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CITY OF HOUN! ~$un~, ~innes~ta AGENDA Mound City Council Meeting lecemWer 9, 19II City Hall 7:30 CM $1-403 CM 81-397 CM 1l-4e2 CM tt-4t7 CM II-411 CM 11-391 CM 11-415 CM 11-411 CM 11-414 CM 80-39~ CM le-4e& CM $0-41] e 4. 5. 6. 7. I. lO. 12. 13. 15. l&. 17. Public Hearings en Lots I, 9, 14 & 15, Slack 2, Ireamweed Pg. 2745-275t A. Proposed Rezoning from A-2 to Commercial I. Special Use Permit Planning Commission Recommendations Pg. 2741-2744 A. Nonconforming Use - 2441 Chateau Lane Pg. 2739-2740 I. Street Front Variance - 3240 Amhurst Lane Pg. 2737-273~ C. Sign Variance - 2529 Commerce Boulevard Pg. 2733-2736 West Hennepin Human Services I®ard Pg. 2732 Street Construction Winter Parking Variances Pg. 2730-2731 Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) Specifications far Street Sweeper Pg. 2711-2729 Agreement - Counseling for Older Adults Pg. 2715-2717 Neighborhood Statistics Program Pg. 2712-2714 19il Salaries PS- 2711-2711 Administrative Code Pg. 2718-2709 Funds for Severance Pay Pg. 271&-2717 Sergeants' Union Agreement Pg. 2&92-2705 1981 ludget Pg. 2&Il-2&91 Payment of lills Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 2&75-2&IT Committee Rep®rts Page 2751 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 9, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-409 SUBJECT: Liquor Store Entrance Attached is a memorandum from the Liquor Store Manager relative to enclosing the main entrance of the Liquor Store with storm or wind- break doors. The owner of the building will assume part of the expense of the construction. The total cost is estimated at between $1600 and $1800. Since this could exceed $1,000~ Council approval is requested. leonard L. Kopp CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 8, 1980 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager Nels Schernau, Liquor Store Manager Entrance to Liquor Store Mr. Herbert Wolner has agreed to put up storm or windbreak doors on the main entrance to the store. He will assume one half of the expense and upon completion of the construction, he will bill the liquor store for its share. It is possible the work will be com- pleted this week. This arrangement will save us a substantial amount of money. Nels Schernau .17. 7 COMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ', C ONSULTINGENGINEERSmLANDSURVEYORS'SITEPLANNE $ Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plyrnouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 December 8, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Improvements Job #5248 Dear Mr. Kopp: At the last Council meeting, we were asked for information on trees and dirt from the street construction being hauled into Minnetrista. Since 1977, concrete chunks and blacktop from the street construction has been disposed of at a site north of Mound on County Road 110 in Minnetrista. As part of the arrangement, some clean fill is also hauled there to cover the concrete and blacktop chunks. Requests for fill from Mound residents are rout- ed through the Public Works Director, who together with our field people and the contractor see that these requests are filled as dirt becomes available. We estimate that in 1980 fill from the construction project was disposed of as follows: Fill used in street construction Fill used in city parks Fill to Mound residents Fill to Minnetrista Total 10,500 cubic yards 25,000 cubic yarOs 15,000 cubic yards 12~500 cubic yards* 73,000 cubic yards *includes blacktop and concrete chunks. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls printed on recycled paper Mr. Leonard Kopp December 8, 1980 Page Two The specifications for the street improvements require the contractor to haul tree trunks from the project to the city yard on County Road 15 by the Metro Station where citizens of Mound may have them for firewood. The subcontractor who removed the trees on the 1980 Improvement for both Buffalo Bituminous and Hardrives was H & R Stumping. The procedure we use for tree removal is that any tree to be removed on the project is marked with a large blaze orange "X" by our people. This is done so that only the minimum number of trees are removed and to enable us to get an accurate count of trees removed for payment purposes. We have checked the large piles of trees in Minnetrista. It is apparent that this is a dump site for trees from many separate projects. There are trees with no marks, with yellow X's, with painted rings around the tree and with numbers painted on. We did find three trees with our mark on them. This is not to say that there are only three trees there from the Mound Street Improvements, we are sure that a more thor- ougn examination of the piles would reveal more trees from Mound streets. We have talked with the owner of H & R Stumping and he said he personally knew of no Mound Street Improvement trees going to Minnetrista, but that it ls possible that some of his crews did haul trees to Minnetrista. He said that in the next couple of weeks he will haul several truckloads of trees to the clty yard on County Road 15 to make up for the trees hauled out of town. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sj Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls printed on recycled paper MINNETO~KA ~NSERVATION AGENDA CT Regular Meeting, 8 p.m., Wednesday, December 10, 1980 TONKA BAY VILLAGE HALL 4901Manitou Road (County Road 19), Tonka Bay 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Roll Call Minutes: October 22, 1980 Treasurer's Report A. Monthly Financial Report B. Bills Committee Reports A. Water Structures & Environment Committee (1) 1980-81 Deicing Permits (2) 1981 Dock License Renewals (3) New Dock Licenses for Public Hearings (4) 1980 Dock License Review: Warner (5) Hartmann Variance (6) Commercial DUA Grandfather: Code Amendment (7) Environment: Tree Ordinance (8) Other Lake Use Committee (1) 1981 County Lake Maintenance Program (2) County Channel Maintenance Policy (3) LMCD Dredging Policy (4) Tree Cutting Model Ordinance (5) Quiet Waters Requests (6) Quiet Waters Policy & Grays Bay Buoy Review (7) Upper Lake Pumpout Station Survey (8) Code Amendment: Winter Vehicle Impoundment (9) Code Amendment: Noise Testing Station (10) Water Patrol Report · (11) Special Event Permit Applications (12) Other 6. Code Amendments A. Winter Vehicle Removal (first reading) B. Noise Testing Station (first reading) C. Commercial, DUA Clarification (first reading) 7. Other Business A. Official Depository Designation B. Official Newspaper Designation C. Shorewood Request D. Other 8. Adjournment 12-5-80 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT REGULAR M~ETING TONKA BAY VILLAGE HALL October 22, 1980 The regular meeting of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District was called to order by Chairman Paurus at 8:23 p.m. Wednesday, October 22, 1980 at the Tonka Bay Village Hall. Members present: Richard Garwood (Deephaven), Robert Brown (Greenwood), David Nixon (Laketown Township), Robert Pillsbury (Minnetonka), David Boies (Minnetonka Beach), Norman Paurus (Orono), Robert Naegele* (Shorewood), Frank Hunt (Spring Park), and Robert MacNamara (Wayzata). Communities represented: Nine (9). *Arrived late. Hunt Moved, Nixon Seconded that the minutes of the September 24, 1980 meeting be approved. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Hunt Moved, Garwood Seconded that the Treasurer's report be approved and the bills paid. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). WATER STRUCTURES & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: Brown reported that the committee reviewed another amendment application to the 1980 Mai Tai dock license and held the matter until a complete plan of the abutting property is received. The committee reviewed the proposed Code amendment dealing with the removal of dilapidated boats from DUA which had been referred back to the committee for clarification of such terms as "partially dismantled" and "length of docking restriction to 96 hours." The committee reviewed the types and the condition of boats which should be considered under the ordinance, indi- cating that references to partially dismantled and nonoperating boats be removed from the regulation, and that the period of storage be extended from 96 hours to one week. The committee recommended the Code amendment as modified to the Board for second reading. Brown reported that the committee reviewed the 1980-81 deicing application form and made revisions to include such information as pounds of thrust, affected neighboring property owners, and that the reflective signs be spaced no more than 75' apart. Additional information regarding thermo- static control of deicing equipment has been submitted to the District since the committee meeting was held. The DUA review concerning the allocation of'the 4-boat allotment by easement was laid over to a later committee meeting. The committee also determined to hold one special meeting in January and one in February for review of DMA and private club reclassification matters. The committee reviewed the public hearing report for a new dock license for Excelsior Boat & Motor Mart, reducing the number of slips from 90 to 84, and recommended approval with stipulations. Brown Moved, Pillsbury Seconded that the 1980 dock license application for Boat & Motor Mart of Excelsior, Inc. be approved with the following stipu- CALL TO ORDER ATTENDANCE MINUTES TREASURER' REPORT MAI TAI AMENDMENT BOAT REMOVAL CODE RECO DEICING LMCD Board Minutes October 22, 1980 Page 2 lations: (1) that the service structure on the dock be removed as agreed, EXCEL BOAT and (2) that the license be subject to a settlement with the City of the & MOTOR zoning questions affecting slips #80 through #83. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). LICENSE The committee reviewed with the applicant the public hearing report con- cerning the setback and site line variance request of Hans-Rudolph Hartmann. After considering the affects of the channel and the public swimming area, the water depth, and lot line configuration on Hartmann's dock, the com- mittee recommended that a variance be granted realigning the Hartmann-Pluhm site line extended by deflecting the present site line to the southeast by 10° (from the 929.4 NGVD shoreline). This is recommended to prevent any further encroachment into the channel and the public swimming area, and to maintain adequate water depth, dock length, and setback for-the present Hartmann and Pluhm docks. Brown so Moved, Naegele Seconded; Hartmann ap- peared requesting a 20° adjustment to accommodate a larger dock and sail boat mooring he anticipates next season; Brown withdrew his Motion, Naegele his Second. Nixon Moved, Garwood Seconded that the Hartmann variance application be returned to committee to consider the new request and the impact on the neighboring DUA. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). HARTMANN VARIANCE The committee reviewed the public hearing report for the Howards Point Marina concerning a setback variance and new dock license application for 1981 to allow the expansion of~the marina from 45 to 63 slips. The committee recommended that the setback variance be denied; after the committee meeting was held, legal counsel advised that increasing the dock length from 135' to 200' and adding another section of boat slips, may require a dock length variance under the Code. A representative of the marina stated that at the time expansion of the marina was first considered, it was under- stood that the LMCD Code required no variance or hearing for utilizing the full 200' of a commercial DUA. Nixon Moved, Naegele Seconded that an Ordinance be drafted for committee consideration clarifying either that a commercial DUA has been grandfathered at the 200' maximum length, or that a commercial DUA has been grandfathered at the actual length of the marina existing at that time. Motion, Ayes (5), Nays (4), Garwood, Hunt, Paurus and Pillsbury voting Nay. DUA GRANDFATHER REVIEW Brown Moved, Nixon Seconded that the setback variance request and new dock license application for 1981 by Howards Point Marina be tabled until the next meeting and clarification is made of the commercial DUA grandfather clause. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). HOWARDS PT. VARIANCE & 1981 LICENSE The committee reviewed the public hearing report for Sailors World and an amended 1980 dock license and setback variance requested for the purpose of adding a 49th slip on the southeast corner of the dock installation. After discussion with the applicant indicating that the marina could use the 49th slip without a variance, the committee recommended to the Board that the variance be denied, no hardship having been demonstrated; the committee also recommended that the 1980 Sailors World amendment application to increase marina dockage from 48 to 49 slips be approved. LMCD Board Minutes October 22, 1980 Page 3 Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded that the variance application for Sailors World be denied and that the 1980 amended dock license application increasing dockage from 48 to 49 slips be held until the next meeting and clarification of the commercial DUA grandfather clause. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). The committee reviewed the public hearing report of City of Deephaven for (1) a variance to reestablish its north side site line extended into the Lake, (2) to provide any needed setback variance resulting from such a new line, and (3) for a new license for up to 24 slips under the variance re- quested above. Upon communication from the City, the parties involved resolved the relocation of the common property line extended into the Lake, as recommended by the committee, based upon the "centers" system (the "center" being defined as that point equidistant from the east, the west and the north shores of Bay St. Louis), from the common lot line at 929.4 elevation and at an angle of 48°plus or minus northwesterly. The committee recommended the new.dock license and variance, based upon the above, to the Board for approval.because of the hardship of the unusual lot line configuration and shallow water, and to preclude boats from the public docks from crossing into the adjoining dock use area during ingress and egress, and stipulating (1) that the City provide a certified plan and "as built" reflecting this variance, and (2) that the installation be brought into conformance with the variance for 1981. Brown Moved, Pillsbury Seconded that the variance application above and the 1980 dock license for the City of Deephaven increasing to 24 slips be ap- proved as stipulated. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). Brown reported that the public hearing for Walden Tract X property owners was continued, upon the request of the applicant for the opportunity to submit additional information. After hearing that the Grays Bay Dam had been opened by vandals twice recently, the committee recommended that a letter be sent to the MCWD in~ dicating LMCD awareness of the vandalism incidents, and the need for adequate night lighting. However, since'the 10-15-80 report submitted from the MCWD reflects their action on the matter, no letter is needed. Hunt Moved, Nixon Seconded, that the committee report be accepted. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). LAKE USE COMMITTEE: The Water Patrol reported that the information letters to buoy permit holders will include tags to be attached to the buoys for identification purposes. Capt. A1 Moran has been transferred to the Henne- pin County Jail Division, Douglas Eidem is Acting Captain for the Water Patrol, and Sgt. Larry Peterson is to continue as'liaison with the LMCD. The LMCD will send a letter of appreciation to Capt. Moran. CODE A~NDMENTS: The third reading was given of the "Monaghan Amendment" dealing with shoreline requirements for non commercial docks at sites in .existence on May 3, 1978. SAILORS WORLD VARIANCE & LICENSE DEEPHAVEN VARIANCE & LICENSE WALDEN VANDALISM AT DAM TAGS ON PERMITTED BUOYS LMCD Board Minutes October 22, 1980 Page 4 Brown Moved, Nixon Seconded that the third reading of the "Monaghan Amend- ment'' be accepted and Ordinance #40 be adopted. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). The second reading of the Code amendment dealing with channel definitions was given. MacNamara Moved, Brown Seconded that the second reading of the Code amend- ment dealing with the definition of channels be accepted, that the third reading be waived and Ordinance #41 be adopted. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). The second reading of the Code amendment as revised regarding removal of dilapidated boats from DUA was given. Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded that the second reading of the Code amendment dealing with the removal of dilapidated boats in DUA's be accepted, the third reading waived and Ordinance #42 be adopted. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). OTHER BUSINESS: The Executive Director summarized the recent conference on water quality; the written report will be distributed as soon as it is available. Naegele reported on Shorewood's letter requesting disclosure' of persons who propose Code amendments, and requesting that alternates be appointed and permitted to vote at LMCD Board meetings. Boies Moved, Hunt Seconded that the matter be put on the December agenda for further discussion, either to pursue or to not pursue the alternates question and other matters, and that the minutes reflect this discussion. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). Copies of the MCWD proposal for the Upper Watershed Improvement initial project for Painters Creek were presented. A letter responding to the Metro Council's references at a recent regional meeting encouraging the State to convert Paul's Landing (now Sailors World) into a public access site was returned to our legislator for any~further action. Hunt Moved, Boies Seconded that the November and December regular LMCD Board meetings be combined and be held on December 10. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). ADJOURNMENT: Pillsbury Moved, MacNamara Seconded at 10:55 p.m. that the meeting be adjourned. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). CODE AMENDMENTS "MONAGHAN" SHORELINE REQUIREMEN~ CHANNELS. DEFINED DUA BOAT REMOVAL ALTERNATES METRO'S PUBLIC ACCESS DECEMBER MEETING Submitted by: Jerry Johnson, Secretary Approved by: Norman W. Paurus, Chairman 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 3, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-403 SUBJECT: Public Hearings - Rezoning and Special Use Permit Lots 8, 9, 14 and 15, Block 2, Dreamwood The City Council has called a public hearing to consider rezoning the subject lots for Residential A-2 to Commercial. The request for rezoning is to provide parking area for the restaurant located on commercial property (see map attached). Special Use Permit - Lots 8, 9, 14 and 15, Block 2, Dreamwood The City Council has called the Special Use Permit hearing so it may be considered as an alternative to the rezoning above. Also enclosed is a copy of a letter received from one of the neighbors. I ,'2 L~ 7 in' "-(il~lJ :c COM/~ON / 2 RESOLUTION NO. 80..~'56 "i ~ A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR TRANSITIONAL PARKING ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Roger Rager who operates Rager's Pub at 5098 Three Points Blvd., has applied for a rezoning of Lots 8, 9, 1L & 15, Block 2, Dreamwood from Residential A-2 to Commercial, and WHEREAS, the applicant has indicated that if the rezoning is nog granted they want to use the aforementioned properties pursuant to Sec. 23.Oll Subd (d) Subsection 10 of the Zoning Ordinance, which section allows resid- ential property to be used for parking as a transitional use between Residential and Commercial properties, and WHEREAS, the Council is concerned that changing the zoning to Commercial would permit conforming uses under the Commercial zone to move closer to re- sidential properties and would have an adverse affect on adjacent pro- perties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: The requested zoning change from Residential A to Commercial is hereby denied because allowed Commercial uses are not compatible with residen- tial properties located to the North, East and West of the subject pro- perty. A Special Use Permit is granted to Lots 8, 9, 14 & 15, Block 2, Dreamwood for the purposes of providing parking to serve Rager's Pug, said permit is subject to all the provisions set Forth in Sec. 23.Oll Subd (d) Subsec- tion (10). All required site lighting, landscape, fencing and detailed parking plans should be filed with and approved by the Building Inspection Department of the City pursuant to the terms of the ordinance. Said plans shall also show the drainage flow of surface water from the site to the City's storm sewer system and not onto abutting properties. The Building Inspector and City Engineer shall review said plans and es- timate'the costs of these off street improvements and the applicant shall post a bond in the amount of 125% of said estimated costs to guarantee to the City that the improvements will be completed in accordance with said plans The final approved plans shall be attached hereto and made a part of this Special Use Permit. A motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council- member and upon vote being taken thereon; the following voted in favor thereof; the following voted against the same; with being absent; whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Mayor Attest; City Clerk CMC ' / : 12-9-80 CITY OF HOUND Mound, Minnesota December 2, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-397 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Recommendation Attached is a copy of the Planning Commission minutes. Council action is needed on the following: Item 1. Nonconforming Use North 75 feet of Lot 11, Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit D Zoned Residential A-1 lO,OOO Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended acknowledging the existing nonconforming use and recommended construction of storage area on existing house as requested. Street Front Variance Lots 8 and 9, Block 12, Devon Zoned Residential A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended a 12 foot street front vari- ance with an 8 foot street front setback from Drummond Road-- garage doors are to open on Amhurst Lane. Sign Variance Lots 38, 39, 40 and 41, Auditor's Subdivision 167 Zoned Commercial The Planning Commission recommended approval of a 2½ foot by 22 foot sign as requested and shown on the plans. 4. This item appeared on the December 2nd Council agenda. MINUTES OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 24, 1980 Present: Chairman Russell Peterson; Commissioners Steve Dornsbach, Gerald Smith, Gary Paulsen and George Stannard; Council Representative Gordon Swenson; City Manager Leonard L. Kopp; City Inspector Henry Truelsen and Secretary Marjorie Stutsman. MINUTES The minutes of the November 10, 1980 Planning Commission meeting were presented for consideration. Smith moved and Swenson seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the November 10, 1980 meeting as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Nonconforming Use North 75 feet of Lot II, Block l, Shirley Hills Unit D Mr. & Mrs. Carl Engelke were present. Stannard moved and Dornsbach seconded a motion to acknowledge the noncon- forming lot size and garage and recommend approving the request to add addition to existing house. The vote was unanimously in favor. Commissioner Dornsbach received emergency message and left the meeting. Street Front Variance for Garage Lots 8 and 9, Block 12, Devon Wayne Mueller was present. Smith moved and Swenson seconded a motion to recommend granting a 12 foot street front variance with an 8 foot street front setback from Drummond Road - garage doors to open on Amhurst Lane. The vote was unanimously in favor. Sign Variance Lots 38, 39, 40 and 41, Auditor's Subdivision 167 Henry and Marjorie Rines were present. Swenson moved and Stannard seconded a motion to recommend approval of request for 2½ foot X 22 foot sign as requested. The vote was unanimously in favor. 4. Vacation of Unnamed Street between Blocks 2 & 3, Avalon Smith moved and Paulsen seconded a motion to recommend vacating the 15 foot wide unnamed street between Blocks 2 and 3, Avalon, with the stipu- lation that a permanent easement for storm sewer purposes be retained on the entire right-of-way. The vote was unanimously in favor. Paulsen moved and Stannard seconded a motion to adjourn. All in favor, so ad- journed. Attest: REVISED AGENDA FOR THE MOUNO ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 24, 1980 City Hall - 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the November 10, 1980 Planning Commission meeting. BOARD OF APPEALS Carl Engelke, 2441 Chateau Lane North 75 feet of Lot ll, Block l, Shirley Hills Unit D - Map 8 Nonconforming Use Wayne Mueller, 3240 Amhurst Lane Lots 8 & 9, Block 12, Devon - Map 15 Street Front Variance for Garage o Henry & Marjorie Rines - Property Address 2529 Commerce Boulevard Lots 38, 39, 40 and 41, Auditor's Subdivision 167 - Map 9 Sign Variance Vacation of Unnamed Street between Blocks 2 & 3, Avalon - Map 7 (Council tabled action on Subdivision of Land - Lots ! & 2, Block 3, Avalon) CITY OF MOUND Date: From: To: Subject: 1. 2) 3) 11-20-~O Building Inspector Planning Commission Board of Appeals for 11-24-80 Carl Engelke, 2441 Chateau Lane Nonconforming use of accessory building (garage) and undersized lot. Previous variance application was denied by City Planning Commission and applicant did not appeal to City Council. The request at this time is to add a proposed 8 x 22 foot addition to the existing house, of which is conforming. The intent at this time is not to do anything with the nonconforming garage. I feel this proposed addition, of which is permissible, is not aesthetically favorable to that particular zoned a rea. Wayne Mueller, 3240 Amhurst Lane Street front variance for garage - 14 feet Applicant's property has right-of-way on three sides. By zoning it is a double front lot and because of topography and desired accessibility and location of existing house the proposed garage site is about the most favorable of any location on the property for the purpose of ingress and egress from the structure from the City right-of-ways. Also, aesthetic- ally, to refrain from the removal of any more favorable tree growth on the property. If the proposed site is granted, I would suggest to the Planning Commission to require and/or request at least, a Hold Harmless Clause in favor of the City for any probable, futuristic damage due to the closeness of the proposed site to the public right-of-ways. Henry & Marjorie Rines, 2529 Commerce Blvd. Sign size request Proposed sign is 55 sq. ft. being 2!6" wide and 22' long, this exceeds the 9 sq. ft. dimension by 46 sq. ft. which I feel is highly excessive. It is true that the structure is excessively large and I was under the impression this was going to be a single story structure only. However, Council did not impose that as a stipulation in the approval of the re- solution for granting the parking variance. I feel the size of the sign should be and could be cut to a smaller size, probably no greater than 16 ft in length and still be as effective at 40 sq. ft. Stipulation with regard to lighting should be that the proposed lighting shall be shielded and placed in such a way as not to impair traffic safety on public right-of-way and probable hours of operation included as well. HT/dd Henry Truelsen 7¥1 APPLICATION FO RIANCE CITY OF MOUND 25.00 FEE $ ZONING A-1 NAME OF Carol Engelke APPT,TCAN? PROPERTY 2441 Chateau Lane ADDRESS, PLAT 62050 PARCEL 1840 Address 2441 Chateau Lane Mound, MN 55364 Telephone Numb e r none INTEREST IN PROPERTY LOT N75' of l l BLOCK 1 ADDITION Shirley Hills Unit "D" 24-I17-24 12 0053 owner , FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r P~j~E REQUESTED: -RON'r [- I ACCESSORY YARD [ 23.4 FT.I BUILDING SIDEI ] YARD 7 FT' LOTSIZE REAR] I LOTSO. YARD FT- FOOTAGE NOTE: [ ~572,25FT1 8427,75 N. C. U.