumstances,. it would be well advised to follow the program that's in place. The Council can always change that program. Brown stated that until they got rid of the Dock's Commission they did a good job of regulating the program and think that if the list is there, they shouldn't deviate from that. 5. Public Hearings A. Case No. 05-59: Vacation of a portion of unimproved Lake Street -abutting properties at 5951/5945 Lynwood Boulevard. Sarah reviewed the application from Shawn Ness and Mary Soderlund to vacate a portion of unimproved Lake Street which abuts their property located at 5951 and 5945 Lynwood Boulevard. She indicated that staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of the request with conditions. Brown asked what the difference was between this request and the one from Mr. Peterson for a portion of Halstead Lane? Smith stated that staff didn't recommend the one on Halstead because there were utilities presen# plus the undecided future of a proposed development in that area and the fact that the property adjacent to this portion of Lake Street can't be developed for any residential purposes. Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m., and upon hearing no comment, closed the hearing at 7:55 p.m. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 06-12: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF UNIMPROVED LAKE STREET ADJACENT TO PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 5951 AND 5945 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD. P&Z CASE #05-59. B. Case No. 05-84: Rezoning proposal for property at 5680 Bartlett Blvd., by the Gillespie Senior Center Sarah Smith stated that this request has been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission and she received an inquiry from an interested neighbor indicating that they would like to take part in the hearing and asked if it could be continued to January 24th, as they are out of town at this time. Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. 4 -230- Mound City Council Minutes -January 10, 2006 MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to continue the public hearing until Janaury 24, 2006 meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 6. Action on False Alarm Ordinance Police Chief Jim Kurtz reviewed the proposed ordinance and the justification for such an ordinance. Discussion took place regarding the fees for false alarms, as some councilmembers felt that the fees should be higher for repeat offenders. Kurtz stated that the proposed fees are in line with what neighboring communities charge and he thinks they are appropriate. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to adopt the following ordinance. Brown added a friendly amendment that the fees for the false alarms be reviewed after one year and Specht accepted the amendment. All voted in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCE N0.01-2006: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CHAPTER 940 OF THE CITY CODE TO REGULATE THE USE OF ALARM SYSTEMS TO SUMMON PUBLIC SAFETY AND ESTABLISHING USER FEES FOR FALSE ALARMS. 7. Action on Approving Declaration of Covenants for Lost Lake ~'""'~ ~ MOTION by Brown, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 06-13: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS FOR PRESERVATION OF UNDEVELOPED, PUBLIC LAND IN LOST LAKE 8. Action on Right of Entry Agreement for property located at 7601 County Road 110 West, Minnetrista, MN MOTION by Beise, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 06-14: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT FOR NEW WETLAND TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7601 COUNTY ROAD NO. 110 IN MINNETRISTA, MINNESOTA 9. Planning Commission Case Case No. 05-74: variance for front/corner setback for new detached garage at 2308 Fernside Lane Sarah Smith reviewed the application for a variance request from fames Bretham to allow a reduced front setback of ten feet from the north property line abutting Shoreline Drive for a new detached garage to be constructed on the property at 2308 Fernside Lane. There was not a resolution for approval or denial included 5 -231- Mound City Council Minutes -January 10, 2006 in the packet because of the Planning Commission recommends denial and staff recommends approval. There was discussion as to whether the foundation of the house could withstand the addition of an attached garage on the west side of the house as an alternative to what the applicant has requested. The applicant was present and could not answer that question but agreed to get this information. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to table action on this item to a future meeting to allow the applicant to obtain additional information as discussed. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 10. Review/Discussion/Request for Action on Mound Shoreland Flexibility Request Sarah stated that the DNR raised a number of issues regarding the City's lot requirements as referenced in city Code 3350.1225, Subd. 1 (Shoreland Regulations Lot Area~and Width Standards). The request would allow flexibility in the shoreland regulations as allowed by Minnesota Rules 6120.2800 subd. 3. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to approve the Flexibility Request and submittal of the document to the DNR. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 11. Review/Discussion/Request for Action -Minimum Lot Size for Planned Development (PDA) Smith explained the perceived need to revise the Zoning Ordinance as it refers to minimum lot size requirements for PDA's. It was the consensus of the Council to remand this to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation. 12. Designation of The Laker as Official Newspaper for 2006 Meisel stated that she will be abstaining from voting on this item because she is an owner of the building the houses The Laker. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution. The following voted in favor: Brown, Specht, Beise and Osmek. The following voted against: none. Meisel abstained from voting. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 06-15: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER AS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2006 6 -232- Mound City Council Minutes -January 10, 2006 13. Action on Public Gathering Permit Application from Upper Minnetonka Sailing School It was noted that the date requested as been changed from July 7 to July 21. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to approve the Public Gathering Permit for July 21, 2005, for Upper Minnetonka Sailing School to hold a youth sailing regatta at Mound Bay Park, and not to waive the normal permit fee. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 14. Information/Miscellaneous A. Reports: Finance Department -November 2005 Liquor Store -December 2005: Brown congratulated the management and employees for a fabulous December. B. Newsletters: Andrews Sisters Trail Donation C. Correspondence: Metropolitan Council Hennepin County 15. Adiourn MOTION by Specht, seconded by Brown to adjourn at 8:58 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk ~~ 7 -233- JANAURY 24, 2006 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ 123105SUE2 $200,397.97 DEC ~ ~ 010406S U E $540.00 JAN ~ ~ 010906S U E $50..00 JAN ~ 011106SUE $990.00 JAN ~ 011806SUE $178,367.95 JAN ~ ~ 012406SUE $106,883.11 JAN ~ TOTAL $487,229.03 -234- . __ City Of Mound ~ --.. 01/19/06 11:01 AM ~'" `.\ Page 1 ,., ~~ ~~ Payments ~ ~ _ .~ __. CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Batch Name 123105SUE2 User Dollar Amt $200,397.97 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $200,397.97 $0.00 In Balance Refer 123105 ACCURATE RADAR SPECIALTIES _ AP Payment E 101-42110-409 Other Equipment Repair #844 RADAR REPAIRS $99.59 Invoice 1049 12/31/2005 PO 19026 AP Payment E 101-42110-409 Other Equipment Repair CERTIFY RADARS $322.50 Invoice 1062 12/31/2005 PO 19047 Transaction Date 12!31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $422.09 Refer 123105 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG AP Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO $28.76 Invoice 123105- B 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ao ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ „ ~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total $28.76 . .., , Refer 123105 ~. ~ ~. , ~a vy~, BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY _ AP Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs 11-05-05 THRU 12-02-05 DUMP $14,943.02 REMEDIATION Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~. ~ ~ „~~z ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total ~ ~ ~ $14,943.02 Refer 123105 _ BECK, KENNETH ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~' AP Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 FITNESS INCENTIVE $65.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total ,k ~ ~ - $65.00 Refer 123105 BOYER TRUCK PARTS _ . ~ M ,... e,..~, ~ ~. ~.~~ ~, AP Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SUSPENSION SPRING PIN $363.01 Invoice 428494 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ $363.01 Refer 123105 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE _ ~~ ~ ~ AP Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts AIR FILTERS $28.47 Invoice 254-670 34 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts AIR FILTERS $28.47 Invoice 254-670 34 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts AIR FILTERS $28.48 Invoice 254-670 34 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total , ~ ~ ~, ~ J $85.42 Refer 123105 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ e,~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ AP Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-000-053-000 $469.82 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-001-853-000 $2,394.29 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-001-095-800 $1,305.62 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-001-972-603 $828.29 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 / AP Payment E 601-49400-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-001-972-603 $828.29 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-001-972-603 $828.30 Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 -235- _ City of Mound _.---- 01/19/06 11:01 AM /~,~.. --~. ,, ` P Page 2 ~ ~ ayments CITY OF MOUND Current Pe riod: December 2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-004-818-801 $938.89 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-004-921-200 $1,432.51 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42110-383 Gas Utilities 11-16-05 THRU 12-20-05 #543-004-921-200 $1,432.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $10,458.51 Refer 123105 CHADWICK AND MERTZ _ ~~ AP Payment E 101-41600-304 Legal Fees 12-05 PROSECUTION SERVICES $4,471.80 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31!2005 Due 12/31/2005 , ~~ ,,,:~~~~ M.m:.. ~,,~.: a~, Accounts Payable 20200 ~~.w, , ~~g~ Total $4,471.80 Refer 123105 . CHAMPION AUTO _ ~ , AP Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair HAVOLINE, ETC $36.19 Invoice D355276 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $36.19 Refer 123105 CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT, I _ AP Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies SALVAGE TARP $276.05 Invoice 48320 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~,..q,a ., ..,.,~F . ,~.,..4 .n P ~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~ .~x ~ ~ Total $276.05 , . . ,~ Refer 123105 COLOTTI, JOHN A. _ . . _ AP Payment E 609-49750-331 Use of personal auto 2005 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $140.65 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $140.65 Refer 123105 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED AP Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 12-05 COPIER MAINTENANCE $341.80 Invoice 67979 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $341.80 Refer 123105 FRONTIER/C/TIZENS COMMUNICA _ ~ ~~ AP Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 12-06-05 SERVICE CALL $70.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $1,046.31 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $435.96 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $261.58 Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $565.74 Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $565.74 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $565.74 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $19.55 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone & Cells 12-05 TELEPHONE SERVICE $712.83 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $4,243.45 -236- City of Mound 01/19/06 11:01 AM ~-''~~ ,; ` /i ~ Payments Page 3 ~ ~- -- CITY OF M®UND Current Pe riod: December 2005 Refer 123105 GALLS, INCORPORATED AP Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms REVERSABLE JACKET $141.98 Invoice 5809049900011 12/31!2005 PO 19285 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 .. - _, .Accounts Payable 20200 Total $141.98 Refer 123105 GARY'S DIESEL SERVICE w ~.u. ~ .,w~.~, n-.... .,,. . ~~. aa~ AP Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #185 BOTTLE TEST STRIP $380.41 Invoice 69524 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~.. Accounts Payable 20200 Total $380.41 Refer 123105 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD , ...,. .A~... a ~a~w~,~„-, AP Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 12-05 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $7.21 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services 12-05 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $60.55 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 .~..~,,.~~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~,~,.~.,.- r h Total $67.76 Refer 123105 GR/GGS COOPER AND COMPANY _ ,.. ..~ . ,~~,. AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $201.25 Invoice 341429 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 n..~_ ,_.... . ~ ,u,~ Accounts Payable 20200 , _ .- ~~ Totai $201.25 . Refer 123105 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED . » ~. . v,m . ~f ~ _ ' AP Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals CONTAINERS (18) $90.00. Invoice DM26023 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $90.00 Refer 123105 HENNEPIN COUNTY 1NFORMATlO _ AP Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals 12-05 RADIO LEASE $1,184.22 Invoice 25128032 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ,~r,=...,.. ~~.~,o~ Accounts Payable 20200 ,,~,~,..~.~ Total $1,184.22 Refer 123105 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A _ _. ~.. ~,.N.,,., AP Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 12-05 BOOKING FEE $245.52 Invoice 924 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 10-05 BOOKING FEE $75.00 Invoice 836 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ,N. ..~~ Accounts Payable 20200 _ Total $320.52 Refer 123105 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER - _ , ~.~~. ,u..~~; ~~, AP Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing #05-84/5860 BARTLETT BLVD MAILING LIST $62.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12!31/2005 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~ . ~ ~ Total $62.50 Refer 123105 HOFF, KATIE _ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ AP Payment E 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto 2005 REIMBURSE MILEAGE $34.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $34.00 Refer 123105 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, I AP Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 12-05 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $958.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 MOUND GREENWAY PHASE 2 $1,300.00 Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 -237- _ _ City of Mound ~~ 01/19/06 11:01 AM _ Page 4 ~, Payments ` ~ 1 -_ -_ ~.. . _ _ . ...._ . . CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 455-46377-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 MOUND VISIONS $2,538.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment G 101-23069 1774 Heron Lane #05-67 Min 12-05 1774 HERON LANE $32.50 Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 AP Payment G 101-23028 2855 Cambridge Lane #0-4-4 12-05 2855 CAMBRIDGE LANE #05-72/05-73 $227.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment G 101-23036 4944 IslandView Drive Gharri 12-05 4944 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE SUB- $113.75 DIVISION Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 5680 BARTLETT ZONING DISCUSSION $81.25 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment G 101-23061 5776 Bartlett Bivd #05-45 Sk 12-05 BARTLETT BLVD 10 SPRING HILL $97.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 MISC PLANNING $560.50 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~~ ~ Total ~ $5,910.00 ~ Refer 123105 HUGHES, TIMOTHY _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ - ~~~ AP Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves 2005 SEVERENCE/EXPENSES $65.00 Invoice 123105 12/31!2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 . Total $65.00 Refer 123105 . ~ .~ ~ ISLAND PARK SKELLY _ .. ..,b.,: ._ ~.. ~~ -.o.,.~. AP Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE CONTROLLER $101.19 Invoice 20173 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE CONTROLLER $101.19 Invoice 20173 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery BRAKE CONTROLLER $101.19 Invoice 20173 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery DOOR HANDLE $61.19 Invoice 20213 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery TURN SIGNAL SWITCH $570.65 Invoice 20281 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ... , ~,, a..v _ , ..~ , . ..~., ... r . _, ,~,»w~ 9 ._ . ~ ,~ _ Total $935.41 r Refer 123105 .._ ,.._ .w~__ ,. .m. . , w u .~,.~ . ~ ~ .. , ,.,. ~ . ~. .., ,. J&K AUTO n..,, , n . ,~ . _ ~ .,, AP Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery DETAIL SQUAD FOR SALE $213.00 Invoice 55567 12/31/2005 PO 19289 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 , ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Total $213.00 ~ Refer 123105 ~ ~., "~„ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ JAY NORTH, INCORPORATED ~ ~~~ ~ ,.. ~ _ t Q. AP Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services GARAGE DOOR REPAIR $76.50 Invoice 07811 12/31/2005 PO 19290 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 , .. , a Total $76.50 _. ~, Refer 123105 , .~ _ _ ~. :,_a ...~.=. w ,... _~.. ,~ ..~~r ~ . .,,.. ~. JUBILEE FOODS a ~ -- ~° ~~ ~~ ° n.. AP Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies THRU 12-31-05 MISC CHARGES $219.91 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~ . ~ o Total $219.91 Refer 123105 ..,. , ~.. ~ ~.~ ,._....~,. .~ti,. ,,:~< .K __ .: KURTZ, JAMES ... ..~ ..., AP Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 FITNESS INCENTIVE $81.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 -238- ^ Cil~/ 0'f MOUnd 01/19/06 11:01 AM ,,~'" Page 5 Payments ', CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 .. .... ,~~ .,,~ ..K. „. ,..~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total . . ,. _,< ., ..a~ $81.00 Refer 123105 LAKER/PIONEER NEWSPAPER - _ . ~ AP Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 12-05 DISPLAY ADS $319.98 Invoice 123105 1.2131/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~~~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total ~ ~ $319.98 Refer 123105 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T _ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ AP Payment E 101-42110-361 General Liability Ins SCH NON-OWNED AUTO COV $28.00 Invoice 20979 12/31/2005 AP Payment G 101-22802 Festival .FIREWORKS $250.00 Invoice 20979 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $278.00 Refer 123105 LUBE TECH, INCORPORATED _ AP Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL $298.16 Invoice 1262349 12/31/2005 PO 19453 AP Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL $298.16 Invoice 1262349 12/31/2005 PO 19453 AP Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply OIL $298.15 Invoice 1262349 12/31/2005 PO 19453 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $894.47 m ~' Refer 123105 u, e~~ N~ ~~ ~.,> „n.-~~,,. ~...,,~. MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY ,.. k. AP Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-19-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $27,50 Invoice 16406 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-22-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $217.80 Invoice 16429 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-26-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $33.00 Invoice 16440 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 12-29-05 DELIVERY CHARGE $201.30 Invoice 16463 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total ~ $479.60 Refer 123105 MCCOMBSFRANKROOSASSOCI _ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ AP Payment E 401-46590-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 PNV PARKS FACILITY $275.50 Invoice 53870 12/31/2005 Project 08900 AP Payment G 101-23069 1774 Heron Lane #05-67 Min 12-05 174 HERON #05-67 $153.00 Invoice 53871-A 12/31/2005 Project 08901 AP Payment G 101-23067 5129 Waterbury Rd #05-65 S 12-05 5129 WATERBURY #05-65 $153.00 Invoice 53871-B 12/31/2005 Project 08901 AP Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 12-05 MOUND HARBOR REANISSANCE $450.50 Invoice 53872 12/31/2005 Project 08902 AP Payment G 101-23008 2020 Commerce Parking Lot 12-05 2020 COMMERCE BLVD PARKING LOT $675.00. EXPANSION Invoice 53873 12/31/2005 Project 11894 AP Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 12-05 2355 CHATEAU LANE WATERTOWER $1,522.50 Invoice 53874 12/31/2005 Project PW0506 AP Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 12-05 WELL/PUMPHOUSE $2,316.75 Invoice 53875 12/31/2005 Project PW0505 AP Payment E 401-46540-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 LOST LAKE/GREENWAY $51.00 Invoice 53876 12/31/2005 Project 13566 -239- ___ Cilty Of MOUnC~ 01/19/06 11:01 AM ,-'' Page 6 / ,` Payments . L.---------- --`~' ce-r~r of nnouNQ Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 NPDES PHASE II MS4 PERMITTING $340.00 Invoice 53877 12/31/2005 Project 14137 AP Payment E 401-43104-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $2,657.25 Invoice 53878 12/31/2005 Project 14615 AP Payment E 401-43110-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2004 RETAINING WALL REPLACEMENT $714.00 Invoice 53879 12/31/2005 Project 14707 AP Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 STORM SEWER PROJECT $206.25 Invoice 53880 12/31/2005 Project PW0509 AP Payment E 401-43103-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2005 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $4;493.88 Invoice 53881 12/31/2005 Project PW0501 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 HYDRAULIC MODEL WATER SYSTEM $10,055.60 Invoice 53882 12/31/2005 Project 15113 AP Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 12-05 STANDPIPE DEVON LANE $168.00 Invoice 53883 12/31/2005 Project PW0510 AP Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2005 MSA ADMINISTRATION $132.00 Invoice 53884 12/31/2005 Project 15155 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 LIFT STATION EVALUATIONS $9,937.00 Invoice 53885 12/31/2005 Project 15183 AP Payment G 101-23036 4944 IslandView Drive Gharri 12-05 4944 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE $255.00 Invoice 53886 12/31/2005 Project 15202 AP Payment E 401-43110-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2006 RETAINING WALL REPLACEMENT $964.37 Invoice 53887 12/31/2005 Project PW0602 AP Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 12-05 2355 CHATEAU LANE WATERTOWER $3,620.40 Invoice 53888 12/31/2005 Project PW0506 AP Payment G 101-23044 2156 Cardinal Ln #05-14 Sub 12-05 2156 CARDINAL LANE #05-14 $102.00 Invoice 53889 12/31/2005 Project 15289 AP Payment G 101-23061 5776 Bartlett Blvd #05-45 Sk 12-05 5776 BARTLETT #05-45 $340.00 Invoice 53890 12/31/2005 Project 15469 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS $1,471.50 Invoice 53891 12!31/2005 Project 15548 AP Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2005 MSAS TRAFFIC COUNT $570.00 Invoice 53892 12/31/2005 Project 15555 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 WELLHEAD PROJECTION PLAN $663.00 Invoice 53893 12/31/2005 Project 15617 AP Payment E 401-43106-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2006 STREET IMPROVEMENTS $12,447.05 Invoice 53894 12/31/2005 Project PW0601 AP Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 STORM SEWER PROJECT $5,D15.00 Invoice 53895 12/31/2005 Project PW0604 AP Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs 12-05 2006 MSA UPDATES $952.50 Invoice 53896 12/31/2005 Project 15745 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $60,702.05 Refer 123105 MEYER, WILLIAM AP Payment R 101-48100-38060 Center Point Franchis REFUND GAS METER CHARGES $24.