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PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. w ____ - _- ~__ ~._.. ___.____,_.___ _._._ __.,~.._. __ _ -_ . _ . _ ._ _ ~.. _., CITY OF M~UNI) MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at ~ reasonable f cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all catizens„Ifoster~c a safe, attracti~~e and flourishing community. AGENDA ~~~' ~~~`~ 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. Consent Agenda Page # *A. Approve minutes of July 25, 2006 regular meeting 1828-1834 *B. Approve payment of claims 1835-1854 *C. Approve Resolution Naming Election Judges 1855 *D. Approve Resolution Appointing Absentee Ballot Board 1856 *E. Approve Resolution Approving Disbursing Agreement 1857-1860 Reduction Request No. 2 for Villas on Lost Lake Construction Project *F. Approve Payment Request No. 3 from Hardrives, Inc. in the 1861-1865 amount of $360,285.88 for the 2006 Street Project *G. Approve Cooperative Agreement for Stormwater Best 1866-1884 Management Practices between the City of Mound, Our Lady Of the Lake Church, and the MCWD 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minutes per speaker.) 6. Lost Lake Dredge Project A. Approve Resolution Receiving Feasibility Report, Approving Plans and 1885-1886 Specifications, and Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for the 2006 Lost Lake Dredge Project I *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCII, CHAMBERS. 7. Status and Update on the Minnetrista Fire Station project 8. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Questions and Comments from Councilmembers B. Reports: Budget Report -June 2006 Harbor Wine & Spirits -July 2006 American Wine Trends C. Correspondence: V.F.W. Post 5113 Xcel Energy 9. Adjourn 1887-1890 1891-1893 1894 1895 1896 1897-1905 .--._ This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: wwN~.cityofmound.com. 2 COUNCIL BRIEFING August 8, 2006 Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget': Aug 5 -10:00 -Andrews Sisters Trail Dedication Aug 8 - 6:00 - HRA meeting (note time) Aug 8 - 7:00 - 2007 Budget Workshop (note time) Aug 8 - 8:00 or at the conclusion of the above meeting -Regular CC (note time) Aug 22 - 6:30 -Regular HRA Aug 22 - 7:30 -Regular CC Aug 29-Sept 12 -Filing dates for City Council Sept 7 - 6:30 -Regular HRA Sept 7 - 7:30 -Regular CC Sept 12 - 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. -Primary Election Sept 15 - 6:30-12:00 -Taste of the Lakes - Bayview Event Center Sept 26 -Regular HRA Sept 26 -Regular CC Oct 12 - 6:00 -Harbor Wine & Spirits winetasting -Burl Oaks Oct 14 - 8:00-3:00 -Recycling Day Nov 7 - 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. -General Election Nov 16 - 6:00 -Tree Lighting Ceremony Nov 17 - WeCan Sleepout Benefit (note date change) Upcoming Absences Kandis Hanson Sept 9-13 ICMA Conf City Hall and PS Facility Admin Closings Sept 4 Labor Day Human Resources 53 applications were taken for the PD Administrative Assistant. Nine were interviewed on Aug 3, narrowing the pool to three, who will be interviewed on Aug 8. Applications were received from very qualified individuals. The goal is to start someone on Sept 1. ~~~~i MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 2006 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, July 25, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mike Specht, John Beise and David Osmek. Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Amanda Schwarze, Tom Dulebahn, Gloria Yule, Vernon Snodgrass, Vince Forssman, John Evans, Stan Mierzejewski, Scott Lindberg, Ron Marschke, Tom Walsh, Robbie Flatten, Mark Hanus, James and Kathy Veit, Pat Horgan, Virginia Gardstrom, Dwight Gardstrom, Laura and Dean Sulander, Brad Curtis, Tom Reese, Tom Dulabohn Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Counci/member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1, Open Meeting Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve Agenda Brown requested making the request for addition to the consent agenda, Item 9A, Public Gathering .Permit application from MarineMax. Meisel requested the addition of Item 5i, Verizon Agreement. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Action on Resolution Declaring August 5, 2006 as Andrews Sisters Day MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 06-85: RESOLUTION DECLARING AUGUST 5, 2006 AS ANDREWS SISTERS DAY IN THE CITY OF MOUND -1828- Mound Council Minutes -July 25, 2006 Mayor Meisel presented a framed resolution to Tom Rockvam, who was instrumental in the Andrews Sisters Trail dedication scheduled for August 5, 2006. 5. Consent Agenda Osmek requested the removal of item 5A for discussion. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to approve items 4B through 4i. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. (removed) B. Approve Payment Request No. 8 from Buffalo Bituminous in the amount of $92,567.21 for the 2005 Street Improvement Project C. Approve Payment Request No. 4 from Chicago. Bridge & Iron. in the amount of $105,015.21 for the Chateau Water Tower Project D. Approve American Engineering Testing payment of $1,882.50 for the 2006 Street Improvement Project E. ORDINANCE NO. 14-2006: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 800 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES F. ORDINANCE NO. 15-2006: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 810 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO BEER LICENSING G. RESOLUTION NO. 06-86: RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE H. Approve authorization for Bolton & Menk to prepare Water Supply Emergency and Conservation Plan Update I. Approve Memorandum of Water Tower Lease Agreement and Water Tower Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless for the water tower at 6125 Evergreen Road. 5A. Approve payment of bills Osmek had question on the coding of a bill from The Laker to the docks fund. This publication was for the Charter Boat ordinance, and was coded appropriately. 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda John Evans of 2025 Arbor Lane, appeared before the Council expressing concern over the under-use of the Lost Lake Channel. He suggested ways of getting people to use this channel for access to our downtown businesses, all of which the Council will take under consideration. 2 -1829- Mound City Council Minutes -July 25, 2006 7. Public Hearing Action on Ordinance Amending Chapter 350 of the Mound City Code as it relates to the Zoning Ordinance -reduce maximum number of stored recreational vehicles from 7 to 5 and incorporate new regulations for front yard parking Sarah Smith reviewed the proposed changes to the code, being consideration of reducing the maximum number of "recreational vehicles" which may be stored on a property from 7 to 5 and to incorporate provisions to regulate the parking of a "recreational vehicle" in front yard areas. Members of the Planning Commission did not support the addition of a regulating recreational vehicles parked in front yards due to concerns about the number of "small lots" in mound and the ability enforce the new regulations. As an alternative the Planning Commission suggested and recommended an amendment to reduce the number of "recreational vehicles" which may be stored on a property from 7 to 5 and encouraged the City Council to take small steps as opposed to significant changes to the exterior storage regulations. Smith also presented correspondence from Rebecca Bowers and Gary and Jane Johnson, both supporting the proposed changes to the ordinance. Mayor Meisel opened the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. Brad Curtis, 5967 Idlewood Road, asked why we were here again about this topic. The same discussion occurred about 6-7 years ago. He emphasized that he thinks this is a working man's town and he doesn't think the people who built the community should have to sacrifice for new people moving in that don't like the looks of certain neighborhoods. Tom Dulebohn, 4448 Radnor Road, feels there is not enough enforcement of the existing regulations. His new neighbors have bad habits, with storing old junket cars and a horse trailer that have 5-6' tall weeds surrounding them. One neighbor put a bar in his garage and everyone comes over there to smoke and drink. Another has a boat with a blue tarp over it that hasn't moved for years. He feels there is more inspection and more enforcement needed. Vernon Snodgrass, 3025 Longfellow Lane, stated he doesn't have a qualm with the ordinance but is concerned with contractors currently parking on public streets instead of in their own yards, as well as people who shove boat trailers in the weeds or trees not even on their own property. John Evans, 2025 Arbor Lane, stated he has a lot of pride in his home, but this pride isn't shared by all residents. He is in favor of reducing the number from 7 __ to 5. 3 -1830- Mound City Council Minutes -July 25, 2006 Stan Mierzejewski, 1942 Shorewood Lane, urged the Council to accept the full amendment as proposed by staff. He presented some pictures of his neighbor's house with various boats, trailers and cars parked at his property. He feels this deteriorates his property value, and also thinks that the amendment is not strong enough. He thinks the city needs to be cleaned up. Gloria Yule, 5990 Ridgewood Road, asked what ruling there is for empty boat trailers parked on the street day after day and she was asked to call the Police Department when this is occurring so they can ticket the violators. Kathy Veit, 2563 Lost Lake Road, expressed opposition to the amendment because Mound is a recreational community and her neighborhood doesn't have a problem with this issue. She questioned why the council would apply this if not everyone has a problem. Bruce McIntyre, 6143 Basswood, said he has a motorhome on the cement driveway, and also a boat that he bought in 1975 that has been sitting on the grass next to house since then. He understands that with the proposed amendment he would have to cement a pad for under the boat or get rid of the boat. Dean Hunter, Tuxedo Blvd, doesn't see why we need any more regulations. He's lived here for 25 years and it doesn't bother him to have things in the yards. It's shows there are people living and having fun there. If all of his seven kids were home he wouldn't even keep all the cars in the yard with the new amendment. Dean Sulander, 2524 Emerald Drive, feels that we don't need new regulations, but need to enforce the ones we have. Scott Lindberg, 1936 Shorewood Lane, said that if only the operating cars are counted, that 5 is a good number. He's seen a lot of stuff parked in yards other than cars, and that gets to be an eyesore. He has nothing against work vehicles in the driveways, as long as the neighborhood isn't shabby-looking. Mary McKinley, 5948 Hillcrest Road, said she has a very small lot and they own two watercraft, not including one that they share with another person. The watercraft can't be seen by anyone because they are stored behind the house. She also asked if two personal watercraft on a trailer constitutes 3 or 1 units. Staff determined that this definition will have to be stated more clearly. McKinley continued by stating that she thinks the existing regulations need to be enforced. 4 -1831- Mound City Council Minutes -July 25, 2006 Kandis Hanson. addressed the enforcement issue, stating that in the past three years nuisance abatements have occurred on 300-400 properties annually. This includes abatements of all types; weeds, exterior storage, garbage, vehicles, etc., so the ability to enforce is there. Tom Walsh, 5770 Bartlett, expressed his opposition to the amendment mainly because of the hardcover issue. It's costly and wouldn't look good. He's having parking problems in his neighborhood and said he reported it to the Police Department and they enforce at their discretion. This is especially evident at the Depot. Chief Kurtz answered that discretion is used there because of the bad parking situation, but this topic is not relevant to this public hearing's topic. Mayor Meisel closed the public hearing at 8:39 p.m. After discussion, it was the consensus of the council that the amendment needed more work regarding definitions of terms used within and taking into consideration the concerns expressed at the hearing. Chief Kurtz, Ray Hanson, and Sarah Smith should work on the draft to prepare for the Planning Commission's reconsideration. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to table action on this item and refer it back to the Planning Commission for refinement regarding definitions and the issues brought forward regarding the proposed amendment. All voted in favor. Motion carried. $. Approve Minutes MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve the minutes of July 11, 2006. The following voted in favor: Brown, Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: None. Osmek abstained from voting as he was absent from that meeting. Motion carries. 9. Review of proposed ordinance as it relates to Shoreland Overlay District Changes Sarah Smith stated that no formal action is needed on this item this evening, but that this is an informal review of the proposed amendments by the Council to ensure that they are consistent with previous Council action. The previous direction was to have that riparian lots which are separated from public waters by commons or undeveloped, platted streets may include a portion of this adjacent area to meet the minimum lot area standard. The portion of the commons or undeveloped, platted street to be included to meet tot area requirements must be above the ordinary high water level, identified on the plat, and be agreed to by the City. These area would have to be kept undeveloped for as long as the lot existed. 5 -1832- Mound City Council Minutes -July 25, 2006 After discussion it was the consensus that the Council does not want the commons or undeveloped, plated streets to be included in .the calculation of lot area. Sarah will revise the amendment to that affect 9A. Public Gathering Permit submitted by Marine Max An application has been received for a public gathering permit to use Mound Bay Park for a Customer Appreciation/Company picnic for July 29, 2006, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. with attendance of 125-200 people. Brown and Osmek conveyed that they believe this is not an acceptable time to hold this event because of how busy that area is on week-ends with our own residents. Parking is an issue as well as afor-profit company over-taking the park when it is heavily used by residents. Hanson commented that she and the Police Chief met with representatives from the company and they seem to be well-organized and stated they will bring. in their own temporary facilities and garbage receptacles and take care of park clean-up when the event is completed. Most of the event will take place out on the water, with boats tying together. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to approve the public gathering permit submitted by marine Max for July 29, 2006 at Mound Bay Park. The following voted in favor: Specht, Beise and Meisel. The following voted against: Brown and Osmek. Motion carried. 10. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Questions and Comments from Councilmembers: Osmek questioned why appropriate staff didn't bring National Night Out back before the Council for consideration as directed. Hanson stated it is the same week as the Andrews Sisters event and that police overtime got scrutinized in the budget and overtime makes National Night Out an expensive event. She stated that police overtime was slashed severely in the 06 budget, so as City Manager she deemed it irresponsible to bring this up in an already skinner year. Osmek stressed that he thought this should have been the decision of the Council, not the City Manager. B. Reports: PC Minutes of July 10, 2006 LMCD Newsletter Star Tribune Article on Railroad Authority Municipal Communications Law Update C. Correspondence: Northstar Commuter Rail 6 -1833- Mound City Council Minutes -July 25, 2006 11. Adiourn MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to adjourn at 9:56 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 7 -1834- AUGUST 8, 2006 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ 072606SUE $390.61 JULY ~ ~ 072706SUE $1,080.43 JULY ~ ~ 080806SUE $553,074.65 AUG ~ TOTAL $554,545.69 -1835- ~ 1 ,-.. .... //`'~ ~~ ~_ CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 07/26/06 9:56 AM Page 1 Batch Name 072606SUE Payments Current Period: July 2006 User Dollar Amt $390.61 Computer Dollar Amt $390.61 $0.00 In Balance Refer 72606 NICCUM, DANIEL _ Cash Payment G 101-21715 Flex Plan Medical 2006 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT $63.26 Invoice 072606 7/26/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 u,_~ . m ~ ~,~~.