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CiTY OF MOUND' Mound, Minnesota AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL November 17, 1981 City Hall 7:30 P.M. 1. Minutes of November lO, 1981 2. Presentation of AAA Pedestrian Safety Awards to the Mayor and Police Chief 3. Report from the County Assessor 4. Letter from Getty Oil Co. "Release of Deed Restriction and Right of Re-Entry from the City" Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Avalon 5. Resolution providing for a hearing giving certain property owners the opportunity to show cause why the City water supply to 5930 and 5932 Beachwood Road should not be discontinued 6. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present (please limit to 3 minutes) 7. Payment of Bills (to be handed out at the meeting) 8. Information/Miscellaneous Pg. 1207-1215 Pg. 1216-1224 Pg. 1225-1230 Pg. 1231-1237 Pg. 1238-1249 Page 1206 172 Ilovember 10, 1981 be flush against the building. Mr. Vic Cassett of Century Auto Body said it would be attached to the 6uilding but it would be sticking out from the building. The vote was four in favor with Councilmember Polston voting nay. Motion carried. G. STREET FRONT AND SIDE YARD VARIANCES FOR GARAGE - LOTS 15, PART OF 14 & 16~ BLOCK 3~ ABRAHAM LINCOLN ADDITION Michael D. Corbin - 2179 Noble Lane - PID #13-117-24 31 O016 Polston moved and Swenson seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-370 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION APPROVING THE 6 FOOT SIDE YARD VARIANCE AND A FRONT YARD VARIANCE FOR THE PROPOSED GARAGE. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. SIGNAL LIGHT AT INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD llO AND 15 The City Manager commented that traffic seemed to be moving quite well in the downtown area without the stop light and only the 3 stop signs. The County is willing to deactivate the signal and put it in a flashing position (red) which indicates a stop sign if the Council will pass a resolution stating their request. If problems arise, the County can activate the signal again. Swenson moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-37! RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THAT THE COUNTY CHANGE THE SIGNAL LIGHT AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD 110 & 15 TO A FLASHING RED AND INSTALL STOP SIGNS AT THE THREE CORNERS The vote was four in favor with Councilmember Ulrick voting nay. Motion carried. Councilmember Ulrick voted nay because he felt this should not be done until after Christmas; that a report from the Downtown Business Committee should be sought on this matter before acting. REFUND OF OUTSIDE READER FEE The City Manager explained that Ronald Johnson, 4416 Dorchester Road has demolished his cabin and had purchased an outside reader for this cabin. Mr. Johnson is now requesting a refund of $20.00. Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion to refund $20.00 to Mr. Ronald Johnson for the outside reader. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. WOODCHIPPING REPORT Chris Bollis, Park Director, had submitted his report on woodchipping. The Council discussed bringing the cost of this service up to where it should be or eliminating the service entirely. Also discussed was advance payment for this service. Councilmember Swenson asked what reasons were given by the people who did not pay their bills for woodchipping. The City Manager reported that 2 of reasons were: 1. The people thought it was part of the elm pick up and that they were not responsible and 2. Some just would not pay. Councilmember Polston stated he was against the payment in advance idea. I o? November 10, 1981 Polston moved and Ulrick seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-372 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN INCREASE IN THE WOOD- CHIPPING CHARGE TO ~60.OO PER HOUR WITH A $30.00 MINIMUM Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded an amendment to the above resolution adding: PAYMENT DUE IN ADVANCE FOR 1 HOUR WITH A REFUND IF IT IS DUE The vote on the orginal motion was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The vote on the amendment was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. FIREMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION TAX EXEMPT STATUS The City Manager reported that the I.R.S is working to rescind the tax exempt status