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12!31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total , , $24.00 Refer 123105 MINNESOTA DEPT PUBLIC SAFET ,. ~ ~ ~ ~._ . ~~ ~ ~,, ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ AP Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 4TH QTR CJDN OCT.NOV.DEC $630.00 Invoice P07-MN0271300 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $630.00 -240- City of Mound ----- 01/19!06 11:01 AM ,r,- --,. Pa ments Page 7 f -/_-- y CITY OP MOUND Current Period: December 2005 Refer 123105 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ AP Payment E 6 01-4 94 00-4 70 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF WATER TESTS $77.50 Invoice 284925 12/31!2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31!2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $77.50 Refer 123105 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT _ AP Payment E 222-42260-180 Fire-Drill Pay 12-05 DRILLS $630.00 Invoice 123105 .12/31/2005 AP Payment E 222-42260-185 Fire-Maintenance Pay 12-05 MAINTENANCE $948.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salaries 12-05 SALARIES $5,914.75 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $7,492.75 Refer 123105 MOUND, CITY OF _ AP Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities 12-05 WATER/SEWER $23.91 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ~ Total $23.91 Refer 123105 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS ~ ~ ~ AP Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 12-02-05 CONCRETE $87.74 Invoice 115280 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 12-05-05 CONCRETE $1,107.39 ,Invoice 115330 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-224 Street Maint Materials 12-09-05 BANK FILL $46.01 Invoice 115483 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-224 Street Maint Materials 12-13-05 BANK FILL $146.57 Invoice 115559 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 12-14-05 CONCRETE $604.66 Invoice 115604 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 12-20-05 CONCRETE $1,459.15 Invoice 115706 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~ Total ~ $3,451.52 Refer 123105 NATIONAL WATERWORKS _ ~~~~~ AP Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply TAPT CLAMPS $199.00 Invoice 3062309 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply WATERMAIN BREAK SLEEVES $172.49 Invoice 3081149 12/31!2005 PO 19458 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ~ ~ Total $371.49 Refer 123105 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INCORPO _ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ AP Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call 12-05 LOCATES $31.73 Invoice 5120594 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call 12-05 LOCATES $31.72 Invoice 5120594 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~~~ ~ a~s.r., ~~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~~ ~ Total $63.45 Refer 123105 PETZ, ZACHORY ~ ~ ~ /^^r AP Payment ( E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 FITNESS INCENTIVE $65.99 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~~ , Total $65.99 Refer 123105 QUAL/TYREFRIGERATION, INCOR ,~ ~ .M.. -241- ___ City of Mound ~ 01/19/06 11:01 AM ;~~ /; \~ ~ Pa ments Page 8 / 1.______.__ .__v y CITY OF MOUND Current Pe riod: December 2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 12-31-05 SERVICE CALL REPAIR BEER $233.88 COOLER Invoice 27321 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~ Total $233.88 Refer 123105 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ AP Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 12-29-05 SERVICE CALL $352.63 Invoice 915 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~ ~ ~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ Total $352.63 Refer 123105 RELOCATION CENTER ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ®~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ AP Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND WATER/SEWER $288.49 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ., ~w..~m ~ Accounts Payable 20200 , Total $288.49 Refer 123105 REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO _ .e,~, .. ~u.=.~n,v AP Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals AIR AND OXYGEN $22.45 Invoice 812051042 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ,_ , . _... .A.... _ ~ ~ , .., H.. , ,_ua m... ,. ~. Accounts Payable 20200 . ... ~ a, a ar , Total $22.45 Refer 123105 SCHOENHERR, BRADLEY T. . . . , ,_ ....~, a ._ ~., .... ._-. ~n.,.., .~ ._..:~.._ AP Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 FITNESS INCENTIVE $49.99 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~._ „_~< Accounts Payable 20200 Total $4g,gg Refer 123105 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMER/CA (POL a,....~ AP Payment E 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels THRU 12-26-05 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,931.37 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Total $1,931.37 Refer 123105 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT, INCORP . ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ AP Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery SHOP SUPPLIES $336.16 Invoice SF03372 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 E n . ,,,~, ,,,~ ~~ Accounts Payable 20200 Total $336.16 ~ Refer 123105 STERNE ELECTRIC COMPANY AP Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MATERIALS FOR LIFT STATION $1,848.38 Invoice 8657 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ~~ °~ Total $1,848.38 Refer 123105 THE BANK OF NEW YORK _ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ AP Payment E 355-46384-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTES SERIES $250.00 2002 Invoice 0883332 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $250.00 Refer 123105 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale. BEER $308.50 Invoice 40590-B 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $308.50 Refer 123105 TR COMPUTER SALES, LLC . x AP Payment E 101-42400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract INSTALLED SOFTWARE $100.00 Invoice 16087 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $100.00 -242- ~ __ City of Mound 01/19/06 11:01 AM ,~~"~ Page 9 ~ ' „_.., / `` Payments ~ _1 _ _ __ ~~ _ _.- .. _..__...T `~ ~ CITE ©F MtJUNCo Current Period: December 2005 Refer 123105 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ AP Payment E 1 01-421 1 0-460 Janitorial Services MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $168.18 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $29.81 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $8.49 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $95.49 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $27.73 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $275.90 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $36.15 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery M-SCELLANEOUS ITEMS $2.97 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $43.97 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $9.47 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 ~~ AP Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $257.07 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $6.38 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $5.85 Invoice 930510 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $27.67 Invoice 162227 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $17.54 Invoice 162308 12/31!2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 n~. ~,~,, n..d ._ ~~ Accounts Payable 20200 , . ,a.~~ ~ ~ ~_, Total $1,012.67 Refer 123105 UNITED RENTALS - . _ , .~ ~~ AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic ROAD SIGN RENTALS $129.82 Invoice 152003-001 12!31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 ~ Accounts Payable 20200 ~ ~ Total $128,82 Refer 123105 VEIT AND COMPANY, INCORPORA ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ AP Payment E 475-46386-500 Capital Outlay FA THRU 12-15-05 LOST LAKE DUMP REMEDIATION Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 .Total Refer 123105 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC AP Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 12-25-05 EDGEWATER BREAK Invoice 1275 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 12-25-05 THREE PTS BREAK .Invoice 1276 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 675-49425-500 Capital Outlay FA 12-05 2005 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 $18,247.12 $18,247.12 $2.062.50 $2,055.00 $32, 017.50 -243- City of Mound ;- ,~~ Payments GITY OF MQUND 01/19/0611:01 AM Page 10 Current Period: December 2005 Transaction Date 12!31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $36,135.00 Refer 123105 WIEBUSCH, COREY P. AP Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2005 FITNESS INCENTIVE $100.00 Invoice 123105 12/31/2005 Transaction Date . , o 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $100.00 ,. ,~, ._ . Refer 123105 . .,_.. 2 ~_, r _ ,~,. .,.,, WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO _ .. ~ ,~,m u., ~. ,~,._ e ._ , , „ . ~ _. ~ ~, AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $240.00 Invoice 171803 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $240.00 Refer 123105 XCEL ENERGY AP Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302170356 $18.45 Invoice 92248967 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #302184356 $205.04 Invoice 92249010 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #602184356 $148.90 Invoice 92249017 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-26-05 #602184725 $23.55 Invoice 92248999 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-26-05 #302224623 $433.04 Invoice 92248961 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #302241096 $64.66 Invoice 92249003 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #602264484 $139.34 Invoice 92249008 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #602282490 $59.95 Invoice 92248969 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302288379 $13.47 Invoice 92248968 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #302298275 $56.51 Invoice 92248996 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-0 #302302027 $55.89 Invoice 92248993 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #302312047 $49.49 Invoice 92248994 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302372217 $43.82 Invoice 92248987 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #602373865 $36.60 Invoice 922489923 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #602431232 $28.63 Invoice 92249009 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #602431232 $7.09 Invoice 92249014 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 07-27-05 THRU 08-04-05 #302436889 -$45.42 Invoice 92248959 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #302473769 $84.17 Invoice 92249004 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-27-05 #302487652 $369.34 Invoice 92248975 12/31/2005 -244- __ ~~ City of Mound 0111910611:01 AM ~/' Page 11 ^ /~ Payments (" ~ - --- CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-27-05 #602487652 $248.21 Invoice 92248980 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-27-05 #302528859 $254.04 Invoice 92248965 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #302556784 $135.30 Invoice 92248962 12!31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #302557595 $65.76 Invoice 92249002 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-26-06 #302598976 $39.07 Invoice 92248971 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302666084 $28.84 Invoice 92248989 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #302688202 $628.70 Invoice 92249011 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-05-05 #302688202 $399.46 Invoice 92249015 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302733232 $16.83 Invoice 92248991 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-20-05 THRU 12-21-05 #602740421 $142.25 Invoice 92248972 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 92248972 12/31/2005 11-20-05 THRU 12-21-05 #302740421 $142.25 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-20-05 THRU 12-21-05 #302740421 $142.25 Invoice 92248972 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #302767611 $888.64 Invoice 92248973 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-25-05 #302767611 $235.77 Invoice 92248978 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302781623 $19.26 Invoice 92249001 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-28-05 #302831785 $64.39 Invoice 92248986 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-26-05 #302876916 $35.83 Invoice 92248983 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-27-05 #302889405 $87.35 Invoice 92249000 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-29-05 #302896248 $739.74 Invoice 92248970 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #302913166 $20.64 Invoice 92249005 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303070078 $58.57 Invoice 92248998 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #303127228 $43.14 Invoice 92248963 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303141541 $431.26 Invoice 92249013 12/31/2005 ~~ AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303141541 $272.97 Invoice 92249016 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #303164216 $65.52 Invoice 92248990 12/31/2005 -245- ___ i -~ City of Mound 01/19/06 11:01 AM ~''""` Page 12 /~ ~ ~ Payments _ _ __. CITY ®F MOUN[~ Current Period: December 2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-21-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303429566 $9.56 Invoice 92248960 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #303292094 $74.55 Invoice 92248995 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #303318069 $297.78 Invoice 92248964 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #30327776 $22.44 Invoice 92249007 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #303462963 $26.13 Invoice 92248984 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #303472720 $53.70 Invoice 92248997 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-27-05 #303496812 $131.00 Invoice 92248988 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-22-05 THRU 12-27-05 #303543190 $23.24 Invoice 92248985 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303655926 $1,837.81 Invoice 92248976 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303655926 $685.87 Invoice 92248981 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303703346 $603.33 Invoice 92248974 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303703346 $200.05 Invoice 92248982 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 11-28-05 THRU 12-29-05 #303767005 $99.55 Invoice 92248966 12!31/2005 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 11-27-05 THRU 12-28-05 #303816391 $25.97 Invoice 92249006 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303885182 $780.24 Invoice 92248977 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #303855182 $557.27 Invoice 92248979 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #302975029 $129.79 Invoice 92249042 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 11-23-05 THRU 12-26-05 #302975029 $159.79 Invoice 92249043 12/31/2005 AP Payment E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities 12-08-05 THRU 01-07-06 #51-6002835-9 $23.40 Invoice 123105-C 12/3112005 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 12-03-05 THRU 01-02-06 #51-4802601-1 $5,337.56 Invoice 123105-C 12/31/2005 Transaction Date 12/31/2005 Due 12/31/2005 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $18,077.59 -246- i -~~-----mss -~ CITY OF MQUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 455 TIF 1-2 475 TIF 1-3 Mound Harbor Renaissan 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND City of Mound 01/19/06 11:01 AM Page 13 Payments Current Period: December 2005 20200 Accounts Payable $37,391.42 $13,413.15 $34.00 $250.00 $21,603.05 $3,838.50 $33,190.14 $27,747.28 $20,579.00 $5,112.68 $37,238.75 $200,397.97 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $200,397.97 Total $200,397.97 i l -247- ___. _ City of Mound 01/04!06 3:59 PM ~~ ~ ~, Payments Page 1 CITY ©F M®UND Batch Name 010406SUE Payments Current Period: January 2006 User Dollar Amt $540.00 Computer Dollar Amt $540.00 $0.00 In Balance Refer 10406 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATORS CONFERENCE Invoice 010406 1/4!2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REGISTRATION COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATORS CONFERENCE Invoice 010406 1/4/2006 Transaction Date 1/4/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 602 SEWER FUND $540.00 $540.00 $270.00 $270.00 Total $540.00 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $540.00 Total $540.00 -248- City of Mound 01/09/06 10:52 AM rl,.... f ~~^~~' Page 1 /,~ Payments COTY OF ~116~UND Current Period: January 2006 Batch Name 010906SUE User Dollar Amt $50.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $50.00 $0.00 in Balance Refer 10906 MINNETR/STA, CITY OF Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance PERMIT MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $50.00 Invoice 010906 1/9/2006 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Fund Summary ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND ~sn nn $50.00 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $50.00 Total $50.00 I f , -249- __ City of Mound 01/11/06 1:18 PM _ Pa e 1 g /~ ~ Payments CITY OF I-lIQUND Current Period: January 2006 Batch Name 011106SUE User Dollar Amt $990.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $990.00 $0.00 In Balance Refer 11106 RITTER, BONNIE _ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2006 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $990.00 Invoice 011106 1!11/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $990.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $990.00 $990.00 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $990.00 Total $990.00 -250- clty Of MOUnC~ 01/18/06 10:56 AM ,i % __ _ ~~ ~, ~ Payments Page 1 ' CITY iJF MOUND Current Period: January 2006 Batch Name 011806SUE User Dollar Amt $178,367.95 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $178,367.95 $0.00 In Balance Refer 11806 MOUND POST OFFICE - Cash Payment E 601-49400-322 Postage 12-05 UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $127.04 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-322 Postage 12-05 UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $127.04 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Transaction Date 1/18!2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $254.08 Refer 11806 STAR TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 01-19-06 THRU 01-18-07 SUBSCRIPTION $215.80 Invoice 10264582-2006 1/18!2006 P019303 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ,~ xA~,~, w . $215.80 Refer 11806 STAR-WEST CHEVROLET/OLDS ~. _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay FA 2005 COLORADO PICK-UP TRUCK $3,500.00 Invoice 9063 1/18/2006 PO 19294 Cash Payment G 101-22805 Police Forfeiture Program 2005 COLORADO PICK-UP TRUCK $19,520.00 Invoice 9063 1/18/2006 PO 19294 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23 020 00 S . Refer 11806 USSMAN, MICHAEL E, Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2005 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $200.83 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2006 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMSENT $481.57 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Transaction Date . m 1/18/2006 n a :~~,. ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total . ,.~~ ~ , -~» .u,~ ~.~ ~ $682.40 Refer 11806 T-MOBILE CELL PHONE : ~. _ , Cash Payment E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells 12-03-05 THRU 01-02-06 $46.16 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Transaction Date 1/12/2006 ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $46.16 Refer 11806 THE BANK OF NEW YORK ~ ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ Cash Payment E 355-46384-600 Debt Srv Principal TAXABLE TAX INCREMENT REV NTS SER $35,000.00 2002 Invoice 253793 1/18/2006 Cash Payment E 355-46384-611 Bond Interest TAXABLE TAX INCREMENT REV NTS SER $119,100.00 2002 Invoice 253793 1/18/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $154,100.00 Refer 11806 VERIZON WIRELESS (FIRE/FIN) _ Cash Payment E 101-41500-321 Telephone & Cells 01-03-06 612-269-9058 $8.51 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 01-03-06 612-723-7560 MOUND FIRE $p,77 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 01-03-06 612-751-3572 ENGINE #18 $0.77 ,Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 ~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 01-03-06 612-751-3573 MOUND FIRE $0.77 Invoice 011806 1/18/2006 -251- City of Mound Payments CITY {~1= MUUNQ Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 01-03-06 612-240-5244 Invoice 011806 1!18/2006 Transaction Date 1/17/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $23,965.40 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $2.31 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $46.16 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 $154,100.00 601 WATER FUND $127.04 602 SEWER FUND $127.04 $178,367.95 01/18/06 10:56 AM Page 2 $38.69 Totat Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $178,367.95 Total $178,367.95 $49.51 -252- City of Mound .___. 01/19/06 1:53 PM rr ,,~ Page 1 /~ \ Payments ~ ' -- o•_~- ~ _ CITY OF MOUNQ Current Period: January 2006 Batch Name 012405SUE User Dolla r Amt $106,883.11 Payments Computer Dolla r Amt $106,883.11 $0.00 In Balance Refer 12406 ABDO SICK AND MEYERS, LLP Cash Payment E 101-41500-301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi CERTIFIED AUDIT THRU 12-31-05 $2,000:00 Invoice 220894 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 496-46580-300 Professional Srvs CERTIFIED AUDIT THRU 09-30-05 $3,000.00 Invoice 220906 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,000.00 Refer 12406 AMERICAN MESSAGING _ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~y ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. 01-06 PAGING SERVICE $96.46 Invoice 0800009202333 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 o~~, . , n , ,m~ Wells Fargo .10100 Total $96.46 Refer 12406 AMSAN BRISSMAN-KENNEDY _ . „ .,~, .. ~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES $189.06 Invoice 076495-00 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 ~.,..,~,.. ~ ~_. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $189.06 Refer 12406 AMUNDSON, M. LLP .a, . ~~. .~.,~~~ ,.c ... n~s.. , .~ /~"' Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R CIGARETTES $1,081.65 f Invoice 193132 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,081.65 Refer 12406 APACHE GROUP _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies PAPER TOWELS,TOILET TISSUE $191.55 Invoice 100269 1/24/2006 PO 18925 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 Wells Fargo 10100. Total $191.55 Refer 123105 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $7,g7 Invoice 396600405 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $82.03 Invoice 463601106 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $66.70 Invoice 463601704 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 ,,.~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $156.30 Refer 12406 ASPEN EMBROIDERYPND DESIG _ , y:..~,.~; Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER LOGO $95.85 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous EMBROIDER LOGO $50.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 n Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~~ ~~ ) ~ ~ ~ Total $145.85 Refer 12406 ASSURED SECURITY ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings KEYS AND KEYCUTS $110.17 Invoice 37943 1/24/2006 'Transaction Date 1/9/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $110.17 Refer 12406 BANYON DATA SYSTEMS -253- city Of MOUnC! 01/19/06 1:53 PM ~,.,.-------,~` Page 2 j~~ ~, ~ Payments l ~, CITY ®F MtaUNQ Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 101-41920-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 SOFTWARE SUPPORT $2,740.17 Invoice 13308 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~ ry ~ Total $2,740.17 Refer 12406 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,540.70 Invoice 35857000 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,057.80 Invoice 35813400 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $768.40 Invoice 35911900 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $146.53 Invoice 41041000 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $22,72 Invoice 41032100 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,870.85 Invoice 35920100 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,407.00 Refer 12406 BERENT, 8R/AN Cash Payment E 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date .1/9/2006 ,~.,._ Refer 12406 CARGIL SALT DIVISION Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials Invoice 1527930 1/24/2006 PO 17984 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials Invoice 1528739 1/24/2006 01-05-06 GREEN EXPO EXPENSES $19.