* or OTHER (describe) XX REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. To add storage area to existing house rather than add to existing non-conforming garage--unable to move existing garage to conformancy or build new because of extreme cost of labor and material at this time. ~,'.. _ · ... ';" .~A' J~uilding permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. 0%~ance s not ~transferable. are . ~ November 10, 1980 APPLICANT , ! ~:~*~' '~' ~ ~r~//' DATE Signature PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION To acknowledge nonconforming lot size and existing garage and recommend approving the request to add addition to existing house. DATE Nov. 24, 1980 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use WILLIAM '13. 5CHOELL RIrGIST£R£D CIVIL ENGINEER ':" -'--. "°. .:.-,. ~: · ' uo. Tu~, '$, ,.;~...~,.., , :.;e ?. '-~ Wll. bo. [.ol?t ' i ',;-,-' ' · ,tomo* No. ezTI;' ';. ',, '" .... [:- .'..- . .... SCHOELL ^z,,,D MA .' ........ :' ENGINEERS AND SURVF-¥O~' - I~O NINTH AVENUE SOUTH HOPKIN3 MINNI3OTA CERTIFICATE FOR' OF SURVEY NO. BkK. 1101 gao /gq.o_ ~ ¥-//?-,~ ¢-/~- oo~,~ o _ oe,-?o/~',¢. ,./','~ e~ / · .O/-,,s ~ ½/o/' APPLICATION FO! ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT Wayne Mueller 3240 Amhurst Lane ZONING ~ PROPERTY _~.. ] / -_1 37870 4730 PLAT PARCEL Address Mound, MN 55364 INTEREST IN PROPERTY Telephone Number ,LOT~ ~- ~ ADDITION BLOCK /~- 25-117-24 II 0028 FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Number ~.t~,~C E REQUESTED: q~/t~ ! . i A C C E SS O R Y YARD I/~/ FT.I BUILDING NOTE: FT. SIDE YARD I FT.ILOT SIZE [ FT:] REAR YARD FTJ LOT SQ. N. C. U.~ or OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. NOV I q 1980 -"' ' '. '- ' .:_A. -. building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. Variances are not transferable,c ,- APPLICANT .~r. ?', ..~ : !~ ~,,/[~X~q~ DATE Signature November 13, 1980 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Grant a 12 foot street front variance with an 8 foot street front setback from Drummond Road - 9arage doors to open on Amhurst Lane. DATE Nov. 24, 1980 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO.. DATE *non- conforming use J /l ! J ~0.0 ~- --- ' _ ' '-'- , .-'~...~I~~'. ' ' ":' ' ' -...---;..1~-? O Denotes Iron Monument I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of: Lots 8, 9, Block 12 "DEVON", Hennepin County, Minnesota '? And of the location of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from oron said Paul A. John~ ~ landSueve,,o~,Min~.Re~.No. 10938 OMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. MINNEAPOLIS. HU?CHIINISON ~ MARSHALL. MINNESOTA SCALE I'_-' "~o' FILE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY for WA"f'N ~-~,~ (~ APiOLICATION FO~ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND FEE $ .S-: 0 0 PROPERTY LOT~.'.~q~ ~ ~Y, ,Sz~ 5Z/B LOCK Te le phone Number ~--~-~/f f/~'~ADDITION 4~ d! /~ ~J__.Y~ j-) INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONTI . FT.} ACCESSORY[ YARD . BUILDING NOTE: FT.] SIDE YARD [ FT'~ LOT SiZE [ FT.l nEAR I [ LOT SQ. _ YARD [ FT, I FOOTAGE /.~. ~,'~.~.._~" o2~i4~R (Je~Iribe) 6'jf~..d ~ N/'n~ ~ ~m~SON FOa Te lep ~hc~ne 1. A~tach a survey~3,,ND scale showing'location of propos~ed ~mprovement in relation to lot line~]'- b-the'r buildings on proper~y and abutting streets. 2~ Give owners~p and dimensions of adjoining property. Show appro~mate locations of all buildings, driveway~, and streets per[inent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3~ Attach letters from adjoining affec~d property owners showing attitude ~oward request. __cf eea./e. '7-/5' ¢ ~'o5.~ / ~' ~ A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the coancil resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. Variances are not transferable. - /05/c Sig~uture , . DATE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION sign as requested. Approval of request for 2½ foot by 22 foot DATE Nov. 24, 1980 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO.. DATE *non-conforming use 12-9-80 CiTY OF ~OUND Hound~ Minnesota December 3, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-402 SUBJECT: West Hennepin Human Services Board Sue Lovaasen has requested to be on the agenda relative to the West Hennepin Human Services Board. 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 4, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-407 SUBJECT: Winter Parking Variances Attached are variance requests for parking on the street for the following persons: James C. Sorvick, 1712 Eagle Lane Jerome R. Longley, 5223 Phelps Road The Public Works Director has recommended the variances be granted. ~o~rd L. Kopp --~ ~ · 75/ VARIANCE REQ~ OFF STREET PARKING ORD Business BLOCK ADDITION PPX. APPOi~T~[ENT TIME FOR ON SITE INSPECTION A.M.P.M. PPLICANTS SIGNATURE IAG.~4 OF LOT -Use reverse .side of this request: ~,t~RKS & RECOi,,~.~,NDATIONS 'BY TNDIVIDUAL MAKING INSPECTION 0 City of Mound VARIANCE REQUEST, OFF STREET PARKING ORDINANCE ~T~ET ADORESS /?/~ ,ZA01~:. 1~ ~' 'HONE - Home ~ ~ ~ /~, 05' ~OT 6>' ~'. / ~ BLOCK / ~ ~PPX. APPOINTMENT TIME FOR ON SITE INSPECTION N S )L[GRAM OF LOT - Use reverse side of this request: ADDITION A.M. P.M. ~EMARKS & RECO~!MENDATIONS B~Y INDIVIDUAL MAKIN. G INSPECTIO_.___N '~~ 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, M~nnesota December 4, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-408 SUBJECT: Specifications for Street Sweeper Attached is a copy of the specifications for a street sweeper. The Public Works Director would like the Council to review them so they can be advertised in the next two weeks. This street sweeper is in the proposed budget for 1981. Leonard L. Kopp CITY OF ~[DU:~D ~DVERTIS~IENT FOR BIDS DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN PIC}~P STREET SWEEPER Sealed bids will be received by the City of Mound, Minnesota, at the office of the City Clerk, until 2:00 p.m., December 29, 1950, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of the following equipment: O~;E DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN PICKUP STREET SWEEPER Specifications are on file and may be obtained from the City Clerk of Mound, Minnesota. Ail bids must be presented on the standard bid forms attached to and made a part of the proposed contract documents as prepared by the City and shall be addressed to: City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road ~ound, Minnesota 55364 and endorsed, '~iesel Engine Driven Pickup Street Sweeper." Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or bidder's bond made payable to City Clerk, City of Hound, in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of his bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By: Mary Marske City Clerk City of Mound, Minnesota I~ITATION Sealed proposals, subject to the conditions as shown herein~ are requested on the following list of materials, supplies, equipment, or services, for the department or departments as mentioned, with delivery to destination as shown. Proposals shall include all charges for delivery, packing, etc. Required for: Department of Public Works IMPORTA~]T -- Both Bid Bond and Proposal Must Be Signed. o SPECIAL C0~,~ ITI0'~IS SCOPE This specification covers a diesel engine driven pickup sweeper with a front end unloading hopper. Ail components must conform to applica~l~ federal and Minnesota state regulations. GUARANTEE The unit furnished shall be new, of the latest model, fabricated in a first-class workmanlike manner from good quality material. The manufact- urer's or dealer's guarantee shsll tmve been available for a period of not less than 2 years. SWEEPING SPEED AN-D QUALITY The loading efficiency shall be such that all debris normally encountered in street sweeping will be removed from the street surface while operating at 6 M.P.H. 8% GRADE The unit shall sweep up and down an 8% grade. The unit shall stop and start while going up this grade and shall stop and reverse while coming d down this grade. Engine speed shall not exceed 90% of the maximum gross B.H.P. - R.P.M. LEVEL GRADE The unit shall be capable of traveling at a speed of at least 24 M.P.H. on a level paved grade while not exceeding 90% of the maximum gross B.H.P. - R.P.M. ENGINE The engine shall be of the water cooled diesel type and be capable of generating at least 74 H.P. at the manufacturer's recommended R.P.M. for continuous operation. The engine shall also be equipped as follows: Fuel tank with minimum capacity of 35 gallons. tleavy duty dry-type air cleaner with service indicator. Replaceable fuel filter. Replacea~la cartridge-type oil filter. Approved muffler. Governer. Anit-freeze protection to -34o F. SPECIAL CONDITIONS - 6. E~JGINE- (continued) The following instruments shall be mounted on the cab instrument panel: Temperature Oil pressure gauge. Fuel gauge. Ammeter Speedometer, odometer, tachometer, and hour meter. Radiator and block drain cocks. Thermostat that opens at the engine temperature recommended by the manufact facturer. Instrument panel mounted hand throttle. Positive crank case ventilation system. 7. ELECTRICAL SY ST~L~ The system shall be 12-volt and include the following: Minimum 60 Amp alternator. Extra heavy duty battery suitaRle for truck/tractor operations. Electric starter. Horn. Two sealed beam headlights with high and low beams. Stop and tail lights, clearance lights, and reflectors. Self-canceling turn signals and 4-way flashers. Two amber beacons on top of cab to be steady burning cruise light, Dietz model 7-40. Gutter broom light. Back-up lights. Interior cab .and instrument lights. Ail exposed wiring shall be properly taped or run through loom. The entire system shall conform to the Minnesota State Motor Vehicle Laws for on-the-road equipment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS - Three 8. TRA~F~{ISSI0);. The Transmission shall be of the hydrostatic type with vehicle speed and direction to be controlled with the foot pedal. It shall Be of sufficient manufacturer's r~ating to provide maximum speed with maximum load as defined in #10A. 9. AXLES The axles s~hmll have manufacturer's ratings at least equal to their respective loads with 2 speed differential. 10. BRAKE SYST~.! The service brakes shall be of the full power type and be capable of stopping the unit loaded with average sweepings, full fuel tank and full water tank within a distance of 33 feet from 15 M.P.H. on a level, smooth, dry bituminous road surface. The hand brake shall be easily accassible to the operator and capable of holding the unit stationary on an 8% grade with the unit loaded in accordance with paragraph 10-A above. AMico Accumulocl type holding brake shall be included. C. The entire system shall be of the latest design and shall conform to the latest Minnesota State Motor Vehicle Laws. The installation shall meet with the approval of the manufacturer of the braking equipment. 11. BROOMS A. Main Broom The main ("pick up") broom shall be constructed and arranged so that all debris normally encountered in street sweeping will be removed from the street surface when the unit is operating at its rated sweeping speeds. The broom shall be Milwaukee Dustless or equal having 100% polypropylene brush filaments. The broom shall have at least a 36" diameter and be at least 68" in length. Broom r.p.m, shall be independent of travel speed or direction of the sweeper unit. The broom shall be hydraulic raised, lowered, and hydraulic adjusted for fiber wear and positioned for sweeping by the operator with the controls and indicators located in the cab. B. GUTTER BROOMS The unit shall be equipped with right hand gutter broom having at least a 36" diameter, of the refillakle type, adjustable for pressure and wear. Broom r.p.m, shall be independent of travel speed or direction, of the sweeping unit. SPECL\L C0~ITIO.,o - Four (continued) B. Gutter Brooms (continued) It shall be constructed and arranged so all debris normally encountered in sweeping will be removed from the street surface when the sweeper is operated at its rated sweeping speeds, and it shall be flexible mounted to eliminate breakage under conditions such as striking curbs, etc. C. Broom Control and Indicators. Ail broom controls shall be easily accessible from the operator's seat. Broom position indicators for gutter and main brooms shall be visible from operator's seat. 12. ELEVATOR. All material picked up by the main broom shall be positively conveyed to the dirt box by an elevating mechanism having a safety device to prevent damage from impassable object and reversible in direction of operation. The mechanism must be capable of loading the hopper to 100% of its rated capacity. 