«.,~~n _ nom,, .~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total _ $63.26 . . Refer 72606 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ ._ _ -~ _. _ ., _ M ~ ~, ..~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 05-06 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $286.28 Invoice 072506 7/25/2006 Transaction Date 7/19/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $286.28 Refer 72606 VERIZON WIRELESS (FIRE/F/N) - Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 07-03-06 CELL PHONES $3.33 Invoice 072606 7/26/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 07-03-06 CELL PHONES $37.74 Invoice 072606 7/26/2006 Transaction Date 7/17!2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $41.07 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $101.00 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $289.61 $390.61 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $390.61 Total $390.61 -1836- City of Mound 07/27/06 3:55 PM /.~„".-.. /, Page 1 Payments ....~ C{TY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2006 Batch Name 072706SUE User Dollar Amt $1,080.43 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $1,080.43 $0.00 In Balance Refer 72706 ALA CARTE CATERING _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION Invoice A26514 7/27/2006 Transaction Date 7127/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 72706 CASH, PETTY CASH Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training PARKING, MUNICIPALS Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training PARKING, MUNICIPALS Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous FRAME, ANDREW SISTERS Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous FRAME Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts PHONE EQUIPMENT Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-322 Postage POSTAGE DUE Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Transaction Date 7/27/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 72706~ ~HA WKS, SHIRLEY ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE EMPLOYEE EVENT Invoice 072706 7/27/2006 Transaction Date 7/27/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,038.51 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $5.00 601 WATER FUND $5.00 602 SEWER FUND $31.92 $1,080.43 $845.40 Total $845.40 $5.00 $5.00 $21.29 $21.29 $31.92 $0.38 Total $84.88 $150.15 Total $150.15 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $1,080.43 Total $1,080.43 -1837- City of Mound 08/02/06 9:18 AM _ ,, ,.__ ~`' ~~ ~ Payments Page 1 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Batch Name 080806SUE User Dollar Amt $553,074.65 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $553,074.65 $0.00 In Balance Refer 80806 3M COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials CUTTABLE FILM, ETC $814.73 Invoice TP51874 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $814.73 Refer 80806 AAA NURSERY AND LANDSCAPIN _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material DIRT FOR CEMETARY $479.25 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 _ .. _ .. _. ,,. ,..x,~ ~ 3~~.,~.~ ~, ~.~ .. ~ , Total $479.25 Ref er 80806 a ,~ . ,.m - ~~ ~,-~ ACTION RADIO AND COMMUNICA _ ~ ~ ~, ~~...o~.Pr~, Cash Payment E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay FA #844 SQUAD SETUP #2731 $2,706.10 Invoice 4485 8/8/2006 PO 19715 Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maintenance 3843 MDC IN SQUAD $482.73 Invoice 4454 8/8/2006 PO 19714 Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maintenance #842 MDC IN SQUAD $589.68 Invoice 4459 8/8/2006 PO 19713 „^, Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery #845 REPAIR GUN LOCK $209.26 Invoice 4499 8/8/2006 PO 19716 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 x ._. ~, ~.-.a . ~~. -,~ .~~.~:,~... ~aa , ~ ro w. Total $3,987.77 Refer 80806 , __ ADVANCED GRAPHIX, INCORPOR , ~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~~~ , ,,.~. ~ ~, ,~ _: Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery DECAL KITS $592.14 Invoice 11797 8/8/2006 PO 19709 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $592.14 Refer 80806 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 08-06 WASTE SERVICE $101.47 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 08-06 WASTE SERVICE $101.47 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 07-06 WASTE SERVICE $43.12 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 07-06 WASTE SERVICE $43.12 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 07-06 WASTE SERVICE $43.11 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ,. d ~ ~., . ~_.,.. , . _ Total $332.29 Refer 80806 . ~,~ AMUNDSON, M. LLP ~ ~.:,~~~ ., Cash Payment E 609-49750-256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES Invoice 204916 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo ~~,.n.,a ,.....~ ~ r~a~. _~.,~,~,~.,~. e _ _ _ ~ _, Refer 80806 ANDERSON IRRIGATION, INCORP "^ Cash Payment E 475-46386-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 10121 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Refer 80806 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE $675.28 10100 Total $675.28 07-17-06 LOST LAKE DREDGE Project PW0511 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $794.30 $794.30 -1838- City of Mound 08/02/06 9:18 AM .-~''""` Page 2 ~/~ ~~ Payments 1_`_ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $155.80 Invoice 438621003 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $131.50 Invoice 438620908 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $66.25 Invoice 438620206 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $107.80 Invoice 438620516 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $103.10 Invoice 438620308 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $143.80 Invoice 438621213 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo ..~..~ 10100 . . ~~. ,~. ..~..,~ , Total $708.25 a 3n.~,,.~.~.~- . ~,.. ~.. _ _ _ ~~ .,...,a Refer 80806 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DES/G _ ,.,~.~,..~.~. , ...... . .. ~~, «. , Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER T-SHIRTS $77.93 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER T-SHIRTS $77.93 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER T-SHIRTS $77.94 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/25/2006 . . a ~~ ~ ~ .~ Wells Fargo F ~ ~„ 10100 .~ Total $233.80 . _.... ., _._ . ,,, ...3~ . Refer 80806 ASSURED SECURITY . . Cash Payment E 101-41910-401 Repairs/Maint Buildings CITYHALL DOOR LOCK REPAIRS Invoice 39334 8/8/2006 _ Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total a, ~n.m: -. _ .. ., , Refer 80806 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 37696700 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANIDSE Invoice 41823600-A 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES Invoice 41823600-B 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 37829800 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 37764200 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 41810000 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 37750500 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 37763400 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 80806 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 GENERAL ENGINEERING Invoice 0095871-A 8/8/2006 $91.00 $91.00 $5,180.15 $66.70 $219.85 $824.90 $446.05 $33.14 $778.85 $5,385.90 Total $12,935.54 $169.38 -1839- ~,_.____~ City of Mound o6/02/06 9Page 3 ~ Payments ~. ~ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 GENERAL ENGINEERING Invoice 0095871-B 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 GENERAL ENGINEERING Invoice 009587-C 8/8!2006 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 GENERAL ENGINEERING Invoice 0095871-D 8/8/2006 Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 WELL #3 PUMPHOUSE Invoice 0095872 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 401-43106-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0095873 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 401-43106-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0095874 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0095875 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs t--. Invoice 0095876 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs invoice 0095877 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0095878 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 427-43121-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0095879 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Project PW0608 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 2006 STREET RECONSTRUCTION Project PW0601 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 2006 STREET RECONSTRUCTION Project PW0601 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 2006 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT Project PW0604 THRU 06-16-06 WATER SYSTEM REMODELING 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 LOOP SURVEY CONTRACT Project PW0610 05-20-06 THRU 06-16-06 ANALYSIS REPORT THRU 06-16-06 110/15 MILL AND OVERLAY THRU 06-16-06 LIFT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS $169.38 $169.37 $169.37 $375.00 $43,329.37 $480.00 $4,298.50 $6,130.50 $8,992.50 $1, 399.50 $277.50 $2,906.00 Invoice 0095880 8/8/2006 Project PW0606 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs THRU 06-16-06 COMP PLAN UPDATE $685.00 Invoice 0095881 8/8/2006 Project 06002 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs THRU 06-16-06 UPDATE UTILITY MAPS $31.25 Invoice 0095882-A 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs THRU 06-16-06 UPDATE UTILITY MAPS $31.25 Invoice 0095882-B 8!8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 ~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~~ ~ „„ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ $69,613.87 .a~ ~ _ Refer 80806 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/WJ _ ~~ _ ~ ~~ .,- Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts MOTOR OIL $29.91 Invoice 14297-390255 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials NYLON RECOIL HOSE, ETC $11.06 Invoice 14257-390255 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials NYLON RECOIL HOSE, ETC $11.06 Invoice 14257-390255 8/8/2006 ^-~ Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials NYLON RECOIL HOSE, ETC $11.05 Invoice 14257-390255 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $63.08 Refer 80806 CITIES DIGITAL SOLUTIONS -1840- _ City of Mound 08/02/06 9:18 AM r-..'"- ~~`\ Page 4 / Payments L._^_ ~ C{TY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 2006 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT $596.00 Invoice 1936 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $596.00 Refer 80806 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 68053422 8/8!2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 80806 CODDON, STEVE Cash Payment G 101-23079 2974 Oaklawn,Coddon,Sub- 2974 OAKLAWN SUB-DIV Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 $511.60 Total $511.60 $798.60 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $798.60 Refer 80806 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-42400-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 74508 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 74508 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 74508 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 74508 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 74508 8!8/2006 Cash Payment E 281-45210-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-06 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 74508 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 80806 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY $8.92 $1.78 $1.78 $1.78 $1.78 $1.78 Total $17.82 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $53.50 Invoice 371501 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,486.20 Invoice 371626 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,539.70 Refer ~80806~DEPART EMPLOYMENT ECONOMI ,, , + ,~ ,..~ ,.,,. ~ .~ ~ ~a> ..„~a ,,nN ~ ~4 ,u m ~ Y-,~~ ~ ~,~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-140 Unemployment Comp Invoice 106-002 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-140 Unemployment Comp Invoice 106-002 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Refer 80806 DUANE'S 66 SERVICE Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials THRU 05-15-06 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials THRU 05-15-06 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials THRU 05-15-06 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo Refer ~, 80806 ~ DYNAMEX DELIVERS NOW 2ND QTR BENEFITS PAID $3,730.00 2ND QTR BENEFITS PAID $1,750.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,480.00 $46.00 $46.00 $46.00 10100 Total $138.00 -1841- l 1 City of Mound ~;-,..~-_.___ 08/02/06 9:18 AM Page 5 ~~ ~~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs 07-07-06 DUMP REMEDIATION $64.60 Invoice 1215684 8/8/2006 Project PW0607 Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs 07-20-06 DUMP REMEDIATION $59.67 Invoice 1217292 8/8/2006 Project PW0607 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 ~, ~. ~,, „ , ~ . .n. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $124.27 . . ,~,.~~~.~ m .~,, . ~. o ~»~..~. r Refer 80806 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH _ ~ . .~ ~~a o,..~.__. ~,. _.., s~.,,, , Cash Payment E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay FA #844 LIGHT BAR #2731 $1,412.77 Invoice.MS050406-11 8/8/2006 P019615 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,412.77 Refer 80806 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT AN _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts GUTTER BROOMS $670.95 Invoice 5801 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 . ~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $670.95 w ~ - ~a ra~~~,.~ ~.n.~. Refe r 80806 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES _ .. , ~,~.,~, ,~,. _~~,,,,, ._..... ~~,~.... ~_. r ~... ... <,W _., ...., e.~,._ ,~.. Cash Payment E 401-46590-300 Professional Srvs PARKS P/W FACILITY STUDY $337.50 Invoice 00-7641 8/8/2006 Project 08900 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 . nay , ~s , ~ xm~~ ~ .rir ~ ~ . ~ > ~h~~,, .,~ ~~ ~ , t Wells Fargo 10100 Total . . ~ , . .~. _ . $337.50 ~ ,,. . ..... ~~. ~ , . . , . , . , , . ~ Refer 80806 EXTREME BEVERAGE m _ ._ P .,.,~ ~ _, . . .. Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $96.00 Invoice 449302 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 . ~ ~~~ Wells Fargo 10100 Total ,~~ ~~ ~ ~ a..~..~.~~u~,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ $96.00 . ~~~~, ~ ~ Refer 80806 FIRE CHIEFS, INTNAL ASSOCIATI ,~ ~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 07-01-06 THRU 06-30-07 MEMBERSHIP DUES $170.00 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/25/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $170.00 Refer 80806 FIRE SERVICE CERT OF MINNESO .,,~ ...... . ......~, ~ x.~ .~~ .. ~ .,.,~.~ n,~ti Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies FIREFIGHTER II AND INSPECTOR I $182.00 Invoice 565 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/25/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total .. ~. $182.00 ~ , Refer 80806 FRESHWATER HARVESTING _ 5 s ..,~_ ~ . ~ _ .. ~ Cash Payment E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maintenance 07-11-06 CUTTING $1,135.00 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $1,135.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ Refer 80806 G & K SERVICES ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-18-06 UNIFORMS $53.69 Invoice 6848444 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-18-06 UNIFORMS $48.94 Invoice 6848444 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-18-06 UNIFORMS $28.77 Invoice 6848444 8!8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-18-06 UNIFORMS $9.16 Invoice 6848444 8/8/2006 --~- Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 07-18-06 MATS $57.04 Invoice 6848444 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 07-18-06 MATS $57.04 Invoice 6848444 8/8/2006 -1842- J.