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19.50 BULK ICE CONTROL $2,514.78 BULK ICE CONTROL $1,197.64 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,712.42 Refer 12406 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/W) Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair FUEL FILTER $6.2g Invoice 6974-ID-979 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $g.2g Refer 12406 CHIEFS POLICE ASSOC MINNESO ~ ~~~ a ry ~~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ - ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP,KURTZ $130.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 19300 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP,MCKINLEY $80.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 19300 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ $210.00 Refer 12406 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $347.60 Invoice 80965185 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $347.60 Refer 12406 CORNER HOUSE Cash Payment E 101-42110-440 Other Contractual Servic 2006 FORENSIC INTERVIEW SERVICES $1,669.42 Invoice 476-01-65 1!24/2006 PO 19299 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,669.42 Refer 12406 CRIME PREVENTION MINNESOTA -254- l. __ City of Mound - 01/19/06 1:53 PM ~~. Page 3 f '; Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $55.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 19301 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 . . , _ ,_. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $55.00 Refer 12406 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $939.95 Invoice 345995 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $53.85 Invoice 345233 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $793.40 Invoice 345232 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale CREDIT-BEER -$g,pp Invoice 42471 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $276.47 Invoice 346778 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10!2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,055.67 Refer 12406 DEPARTMENT NATURAL RESOUR Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic DNR PUMPING REPORT $1,890.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 19318 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 ~,,.~,~~, ~ . ~.,... v ~~, ~.~ , ,_ ,~. .,~ ~~ Y Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,890.00 06 r 1 . E SSOC. ~ ~ ~ Cash Pa me y E 0 42 5-434 Conferen a & Training 2006 MEMBERSHIP,MCKINLEY $100.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 19302 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 ~a ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~- Total $100.00 Refer 12406 _ ERVIN, DEREK R. ~ _ ~ Cash Payment E 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense 01-05-06 GREEN EXPO EXPENSES $19.97 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 ... ~ _,.. ..., 4. _ .~ ~ n ~..~ ~~, w. .~ .~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19.97 Refer 12406 . EXTREME BEVERAGE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $96.00 Invoice 388264 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 d Wells Fargo 10100 ~ .~w~ ~ ~ Total $96.00 Refer 12406 FIRE CHIEF, MN ASSOCIATION _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $235.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Total $235.00 Refer 12406 FIRE CHIEFS, INTNAt ASSOCIATI ~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $195.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~~~ ~~ ~~ Total $195.00 Refer 12406 FIRE OFF/CERSASSOC. METRO y ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $100.00 .Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 ,~'^ Transaction Date ~ ( ~ 1/19/2006 ~~ ~ t ~ ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 ' ~ ~ Total $100.00 ` ~ Refer 12406 G & K SERVICES ~ ~ ~" '~ ~ ' ~ _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-03-06 UNIFORMS $48.07 Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 -255- _ City of Mound .,--.__ I~ Payments CITY OF M©UNQ Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-03-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-03-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-03-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 01-03-06 MATS Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 01-03-06 MATS Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies 01-03-06 MATS Invoice 668040 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 01-17-06 MATS Invoice 6680917 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 01-17-06 MATS Invoice 6680918 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 01-03-06 MATS Invoice 668038 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 01-03-06 MATS Invoice 668041 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-10-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-10-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-10-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 01-10-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 01-10-06 MATS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Gash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 01-10-06 MATS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 01-10-06 MATS Invoice 6674464 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 01-17-06 MATS Invoice 6680914 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 ~ ~ Wells Fargo ~~ ~~~~~~®Q~~~ Refer 12406 GEOFFMICHAEL GROUP ~ ~_~ Cash Payment E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies USB CABLE Invoice 8369 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo Refer 12406 GILLESPIE CENTER 10100 10100 01/19/06 1:53 PM Page 4 $17.85 $24.57 $8.20 $33.80 $33.80 $33.81 $54.03 $106.82 $44.19 $59.09 $48.07 $17.85 $24.57 $8.20 $28.17 $28.17 $28.18 $60.06 Total $707.50 $41.52 Cash Payment E 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous 2006 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/18/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 12406 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPOR _ ~~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 78768 1/24/2006 Total $41.52 $3,750.00 Total $3,750.00 $609.00 -256- City of Mound 01/19/06 1:53 PM f/-'`~^^ ~~ Page 5 Payments ~ ~ ..... cis o~ nnou~vQ Current Period: January 2006 Transaction Date 1/18/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $609.00 Refer 12406 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ w~, Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346527 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346526 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 346525 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 346524 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 349764 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 349763 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 349762 1/24!2006 Transaction Date 1/10!2006 ~~ Wells Fargo Refer 12406 HERC-U-LIFT $30.40 $33.50 $402.11 $1,211.43 $276.06 $33.02 $1,983.65 Total $3,970.17 $77.87 Total $77,87 $99.00 Total $99.00 $22.12 $22.12 $22.11 10100 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts #106 MACHINE HOSE Invoice 01P9404550 1/24/2006 PO 19462 ~"'' ! T ti t D 1 ransac on a e /17/2006 ~~ ~ Wells Fargo ~ ~ ~ Refer 12406 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ ~~~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 378991 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/17/2006 ~~ Wells Fargo ~~~~~~~ ~ Refer 12406 HOME DEPOT/GECF (P/W) ~_ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials LUMBER Invoice 004991/7042684 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials LUMBER Invoice 004991/7042684 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials LUMBER Invoice 004991/7042684 1/24/2006 10100 10100 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply ROUTER,BITS,LUMBER $199.12 Invoice 012253/9017981 1/24/2006 PO 18927 Cash Payment E 101-45200-221 Equipment Parts ROUTER,BITS,LUMBER $295.68 Invoice 012253/9017981 1/24/2006 PO 18927 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ $561.15 Refer 12406 1KON OFFICE MACHINES ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ „ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying 01-09-06 THRU 04-08-06 CANON $gg.75 MAINTENANCE Invoice 67792089 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Totai $gg.75 Refer 12406 1NTERST'ATE BATTERY SYSTEM 0 _ ,~'""'~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts #192 BATTERIES $210.71 f nvoice 135482 1/24/2006 PO 19460 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $210.71 Refer 12406 JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR ~~ ~ ~ ~~ -257- _ City of Mound - ---.. Payments ~~ ---- `r-- CITY OF MQUND Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-460 Janitorial Services 01-06 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN01060787 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-460 Janitorial Services 01-06 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN01060787 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services 01-06 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN01060787 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 01-06 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN01060788 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/18/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 12406 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR 01/19/06 1:53 PM Page 6 $51.12 $51.12 $51.12 $1,121.17 Total $1,274.53. Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1014990 1!24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1014991 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1014992 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1014994 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1017497 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1017498 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1017499 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1017501 1/24/2006 $252.98 $152.35 $281.80 $359.80 $830.09 $1,106.59 $468.98 $490.90 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Totai $3,943.49 Refer 12406 KURTZ, JAMES Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOC $130.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 HENNEPIN COUNTY CHIEFS OF $100.00 POLICE ASSOC Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 4 1/13/2006 u Wells Fargo 10100 Total $230.00 a~... ~ . ~ ..... Refer 12406 .M.a . ~„ ~ LAKE AREA POWER EQUIPMENT _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts HANDLE GRIP,ETC $96.11 Invoice 059423 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts BELT PULLEY,BUSHING,ETC $296.24 Invoice 059424 1/24/2006 Transaction Date . , , . 1/18/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $392.35 ~~ Refer 12406 LAKE REGION MUTUAL AID ASSO _ . w Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $10.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.00 Refer 12406 LAKER NEWSPAPER Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing 01-14-06 2005 SUMMARY BUDGET DATA $191.04 Invoice 114 1/24/2006 -258- City of Mound /r ' ~-^, ~ _ '~ ~ Payments 4 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing 01-14-06 ORD AMENDMENTS SECTION 350.430 Invoice 114 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/17/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 12406 MARK Vll DISTRIBUTOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 885283 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 887471 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale CREDIT-BEER Invoice 870860-B 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale CREDIT-BEER Invoice 875594-B .1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 12406 MASYS CORPORATION 01/19/06 1:53 PM Page 7 $127.36 $318.40 $845.05 $981.88 -$90.30 -$1.00 $1,735.63 Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 PC/ENFORS MAINTENANCE $3,834.00 Invoice 11053 1/24/2006 PO 19295 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 ~.._ _.~ _ ,. .w,,.d,~~~,....~ Wells Fargo 10100 - Total $3,834.00 Refer 12406 METRO SALES, INCORPORATED .. ,~ .., rF , . .~..,. a ., m ~.u , ~ . ~~,,, ,,~~~ Cash Payment E 101-42400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 01-06-06 THRU 04-06-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE $21.67 Invoice 203123 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 01-06-06 THRU 04-06-06 COPIER $21.68 MAINTENANCE Invoice 203123 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 01-06-06 THRU 04-06-06 COPIER $21.68 MAINTENANCE Invoice 203123 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 01-06-06 THRU 04-06-06 COPIER $21.68 MAINTENANCE Invoice 203123 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 . rte, ti ~ ~,~~, ~ . .~,,, , ,. _ Wells Fargo 10100 .. Total $gg,71 Refer 12406 MINNESOTA CITY/COUNTY MANA r „~ m.,, ~ . ,~~,~ ~~ _ ~ ~, w~ ~ ~~.ww~ Cash Payment E 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 02-10-05 DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR $165.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 . u~ ,.h Wells Fargo 10100 - Total $165.00 Refer 12406 MINNESOTA LABOR AND INDUST _ ,~ _,. ~ „ . -~;.. ~ , Cash Payment E 222-42260-300 Professional Srvs BOILER AND PRESSURE REGISTRAT ION $10.00 Invoice B42351R0779841 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.00 Refer 12406 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~- ~~~~ ~~~~j~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 01-06 ADVERTISING $90.00 Invoice 3500 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006. ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.00 Refer 12406 ~ MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSO ~- ! Cash Payment E 601-49400-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $195.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 14896 -259- _. City Of MOUnCI " 01/19/06 1:53 PM ~,--'' Page 8 Payments ,~ -~-'-- ":'r--- CI'6Y OF MOUND Current P eriod: January 2006 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 ,.F~ _ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $195.00 Refer 12406 MINNETONKA SPORTSMEN, INCO _.. Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $35.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 19297 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $35.00 Refer 12406 MOUND F1RE RELIEF ASSOCIA TIO _ Cash Payment E 895-49990-124 Fire Pens Contrib 01-06 FIRE RELIEF $10,180.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/18/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,180.00 Refer 12406 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER F1RE COU Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $50.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1119/2006 r.... , „ , .~„_, .~ . ~ ~, , . , ~. ,~ ~ ~-,~ . ~ am LL Wells Fargo 10100 , Total $50.00 4. _, . . , . ~ u, Refer 12406 NATIONAL WATERWORKS _ a . ~ _ Cash Payment G 601-16325 Distribution System MXU DUAL PORTS $7,588.76 Invoice 2998449 1/24/2006 PO 19242 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply CLAMPS $315.28 Invoice 3103897 1/24/2006 PO 19521 Transaction Date 1/18/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $7,904.04 Refer 12406 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ M ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery LIFT #27 DIALER $670.00 Invoice 2650 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/17/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $670.00 Refer 12406 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY, l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-45200-202 Duplicating and copying RETURN DEFECTIVE MATERIAL -$48.72 Invoice 8915 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts MINI LFL, MAG.MT.AMBER $609.57 Invoice 8903 1/24/2006 PO 19461 Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA #1205 STROBE LIGHTS #9281 $183.12 Invoice 8809 1/24/2006 PO 19461 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA #1205 STROBE LIGHTS #9281 $183.12 Invoice 8809 1/24/2006 PO 19461 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA #1205 STROBE LIGHTS #9281 $183.11 Invoice 8809 1/24/2006 PO 19461 Transaction Date 1!13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,110.20 Refer 12406 NS/i MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings 01-06 THRU 04-06 $1,020.00 Invoice 77171 1/10/2006 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 _ _.. __~,.~., , n ~ , . Wells Fargo 10100 . . , . - Total $1,020.00 . .,P,_ n ._ ~ ~.r Refer 12406 OFFICE DEPOT _ . K . ...n ~, ~ _.,., Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $19.11 Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $19.11 Invoice 320134328-001 1!24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $19.11 Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 -260- _ _ City of Mound Pa ments ~ / r' ~~'~ CITY OF MOUND 01/19/06 1:53 PM Page 9 Current Period: January 2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1!24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies CALENDAR REFILL Invoice 319930857-001 1!24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies CALENDAR REFILL Invoice 319930857-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies CALENDAR REFILL Invoice 319930857-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies CALCULATOR Invoice 319930857-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGES Invoice 319747578-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES ''Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies 'MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 320134328-001 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 320048831-001 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 12406 PAUS7/S AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8095031 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8094772 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT--WINE Invoice 8094403 1/24/2006 ~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8095764 1/2412006 $363.02 $527.74 $1,375.89 -$20.00 $2,887.00 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,770.63 $19.11 $19.11 $6.34 $12.74 $12.74 $6.57 $6.57 $6.57 $5.86 $111.87 $9.61 $9.61 $9.61 $9.61 $9.61 $3.20 $6.41 $6.41 $34.14 -261- City of Mound ~~~ Payments 1------ -----~- C{~'1° OF MOUiVQ Current Period: January 2006 Refer 12406 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, !NC Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2282648 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2282649 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2284545 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2284546 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 3331458 1/24/2006 Transaction. Date 1/9/2006 Refer 12406 PROTECTION ONE LIQUOR WINE LIQUOR WINE CREDIT-WINE 01/19/06 1:53 PM Page 10 $102.00 $2,349.25 $189.45 $660.85 -$133.05 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,168..50 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-16-06 THRU 04-15-06 ALARM $48.67 MONITORING Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-16-06 THRU 04-15-06 ALARM $48.67 MONITORING Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-16-06 THRU 04-15-06 ALARM $48.66 MONITORING Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 x m ~ . _.,. .n, . ,~~~,x~,,. _.. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $146.00 Refer 12406 QUALITY W1NE AND SPIRITS _ x. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ -~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,219.60 Invoice 651768-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,158.99 Invoice 651775-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $629.79 Invoice 651340-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$36.14 Invoice 654249-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$51.17 Invoice 654221-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $60.90 Invoice 654445-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $298.49 Invoice 654444-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,372.94 Invoice 654449-00 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,653.40 Refer 12406 RECYCLING ASSOCIATION MINNE Cash Payment E 670-49500-434 Conference & Training 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $20.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 PO 14898 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 Refer 12406 RlDGEVIEW MEDICAL, WACONIA Cash. Payment E 222-42260-305 Medical Services 2006 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FEES $160.00 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 -262- City of Mound ~~ 01/19/06 1:53 PM '`"r °~ Page 11 %~ ~~ ~ Payments -l - -- `~"-~- CITY OF MOUNQ Current P eriod: January 2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 ~~ ,~ , ~~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~ ~ Total $160.00 Refer 12406 . ROBERT B. HILL COMPANY _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ Cash Payment E 496-46580-500 Capital Outlay FA WATER SOFTNER START UP $118.00 Invoice 00172157 1./2412006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 ~~. .., .~.a Wells Fargo 10100 _ _... Total $118.00 Refer 12406 w ROWEKAMP ASSOC/A TES, /NCOR , _ ~ .. ,.. ~._ Cash Payment E 101-42400-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 SINGLE USE LICENSE $499.83 Invoice 2006011 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 SINGLE USE LICENSE $4gg,g3 Invoice 2006011 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 SINGLE USE LICENSE $499.83 Invoice 2006011 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 SINGLE USE LICENSE $499.81 Invoice 2006011 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/17/2006 ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ Total $1,999.30 Refer 12406 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER COMP ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~ Cash Payment _ E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 2006 FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT $214.87 Invoice 7051916 1 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 2006 FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT $214.86 Invoice 7051916 1 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1!19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $429.73 Refer 12406 SPECIALTY WINES AND BEVERAG ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ Cash Payment _ E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $262.00 Invoice 6268 1/24/2006 Transaction Date ~~~~ ~~~ 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $262.00 Refer 12406 SWARTZER, BRIAN _ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cash Payment E 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense 01-05-06 GREEN EXPO EXPENSES $37.50 Invoice 012406 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/9/2006 ~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $37.50 Refer 12406 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $206.95 Invoice 220642 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,413.05 Invoice 220569 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $22.00 Invoice 220570 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $34.50 Invoice 220726 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $797.05 Invoice 220725 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,473.55 Refer 12406 TECH TEAM SOLUTIONS, INCORP ~ ~~~ ~~ ~.