13. I~PPER The hopper shall have a certified capacity of at least 3 cubic yards with hydraulic controls located conveniently tothe operator in the c~b. The hopper shall be capable of lifting three cubic yards of average Mound street sweepings (approximately 9,000 lbs.) and unloading the same at any height between ground level and an eight foot clearance above ground level. The hopper shall be capable of retaining a full load of debris without "dribbling" while the sweeper travels to the discharge area at its rated top speed by way of a smooth, level, bituminous paved street. The hopper sh~all be constructed of heavy gauge steel and be properly protected against cbrrosion from the debris it carries. 14. WATER SYSTM'~[ . The water tank shall have a capacity of at least 230'gallons with a heavy duty water pump. Spray pipes shall be equipped with rust proof nozzles of sufficient number to assure the distribution of water over the entire broom contact area including the gutter broom. The intensity of water spray shall be controlled from the operator's normal position with controls 'fQr gutter and main broom spray bars. The system shall include: A water tank fill gauge in cab. A water strainer located on the outside of the sweeper and properly positioned for easy cleaning. SPECLIL CO:TDITIONS - Five 14. WATER SYSTD! (continued) 15. 16. A 2~" N.S.T. coupling fillin~ hose of sufficient length to fill the water tank from a hydrant located 12 feet back from the curb line. Sufficient storage basket for the ose shall be provided as part of the unit. Storage basket shall be located on exterior of unit. A hopper and elevator flushing system. A water tank internally protected against corrision. A self-coiling wash-down hose. ~tEELS AND TIRES The wheels shall be sturdily c~nstructed and carried on axles and frames of adequate strength to maintain them in proper alignment under all operating conditions. The tires shall be pneumatic heavy duty truck type and shall have a rated capacity to carry the total gross load of the sweeper plus water, fuel and sweepings. Ail tires shall be Michelin Steel--Belted Radial. CAB. The cab shall be of the fully enclosed, all weather, pressurized type and include the following features: Interior cab paint shall be non-glare type. Cab insulation on ceiling, front ~nd rear walls, floor and drive tunnel. Filtered fresh air heater and defroster. Factory installed air conditioner at least equal to the Farm-Air in co~ling and ventilating capacity. Safety glass, with tinited windshield. Each door equipped with sliding or detachable plexiglass bubbles on top half with lower half to be see-through. Cab dome light. Doors properly sealed for dust protection. Grab handles properly mounted on cab exterior to assist operator entrance at either side. Adjusta~l~ seating with Bostrom Viking or approved equal seat on right side including seat belt Operating controls for right side of cab. Sun visor, padded. Fire extinguisher. SPECIAL CO~'~ITIO}IS - 16. Six CAB (continued) Electric windshield wipers with washer. Right and left exterior mirrors - 6" x 16", west coast type, 17. B~,~PERS The unit shall include a bumper pad system sufficient to help protect both sweeper and truck from damage while the hopper is raised for unloading into a dump truck. 18. STEERING AND TURNING RADIUS The steering shall be at least power assisted and of the automotive type. The unit shall have a turning radius of not more than 15 feet for the out- side wheel. 19. TOOLS The contractor shall furnish one set of any tools needed for daily servicing. A tool box of sufficient size to store these to~l~ shall be attached to or built into the machine. 20. PAINT The paint finish shall be smooth, lustrous, durable and consist of at least one coat of primer and one coat of enamel with the color to be selected by owner. 21. MA~UALS At least one week prior to the delivery of the machine the contractor shall deliver to the City the following: Two (2) Operator's ,X~anuals Two (2) Repair Manuals Two (2) Parts Books Two (2) Sets of Manufacturer's Specifications and Illustrated Descriptions. 22. MISCELLANEOUS /k~o (2) tow hooks shall be mounted front and rear. 23. SAFETY EQU IP:,~ENT The unit shall be equipped with an approved "back-up" alarm and a ~V emblem. The entire unit shall conform to applicable federal and Minnesota state r equ ir ement s. SPECIAL CO~IDITIO~]S - Page Seven 24. Included with the bid proposal shall be a list of agenci~ owning and operating a unit similar to that which is to be supplied, currently in use in the State of ~innesota. 25. I.~RP~NTY The bidder should furnish a six (6) months warranty against all defects in design, material, workmanship, specified capacity and satisfactory performance at no charge to the City of Mound excluding normal maintenance. 26. DELIVERY Shall be made to the Department of Public Works, City Garage, Mound, Minnesota. Ail delivery c~a~ges shall be included in the bid. 27. DF~IVERY DATES The sweeper shall be delivered to the Mound Street shop between March 7 and April 1, 1981. Beside the conditions as stated in paragraph 28. 28. LIQUIDATED DAJ~AG E S Time of delivery is an essential and critical provisions of these specifications. If the successful bidder fails to deliver the vehicle pursuant to the delivery schedule provided in paragraph 27, the purchasers shall have the right to deduct from any money or moneys due or coming due to the successful bidder, as liquidated damages, the sum of $25.00 per day for each day delivery is postponed beyond the maximum delivery date provided in paragraph 27 of these specifications, except for delays caused by Acts of God or other conditions beyond the control of the bidder. Any sums so deducted are not to be construed in any sense a penalty, but rather liquid- ated damages sustained by reasons of extra costs incurred by the purchaser. The successful bidder shall furnish a loaner sweeper at no cost to the city if the city has not received the sweeper by April 1, 1981. 29. TAXES Prices s~all not include any taxes whatsoever. The successful bidder can obtain tam exemption certificates from the City of Mound Finance Department. 30. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. The specifications described the equipment which it is felt is necessary to meet the performance requirements of the City. Bidders desiring to quote on equipment which deviates from these specifications, but which they be- lieve to be the equivalent, are requested to submit alternate bids on the equipment which so deviates; however, ALTERNATE BIDS StlOULD BE CLEARLY I}~ICATED AS SUCH, AND DEVIATIONS FRO1! THE APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS PLAINLY NOTED. Ail alternate bids will be given due and utmost consideration. 31. REJECTION OF BIDS. In submitting this bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the City to rejct any or all bids, and it is agreed that this bid may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days from the opening thereof. SPECIAL CO?FDITIO:':S - Page Eight 32. AWARD OF BID~ Award of Contract by the City of Mound will be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: me Price Delivery Date Parts and Service Availability Analysis and Comparison of Specification Details Past experience of the City of Mound with similar or related equipment or with the respective bidder. 33. SPECIFICATIONS The sweeper shall be in accordance with the attached City of Mound Standard Specification attached hereto and made a part thereof. 34. PAYMENT The City will pay for the sweeper within 30 days after delivery with the condition that the sweeper meets all the specifications. The City reserves the right to not make payment until the sweeper meets the specifications. i'fOU~fD, -qINNE$OTA PROPOSAL FORi-I DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN PICKUP "STREET S~EEPER" PROPOSAL OF (print) ADDRESS Bids are due at the Office of the City Clerk, City t~11, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364, before 2:00 p.m. on December 29, 1980. In accordance with your advertisement for bids and in conformity with the Specifications, I propose and agree to furnish and deliver one Street Sweeper according to the following bid price: ITKM TOTAL BID PRICE Furnish and deliver from point of manufacture, one street Sweeper. Manufacturer Model No. It is understood t~hat bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thiry (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the City Council reserves the right to retain the certified check or bond of the three (3) lowest bidders as determined by the City Council for a period not to exceed thirty (30) dyas after the date set for the opening of bids. In the guarantee of sincerity of purpose in entering this bid, the undersigned encloses a certified check or bidder's bond in the amount of five (5,%) of the total amount of the bid, made payable to: City of Mound, which it is agreed will be forfeited to the City in the event that said contract is not executed as herein stipulated in the event that said proposal is accepted. NOTE: Any deviation from or exception to the specifications should be listed here. Failure to do so may be reason for rejecting the bid. SERVICE: Location of Parts and Service Respectfully submitted, By. Printed Name of Signer Title Name of Bidder Address Telephone Number (A Corporation) (An Individual) (A Par tnership~ 271F ]2-9-80 CiTY OF HOUND Mound, Minnesota December 2, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-398 SUBJECT: Agreement - Counseling for Older Adults Attached is a copy of a proposed agreement for the City to enter into with Suburban Community Services for 1981. Mound's share of the cost is $2,860. Also attached is a proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to enter into the agreement. LL~rd L. Kopp // Councilmember moved the resolution, RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE WESTONKA COUNSELING FOR OLDER ADULTS FOR SERVICES WHEREAS, the elderly as a group experience a larger amount of emotional trauma due to losses such as death of spouse, reduction of income, social isolation, failing health, etc. and WHEREAS, Mound has elderly citizens that are vulnerable to difficulty in coping with problems such as depression, anxiety, coping with a physical disability, feelings of grief, loss and anger, and WHEREAS, Suburban Community Services is organized under the laws of Minnesota as a Nonprofit Organization to insure the continuity of such services, and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to provide Suburban Community Services with adequate supplemental funds for its proper operation of its Westonka Counseling for Older Adults Program, and WHEREAS, the City Council of Mound has approved the inclusion of the Westonka Counseling for Older Adults Program in its 1981 budget, and WHEREAS, the City of Mound shall provide for the health, safety and welfare of its older citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~UND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That the Mayor and City Administrator be authorized to enter an agreement whereby, that Mound, as a political subdivision, be included in the proviSion of Counseling Services for Senior Citizens provided by Suburban Community Services, that it participate in the benefits thereof, that it agrees to support a share of the cost of the provision of such counseling services, and that this sharing of cost in 1981 be for the period of January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1981 and be for a total amount of $2,860. A motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon, there were__yeas and nays. I, , Clerk of the City of Mound, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the governing body of Mound in an official meeting on (Signature) (Signature) AGREEMENT ON WESTONKA COUNSELING FOR OLDER ADULTS PROGRAM Suburban Community Services enters an agreement with the City of Mound to provide counseling services through its Westonka Counseling for Older Adults Program for the period January 1, 1981 - December 31, 1981 for Mound residents. An older adult is generally defined as a person 60 years and older. The Westonka Counseling for Older Adult Program provides assistance to older adults in coping with problems and issues such as depression, anxiety, coping with a physical disability, feelings of grief, loss and anger. Outreach services will be utilized to reach older adults who have unmet social service needs and toward assisting these individ- uals through assessment, information, and referral and follow-up to secure needed services. The counseling service will be provided in both our central office site currently located at Mound as well as the client's home and other com- munity locations such as churches. The service will be delivered by a counseling staff which is both qualified and experienced in counseling older adults. The cost to the City of Mound is $2,860 for the time duration of January 1, 1981 - December 31, 1981. This cost participation figure is based on a total of $9,330 requested from local municipalities for January 1 - December 31, 1981 and the percentage of senior citizens residing in Mound from the Westonka Counseling for Older Adult. Program service area. Payments are to be requested and received on a quarterly basis. A revision or change in this agreement during its duration will be based on the mutual written consent of the parties involved. Gaylord Budd, Executive Director Name and Title of Authorizing Person SUBURBAN COMMUNITY SERVICES Signature Date Name and Title of Authorizing Person CITY OF MOUND Signature Date 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 4, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-405 SUBJECT: Neighborhood Statistics Program - 1980 Census Attached is a copy of a letter covering the subject program. In order to participate, two things must be done: 1. The Mayor must sign a letter stating the City will participate and designate neighborhood. 