of the Fireman's Relief Association. profits. He is asking for a resolution to be sent to our Senator's and Congressman opposing this action to rescind the tax exempt status. Polston moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-373 'RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE I.R.S. POLICY CHANGE (81-58) RESCINDING THE TAX EXEMPT STATUS OF THE FIREMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT The Mayor asked if there were any comments or suggestions from any of the citizens present. There were none. DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City Manager explained that the Downtown Advisory Committee has recommended approval of the following: Plan Concept Development Phase I - Summary Analysis - $578.00 Phase II - Group Workshop/Public Input - $940.OO Phase Ill - Public Facilities - not.to exceed $300.00 Councilmember Ulrick asked that the City Manager get a breakdown of the Phase II amount of $940.00 for the Group Workshop. The City Manager said he would get a breakdown. Polston moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-374 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND APPROVE THE PAYMENT FOR PLAN CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT (PHASE I, II, & Ill) The vote was four in favor with Mayor Lindlan voting nay. Motion carried. Mayor Lindlan stated that he voted nay because he felt this should all be taken up after the November 18, 1981, meeting of the Downtown Advisory Committee. Councilmember Swenson asked the Mayor to substantiate his comments. 174 November 10, 1981 The Hayor commented that these are his own personal feelings. He is quest[onlng the P]anner's ability and what we are 9ettin9 for our money, The City Manager commented that gob is trying to provide direction for the Comm|ttee and that he doesn't want to destroy citizen momentum. UPDATE - BOHNHOFF VS. CITY OF MOUND The City Manager submitted a letter from the Clty Attorney and one from Aetna Casualty. Aetna will not pay this claim so the City Manager will be notifying the Bohnhoff$ of this. Councilmember Ulrick commented that the City.will in the future be more careful in selecting an insurance carrier and it won't be this particular carrier again. MINNEGASCO FRANCHISE ORDINANCE The City Manager reported on how he.and City Attorney, Jim Larson had researched the background that went into the development of this Franchise. The ordinance as it is written will deal with the maintenance and construction by Minnegasco within the City, which has been a problem in the past, i.e. Minnegasco going in and digging up the new streets and not properly repairing them; the possibility that a Franchise fee of 1 to 4 % could be charged by the City of Mound on Minnegasco's gross revenue from the City of Mound. The City Manager thanked Minnegaso for their cooperation in the research study that was done. He also commended the City Attorney for his research and input into this project. Councilmember Swenson feels that a franchise fee is discriminatory since electric and oil users will not be paying the fee. Councilmember Ulrick commented that he is a gas user and is for the fee. Points he felt were important: 1. What the fee can do for the City revenue. 2. If this franchise fee passes it does not mean the City will charge the fee, but it is an alternative if necessary. The Mayor asked if Minnegasco had some comments. Mr. Dave Leatherman spoke for Minnegasco and gave the following reasons for their opposition: 1. It is regressive taxation. 2. It penalizes the fixed income and lower income people. 3. It is discriminatory. 4. It makes Minnegasco less competitive. 5. It add to the overhead of industrial and commercial users. The City Manager asked if Minnegasco would have the same feelings for the fixed income and lower income people when they raise their rates 25% next year. Minneagasco replied that none of that goes into Minnegasco's pocket. Ann Thomas asked why only the gas company was being considered for this franchise fee and not NSP also. Councilmember Ulrick explained that 2 years ago the City signed a 25 year Franchise with NSP without a fee involved and that now the financial picture of the City has changed and we too must change. Mr. Oberdeck stated that he figured out what the 4% would mean on his yearly bill from Minnegasco and it would only be a$16.00 increase. He asked Minnegasco why they would object to the fee because the people are paying it. Minnegasco replied because it was discriminatory and made them less competitive. 