> T ~ ~~~~~ Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS $129.00 Invoice 711 1/24/2006 'Cash Payment E 101-41310-400 Repairs & Maint Contract 2006 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS $129.00 Invoice 711 1/24/2006 -263- _ City of Mound i' - --/- , Payments 1------- '~°°-! CITY ©F MtJUNC~ Current Perlod: January 2006 Transaction Date 1/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 12406 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 40754 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 40754 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 397532 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 397981 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 40843 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 398662 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 398663 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 397986 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 12406 THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR COR Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 01-01-06 THRU 02-28-06 ELEVATOR MAINENANCE Invoice 417762-B 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/5/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 12406 TRAINING OF OFFICERS, ASSOCI ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Total 01/19/06 1:53 PM Page 12 $258.00 $134.00 $46.75 $5,827.50 $91.40 $189.00 $21.40 $3,267.20 $4,282.20 Total $13,859.45 $389.79 Total $389.79 Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 01-11-06 TRAINING, SUSSMAN $100.00 Invoice 3801916 1/24/2006 PO 19304 Transaction Date 1/13/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 12406 WINE COMPANY ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 132154-00 1/24/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 132999-00 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/10/2006 Refer 12406 WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 174159 1/24/2006 Transaction Date 1/18/2006 CREDIT-WINE -$7.33 WINE $284.80 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $277.47 WINE $1,185.67 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,185.67 -264- City of Mound 01/19/06 1:53 PM ~,--~~'"~~~~~ Page 13 Payments CITY OF N60UND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 496 HRA PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND Current Period: January 2006 10100 Wells Fargo $25,756.85 $1,475.52 $3,118.00 $11,233.26 $1,633.34 $53,466.14 $20.00 $10,180.00 $106,883.11 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $106,883.11 Total $106,883.11 -265- IFRA January 24, 2006 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364-1627 SUBJECT: Ridgewood Road Temporary Street Improvements Dear Mayor and Council Members: Background: Ridgewood Road is a State-Aid street located in the Highlands Area of Southwest Mound. About 850 feet of Ridgewood Road from Westedge Boulevard to Priest Lane is in very poor condition. This section of road frequently experiences major potholing. The extensive potholing indicates a failure of the sub-grade and road surface. Historically, City maintenance crews have filled the potholes to make the street smoother and easier on vehicle traffic. State aid money will probably not be available to the city for at least 4 years. Mound City Council request: At the November 8, 2005 City Council meeting, the Mound City Council requested a preliminary opinion of project costs to bring the 850' section of Ridgewood Road to a condition where it will extend the life of the street for at least 4 years. When state aid money becomes available to help cover some costs to reconstruct the street, the City will program this street for reconstruction. Options: Complete reconstruction: A total reconstruction of the 850-foot section of roadway may cost approximately $220,000. This assumes the total road would have to be sub-cut 3 feet and filled with select granular, geofabric, class 5, and a bituminous roadway. Borings would have to be drilled to determine the exact road section. If the City reconstructed the street now it could not request reimbursement from State Aid at a later date. -266- Reclaim and overlay: Amore economical solution to address the problem street is to reclaim the existing bituminous and overlay the street with 3" of bituminous. Reclaiming the street consists of milling the bituminous in place and mixing the millings with 6-9 inches of the sub-grade. The preliminary opinion of project costs for this improvement is about $36,000. Continue filling potholes: Another option for the road is to continue to fill the potholes and do major patching for the next few years and rebuild the road when state aid funds become available. The pothole filling performed by the city has worked for the last few years. The cost to fill potholes and patch is much less than the other options listed above and may range from $3,000 to $ 5,000. All opinions of probable costs are based on anticipated prices for 2006 and are estirnates only. Discussion: Ridgewood Road is in very poor condition and needs to be rebuilt. The street is next to a wetland and it is likely the street is constructed over organic material. If the city totally reconstructs the street, state aid funds would not be available to help offset the costs. The costs to reconstruct the road may reach $220,000. When borings are drilled, an appropriate street section would be designed. The temporary fix to reclaim and overlay the street would most likely last 3 to 4 years. If the street looks fine in a few years, property owners may not agree with spending $36,000 now and then totally reconstructing the street when state aid funds become available in a few years. The city could also continue to fill the potholes and do more extensive patching for the next few years until state aid funds become available. Recommendation: I recommend that the city to continue to fill potholes and do major patching for the next few years until the street can be reconstructed with state aid funds. If you have any questions, or need any additional information on anything in this request, I will be pleased to discuss this further with you at your convenience. Sincerely, MFRA ~~` Robert Dehler, P.E. City Engineer -267- Engineering Planning Surveying 1 McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. January 13, 2006 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound 2005 Storm Sewer Improvements Partial Payment MFRA #14956 Dear Ms. Hanson: Enclosed is Widmer Construction's invoice for Payment Request No. 1 for work completed through December 31, 2005 on the subject project. The amount of this payment request is $32,017.50. The final $1,300 will be paid when restoration is completed in the Spring of 2006. We have reviewed this request, find it in order, and recommend payment in the above amount to the Contractor. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, ~oh~+ D~ Robert Dehler, P.E. cc: Carlton Moore Enclosure s:\main:\Mou14956\corres\hanson part-pay 1-13-06 14800 28th Avenue North, Suite 140 • Plymouth, Minnesota • 55447 - 26$ - phone 763/476-6010 • fax 763/476-8532 • e-mail: mfraCoJmfra.com WIDMER CONSTRUCTION LLC 9455 County Road 15 Maple Plain, MN 55359 ~-^s~ Phone: 952-955-5062 FSX: 952-955-5039 City of Mound 5391 Mayfield Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Customer lb: MOU Invoice Invoice Number; 1279 Invoice Date: Jan 9, 2006 Page: 1 Customer PO Pa ment Terms Due Date Sales Re ID Net 30 Days 2/8/06 Quantity Item Description Unit Price Extension Denbigh Road 90.00 LE Silt fence 11.00 490.00 25.00 Y-Remove existing bit. 30.00 750.00 25.00 F-Remove existing concrete curb 30.00 750.00 and gutter 85.00 LF-12" HDPE storm sewer 58.00 4,930.00 1.00 12" HDPE FES 900.00 900.00 3.00 ip Rap 100.00 300.00 1.00 48" Catch basin 1,575.00 1,575.00 35.00 LF New concrete curb and gutter 96.00 1,610.00 26.00 , LF concrete valley gutter 96.00 1,196.00 98.00 SF- concrete apron 10.50 504.UU 25.00 SY-Patch bituminous (inc driveway) 39.00 850.00 kytr `~ ~.f~1 ~~.(` Subtotal 13, 805.00 ~~~ Jp ~ Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 13, sos. 00 Checlc/Credit Memo No; Payment/Credit Applied ~'-'° TOTAL 13 ~ e o s. 0 0 ~iZ'd Z~S89Lb£9L~01 v269pzS6 NOIlOfl~ilSN00 2I3WQIM~WO~id i=ti~60 9002-Lti-Nd!' Invoice WIDMER CONSTRUCTION LLC Invoice Number: 9955 County Road 15 Maple Plain, MN 55359 1278 USA Invoice Date: Jan 9, 2006 Phone; 952-955-5062 Fax; 952-955-5039 Page; i City of Mound 5391 Mayfield Rd. Mound, MN 55364 CUStOmer ID: MOU Customer PO Payment Terms Due Date Sales Re~ID Net 30 Days 2/8/06 Quantity item Description Unit Price Extension Bartlett Blvd and Cty Rd 15 1.00 raffic control ~ 950.00 450.00 90.00 y-Remove Existing Bituminous 30.00 2,700.00 15.00 F-R@R Concrete curb and gutter 76.00 1,140.00 '30.00 SE-R@R concrete apron 90.50 1,215.01 1.00 ore drill ex. CB 450.00 950.00 120.00 F 12" RCP (with rock backfill) 65.00 7,800.00 1.00 29x36" catch basin 880.00 660.00 90.00 atch bituminous 39.75 3,577.50 ^n~µ~~ ~r v a Check/Credit Memo No: Subtotal le, z12. so Saws Tax Total Invoice Amount 18,.212. so Payment/Credit Applied TOTAL 1 e , 212.5 0 -270- ~~~ ' ~ Z~S89LbE9L :O1 bz~~5556CS5 NOI1~f1~J1SN0~ N~WCITM :l.Jfl?1-~ hL : ~C~ gc~~~-~ r. -NH r Barr Engineering Company 4700 West 77th Street Minneapolis, MN 55435-4803 Phone: 952-832-2600 Fax: 952-832-2601 www.barr.rom An EEO Employer ~ ~ ~ ~ 'd ~, January 17, 2006 Minneapolis, MN Hibbing, MN Duluth, MN • Ann Arbor, MI Jefferson City. MO Carlton Moore Public Works Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Veit Application for Payment #5 Response Actions at Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Properties City Project No. PW-05-11 Dear Mr. Moore: On January 17, 2006, Barr received an Application for Payment #5 (Application No. 50538.5) from Veit & Company, Inc. (Veit) under their agreement with the City of Mound for the Response Actions at Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Properties; City project number PW-OS-11. Our review of Veit's application for payment indicates that it reflects the work completed through the completion of the project, which concluded on November 15, 2005, and therefore we recommend payment as shown on the enclosed Application for Payment #5. Please call Don Richard at (952) 832-2732 or me at (952) 832-2690 if you have any questions in this regard. Sincerely, Dale Kolstad, P.E. Barr Engineering Co. -271- ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ar ~O ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ° ~ o a " ~ ~ ~ '~ a ~4 <, ~ ~ '~ d N N a b N J ~ J J O ~ pp ~p O O O o d d A ^3 0 0 ~ °z O O O ~ v ~.~~ ~ ~~ o ~. ~ ~~ ~~~ M i,7 tl0 .~.. ~ C ~ ~~~ ^°i o 0 ~~~ ~ ~ R~A Q. ~ ~~~ f7 ~~-. C7 ~• w ~ ~ o' ro~ f ~. 0 0 ^' ~ d m b W V ~ y ~ y i. '~ y Wpb^~,~~s. S ~ 5 ~ ~ a y ~ d x ~ ~ ~ w M ~"~.~~~~ r y ~~ raryyy ~ o ~ C~ v C~ ~~ ~~ N W ~o o .-~ e ~ u w m r A J •~•• 4 ~~~ ~~ ~ N J W ~ .~ ''1p ~ y 5 O R 4 p ~ O ~~ c ~:'II ~ a, x CC a 7. p?. ~~~ ~ ° a M c c moo a °~~E s s a~ ~ ~ ~m ~b~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O y C ' a ~~°~ a o~~~d n s a ~~ ~ ~~ ,^a. WR ~£ ~m ~ H !yam ~ ~ N ~ c M 0 m ~ ~ ~, b ot~,t A ~p n^ 7C ~ n `x O C W~ N g~~~. a~ O ,~,~ n c~ ' a~ EY' y ~ ~ ~ ~ G ti,b ~ o ~ A. ~ ~, ~ = a ~ ~c~ g? a ~ W n ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ 3`a ~ ~~~ ~~ ti m ~ A. `" ~n A W N .+ C W ~rj OQN ~ ~d-~z~ ~ ~a~~o1U~~~~~~ 'tea e ~ e y AO ~ ~ r° 5 ~°~ °n ran .. ~ '"~ ~ n .c ~~c .. c ~5~~0 4~ o. ~ b ~ ~ S, ~ a ro~~ ~ ~ oon ~~~ tea. ~~C~~ + ~ ~ O ~ W ~ ~' v ~ ~ O µ ~~ 00 O O ~~~~ W N N J ~ b ~ N W b W C 00 00 ~D o~~a Soon A °z H 0 ;C n =~ 0 ~~ ~ Z -~ ~~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ O d ~ ~~ n m ~ ~ o '~ °a r N ~ %~ a -~ ~~Z ~, '17 ~ O E ~ r Y O ~rn Z ~~o~; Avg :: w «s ~ ~ ~~o~~ ~~~n oo~~ ~~~~ ~ q ~• # O ~~~ Ao 5 d c. R m m ~~ ~ ~ ~ y~ d ~ ~ ro n' ~o~o -~ rom m G o ~ ~ ~. . ~ ~ n p $, n ~ F ~ o 0 e n. a `9 a ate.-~~, an O ~-] 0 o ~ ~~ J ~ ~ ~ z J b H ~ /"' ~ ~ 9 J A `~ "~ ~o~o AO~, ~" io P JO VD ry ~Qa~~ ~°~~~ ~~d~~ y ~ ~~u- ~HJ-i ~ "[11.7 ^ O U H ~ .~~~~ W ~~ o H W ~W~y ~ ~ O ~~~~ z ego wC7~ A O s; ~~ H A .-j z o~z° z~c~~ ~ r ~ o ~ ' d d , y ~ ~ ~ H O H z d#~~ z ~~ d o ~ c ~ N O ~ ~ .~+ U to w rn ~ b ~ ~ ~ °~ ~ o ° "~ ® ^ ~~ ~z~ ~ °~ y ~ J' h H (' 1 ~ o ~ O ° ~ H z a 7 D 1 b n y ti D U N m 1 m -272- ~i gpp~g~ E~ ~~ ~~ F~ ~! (~n ~rumw to tvmtrytrioowwmwwm x C a vO.awPwNrO N ~ M~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ 5 ~ ~Sa ~ ~ ~v xm~~~i,~~~~~ba4~.y "aC ~ .Mr ~ .,.y1 ~ C /~ ~ AO ~4 ~ y ~ N C' L/! G ~~ e [ a ~ti n ~ Gf °~~~ Oa ~~~~zb~pa~~ ~d ~~ yC ~n~~ O y~~(Oj] C Y N F y~~ ~ 9~ O Y~ ' ' ~ O ~ ' J~ H ~ % ~ z ~ m ~ D t ~~~x~ D w ~ O ~ ~~ yb'~o~Y~ ~ V1 ~ cnsf~ ~~M~Od w ~~ ~" z ~ ~ ~a ~~ ~ z 9 M h ~s1 t:! A A y ~~pp pp~~ Y Y r W A ~ ~ T ,fJ ~ v ti p J O O ' O S O O O O S O S ~ O G ;-* O a 0 O SoS gSS8SSS$S~S$~SSSS ,,, u rn Sapp °a~pp~~oe"e~ppJw o O lA ~ O S N ~ O ~-^ ^ J O !•' O ^ •~ ~ O a S '4 ~ O p pp p p p p O O O S S O S O S S S S S S S O lNA 8 S 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H Y W OHO N p 8O O IJ O A O~ ~' a Pp A W S pT ~ O O O O C ` p p SSOOSSSSSSSS S O tw SO SS J ~ y~ r Y N N Q W~ M O yN~ Vl NNQ rh. W in A ~ U N A y u W OO O r O 00 J A H N jJ j Q y4P ~ n °w Q ~g~~'°og'25°oog$S25cS25Z525ooZ5 _ o ~ °o S ~$$ g$ S S °o S S °o S S °o e g g N 'N j !N„ .N.. r N d. N N ~ N r N ~+ ~ y .+ 00 N .- ~ w b ^ A O j7o ~J ^ N jJ ~0 O ~. O O J V ~ T to t a n 00 1. , „ p .N.pp N N yy 88 O Q~ ~ A S pN O p O O a N/~ yq ~p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O~ 1 Of O N ~ ~ Y E ~ Q O NN pp p p O 8 0 0 S S O S O O S O S S S S 0 0 . xx _N ~p J N ~N' pN~ yy II//~~ yy (/~ y y ~Up O O 0 0O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O P~ O p 'd O O p O S S O S O S S S S S S S S S S O S S S QQqS a e ~ y p yy~~ N{r~ y y V~ N Vs y~ p 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O n p ,,,1! ~4v{ S SSS 8gSSSS$oo$$SSSS$S W . W u W W b N T ~ ~ N yyT~ HO" j~ . y ' W O N o o ~ n J ~O O ~ J ~ l w. an j 1 A O u ~ ~ b O 9 ~ q ~ ~ N pp ~~ Sp pp pp t q p /~ P g `ND N a~0 N 8~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,J yMB~ ~ O S 0 V O~ O IJ O 4 S S S S S O O O S S S S O S S O S O S F~ Htl at _ y+ ^ ~D oe N lA IJ O b O O O U O ~y O O O G !J O P O O O 00 ^ A U ;-' V N O N O O o e co ~ 3 ~ o ogv~v.o o ~:c$ b~o ~ ~ 5~~~ .! s.o$aoooo~ ' ° ° a go a• ~x a•a ~a e o o,a•o 0 o a•a° eT° N N sN, Vl tJ N N pppp~~ pppp~~ UUpp h b 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o x ~ u O A ~ pp pp O O O S S 0 0 0 0 S O r to ~ N r N IJ u p to b .N+ P .ONi ~N°wovNN.SvVA.wt;o ~!b'$wowY; QYii.°>' o ~`. ~ ~'; ~g ~ r , p p W O oo O O S S O W S S S S S S S S O S O OO O O a 0 o^ n ~ ~ ~g ~~ ~ 4 Z o Q ~~~n ~~ ~ O '~~ Z z N 'e- x ~a ~ rn ~ ~ -~ S H z ~ o ~ '° i b O w P x M ~ f] 7d ~' O O ~ O !., z tlD ~ °a `" o~n R o ~ N° Ny1 Q U~ -273- Barr Engineering Company 4700 West 77th Street • Minneapolis, MN 55435-4803 Phone: 952-832-2600 • Fax: 952-832-2601 • www.barr.com An EEO Employer BAiZ~ Minneapolis, MN • Hibbing, MN • Duluth, MN • Ann Arbor, MI • Jefferson City, MO ~~ January 17, 2006 Mr. Carlton Moore Public Works Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Change Order No. 2 for Response Actions at Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Properties City Project No. PW-05-11 Dear Mr. Moore: Please Find attached Change Order No. 2 for Response Actions at the Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Properties in Mound, MN. This change order reflects the addition of settlement plates, installation of slope protection mat, and limited site restoration activities. Six additional settlement plates will be installed on the site to allow for monitoring of settlement associated with removal of the waste materials and subsequent placement of backfill and construction of the surcharge load. The proposed increase in project cost and time is $1,200 and 0 days, respectively, which is reasonable for the additional work to be performed based on Barr's experience on similar construction projects. Slope protection mat will be installed to stabilize the wetland-side slope of the surcharge load. The slope protection mat is planned to provide erosion and sediment control for this feature. The proposed increase in project cost and time is $5,347.50 and 0 days, respectively, which is reasonable for the additional work to be performed based on Barr's experience on similar construction projects. Limited site restoration will exclude turf establishment from the scope of work and will allow for the existing pedestrian barrier to remain in-place following completion of the work. Final site stabilization (turf establishment) will not be necessary because MHRD, Inc. will be performing development construction activities on the site immediately following completion of the work. The proposed change in contract price is a reduction totaling $4,500 and there will be no change in contract time. If you have any questions regarding this change order, please contact me at 952.832.2690 or Don Richard at 952.832.2732. Sincerely, ~,~ ~ - Dale Kolstad, P.E. Barr Engineering Co. P:\23\27\F27\RA Plans & Specs\ChangeOrdcr2CoverLet_doc -274- ~''~''~ Change Order No. 2 Response Actions at Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Properties Mound Harbor Renaissance Development Area City of Mound City Project 1vo. PW-05-11 Date of Issuance: January 17, 2006 Owner: City of Mound Project No.: 23/27-F27 RAI Contractor: Veit & Company, Inc. Engineer: Barr Engineering Company The CONTRACTOR is hereby directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: 1. Additional Settlement Plates Description: CONTRACTOR is directed to install additional settlement plates on the Lost Lake Dump and Maxwell Property sites at the locations shown on Sheet C-04, Revision 2. The estimated quantity of additional settlement plates to be installed is six. Two settlement plates located within the surcharge area of the Lost Lake Dump site have previously been included under the Unit Price for Surcharge Load. Reason for Change: OWNER. desires to monitor the settlement of organic/soft soils across the site prior to future development and town-home construction Change in Contract Price: Installation of Additional Settlement Plates shall be measured for each (EA) plate installed and shall be paid at a new Unit Price of $200. The estimated increase in Contract Price is ~~ $1,200 for completion of this work. Change in Contract Time: None. 2. Slope Protection Mat Description: CONTRACTOR is directed to install slope protection mat on the planned surcharge on the Lost Lake Dump site at the location shown on Sheet C-04, Revision 2. CONTRACTOR is to fiunish and install slope protection mat in accordance with the specifications included on Sheet C-04, Revision 2. The estimated quantity of slope protection mat to be installed is 35,650 square feet. Reason for Change: Surcharge load design was finalized to meet OWNER's goals for future development on Lost bake and slope protection matting is necessary to stabilize the surcharge load slope and mitigate erosion. Change in Contract Price: Installation of Slope Protection Mat shall be measured on a square foot (SF} basis, furnished and installed as specified, and shall be paid at a new Unit Price of $0.15. The estimated increase in Contract Price is $5,347.50 for completion of this work. Change in Contract Time: None. 3. Limited Site Restoration Descripfion: CONTRACTOR is directed to not perform turf establishment (place topsoil, seed, and mulch) at the site or remove the pedestrian barriers (fences and gates) in accordance with Section 02950 of the Technical Specifications of the Contract Documents. The estimated quantity for Contract Bid Item B-17, ~~ C:~Documents and Scttings~I.HcnsetU.ocal Settin~slTanporary Interoet Fdes10LKAB~Draft Change Ord No 21 16 06 DOC Page 1 of 2 -275- Site Restoration, is hereby reduced to zero. All other requirements of Section 02950, such as installation of erosion control measures (silt fence) and removal of temporary utilities, etc., are to remain in effect and will be paid under existing Contract Unit Prices. Reason for Change: OWNER's developer, MI-IlZD, Inc. will be developing the site at completion of the Work and desires to acquire the site with the existing pedestrian barrier (fence and gates) in-place_ Turf establishment (site stabilization) will be performed by MHRD, Inc. when construction activities associated with the development are complete. Change in Contract Price: The Contract Price for site restoration is included in the Contract as Bid item B- 17, Site Restoration. The Contract Price will be decreased by the total of $4,500 as a result of reducing the estimated quantity to zero for completion of this task. Change in Contract Time: None. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Contract Price prior to this Change Order: $ 2.861,760.00 Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: $ 2,047.50 Estimated Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: $ 2,863.807.50 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Contract Time prior to this Change Order: 116 calendar days Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: 0 calendar days Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: 116 calendar days ACCEPTED: By:_ Date: Greg oe , V rt & Company, Inc. (CONTRACTOR) By: Kandis Hanson, City of Mound (OWNER) Date: C:\L)ocuments and Settings\LHenwlU,ocal Settings\1'cmporary Internet FilesIOLKAB\DraB Change Ord No 2 l_l6 06DOC Page 2 of 2 -276- Don E. Richard, Barr Engineering Company (~NtT1Nt;t;x) Date:_ 1~/Q,~ofo CONSENT AND WAIVER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 2006, by and between June L. McCarthy, a single person, (hereinafter "McCarthy"), and the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, McCarthy is the owner of the land within the city of Mound having a street address of 3198 Westedge Boulevard, and legally described in the attached Exhibit A, (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, the Property was recently inspected by representatives of the City to determine the condition of certain improvements located thereon, and WHEREAS, such inspection revealed that portions of a second floor outside deck were in danger of collapse due to the failure of certain structural supports. for such deck, and WHEREAS, such inspection further revealed that an outside swimming pool located on the property was unfenced acid was collapsing, and ~, WHEREAS, based on the conditions disclosed by the inspection, the City has determined that the Property is a "hazardous building or hazardous property" within the meaning given that term in Minnesota Statutes, Section 463.15 through 463.621 (the "Act"). WHEREAS, the City has reported the results of its inspection to McCarthy and McCarthy agrees with the conclusions contained therein, and with the City's conclusion as the applicability of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the removal of portions of the deck and the securing of egress to the removed portions of the deck, and the securing of access to the swimming pool (the "Project") are necessary in order to protect the public health or safety; and WHEREAS, The City is willing to undertake the Project and to specially assess the Property for the cost of such work subject to the provisions of this Agreement, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of McCarthy that the City. undertake the Project, and McCarthy is willing to agree to accept the levy by the City of 100% of the cost of the Project against the Property; and WHEREAS, the city is willing to construct the Project in accordance with the request by McCarthy provided the assurances and covenants hereinafter stated are made by McCarthy to ensure that the City will have valid and collectable special assessments as they relate to the Property to finance the cost of the Project; and '4 JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 1 -277- WHEREAS, were it not for the assurances and covenants hereinafter contained, the City would not undertake the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter provided, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. McCarthy hereby petitions for the undertaking of the Project consisting generally of the elements contained in the attached Exhibit B ("Project Plar") together with additional work items determined necessary by the City (subject to the dollar limitation contained in paragraph 3 below). 2. McCarthy represents and warrants that she is currently the owner of the Property; that there are no liens or encumbrances against the property, and that she has the full legal power and authority to encumber the Property as herein provided. 3. McCarthy has been informed that the estimated cost of the Project, including, without limitation, all engineering, legal, administrative and fiscal costs is $3,700, but further understands and agrees to the payment of actual costs up to 120% of the estimated cost. McCarthy requests that 100 percent of the actual cost of the Improvement Project be assessed against the Property. 4. McCarthy for herself, and for her successors and assigns in title to the Property waives notice of hearing and hearing pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.031, on the Project, and the notice of hearing and hearing on the special assessments levied to finance the Project pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.061 and specifically requests that as to it, the Project be undertaken and special assessments be levied against the Property without hearings. 5. McCarthy for herself and her successors and assigns waives the right to appeal the levy of special assessments in accordance with this Agreement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.081, or reapportionment thereof upon land division pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.071, Subd. 3, or otherwise; and further specifically agrees with respect to such special assessments against the Property that: a) any requirements of Minn. Stat. Chapter 429 with which the City does not comply are hereby waived by McCarthy; b) the increase in fair market value of the Property as a whole resulting from the Improvements will be in an amount at least equal to the total cost of the Project assessed to the Property, and that such increase in fair market value is a special benefit resulting form the Project; c) assessment of 100 percent of the actual cost of the Improvement Project against the Property as outlined above is reasonable, fair and equitable and there are not other properties against which such costs should be assessed; and d) it is the intention of the City to provide for the payment of such special assessments in five annual installments, with interest at the annual rate of 8% JBD-272005v5 -278- commencing in 2007. ~' e) In the Event McCarthy sells the Property, or pledges the Property as security for any loan, the remaining principal amount of the assessment and all accrued interest will immediately become due and payable. 