2. Have a mechanism for persons in the neighborhoods to express their views. The deadline on this is December 31, 1980. Does.the Council wish to participate? IHE NEPIN OFFICE OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 2308 Governmenf C:enfer Minneapolis, Minnesota $5487 December 1, 1980 The Honorable Tim Lovaasen City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, tin 55364 Dear Mayor Lovaasen: One of the new programs developed by the CensUs Bureau as a part of the 1980 Census effort is the Neighborhood Statistics Program [NSP). Officially. designated or semi- official neighborhoods at the-~ub-muni'cipal level, organized to provi.~e citizen advisory input into local planning efforts, have been established by many municipali- ties in recent years. The Census Bureau has recogni'zed that the Doundarfes of these neighborhoods do not always coi'nci'de with census geography.. The substantial needs of citizen advisory groups for census data on a neighborhood level has prompted the Census Bureau to develop the NSP. Under this program, municipaliti'es have an opportunity to specify a set Qf neighbor- hoods for which special data summaries will be prepared'. The routine data products provided by the Bureau will not include s-ummari'es for these neighborhoods. Thus, if municipali.ties want neighborhood stati'sti'cs, they must partici'pate tn this program. The expense of the program will be borne primarily by the Census Bureau. However, there may be some expense in staff time to the munici'pality in identifying the geo- graphic boundaries of the designated neighborhoods. To participate in the program, neighborhoods must meet the following three criteria: Offici'al recognition. All neighborhoods for which data are to be pro- vided must be officfal!y recognized through one of the following: A municipal law or similar legal or admfnistrative action; a letter from the locality's highest elected official to the Director of the Bureau of the Census; or written certification from a central neighborhood council or coalition representing all of the neighborhoods in the locali'ty. 0 Nonoverlapping boundaries. ~11 the area within any given neighborhood must be considered part of that nei'ghborhood only; no Dorti'on of the locality may be included in more than one neighborhood. e AdvisorS representation. A mechanism must exist whereby concerned resi- dents within a nei'ghborhood are assured the opportunity to present their views on municipal matters. Examples of such mechanisms, are: Elected or appointed representatives, neighborhood councils, citizen associations, and neighborhood liaisons to city hall. HENNEPIN COUNTY on ~quc~l opportunity ~mploy~r ,1,713 Neighborhood Statistics Program December l, 1980 Page Two Interest in participation in the program may be indicated by a letter from the high- est elected official of your municipality or a representative of a citizen's advisory council. The deadline for application is December 31, 1980. The request should in- clude a description of how the neighborhoods meet the three criteria, and a city map showing the boundaries of the neighborhoods. In addition, a local liaison should be o eSignated in case the Census Bureau needs any additional information or clarification determine your city's eligibility. With regard to criterion 3, I have been in contact with the Census Bureau to ascertain what kind of advisory mechanism is required. The Bureau is using a relatively loose definition; however, it does expect some mechanism to exist. Thus, eligibility for the NSP will require documentation of past efforts on a neighborhood-specific basis, or an indication of anticipated efforts in 1981. If your municipality is eligible to participate in the program, the local contact person should expect to be responsible for preparing a "block equivalency list" in the Spring of 1981. This list will define the neighborhoods i'n terms of census geography (i.e. blocks). It is possible, however, that the Census Bureau will prepare the block equivalency list if time and budget permit. Hennepin County encourages you to participate, and will assist you in preparation of the block equivalency list if it must be done locally. In the event that your muni- . cipality chooses not to participate directly, we would ask that you designate the Office of Planning and Development as your agent for the program. In this way, it is hoped that the entire county can be included in the Neighborhood Statistics program. A sample letter requesting participation is attached. This should be accompanied by documentation of how the criteria for participation have been satisfied. We would appreciate it if you would send a copy of your correspondence with the Bureau on NSP to us. This will help us in our efforts to provide appropriate assistance to you during this program. If you would like more information on the NSP, the final regulations are printed on pages 66862 and 66863 of the November 21, 1979, Federal Re~i'ster. If you have any other questions on this program, or the County's efforts, please call Jason Wiley at 348-4475. Si ncerely, Robert. D. Miller mab Attachments 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 3, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-400 SUBJECT: 1981 Salaries At the September 10th meeting, the Council tabled the salary resolu- tion for non-union employees and it hasn't been considered since that time. Attached is a copy of the proposed resolution and salaries as tenta- tively agreed on by the Council. ,1711 RESOLUTION NO. 80- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WAGES, SALARIES AND WORKING CONDITIONS FOR 1981 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: The the following wages, salaries and working conditions are adopted for the year 1981: Position Clerk Typist Receptionist O - 6 months 7 - 12 months 13 - 18 months After 19 months Special Assessmept Clerk O - 6 months 7 - 18 months 18 - 24 months After 24 months Accounting Clerk 0 - 6 months 7 - 18 months After 18 months Utility Billing Clerk Manager's Secretary Police Secretary Police Clerk O - 6 months 7 - 18 months After 18 months Animal Warden 0 - 6 months 7 - 12 months 13 - 24 months 25 - 36 months Accountant Amount $710.~b- )er month 783.20 851.40 1,004.30 1,004.30 938.30 1,004.30 1,O71.40 1,138.50 938.30 1,004.30 1,071.40 1,232.O0 1,232.00 1,138.50 938.30 1,004.30 1 ,O7] .4O 1,004.30 1,071.4O 1,138.50 1,272.70 ~,145.00 )er month )er month )er month )er month )er month )er month )er month )er month ~er month )er month )er month )er month )er month ~er month ~er month )er month ~er month ~er month ~er month )er month ~er month )er month Building Inspector $22,200.00 per year Liquor Store Manager 22,000.00 per year ~itv Clerk Trea~ure[~^ 23,500.00 per year · . Clerk to receive ~u. O0 stipend for Council meetings Public Works Director 24,800.00 per year Police Chief City Manager Liquor Store - Senior Clerk Liquor Clerk Part Time Clerk 28,500.00 per year 35,000.00 per year $6.96 per hour $4.50 to $6.53 per hour $3.10 to $5.00 per hour All fringe benefits for the above positions including vacations, sick leave, severance pay, insurance, etc. are to be the same as adopted in the Adminis- trative Code and as will be adopted with the Public Works Union Agreement. Attorney $16,O00.00 per year ..1 7/o 12-9-80 CITY OF HOUND Hound, M~nnesota December 4, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-404 SUBJECT: Administrative Code In September, the Council approved a new Public Works contract which changed the fringe benefits. In the past, the City Council has tried to keep the fringe benefits for all employees the same. If this is to con- tinue, the following changes should be made in the Administrative Code. Section 3.10 Severance Pay - to be changed to read as follows: Employees who were employed prior to January 1, 1981 shall upon honor- able separation from the Employer's service, shall receive severance pay in an amount equal to 33 1/3% of the first ninety (90) days of unused sick leave. In no event shall the amount exceed thirty (30) days pay under this Section. No payment shall be made unless the employee has completed thirty-six (36) months of service. The following is the severance pay schedule which shall become effec- tive for all employees upon reaching tenure of five (5) years: After 5 years service 30% to a maximum of 18 days After 10 years service 40% to a maximum of 72 days After 15 years service 45% to a maximum of 108 days After 25 years service 50% to a maximum of 160 days The Employer shall pay employee full amount of severance pay at time of termination, if requested. Employee may elect to receive equal amounts over a period of five (5) years. Section 5.1 Hospitalization and Medical Group Insurance Add the following: Upon retirement, after 20 years of service at age 62 or more or at age 65 and 10 years of service, the City will pay full premium for hospitali- zation, major medical and dental insurance for retiree and spouse. Note: Police personnel are covered by the Union contract. Section 5.4 Dental Insurance Change the rate paid to read: In 1981, a maximum of $17.50 per month. Effective January 1, 1982, $19.00 per month and effective January 1, 1983, $22.00 per month. Section 5.5 Eye Examination The City shall pay in each twenty-four (24) month period of employment thirty dollars ($30) toward an eye examination for each employee. (This was formerly $15.) 12-9-80 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-404 Page 2 §UBJECT: Administrative ~ode Note: Also, the amount paid each year by the City on hospitalization increases as follows: (This requires a separate resolution.) The Employer agrees to provide each employee, after thirty (30) days of continuous employment, with hospitalization/major medical insur- ance, including dependent coverage, a five thousand dollar ($5,000.) life insurance policy and long term disability insurance and effec- tive January 1, 1981, pay 77 1/2% of the premiums due. Effective January 1, 1982, the Employer agrees to pay 80% of the premiums due on the insurance coverages provided above. Effective January 1, 1983, the Employer agrees to pay 85% of the premiums due on the insurance coverages provided above. --L~eo'nard L. Kopp '" '; / P.S.: Below is a copy of the previous Section 3.10 Section 3.10 - Severance Pay Termination of employment with the City removes job rights and benefits of the employee. A settlement of all benefits for employees in good standJnq with the City shall be made at termination as follows: Upon termination of services and after completing thirty six (36) months of continuous service thirty three and one third percent (33 1/3~;) of the First ninety (~)0) days of unused sick leave. In no event shall the amount exceed thirty (30) days pay. If the employee has completed one hundred twenty one ~1~1) months of continuous service to the City, the amount ~h~ll h~ ~ncr~-~,e'd Io a maximum of forty (/~0) days pay. If the employee has completed two hundred forty u~c (2~1) months of continuous service to the City, ~he amount shall be increased to a maximum of fifty (50) days pay. Upon termination of service to the Ctly, an employee shall receive ~heir accrued vacation leave in pay. In the event an employee dies whJSe employed by the City, the accrued severance pay of the employee shall be paid to the survivor. 