175 November 10, 1981 Councilmember Charon stated that she is for the franchise ordinance but against the fee. Councilmember Polston stated that the only way he would be for the franchise fee is if extensive public hearings were held to get the citizens input and feelings. The City Manager explained to the Council that just adopting the Franchise Ordinance would not mean adopting the fee. The fee is a separate item in the Franchise Ordinance as proposed and the Council has to decide if they want to impose the fee or not. Mayor Lindlan thought the matter should be deferred to a later date. Charon moved and Ulrick seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-375 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE MINNEGASCO FRANCHISE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED AND TO PRESENT IT TO MINNEGASCO FOR THEIR INSPECTION. Roll call vote was two in favor with Councilmembers Polston, Swenson and Lindlan voting nay. Motion di. ed. Councilmember Ulrick suggested that a short period of time be devoted to hearing the public comments at the next few Council Meetings. The City Manager will advertise in The Laker November 17th and 24th that the Council will hear the citizens feelings on a percentage fee of their bills from Minnegasco on December 1 and 8, 1981. BUILDING PERMIT REFUND REQUEST The City Manager stated that Mr. Clinton Voorhees has requested a refund for Building Permit #5474 that he took out on July 17, 1980. The reason is that he is no longer going to build'his home here. The cost of his permit was $911.50 and the City is deducting $96.00 for engineering technical review (McCombs-Knutson) and two hours of Hank's time at $10.O0 per hour. The total refund should be $795.50. Swenson moved and Charon seconded a motion to refund $795.50 to Mr. Clinton Voorhees. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT The City Manager reported that depending upon legislative action between mid-November and mid-December, cities may receive neither their December 15 LGA nor homstead credit payments. The Department Heads continue to conserve but with all the state cuts it may be of no help. He will continue to keep the Council up to date on the financial situation. M.T.C. ELIMINATION OF 51-N BUS ROUTE The City has been receiving numerous calls from Mound, but mostly Minnetrista residents a~out the M.T.C. eliminating the 51-N bus route. It seems the M.T.C. was telling people that the City of Mound would not let the buses into town. The City Manager has written a letter to the M.T.C. to straighten this out. He will also write to the City of Minnetrista letting them know so they too can take up the elimination of this 51-N route with the M.T.C. as it really affects their citizens. 176 November 10, 1981 STATUS OF lqB0-81 STREET PROJECT LEGAL APPEALS The £ity Manager reported that out of the 11 written objections to the assessment only two have filed legal appeals, Priscilla S. Anderson and Gregory Thomas Krause. LMCD DOCK LICENSE The City Manager reported that the LMCD is conslder]ng increasing the City of Moundls individual dock permits from 380 to 400 in 1982. This will mean some increase in revenue if it goes thru. The meeting is at the Deephaven City Hall, 20225 Cottagewood Road at 8 P.M. on Wednesday, November 18, 1981. The City Manager and Don Rother, Dock' Imspector will attend. DISCUSSION ITEM Councilmember Swenson asked for this time to remind all Councilmembers that their not notifying either other Councilmembers or the City Manager that they will be absent from a meeting could cause the cancellation of a meeting if enough members are not present. He also felt that the Councilmembers should check with other Councilmembers on when they plan to take vacations for the same reason. PAYMENT OF BILLS Polston moved and Charon seconded a motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of $78,540.38, when funds are available. Roll call vote was four in favor with Councilmember Ulrick abstaining because one of the bills was a payment to his employer. Motion carried. ACTING CITY CLERK-TREASURER The City Manager advised that the City Attorney pointed out that 5A.O5 of the City Code states that the position of City Clerk and Treasurer are combined into one position and unless the