6. Right of Entry. a) Effective upon the date hereof, McCarthy hereby grants to City, its agents, employees, contractors and invitees the right to enter upon the Property, for the purpose of making and installing thereon all of the improvements required by it to be installed on the Property to accomplish the Project and for the further purpose of storing materials, equipment and other items thereon which are needed in connection with the Project. b) The right of entry shall expire on the earliest of the date the Project is completed or six month from the date of this Agreement. c) In consideration for such right of entry, City agrees: (i) to use the Property only for the purposes described herein; (ii) to do no unnecessary damage to the Property and restore the Property to substantially the same condition as the condition in which it was found by City at the time of City's entry upon the ~' Property pursuant to this Agreement (except for the addition of the installed improvements). (iii) to hold McCarthy harmless from and indemnify her from any and all claims, damages, judgments or obligations, including the cost of defense of suit, arising out of liens placed on the Property (except for the lien of the special assessment provided under this Agreement), damage to Property or injury to anyone incurred or alleged to have been incurred. in connection with or as a result of any work done pursuant to this Right of Entry, or as a result of City's intentional torts or negligence. This covenant will not apply to any conduct by McCarthy, her agents, contractors or employees which alter any of the work performed by the City under this Agreement. 7. The covenants, waivers and agreements contained in this Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of McCarthy and shall run with the land and bind all successors in interest thereof. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement be in a form which is recordable among the land records of Hennepin County, Minnesota and they agree to make any changes to this Agreement which may be necessary to effect the recording and filing of this Agreement against the title of the Property. 8. This Agreement shall terminate upon the final payment of all special assessments levied against the Property regarding the Improvement and the City shall execute and deliver JBD-272005v5 -279- such documents, in recordable form, as are necessary to extinguish the rights hereunder. 9. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to obligate McCarthy to payment of an assessment in excess of 120% of the estimated cost contained above, or the actual cost of the Project, whichever is less, plus interest. 10. McCarthy agrees that she will not permit or allow the removal or alteration of the fencing or guard railings that are installed as part of the work described in Exhibit B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA By: Its City Manager By: Its Mayor June L. McCarthy STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by and , respectively, the City Manager and Mayor of the City of Mound, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public JBD-272005v5 -280- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by June L. McCarthy, a single person, as her free act and deed. Notary Public This Instrument Was Drafted By: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED (JBD) 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-337-9300 I ~, JBD-272005v5 -281- EXHIBIT A Leal description of Property [To be completed before execution] That part of Government Lot 5 in Section 23, Township 117, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying Easterly of Halstead Bay and lying Southerly of a line drawn parallel with the South line of said Government Lot 5 and distant 1557 feet Southerly as measured along the East line of said Government Lot 5 of the intersection of the East line of said Government Lot 5 and the North line of State Highway No. 110, described as follows: That part of the above described tract of land lying Northeasterly of "Line 1" and Southwesterly of "Line 2", said lines described as follows: "Line 1": Commencing at the found Hennepin County Reference Monument located on the South line of said Government Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of North 87 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, along the South line of said Government Lot 5, a distance of 59.27 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 301.40 feet along the arc of anon-tangential curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 840.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds, and the chord of said curve is 299.78 feet in length and bears North 45 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East; thence North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East along a line tangent to the last above described curve a distance of 19.82 feet to the actual point of beginning of said "Line 1" to be described; thence North 44 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 35 feet more or less to the shoreline of Halstead Bay of Lake Minnetonka; thence South 44 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 308 feet more or less to the shoreline of Priest Bay of Lake Minnetonka and there terminating. "Line 2": Commencing at the found Hennepin County Reference Monument located on the South line of said Government Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of North 87 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, along the South line of said Government Lot 5, a distance of 59.27 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 301.40 feet along the arc of anon-tangential curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 840.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds, and the chord of said curve is 299.78 feet in length and bears North 45 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East; thence North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East, along a line tangent to the last above described curve, a distance of JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 A-1 -282- ,~^ 178.27 feet to the actual point of beginning of said "Line 2" to be `1 described; thence North 33 degrees 56 minutes 4 seconds West a distance of 35 feet more or less to the shoreline of Halstead Bay of Lake Minnetonka; thence South 33 degrees 56 minutes 4 seconds East a distance of 260 feet more or less to the shoreline of Priest Bay of Lake Minnetonka and there terminating. Subject to an easement for County Road No. 44 lying 33 feet Northwesterly and 33 feet Southeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the found Hennepin County Reference Monument located on the South line of said Government Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of North 87 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, along the South line of said Government Lot 5, a distance of 59.27 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 301.40 feet along the arc of anon-tangential curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 840.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds, and the chord of said curve is 299.78 feet in length and bears North 45 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East; thence North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East along a line tangent to the last above described curve a distance of 19.82 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence continuing North 55 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance of 158.45 feet and there terminating. The sidelines of said easements are to be lengthened or shortened to intersect "Line 1" and "Line 2". Also subject to an easement for watermain purposes over under .and across a strip of land 5 feet Southeasterly and adjoining the Southeasterly right of way line of County Road No. 44. Together with an easement for ingress egress drainage, and utilities over and across a strip of land lying 10 feet Southeasterly and 10 feet Northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the point of beginning of "Line 2" described above; thence South 33 degrees 56 minutes 4 seconds East along said "Line 2" a distance of 49.8 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 43 degrees 14 minutes 7 seconds East a distance of 79.20 feet more or less to the Southeasterly right of way of County Road No. 44 and there terminating. The sidelines of said easement are to be lengthened or shortened to intersect said "Line 2" and the Southeasterly right of way line of said County Road No. 44. JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 A-2 -283- EXHIBIT B Proiect Plan Remove existing deck from rear of house. 2. Install guard railings 48" high on second floor patio doors. Install 6' high chain link fence around abandoned swimming pool. JBD-272005v4 MU220-5 B-1 -284- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 19, 2006 SUBJECT: Variance Request -Upper Story Addition/Remodel OWNER /APPLICANT: Robert and Carol Lien PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 05-79 LOCATION: 1609 Paradise Lane ZONING: R-1A Single .Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential SUMMARY At its January 9`" meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed a variance application from Robert and Carol Lien to remodel and construct an upper story addition to the existing home at 1609 Paradise Lane. The requested variance(s) is described as follows: Required Existing Proposed Variance Front - house* 20 ft. 18.8 ft. 18.8 ft. 1.2 ft. *proposed setback is measured from building footprint and does not include proposed covered entry EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject property includes a 1 '/Z story existing house and fronts Paradise Lane on the east side. The applicants are. proposing to remove (3) walls on the "north half' of the house and construct an upper story addition on this side as part of the remodel project. The existing house is nonconforming as it does not meet the 20 foot front setback requirement. The house has conforming side and rear setbacks and the property is within 40 percent hardcover allowance. PROJECT DETAILS Details regarding the project are outlined in Planning Report No. 05-79 which is on file at City Hall. A copy of the new survey and proposed elevation drawings for the addition have been included. -285- PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommended approval as recommended by Staff. Details regarding the Planning Commission's review are contained in the January 9, 2006 meeting minute excerpts which have been provided as an attachment. A draft resolution has also been prepared. -286- ~,.~-. MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Orv Burma, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller and Dave Osmek. Absent: Jorj Ayaz. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planning Consultant Rita Trapp, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Bob and Carol Lien (1583 Bluebird Lane) BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #05-79 Variance -Upper Story Addition 1609 Paradise Lane Robert & Carol Lien ~~ Applicants are requesting a variance to construct a 2"d story addition to the existing home. The existing house is nonconforming as it does not meet the 20 foot front setback requirement and the requested addition affects the nonconforming side. The side and rear setbacks and hardcover are currently conforming. Staff recommends the approval of the variance as requested with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be responsible for payment of all involved fees associated with the variance request. 2. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building. permit application. 3. The covered entry, as depicted on the building plans shall be removed and/or modified for compliance with City Code Chapter 350.440, Subd. 3 (A) 4. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits. Mueller confirmed with the applicant that the stoop pictured on the plans will be redesigned to be conforming. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Glister, to recommend Council approve the variance. MOTION carried unanimously. -287- RESOLUTION # 06- A RESOLUTION APPROVING FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE FOR. UPPER ADDITION FOR LOCATED AT 1609 PARADISE LANE P & Z CASE # 05-79 WHEREAS, the applicants, Robert and Carol Lien, have submitted an application for a front setback variance to remodel and construct an upper story addition at 1609 Paradise Lane. The variance is described as follows: Required Existing Proposed Variance Front -house 20 ft. 18.8 ft. 18.8 ft. 1.2 ft. ;and WHEREAS, the property is located within the R-1A Single Family Residential Zoning District and subject to the provisions of City Code Chapter 350.625; and WHEREAS, the property includes a 1 '/2 story home which fronts Paradise Lane on the east side and the applicants are proposing to remove (3) walls on the "north half" of the house and construct an upper story addition on the this side as part of the remodel project; and WHEREAS, the existing house is nonconforming as it does not meet the minimum 20 foot front setback requirement, therefore, variance approval is required to undertake the project; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the variance (subject to conditions); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at its January 9, 2006 as required by the City Code and unanimously recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the front setback variance subject to the following conditions: -288- a. The applicant shall be responsible for payment of all involved fees associated with the variance request. b. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. c. The covered entry, as depicted on the submitted building plans, shall be removed and/or modified for compliance with City Code Chapter 350.440, Subd. 3 (A). d. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits. 2. In approving the requested variance, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: a. The proposal, as submitted, does not change the existing building footprint. b. Hardcover is within the 40 percent allowance for "lots of record." c. No side or rear yard variances are required. d. The variance criteria included in City Code Chapter 350.530, Subd. 1 have been met. 3. This variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: See Exhibit A 4. This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction how this property may be used. 5. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. 6. The variance is valid for one (1) year following its approval unless an extension is approved by the City Council pursuant to the City Code 350:530, Subd. 2 (E). The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: ~ The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: -289- Adopted January 24, 2006 Pat Meisel, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -290- ~~ ~_ -?~ .~ 4- ~. ~. r c:!.. ~ ~ ~C ~~ ! r f I ~ i_. ~...,..~__.....w.__.._,. ~~ P~ r ~ `~ l .~ /'~' ,~ ~ M ~' + ` t ~~' i 2 ~,1 ~.. ~ J i f w ~ ~ .Ci --~_.J °~ a F •~ ij ~ ~l ~ ~:. .;4 ~ ~ ~ ~ Lqj .,r t i ~. ~ } - ~. ~ ` t `~ ' ~ ~` k i ~_ -~ ; R ~°,; `j~~ i~~ i. I ~ ~ 6~ ~. -292- 1 ~ . !-.- :41 ~!i '.J~ . ~a ;~, ~ c*1 ~i~ ~`~. ~~ 1 ,~. 1 t- a i ter. fir=--- ~-- =. ~ ~ 4~---- ii '~ ~'' S 1 ~ { ~ta4 ~ 1I r____~~...__ ,~ `~ I -~ ~ ~- .~ ~~ c' r 1 %~ i -____ __. _~_ _, -- -- , s -~.. ~~~ I» ~~ ~((-- M I~ N t= j-~14 ~f`\i \~ ~'~ ~.~ CN ; t+ . ~_ ._ ~9` e~ ~-~ { i~tct ~'t""4 `N -+ ~ R~ PVT Iy„~c~ t +3i 34 i ... . .~,_ - - _ ~.._ ~,,_ i, ~~ A h` ~ ~ =~ ":~ F ~~ ~ ~ r ~ f X .1 .... ~ ~,.. ~. ; i 4Y i j.li ~ ~ ~ 1 ~' i,n O ~n I N ,_ 3- _ --~r'~G ,...~ -~; _~ . ~~~--~_. ,~, f ~ - I 1P , f;~F``t ~_. -294.- ~~~~ P ~ r ~;9 -t~j : ~ ,> .t j - , ---~-_ GE N't1E VI. ~J I ~ f~ \*~ f ~d~~ . (fit ~1.A, .t~f?~~ ~. +~ ~~ .,~ ip+ W .~_ -295- - .. _. T _. ~r.:.~ :_ 4 ~•,, ~/,~/ t. ', ': ~'~ ,~ ,.....~......~.~. ..._...,.... ,,.M...,. ..... ,.. .. ~ '~ ~~1, ....~~.......~w.~-,wr ~.w++.e.+rw.r~.,...~......~«.~ .. ' f 1 ~CM _ { E ESGSLJT t i~~ . fi N r~r~. -296- Ft::_it'I L 1 Et•J'~~ -~ -L C 1 IU. ~:~`.~1.~ ~'.::4~ i= ~ t io~.. . ~ c'~_~~i~. ~ i~:i : ~~+.~H 1 F~1^'~' t HARD~OV~R CALCU~AT 14NS (IIVIPERVIOIlS SURFACE CUVERAGE) PROPERTY ADDESS: ` ~ ~ - OWNER'S NAME_ ~.. /(`5I(~-P Y~ ~ -+~-- ~ ~~ ~C"('~s ~ L~. ~ ~ ~ ... ~- LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 30°/. ~ (for all {ots) ...:.............. ............ LOT AREA 3 ~ ~~ St:~. FT. X b0°!° ~ (for Lots of Rat;ord) ...... • ..................... ~7 Too ~ i " F~dsting tats o! ReCbM may have 40 percbM coreteg8 prev{dsd that 6~ehnlquec are utifiaad, aG oultlned in Zaninp Ordinance Sddiott .50.1225. 5ubd. 6.f3. t (see bads?• A plan must be submkted and approved by Qie Bulldktp O(ReiaL " - - i.ENG~TH q '~ ~~WID~TjH~ //_ ~S~Q-F~7 HOUSE _?Z.• r X _L~C=' °6 .__SE_l~ C. ~.7 _ X = / G T'DTAI. HOUSE ................................................... 63%, 3 7 DETACHED BU{LDINC3S _ X ((3ARAGEJSHED) . _ X - ____ TOTAL DETACHED BUILDtNOS .............. ..:.............. (n ,,~ DRIVEWAY, PARK{NG J /~/~ ~ 3lDEWALKS '~ AREAS (~r' A~ ~~~ ~ X ,~ _ / . . D~ , i ' i " ~ X Z. 7 - - t7 IwTC. I ~m~p ~~ s'1'E~ S, 5" x ~'~3 = Z3, bs TOTAL CSRIVEWAY, ETC ...................... .................. (~EC4CS Open docks ;1 f4` min. _ X = Openinfl between tx~arda) with a n F • o X pawieus ¢ur pae u der acr not. _.,, rounkd as•hardcover . ' . ~,~_ ____.. x ~ TOTAL DECK ......... ............................ .......... , ....... SET WAIL 33 x / ! _ 3 3 x _ fi'OTAL O?WER ................................................... TOTAL HARDCOVER/ IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ................................................... UNDER OVER (indicate rertce) .. ........................................................... PREPARED BY Revised 08lD8lQ3 G 3..~.~' 33 X3/.72 /~09,oP oATE _/N7~, 30 . Zoo S' -297- ~~ U u x ~ ~~ x.71 D D Uj m g ~ ~~_ O 1 m o D~~ ~~ 6'~~O v ;zs 0 8 0 a ~~ o -~ m ~ z A 80 m Z ~ m; oZ Ty i ~~ m a $ ~ m mO ~ ~ o it ~ <Z ~ 0 Z m O Y ~ ~~ O ~ z a' ~v O z v v ~p o ~z m~ ~~m r ~o. t a ~ A ~ f ~ o 9 m ~ iT~ G .. _.'K - _. ~..~~ ~ ~Z • _C ~ A N 7 ~ ,YL n IN a~ : ~ < ~ Nv ~ W w ^~ m ~ L ~ v z u N m C~ n ~~ 7i m '~~ v 7 ~ 2.~ 7 -0 s =~ . x w ~ ~ ~ ~1 Z w ~ 0 m~f 79. ~O dot ~ (j W Is• ~~ _!' ,c ~y H~ a ~i _. Tb x .~. ~ w G~ ~"~` . ~ m ~~ -~S --y y -.. .~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~. R T ~, ~~ O r ~{ _~ vU ~ ~ A N ~ a w 1^~ uY IY 0 c ~ n ,~ ~ ~ n w ~ ~.~_ . ' ~ ~ 0 :'f fNN. ~ fwE,P 'V'~~ s ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ g a -1 ~` ~ ~~cp .7^:m w.: ~ ~'V ~ ~ 3 4 ^~ Sg m w,,._a d', ~. ~. .. ~ ~ 1) 9 a ~ 3 ~ ~ t z ,Q ~ ~ o . a ° p K ~ ~ o ~ ra ~ ~ " ~; ~ ~, ~ M h n ~. ~ ~ 1 .~ ~ Z O ca ~ o ~ ~ ~ -299-Z ~ `' J. ~ ,, 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Meisel and Mo~fnd City Council FROM: Jim DATE: November 17, RE: DCAC 2006 Dock Location Map At the November 15, 2005 Dock and Common Advisory Commission meeting the DCAC put forth the following motion to the City Council: MOTION by Ahrens moved to approve dock location map. SECOND by Jones. Motion carried. Discuss: 2006 Dock Location Map Changes Fackler discussed dock location map. Five 5 docks are one-sided docks due to private property setbacks. Letters were sent to individuals informing them on the one sided dock restriction. To date we have not heard any comments back from these individuals. Two abutting sites are splitting. There's a change from an abutter who wanted a different site, and flipped with anon-abutter. Two sites to be eliminated due to private property setbacks. One of these will be eliminated with anon-renewal. ®p„ ~e~ ^^ •~^vcJed paper -300- "~' ci~r of nnou 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472.0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com Memorandum To: DCAC From: Dock Program Administratio Date: 11 /2/2005 Re: 2006 Dock Location Map Changes ~' Below you will find a chart that lists the Dock Location Map changes for the 2006 season. Also attached is the 2006 Dock Location Map File. Rec # Abutt Land Commons Type Slip Site # Quad Quad Misc Information Mon Type Name Size Name # 1 n D Avocet 03315 TP 1 One sided dodo alto due to private property setbacks 2 n D Cresent Prk 16703 TP 1 Change to Non-Abutting per Abutter request to switch atlas 3 a D Cresent Prk 16733 TP 1 Change to Abutting per Abutter request to switch alter 4 n D Waterbank 01322 TW 2 One sided dock site due to private property aetbadks 5 n D Centerview 02372 TW 2 One sided dodo site due to private property setbacks 6 n D Norwood 01663 SH 3 One sided dodo site due to private property setbacks 7 n D Kenmore 07506 NIP 4 One sided dodk site due to private property setbacks $ n D Excelsior 08945 NIP 4 Removal of site at non-renewal due to private property setbacks 9 n B Avalon Prk Slip 32 x 10 03970H EIP 5 Rem/ova sCe pprvd temp site until non-renewal; Not Renewed in'o5- 10 a B Devon 05687 EIP 5 New 8butting site for lot split; No address yet 11 a B Devon 05711 EIP 5 Remove site for lot splfG Old address 4539 Island View (Plaza) 12 a B Devon 05742 EIP 5 New abutting site for lot split; No address yet 13 a C Devon 09180 EIP 5 New abutting site for lot split; No address yet 14 a C Devon 09210 EIP 5 Remove site for lot split; Old address 4957 Island View (Norstrem) 15 8 C Devon 09240 EIP 5 New abutting site for lot split; No address YQt ' 16 a D Lost Lake 03916 LL 7 Removal of site due to setbacks CC: Dock Location Map File Filename: Dock Location Map Changes for 2006 ® primed on recycled paper -301- 2006 DOCK LOCATION MAP -302- City of Mound Dock Program ,qb~ Land Commons 4uaa Quaa R~ # Non Type Name Tvoe Slip Size Site # Name # Misc Information n D Avocet 03315 TP 1 One sided dodo sifts due to private property setbacks n v Avocet 03355 TP 1 ~ n D Avocet 03375 TP 1 a n D BluetHro 03672 TP 1 6 a D Canary 03819 TP 1 s n D Canary 03874 TP 1 7 n D Dove Lane 04197 TP 1 8 n D Dove Lana 04217 TP 1 s n D Dove Lane 04237 TP 1 10 n D Dove Lane 04257 TP 1 11 n D Dove Lane 04277 TP 1 12 n D Dove Lane 04297 TP 1 13 n D Dove Lane 04317 TP 1 14 n D Dove Lane 04337 TP 1 15 n D BluetHrcf south sup 1e x 8 04767A TP 1 1s n D Bluebiro south Slip 18 x 8 047676 TP 1 1~ n A Woodland Rd Slip 20 x 8.5 05278A TP 1 1a n A woodland Rd slip 20 x s.5 052788 TP 1 19 n A Bluebird North Slip 2a x 1o p6210A TP 1 20 n A Blueturo North Slip 24 x 10 062106 TP 1 21 n A Bluebird North sup 2a x 10 06210C TP 1 22 n A Bluet>iro North slip 2a x 10 06210D TP 1 23 n A Dove Lane Slip is x 6 06624A TP 1 24 n A Dove Lane slip 20 x 8.5 066246 TP 1 25 n A Dove Lane Slip 20 x 8.5 066240 TP 1 2s n A Dove Lane slip 1s x s 06624D TP 1 n A Eagle Lane Slip 24 x 10 06821A TP 1 n A Eagle Lane Slip 24 x 10 06821 B TP 1 29 n A Eagle Lane slip 24 x to 06821 C TP 1 3o n A Eagle Lane slip 2a x 10 06821 D TP 1 31 n D Fxrch Lane Slip 24 x 10 07037A TP 1 32 n D Finch Lane Slip 24 x 10 070378 TP 1 33 n D Finch Lane Slip 24 x 10 070370 TP 1 3a n D Flnch Lane sup 2a x 10 07037D TP 1 35 n D Gull Lane Slip 24 x 10 07247A TP 1 3s n D (3u11 Lane srp 2a x 10 072476 TP 1 37 a A Pebble Bch 07643 TP 1 3a n A Pebble Bch 07673 TP 1 39 n A Pebble Bdt 07703 TP 1 40 e A Pebbb Bch 07733 TP 1 41 n A Pebble Bch 07763 TP 1 42 n A Pebble Bch 07793 TP 1 a3 n D 3 Pts 08453 TP 1 44 n D 3 Pts 08483 TP 1 a5 n D 3 Pts 08513 TP 1 4s n D 3 Pts 08543 TP 1 47 n D 3 Pta 08573 TP 1 48 n D Beachside N 49 n D Beachside N 50 n D Shorewood Ln 51 n D Beachside S _ Slip 5*2 n D Beachside 5 Slip n D Be~hside S Slip ~4 8 D Cresent Prk 1 `L"18t) I F' 1 Remove 1 of 2 sites at non-renewal tlue to 12330 TP 1 Remove 1 of 2 sites at non-renewal due to 13574 TP 1 . 