__.___,_,_ City of Mound /~ ~~~ Payments -~- ~" --- CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 07-18-06 MATS Invoice 6848444 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 07-18-06 MATS Invoice 6848445 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 07-18-06 MATS Invoice 6848447 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 07-18-06 MATS Invoice 6848448 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-25-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-25-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-25-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 07-25-06 UNIFORMS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 07-25-06 MATS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 07-25-06 MATS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 07-25-06 MATS Invoice 6854891 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 80806 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 07-06 WATER SERVICE Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Welis Fargo Refer 80806 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, lNCORPOR 10100 Total $7.21 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $764.25 Invoice 83498 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $704.25 Invoice 83498 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,468.50 Refer 80806 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY -~ ~`~ " ~ ~•° ~ ~ ..,~~ m r Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $159.90 Invoice 440308 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $877.01 Invoice 441993 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $31.37 Invoice 441991 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,011.95 Invoice 441990 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $918.96 Invoice 445247 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $130.24 Invoice 445245 8!8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,191.56 Invoice 445244 8/8/2006 08/02/06 9:18 AM Page 6 $57.03 $102.36 $47,73 $146.38 $53.69 $24.34 $28.77 $9.16 $29.12 $29.12 $29.11 Total $811.45 $7.21 -1843- l 1 __ City of Mound "" 08/02/06 9:18 AM ~® ~---. ,~- ' ' .~,.. Payments .Page 7 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $394.52 Invoice 445069 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$182.66 Invoice 698373 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ ~ ~ Total $4,532.85 Refer 80806 HANSON, KANDIS ~ ~ _ H~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Cash Payment E 101-41310-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-31-06 REIMBURSE MILEAGE $713.79 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ y Total $713.79 Refer 80806 HARDRIVES, INCORPORATED _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 401-43106-500 Capital Outlay FA THRU 07-25-06 2006 STREET IMPROVEMENT $360,285.88 Invoice REQUEST #3 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 ,w.. ~,. Wells Fargo 10100 , . Total $360,285.88 . Refer 80806 HARMON GLASS SERVICES a~~,~.~.... ,, mwm. _ ~ x.,.,~: .,~. ., . ,~ .,~_. Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies TEMP GLASS $96.55 Invoice 2400-10331 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/25!2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.55 Refer 80806 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMAT/O _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-418 Other Rentals e--. 06-06 RADIO LEASE $2,217.15 Invoice 26068034 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,217.15 Refer 80806 HENNEPIN COUNTY T'REASUR (R - Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 06-06 ROOM AND BOARD $232.25 Invoice 001509 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $232.25 Refer 80806 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER Cash Payment E 450-46388-300 Professional Srvs TRANSCIENT PARKING DECK MAILING $165.00 Invoice 2006-87 8/8/2006 Project 06001 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 _ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 , .. _ ~ . _ ... ~ Total ~ $165.00 Refer 80806 HOHENSTElNS, INCORPORATED ,. ., ~ ~ _ , ~.~ <~,~..,..., , .r, . ~ -~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $434.70 Invoice 395155 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 ~„~.„a .~. ~.v ~r~. e~ . ~~.. ~~ t. ~,,. ~~~,~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~, ., . ~ H Total , $434.70 . _ a , Refer 80806 /NFRATECH . ._., .~ . ,..~ ~ ~. ~.~,, _ ...,. . Cash Payment E 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts GAS FOR BIOSYSTEMS . $391.92 Invoice 0601247 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $391.92 Refer 80806 INTERNATIONAL PATCH COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies SHOULDER PATCHES $447.30 Invoice 27810 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 ror,,,. ~~, ~,~ .,, ,. x~,w, ~.~, ~~~~ ~- Wells Fargo 10100 o ~,v~ ~~o- , . ,~~~ m ~ .~ ~ n, ,r ~r Total $447.30 . ~ .. . . ---° Refer 80806 JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, /NCOR , . tiw .. _.. .,.....,, ~ . .. _ .a ~~~~F ~ ,~,. art ,....~, ,: Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 08-06 CLEANING SERVICE $1,227.95 Invoice MIN08060478 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,227.95 -1844- __ City of Mound os/o2/os s:18 AM /-""~^y ,, Page 8 / Payments 1.- •,... CITY OF MOUND Current Perlod: August 2006 Refer 80806 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1109442 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1109443 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1109444 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1112666 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1112665 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1112664 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1112663 8/8/2006 $1,163.72 $618.40 $27.49 $56.75 $174.17 $2,411.92 $438.00 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$63.95 Invoice 315686 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$88.00 Invoice 306729-D 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,738.50 Refer 80806 KILLMER ELECTRIC COMPANY _ ~~ ` ~i e ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~% ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities CHANGE OUT TIME CLOCKS $506.47 Invoice 61873-2003 8/8!2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 ~ ~ , x ~ Wells Fargo 10100 . ~m- Total $506.47 ~. . ._ , Refer 80806 KOENIGAND SCHWERT ~ . ~~ a~ ,.~,~ri.,~~. ,~r..~ ~., ,_ < .,..... w~.a _.,~ «~~,,,.~_ , ~.,- Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2005/2006 #14-117-24-44-0004 $325.52 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 _. ~~~,~~ e,..~ ~~. ~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 , Total $325.52 , . . n Refer 80806 KOLLMER CONSULTANTS, INCOR _„ .. ~. _ _ _ _. _ - - Cash Payment G 601-16300 Improvements Other Than BI 2355 CHATEAU WATERTOWER $7,560.00 Invoice 1290 8/8/2006 Project PW0506 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,560.00 Refer 80806 LAKE MINNETONKA ASSOCIATION _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES $50.00 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/2/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 80806 LAKE RESTORATION, INC. Cash Payment E 675-49425-440 Other Contractual Servic BEACHWOOD POND AREA $494.71 Invoice 44432 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~~ Total z $494.71 Refer 80806 LAKER NEWSPAPER _ . ~. Cash Payment E 455-46380-300 Professional Srvs 07-22-06 TIF 12-31-05 $83.58 Invoice 7226 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $83.58 Refer 80806 CARSON PRINTING AND GRAPHIC _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Machinery 2005/2006 #13-117-24-33-0047 $276.70 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 -1845- l 1 City of Mound "'~- 08102!06 9:18 AM Page 9 .--. ~ ~, Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $276.70 Refer 80806 LAVER, ROBERT DR. Cash Payment E 1 01-431 00-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery 2005/2006 #13-117-24-33-0015 $717.44 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $717.44 Refer 80806 MAA CO COLLISION REPAIR AND A R „ ,. Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery #849 REPAIRS $574.68 Invoice 23549 8/8/2006 PO 19710 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 w Wells Fargo 10100 Total $574.68 Refer 80806 MARK Vll DISTRIBUTOR ~_ ~~. s ..= o, _ a _. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,804.53 Invoice 971962 8/8!2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,049.64 Invoice 975195 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,240.95 Invoice 938869 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale CREDIT-BEER -$6.12 Invoice 13177 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 ~..~.~,~ wm.,....~ ~, ~,~~..~,~u~...~q ~~,~,~ ~ ..u ,~ Wells Fargo 10100 .. .,...n~..,~R. ~. w ., ,fu ~ j~ JF ~~~ ~ Total ~ p ~ 4 $14,089.00 ~ ^ ~ . Refer 80806 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DEUVERY . . _ ~ ~ ~ + Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 07-07-06 DELIVERY CHARGE $165.00 Invoice 17721 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 07-10-06 DELIVERY CHARGE $48.40 Invoice 17729 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 07-13-06 DELIVERY CHARGE $190.30 Invoice 17751 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Welis Fargo 10100 Total $403.70 Refer 80806 MCCUE, MICHAEL _ Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow EROSION CONTROL REFUND $500.00 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 80806 ME/SEL PAT _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Repairs/Maint Mach inery 2005/2006 #14-117-24-44-0006 $1,334.44 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7!31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,334.44 Refer 80806 MINNESOTA ROADWAYS COMPA Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 07-19-06 ASPHALT EMULSION $383.40 Invoice 50846 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 g Total $383.40 Refer 80806 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples IRON, ICP $16.00 Invoice 309748 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF-WATER $77.50 Invoice 609406 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $93.50 ,,-,~,b.~~. a~,~...xv~,«. ,~M n~~,.~.~,... Refer 80806 MINNETONKA PORTABLE DREDGI A~ r ~w~.~..~.~~.~..- .~~ ..,. e .~u ~ w, ~ ~ .P.. ~ r h ~~ _,„~ _~. -1846- City of Mound ~~~' 08/02/06 9:18 AM ~~''~ ~ ~, Payments Page 10 -L-- CITY OF MOUND Curre nt Period: August 2006 ,..:. , Cash Payment G 101-22802 Festival FESTIVAL DREDGING $1,000.00 Invoice 080806 8!8/2006 Transaction Date 8/2/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,000.00 Refer 80806~MOUND CITY OF e ~ ~ ~ ~ _~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ a~,~.,„. ~~~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cash Payment G 101-22802 Festival REFUND CITY FOR FIREWORKS $250.00 Invoice CMC26934 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 80806 MUZAK -MINNEAPOLIS Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Senric 08-06 MUSIC SERVICE $100.16 Invoice A693185 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.16 ,.~~,.~,,.,~.,~,. ~ Refer ~ 80806 NAPPA GENUINE PARTS COMPAN ~~~.~, ~ r.,~ x~ - , ~ .~x,~~ r ~ ~ -~.~,.. ~ , ~,.~ m . _ . ~~ ~.~ Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery BATTERY, CORE $73.47 Invoice 8644303 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Repairs/Maint Machi nery CARPET CLEANER $14.88 Invoice 8643690 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~ ~ Total $88.35 Refer 80806 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI ~ ~ ~ ~~ y~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIRS PUMP #2 $462.13 Invoice 2768 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $462.13 Refer 80806 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 RepairslMaint Machi nery SCALER $119.27 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 PO 19669 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $119.27 Refer 80806 NRG PROCESSING SOLLUTIONS L _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material 07-31-06 BARK MULCH $20.00 Invoice 8036441 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 Refer 80806 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $4,98 Invoice .344418505-001 8!8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $4.98 Invoice 344418505-001 8/8/2006 Cash Paymenk E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $4.98 Invoice 344418505-001 8/6/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $4.98 Invoice 344418505-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $4.98 Invoice 344418505-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.87 Invoice 344418505-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $3:23 Invoice 344418505-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $3.23 Invoice 344418505-001 8/8/2006 -1847- City of Mound 08/02/06 9:18 AM Page 11 ~~ ._... / ~ -- Payments __ crnr of nnouN~ Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies DVD DISKS $72.82 Invoice 343980485-001 8/8/2006 PO 19703 Cash Payment E 101-42110-220 Repair/Maint Supply CREDIT-TONER -$74.50 Invoice 343778855-001 8/8!2006 PO 19703 Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies TONER, BINDER, KEYBOARD, ETC $172.82 Invoice 343323201-001 8/8/2006 PO 19703 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies FILE TRAY $28.74 Invoice 344689684-002 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies LAMINATING POUCHES $6.67 Invoice 344761346-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.00 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.00 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.00 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.00 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.00 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $0.67 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8!2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.33 Invoice 344219119-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.33 Invoice 344219119-001 8!8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies FILE TRAY, PAPER, HIGHLIGHTERS $41.95 Invoice 344417994-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies INKTANK, DISKS, HOLDER $28.66 Invoice 34417994-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies INKTANK, DISKS, HOLDER $28.66 Invoice 344417994-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies INKTANK, DISKS, HOLDER $14.33 Invoice 344417994-001 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies 1-HOLE PUNCH $1.33 Invoice 344689684-001 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 ~~~,_ .=~m.~.~., ., .~~,~ ~~r,..~,~m~. ~,.~ .~rv Wells Fargo 10100 m., . ~ „ ,.~~~~ . , w Total $368.04 . ~ Refer 80806 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INCORPO _ .~ . _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call 06-06 LOCATES $139.20 Invoice 6060601 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call 06-06 LOCATES $139.20 Invoice 6060601 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $278.40 Refer 80806 P & L AUTOMOTIV E ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ Cash Payment G 101-22805 Police Forfeiture Program WINDOW TINT K-9 SQUAD $100.00 --~ Invoice 163608 8/8/2006 PO 19640 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 80806 PAUST/S AND SONS W/NE COMPA -1848 - City of Mound ~' .- Payments rs~ --- ~!• CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8115827 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8115509 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo Refer 80806 PH/LLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2352387 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2352385 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2352386 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2354761 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2354760 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE Invoice 3342639 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo Refer 80806 PROTECTION ONE 08/02/06 9:18 AM Page 12 $584.00 $526.48 10100 Total $1,110.48 $37.20 $69.75 $375.65 $480.00 $142.70 -$14.67 10100 Total $1,090.63 Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 08-01-06 THRU 10-31-06 FIRE ALARM $146.00 MONITORING Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $146.00 Refer 80806 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale CREDIT-WINE -$112.00 Invoice 729720-00 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $548.01 Invoice 734083-00 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $602.77 Invoice 733965-00 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $594.47 Invoice 737150-00 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $120.00 Invoice 737589-00 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $141.55 Invoice 737609-00 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR -$9.66 Invoice 734951-00 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,885.14 Refer 80806 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 07-12-06 DEPOT SERVICE CALL $120.00 Invoice 1144 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total . ~ ,, ,~ ._ 7 ~ - $120.00 .. s Refer 80806 RANDY'S SANITATION ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ,.F~ , _. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 07-06 GARBAGE SERVICE $132.12 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 -1849- _ City of Mound ,___ os/02/06 P .., ~... ~\ age 13 ~ 1 ~,~ Payments CITY QF M©UND Current Period: August 2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos 07-06 GARBAGE SERVICE $334.97 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date a~ 7/24/2006 . , ~ . Wells Fargo 10100 ~ Total $467.09 ,~~ _ r_._,, Refer 80806 . _~ „,.,>.~,.,_~x ~ .....~ ..~nm„ ~~ SENTRY SYSTEMS, 1NCORPORAT ,_a.,,tir w, ~,_~,.,.., ,„ W. ,~, ~. „. _. Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 08-06 FIRE MONITORING $13.57 Invoice 500638 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 08-06 BURGLARY MONITORING $34.99 Invoice 502489 8/8/2006 Transaction Date .~,.,w.~ .~., ..~,. 7/31/2006 . t u~„_ . ~~ _~,,.~ ~,«~. ~„r,.„~ Wells Fargo 10100 ,~ ~ ~ ~~ a, . ,~b, .~J..~~~„~ Total ,. $48.56 Refer 80806 SEW LIKE NEW _ .. . , . ~ ~ , Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous SEW PATCHES $719.67 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date - 7/25/2006 ,~ . , Welis Fargo 10100 Total $719.67 ~ , _ Refer ~ 80806 ,, a ~.. ~,~~ ,w~k~d., ..~~2~ ~,9 e . ~ ~ . SKINNER, GREG . ,~.~ ~ . ~a ._~ ..~.,,.. ~., ~ ~~. ,. ,_., Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE CONFERENCE $362.04 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/2/2006 . ~~ ~du,~„~s,~ rs ~ ,~~~ ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 _ . ~ ~.~ ~ - Total .. $362.04 . Refer 80806 _ „ , .,, .,fi ~, r SPECIALTY WINES AND BEVERAG _ . ..~ w ~~ ,,.., ~,~ ~, ~ ,. ,~,u~ ~ _~ .~ .~~ ~, M~u ,__ Cash Payment .... E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,150.00 Invoice 9700 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $140.00 Invoice 9447 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 ~~~ -.w ~~ ~ Total $1,290.00 Refer 80806 SPEEDWAYSUPERAMERICA (FIR _ s~r ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ Cash Payment E 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $604.79 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $139.43 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $744.22 Refer 80806 SPEEDWAYSUPERAMER/CA (PM/ ~ fm~~m~~ f ,~. Cash Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-25-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $109.84 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-25-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $2,021.55 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-25-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $721.96 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels THRU 07-25-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $846.48 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date ~ 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,699.83 Refer 80806 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PAR _ ~~~~~~ ry ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ _ ~ _~ ~~~~ Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $26.08 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $26.08 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $26.08 Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 -1850- /~' ~, CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone 8~ Cells Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/2/2006 Refer 80806 ST CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2006 08/02/06 9:18 AM Page 14 THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $26.08 THRU 07-26-06 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,147.04 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,251.36 Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance 07-10-06 COMPRESSOR SERVICE CALL $224.20 Invoice 159619 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 .. Wells Fargo 10100 ,.:- Refer 80806 STALLMAN, RONALD - Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair WELD/REPAIR HINGE FOR BOAT Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 80806 STS CONSULTANT ~.. S _ m.,~, . Total $224.20 $60.00 Total $60.00 Cash Payment E 450-46388-300 Professional Srvs THRU 07-8-06 TRANSCIENT PARKING DECK Invoice N5679 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 Welts Fargo 10100 Total ~. ~ .. ... Refer 80806 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE $367.50 $367.50 Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair TIRES $46.84 Invoice 10056147 8/8/2006 Transaction Date . , _„n..n.., ~ ~ N ~ .x.~ 7/31/2006 ~,~ ~~. _~. M~R~ ~ .. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $46.84 Refer 80806 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $200.00 Invoice 44123 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $351.00 Invoice 1000060 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,118.65 Invoice 1007208 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $34.50 Invoice 1018808 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,464.35 Invoice 1007253 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 ~~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~, .e w.., ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Total $4,168.50 ,k„ ,~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ Refer 80806 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ - . ~ ~~ . ~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,059.90 Invoice 417339 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale CREDIT-BEER -$96.10 Invoice 417338 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,262.25 Invoice 418050 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $101.45 Invoice 418049 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $354.00 Invoice 49611 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,801.70 Invoice 418051 8/8/2006 -1851- t 1 City of Mound ~~` 08/02/06 9:18 AM ~.~'" "` Page 15 ~,~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current P erlod: August 2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $124.00 Invoice 49730 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 . w.~., n . ~ __~ ,. r, ,..~ t ~v.. , t ~ K,.rt f ~ a ~ ~~~., ~~ ~ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ r .w, . __. N ~. ~ _. Total , ... _. r ~u, . ~ _ $17,607.20 ._,_ , h E . , . , Refer 80806 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, INC. _ ~ .~ . . Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies ROLL PAPER REGISTER $113.93 Invoice 20089 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 ~. ~.R~~.,~~..~~ a _ Wells Fargo 10100 ~ . ~ Total .. . $113.93 _ Refer 80860 TROPHIES BY LINDA _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous PLAQUE, DEBORD $13.05 Invoice 16483 PO 19707 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 a~ ~ ~,~ w_~,~~,~ ~ar:~.,mr.~>~~ ~.~,~~,~,t. ~,~,~~~,~,~, ~, x ~..~,,,~ Wells Fargo 10100 .e .g.-.,~~~.~,~, ,.~.~~ „~ .,~. a ~ ~ ~~.h~ Total . . ~.f . $13.05 . M . n a_ ~ l,a . . Refer 80806 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR COMP . . . _ . Cash Payment E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR DOORS $97.10 Invoice 260824 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR DOORS $97.10 Invoice 260824 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR DOORS $97.11 Invoice 260824 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 -- Wells Fargo 10100 Total $291.31 ..m~ , ., ,, Refer 80806 UNITED RENTALS Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms MESH LOGO SHIRTS $332.41 Invoice 57821247-001 8/8/2006 PO 19667 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms MESH LOGO SHIRTS $199.41 Invoice 57821247-001 8/8/2006 PO 19667 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms MESH LOGO SHIRTS $199.41 Invoice 57821247-001 8/8/2006 PO 19667 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 m Total $731.23 Refer 80806 WACONIA FARM AND HOME SUPP Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CALCIUM CHLORIDE $55.17 Invoice 255288 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials CALCIUM CHLORIDE $27.58 Invoice 255136 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $82.75 Refer 80806 WALDRON AND ASSOCIATES _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 01-06 THRU 06-06 RENTAL INSPECTIONS Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 01-06 THRU 06-06 RENTAL INSPECTIONS Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 $80.00 $8a.oo Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 80806 WEBER, VICKI ., . ~ >~~ ,.~~~.~ ~~ ~~ .~_ ~,~ .~~ ~..~.. r_.~ ~. .rt „. .~~, ~. Cash Payment E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 ^., Cash Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 080806 8!8/2006 Cash Payment E 281-45210-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 080806 8/8/2006 REIMBURSE MILEAGE MUNICIPALS REIMBURSE MILEAGE MUNICIPALS REIMBURSE MILEAGE MUNICIPALS $160.00 $10.68 $10.68 $5.34 -1852- City of Mound 08/02/06 9:18 AM ~,-~'""^~ Page 16 // ~~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Refer µ 80806 WESTONKA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 10100 Totai $26.70 Cash Payment E 101-42110-445 Dog Kennel Fees STRAY CANINE $132.74 Invoice 82223 8/8/2006 PO 19712 Transaction Date 7/24/2006 . ~ z , . ., v . w . Wells Fargo 10100 Totai $132.74 _ . ~_ _,, < ~., ...~,, ~ ,... _. .,~ ~u ~ Refer 80806 WESTONKA MECHANICAL ~ . ,...T. , . . , .. a, , ,.~ ~ . .~ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 2635 GROVE LANE REPAIRS $124.00 Invoice 31444 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $124.00 Refer 80806 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 07-04-06 HILLSIDE LANE REPAIRS $880.00 Invoice 1497 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 . Wells Fargo 10100 Total $880.00 Refer 80806 WINE COMPANY _ ~-, <., Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $855.50 Invoice 146274-00 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 . Wells Fargo _ 10100 Total $855.50 Refer 80806 W/NE MERCHANTS _ , .,..~~,.,~ tia~-,~ ~-.,~ _.~~~~. Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $364.10 Invoice 163319 8/8/2006 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $676.00 Invoice 163885 8!8/2006 Transaction Date 7/20/2006 ~ Wells Fargo ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 10100 ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Total ~~ ~ $1,040.10 n ~~ ~ ~ ~ Refer 80806 WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $604.00 Invoice 181777 8/8/2006 Transaction Date 7/31/2006 Wells Fargo ~ ~ , ~ ~ s ~ 10100 ~ : : Total ~. - $604.00 Refer 80806 XCEL ENERGY . ~ ~ . ~ ~. .~_~.. ~ ti~. n~,~ _,~ r, ~ ~,~,~~ ~. ~ . ~,,.w...~~.~,.v. Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 07-06 #51-6002836-0 $128.08 Invoice 125467328 8!8/2006 Transaction Date 8/1/2006 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $128.08 Current Period: August 2006 Wells Fargo -1853- 1 ''~ ~1 _~.~... CITY OP MOUND City of Mound Payments 08!02/06 9:18 AM Page 17 Fund Summary Current Perfod: August 2006 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $37,278.46 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $2,484.14 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $21.45 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $404,432.75 427 SEAL COAT FUND $277.50 450 Transient Parking Deck $532.50 455 TIF 1-2 $83.58 475 TIF 1-3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $918.57 601 WATER FUND $16,930.61 602 SEWER FUND $7,397.95 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $77,754.56 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $4,962.58 $553,074.65 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $553,074.65 Total $553,074.65 -1854- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES AS RECOMMENDED FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 & NOVEMBER 7, 2006 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve the following list of election judges for the Primary Election September 12, 2006 and the General Election November 7, 2006: Adams, Eugene Murphy, Kathy Anderson, Doug Norberg, Duane Antonsen, Julia Norlander, Jill Bjerke, Marsha O'Brien, Dotty Carlson, Chris Pugh, Charles Cozine, Purdie Randall, Leland Dascher, Sharon Rasmussen, Tom Fleming, Dean Rice, Kathy Garden, Jennier Richter, Ella Giavasis, Argery Roberts, Collette Glister, Becky Roehl, Joetta Hanson, Patricia Saunders, Teleen Hasse, Cklair Schearz, Audri Hawks, Shirley Schwalbe, Deloris Henke, Jerry Schwalbe, Sue Howard, Katie Schwalbe, Vern Koening, Edythe Schwingler, Ann Kohls, Patricia Skaret, Patti Leidiger, Jim Slechta, Mark Linkert, George Smith Weiss, Gretchen Marshall, Paul Sobraske, John Mckenzie, Scot Sullivan, Jim McNelis, Norma Sundberg, Mary Lou Melsness, Larry Svobodny, Ray Metz, Jeanette Todd, Mary Metz, Theodore Tower, Bruce Morton, Cindy Weycker, Leah Rahn, Jodi Adopted by the City Council this 8t" day of August, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1855- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION APPOINTING ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statutes 203B.13 allows for the establishment of an Absentee Ballot Board to receive, examine, validate, and process absentee ballots for the primary and general elections; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Mound to exercise this option as stated in the above statute; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby appoints an Absentee Ballot Board as provided in Minnesota State Statutes 203B13. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it has been determined, based on the number of absentee ballots cast in the primary and general election of 2004, that two board members of different major political parties is sufficient. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the Absentee Ballot Board for the primary and general election are hereby named as Sue Schwalbe and Jodi Rahn. Adopted by the City Council this 8~h day of August, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1856- 5341 Maywood- Road Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: July 27, 2006 Re: Disbursement Request No. 2 -Villas on Lost Lake Summary. Chuck Alton, on behalf of Mound Harbor Renaissance, has submitted Disbursement Agreement Reduction. Request. No. 2 in the amount. of $236,625 as allowed per development agreement with MHR for work completed on the Lost Lake project. Members of the Council may recall, that the first disbursement reduction requestwas authorized by the Council i.n .May. Recommendation. Based on its review, Staff recommends approval of the attached rlesolution authorizing approval of Disbursement No. 2 for the Villas on Lost Lake. -1857- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION #06- RESOLUTION APPROVING DISBURSING AGREEMENT REDUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 FOR VILLAS ON LOST LAKE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, Chuck Alcon of Alcon & Associates, who is the Project Manager for the Developer of the Villas of Lost Lake project, has requested that the City of Mound authorize a reduction in the Disbursing Agreement for the Villas on Lost Lake project following satisfactory completion of certain construction components as outlined in the request dated July 24, 2006. WHEREAS, Mound Staff has reviewed the submitted request and recommends approval NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota to approve Disbursing Agreement Reduction Request No. 2 dated July 24, 2006 as recommended by Mound Staff.. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Counciimembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council on August 8, 2006 Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: City Clerk Bonnie Ritter -1858- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION #06- RESOLUTION APPROVING DISBURSING AGREEMENT REDUCTION REQUEST NO. 1 FOR VILLAS ON LOST LAKE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, Chuck Alcon of Alcon & Associates, who is the Project Manager for the Developer of the Villas of Lost La o' as requested that the City of Mound authorize a reduction in the Disb i the Villas on Lost Lake project following satisfactory completion o ce nst tion components as outlined ~in the request dated May 1, 2006; and WHEREAS, Mound Staff has reviewed the submitted request and recommends approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota to approve Disbursing Agreement Reduction Request No. 1 dated May 1, 2006 as recommended by Mound Staff. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following. Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council on May 9, 200fi and seconded by Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: City Clerk Bonnie Ritter -1859- --- Jufy 24, 2006 City of Mound l~tfi: Sarah Smitfi ~34.~, Mayuuaod Road. Mound, MN. 55364 VILLAS ON LOST LAKE Disbursing Agreement Reduction Request #2 ~~~~. Category DA Value of Originat DA x °~Compi Value of Work Additional Total DA ;,. : ~251~r .259!6 :. Reduction Dr a $.180 000 $225 000 6796 : $120 000 $30 000 x.150 000 Dodos & Related $450,000 $562,500 25°~ $112,500 8,12 1 0,625 Faclities Facilities ,.~ ~- ~.150s00~.:. ;6t:Bt,S~(10.: 9a°4: ~~;~,: . x,750., ,: 9ik1~.754L:. DNR/MCWD R® uirement "Tdtaf' '!796;000' ,_ S89T,900' $x;300' ~t;325 ~ISt;625 Reductions N-.~ .. Number 2 Number 3 Number4 Number 5 iYfnirt(ler6 ,. ,. Total Previous edudions $225,000 Summa A regiment Previous DA Reductions $225,000 Curren[ FJ~fiI Value ~T72;51lE3 squealed DA <~f 5236,626 t2ed#1 Total. Ftemaintrt4 C1A $535975.. flatus ~~ ~~~'~ Chuck Alcon, Project Manager, Villas on Lost Lake Cc: SBLL, Brian Peters -1860- ~~ BOL i` August 1, 2006 L.TON ~. M I N K, I N C_ Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 5531 8-1 1 72 Phone (952) 448-8838 • FAX (952) 448-8805 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: City of Mound 2006 Street Improvement Project City Project # PCM-06-O1; BMI Project # C12.37926 Dear Ms. Hanson: Enclosed is the Hardrives, Inc. Pay Estimate No. 3 for work completed on the Mound 2006 Street Improvement Project through July 25, 2006. We have reviewed the Estimate, verified the quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $360,285.88. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK, INC. v~:~~d~, Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer cc: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works, City of Mound Gino Businaro, Director of Finance, City of Mound DLF/nbg F:\MOiJN\C1237926\Pay Est\Pay Request 3.doc MANKATO, MN FAIRMONT, MN SLEEPY EYE, MN BURNSVILLE, MN WILLMAR, MN CHASKA, MN AMES, IA www.boiton-menk.com Ar, Equal _ ~ 86 ~ _y Employer M O Z W N Q U N w ~ ~ a ~' x W Z N L W m C ~' w "~' i Q ~ N ~ a& a O ~ J ~ Z Z LL Q Wow ~ F- z~~ c TWO c: tnOa Y Q o _~ C a N U m 3 co tq ~o N 0 p 00000 000 CD O O S N N ~ O N O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 000 000 O O O O O O 0 O ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ mmM~(D •- ~ h ~'Q I~1~00 ' ~ci <caao u~ao ~ ~ t0 OON ~ ~ ~ NOO V N V Oi W {} O! ~•-N m HMO 1+07N 011~N0~ [0 0 ~ CD N fD M f~ N O CO ~ O I~ f~ M T 'V' M M M~ M In O n m 0 fV OD M M~ ~ Oi O O ~ ~ et N M M Of W Oa M mOfO I~ ~ ~ N a ~ O W N A N N N O N ~ p wW Q ~ Z J p N N w w N w w w w w w N N N w N w w w w w w w w w N N N N N N w w w N w w w w v3 N a j ~ 0 x x x x 2 x 2 x x= x x x 2 2 = x x 2 2 2 x= (+~ OI- LLUU U wUUtn LLwIL LL LLtL GI ¢IUUUUUUUUUwUZfq UUwUUUUUU J Q Q Q W LLLLJJ W J Q Q J J J J J J J J J Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q J Q F J W W W W W W W W W W W W Q a J a Q Q a Q Q W W W W W W W W M ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ `mQ' G t r W N M ~ I~ m N OW .- O ~ N N 7 N rp M OD t0 ~ Yf I~ OD V O f0 YI n EO 'Q N X 0 0 O O O O O O O O O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O N N 1A O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t0 G m O N ~ ~ n E C G 7~~ f0 Q C Ln m O~ ~ N I~ m W GO A, A^ M O N N of M M O N I~ N f0 to ~ fD CI ~ t0 O fD f~ l0 M M In V l9 m ~ ~ O N N O I~ t!1 W N 4I [O 67 If) OI f7 01 W O O O O O O O O O O O O N~ ~ ~ lit ~ O O N^ 00 f0 V 1~ 7 lA N O N O O f~ N Oi O ' N N O .- .- .- N N .- M ~ O ~' O w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Q ~ W~ S S S 2 2 2 2 2 2 S S 2 2 2 2 2 2 S S 2 2 22 Q Q Q U Q Q U Q Q Q U j U Z U J J J J J J J m m Q J U J U U U O a W J W W W J Q a Q Q Q Q W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q W W W W W W W W M ~In tO~ O ~ < t00 ~tOM ~ ~N.N- ~~ ~ ~ NNN W W N In O O O f~ O O t o G 0 0 ~ M b O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X 0 0 C O O O O l l7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I t) O 7 O ~ O~ A C o~ 0 V m C h C h 0 0 0 ~ O C J M O O A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 1 f0 O O OD V f0 < O H W 6 t OD O L f l N m If1 h~ N 0 O1 Y W N yy O O N I~ W~ m 0 ~ N 1~ M I~ OD O .- 4') < M V W l'~ OD O In f0 V M CI 1A m V: GD N tD A N O G G C O (G fV C C O~~ O O W O E r N V N L(1 In O O o N V F Z O 01 fD O1 ~ N IH M to N O N Oa 1~ ~- O N < N f0 O~ fD M~ O l0 M 1~ N ~ N Q M T N O N N M N 7 M M ~ a a0 O M ~ 1n h N~ f0 V N r M ~ p O m ~ ~ y Q O W N w w w w w w w N w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w F M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2== 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2= 2 w W U U U LL U U S n LL LL LL l L L L. 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C12.37926 CONTRACTOR OWNER ENGINEER TOTAL AMOUNT BID PLUS APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS ...................................................... $ 1,921,220.88 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS .................................................................................................... $ 24.847.67 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT ................................................................................................... $ 1,896,373.21 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE .......................................................................................... $ 1,003,716.92 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE ..................................................................................... $ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED .................................... $ - TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS .................................................................. $ 1,003,716.92 RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5%) ....................................................................................... $ 50,185.85 TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS ............................................................................... $ - NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE ........................................................................ $ 953,531.07 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES ..................................................................... $ 593,245.19 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 2 ..................................................................................... $ 360,285.88 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Hardrives, Inc. 14475 Quiram Drive Roge ~ By ~~ ~ ame Title Date `~' CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MEN NC., ENG EERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By ~ ,PROJECT ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner Date ~~ ~~ j I ~ `~ APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By Name Title Date And Name Title Date -1865- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 -- (952) 472-3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Date: August 8, 2006 Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Minnehaha creek Watershed District for Stormwater Best Management Practices at Our Lady of the Lake Background The proposed Agreement is to allocate and coordinate responsibility between the MCWD, the City and the Church of Our Lady of the Lake for design, construction and maintenance of stormwater management improvements on property owned by the Church of Our Lady of the Lake. The improvements are the construction of a drainage swale and planting of wetland vegetation along the western edge of their parking lot adjacent to Langdon Lake. The agreement will facilitate the construction and maintenance responsibilities for the project. Agreement The major points of the agreement are as follows: • The City and the MCWD will cooperate as need to facilitate the proposed project • The Church will dedicate easements for the proposed stormwater improvements • The City will issue any permits for the project • MCWD will design, build and pay for all costs for the project including construction inspection • The City will maintain the improvements as needed • The Church will grant access for sampling and monitoring the stormwater improvements • The agreement expires in five years It is anticipated that construction on the stormwater improvements could be completed this fall. Recommendation It is recommended the Council authorize execution of the Cooperative agreement with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for Stormwater Best Management Practices and related improvements at the Church of Our Lady of the Lake. -1866- COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT for STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, City of Mound, Church of Our Lady of the Lake Hennepin County, Minnesota This Agreement is entered into by and among the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota with .powers set forth at Minnesota Statutes Chapters 1038 and 103D ("District"); the City of Mound, a statutory city and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("City"), and the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, anon-profit entity in the State of Minnesota. The purpose of the Agreement is to allocate and coordinate responsibility between the District, the City, and the Church of Our Lady of the Lake for the design, construction and maintenance of stormwater management improvements within the City. These improvements are being implemented in coordination with the redevelopment within the City known as the Mound Harbor Renaissance project and in which the District and the City, along with Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC (MHRD), are cooperating via a separate funding agreement. The improvements to be constructed and maintained under this Agreement will be located on land owned by the Church of Our Lady of the Lake. These improvements are a part of Phase IV of the downtown redevelopment project. 1. Best Efforts and Cooperation Each party will use best efforts to fulfill the terms of this Agreement for those tasks for which it is responsible and to cooperate fully and effectively to carry out the work specified in this Agreement. All designs, written materials, technical data, research and any other work-in-progress will be shared in a timely manner among the parties on request, except as prohibited by law. 1 -1867- ~ ~ ,~ 2. Exhibits Exhibit A, the plans and specifications for the improvements to be constructed (°Facilities"); Exhibit B, an easement to maintain the Facilities; and Exhibit C, the operation and maintenance plan for the improvements, are attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein. 3. Stormwater Facility Design and Construction The District will provide for and manage construction of the Facilities in accordance with Exhibit A, and will give the City reasonable notice of regular construction meetings. Before the District awards a Contract for construction, the Church of Our Lady of the Lake will provide for construction access by memorializing in writing reasonable terms of access, staging and site control during construction. 4. Permits and Approvals The ordinary permitting requirements of the parties will apply to any work under „_, this Agreement, except that processing and administrative fees will not apply. A party will obtain necessary permits and approvals for each activity for which it is responsible under this Agreement. The parties will cooperate in the application for anypermits and approvals from third parties. 5. Facility Ownership and Maintenance On the District's acceptance of the engineer's certification of completion of the Facilities or when the District by resolution determines that the Facilities are substantially complete and useable for their intended purpose, whichever occurs first, the Church of Our Lady of the Lake will execute and the District will file at its expense Exhibit B, an easement affording the District and the City the perpetual right to maintain, repair, replace and remove the Facilities, for recordation or registration with Hennepin County, and the City will assume the responsibility to maintain the Facilities in accordance with Exhibit C. Unless the District resolution states otherwise, a District determination under this paragraph that the Facilities are substantially complete shall be for the purpose of this paragraph only and not for establishing the rights and responsibilities of a contractor or any other purpose. 2 -1868- The easement at Exhibit B is for the express purpose of maintaining the Facilities described in Exhibit A and in no way establishes a right for any other future improvement such as a trail or other landscape feature not directly related to stormwater management on the site. 6. Signs and Public Access. Subject to the Church of Our Lady of the Lake approval of size and location, not to be unreasonably withheld, the District may procure, install and maintain educational signage. This Agreement does not create any general public right to enter the Church of Our Lady of the Lake property. However, the parties recognize that the Facilities will provide an educational opportunity for members of the public. Accordingly, the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, in response to a specific request of the District, the City or another party, will grant approval of public access to the Facilities and related signage. The Church may place reasonable conditions and controls on such access. 7. Access for Sampling and Monitoring In addition to any right of entry the District may have apart from this Agreement, the District at its expense may install and maintain equipment of a reasonable size and in a reasonable location to monitor or evaluate the Facilities. 8. Cost Responsibility Each party will bear the cost of each activity far which it is responsible under this Agreement. 3 -1869- 9. Independent Relationship The District, the City and the Church of Our Lady of the Lake are independent entities in performing any action or discharging any responsibility under this Agreement. No manager, council, member, employee, representative, agent, contractor or consultant of either party acts in any respect as the agent or representative of the other. This Agreement is not a joint powers agreement under Minnesota Statutes §471.59. 10. Remedies; Immunities No action or inaction of either party under this Agreement creates a duty of care for the benefit of the other party or any third party. Only contractual remedies are available for a party's failure to fu1011 the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement creates no right in, and waives no defense, immunity or liability limit with respect to, any third party. 11. Effective Date; Termination; Survival of Obligations ,~-- The Agreement is effective when fully executed by all parties and expires five years thereafter. All obligations vesting before expiration shall survive expiration. The Agreement may be amended or terminated only in a writing signed by the parties. 