Council would like to amend the Code, he would like Judy Fisher, who is already Acting City Clerk to be appointed Acting City Treasurer. Charon moved and Polston seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #81-376 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT JUDY FISHER AS ACTING CITY TREASURER The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS The City Manager briefly went over the following items with the Council. A. List of City Employees B. Organizational Chart C. American Legion Report D. Letters from Rudy Boschwitz and Dave Durenberger E. Business Week - Special Report F. School Board Minutes 177 November 10, 1981 Folston moved and Swenson seconded a motion to adjourn, 10:55 P.M. vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Jon Elam, City Manager The Fran Clark, Secretary !,,11"t Applebaums 14.96 A.A. Battery Co. 150.00 Acr0-Minnes0ta 295.15 Aztec Irrigation 127.33 Chuck Anderson 322.50 Gayle Burns 22.92 Holly Bostrom 243.00 Brock-White Co. 31.70 F.H. Bathke Co. 13.80 Bryan Rock Products 139.41 Bill Clark Oil 4,823.23 Coast to Coast 348.03 Robert Cheney 334.00 Diseased tree rebates 2,722.00 Firehouse Mag. 14.97 Fire Control Extinguisher 86.35 Glenwood Inglewood 39.50 Lloyd Gronberg 99.00 Henn Co. Sheriffs Dept 116.O0 Eugene Hickok & Assoc 682.00 Henn Coop Seed Exch 45.50 Harris Warehouse & Canvas 100.91 Hardrives 2,805.90 INternatl City Mgmt Assn 165.00 Lowell's 45.83 F. Jedlicki 13,734.39 The Laker 123.98 Lutz Tree Serv. 4,100.00 Marina Auto Supply 439.93 Minn Comm 28.50 Mound Hdwe 59.82 Mound Postmaster 300.00 Mound Fire Dept 4,103.27 MN Fire Protection Council 5.00 Metro Waste Control 1,683.O0 Natl Fire Prot. Assn 166.83 Planning & Develop. Serv. 727.50 Timothy Piepkorn 480.00 Power Group Trust 91.67 Pitney Bowes 49.50 F.N. Shaffer 928.00 Spring Park Car Wash '76.00 Suburban Tire, Inc. 70.30 Stephens Buick 23.68 Thrifty Snyder Drug 28.40 Village Chevrolet 69.51 Unitog Rental 260.75 Wilcox Paper 208.74 Westonka Community Serv 8,292.00 Westonka Sanitation 50.00 Water Products Widmer Bros. 4,897.00 Xerox 39.42 Ziegler, Inc. 20.50 TOTAL BILLS LIQUOR BILLS 55,439.59 Blackowiak 32.00 Central Wardhousing 291.40 Real One Acquisition 675.00 Regal Window Clean 10.75 Security Alarm 386.19 Bradley Exterm. 19.00 Kool Kube 108.00 A.J. Ogle 1,729.90 Butch's Bar Supply 93.45 Coca Cola 272.55 Day Distrib. 2,705.95 East Side Bev. 2,768.24 Gold Medal Bev. 188.55 Home Juice 25.96 City Club Distr. 2,057.90 Midwest Wine 989.56 The Liquor House 3,117.37 Pepsi Cola 190.50 Pogreba Distr. 3,804.15 Thorpe Distr. 3,619.87 Tombstone Pizza 14.50 Total Liquor Bills 23,100.79 GRAND TOTAL---ALL BILLS 78,540.38 ,/ CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 November 13, 1981 TO: City Council FROM: Jon Elam, City Manager I thought you might want to look over the changes in real estate growth in Mound in 1980-81. These figures and increases will be the basis for next years assessments by the County. The attached sheet lists each property that is sold by its' P.I.D. number; type R (for residential); sale date (by month and year); sale price; current market value (from the Assessor's office); current ratio (what percentage of current market ratio is of the actual sale price). We can have a short discussion on this, if you wish JE:fc I,,1//= MOUND REAL ESTATE: MARKET 6~OWTH 150 % of Value Growth 140 130 120 110 107.9 9-1---80 Mean Ratio 85.2 Median Ratio 85.7 Coefficient of Dispersion Number of Sales 140 10.2 81 g . ~ o o~ o~- ~ = o = o o o ~ o ~_. ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ o I, 15 e-, z 0~) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I-- I--n' O~ nI- -, o o .~ o o o ~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~ o o o o "'~ '~ .0. ~ ° ° .~ o o o o .~ o ~ o .~ ~ o o I }- / ~r' '7 7 0 r~ 0 }-- o o § o oo o o o o § o oo o o~ o F- ~ ~ r~ l'~ ~'~ ~ ~1 ~J I~ tx] ~'1 .