24 x 9 14660 TP 4 24x9 14660 TP 1 2oxa 14660 TP 1 setbacks setbacks Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 1 of 8 11/16/2005 -303- City of Mound Dock Program AbutU Land Commons Quad ciuaa Rec# Non Type Name Type Slip Size Site # Name # Misc Information 55 a D Crosent Prk 16433 TP 1 5s a D Cresent Prk 16463 TP 1 57 n o cresent Prk 16493 TP 1 58 8 D Croeent Prk 16523 TP 1 ss n D Crosent Prk 1'6553 TP 1 so n D Crssent Prk 16583 TP 1 61 a q Cn3sent Prk 16613 TP 1 s2 n D Cresent Prk 16643 TP 1 63 a D Crosent Prk 16673 TP 1 sa n D crosent Prk 16703 TP 1 s5 a D Cresent Prk 16733 TP 1 s6 a D Cresent Prk 16763 TP 1 s7 a o Crosent Prk 16793 TP 1 ss a D crosent Prk 16823 TP 1 ss a D Croserrt Prk 16853 TP 1 7o n D wren (street) 19147 TP 1 7t a D Wfota 19257 TP 1 72 n D wore 19287 TP 1 ~3 a D worts 19317 TP 1 ~a a D orate 19347 TP 1 75 a D orate 19377 TP 1 ~s n v wore 19407 TP 1 77 n D wiota 19437 TP 1 ~8 n v wwta 19467 TP 1 ~s n o wore 19497 TP 1 ao a D orate 19527 TP 1 8t n o orate 19557 TP 1 s2 a o ware 19587 TP 1 S3 n D Wiota 19617 TP 1 84 a o wore 19647 TP 1 s5 n D wiota 19677 7P 1 es n D Wiota 19707 TP 1 a~ a o ware 19737 TP 1 s8 n D ware 19767 TP 1 as n o W;ota 19797 TP 1 9o n D orate 19827 TP 1 91 a o Wiota 19857 TP 1 92 n D Wiota 19887 TP 1 sa n D ware 19917 TP 1 sa a D ware 19947 TP 1 s5 n D wore 19977 TP 1 es n o wore 20007 TP 1 s~ n D VYata 20037 TP 1 s8 a D wafa 20067 TP 1 ss n o wam 20097 TP 1 ~ oo a D wore 20127 TP 1 t o~ n b wrote 20157 TP 1 ~ 02 n o ware 20187 TP 1 ~ oa n D wrote 20217 TP 1 oa a v wore 20247 TP 1 ~ 05 n D wore 20277 TP 1 ~ os n D orate 20307 TP 1 ~ o~ n D wrote 20337 TP 1 ~ ae n D wrote 20367 TP 1 Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 2 of 8 11/16/2005 -304- City of Mound Doric Program qbu~ Land Commons 4uaa quad Rec # Non Type Name Type Slip Size Site # Name # Misc Information n D wore 20397 TP 1 n D wwta 20427 TP 1 111 a o wota 20457 TP 1 112 n D Wiota 20487 TP 1 113 n D wrote 20517 TP 1 114 n D Wlota 20547 TP 1 115 a D Wiota 20577 TP 1' 11s a c Peabody 00190 TW 2 117 n D Waterbank 00752 TW 2 t 1 s n D waterbank 00782 T W 2 119 n D Waterbank 00812 TW 2 120 n D Waterbank 00842 TW 2 121 a D Waterbank 00872 TW 2 122 n D waterbank 00902 TW 2 123 a D Waterbank 00932 TW 2 124 a D waterbank 00962 TW 2 125 n D Waterbank 00992 TW 2 126 n D waterbaank 01022 TW 2 127 n D waterbank 01052 TW 2 12a n D Waterbank 01082 TW 2 129 n D Waterbank 01112 TW 2 130 n D Waterbank 01142 TW 2 131 n D Waterbank 01172 TW 2 132 n D waterbank 01202 TW 2 133 n D Watertank 01232 TW 2 134 a D Waterbank 01262 TW 2 i n D Waterbank 01292 TW 2 :.s6 n D Waterbank 01322 TW 2 One sided dock site due to private properly setbacks 137 n D waterside 01932 TW 2 138 n D Waterside 02144 TW 2 139 n D Centerview 02372 TW 2 One sided dodo site due to private properly setbacks 140 n D Centerview 02402 TW 2 141 n D Centerv'rew 02432 TW 2 142 n D Centerview 02462 TW 2 143 n D Centervrew 02492 TW 2 144 n D Centerview 02522 TW 2 145 n D Centerview 02552 TW 2 14s n D Centerview 02582 TW 2 147 n D Centerview 02612 TW 2 14a n D Cerrterview 02642 TW 2 149 n D Centerview 02672 TW 2 15o a o waterside 03691 TW 2 151 a D waterside 03791 TW 2 152 n D Waterside 03811 TW 2 153 n D Waterside 03831 TW 2 154 n D waterside 03851 TW 2 155 n D waterside 03871 TW 2 156 n D waterside 03901 TW 2 157 a D waterside 03931 TW 2 15s n D waterside 03961 TW 2 159 n D waterside 03991 TW 2 o n D waterside 04021 TW 2 i a D waterside 04051 TW 2 s2 n D waterside 04081 TW 2 Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 3 of 8 11/16/2005 -305- City of Mound Dock Program ,~,u~ Land Commons !load Quad Rec# Non Type Name TYPe Slip Size =Site # Name # Misc Information 1s3 n D waterside 04111 TW 2 1s4 n D waterside 04141 TW 2 165 a D Waterside 04171 TW 2 1ss a D Morton 05337 TW 2 167 a D North Park 05496 TW 2 1sa a D North Park 05526 TW 2 169 a D Nash Park 05556 TW 2 no n D North Park 05586 TW 2 171 a D Fairview 05747 TW 2 172 a D Fairview 05807 TW 2 173 n D Fairview Slip 27.5 x 10 05862A TW 2 174 n D Fairview Slip 24 x 10 058628 TW 2 175 n D Fairview Slip 24 x 10 058620 TW 2 176 n D Fairview Slip 27.5 x 10 05862D TW 2 177 n D Fairview Slip 18 x 8 05862E TW 2 176 n D Chateau 06154 TW 2 179 n D arbor 08480 TW 2 180 n D Norwood 01663 SH 3 One sided dock site due to private properly setbacks 181 n D Cartson Prk Slip 24 x 10 02345A SH 3 182 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 023456 SH 3 183 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 023450 SH 3 18a n D Carlson Prk Slip 2a x 10 02345D SH 3 185 n D Carlson Prk Stip 24 x 10 02345E SH 3 186 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 02345E SH 3 187 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 02345G SH 3 188 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 02345H SH 3 189 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 023451 SH 3 190 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 02345) SH 3 191 n D Carlson Prk slip 24 x 10 02345K SH 3 192 n D Carlson Prk Slip 24 x 10 02345E $H 3 193 n D Irrvvood 02934 SH 3 19a n D aeon 03676 SH 3 195 n D Emerald 04923 SH 3 196 n D Emerald 04953 SH 3 197 a C Longford Rd 03592 NIP 4 1 ss a C Longforo Rd 03652 NIP 4 199 a C Longforo Rd 03732 NIP 4 20o a c Longforo Ra 03812 NIP 4 201 a C Longford Rd 03852 NIP 4 202 a c Longford Rd 06117A NIP 4 203 a C Longford Rd 061178 NIP 4 204 a C Longfond Rd 061170 NIP 4 205 a c Longford Rd 06117D NIP 4 206 a c Longford Rd 06117E NIP 4 207 a c Longford Rd 06117E NIP 4 206 a c Longford Rd 06419A NIP 4 209 8 C Longforo Rd 064196 NIP 4 21o a D Kenmore 07086 NIP 4 211 a D Kenmore 07116 NIP 4 212 a D Kenmore 07146 MP 4 213 n D Kenmore 07176 NIP 4 21a n D Kenmore 07206 NIP 4 215 a D Kenmore 07236 NIP 4 21s n D Kenmore 07266 NIP 4 Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 4 of 8 11/16/2005 -306- City of Mound Dock Program Abutt! Land Commons Qaaa ease Rey # Non Type Name Type Slip Size Site # Name # Misc Information 7 n D Kenmore 07296 NIP 4 a a D Kenmore 07326 NIP 4 219 n D Kenmore 07356 NIP 4 22o a D Kenmore 07386 NIP 4 z2~ a D Kenmore 07416 NIP 4 222 n D Kenmore 07446 NIP 4 z23 a D Kenmore 07476 NIP 4 224 n D Kenmore 07506 NIP 4 One sided dodo ske due to private property setbacks 225 n D Excelsior 08945 NIP 4 Removal of ske at non-renewal due to private properly setbacks 226 n D Excelsior 08975 NIP 4 227 a D Excelsior 09005 NIP 4 22s a D Excelsior 09035 NIP 4 22s a D Excelsior 09065 NIP 4 23o n D Excelsior 09095 NIP 4 231 n D Excelsior 09125 -NIP 4 232 a D Excelsior 09155 NIP 4 233 n D Excelsior 09185 NIP 4 234 a D Excelsior 09215 NIP 4 235 n D Excelsior 09245 NIP 4 236 n D Excelsior 09275 NIP 4 237 a o Excelsior 09305 NIP 4 23s n D Excelsior 09335 NIP 4 23s n D Excelsior 09365 NIP 4 2ao a D Excelsior 09395 NIP 4 2a1 a D Excelsior 09425 NIP 4 a2 n D Excelsior 09455 NIP 4 ~ n D Excelsior 09485 NIP. 4 ~w4 n D Excelsior 09515 NIP 4 'temp based on resuk of non-abutter at site #NIP090o5 2a5 a D Excelsior 09545 NIP 4 gas a D Excelsior 09575 NIP 4 2a7 n o Excelsior 09605 NIP 4 tae n ~ D Keels 10148 NIP 4 249 a D Stratford Lane 10329 NIP 4 25o a D Stratford Lane 10389 NIP 4 251 a D Stratford Lane 10429 NIP 4 252 a D Stratford Lane 10489 NIP 4 253 a D Stratford Lane 10549 NIP 4 25a a D Stratford Lane 10589 NIP 4 255 n D Stratford Lane 11077 NIP 4 2ss a D Stratford Lane 11109 NIP 4 257 a D Stratford line 11164 NIP 4 25e n B Avalon Prk Slip 35.5 x 10 03970A EIP 5 2ss n B Avalon Prk slip 32 x 10 039706 EIP 5 2so n e Avabn Prk Slip 32 x 10 03970C EIP 5 261 n B Avalon Prk slip 32 x 10 03970D EIP 5 262 n B Avaon Prk Slip 32 x 10 03970E EIP 5 263 n B Avalon Prk Slip 35.5 x 10 03970E EIP 5 264 n B Avalon Prk Slip 32 x to 03970G* EIP 5 •5/28/02 CC apprvd temp site until rwn-renewal 265 n B Avalon Prk Slip 7s sq ft 039701 EIP 5 26s n B Avalon Prk Slip 75 sq ft 03970) EIP 5 2s7 n B Avalon Prk Slip 75 sq ft 03970K EIP 5 n B Schervan Prk slip 27.5 x 10 05644A EIP 5 n B Schervan Prk Slip 24 x 10 056446 EIP 5 2~o n B Schervan Prk slip 2a x 10 05644C EIP 5 Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 5 of 8 11/16/2005 -307- City of Mound Dock Program , _ _ ~„~ Land Commons Quaa 6lusa Rec# Non Type Name Type Slip Size Site # Name # Misc Information _._ 271 n B schervan Prk slip 2a x 10 05644D EIP 5 272 n B Schervan Psis Slip 24 x 10 05644E EIP 5 273 n B Sdrervan Prk Stip 24 x 10 05644E EIP 5 27a n B Schervan Prk Slip. 27.5 x 10 05644E EIP 5 275 n B Schervan Prk Slip 18 x 8 05644H ElP 5 27s n B Schervan Prk slip 1a x a 056441 EIP 5 277 a B Devon 05687 EIP 5 New abutting site for bt split; No address yet 27s a B Devon 05711 EIP 5 Remove site for lot split; Old address 4539 Island vew (Plaza) 279 a 8 Devon 05742 EIP 5 New abutting site for lot split; No address yet 2ao a B Devon 05801 EIP 5 2a1 a B Devon 05851 EtP 5 2&2 a c Devon 05901 EIP 5 2a3 a C . Devon 05951 EIP 5 284 a C Devon 06002 EIP 5 2s5 a c Devon 06052 EIP 5 gas a c Devon 06102 EIP 5 2s7 a c . Devon 06152 EIP 5 2aa a c Devon 06227 EIP 5 gas a c Devon 06339 EIP 5 29o a C Devon 06455 EIP 5 291 a c Devon 06563 EIP 5 292 a c Devon 06656 EIP 5 293 a C Devon 06740 EIP 5 294 a C Devon 06815 EIP 5 295 n D Devon 06861 EIP 5 z9s a C Devon 06895 EtP 5 297 a c Devon 06929 EIP 5 298 a C Devon 06963 EIP 5 299 a C Devon 07013 EIP 5 30o a C Devon 07060 EIP 5 301 a c Devon 07107 EIP 5 302 a C Devon 07154 EIP 5 303 a c Devon 07204 EIP 5 3oa a C Devon 07254 EIP 5 305 a c Devon 07304 EIP 5 306 a C Devon 07354 EIP 5 307 a c Devon 07404 EIP 5 3os a C Devon 07452 EIP 5 309 a B Devon 07527 EIP 5 31o a B Devon 07612 EIP 5 311 n B Devon Mutt Slip z7.5 x 10 07652A EIP 5 312 n B Devon Mutt Slip z4 x 70 076526 EIP 5 313 n B Devon Mutt Slip 24 x 10 076520 EIP 5 314 n B Devon Must slip 2a x 10 07652D EIP- 5 315 n B Devon Mutt slip 24 x 10 07652E EIP 5 316 n B Devon Mutt slip 27s x 10 07652E EIP 5 317 a 6 Devon 07734 EIP 5 318 a B , Davos 07804 EIP 5 319 a B Devon 07882 EIP 5 32o a C Devon 07953 EIP 5 321 a c Devon 0$013 EIP 5 322 a c Devon 08073 EIP 5 323 a B Amnurst Mutt slip z7.s x 10 08103A EIP 5 324 n B amnu~st Mutt slip 24 x 10 081038 EIP 5 Dock Location Map; 2006; Fina! Page 6 of 8 11/16/2005 -308- City of Mound Dock Program Abutt/ Land Commons. _ 4uaa clued.. R~# Non- T-ype-Name- - -_~^~-Pe----S1ip Size -Site~# __--- p,,,,,6--#-Nlis~ln-forrrmation --- --- _ _ __-_ -- s n B Amhursl Mult sl-p 2a x to 08103C EIP 5 n B Amherst MuR slip 27.5 x 10 08103D EIP 5 °"'~27 a B Devon 08233 EIP 5 3za a B Devon 08273 EIP 5 a2s a s Devon 08338 EIP 5 33o a C Devon 08433 EIP 5 331 a c Devon 08493 EIP 5 332 a C Devon 08553 EIP 5 333 a C Devon 08598 EIP 5 33a a c Devon 08648 EIP 5 335 a c Devon 08688 EIP 5 336 a C Devon 08728 EIP 5 337 a C Devon 08793 EIP 5 33e a C Devon 08866 EIP 5 339 a c Devon 08939 EIP 5 Sao a C Devon 09014 EIP 5 3a1 a c Devon 09054 EIP 5 342 a C Devon 09094 EIP 5 3a3 a C Devon 09180 EIP 5 New atxriting site for lot split; No address yet 344 8 C Devon 09210 EIP 5 Remove site for Iot split; Old address 4957 Island View (Norstrer 345 a C Devon 09240 EIP 5 New abutting sae for rot apla; No address yet 346 n D Waterbury Slip 24 x s 00674A WIP 6 347 n D Waterbury Slip 24 x 10 006748 WIP 6 Sae n D waterbury slip 2a x to 00674C WIP 6 349 n D Watertwry Slip 24 x 8 00674D WIP 6 35o a D Brighton Bivd 04125 WIP 6 ~r n D Brighton BNd 04155 WIP 6 .,2 a D Brighton Bivd 04185 WIP 6 353 a D Brighton BNd 04215 WIP 6 35a a D Brighton Bivd 04245 WIP 6 355 a D Brighton Blvd 04275 WIP 6 356 n D Brighton BNd 04305 WIP 6 357 n D Brighton BNd 04335 WIP 6 358 a D Brighton Blvd 04365 WIP 6 359 n D Brighton BNd 04395 WIP 6 380 a D Brighton Blvd D4425 WIP 6 381 n D Brighton BNd 04452 WIP 6 362 a D Brighton 044$2 WIP 6 363 a D Brighton 04512 WIP 6 364 n D Brighton 04542 WIP 6 3s5 n D Brighton 04572 WIP 6 3s6 a D Brighton 04602 WIP 6 367 n D Brighton 04632 WIP 6 36e a C Brighton 04705 WIP 6 36s a c Brighton 04785 WIP 6 370 a C Brighton 04866 WIP 6 371 a C Brighton 04912 WIP 6 372 a C Brighton 04980 WIP 6 373 a C Brighton 05040 WIP 6 37a a c Brighton 05110 WIP 6 375 a C Brighton 05155 WIP 6 7s a C Brighton 05225 WIP 6 '7 a C Brighton 05315 WIP 6 37e a c Brighton 05403 WIP 6 6i ~) Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 7 of 8 ~ 11/16/2005 -309- City of Mound Dock Program _ _ _ qb,~~ _Land Commons Quad Quad _- Rec #-won -Type-NaF~1e--- -_~ ~stl' maize ~:i~-#----Name --- #-- YPe-- P fdlise Ittformatief~- - - ----- --- 379 n A Brighton 05470 WIP 6 380 a C Brighton 05498 WIP 6 Sat a C Brighton 05538 WIP 6 382 a C Brighton 05598 WIP 6 383 n D Brighton 05628 WIP 6 384 n D Loat Lake 03949 LL 7 385 n D Lost Lake 03979 LL 7 386 n D Lost Lake 04009 LL 7 387 n D Lost Lake 04039 LL 7 388 a D Lost Lake 04069 LL 7 389 n D Lost Lake 04099 LL 7 39o a D , Lost Lake 04129 LL 7 39t n D Lost Lake 04159 LL 7 392 n D Idlewood 01709 TH 8 393 n D ktiewood 01752 TH 8 394 n D Twin Park Slip 2T.5 x 10 03186A TH $ 385 n D Twin Park Slip 24 x 10 031868 TH 8 396 n D Twin Park Slip 24 x 10 031860 TH 8 397 n D Twin Park Siip 27.5 x 10 03186D TH 8 398 n D Highland Prk Slip 27.5 x 10 03962A TH 8 399 n D Highland Prk Slip 24 x 10 039626 TH 8 400 n D Highland Prk Slip 24 x 10 039620 TH 8 ao1 n D Highland Prk Slip 2a x 10 03962D TH 8 402 n D Highland Prk Slip 24 x 10 03962E TH 8 ao3 n D Highland Prk Slip 27.5 x 10 03962E TH 8 40a n D Highland Prk slip 75 sq tt 03962G TH 8 405 n D Highland Pric Slip 75 s4 tt 03962H TH 8 aos fl D Highland Prk 03985 TH $ 407 a D Highland Prk 04019 TH 8 408 n D Ridgewood 04963 TH 8 aoa n D Ridgewood 04988 TH 8 ato n D Ridgewood 05013 TH 8 at t n D wdeewood 05038 TH 8 412 n D Ridgewood 05063 TH 8 413 n D Ridgewood 05088 TH 8 a14 n D Lagoon Pric 06012 TH 8 at5 n D Lagoon Pric 06032 TH 8 418 n D Lagoon Pric 07130 TH 8 4t7 n D Lagoon Prk 07155 TH 8 418 n D Island-Buoy Buoy 00280 12 9 Site to be eliminated at non-renewal Dock Location Map; 2006; Final Page 8 of 8 11/16/2005 -310- SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 111, Minnetonka, MN 55305-1529. ,, Phone: (952) 541-1019 FAX: (952) 541-0841 E-mail: scs~seniorcommunity.org Website: www.seniorcommunity.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Lawson President January 9, 2006 David F. Fisher 1st Vice President Mayor Pat Meisel and Council John Gray 2nd ice President City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Phil Kern MN 55364 Mound Treasurer , Laurie Lafontaine Secretary Gordon Hughes Past President Gloria Johnson Member-at-Large Marvin Johnson Member-at-Large ~haron Burnham Sheryl Fischer Francis Hagen Sandy Hewitt Aiko Higuchi Rep. Ann Lenczewski Dr. Chinyere (Ike) Njaka Dotty O'Brien Senator Gen Olson Curtis A. Pearson Tom Ticen Benjamin F. Withhart Executive Director & C.E.O. PROGRAMS • Supporting Positive Aging - Transportation -Community Senior Centers • Caregiver Support Services - Senior Outreach • Frail Elder Support Services - H.O.M.E. - Senior Outreach /"'-'"'' A Founding Member of f Eldercare Partners `f~, m A United Way Agency Dear Mayor Meisel and Council Members: Senior Community Services is requesting that the City of Mound pass, and send back to us, a resolution favoring a continuation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for senior programs. A sample resolution is attached for your consideration. We would like to include the resolution in our application to the Consolidated Pool for the next CDBG year which must be submitted by February 23, 2006. CDBG funding to help support the sevices for seniors provided by Senior Community Services has continued to decline. We very much appreciate the City's commitment of support for 2006. The contact person for our request is our Gillespie Senior Center Director, Cathy Bailey (472-6502). On behalf of the area seniors who are the direct beneficiaries of the services, our thanks for your continued support of the senior programs. We look forward to continuing cooperation between the City of Mound and Senior COmmulllty Sel'VIC6S. Again, many thanks for your support. Sincerely, `I ~ (its... ' RI on Bloch Program Administrator cc: Kandis Hanson, City Manager -311- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING FUNDING OF SENIOR PROGRAMS THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT WHEREAS, the City of Mound has supported services for its elderly and disabled residents via Senior Community Services' Gillespie Senior Center with the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound feels that the provision of services for its elderly and disable residents is of great importance and should be continued, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Mound recommends to the Consolidated Pool Selection Committee that CBDG funding of Senior Community Services' Gillespie Senior Center is a high priority public service activity and should be continued. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -312- 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD r OF MOUND MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952)472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com January 20, 2006 TO: Mayor and City Council HRA FROM: Bonnie Ritter RE: Resolution on Cooperation Agreement between City and HRA This resolution is to authorize an amendment to a cooperation agreement between the City and HRA regarding the annual Payment in Lieu of Taxes. This is a housekeeping item that stems back from 1991 and 1997 (as shown by the attached letter from HUD. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ~r Bonnie punted on recycled paper -313- Q~QPP~MENTDFyoG °o I II .4"r ~e~N D FV~~'DQ Ms. Kandis Hanson, Executive Director Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1627 Dear Ms. Hanson: Subject: Request for Missing Documents U.S. Qepartment of Housing and Urban Development Minneapolis Field Office 920 Second Avenue South, Sulte 1300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-4012 OCT 2 6 2005 During a recent review of our files, we found copies of two letters, dated April 9, 1991 and October 1, 1997, for which we have received no response. I have. enclosed copies of each letter, along with their enclosures. For the Apri19, 1991 letter, regarding Project No. MN074001, we have received a copy of the recorded new Declaration of Trust, and we still need copies of the Resolution Proceedings and General Certificates and a recorded copy of the Release of Declaration of Trust. We have not received any of the documents requested in our letter of October 1, 1997 and request that you submit them at this time. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Kielas, Paralegal Specialist, at 612/370- 3000 x2240. Very sincerely yours, Stephe J. ne old Chief Co s 1 Enclosures www.hud.gov espanol.6ud.gov -314- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO COOPERATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Minnesota owns and administers low-rent housing projects consisting of 50 dwelling units within the municipal boundaries of the City of Mound, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the City of Mound, Minnesota, entered into a Cooperation Agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Minnesota in connection with such Project dated April 15, 1968, and WHEREAS, the Cooperation Agreement states that the Project is exempt from all real and personal property taxes and special assessments, but provides that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Minnesota shall make annual payments (called "Payments in Lieu of Taxes") in lieu of such taxes and special assessments in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Shelter Rent charged during the preceding fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the City of Mound, Minnesota, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Minnesota have agreed to amend the Cooperation ~' Agreement to provide for Payments in Lieu of Taxes in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Shelter Rent actually collected during the preceding fiscal year, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the City of Mound, Minnesota shall enter into an Amendment to the cooperation Agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Minnesota in substantially the attached form. 2. That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment, in quadruplicate, on behalf of said City of Mound, Minnesota, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal of said City of Mound, Minnesota, thereon and to attest to same. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2006. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Pat Meisel -315- AMENDMENT TO COOPERATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Mound, Minnesota (herein called the "Local Authority") and the City of Mound, Minnesota (herein called the "Municipality") entered into a certain Cooperative Agreement (herein called "Agreement"), dated April 15, 1968; and WHEREAS, in order. more fully to assure the accomplishment of the purposes of the amended Agreement, the Local Authority and the Municipality now desire to modify and revise the Agreement without affecting the rights or obligations of either the Local Authority or the Municipality thereunder, except as herein expressly provided; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Municipality and the Local Authority do hereby agree that the Agreement shall be and the same hereby is modified and revised by this Amendment. Section 3(b) is revised to read as follows: "(b) Each such annual Payment in Lieu of Taxes shall be made after the end of the fiscal year established for such Project, and shall be in an amount equal to either (i) five percent (5%) of the Shelter Rent actually collected but in no event to exceed five percent (5%) of the Shelter Rent charged by the Local Authority in respect to such project during such fiscal year, or (ii) the amount permitted to be paid by applicable State Law in effect on the date such payment is made, whichever amount is the lower." Adopted the 24th day of January, 2006. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality and the Local Authority have respectively signed this Agreement and caused their seals to be affixed and attested as of the day and year first above written. (SEAL) City of Mound, Minnesota By: Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Housing and Redevelopment authority of Mound, Minnesota (SEAL) By: Chair Pat Meisel Attest: Kandis Hanson, Executive Director -316- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: January 20, 2006 Re: Rezoning Proposal from Gillespie Center for property located at 5680 Bartlett Boulevard from R-2 to B-1 Business As the City Council is aware, the public hearing for review of the application from the Gillespie Center to rezone the property located at 5680 Bartlett Boulevard from R-2 to 6-1 Business was opened at the January 10~' meeting and continued to the January 24, 2006 meeting. Staff was notified on January 18"' that the rezoning application has been withdrawn at the applicant's request. Written confirmation regarding the withdrawal was received on January 19~'. A copy of the email from Gillespie Center Board of Director President Cheryl Fischer is attached. -317- Page 1 of 1 Sarah Smith From: ' To: arch Smith"' <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:29 PM Subject: RE: SSmith email address Sarah - per your request for written withdrawal: f~` The Gillespie Center would like to withdraw our request at this time ~o't`the rezone of our "parking lot" property from the Mound City Council's January 24th agenda. Thank you, Cheryl Cheryl Fischer, President Gillespie Center Board of Directors From: Sarah Smith [mailto:SarahSmith@ciryofmound.com] Sent: Thursda January 19, 2006 5:37 PM Tai Sub~"e~ . mi email address Hi Cheryl. Thank you for your message. I have left you a voice mail but wanted to follow up with an email as well. Thanks for your prompt response to our request for written withdrawal. Email, of course, if fine. My email is as follows: www.sarahsmithcc7i.cityofmound.com We look forward to working with you very soon. Best regards. Sarah Smith -3~ $- 1/20/2006 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 PLANNING REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: January 18, 2006 SUBJECT: Review of Proposed Zoning Amendment -City Code Chapter 350.420 (Non Conforming Uses) APPLICANT: City of Mound SUMMARY The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a proposed text amendment to City Code 350.420, (Nonconforming Uses) for consistency with Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.357 Subd 1 e. ~~ REVIEW PROCEDURE Minnesota State Statutes 462.357 Subd. 3 states that no zoning ordinance or amendment can be adopted until a public hearing is held by the planning agency or by the governing body. Additionally, the notice of the public hearing must also be published at least (10) days prior to the hearing date. City Code Section 350:520 also requires .that any proposed text amendment which is not initiated by the Planning Commission must be referred to the Planning Commission for review and must not be acted upon until it has received the Planning Commission's recommendation. The City Council is responsible for holding the public hearing for review of all text amendments and rezoning according to the City Code. Members of the Council are advised that the notice of public hearing was published in the January 14, 2006 edition of the Laker. DISCUSSION • As the City Council may be aware, City Attorney John Dean was present at the August 8, 2005 Planning Commission meeting and discussed recent legislative changes with regard to nonconformities. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Dean prepared a proposed amendment which was informally discussed by the Planning Commission at its October 10, 2006 meeting at which time a modification to Subd. 6 was suggested to allow for a determination by the Planning Commission ~,~., whether a non conforming use of a structure is being changed to a more restrictive non conforming use. • A copy of M.S.S. 462, 357, Subd. 1 e has been included. -319- RECOMMENDATION The proposed ordinance amendment was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its January 9, 2006 meeting who unanimously voted to recommend approval of the proposed amendment ~as recommended by Staff. A copy of the minute excerpts from the January 9th meeting has been included. 2 -320- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2006 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 350 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE The City of Mound does ordain: Subsection 350.420 (.Non Conforming Uses) of the Mound City Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 350.420 Non Conforming Uses Subd. 1. Any structure or use lawfully existing upon the effective date of this Chapter may be continued at the size and in a manner of operation existing upon such date, but may be expanded or intensified only in compliance with the provisions of this Section. Subd. 2. Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent ~ the repair replacement restoration maintenance or improvement of a structure, unless such activities constitute an expansion or intensification of the nonconformity. ~' Subd. 3. When any ICI non-conforming use of any structure or land in any district has been changed to a conforming use, and has been so used for more than 12 months, it shall not thereafter b° ^~ revert to ate} its prior non-conforming use. Subd. 4. Whenever a It-non-conforming structure shall have been damaged by fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, war, riot, or act of God, it may be reconstructed and used as before if it be reconstructed w+th+n not later than twelve (12) months after such calamity, unless the damage to the building or structure is 50 percent or more of its fair market value as shown on the assessor's records at the time of damage} in which case it may not be reconstructed unless a building permit has been applied for within 180 days after the date of damage, and construction is completed not more than 1 year after the date of damage. Subd. 5. Whenever a I-aw#ul non-conforming use of a structure or land is discontinued for a period of more than twelve (12) months, any future use of said structure or land shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter. Subd. 6. A lawft~i non-conforming use of a structure or parcel of land may be changed to a similar non-conforming use or to a more restrictive non-conforming use as determined by the Planning Commission). Some non-conforming uses are permitted by conditional use permits. Once a structure or parcel of land has been placed in similar ~'` non-conforming use or in a more restrictive non-conforming use, and has been so used -321- for a period of more than 12 months, it shall not return to a~°.~.°~-T°u-~°+~ty~-;~ the prior non-conforming use. Subd. ~. 7 °1++0~ With the approval of the City Council, alterations may be made to a building containing of non-conforming residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units, wit# Subd. 8. 8. Non-conforming principal and accessory structures may be expanded, enlarged, or modified, or conforming structures set~~ may be added provided that the use of the parcel is conforming to district regulations, and provided that the expansion, enlargement, or modification meets the current zoning .regulations and no other non- conformities ~aryr~ely1,~created.~„~,~g--event/-'~-t~#p_a-tea---~p~~ei~e~'~-..~s~~sin#eg~mQOpS~L~a~T~~~~_~~~''~ ~~;,ov~-; ~wz°~~°~~RGT7Z~i,V~~e~~JVG~V17 Vti1-Q QTI/'1n m11G.~ 1'Y1eVZ -QQITe~°~ ~egufa~eas. ORD. #103-1999, 8-9-99) Passed by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the day of , 2006. Effective on .2006. 2 -322- MINUTES ~' MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Orv Burma, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, David Miller, Michael Mueller and Dave Osmek. Absent: Jorj Ayaz. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planning Consultant Rita Trapp, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Bob and Carol Lien (1583 Bluebird Lane) BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #06-01 Zoning Amendment City Code Chapter 350.420 (Non-Conforming Uses) City of Mound MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Burma, to recommend Council approve the zoning amendment as proposed. MOTION .carried unanimously. -323- January 2006 Suggested Modifications 350.420 Non-conforming Uses. Subd. 1. Any structure or use lawfully existing upon the effective date of this Chapter may be continued at the size and in a manner of operation existing upon such date ut may be expanded or intensified only in compliance with the provisions of this Section. Subd. 2. Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent ° e repair. replacement. oration. maintenance or improvement of a structure. unless such activities constitute an expansion or intensification of the nonconformity. Subd. 3. When any iaw~l-non-conforming use of any structure or land in any district has been changed to a conforming use, and has been so used for more than 12 months. it shall not thereafter ~e-slaa~edrevert to ate' ri non-conforming use. Subd. 4. Whenever a 11-non-conforming structure shall have been damaged by fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, war, riot, or act of God, it may be reconstructed and used as before if it be reconstructed wi##i+~~# later than twelve (12) months after such calamity, unless the damage to the building or structure is 50 percent or more of its fair market value as shown on the assessor's records at the time of damage} in which case tie it may not be reconstructed unless a building permit has been applied for within 180 days after the date of damage. and construction is completed not ore than 1 year after the date of damage. Subd. 5. Whenever a lal-non-conforming use of a structure or land is discontinued for a period of more than twelve (12) months, any future use of said structure or land shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter. Subd. 6. A 11-non-conforming use of a structure or parcel of land may be changed to a similar non-conforming use or to a more restrictive non- conforming use (as determined by the ' Planning Commisssion}. Some non-conforming uses are permitted by conditional use permits. Once a structure or parcel of land has been placed in similar non-conforming use or in a more restrictive non-conforming use, and has been so used for a period of more than JBD-267459v2 MU220-5 -324- 12 months, it shall not return to ~' e~c#~-e~-i~e~si#~-the riornnn-conforming use. Subd. 8. °14~With the aagroval of the Citv Council. alterations may be made to a building containing anon-conforming. residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units, Subd. 9. Non-conforming principal and accessory structures may be expanded, enlarged, or modified, or conforming structures setrldm~a [[ be added provided that the use of the parcel is conforming to district regulations, and provided that the expansion, enlargement, or modification meets the current zoning regulations and no other non-conformities are created. (~' JBD-267459v2 MU220-5 -325- Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.357 subd. 1 e Subd. le. Nonconformities. Any nonconformity, including the lawful use or occupation of land or premises existing at the time of the adoption of an additional control under this chapter, may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansion, unless: (1) the nonconformity or occupancy is discontinued for a period of more than one year; or (2) any nonconforming use is destroyed by fire or other peril to the extent of greater than 50 percent of its market value, and no building permit has been applied for within 180 days of when the property is damaged. In this case, a municipality may impose reasonable conditions upon a building permit in order to mitigate any newly created impact on adjacent property. Any subsequent use or occupancy of the land or premises shall be a conforming use or occupancy. A municipality may, by ordinance, permit an expansion or impose upon nonconformities reasonable .regulations to prevent and abate nuisances and to protect the public health, welfare, or safety. This subdivision does not prohibit a municipality from enforcing an ordinance that applies to adults-only bookstores, adults-only theaters, or similar adults-only businesses, as defined by ordinance. -326- 350.420 Non-conforming Uses. Subd. 1. Any structure or use lawfully existing upon the effective date of this Chapter may be continued at the size and in a manner of operation existing upon such date. Subd. 2. Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent restoring of a structure to safe condition when said structure is declared unsafe by the City, providing further that the necessary repairs shall not constitute more than 50% of the fair market value of such structure. Subd. 3. When any lawful non-conforming use of any structure or land in any district has been changed to a conforming use, it shall not thereafter be changed to any non-conforming use. Subd. 4. Whenever a lawful non-conforming structure shall have been damaged by fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, war, riot, or act of God, it may be reconstructed and used as before if it be reconstructed within twelve (12) months after such calamity, unless the damage to the building or structure is 50 percent or more of its fair market value as shown on the assessor's records at the time of damage in which case the whole thereof shall be demolished and any construction thereafter shall be for a use in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Subd. 5. Whenever a lawful non-conforming use of a structure or land is discontinued for a period. of twelve (12) months, .any future use of said structure or land shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter. Subd. 6. A lawful non-conforming use of a structure or parcel of land may be changed to a similar non-conforming use or to a more restrictive non-conforming use. Some non-conforming uses are permitted by conditional use permits. Once a structure or parcel of land has been placed in a more restrictive non- conforming use, it shall not return to a less restrictive non-conforming use. Subd. 7. Normal maintenance of a building or other structure containing or related to a lawful non-conforming use is permitted, including necessary non- structural repairs and incidental alterations that do not extend or intensify the non-conforming use. Subd. 8. Alterations may be made to a building containing lawful non-conforming residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units, with the recommendation and approval of the City Council. Subd. 9. Non-conforming principal and accessory structures may be expanded, enlarged, or modified, or conforming structures could be added provided that the use of the parcel is conforming to district regulations, and provided that the expansion, enlargement, or modification meets the current zoning regulations and no other non-conformities are created. In the event that anon-conforming structure is removed, razed, or demolished, all newly proposed construction must meet current zoning regulations. ORD. #103-1999, 8-9-99) OLD SUBD. 9 & 10 - (REPEALED BY ORD. #103-1999, 8-9-99). -327- ,, Mayor Meisel and City MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Jim Fackler DATE: RE: December 22, 2005 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cifyofmound.com Park Dedication Funds -Skate Park and Park Planning Skate Park• At the September 8, 2005 Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission meeting the POSAC recommended the following: Fund up to $1.0,000.00 to the Skate Park for improvements. MOTION by Pilling to fund up to $10,000 from the Park Dedication Fund for general upgrade proposed for the Mound Skate Pazk. SECOND by Turner. Motion carried unanimously. Master Park Planning: On November 10, 2005 Bruce Chamberlain from Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. gave a presentation on Pazk Master Planning to the POSAC. On December 1, 2005 Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission met to prioritize parks for the Master Planning process. An undecided dollaz will be needed from the Pazk Dedication Fund for Park Master Planning. Staff is looking for direction from the Council on the amount to be directed towards Park Master Planning. Bruce Chamberlain has provided the attached proposal for Park Master Planning for Mound Bay Park. The proposal for pazk planning from HKGi is $11,760 and an additional $9,270 for the Depot evaluation by Claybaugh Preservation. As of December 22, 2005 the balance in the Park Dedication fund is $117,026.68. printed on recycled paper -328- Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design p® Hoisington Koegler Group Ina ®® January 3, 2006 Jim Fackler, Park & Recreation Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Revised proposal -park master planning. Dear Jim.: Hoisingtan Koegler Group and Claybaugh Preservation Architecture are pleased to submit this proposal to prepare a master plan for Mound Bay Park. HKGi has a great deal of experience with park planning for communities including Hastings, Chanhassen, Farmington, Northfield and Minneapolis. Claybaugh Preservation Architecture specializes in restoration and rehabilitation of historic and park structures and will be involved in assessing options for the depot in Mound Bay Park. HKGi and CPA have collaborated on numerous projects including downtown and open space plans for Excelsior, Hastings, Hutchinson and Taylors Falls. Preparing park master plans and associated cost estimates through acommunity-involvement process is invaluable to City staff and policymakers in determining a vision for the park, understanding system-wide needs and making wise investments overtime. You indicated that Mound would like to use the park master planning process to guide future capital improvements and to ensure that near-term investments fit into along-term strategy. I also understand that Mound. would like to focus on Mound Bay Park as a first step in park master planning but also has interest in future plans for five neighborhood parks including Highlands, Phillbrook, Three Points, Centerview and Swenson. This letter includes a fee proposal for preparing a Mound Bay Park master plan. As an FYI, it also identifies suggested steps involved in future planning of neighborhood parks. Mound Bay Park: Master planning for a community park such as Mound Bay Park should have a more intensive design and public involvement process than a neighborhood park because of the complexity of program and facility options and because of the likely higher level of investment in park development. To facilitate the community's desire get started with Mound Bay Park saon, we suggest conducting the planning effort in the January to May '06 timeframe. Tasks related to the Mound Bay Park master plan include: • Park site visit and kick-off meeting with City staff. • Collect available base mapping, aerial photography and depot architectural drawings. • Conduct up to four individual meetings with stakeholder/user groups to understand their specific desires. • Facilitate public visioning workshop to understand community desires for the park. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 -329- Proposal -Park Master Planntng, City of Mound January 3, 2006 Page 2 _ • Prepare analysis of the park including evaluation of the depot structure. • Prepare up to three concept alternatives and support graphics using optiorial program elements and park configurations including alternative depot uses and locations. • Facilitate public concept alternative workshop to gain feedback on alternative approaches. • Prepare preferred draft master plan based on workshop results. • Prepare concept-level cost estimate and implementation phasing plan including costs associated with possible moving/renovating depot. • Prepare written report specifically addressing recommendations and cost estimates related to moving/renovating depot. • Facilitate public open house to review the draft plan. • Modify the draft plan as needed based on public feedback. • Present draft plan to the Fazk & Open Space Commission for recommendation of adoption to City Council (up to two meetings). • Present recommended plan to the City Council for adoption. • Provide the City with digital files and one large-format color print. Additional services include meetings in addition to those described above and plan mod cations after the Park & Open Space Commission has recommended adoption. City of Mound responsibilities include organization and advertising for all meetings, workshops and open houses and printing of all packets, handouts and notices. HKGi proposes to conduct the work identified above at an hourly rate plus reimbursable expenses for a not-to-exceed fee as follows: Mound Bay Park master plan: Park master planning by HKGi: $11,760 Depot evaluation by Claybaugh Preservation: $ 9.270 TWENTY ONE THOUSAND THIRTY DOLLARS ($21,030) Future neighborhood park planning: Since Mound has not done park master planning in the recent past, I would suggest kicking off a future neighborhood pazk planning process with a couple of workshops with the Park and Open Space Commission. Starting the planning process with policy-level workshops to wrestle with key questions gives the Park & Open Space Commission 1) an understanding of what to expect of the planning process; 2) an opportunity to discuss what can often be contentious issues; and 3) an opportunity to establish policy positions that define master plan parameters. These workshops will help determine some key policies before starting master plans such as: What facilities are potentially on or off the table for consideration in neighborhood pazks (e.g. hockey boards, backstops, athletic field lighting, shelters, restrooms, off- street pazking)? Can ball fields in neighborhood parks be programmed for Ieague practices/games or are they strictly for pick-up/neighborhood use? To what level of long-term maintenance needs should parks be designed (e.g. does the community want to commit the resources to care for things like irrigation systems, landscaping, native plant restoration, turf maintenance)? -330- Proposal -Park Master Planning, Ciry of Mound January 3, 2006 Page 3 ,r^~ After overarching policies are established, neighborhood park master planning can begin. Multiple neighborhood park plans can be prepared at once. This will allow for fewer public meetings, make HKGi's time more efficient as well as simplify City staff's effort in setting meetings and public workshops. We look forward to the opportunity to assist Mound with its park planning needs. If you are in agreement with the Mound Bay Park proposal, please sign below and send one copy back for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ~.., a ~~ Bruce L. Chamberlain, ASLA Vice President SIGATURE OF ACCEPTANCE: City of Mound By: Title: Date: P:IIiKGPROMO1Project RelatedlMonwtdlparkmaster plant-3-06.DOC ~I -331- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: January 18, 2006 Re: Wetland Mitigation -Lost Lake Dredge Permit Background. As the Council may be aware, as part of the DNR and MCWD approval(s) of the Lost Lake dredge permit, the City was required to create 2.8 acres of new wetlands. The City currently has an approved mitigation plan consisting of 2.4 acres in Minnetrista and therefore is deficient 0.4 acres in mitigation area. MCWD District staff recently met with the City of Shorewood and discussed the City's possible participation in the Freeman Park mitigation plan to incorporate the remaining 0.4 acres in the Shorewood project. The proposal was reviewed and approved by the MCWD Board at its January 19th meeting subject to the submittal of a $60,000 escrow and preparation of a cooperative agency agreement. MHR has agreed to both conditions and a draft agreement has been prepared by the City Attorney. Staff will provide an update of the 1/19 MCWD Board meeting at the meeting. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the agency participate in the Freeman Park wetland mitigation project so as to and MCWD permit approvals for the Lost Lake dredge project. agreement to satisfy the DNR -332- COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PARTIAL FUNDING OF SHOREWOOD WETLAND MITIGATION PROJECT Hennepin County, Minnesota Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and City of Mound This Agreement is entered into by and among the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota with powers set forth at Minnesota Statutes Chapters 103B and 103D ("MCWD") and the City of Mound, a statutory city and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Mound") (together, the "parties"). The purpose of the Agreement is to provide escrow funding to the MCWD in the amount of $60,000.00 to assist in the financing of a wetland mitigation project at Freeman Park in the City of Shorewood, Minnesota and to assure for the allocation of wetland replacement credits to Mound needed by it for the purpose of obtaining permits from MCWD and other agencies to carry out activities in the corporate limits of the City of Mound. 1. Freeman Park Wetland Mitigation Project, Partial Funding. Shorewood is undertaking a wetland restoration project (the "Project") at Freeman Park in Shorewood. The Project lies within the Lake Minnetonka sub- watershed. Shorewood has expressed willingness to allocate a portion of the wetland mitigation area to Mound in order to provide. Mound with certain wetland replacement credits. As consideration for such credit allocation, Mound is agreeable to provide certain funds to be used in the Project. 2. Funding. Not later than five days following the execution of this Agreement by the parties, Mound will deposit with MCWD the amount of $60,000 (the "Funds'). MCWD agrees to place these funds in an escrow account to be promptly disbursed to Shorewood once MCWD has conclusively determined that Mound is unconditionally entitled to the .4 acres of wetland replacement credit. The deposit will be made and maintained in the manner that MCWD handles such deposits; and subject to MCWD policies and procedures governing such deposits. Unless the rules provide otherwise, interest earned on the deposit will be returned to Mound. 3. Allocation. JBD-274095v1 -333- Shorewood has expressed willingness to allow Mound to grant to Mound no less than 0.4 acres of replacement wetland credit in the Project. MCWD shall be responsible for in verifying the actual area of the credit. MCWD agrees, as a condition to any permitting, or approvals needed by Shorewood in connection with the Project, to require Shorewood, set aside and allocate to Mound such wetland replacement credit. It is understood that nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to obligate Shorewood to provide more than .4 acres of replacement credit. The Parties understand that a separate agreement between the City of Shorewood and the City of Mound may be entered into to further define the Mound's funding obligations, and Shorewood's obligation to provide the credits. 4. Issuance of Permit. MCWD agrees that not later than _ days following the date on which Mound provides the Funds to MCWD, it will issue to Mound, assuming all other preconditions thereto have been met, the permit previously conditionally approved for dredging of a portion of Lost Lake. 5. Independent Relationship. The Mound's role under this Agreement is solely to provide Funds for the partial financing of the Project. The MCWD's role under this Agreement is to escrow the Funds until they can be released, to release them in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, assure the set-aside of .4 acres of wetland replacement credits to Mound, and to issue the permit as provided in paragraph 4 above. Neither the MCWD, nor Mound has any authority to select, or role in selecting, the means, method or mariner of performing any work or the person or firm who will perform the work for the Project. No employee, representative, contractor or consultant of any party to this Agreement acts in any respect as the agent or representative of any other party. This Agreement is not a joint powers agreement under Minnesota Statutes X471.59. 6. Effective Date. The Agreement is effective when fully executed by the parties. JBD-274095v1 -334- 7. Notices Any written communication required under this Agreement shall be addressed to the other parties as follows, except that any party may change its address for notice by so notifying the other parties in writing: To MCWD: Administrator Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 To Mound: City Manager ~, 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 8. Waiver A party's failure to insist on the strict performance of any obligation under this Agreement, or to exercise any option, remedy or right herein, will not waive or relinquish that party's right in the future to insist on strict performance of that or any other obligation. A party's waiver of a breach of an obligation of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other obligation. A waiver must be in writing and signed by the party. 