12. Acknowledgment Any publicly distributed or displayed printed or electronic document concerning the Facilities shall acknowledge the collaboration of the parties. 13. Notices Any written communication required under this Agreement will be addressed to the other parties as follows, except that any party may in writing change its representative or address: To MCWD: Administrator Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 4 -1870- To City: City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 To the Church of Our Lady of the Lake: Administrator 2385 Commerce Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 14. Waiver A party's failure to insist on the strict performance of any obligation under this Agreement, or to exercise any option, remedy or right herein, will not waive or relinquish that party's right in the future to insist on strict performance of that or any other obligation. A party's waiver of a breach of an obligation of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other obligation. A waiver must be in writing and signed by the party. 15. Venue and Jurisdiction This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The appropriate venue and jurisdiction for any legal action hereunder shall be Hennepin County, Minnesota. Any dispute arising out of the terms of this Agreement that cannot be resolved by the parties themselves shall be submitted to binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. 5 -1871- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, recognizing the exchange of valuable consideration and intending to be bound, the parties execute and deliver this Agreement. Date:------------------------- Church of Our Lady of the Lake By ~ ------------------_--------- Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was. acknowledged before me this day of ----------------~ 2006, by ---------- --------------- of the -------------------- Notary Public 6 -1872- as Date:-------------------------- CITY OF MOUND BY ~ ------------------------------- Its Mayor And : ---------------------------- Its City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ----------------~ 2006, by -------------------------- as --------------- of the ----------------- ------------------------------------ Notary Public 7 -1873- l 1 Date: MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED QISTRICT BY~----------------------------- President of Board of Managers STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __-__ day of ----------------~ 2006, by -------------------------- as --------------- of the -------------------- Notary Public 8 -1874- ---..n-..,-,rte. ~,r'~'a, ...v"'~.,+.w ~ ~ ~~~ ` se i ~ ` ,~B` ~ ' ~ ~ ~~~ ~ I ~ `Q4 `4`` '^ Y 1 ~ • ~. ~ ~~' ti M ~ 1 ~ T~ 1 i ~ C. ~ w fe ~` ~ _ S N ti ~ bNs \ v ~ ~ _ `\ ~6~ ~ ` ~ n °-- w~ ii I~ L r +. [' w $ i. :' L 'P i. ~ 'r t A 4 A ~ i. 'f i t L 'f M T i~ 4 ~ a ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ i o a r o s s • : r s r r ~ • ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ t : ~ . ~ . ~ I i - i f ~ ~ ~ .~ ! f 3 l ~ ~ ~ # ~ ~ ~ ~ `t~ ^ ~ ~ i ~"~ O~On.N ~ Q a i Q$~s i " ~I G J ~y P N -1875- EASEMENT On the Property of the Church of Our Lady of the Lake Hennepin County, Minnesota Legal description of Burdened Property: LOTS 7 8 9 AND 10 ALSO THAT PART OF LOT 6 LYING W OF E 200 FT THEREOF ALSO THAT PART OF LOT 6 LYING S OF THEN 50 FT THEREOF SUBJECT TO ROAD OF AUDITOR'S SUBD. NO. 167 THIS EASEMENT is entered into by and between the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, anon-profit entity in the State of Minnesota (NGrantor"); the City of Mound, a statutory city and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota; and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, a speciai- purpose governmental body established under and with authorities specified at Minnesota Statutes Chapters 1038 and 103D (MCWD). WITNESS: A. Grantee owns in fee simple certain real property located at 2385 Commerce Boulevard Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and identified as Hennepin County PIN 14-117-24-44-0005 (the "Burdened Property"). 6. The easement here conveyed is for the maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of a stormwater filtration trench, as well as associated vegetation and informational signage, installed pursuant to a _ cooperative agreement executed among the parties. 1 -1876- NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the payment of one dollar and other goad and valuable consideration, and the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which hereby are acknowledged, Grantor conveys to Mound and the MCWD ("Grantees") a perpetual easement on the Burdened Property, as specifically set forth herein. 1. Easement Description. The easement is on that portion of the Burdened Property as delineated in Attachment A incorporated herein, consisting of an area 10 feet in width from east to west, centered over a single length of buried, perforated the that constitutes a part of the facilities, and 325 feet in length from north to south ("Easement Area"). 2. Easement Riahts. Grantor conveys to Grantees the right in perpetuity to do as follows within the Easement Area: a. Stormwater Facilities. Maintain, repair, replace and remove, at Grantees' discretion, an infiltration trench, portions thereof, or replacement facilities serving the same purpose and imposing no materially greater physical intrusion on the Burdened Property than the original facilities including, but not limited to, staging, temporary stockpiling, excavating, placing fill material, .and the use of equipment as necessary or convenient to do so. b. Vegetation. Plant, replant, alter, remove and otherwise manage vegetation through means including but not limited to mowing, weeding and use of approved herbicides. c. Sians. Maintain, repair, replace and remove signage demarcating the Easement Area or describing the purposes to which it is dedicated. d. Monitoring. Install, operate, monitor, maintain and remove equipment to assess the performance of the facilities. 3. Incidental Rights to Use the Burdened Property. Grantees may cross and recross the Burdened Property to access the Easement Area at reasonable times. In performing lawful work within the Easement Area, 2 -1877- Grantees may make incidental use of the Burdened Property .outside of the Easement Area but contiguous to it, strictly to the extent necessary to reasonably perform the authorized work. The responsible Grantee will restore, replace or repair any part of the Burdened Property not within the Easement Area that is disturbed or damaged pursuant to work under this easement. 4. Grantor's Reservation. Grantor reserves all rights and privileges associated with ownership of the Burdened Property and may make any use of the Burdened Property except as inconsistent with rights granted to Grantees herein or as this easement otherwise explicitly provides. Grantor will not place structures in or upon, or disturb the facilities, vegetation, soils or other material within, the Easement Area. S. Recitations. Incorporated. All recitations are a part of this easement. 6. No Public Access Granted. Nothing in this easement authorizes '^ any public right of access onto the Burdened Property. The right of entry conveyed to Grantees under this easement shall be limited to Grantees' authorized representatives, agents, designees, contractors and subcontractors. 7. Inspection. A Grantee may enter the Easement Area at reasonable times to monitor activities on and uses of the Easement Area. In acting under this paragraph, Grantees will not unreasonably interfere with Grantor's use and quiet enjoyment of the Burdened Property. S. Taxes and, Liens. Grantor retains all financial obligations and bears all costs and liabilities of any kind accruing from the fee ownership of the Burdened Property. Grantor will pay all taxes and assessments levied against the Burdened Property. A Grantee may, but is not obligated to, make any payment of taxes or assessments (evied against the Burdened Property in place and on behalf of Grantor and will be reimbursed by Grantor for such amounts. 9. Indemnification. Each Grantee hereby holds Grantor and the other Grantee harmless, and agrees to defend and indemnify Grantor and the 3 -1878- other Grantee, from and against any and all suits, actions, .causes of actions, proceedings, claims, costs and damages arising out of the indemnifying Grantee's operation and maintenance of the facilities, except to the extent resulting from an action or inaction of Grantor or the other Grantee for which Grantor or the other Grantee independently would be subject to liability. 10. Insurance. Grantor and each Grantee remain solely responsible for maintaining liability and other insurance for their own uses of and authority over the Burdened Property. 11. Waiver. A decision by a party not to exercise its rights of enforcement in the event of a breach of a term of this easement is not a waiver of such term, any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, or any of the party's rights under this easement. The delay or failure to discover a breach or to exercise a right of enforcement as to such breach .does not impair or waive a party's rights of enforcement, all of which shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 12. Acts Bevond Partv's Control. A party will not exercise its right of enforcement against another party for injury or alteration to the Burdened Property resulting from: (a) a cause beyond the reasonable control of the other party, including without limitation fire, flood, a precipitation event with a statistical recurrence interval of 100 years or more, storm, and earth movement resulting from natural forces or the act of a third party; or (b) any prudent action taken by the other party under emergency conditions to prevent, abate or mitigate significant injury or alteration resulting from such a cause. 13. Notices. Any notice or other communication that a party must give to another will be in writing and delivered to the following address or such other address as a parry designates by written notice to the others: GRANTOR Administrator Church of Our Lady of the Lake 2385 Commerce Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 MOUND City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 4 -1879- MCWD Administrator Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven MN 55391 14. Parties Act Independently. No term of this easement will be read to make a Grantee responsible for any action or inaction of the other Grantee. No term of this easement will be read to allocate as between Grantees responsibility for installation or maintenance of any facility, vegetation or signage that this easement concerns, which responsibilities are established in an agreement that is not a part of this easement. No employee, representative, contractor or consultant of a party acts in any respect as the agent or representative of another party. 15. Miscellaneous. This easement is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. It may be amended only by a writing duly executed by the parties and meeting all requirements of law. This easement shall bind and benefit the parties and their respective personal representatives, heirs, successors, assigns and all others who exercise any right by or through them and shall run in perpetuity with the Burdened Property. Grantees bear the cost of duly recording this easement at the Office of the Hennepin County Recorder. 5 -1880- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this instrument the day and year first set forth. Date:_________________________ Church of Our Lady of the Lake BY~-------------------------- Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ----------------~ 2006, by -------------------------- as --------------- of the -------------------- Notary Public This document prepared by: (insert] 6 -1881- ATTACHMENT A SITE PLAN -1882- -..a ---.,,0 -,~.IC Yin ~. M~F.... ...di. Pl...+x.g9 i~umo osaruw maa v~r+~ ~ ~~UaM w 1 ~~ ...w. l ~ "°""` ~, su so ,~v ~rw e ~* ~ ~ ~! ` ' ` ? fiSSSSt ~ ~ °b`~p ~~ ~ ~ C ~. ~ ~ x ~ bir \ ~ ~ ~ .re` .:~ t ® f ~ ~ \ r 4 ~ --- ~ ~,-~ `~ ( , `~rh~ 1 ,P f 1 ` p ~ 'b;} ~ \ i L ` ~ ^ 2~6, l 1 ~ ~ ~ . 1 \ 1 D~\ s, ~, ~ W O '°~a d H W C d t V a -1883- --aw -a.o -,.-r. °"."ef.'«":"r~ «a"+Z.er,.~rw «'~ii w w.»"'"'.r.'.q ~ ~,~ ~~( M 711 ~ ~ ytlD .G W ` ~ a ~ \ 1 \ ` T` , i ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ yr•`SS ~ -~-~ig Y ~ I i 8~ n ~ bs \ ~s , ~ \ _ ' ` ,tom` ,D« ~ \ .r, °b4 ~ ` r ~ ` ~ ^q6_ ,1 1 1 ~~, 1 ` r, ~ ~ '~~ `~ _ ` \ `gs~~ ~ ` ~ ` K6.. ` ~~ r.~ L • ~ •~ s~ re`s rs s•rs s s e 'ere ~ ~K6., f w \ ~r~ e ~ ~• $~ «~ ~" f cp w-- ~ ~. F 3~ ~ ~~5 ~~ ~~ f ~ ~~ ~ a ~~-- b~a ~_ - a a= a s ~~ ~~ r P F:~ ~ ~~afif~ ~~~~ a~ rr }} g s s ~ E a~ej -8 g ~' m ~g~~ ~ ~ ~3~»~~~~~ ~~ : ~~ °i bb g w w i w r -1884- MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: John Dean Subject: 2006 Lost Lake Dredge Project Date: 8/2/06 As you know, a dredge was conducted last Winter to create space for the new docks in Lost Lake. It was recently discovered that the dredge was not conducted to the depth required under the contract. As a result the contractor was directed to return to the site and complete the dredge in accordance with the terms of the contract. The contractor has objected to the direction and is taking the position that any problems with the dredge are not its responsibility. A meeting is scheduled for August 9, 2006 with the contractor, its bonding company, city staff and others to discuss options available to complete the dredge. It is possible, although by no means assured that the contractor and/or the bonding company will agree to complete the work. Timing is critical due to the fact that the docks will be delivered to the site for installation within the next few weeks; and the developer plans to close on a number of the homes by early fall. We are informed that the developer is expected to deliver completed slips to the homeowners at the time of closing. In order to attempt to meet that very tight time schedule, the Council is being asked to consider a resolution that receives the feasibility report, approves plans. and specifications for completing the dredge and authorizes advertisement for the bids for the project. Taking those actions does not preclude the city from continuing discussions with the contractor and the bond company, and, if agreements can be reached with them to complete the project, the city can discontinue the rebid process at any time short of awarding the contract. I will be present at the meeting on August 8, and will be available to answer any questions. JBD -1885- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 06- RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2006 LOST LAKE DREDGE PROJECT WHEREAS, a feasibility study has been prepared by Landform with reference to the 2006 Lost Lake Dredge Project; and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; and WHEREAS, Landform has also prepared plans and specifications for the Lost Lake Dredge Project and such plans and specifications have been presented to the Council for approval; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Mound, Minnesota: 1. Such feasibility study is hereby approved as presented. 2. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 3. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published with two weeks notice, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the Clerk until 11:00 a.m. on ~> August 31, 2006, at which time they will be publicly opened in the council chambers of city hall by the City Clerk and Engineer, and then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at a.m., on , 2006. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of August, 2006. Mayor Pat Meisel Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1886- Minnetrista Fire Station #1 Project Development Phases and Schedule Phase I -Planning and Development (2004) • Develop an acceptable operations contract agreement • Establish Minnetrista Fire Station space needs • Formulate a Capital Equipment Plan (apparatus) • Create a basic staffing plan • Complete short and long. term financial plain and budget Phase II -Foundation Base Establishment (2007/8) • Finalize and sign a contract agreement • Determine fire station location and acquire property • Design and Build fire station facility • Order necessary apparatus and equipment • Initiate recruiting and staffing plan Phase III -Beginning Transition to Operations (2009) • Allocate and place fire apparatus • Install necessary fire operations support equipment • Establish fire and emergency response protocol • Assign firefighters, fire officers, and staff to station Phase IV -Controlled Part Time Operations (2009) • Begin limited part-time fire and emergency responses • Initiate staffing plan that launches transition to full time operations • Increase apparatus and equipment capabilities as appropriate • Determine response sequencing and response area (for fire stations) Phase V -Fully Operational Station (2010) • Insure that all resources are in place (staff, apparatus, equipment) • Coordinate and refine fire station activities with other stations • Review and modify response protocol as appropriate Phase VI -Evaluation of Operation Effectiveness (2011) • Evaluate response times and customer service quality • Review the cost vs. benefit of operations • Consider the overall effectiveness of the operation • Recommend and make changes as necessary to improve the operation 7/1/04 (revised and updated 073106) -1887- i ~ r..~ u ~o O a~ .~ w .,.~ .,-~ 0 w O~ ,O w 0 h `,~~ O .ti V w C~ Irv "~ w v° bA A w 0 0 N C O ter D CCS d? O N ~ 00 O [ ~ In ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ N '+~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ,~ '''' o ~ ~ ~ ~ "O ~ C ~ ... ~. ~--~ 'N ~ C c d ... o ~ ~~ ~i O ~n r r-+ 00 o~ 00 M ~~ A 0 rl C ~ O L" ~ C i. ~ ~ CCt Q L~ ~ 0 ~- \° 0 M to M d' bF3 \° 0 O N ~' N M M M N 69 .~ °' c c ~ U ° -~ ~ «i cd U a3 ..r Cd ,--~ ~. b +~ ~O u, b .~ a~ a~ bA b Q w O O N .~ ~ ~ b~ .~ ~~ .~ ~° ~~ ~~ o~ U w 3 H ~ O ~ zo 0 0 -~sss- MQUND FIRE DEPARTMENT ISO Public Protection Classification Ratings Fire Coverage Area With Hydrants Without Hydrants Mound 4 N/A Minnetonka Beach 7 N/A Shorewood 6 9 Spring Park 6 6 Minnetrista 8 9 PPC rating effective date September 1, 1996 NOTES: 1. Residential property insurance rates only improve up to an I.S.O. Rating of 7; anything above a rating of 7 generally does change/reduce insurance premiums for residential properties. 2. The city and residents that has the most to gain from an ISO Public Protection Classification audit is Minnetrista. 3. The most recent Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification audit for the Mound Fire Dept. and our service area cities was performed in 1996. 4. Our next planned ISO Public Protection Classification audit is planned for fa112006 or spring 2007. This depends upon ISO scheduling. The Mound Fire Chief has contacted ISO about this audit. 5. ISO audits are typically done approximately every 10 years. -1889- o U ° 0 0 0 ~n o ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ as P~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ,~ ,~ ~ ~ v yy ~ ~ .r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ cd ~ c~ '~•~.+ ~ ~ ^~ iCCSr L" ~ Qr ~i ~ ~ ~ Q" ~ • y cd ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ O v~ Q f~. , O O ,y~ ~ U ~ ~ v i. C1 t~ O" ~ ~ .° o ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~. . ~ ~, ~, 3 a y > ~ ~ i ¢ ~ ~ ~ [ °' ~ ~ o ~ ~ ,~ '~ ~ o , i o ~ ~ ' v + rs o a~ ~ .~ . ' ' ~ ue v ~ ~ ~ •~ ,~ '"' .~ ~ ~ ~ '" s . ~ ai ~+ ~ ~ ~' ~. ~ ~ Cr ~~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ o c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ o .. ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ., ¢+ ~ ~ ~ H .t7 .ai ~, ,u ~ bA ~ i.i ~.., C ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ Z ~. ~ ~, 0 Q " N ~ ., ~. a A ° a ° C l .~ ~ o ~ o z o o ~ ~' ~ ,__,i ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ p ~ p ~ r, H N ~ N ~ .~ U "...G' 0 U .~ N .~ N U ;~ o 3 b ~ ~ .., ,o ~ .~ '~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ o ° o ~ N ~ N ~ 'C ~ •~.-i" ~ U ~~~ ~, ~° o^ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ' x ~ :~ O ~ cd y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti '~ ~ ~"' cd °~ ~ o ~ b~0 >C y ~,~ ,~ cd" ~ ~" ~ ~ a Q ~~ ~ N M H 0 z O O N N A ti -1890- CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT June 2006 50.00% June 2006 YTD PERCENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND Council 82,450 6,168 33,127 49,323 40.18% Promotions 5,250 0 3,750 1,500 71.43% City Manager/Clerk 309,510 24,219 144,894 164,616 46.81 Elections 20,600 68 836 19,764 4.06% Finance 296,970 25,145 .126,908 170,062 42.73% Assessing 86,250 83,371 83,392 2,858 96.69% Legal 163,440 13,012 53,252 110,188 32.58% City Hall Building & Srvcs 118,070 24,103 57,757 60,313 48.92% Computer 13,950 343 3,500 10,450 25.09% Police 1,468,550 108,681 681,735 786,815 46.42% Emergency Prepardeness 7,100 729 3,443 3,657 48.49% Planning/Inspections 432,780 44,035 170,850 261,930 39.48% Streets 911,920 81,716 443,688 468,232 48.65% Parks 491,870 35,627 228,258 263,612 46.41% Cemetery 10,170 68 1,004 9,166 9.87% Transfers 434,652 36,221 .217,326 217,326 50.00% Cable TV 45,000 0 10,254 34,746 22.79% Contingencies 30.000 Q 2565 27.435 .55° GENERAL FUND TOTAL 4.928.532 483.506 2 266 3 2 66. 1.993 45.99% Area Fire Service Fund 791,430 28,659 260,198 531,232 32.88% Dock Fund 168,390 23,925 75,764 92,626 44.99% Capital Projects 76,440 465,817 702,831 (626,391) TIF 1-2 Downtown Mound 0 859 164,798 (164,798) TIF 1-3 MHR 0 16,949 165,102 (165,102) Water Fund 844,780 98,598 486,281 358,499 57.56% Sewer Fund 1,344,930 123,556 660,924 684,006 49.14% Liquor Fund 575,770 46,298 253,615 322,155 44.05% Recycling Fund 166,080 16,551 67,904 98,176 40.89% Storm Water Utility 128,330 14,490 54,999 73,331 42.86% Exp-zoos 07/11/2006 Gino -1891- ~ 1 CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT June 2006 50.00% i June 2006 YTD PERCENT B D ET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND Taxes 2,800,435 936,420 936,420 (1,864,015) 33.44% Business Licenses 19,550 6,430 16,175 (3,375) 82.74% i Non-Business LicenseslPermits 205,200 36,079 102,627 (102,573) 50.01% ~ Intergovernmental 342,060 0 21,980 (320,080) 6.43% Charges for Services 244,100 20,495 55,569 (188,531) 22.76% Court Fines 115,000 4,900 34,854 (80,146) 30.31% Street Lighting Fee 106,000 9,172 54,192 (51,808) 51.12% Franchise Fees 364,000 7,614 140,652 (223,348) 38.64% G.O. Equipment Certificates 286,500 0 302,307. 15,807 105.52% Charges to Other Dpts 10,500 3,069 5,387 (5,113) 51.30% Other Revenue 49.500 565 15.471 4 029 31.25% TOTAL REVENUE 4 2 45 1.024.744 1.685.634 (2.857.2111 37.11°0 FIRE FUND 791,430 97,887 453,827 (337,603) 57.34% I DOCK FUND 135,090 2,502 151,395 16,305 112.07% MOUND HRA 136,124 2,282 9,850 (126,274) 7.24% WATER FUND 847,000 87,345 333,857 (513,143) 39.42% SEWER FUND 1,325,000 121,991 623,539 (701,461) 47.06% LIQUOR FUND 2,310,000 228,421 1,029,962 (1,280,038) 44.59% RECYCLING FUND 158,500 37,312 97,527 (60,973) 61.53% STORM WATER UTILITY 135,820 12,818 76,401 (59,419) 56.25% 07/11 /2006 rev2005 Gino -1892- General Fund $1,588,932 CDBG 0 Area Fire Protection Services 330,317 Dock 223,802 Mound HRA 626 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2004 - C 172,940 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2005 - C (8,589) G.O. Equip. Certf. 2006 - C 19,239 G.O. Bonds 2001 - C 88,073 Commerce Place TIF (241,772) G.O. Bonds 2003 - C TIF 1-2 305,275 G.O. Bonds 2001 - A 20,960 G.O. Bonds 2003 - A 289,473 G.O. Bonds 2004 - A 119,542 G.O. Bonds 2005 - A 240,653 G.O. Bonds 2006 - A 49,916 Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds 2005 - D 1,720,616 HRA Lease Rev Bonds (396,754) Capital Improvement 2,188,599 MSA 1,137,214 Sealcoat 23,964 Parking Deck (79,322) Downtown TIF 1-2 37,838 Downtown TIF 1-3 MH 464,203 HRA Public Safety Bldg 27,959 Water 4,019,994 Sewer 1,456,620 Liquor Store (604,430) Recycling 26,381 Storm Water 1,057,404 Ftre Relief (61,080) Note: The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger. The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers, encumbered funds, or dedicated/reserved resources, etc. Only some accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included. A long and complete process is followed to record all transactions, before we close the books, at the end of the year. In addition, the audit from the independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties. In no way thJs schedule !s Intended to represent balances of funds available for spending. 07/11/2006 CashReportCouncil Gino -1893- 1 t Harbor Wine 8 Spirits July 2006 Date Weather Cust 06 Cust 05 Variance Sales 06 Sales 05 Difference Cash +l- 7/1/2005 sunny 80s 7/2/2005 7/3/2005 sunny 80s 7/4/2005 7/5/2005 sunny70-80 7/6/2005 sunny 80s 7/7/2005 sunny 80s 7/8/2005 sunny 80-90 7/9/2005 7/10/2005 sun 80 7/11/2005 sun 90 dry 7/12/2005 sun/90 7/13/2005 sun 92 7/14/2005 sun 95 7/15/2005 sun 99 7/16/2005 7/17/2005 SUN ! 96 7/18/2005 SUN ! 91 7/19/2005 rain !!! 85 7/20/2005 WARM 85 7/21/2005 WARM 85 7/22/2005 WARM 85 7/23/2005 7/24/2005 hot 90's 7/25/2005 HUMID 90 7/26/2005 HUMID 90 7/27/2005 HUMID 90 7/28/2005 hot 90's 7/29/2005 hot 90's 7/30/2005 7/31 /2005 HOT 96 Totals 790 .663 127 20984.93 16850.35 4134.58 -8.74 884 -884 23313.49 -23313.49 686 686 18316.09 18316.09 -8.57 0 0 254 272 -18 4712.08 4569.06 143.02 -0.01 287 304 -17 6385.38 4896.16 1489.22 -0.02 510 331 179 11057.48 5865.35 5192.13 0.09 645 514 131 14881.41 11131.57 3749.84 -0.77 756 -756 17695.29 -17695.29 288 288 5610.38 5610.38 -9.13 300 ~ 278 22 5663.88 5602.01 61.87 7.6 329 296 33 6481.74 4772.69 1709.05 -0.83 308 306 2 6493.31 5172.72 1320.59 0.9 646 368 278 14830.29 6450.67 8379.62 -9.27 788 615 173 18339.29 12547.94 5791.35 2 718 -718 15949.12 -15949.12 334 334 6124.42 6124.42 2.04 280 241 39 5833.26 4461.31 1371.95 1.01 288 283 5 5683 4929 754 -0.03 337 296 41 6646.09 5321.47 1324.62 -0.95 551 342 209 12909.97 6616.63 6293.34 0.13 635 579 56 15198.92 12453.83 2745.09 17.73 583 -583 15455.55 -15455.55 300 300 5835.1 5835.1 0.02 283 244 39 5448.39 3817.3 1631.09 -0.74 307 267 40 6217 4366.46 1850.54 0 342 287 55 7077.46 5291.64 1785.82 -0.92 583 318 265 13493.02 6967.39 6525.63 0.01 713 580 133 17137.3 12422.58 4714.72 0 642 -642 14082.79 -14082.79 289 289 5259.95 5259.95 0 11073 10967 106 246620.14 231002.4 15617.77 -8.45 -1894- American Wine Trends Bloomberg.com Americans are drinking more wine than ever before, a new study by the Wine Market Council shows. At the same time, the U.S. is still far behind some nations in per capita consumption. Growth has been dramatic, from 177 million cases of table wine consumed in 1996 to 205 million in 2000 and 249 million last year. Add in spazkling wines, shemes and ports, and the figure hits 300 million, with a retail value of $25 billion. According to the renort based on data collected by Adams Beverage Media and a 2005 studv by Merrill Research of San Mateo. California recent gains have been due to: 1) News stories about how moderate wine consumption can be a positive in terms of health. 2) Change in consumer attitudes regarding occasion appropriateness. 3) A strong U.S. economy. 4) Rising disposable incomes. 5) Branded advertising. The U.S. consumed 233 million cases in 2003, more than Argentina (134 million), the U.K. (119 million) anal Spain (112 million), and just behind Germany (240 million). But it has a lot of drinking to do to catch up with Italy (295 million) and France (323 million), even though those countries' total consumption has dropped for years. "This growth is not a fad or cycle," council President John Gillespie said in a telephone interview." We've tracked 12 straight years of continuous growth in the U.S. wine market. It's true growth. Wine Consumption Yet per capita, Americans are guzzling only 2.5 gallons (about 12 bottles) of wine. Compared with some countries, we're practically teetotalers. Annual per capita consumption in France is 12.8 gallons, in Italy 12.5 gallons, in Australia 5.4 gallons and in the U.K. 5.3 gallons. More than 42 percent of U.S. adults don't drink, and the study's "core" group (who drink wine daily or weekly) is only about 14 percent of the total adult population. The rest includes "marginal" wine drinkers (19 percent) and beer and liquor consumers (25 percent). Several other trends emerge. Among the core group, more people in the suburbs (51 percent) drink wine than city dwellers (31 percent), and more college grads (40 percent) than. post- grads (24 percent). The average income of core drinkers is $78,900, compared with $69,300 for marginal drinkers. The biggest consumers are in the 50-59 age group. Eighty-seven percent of core drinkers keep wine on hand in their homes, while 13 percent buy only as needed; 36 percent say they'd drink more if wine cost less in restaurants. Restaurant Growth One of the most surprising trends is how much ordering wine has risen in "casual chain restaurants" -- to 58 percent of core drinkers in 2005 from 44 percent in 2003. That should send gleeful shock waves through franchisees of the Cheesecake Factory, Macaroni Grill and P.F. Chang's. When core drinkers buy wine, 82 percent say they choose by varietal; 70 percent consider price; 53 percent look for their favorite brand; and 38 percent seek a particular appellation. About 47 percent prefer red wine, 34 percent white, while a remarkable 19 percent are still in love with blush wines. Americans are also drinking American, by a ratio of 69 percent domestic to 31 percent imported for core drinkers. import, almost half of U.S. core drinkers go with Italian or Australian (48 percent each), followed by wines from France (41 percent), South America (31 percent), Spain (27 percent) and New Zealand (22 percent) -- which should make New Zealand's young industry upbeat indeed. Demog~hic~ Finally, the report breaks down consumption by demographics, with 39 percent of the "millennial generation" (ages 12-29) and 30 percent of Generation X (ages 30-41) saying they are drinking more wine. For some reason, many more Gen X females (62 percent) than males (38 percent) are indulging. "The millennial group is now showing the same interest the baby boomers did when they first started getting into wine," Gillespie said. "The difference is that the boomers preferred white wine, the millennials red." While sales of premium wines (more than $10 a bottle) continue to rise, only 28 percent of core drinkers "frequently or occasionally".buy wines that sell for at least $20. Eighty percent buy in the $10-$15 range, and 54 percent at $15- $20. When they do pop the cork on an -1895- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES 9 I 1 VFW VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE U.S. CHAMBERLAIN-GOODY POST N0.5113 2544 Commerce Blvd Mound, Minnesota 55364-1430 Dear Chief Kurtz, As a result ofwhat transpired on June 27~h at our post home, we are embarrassed and regret our infraction. We pride ourselves on our diligence and following the letter of the law in our post for the benefit of Veterans and our community. Occasionally the human element prevails and we succumb to a regrettable experience. The Veterans of Foreign Wars has never encouraged not do we promote the underage drinker as any part of our customer base. We have established an ongoing awareness program for our employees regarding underage clientele. The employee who served the minor on the day in question is one of out most educated. He has a master's degree in marketing. Apparently a sheepskin scroll is not indicative of common sense. In closing, I want to say we have as VFW members fought for out beautiful country and we are now here to serve out fine community. Sincerely, ~~ William A Anderson Commander July 25, 2006 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES -1896- Xcel Energy=~ 5309 West 70th Street Edina, Minnesota 55439-2002 Date: August 1, 2006 Landis Hanson City Administrator City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Re: Notice of Implementation of City Requested Facilities Surcharge For Project Requested by City Dear Kandis: The City of Mound (City) has requested Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy (Xcel Energy) to install certain electric distribution facilities at the following location County Rd. 75 from Cyprus to Bellmont. Xcel Energy has determined that the installation of these Facilities is "Non- standard" or "Special" pursuant to Section 5.3.A.5 and 6 (enclosed as Attachment A) of its Electric Rate Book on file with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (tariff). The