~ ~'~ ~' ~J I~ ~., r~ ~ 0~ ~ ~ ',0 ~ ~'~ ,-~ r~ ~ ~J 0 ~ '~., 0 0 0 0 0 o ~ 0 o ~ r-~ 0 0 ,-~ o ~-~t~ I-- I-CC :~ X O~ U~ Z n~ '0~/~ nu U ~r I CITY of MOUND November 13, 1981 TO: FROM: City Council Jon Elam, City Manager 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 This item comes as a request from the fellow who leases the Skelly Station at the corner of Wilshire Blvd. and Tuxedo Blvd. He wishes to .buy the station from Getty Oil Co. The deal can't be closed though until we pass on the Quitclaim Deed to release our restrictions and rights of re-entry from the City of Mound. I recommend approving, this, since the issues of junk cars and unsightlyness can easily be dealt with through existing City Ordinances. In doing so we help a local businessman buy and operate his own business. Mr. Craig Henderson will be at the Council Meeting. JE:fc Getty Refining and Marketing Company [ P.O. Box 1650, Tulsa, OK 74102 · (918) 560-6144, 6000 Brigitte H. Crist, Attorney October 30, 1981 Mayor Leighton L. Lindlan City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mayor Lindlan: Please be advised that in December of 1965 the Village of Mound conveyed a certain parcel of real estate to Edward George Kugler and Bernice Kugler. The deed from the City to the Kuglers contained certain restrictions and the right of the re-entry of the City in the event the restrictions were violated. In 1969 Skelly Oil Company (now a part of Getty 'Refining and Marketing Company) purchased the parcel of land from the Kuglers. In 1951 Getty Refining and Marketing Company entered into a contract to sell the parcel of land. The potential purchaser, however, has requested that Getty Refining and Marketing Company t lngly, we would appreciate your executing the attached Quit Claim Deed. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. (Attached please find a copy of the Deed from the City of Mound to the Kuglers.) Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Brigit~e H. Crist BHC: vvw Attach. ~ [Skelly] [SkelgasI / o~ c~ L · . . ,~,,,l~ll . :.... · · ' · ~,,~,,,.,,~ .~, ~_z~..' ~-----~,~'~--~--~-'?..~..-,~°~:' '~ -' . . '~1)~ ~,,~,.'.,-r,. - , ~'-' · ..... '~.. ~.,..~.~- · , .,,~,~,~~L~ .... ~--.-~ - . ~ ~ ~ .~ ..-. ~, .... , , , ..... , t ..... ~ ......... , ,, .. ~.. -. ' . ~I~C ~, ~ ..... ,~.~~.~:~ ........ ' ' ' s,~n..~e.~e.~4..~4...'.~ ~o0 ($~,o~.,9.~} .................................... ~ it in J~ ~db~ the said l.,,'lics o/t~ ~e~ par~, ~ r~p~ w~reo/ ~ her~ ~e~w~, h~eb~ O~. Bar~, ~uiPclaim, and Co~ u.n~ thw ~a~ ~rti~ of th~ ~tc~ ~ ~ ]oi~ .~..fvor. Forever, ell the t..~et or pared of ~.d'lyin~ .md br. in~ in th~ Co.~t~ of '.. ~ and .~,~te ,.f .~f,n,~,ta. d~.ribcd ~, foUo~,'~, tn.wit: ~'ts ~o (1) nnd ~ [P), Pl~ak ~ht (8), A,z~on~/aeco~.ng to the p ' on ~1. ~nd of record ~n tho of~oo of Ole ~tstrmr of 1~tles in and for l~nnep~n ~bJeot ~ resf.~c~ons~ freemasons ~d liens of ~rd mad subject ~.a~ ~peoi~ assessments., ~nd tho .aid p~rt~e~ of tho second p~, for the~zelws, their h.tre,' exeeu~rsd' ur~m~e~I ~er. ~ n~ver be outside stor{,go or sale of au~b{.lo~ or a,~mobt~e fence ~r ve~9~attve ~creening, and sho~d the pnr~y of ~o mccord pmrt, 'i~s exeou~r~, a~strc~.ors, 'or aspics ~olate a~V of the ~on,J~t4~ns heretn~ 9UIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this __ day of _, 1981, between the CITY OF MOUND,'a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota, Grantor, and GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, with an office at 1437 South Boulder, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Grantee; W ITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, by Warranty Deed dated December 7, 1965, the Village of Mound, as party of the first part, conveyed to Edward George Kugler and Bernice Kugler, husband and wife, as joint tenants, as parties of the second part, the premises hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, said Warranty Deed was made subject to the express conditions that no junk cars will ever be parked, stored, or allowed to remain upon said premises; there will never be outside storage or sale of automobiles or automobile parts on said premises; and utility areas will be kept from public view by attractive fence or vegetative screening, and should the party of the second part, its heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns violate any of the conditions herein, then the premises herein shall revert to and become the property of the party of the first part or its successors or assigns, together with right of re- entry in it or them; and WHEREAS, by Warranty Deed dated August 19, 1969, parties of the second part conveyed the premises hereinafter described to Skelly Oil Company; and WHEREAS, the interest in and to said premises has been transferred, assigned, and conveyed to Grantee herein; and WHEREAS, Grantor has agreed to release all rights under said condition and to release its