9. Venue and Turisdiction This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The appropriate venue and jurisdiction for any legal action hereunder shall be Hennepin County, Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto execute and deliver this Agreement. [signature blocks and notary acknowledgements] JBD-274095v1 -335- DISCUSSION Permit Application No.: OS-042 Rule: E/F Applicant: City of Mound Project: Dredging for Navigation/Shoreline Stabilization Received: 02/01/05 Location: Lost Lake, Lake Minnetonka Completer 03/03/05 Recommendation: Approval with the following conditions 1. Submittal of $60,000 by the City of Mound for and escrow account to be allocated to the City of Shorewood for construction of a wetland mitigation project in Freeman Park 2. Authorization of the District Administrator to sign cooperative between the agencies agreement reviewed and approved by District legal counsel specifying allocation of the ro osed escrow of $60,000. Background:. The MCWD approved a permit for the City of Mound to perform dredging in a section of an existing channel on Lost Lake, Lake Minnetonka (State Protected Wetland 180W) within the City of Mound. The project proposes the dredging of 5,288 cubic yards of material covering an area of 1.4 acres of cattail marsh for the purpose of providing public riparian access and improving navigation. As a condition of a variance granted by the MN Department of Natural Resources the City is required to provide 2.8 acres of wetland mitigation. As a condition of MCWD approval the 2.8 acres of wetland mitigation must be in the Lake Minnetonka subwatershed. Additionally the location and plans for the mitigation must be approved by staff prior to the permit being issued. The City of Mound and MCWD staff have worked diligently to find suitable sites and agreeable landowners to perform the wetland mitigation. The City has an approved mitigation plan consisting of 2.4 acres of new wetland, thus leaving 0.4 acres. District staff recently met with the City of Shorewood and discussed a wetland mitigation project in Freeman Park. The City of Shorewood is looking for partners to cost share the restoration project. Staff recognizes this as an opportunity to assist the City of Shorewood in making the restoration project happen and satisfy the City of Mound's need for 0.4 acres of wetland mitigation in the Lake Minnetonka subwatershed. The Freeman Park mitigation project will consist of about two acres of deep water habitat. The proposed escrow amount will cover the cost of construction and implementation of the Mound mitigation requirement. Attachments: 1. Original permit report Renae Clark Date -336- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS FOR NEW WETLAND TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7601 COUNTY ROAD NO. 110 IN MINNETRISTA, MINNESOTA. WHEREAS, by letter dated April 6, 2005 the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR") granted a variance to the City of Mound allowing it to remove 1.4 acres of cattails from Lost Lake. WHEREAS, on April 21, 2006, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District ("MCWD") approved a dredge permit for Lost Lake (subject to conditions.) ~~ WHEREAS, the DNR and MCWD approvals required the City of Mound to create 2.8 acres of new wetlands within the Lake Minnetonka subwatershed area. WHEREAS, Kurt and Kari Wehrman, are the owners of certain real estate located at 7601 County Road No. 110 within the City of Minnetrista and have agreed to allow construction of 2.4 of new wetlands. on their property ("Property") in accordance with the DNR variance and MCWD dredge permit approvals. WHEREAS, Mound is desirous of constructing a new wetland upon a portion of the Property in order to satisfy conditions imposed on it by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR") and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (the "MCWD") in connection with the dredging of land located within the corporate limits of the Mound. WHEREAS, representatives of Mound have designed the plans for the creation of the new wetland on the Property and the owners have agreed to the proposed plans for the new wetland; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned variance was subject to Mound obtaining a declaration from the owners of the involved property dedicating the area for wetland purposes. !~ WHEREAS, the City of Mound has prepared a declaration for accomplishing such objectives which has been presented it to the owners for their approval. Such declaration is attached hereto as Exhibit A. -337- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Mound hereby approves said Declaration of Covenants (in substantial form) and directs Staff to proceed to have the declaration executed by the necessary parties. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this January 24, 2006 and Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -338- c~ 1/16/06 bove Space is Reserved for Recording Information)------------------------- Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Site Specific Wetland Replacement Replacement Wetland Declarant: Kurt Wehrman and Kari Wehrman, husband and wife. General Location of Replacement: Sec. , Twp. , Rge. ,County of Carver r",~ ~ This Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Site Specific Wetland Replacement Wetland (Declaration) is made this day of , 2006, by the undersigned Declarant: RECITALS r'te' A. The Declarant holds the fee title on the real property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. B. This real property is the site of a Replacement Wetland, as defined in Minnesota Rules 8420.0110, subp. 40. Exhibit B, attached hereto, is a map or survey of the subject Replacement Wetland. C. The Replacement Wetland is being dedicated in partial satisfaction of the conditions imposed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the granting of a Permit Variance to allow for the removal of 1.4 acres of cattails from Lost Lake in the City of Mound. D. The Replacement Wetland is subject to the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, as amended, Minnesota Statutes section 103G.222 et sea., and all other provisions of law that apply to wetlands. JBD-273614v1 MU195-15 -339- E. The Local Government Unit (LGU) charged with approval of the Replacement Plan is the City of Minnetrista, a Minnesota municipal corporation, whose address is 7701 County Road 110 W Minnetrista, Minnesota 55364-9553. F. All references in this instrument to Minnesota Statutes and Rules are to the Statutes and Rules currently in effect and as amended or renumbered in the future. RESTRICTIONS AND COVENANTS The Declarant makes the following declaration of restrictions and covenants for the Replacement Wetland. These restrictions and covenants shall run with the land, and bind Declarant, and Declarant's heirs, successors, and assigns: 1. The Declarant shall maintain a Replacement Wetland of the size and type specified in the replacement plan approved by the LGU and on file at the offices of the LGU. Declarant shall not make any use of the Replacement Wetland that would adversely affect the functions or values of the wetland as specified in the replacement plan. 2. Declarant shall pay the costs of maintenance, repairs, reconstruction, and replacement of the Replacement Wetland, which the LGU or the State of Minnesota through the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources may deem necessary to comply with the specifications for the Replacement Wetland in the approved replacement plan. It is agreed, however, that during the first five years following completion of the Replacement Wetland, Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC will be responsible for the payment of any cost of repair, reconstruction or replacement of the Replacement Wetland except for maintenance, repair of replacement that is necessitated as a direct result of damage to the Replacement Wetland caused by Grantor or Grantor's successors. 3. Declarant grants to the LGU, the State of Minnesota, and the agents and employees of the LGU and the State of Minnesota, reasonable access to the Replacement Wetland for inspection, monitoring, and enforcement purposes. This Declaration grants no access to or entry on the lands described to the general public. 4. Declarant represents that they have a fee simple interest in the land on which the Replacement Wetland is or will be located. Declarant represents that they have obtained the consent of all other parties who may have an interest in the land on which the Replacement Wetland is or will be located to the creation of the restrictions and covenants herein, and that, all such parties have agreed in writing to subordinate their interests to these restrictions and covenants. 5. Declarant shall record or file this Declaration, pay all costs associated with recording or filing, and provide proof of recording or filing to the LGU. 6. [Blank] JBD-273614v1 MU195-15 2 -340- 7. If the replacement plan requires the establishment of areas of native vegetative cover ("Buffer Areas"), the term "Replacement Wetland" as used in this Declaration shall also include the Buffer Areas, even if such areas are not wetlands. All provisions of this Declaration that apply to the Replacement Wetland shall, unless otherwise indicated, apply equally to the Buffer Areas. 8. This Declaration maybe modified only by the joint written approval of the LGU and the State of Minnesota through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Such modification may include the release of land contained in the legal description above, if it is determined that non-wetland areas have been encumbered by this Declaration, unless the approved replacement plan designates these non-wetland areas for establishment of Buffer Areas. 9. This Declaration maybe enforced, at law or in equity, by the LGU, or by the State of Minnesota. The LGU and the State of Minnesota shall be entitled to recover an award of reasonable attorneys fees from Declarant in any action to enforce this Declaration. The right to enforce the terms of this Declaration is not waived or forfeited by any forbearance or failure to act on the part of the State or LGU. 10. This Declaration must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the LGU or other regulatory authority in order to be valid. Signature of Declarant Signature of Declarant STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2006, by and the and respectively, of (Signature of Notarial Officer) JBD-273614v1 MU195-15 3 -341- Title My commission expires: Attachments: [ ] Attachment A (Legal Description) [ ] Attachment B (Map or Survey of Replacement Wetland) This instrument drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED (JBD) 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 JBD-273614v1 MU195-15 4 -342- (~ /' LANDF~RM MINNEAPOLIS•PNOENIX January 3, 2006 ~~ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: ~ Bid Opening Summary -Dredging of Lost Lake Landform #MD004003 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Based on the bids received and opened for the Dredging of Lost Lake Project at 11:OOam on December 30, 2005, MST Corporation of Watertown, Minnesota submitted the lowest bid. A total of two bids were submitted and as stated, the lowest bid was submitted by MST Corporation with a bid price of $179,186.25 which is $26,585.85 (12.9%) lower than the Engineer's Estimate of $205,772.10. The bids are tabulated below in ascending order: oid 'T..M..L~ii~n Com an Base Bid MST Cor oration $ 179,186.25 Veit Com anies $ 290,345.00 MST Corporation has• submitted records showing past experience with projects of this type and scale. They have also provided all required information at the date and time of the bid opening. Based on these findings, we find no reason to recommend against MST Corporation being awarded the contract for this project. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, or if you require additional information. Sincerely, Landform Daniel W. Hughes, P.E. Enclosure CC: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 850 BUTLER NORTH BUILDING 510 FIRST AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55403 OFFICE: 612.252.9070 FAX: 812.252.9077 www.landform.net -343- Dredging of Lost Lake (MD004003) LL Mound, Minnesota ~.~, wee t-I~..~~LS~.. /%~ LANDFORM v~nnna _.. .. YAM ^ wwr~ww.... ~ ~ ~ i~t even , ,:; ~; ~~ st r py00:= ~s~~~ia tlQuantity ;Unlgi Uidt Prkx .ArnoWrri.. ~ :.Unit Price x -A[nOUM'4 r urea rn 5500 Mechanical CY 518.00 388 000.00. 523.60 3 129 250.00 D ~ i ~~ 5500 CY 33.00 . , ~'r,S1 600.00 51.00 6 SOO:DO ' T of Material to Dis Site 5.500 CY 510.00 ` '555000.00 515.00 82,500:00 3 ::, :: Subtofal ~ ~ 5l69 500.00 S 217,25x00 C~swn ~.onuvr 905 LF 75 59 - 8 823.75 ~ 3' 519.00 5 '17195:00 Floati Silt Fence Erosion COnbol estimated 700 SY . 33.25 . 5, 275.00 34.00 3 2.8 00 not shown on an Subtotal S'; ,, ,'11,098.75 i ~' ;`19,995.00 -344- Miscellaneous _,. .Ae en w re8edrvs is 1 180 .00 - _ 3, . subtotal ,: , , 3,S40.oo ~ 3- 7 0.09 8ase~sia ~a,~aess :~ ::aso,3~s.oo ~p~€~o~ ~-~ ~ ~~s 1~1~ , ~ ~~ • a5 ~~ , ~~2~~ ~C ~LS~ ~aJ ~ 5Z,' °155-2C~© ~ C ~~~ ~~hoc~s t~sT i.~a~ ~ ~ ~'~~ ~p `~I~J m -~ t ~I-E.S ~' ~ ~-°1~,3~ ~ 4 ~ -345- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO.06- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR DREDGING OF LOST LAKE WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the dredging of Lost Lake, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Michael Scott Construction, Inc. $179,186..25 Veit Companies $290,345.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Michael Scott Construction, Inc., of Watertown, Minnesota, is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Michael Scott Construction, Inc., of Watertown, Minnesota, in the name of the City of Mound for the dredging of Lost Lake, according to the plans and specifications therefore on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -346- !., ~ v ~ ~ ~;' ~ `~` try - ~~ '`~~ ~,i ~~ a it~. ~ ~ ~~ ' ~ :. = '~. What If I Am Asked. About the American Community Survey? I Here are some of the. questions you may be asked by someone who has received an American Community Survey questionnaire in the mail. The foifowing are suggested responses 1. -What is this survey all about? 'This survey is part of the census: It is a new way that the Census Bureau is using to collect data about the characteristics of the population throughout the decade rather than once every 10 years. 2. Do I have to answer all of these questions? Yes. You should answer all of the questions. The survey is part of'the census, and answering it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). Give your best estimate for items thatask for detailed amounts: Your answers are anonymous. 3. What happens if I don't complete the questionnaire and mail it back? The Census Bureau will contact you, perhaps numerous times, by telephone or personal visit 4. Why was I selected for this survey when none of my neighbors were? The Census Bureau takes address has about 1 chance in 480 of being selected in any month. 5. How do l know that the information I give will not be used improperly? The Census Bureau will protect the confidentiality of your information. Federal law sets a high fine and imprisonment for any Census Bureau employee who gives your personal. data to anyone inside or outside the government. 6. How will my community benefit by having data from this survey? Your community will receive federal funds based on this information for schools, roads, senior centers, and other services. tf you or your constituents require further information, call the Census Bureau regional office in your area. Contact information is on the next page. a random sample of addresses (not people). Any 6 -347- When Do We Get American Community Survey Data? The American Community Survey has been in a development phase since 1996. Beginning with tests in four sites, the Census Bureau expanded the survey to every state in 2000. You can find data products for the United States, the states, and the District of Columbia on the Census Bureau's Web site at www.census.gov/acs/www. Also, that is where you can find data for many sub- state areas with populations of 250,000 or more. Hundreds of detailed tables from the latest American Community Survey are posted on the Census Bureau's American .FactFinder®. On www.census.gov, click American FactFinder®; then Data Sets, then American Community Survey, then Detailed Tables. The American Community Survey will be conducted throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico. The American Community Survey will provide data for the same areas that received Census 2000 long-form data, and these data will be updated every year. 5 -348- Data reflect American Community Survey testing through 2004 * Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county averaging about 4,000 inhabitants. Census block groups general)yy contain between 600 and 3,000 people. 'The smallest geographic level for which data will be produced is the block group; the Census Bureau will not publish estimates for small numbers of people or areas if there is a probability that an individual can be identified. Pte- ~ +~ c~„ge,,,a cz~,,~., ~~. , Department 20o eentemual office Bnild,ng W 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55155-1603 O ~f Employee 651.259.3637 ~ TTY 651.282.2699 Q Relations www.dcer.state.mn.us DATE: November 15, 2005 TO: Local Government Officials City Clerk, Administrator or Manager Superintendent of Schools County Personnel Duector or Auditor FROM: Faith Zwcmke ~/~-- Pay Equity Coordinator- PHONE: (651) 259-3761 RE: PAY EQUITY REPORT FORMS Thank you for your previous cooperation in meeting requirements to comply with the 1984 Local Government Pay Equity Act. As you know, your jurisdiction was found to be in compliance based on your previous report, and now your nett report is due January 31, 2006. This report must show data in place as of December 31, 2005. This packet contains the material you will need to file your 2006 Pay Equity Implementation Report. (Only one-third of ali jurisdictions are reporting in 2006, so your neighboring jurisdictions may have other reporting dates.) This report is required by the Local Government Pay Equity Act, M.S. 471.991-471,999 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 3920. The material enclosed is: • Pay Implementation Report Form • 1Votice - 2006 Pay Equity Report • Checklist to Avoid Common Repotting Errors In previous years, we have included the "Guidc to Understanding Pay Equity Compliance & Computer Reports" and the "Instructions for Completing Pay Equity Implementation Report " If you do not have a copy of the guide or the instructions from previous years, they can be found on DOER's webpage at www.doer.state.mn.us/I.r-~~gtv/Resource.htm. If you are unable to download either the Guide or the Instructions or do not have access to the Internet, please contact Ann Maile at 651-259-3750 so materials can be sent to you. Equal Employment Opportunity Mirenesata Department of Employee Relations November 15, 2005 Page 2 Please mail, a-mail or hand deliver your report to the Department of Employee Relations on or before January 31, 2006. Instructions on e-mailing your report can be found in the software instructions at www.doer.state.mn.us/lr-pegty/Ir-gegty.htm. Any reports not postmarked or received by DOER on or before that date will be found out of compliance. There are no provisions in the law for any excepflons to the deadline. When the review of your report is complete, you will receive a notice informing you whether your jurisdiction is "in compliance" or "out of compliance." Although most notices are sent out in the spring and summer, it takes most of the year to review all the reports so some jurisdictions may not receive a notice until near the end of 2006. Please be assured that you will be informed promptly when the review is complete, and no penalties or other negative consequences will occur before you receive that notice. Jurisdictions receiving an "out of compliance" notice will have an opportunity to make adjustments and come into compliance. However, any jurisdiction which does not come into compliance within the time allotted by DOER to make adjustments will receive a second "out of compliance" notice and will be subject to a penalty.. The penalty is a S percent reduction in state aid payments or $100 per day, whichever is greater. The guide and instructions warrant careful reading as they contain answers to many questions commonly. asked about the program. If after downloading the materials you still have a question, please contact me. Jf you are hearing impaired or deaf, please call our Telecommunications for the Deaf (TT77 line at (651) 282-2699. Please be patient if you call us and receive a recorded message. We will respond as soon as possible. Enclosures payequitlgannnl/M-Pay Equity Repon Foima Pay Equity Implementation Report For Deparbment Use Only Send completed report to; Pay EquNy Coordinator Postmark Date of Re ort Department of Empbyee Relatlons P 200 Centennial Building 858 Cedar Street (851) 298-2853 (Voice) 828 Jurisdiction ID Number St. Paul, MN 55155.1603 (851) 282.2899 (TDD) Part A: Jurtadlctlon IdentMlcaUon Jurisdiction: City of Mound 5347 Maywood Road Jurisdiction Type: CITY Mound, MN 55384 Contact; Finance Dlreclorfrreasurer Gino Businaro Phone: (952) 472-0608 Fax; 9524729720 Email: GlnoBuslnaro~cityofmound.com Part B: OiflGal VeAflcaUon 0 The Job evaluatbn system used measured skill, effort © NO Salary rengealperformance dlHerences. responsibility and working conditlons and the same system was used for all classes of empbyeea. ^ Leave blank unless BOTH of the following apply: The system used was: onsultant stem ( a. Jurladictlon does not have a salary range for any job Describe: o es- ntrol DatalPDl class. b. Upon request, Iurlsdidlon will suppty documentation showing that inequi5es between male and female classes aro due to performance differences. ® Health Insurance beneftts for male and female classes of comparable value have been evaluated and: Note: Do not Include any documentaton regarding ere s no dl erence and pertormance with this Corm. ems e c asses are no aE a~iaadvenfaae. ® ^~ Infortnatlon In this report la complete and accurate. 0 ~ The report includes ell classes of employees over which the Juriadittlon has final budgetary approval authority. Part C: Total Payroll ® An oitlGal natlce has been posted at: City of Mound -City Hall (prominent location) Informing employees that the Pay Equity Implementeticn Report has been filed and is available b employees upon roquest. A copy of the notlce hoe been sent to each exclusive ropresentatlve, ff any, and also to the public library. The report was approved by: CKy of Mound Cky CounGl (governing body) Pet Meisel (chief elected otficlaq Cky Mayor $2,902,223.00 Is the annual payroll for the calendar year Just ended December 31 (tltle) ^/ Checking this box indicates legal signature by above official i ~ j~, ~ ,~ °c 0 a m a d ~... -t ~ a<< fOl 48 ~p 4B c d O 9L r Y a L9 B5 84 $~ 6 04 Y C4 N tD ~ Q$Y aD N t0 _Np (O ~O ~ ~ i v ~ ~ N ~l~l$ l ~ 1 ti. 1, l Compliance Report olrz3r2ooe Jurisdiction: City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Contact: Gino Businaro Phone: (952) 472-0808 Finance DlrectorlTreasurer Insurance Added? Y Job Evaluation System Used: State Job Match The statistical analyaia, salary renge and exceptional service pay teat results ere shown below. Part I Is general Informa0on from your pay equity Report data. Parts II, III and IV give you the test results. For more detail on each test, refer to the guidebook. f. GENERAL JOB CLASS INFORMATION Male Female Balanced All Job Classes Classes Classes Classes # Job Classes ~ 3 12 1 26 # Employees 38 13 2 51 Avg. Max Monthly $4,584.47 $4,202.92 $4,422.69 Pay per Employee II. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TEST Male Female A. UNDERPAYMENT RATIO = 30.6 Classes Clesaes a. # at or above Predicted Pay 1 D 3 b. # Below Predicted Pey 3 9 c. TOTAL 13 12 d. % Below Predicted Pay 23.08 75.00 (b divided by c • d) • (Result Is % of male Gasses below predicted pay divided by % of female classes below predicted pay) B. T -TEST RESULTS Degrees of Freedom (DF) = 4T Value of T = 0.596 e. Avg, diff. in pay Tram prodicted pay for male Jobs = $60 b. Avg. dill. in pay from predicted pay for female jobs = $28 III. SALARY RANGE TEST ^ 94,44 Y. (ReauR is A divided by B) A. Avg. # of years to max salary for male jobs ~ 5.87 e. Avg. # of years to max salary for female jobs a 6.00 IV. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE PAY TEST 0.00 A. % of male classes recelvfng ESP 0.00 B. % of female clasaea receiving ESP 0.00 ` (ff 20°k or less, test result will be 0.00)