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota November 18, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-399 SUBJECT: Funds for Severance Pay Action on Council Memorandum 80-304 (copy attached) was tabled. It is recommended the Severance Pay Fund of $20,000 be established as suggested by transferring $10,000 from Liquor, $5,000 from General and $5,000 from Water. The Auditor, in making the 1980 Audit, will probably be able to give some suggestions as to what to annually add to this fund. L~bnard L. Kopp cc: George M. Hansen Company 9-10-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 5, 1980 COUNCIL MEMOP~ANDUM NO. 80-304 SUBJECT: Fund for Severance Pay For years the City of Mound has had severance pay which has been paid on a "pay as you go" basis. The 1980 Legislature in Chapter 600 has stated that severance pay, if paid, must be funded. Below is a synopsis of the law that is copied from a State League Publication: Severance Pay. Ch. 600 provides that all counties, cities, townships, school districts or other governmental subdivisions are authorized but not required to pay severance pay to all of their employee and to establish, prescribe and promulgate provision, rules and regulations for the payment of this severance pay on, or prior to, or subsequent to, the normal retirement date. Severance pay shall include the pay- ment of accumulated vacation leave, accumulated sick leave or a combi- nation thereof. No political subdivision may implement a plan for the payment of severance pay until a plan providing for full funding has been developed and approved by the governing body. In view of the above, it is recommended a severance pay fund be established. The new Union Contracts will increase severance pay liability. A fund could be established at $20,000. by taking funds and amounts as follows: From Liquor Fund From General Fund From Water Fund $10,0OO. 5,OOO. 5,OOO. $20,000. Payments can be added annually to this fund. A resolution is required to establish this fund. '~T_ebnard L. Kopp 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 4, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-406 SUBJECT: Sergeant's Union Agreement Attached is a copy of a proposed one year agreement with the Sergeants' Union. The fringe benefits are the same as the Patrolmen Union. The salary is that discussed previously by the City Council. ~--L~nard L. Kopp .J ,7 0 A B 0 R A G R E El-! EN T This Agreement~ dated ~ is made and entered into by and bet~een t~e CiO' 0f'Mound , hereinafter referred to as the t~ployer and Local #35 ,, , Of La~ ~l~orcemen~ Labor Services, Inc.; hereinafter referred to as the Union. ~qTICLE I. Pu~:ose of Agreement This Agreement has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the ~I~nployer, its ~loyees and the Union, the furtherance of efficient governmental services; the establishment of an equitable and peacful procedure for the resolution of disputes that may arise without interference or disruption of efficient operationof the department; and the establishment of a fo~aal understanding relative to all terms and conditions of employment, ARTICLM ii. Recognition Section 1. The h~ployer recognizes the~nion as the ~xclusive representative under 1.~nnesota Statutes '179.71 Subdivision 3, for all employees of the Mound P. D. S~oervisory bargaining unit. as identified by the ,Bureau of Mediation Servicesy. certification of Exclusive Representative dated March 5, 1979 5 case # 79-PR-6~-A Section 2. In the event that the h~mployer and the Union are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a ne~ or modified job class the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation for determination. ARTICLE III. Hanagement Rights .Section 1.. The ~.~nployer retains the full and unrestricted right to establish policy as to functions and programs of the Employer, its overal budget, utilization of technology, the organizational structure, and selection and direction and number of personnel; and to perfcN~ any inherent managerial function not specifically limited by this Agreement. ~2TIOLE IV. Legal Service Section 1. Except in cases of n~alfeasance in office orwillful or wanton neglect of duty, ~nployer shall defend, save harmless and indemnify an ~)loyee and/or his estate .azainst any claim or'de~and, whether groundless or~otheE~se, arising out of an alleged act or omission occuring in the perfor~nance ~nd scope of ~nployee's duties. Jd~TICLE V. Union Security Section l'. A. The e~ployer agrees to cooperate.~ith the Union in the deduction of rogular monthly dues, for those employees x.~ho request .in ~iting to have regular monthly Union dues checked off by payroll deduction. The ~oloyer agrees to remit such regular monthly dues in a m~r~uer to be prescribed by thc Union. B. The U~ion agrees to indemnify and hold the ~pl0yeM harmless against any and all claLms, suits, orders or judgments brought or iszued against the ~ployer as a result of ~uy action taken Or not taken by the Empl~r under the provisions of p~aph A of this Section. Section 2. The ~ployer agrees not to enter into a~¥ additional agreements with employees, in~ivlduslly or collectively concernS.rig any terms or conditions of employment. Section 3. The' Union may designate members to act as stewards or officers and shall inform the ~nployee of such choice and of any changes in stewards or officers in writing. Section 4. The Employer agrees to make space available on. the employer bulletin board for the posting of UniOn notice (s) and announcements and to make space available for Union meetings when it does not conflict ;.rith the operation of the department.· Section 5. The ~Inployer agrees to allow the o~flcers and ~epresentatives of the bargaining trait reasonable time off and leaves of absence, with prior approval and without pay, .for .the purpose of conducting Union business when such time will not un.duly interfere With the operations of the department. Section'6~ The EmploYer agrees to post.all promotional opportunities x. rithin the department; to publish the method' by ~.~hich promotions shall be made ~rithin the department;' and to ma:~e copies of all work rules and requlations available to employees. ARTICLE VI. Employer Security -. Section '1. ~Neither the Union, its officers or agents, nor any of-the ~nployees covered by this Agreement ~rill engage in,' encourage, sanction, support or suggest any strike, slowdown, mass resignations, mass absenteeism, the ;-rillful absence from one's position, the stoppage of ¥~ork or the absentence in whole or part of the full, faithful and proper performance of duties of employment 'for 'the purpose of inducing, influencing, or coercing a change in the conditions,-compensation or the rights, privileges or obliga, tions of employment. . ' ARTICLE VII. Equal Application Section 1. The provisions of this Agreement shalllbe applied equally to all Employees in the bargaining unit without diScrim%'nation as to race, color, creed, sex, national, origin, ·religion or political affiliation. The Union and the E~nployees Covered by this Agreement shall share, equally with the Employer the responsibilities established by this ~rticle. Section 2. 'The Employer shall'.not discriminate against, interfere with, restrain, or coerce.an h~nployee from e~ercising th~ right to join or not to join the Union or participate in an official capacity on behalf of the Union, which is in accordance l,ith the provisions of this Agreement. The Union shall not discriminate against, interfere with, r~strain, or coerCe an ~nPloyer from eX~rcising the right to join or not to join the Union and~ll not discriminate against any ~nployee in the administration of the Agreement be6ause of non-membership in the Union. · ~ ' - Section 3. ~e Union accepts its responsi~ties as exclusive represengive and agrees to represent ~hhployees in the bargaining unit~without discrimination. · . ARTICLE VIII. Prevailing Rights Section 1. All benefits, rights'and privileges no~ in effect .,---for employees and not specifically contained in this Agreement shall, remain in 'full force and effect, without change or termination by the ~nployer. A~TICLE IX. Savings Section 1. This Agreement is subject to the lm~s ~fthe United States and the State of Minnesota. Section 2. In the event that--any'prbvi~i~n--6f-~h'~s .Agreement sh~ll beheld to be contrary to law by a court of competent J~uris- ¢~ction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has.been t~%en x~thin~the t~J~e provided, such provision~shall be voided, o. All other proVisions of this Agreement shall continue in full forceLa~d effect. The Voided provisions maybe reneEotiateduponwritten r~quest of either party. ~t~TICLE X. Grievance 'Procedure. ~ ~ ~ ~Section 1. A. For the purpose of this Agreement the term "grievance" means any disputes arising concerning the interpretation or application of the express provisions of this Agreement or any term or condition of ~nployment. .~ B~ In the event of 'such grievance arising there shall be ~o'Suspension of operations but an earnest effort shall be made to resolve such grievances in the manner prescribed by this Agreement. C. The Employe~ an~ the Union agree that the investigation'and processing of grievances shall be accomplished during the normal' work day~thout a reduction in wages or loss of leave"time to the. aggrieved or the'union stewardwhile consistentwith employee dUbies and resDonsibilities. . Sectmon 2. Procedure Grievances, as defined by Section 1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: · Step 1. 'An ~mployee claiming a violation conCerning the- . interpr'6%ation or application of this Agreement shall, within.twenty one (21).calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the ~nployee's supervisor as designated by the ~hpioyer. The ~nployer-designated'representative ~.~11 diSCUSs and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten ~(10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in ~,riting setting forth the nature of the ~rievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement.allegedly violated, the remedy requested, And shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10)calendar days after the ~ploye~-designated representative's final an~er in Step grieva~.ce no'appealed in~zriting to Step 2 by'the UniOn x.~thin ten (1~ calendar days sha~ considered waived. .Ste~ .2., If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented 1my the Union and discussed with the ~?loycr-dc~ignat~d 5t~p sen~atlveo The Er~loyer-~esigr~ted representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer in ~miting within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step may be appealed to Step 3 ~.~ithin ten (lO) calendar days f011m~ing the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 2. Any O evance not appealed in ~-lting to Step 3 by the Union within ten ) calendar days shall be considered ~.~ived. SteB ~. A grievance unresolved 1my the Union shall be suhnitted to arbitration subject '.to the Provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. The Selection' of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance ~,ith the. "Rttle Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public Employment Relations Board. Section S. Arbitrator's AuthOrity. A. ~he arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union, and shall have no authority.to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. B. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days follm.~lng close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the. parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. C. The fees and em.~enses of the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union provided that e~ch party shall be responsible for compensating its o~.m representatives and · .~tnocscs. If either party desires a verbatLm record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings the cost shall be shared eqtml!y. " Section 4. Waiver If a grievance is not presented ~thin the time limits set forth above, the grievance shall be considered "~ived". If a' grievance is not appealed to the next step ~.~thin the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, the grievance shall be considered settled on the basis of the ~ployer's last answer. If the ~PlOYer does'not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof x.~thin the specified time limits, the Union may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and inmned- iately appeal the grievance to~the next. step. The time. limit in each step maybe extended by mutual x~ritten agreement of the Employer and the Union in each step. Section 5. Choice Of Remedy :If, as a result of the ~ittenemployer response in'Step 2, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves'the suspension, demotion, or dis of an employee who has comp d the required probationary period, the grievance ~ay be appealed to either Step 3 .or a p~cedure such as: Civil Service, Veteran's Preference, or Fair E~ployuent. If appealed to auy procedure o~Rer ~an E~ep. 5, the grievance is not subject to thc arbitration procedure as provided in Step 3.. The aEErieve8 employee should indicate in ~itiug which procedure is to be utilized ~ Step 3 or another appeal procedure -- and should sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal through Step 3. ARTICLE)CK. Discipline Section 1. The employer;,ill discipline for cause only. Discipline will be in one or more of the follo~ngforms: a. Oral reprimand b. Written rep~_mand ..,... c. Suspension d. Demotion, or . .'. e. Discharge Section 2. Notices of. suspenSion, demotions .and discharges will be in written form and ~ill state the. reasons for the' action taken. Suspensio~swill set forth the time period for which the suspension shall be effective. Demotions ~.dd_l state the classification to which the employee is demoted, and ~11 not cause the loss of departmental seniority. Section 3. l.~ritten reprimands, notices of suspension, and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be. read and actmowledged by signature of the employee. The employee will re~elve a copy of such reprimands and/or notices. -Nritten reprimands ~rill be purged from the employee' s personnel file and be ~f no effect one (1) .year after the date of which the employee last received' either some form of disciplinary action or an unsatisfactory ~mployee.'evaluation. Section 4. Investigations a. Employees ~11 not be questioned concerning' an investi- ~tion of disciplinary action unless the employee' has ·been given an opportunity to have a Union representative present at such questioning. b. Employees shall be informed of all charges or accUsations made against' them 'which,' if proven, could result in disc.iplinary action. c. E~ployees under investigation concerning disciplinary action shall be informed of the nature of the investigation prior to any questioning and shall be informed of the names of all complainants. · 'd. '. No .complaint against ab ~nployee shall be 'entertained, nor any investigation of such icomplaint be held, unless, the complaint, is'signed by all complainants. ' :' e. Upon completion of all investigations concerning '" di~linary actions, the employer shall fully disclose all evidence the employee to the e~ploye~n writing. Section 5. Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) c~lendar day suspension ~lthout pay. Eectlon 6. Enployeesmay examine their own individual per~nnel files at reasonable times ~nder the direct supervision of theEnployer. Section 7. Grievances relating to this Article may be initiabed by theUnlon in Step 2 of the grievance procedure. ARTICLE )III, Job Safety Section 1. It shall be the policy of the EmploYer that the safety cf ~nployees, the protection of ~rk areas, the adequate training in necessary safety practices, and the prevention of accidents are a continuing and integral part of its everyday responsibilities. Section 2. It shall also be the responsibility of aL1 Employees to cooperate in programs to promote sa~fety to themselves-and the public and to comply with rules promulgated to insure safety. This Employee responsibility shall include the proper use of all safety devices in accordance with recognized safety procedures. ARTICLE XIII. Vo!untaryShift S~.~tching Section 1. Employees may voluntarily switch shift's with the Prior approval of the Chief. Voluntary s~.itching of shifts shall not obligate the Employer for overtime pay. ARTICLE XIV.' Seniority ~" Section 1. Definition Seniority shall'mean an Employees' length of se~.~ce in grade. An Employee's continuous service record shall be broken only by separation from se~rice by reasons of resignation, disclmrge for cause, retirement or death. An Employee's continuous service record shall be reduced by time on suspension, l.~en tw;o or more ~nployees have the same. seniority date, their position on the seniority list shallbedeb~rmined by lot. Section 2. Lay Offs ~o~en a reduction in the work.forc~~ becomes neces~ry, the Er~ployee with the least seniority shall be permitted'to bmnp back into.the police officer job classification, provided that he/she has greater seniority than the police officer~th the least Seniority.~ If not.'the employee shall be laid off. The last employee demoted or laid off shall be the first to be promoted or recalled for work.' No' new employees shall be hired or. promoted to fill the vacancy until either the 1A%-off list has been exhausted or twenty-four (24) months have passed since the last lay- off. "' ~" Section 3. Probationary Employees The probationary period for employees covered by this contract shall be slx (6) months for promoted enployees and twelve (12) months for n~,hires. · During the ~bationary period~a newly hirSr rehired employee may be discharged aW~' the sole discretion of the Employer. During the probationary period a promoted or reassigned Eaployee may be returned ko his previous position at ~he sole discretion of the ~mplozer. Section 4, Vacation Schedule One continuous vacation period shall be selected on the basis of seniority ~ntil March 15 of each calendar year. Section 5. Assigmments, Transfers, Promotions Shift assignments shall be made on the basis of seniority. Within two (2) months of the signing of this Agreement, new. Job descriptions shall be adopted detailing job duties and responsibilities for the positions of Sergeant of Patrol and Sergeant of InVestigations. Such Job descriptions shah be continuously maintained and additional assignments of Job duties or responsibilities shall be made in writing to the affected Sergeant. ARTICLE XV. Constitutional Protection Employees shallhave the rights granted to all citizens by the United States and Minnesota State Constitution. ARTICLE XVI. Work Schedule Section 1. Normal work year shall consist of 2,080 hours to be accounted for by each ~nployee through: Scheduled hours of work Holidays Roll Call & Staff Meetings Trai~__ug Nothing contained in this or .any other Article shall be interpreted to be a guarantee Of a min4~um or ~_ximum number' of hours the Employer may assign Employees. ARTICLE XVII. Court Time Section 1. An W~ployee who is required to apPear tn Co'urt during his scheduled off-duty time or who receives notice of cancellation of such a .court.appearance less than 18 hours.prior to the scheduled 'time for the court appearance, shall 'receive a mi~tmum of two (2)~hoUrs pay at one and one-half (1-~-) times the ~uployee's base pay rate. A~ extension Or early report to a regularly scheduled lshift does not 'qualify 'the Employee for 'the ~o (2) hour minimum. ARTICLE ]fiX. Standby Pay Section 1. Rmployees required by the Employer to standby shall be Paid for such standby time at the rate of one-half (~)'hours payf0r each hour on standby.' ARTICLE XX. ~Vertime Section 1. Employees shall be cmpensated at one and one-half (1½) %~es the Employee's regular base rate of pay for hours worked in excess of Re ~m~loyeels regularly scheduled shift. Claanges in shifts do not qualify an employee for overtime under this Article. Section 2. Overtime wtl! be distributed as equally as practicable. Overtime refused by an Employee will, for record purposes, be considered as unpaid overtime worked. For the purpose of computing overtime com- pensation overtime hours worked sbsll not be pyramided, ccmpotmded or paid twice for the same hours worked. Overtime shall be calculated to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. Section 3. Staff and departmental meetings shall not quali~ as overtime, up to a man, mum of four hours .per month provided at least a 48 hour notice is given of the meeting and it is scheduled during a regularly scheduled work day. ARTICLE XX~. Sick Leave Section 1. ~mployees shall be granted eight (8) hours of sick leave with pay for each calendar month of employment. Section 2. Unused sick leave shall accumulate without limit. Time on suspension, absent without leave or leave ~rithout pay shall not be counted in determining a calendar month of employment. Inability of an Employee to work due to either sic'mess or injury shall not result in the loss of his/her status as an Employee. Section 3. In the event of a death of a full time Enployee, the beneficiary, or sturvivor shall be entitled to the Employee,s. full accumulated sick leave pay. ARTICLE XXII. Severance· pay Section 1. Employees who were employed prior to January l, 1981 shall upon honorable separation'from 'the' Employer's service, receive Se'verance pay in an. amount equal to 33-1/3% of the first ninety (90) days of unused'sick leave. .In no event shall the amount exceed thirty {30) 'daYs pay under this Section. No payment shall be made unless the employee has completed thirty-six {36) months of service. Current employees with w.i~th ten (10) or less years of service shall receive benefits under thi. s Section. Section 2. The following is'the severance ~ay schedule that Shall become effective for all employees upon reaching tenure of five {5} years: After 5 years of service r 30% to a maximum of 18 days After l0 years of servi.ce - 35% to a maximum of 40 days After 15 years of serVice - 40% to a maximum of 72 days After 20 years of service - 45% to a maximum of 108 days After 25 years of service r 50%.to a maximum of 160'days Section 3. T'he Employer shall pay employee full amount of severance pay at time of termination, if requested. Employee may elect to receive equal amounts'over a period of five (5) years. · . . . .. :. ARTICLE ~V. Annual Leave Section 1. Employees shall receive paid vacations based upon the following schedule: 0 - 5 years of service 6 - 15 years of service 16 - 20 years of service 21 years and over l0 days per year 15 days per year 20 days per year 25 days per year Section 2. On an employee's twenty-fifth (25) anniversary of service, he/she shall be granted five (5) additional working days of vacation with pay for that year. This vacation leave must be taken off during.that year and cannot be waived to receive extra salary. Section 3. Paid vacations shall be earned during the first year of employment but cannot be taken without the approval of the Employer. ARTICLE XXV. Holidays Section 1. paid holidays: The Employer agrees to provide the following ½ day before New Year's Day New Year's Day President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day ½ day before Christmas Christmas Day One (1) Floating Holiday Columbus Day Section 2. Employees who'work on any of the'above-listed holidays shall receive a cash payment of one and one-half (1½) his/her base pay rate. ARTICLE XXVI. Injured on Duty The parties recognize that Employees working for the Mound Police Department and covered by this Agreement face a high.potential for injury due to the nature of their employment. Such Employee who in the ordinary course of employment and while acting ina reasonable-and prudent manner and in compliance with'the established rules and procedures of the Employer incurs a disabling injury, shall be compensated in an amount equal to the difference between the Employee's regular rate of pay and benefits paid under Worker's Compensation, without deduction from the Employee's accrued sick leave. ARTICLE XXVII. Compensation Employees shall be compensated .in accordance with the salary schedule.marked "Appendix A" at~ached hereto and made'a~part of this Agreement. ARTICLE II. Allowances and Fringe Benefits Allowances and fringe benefits shall be compensable per "Appendix B" attached hereto and made a part o~ this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIX.' Duration Except as herein provided, this Agreement shall be effective January 1, 1981 and shall continue in full force and effect until December 31, 1981 and thereafter until modified or amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Either party desiring to amend or modify this Agreement shall notify the other in writing by July 1 of the year in which modifications are desired, so as to comply with the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. CITY OF MOUND LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES DATED: - 10- DEF I N I T I ON S For the purpose of this Agreement the following terms and phrases shall have {he meaning j. iven to them. CITY OF MOUND, MIN~,~SOTA UNIOn: Local #35 of Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. E.IPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. OFFICE~: Officer elected or appointed by the Union member of LELS Local #35 in the bargaining unit to which this contract appfie's. APPENDIX "A" Effective January l, 1981, the salary schedule shall be as follows: SERGEANT OF PATROL - - MONTHS OF SERVICE 0 - ~months After 6 months SERGEANT OF INVESTIGATIONS MONTHS OF SERVICE 0 - 6 months After 6 months MONTHLY SALARY $2,195 $2,250 MONTHLY SALARY $2,310 $2,360 APPENDIX "B" INSURANCE The Employer agrees to provide each employee, after thirty (30) days of continuous employment, with hospitalization/major medical insurance, including dependent coverage, five-thousand dollar ($5,000) life insurance policy and long term disability insurance and pay seventy-seven and one-half percent (77-½%) of the premiums due. The Employer agrees to provide a Dental Insurance policy for each employee and dependents and pay up to a maximum of seventeen dollars ($17.00) per month of the premiums due. Upon retirement, after twenty (20) years of service at age fifty-five (55), employees who retire shall receive fifty percent (50%) of his/her hospitalization, major medical and dental insurance for retiree and spouse paid by the Employer. If the employee elects to be gainfully employed by another employer, either public or private, he/she shall lose any and all rights to insurance benefits provided by the City of Mound. Upon the employee's sixty-second (62nd) birthday, the Employer shall pay full premiums for hospitalization, major medical and dental insurance for retiree and spouse. Employees retiring during the term of this contract shall be entitled to the benefits as set forth in Sections 17.7 and 17.8. EYE EXAMINATIONS The Employer shall Pay thirty dollars ($30,00) toward an eye examination for each employee once in each twenty-four (24) month period of employment. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE Each employee shall be entitled to an annual uniform al. lowance of two-hundred'eighty dollars ($280'00) payable in two cash installments on'January 1.and July t. The Employer agrees to replace all clothing damaged in the line of duty at no cost to the employee. 12-9-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota December 3, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-401 SUBJECT: 1981 Budget Discussion on the 1981 Budget was tabled at the December 2nd meeting. The budget as proposed included 11 policemen for the full year. If the Council wishes to operate on 10 1/3 patrolmen, then the police budget could be reduced $18,762. It is recommended the budget be adopted. ~mber 2, 1980 Councilmember moved the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 80 - RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION 80-434 ADOPTING THE 1981 BUDGET AS AMENDED BY THE COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That the Council does hereby adopt the 1981 budget as the Police budget will be $414,376~f~?~I;' -...~ GENERAL: Council Manager Finance Inspection Legal Assessing Election Prosecutor Planning Human Rights Contingency Police Fire Fire Capital Outlay Civil Defense Streets Parks Shop & Stores Diseased Trees Pensions, PERA Fire Relief Assessments-City Debt. Serv. Imp. Bonds $33,350. 