right-of-entry; NOW, THEREFORE, the said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has given, granted, bargained, sold, remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents does give, grant, bargain, sell, remise, release and quit-claim unto the said Grantee, and to its successors and assigns forever, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 8 of Avalon, except the Southeasterly 30 feet thereof, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor, either in law or equity, either in possession or expectancy of, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has executed this instrument this __ day of , 1981. ATTEST: CITY OF MOUND By. City Clerk Mayor -2- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of , 1981, by , Mayor of the City of Mound, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires: Notary Public This instrument was drafted by Brigitte H. Crist, Attorney for Getty Refining and Marketing Company 1437 South Boulder, Tulsa, Oklahoma -3- ~.THOMA'~ C~I'I~ALD T. C~AI~ROLL CURTIS ~.. PrAR$ON THOMAS ~. UNDERWOOD LAW OFFICE3 WURST, CARROLL <S, PEARSON 151Z FIRST flANK PLACF WI'ST .INNEAPOLIS, "INNE$OTA 5540:~ August 26, 1981 Mr. Greg Skinner Mound Water Department City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Water Connection Dear Greg:_ This will acknowledge that you have called me several times con- cerning the piece of property in Auditor's Subdivision 168. It is my understanding that one property contained two living units (two separate single family residences). It is my further under- standing that these two lots had bee~ under one property ownership and that both lots were assessed for sanitary sewer but only one lot was assessed for water. We understand that both lots were then sold ~under a contract for deed to Noel~M. Wittig, 6201 St. Croix Trail ~orth, #118, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082. The City records reveal that in 1967 there were two parcels of record under one ownership, but now we have two parcels with different ownership. The water service off of Beachwood Road runs to the front house which was on the lot which was never assessed for water. The water meter is located in the first house. The first house was owned by Brad Hullsick who apparently has sold it on another contract for deed to Jay Peterson at 5930 Beachwood Road, Mound. T~e second unit, which obtains its water through the Peterson property, has now been sold on a contract for deed to Julie Ranfranz of 5932 Beachwoo~ Road. There is some indication that the two property owners are having difficulty in agreeing on the payment of the water bill since all of their water is going through one meter. You and I have discussed Section 6.16, Subd. g of the City Code which reads as follows: "Every separate building and each unit in a duplex, double bungalow or townhouse supplied with ~ater must have its own service connection directly with the mains and each unit must be provided with a shut- off and drip valve in the cellar from an independent riser pipe. These provisions shall apply to all new construction and for any units which connect to the EXHIBIT A /231 - I Mr. Greg Skinner Page 2 August 24, 1981 WURST. CARROLL ~, PEARSON City's water mains hereafter; existing units which do not have separate services as of the effective date of .this ordinance and which are now connected to the City's mains are excepted from these provisions except as met forth below. Two or more ad'acent buildin s owned b the same person s e same con- nection only so' long as. t~e single Ownership con'tinueS and provided that the owner a~rees to pay all ch.arges for water consumed on the entire premises. Upon the termination of Such .sin'~Ie-ownersh'ip, a"separ~te' cOnnec- tion' s~all be made immediately to 'the bu'ildi'ng or Premises theretofore having the indirect connection, p~ovid~d that in case there £S' no water main on 'any street on which said · 'premises abut, the Superintendent may permit such connec- tion to remain until the water main is laid in such abutting street." Plea'se note that everY separate building is required to have its own service connection, Also note that the ordinance provided that two or more adjacent buildings owned by the same person could be supplied. through the same connection, so the situation was okay in 1967. The, ordinance then goes on to indicate that that situation is acceptable