City and Xcel Energy have mutually agreed to use the CRFS to recover the excess expenditures associated with this project. A copy of that agreement is enclosed as Attachment B. Accordingly, Xcel Energy intends to implement a surcharge for the total excess expenditure for this Non-Standard Installation of $80,496.00. Xcel Energy has the authority to impose a surcharge on its electric customers for the actual Excess Expenditures (Amount Greater Than Standard Cost) pursuant to 5.3.E.3. Xcel Energy previously provided the City with an Engineering Estimate of the project costs and an opportunity to reimburse Xcel Energy for the Excess Expenditure associated with the Special Facility. Because the City has agreed to use the CRFS to recover the Excess Expenditure, the Tariff allows Xcel Energy to recover the Excess Expenditure through a City Requested Facilities Surcharge (CBEs) applicable to all Xcel Energy retail electric customers within the City. The City and Xcel Energy mutually agreed to use the CRFS to recover the expenditure of the underground project in excess of the estimated -1897- cost of installing the facilities overhead. Xcel Energy further understands that Hennepin County reimbursed the City for on half of these excess expenditures and that the City paid that portion to the Company in late 2005. This letter provides notice to the City that Xcel Energy will be implementing a CRFS surcharge for customers within the City to recover the excess expenditures in not less than 60 days. Xcel Energy plans to implement the CRFS on October >, 2006. The term of the CRFS is estimated at 18 months. Xcel Energy will include a bill message on customers' electric bills notifying customers of the billing change. The monthly amount that will appear on customer bills as a CRFS is as follows: Customer Class Residential Residential Low Income Small Commercial Non-Demand Small Commercial Demand Large Commercial Monthly Amount $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 $3.00 $4.00 Attachment C provides a calculation of the CRFS surcharge by customer class. If you have any questions regarding this Notice please contact me at (952) 829- 4504. Cb~4imunity and Government Relations Manager Xcel Energy Attachment A: Xcel Energy MN Electric Rate Book, Rules and Regulations, Section 5.3 Attachment B: Copy of Agreement Between the City and Xcel Energy Allowing for the Use of the CRFS to Recover the Excess Expenditures Associated With the Project Attachment C: Pricing Spreadsheet for Surcharge Calculation -1898- Attachment A ~~ Northern States Power Company Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 MINNESOTA ELECTRIC RATE BOOK - MPUC NO. 2 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 5.3 SPECIAL FACILITIES (Continued) A. Definitions (Continued) Section No. 6 Original Sheet No. 27.1 N 5. "Standard Facilities" are those facilities whose design or location constitute the reasonable and prudent, least-cost alternative that is consistent with the existing electric system configuration, will meet the needs of the Company's customers and will maintain system reliability and performance under the circumstances. In determining the design or location of a "Standard Facility", the Company shall use good utility practices and evaluate all of the circumstances surrounding the proposal, including (i) public and employee safety in the installation, operation and maintenance of the facility, (ii) compliance with the National Electrical Safety Code, other applicable engineering standards and electric utility norms and standards, (iii) electric system reliability requirements, (iv) the presence, .age, condition and configuration of existing facilities in the.. affected area, (v) the presence and size of existing right-of-way in the affected area, (vi) existing topology, soil, spacing, and any environmental limitations in the specific area, (vii) existing and reasonably projected development in the affected area, (viii) installation, maintenance, useful life and replacement cost factors, and (ix) other relevant factors under the particular circumstances. 6. "Special Facilities" are non-standard facilities or the non-standard design or location of facilities as provided in Section 5.3(B). "Excess Expenditure" is defined as the total reasonable incremental cost for construction of Special Facilities, including: the value of the un-depreciated life of existing facilities being removed and removal costs less salvage; the fully allocated incremental labor costs for design, surveying, engineering, construction, administration, operations or any other activity associated with said project; the incremental easement or other land costs incurred by the Company; the incremental costs of immediately required changes to associated electric facilities, including backup facilities, to ensure reliability, structural integrity and operational integrity of electric system; the incremental taxes associated with requested or ordered Special Facilities; the incremental cost represented by accelerated replacement cost if the Special Facility has a materially shorter life expectancy than the standard installation; the incremental material cost for all items associated with said construction, less salvage value of removed facilities, and any other prudent costs incurred by Company directly related to the applicable Special Facilities. N (Continued on Sheet No. 6-27.2) Date Filed: 06-11-02 By: Kent T. Larson Effective Date: 11-06-02 State Vice President -Minnesota & Dakotas Docket No. E002/M-99-799 Order Date: 11-06-02 F:\RA1RateslCurrentlMn eleclMe 6 27-1.doc ' -1899 - l 1 o Attachment CERTIFICATE ....City of Mound STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and the Clerk of the City of Mound, Minnesota, - hereby attest and certify that: 1. As such officer, I have the legal custody of the original record from which the attached and forgoing extract was transcribed. 2. I have carefully compared said extract with said original record. 3. I find said extract to be a true, correct and complete transcript frorf~ the original minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City held of the date indicted in said extract, including any resolution adopted at such meeting, insofar as they relate to: RESOLUTION NO.03-62 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES WITHIN THE CSAH 15/110 AND DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS BE RELOCATED OR PLACED UNDERGROUND ON PUBLIC PROPERTY Said meeting was duly held, pursuant to call and notice thereof as required by law on the 24~' day of June, 2003. WITNESS. my hand officially as such Clerk, and the seal of said City, this 25~' day of June, 2003, _ ~1~~~. ~e~~' Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1900- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION N0.03-62 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES - E17 PROJECT AREAS BE RELOCATED OR PLACED UNDERGROUND ON PUBLIC PROPERTY ,. WHEREAS, the City has a pproved two P ublic Improvement P rojects within the City of Mound Downtown area and for the purpose of redeveloping the Downtown; the County State Aid Highway 15-110 Project ("CSAH 15/110") and City of Mound Downtown Redevelopment Project, a/k/a Mound Visions, originally conceived in 1991 and now being realized through public and private partnerships ("Downtown Redevelopment"}(combined reference "Projects"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that the Projects are necessary to improve the economic viability, safety, and aesthetics of the City's historic and long-established downtown area, for the purpose of creating a community center for commerce, entertainment and public interaction; and WHEREAS,"CSAH 15/110 will result in the widening of right-of--way to facilitate the flow of traffic into and out of downtown; and WHEREAS, Downtown Redevelopment will result in a new pedestrian walkway along the waterFront to the south' end of the downtown area, new business establishments in previously unoccupied buildings, widened streets and sidewalks; and WHEREAS, it is the City's intent that upon completion of the Projects that the City will once again have a downtown area that attracts City and area residents alike to shop, work and interact in a safe and pleasing environment; and WHEREAS, the undergrounding of all distribution lines providing electric power to properties in t he area o f the Projects is a significant and n ecessary component of t he Project purposes, without which the Projects would be less likely to accomplish City goals. NOW THEREFORE, the City makes the following findings: 1. The area of the Projects are within the historically-identified downtown area of the City founded in the 19"' century, and a center of commerce and community gatherings of the west Lake Minnetonka area for decades, including the days when both Tonka Toys and Toro were headquartered in the Mound area. 2. The Projects area has been in decline for many years and has suffered from the closing or relocation of both Tonka Toys and Toro, and from the development of competing retail and business centers in the area. -1901- Resolution No. 03-62 ~-.. 3. The current state of the City's downtown area is not conducive to the revitalization the City seeks through the Projects. Specifically, the downtown area is not a - g~©n_~~~~~~ f ~;;~ outdated-~scernmedations--and- poor layout, including overhead utility facilities, the poor motor vehicle and traffic access and the general unattractiveness of many buildings. 4. The Downtown Redevelopment or Mound Visions Project seeks to draw new businesses and housing to the downtown area, enhance the natural beauty of the waterfront and re-establish the community gathering place that the City once enjoyed in the downtown area. To accomplish this the City must assist in the construction of new buildings and significantly enhance the safety and convenience of the pedestrian and motor vehicle access to the downtown area. 5. The current electric distribution and telephone facilities feeding the downtown area are substantially all overhead with lines hung from wooden poles placed at various conspicuous locations throughout the downtown area. 6. The lines are hung over areas areas. The poles and other appurtenances traveled portion of the right-of--way. of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in many are. often placed less than 5 feet from the "~` 7. CSAH 15/110 requires that utility facilities be relocated in some way from the current location. Downtown Redevelopment Project similarly requires relocation of t he distribution 1 fines a nd facilities i n s ome manner t o a ccommodate t he new b uildings a nd sidewalk areas. Were the overhead utility facilities to be relocated overhead, the goals of the Projects would be significantly hindered in safety and attractiveness of the new area. Not only would the downtown be less safe for people to work or patronize the downtown area, but the goals of beautification would be negated because of the undeniable unsightliness of overhead distribution lines amidst new construction and design. 8. The goals of the Downtown Redevelopment would be further hindered because overhead distribution lines in a new downtown area would fail to meet generally- accepted standards for downtown beautification in downtown areas such as Minneapolis, St. P aul a nd other s uburban areas t hat have an i dentifiable d owntown. Underground utilities facilities are standard in newly-established or redeveloped downtown areas. 9. The City Council further notes that under Minnesota law overhead distribution lines are recognized as posing a safety threat to pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic and are more vulnerable to summer storms and winter bliaards than are underground electric distribution lines. The City notes, for example, that the City of St. Peter h as redeveloped its d owntown area and surrounding areas with u nderground facilities following the devastating tornadoes during the summer of 1998. 2 -1902- Resolutlon No. 03-62 NOW, THEREFORE_BE IT RESOLVED. 1. Pursuant to City Code Section 655 (Right-of-way Management Ordinance) Xcel Energy and all other utilities, including telecommunications carriers (collectively referred to as "Utilities"), with overhead facilities, are hereby required to relocate or otherwise place underground all facilities other than electric transmission lines located within the Projects that are within or above current City right-of--way, or within or above right-of-way to-be-acquired by the City pursuant to the Projects. 2. Utilities are further directed to relocate or otherwise place underground alf overhead facilities other than electric transmission lines that are within or above current City-owned property that is not public right-of--way, or within or above right-of-way to-be- acquired by the City pursuant to the Projects. 3. As soon as is practical and pursuant to filed Xcel tariffs for service regarding the undergrounding of distribution lines and facilities, Xcel shall provide engineering estimates to the City regarding, among other required information, whether Xcel deems the underground distribution facilities to be "special facilities" within the meaning of said tariff and if so, the cost it believes is justifiable under the automatic surcharge procedure established by the Public Utilities Commission. Xcel is further directed to provide to the City cost estimates of any other facilities relocated or installed in connection with the Projects that Xcel deems to be "special facilities" and whether Xcel intends to seek surcharge recovery of the incremental cost of such designated special facilities from the Commission. 4. The City reserves all its rights under the tariffs and laws governing the Projects, including but not limited to those relating to the relocating and undergrounding of Utilities. 5. City staff is directed to establish and maintain communication with Utilities with overhead facilities within the Projects regarding the details of where facilities would be placed, both overhead to overhead relocation and overhead to underground relocation, as directed by the City in this Resolution and obtain cost information from Utilities regarding intended surcharged or other cost, if any, passed on to City ratepayers of undergrounding facilities. The foregoing resolution was moved by Council member Brown and seconded by Council member Osmek. The following Council members voted in the affirmative: Brown, Hanus, Meisel and Osmek. 3 -1903- Resolution No. 03-62 The following Council members voted in the negative: Meyer. Adopted by the City Council this 24"' day of June, 2003. .-'7 ~ ~'~1`Uiri~(r~. ~--IiC~CL~f~.-y Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk ~~~ ~ Mayor Pat Meisel ,. ,.. 4 -1904- ,, NSP d/b/a Xcel Energy City Requested Special Facilities--Surcharge~~RSF) ity o oun Based on Customer data as of 05/31 /2006 "Excess Etpenditures $ 80,496 Number of Recovery. Period Amount:. Customer Class Customers Surcharge (months). Recovered' Residential 4,249 $1.000 18 $76,482 Low Income (*) - $1.000 18 $0 Small C&I ND 239 $1.000 18 $4,302 Small C&I Demand 58 $3.000 18 $3,132 Large C&I (*) 8 $4.000 18 $576 Street Lighting 7 $0.000 18 $0 Small Mun. Pump ND 26 $1.000 18 $468 Small Mun. Pump Dnd 11 $3.000 18 $594 Large Mun. Pump Dnd - $4.000 18 $0 Total 4,598 $ 85,554 Total Carrying Charges included in total amount recovered $ 5,979 Allowable Class Surcharge Levels per Month Under CRSF Tariff Residential @ $1.00 up to $4.50 Low Income Residential @ $1.00 Small C&I Non-Dmd @ $1.00 up to $4.50 Sm C&I-Dmd @ 3 Times Residential Amount Lg C&I-Dmd @ 4 Times Residential Amount Notes * The amount collected from Residential customers may be overestimated whenever Low Income customers number is unknown. * An adjustment in the final months of the recovery period will be made, if necessary, to "true-up" any over/undercollected amoun * A monthly carrying charge of 1.0646% is applied to the outstanding balance of the excess expenditures. It is a compounded rate which reflects both the overall rate of return of 9.31 % allowed at the latest general rate case in 1992 and a tax factor of 4.24%. * Street Lighting and Night Watch accounts have been excluded from our calculations. (*) LCI is made of only customers with Rw higher or equal to 1 Mw. We used to use 100 ICw as break-point. CRFS_model_Mound_062106V.xls Pricing Planning/Liassou 6/20!2006 -1905-