83,280 115,200 31,805 20,500 35,925 355 13,525 12,3OO. 465. 20,000. 414,376.~- 107,950. 227,O00. 9,145. 245,350. 74,855. 34,900. 63,170. 97,382. 47,814. 22,645. 35,149. $1,746,441. SELF SUPPORTING: Water Sewer Cemetery Imp. Equip. Outlay Sewer Cap. Outlay Liquor Water Rev. Bonds Building Funds $235,698. 387,325. 3,800. 93,700. 50,628. 205,300. 36,068. 51,671. $1,b64.190 amended whereby Grand Total of $2,810,631.1~ 12-2-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota November 19, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-387 SUBJECT: 1981 Budget Based on Council Memorandum No. 80-382, the Council authorized a budget of 10 1/3 Policemen and to use all Revenue Sharing Funds. In double checking, we found that I used the wrong column of figures on expenditures. I used $1,778,666; whereas after cutting the previ- ous, we should have used $1,721,425 for 10 policemen and $1,746,441 for 11 policemen. The budget would look like this: Income Less State's cut in funds Expenditures Difference $1,748,351. (-24,267.) $1,724,084. 1,746,441. (ll Policemen) $ (22,357.) If the $22,357 is taken from Revenue Sharing's $43,000, we would have $20,643 left in Revenue Sharing for Spring and Fall Pickup and other things. In 1980, we used $5,000 of this for summer recreation. TO: FIENNEPlN FROM: SUBJECT: December 3, 1980 City of Mound Vern 6enzlinger HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WATERS/ WETLANDS INVENTORY Attached is a copy of the correspondence we received from the DNR. As indicated, they agree and also disagree with comments that were sent to them on September 12, 1980. As per Minnesota Statutes 1978, Section 105.391, there is a procedure for individuals or the county to petition for a hearing on any dis- puted wetlands/public waters designation. This would be during a 90 day period following publication of the revised inventory map. The DNR has informed us that the revised map should be completed by the end of December. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Jim Ault or me. Chief, D~sign~Division VG/JEA:lar cc: Hennepin County SWCD Watershed Districts DNR PHONE DEPAI 'I' NT OF NA'I'URA/ $OUI £E$ SPACE CENTER BUILDING, 444 LAFAYETTE ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN 55101 612/296-4810 F,le No November 12, 1980 Hennepin County Bureau of Public Service Mr. Vern Genzlinger, Chief De~i~ Division 520 Washington Avenue South Hopkins, Minnesota SS345 Dear Mr. Genzlinger: RE: HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WATERS/WETLANDS INVENTORY The Department has carefully considered the comments submitted by the County, SWCD and municipalities concerning the designation of public waters and wetlands. These comments were received in this office on September 12, 1980. We apolo- gize for the delay in our response. Listed below by city, are the wetlands or public waters where the Department is in agreement with the comment submitted by the County. We will revise the map and list to reflect these agreements. Because of the large number of names supplied by the cities for wetlands, we have chosen not to list them in this letter. However, all names are accepted and will continue to be accepted as part of the inventory effort. Bloomington 1056P - Briar Pond - Type 2 wetland, delete 1073P - incorrectly located on prelim map - Redraw per City comment on location 1020W - Amsden Ridge Marsh -.Type 2, delete 1024W - Clark's Pond - less than 2.5 ac. - delete 1077P - Bryant Park - less than 2.5 ac. - delete 1064W - 2 separate wetlands - delete 1D25W - Lindstrom Pond - Type 2 - delete 1032W - Countryside - less than 2.5 ac. - delete 1046W - Rd. Machine Pond - less than 2.5 ac. - delete 1047W - Oxmor Pond - less than 2.5 ac. - delete 1053W - less than 2.5 ac. - delete 1054W - incorrectly located, should be further east on north side of 98th in what is now depicted as 1051P Brooklyn Center 637P - Correct map to show wetland only on westerly side of Shingle Creek. Approx. 8 acres, Type 3 638P - Correct boundaries, too large originally 639P - Change to 639W - correct boundaries, extends too far to NW Champlin 225W - Type 6 wetland, delete Eden Prairie 811W - less than 2.5_acres, delete 1088W - Add to inventory, 3 acre, Type AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Eden Prairie -cont 997P - Change to 9971~'- correct boundaries, too large originally 818W - Correct boundaries. Edina 805W - Correct location to north side of frontage road 1038W - Correct boundaries, we know of no reason to change to pub. waters class. 1039W - " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1040W - " " " " " " " " " " " " " Independence 399W - Correct boundaries, extends to both sides of road 392W - Delete SW and NE portion of wetland Sec. 8 - NW¼ is a 5 acre Type 3 to be added as #27-1097W 385W - Delete portion east of stream on north end 390W - Type 2, delete Maple Grove 558W - less than 2.5 acres, delete 554W - about 7 acres, boundaries corrected 262P less than 2.5 acres - delete 277W - less than 2.5 acres, delete 451W, 452W, 453W and 454W - relocate to north part of section 31 550W - Drained, remove 45018 - Type 2, delete 556W - Relocate westerly 449W - Type 2, delete Minneapolis 17W -.Change to 17P - "Cemetery Lake", surrounded by publicly owned lands Minnetonka 874P - Delete portion on east side of T.H. #101 765W - Type 2 wetland, delete 738W, 696P - Should be located west of Sunset Drive and south of 27-110W 1092W - Correct boundaries on south side to include contiguous wetlands in section 1, Tl17, R22 Minnetrista South of 921P, east of 943W - add Type 3, 55 acres assigned #27-1095W 964W - Correct location, about 100-150' from L. ~ltka. 133P - Halstead Bay - delete extension on south side of bay and assign separate number 27-109611, 3 ac. Type 4 Six Mile Creek - correct width of riparian wetland Mound The areas around Black Lake, Seton Lake, and Emerald Lake will be redrawn to more accurately reflect wetlands associated with these lakes. Orono The City of Orono requested additions to the inventory. The following areas will be adjusted, the remaining suggestions are not Type 3, 4 or 5 wetlands and cannot be added. 133P - West Arm should be extended to include riparian wetland. Carmen Bay will be extended to the north. Crystal Bay will be extended east. Echo Bay will be extended north to include 2 wetlands. Maxwell Bay should include a wetland in the center of section 9. - McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ L LANO SURVEYORS $1TF PLANN[fl$ Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 December 4, 1980 Mr. Howard (Bud) Orn 6057 Lynwood Boulevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Construction Section 1 Job #5248 Dear Mr. Orn, At last nights Council meeting, one of the Council members mentioned that he had talked with you and that there was work~ remaining on and in front of your property on Southview Lane. The completion date of the project is August 1, 1981. The contractor has all of the curb and most of the blacktop work done. Most of the remaining work is clean-up such as on your project. We are aware that Southview, behind the curb on your property, has to be leveled, black dirt placed and seeded or sodded. We also have on our list of work to be done in 1981 the shrubs to be planted. If there is any other work to be done would you let me know. Very truly yours, MoC, O S-K UTSON XSSOCZATES, Lyle Swanson, P.E. INC. LS:bb cc: Leonard Kopp Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls printed on recycled paper AGENDA Minnehaha Creek Watershed District December 11, 1980 Wayzata City Hall 7:30 p.m. e Se Call to order; present, absent, staff. Reading and approval of minutes of regular meeting, November 20, 1980. Approval or amendment of December 11, 1980, agenda. Hearing of permit applications. A. 78-22. H. Hankinson - renewal of a shoreline rip-rap permit, 3265 Carman Road, Carman Bay - Lake Minnetonka, Orono. B. 79-141. Duraps, Inc. - renewal of a grading/ drainage permit for "Coach Homes of Richfield," located on the south shore of Richfield Lake at 1100 West 66th Street, Richfield. C. 80-7. Boulder Bridge Farm - review of the pro- posed outlet structure for the wetland/pond, "Boulder Bridge Farm," Shorewood. D. 80-103. R. Zejdlik- shoreline setback variance, 4349 and 4355 Shoreline Drive, Black Lake - Lake Minnetonka, Spring Park. E. 80-108. City of Minnetonka - placement of fill in the floodplain of Minnehaha Creek for the con- struction of a trail, Big Willow Park, Minnetonka. F. 80-109. M. Nelson - dredging and the placement of fill in the floodplain of Lake Minnetonka (Libbs Lake), 3169 Lake Shore Blvd., Minnetonka. G. 80-110. E & F Development Company - grading/ drainage for a minature golf course, south of Excelsior Blvd. between Division Street and the Northwestern Railroad, Excelsior. Co rre spondence. Hearing of requests for petitions by public for action by the Watershed District. 0 Reports of Treasurer~ Engineer and Attorney. ae Treasurer's Report - Mr. Russell (1) Administrative Fund Report (2) Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project Fund Report Bo Engineer's Report - Mr. Panzer (1) Waterways Maintenance and Repair Fund Allocation $3,000 - City of Minnetonka - Lake Windsor Overflow (2) Gray's Bay Headwaters Control Structure - Operation and Maintenance Agreement (3) Weed Harvesting at Gray's Bay Headwaters Control Structure (4) Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project Channel Improve- ments - Channel Order No. 1, Deletion of Dredging at W. 44th Street, Edina (5) Engineer's Memorandum dated November 7, 1980, Upper Watershed Improvement Project - Painter Creek Pro- posal - Revised October 22,' 1980 (6) Hydrologic Observation and Operational Plan Pro- posal, October, 1980 (7) Proposed Comprehensive Guide Plan, City of Minne- tonka (8) Galpin Lake (9) Luggage and Leather Ce Attorney's Report - Mr. Macomber (1) Diversion Agreement - Northeast Pond (2) District Regulation Reprint (3) Recordation of permits Unfinished Business. ao Bridge Obstruction at 11907 Cedar Lake Road District Regulation Revision New Business. Adjournment. American Legion Post 398 DATE NOVEMBER 50 GAMRLING REPORT CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO DATE GROSS: ~255~.00 ~,2_~_~_595.00 EXPENSES: ~UPPLIES ~262.87 SALES TAX 98.27 PAYOUT AS PRIZES: ~laO0. O0 200.00 PROFIT: DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS: ALANO ~1000.00 25.00 25.00 CHECKING ACCOUNT ~~,1050.00 ~28~6.5~ ~5512.80 0 ! 0 ~s, eCI oo, eo, eQ o7 I q°'u°N go, uoN qummAed-UObI sSJO uzn& jo .6i su0 u~n& jo 'oI sj50 uzn£ 5o 'oI sR=a~fl (suoilaOJ paanpoad so, .~ufi qzol,,t Ol~IfiOPl SO XJ. IO [ a~ad CITY OF Mound, M{nnesota Month of Novemb Eonthly ;~ctivity Report Sewer Dep~rtmcnt This L~st ;[his' Ye Work Un{ts Month Month to D@t L~st CITY OF MOUND Mound, M{ nnesote Month of November 1_980 Monthly Activity Report of Street Deo~rtment & Shop This Lest Work Un~ ts Month Month ~,~n.~ ... ~0 /~ .../7~ :.B.D. M~ in~en~nce ,refills Tr,nsoort ~86 leri cai ~reet S~l Co,ted ~89 This Yeor To Date to D~te Le~t Year hetty ~371 ___--- ~© 1980 BUDGET REPORT November 19BO )ARTMENT ~UDGETED COUNCIL HUMAN RIGHTS MANAGER ELECTIONS ASSESSING FINANCE LEGAL 18 PROSECUTING POLICE 32 FIRE 33 INSPECTIONS $ 19,o65.oo 450.00 90.208.00 CURRENT EXP. Y-T-D 6,490.00 34,O50.00 106,796.00 14,ooo.oo 11,275.oo 522,699.00 115,920.00 31,944.O0 33 PLANNING 13,655.00 34 CIVIL DEFENSE 9,045.00 42 STREET SHOP & STORE DISEASED TREES PARKS TEMPORARY LABOR )i LIQUOR ~8 SEWER r3 WATER IMP EQUIP OUTLAY CEMETERY RETIREMENT FIRE RELIEF WATER REVENUE CONTINGENCY TOTALS 253,585.00 37,295.00 49,015.O0 74,725.00 4,000.00 18],138.00 324.O1 4~.75 298.72 3,552.n6 21.00 7,604.76 1,166.67 5,827.50 41,O68.75 11,382.67 2,420.32 569.5~ 85.23 22,932.37 4,108.87 3,281.46 O0 O0 20,259.30 390,325.00 27,628.64 250,667.00 20,012.69 100,670.00 3,350.00 75,518.00 46,306.00 37,136.00 20,000.00 2,499,327.00 31,724.O0 O0 5,334.Ou OO O0 O0 11,631.35 EXP. 32,374.~7 86.22 75,067.68 6,934.42 32,996.01 94,987.14 12,B33.37 10,998.50 510,280.10 87,886.71 34,142.59 18,806.44 1,955.13 26B,696.47 30,335.59 60,226.14 62,740.28 5,217.60 156,376.29 ALLOWED 17,476.89 412.51 82,693.67 5,949.38 31,213.63 97,899.89 12,833.80 10,335.79 479,158.17 lO6,263.86 29,283.06 % ACTUAL 1.6980 .192o .8320 1.o68o .9690 .8890 .9170 .9750 .9230 .758o 1.o68o 12,517,53 1,377o 8,291.55 .216o 232,461.36 34,188.32 44,932.05 68,550.40 3,666.80 166,o49.2o 3oo,741.52 357,81o.92 241,189.4o 229,786.43 92,284.18 3,070.94 69,227.3~ 76,451.50 992.98 71,538.32 9,780.24 37,264.3o oo , 240 , 899. 81 1.o59o .813o 1,229o .8400 1.3o4o .8633 .7700 .9620 .7590 .2960 .9470 42,448.71 .211o 34,042.57 1.oo40 18,334.oo .oooo 2~291,133,06 .8970 o c79 REPORT OF CASH BALANCES BY FUND Nov. 1980 CURRENT INVESTMENTS $ 4,419,511.1<3 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING BUILDING FUND SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY WATER REVENUE MUNICIPAL STATE AID IMPROVEMENT/EQUIPMENT OUTLAY FIRE CAPITAL OUTLAY (30,132.97) 13,829.50 50,411.00 43,516.00 47.,495.80 (12,949.55) 126,586.65 69,623,71 DEBT SERVICE 1979 STREET PROJECT 1980 STREET PROJECT LIQUOR - WATER - S EWER CEMETERY - P.E.R.A. FIRE RELIEF 1,719,371.89 436,161.58 2,501,349.50 145,476.84 148,372.29 (65,544.31) 7,988.02 (26,130.48) 26,240.46 ,.. TOTAL 5,189,665.93 '"~/''' 7 ~ T N Z CITY OF MObU~D MOUND ~ ~,~NNES~£A MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT OF LIQUOR DEPARtmeNT SALES THIS MONTH L~ST MONT~{ THIS YEAR LAST ~AR Ccmpsrison of Monthly Sales Month 19~