only 'sb long as single ownership continues and provided that the owner agrees to pay all charges for water consumed on the entire premises. The ordinance is specific that upon termination of that singl'e ownership a new connection and a new meter is necessary and of course the second water assessment will have to be allocated. I have contacted Mr. Jim MacKinnon, an attorney in Excelsior, who represented Mr. Hullsick. I have been unable to reach Mr. Hullsick, so I am therefore sending a copy of this letter to Jay Peterson, Julie E. Ranfranz, Jim MacKinnon and Noel M. Wittig. It is my opinion that under the terms of the ordinance a separate service connectiO~ is necessary. The manner of paying for that connection and the new meter is one that will have to be resolved by the parties. If they do not do that, your only choice is to turn off the water until the matter is resolved and until any delinquincies are paid. It is my hope that the parties-can get together and sit down with you to determine who has the financial responsibility to make the second connection and to pay the additional water assessment. The whole thing is a mess because of the dual ownership in 1967 and the allow- ance of the two parcels to be served by one meter. WURST, CARROLL <~ PEARSON Mr. Greg Skinner Page 3 August 24, 1981 It is inevitable in this type of situation that when the ownership changes, you then have a dispute between the parties as to who is using how much water and of course the City has no way to meter or~ keep accurate control. I hope this answers your question and I hope that Jay Peterson, Julie Ranfranz, Noel Wittig and Brad Hullsick can all meet and give you an answer as to how the connection is to " be made and who will be paying for the service. I have just discovered in my notes that a Mr. Jim Smith at West Suburban Properties, 4363 ' Wilshire Boulevard may also have an interest, so I am including his ~ name to receive a copy of this letter. Very truly yours, Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney CAP: ms cc: Mr. Jay Peterson Ms. Julie E. Ranfranz Mr. Jim MacKinnon Mr. Noel M. Wittig Mr. Jim Smith Mr. Jon Elam A.THONA$ WU R ~,T GERALD T. CARROLL (~URTIS ,A.. PEARSON THOMAS F. UNDERWOOD ~LBERT ~AULCONER ~ JANES D. LARSON LAW OFFICES WURST, CARROLL & PEARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5540E November 9, 1981 TELEPHONE (61:3} 338'8911 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Jori: I am enclosing herewith a copy of a proposed resolution for the council's consideration at its meeting on November 10. This resolution has been prepared after consultation with you and Mr. Greg Skinner, as well as numerous telephone calls from persons having an interest in this property. I have tried to impress upon the property owners that it is ridic- ulous for them and the City to expend huge sums in attorney's fees and that they would be better off spending their money to resolve the problem rather than to fight about it. Mr. Skinner feels, and I agree, that these people are in direct violation with the water code and that it is impossible to maintain and operate the system unless all consumers are required to meet the regulations as set forth in the City Code. I am suggesting that a due process hearing be offered these persons wherein they can appear before the council as an administrative body to show cause why the City regulations should not be followed · The hearing could be set for November 24 or one of your first meetings in December, depending upon your recommendation. If you have any questions concerning the resolution or the problem, please contact- Mr. Skinner and/or myself. I am also sending a copy of this to Greg so that he can review it prior to the council meeting on November 10 to ascertain that I have all of the facts. Very truly you~rs) City Attorney CAP: ms Enclosure cc: Mr. Greg Skinner Mr. James Larson RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A HEARING GIVING CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW CAUSE WHY THE CITY WATER SUPPLY TO 5930 and 5932 BEACttWOOD ROAD SHOULD NOT BE DISCONNECTED WHEREAS, the City of Mound owns and operates a municipal water system, and WHEREAS, the City Code, Chapter 6, provides the rules and regulations under which the water service is provided to Mound property owners, and WHEREAS, at the time said ordinance was enacted Section 6.16, Subd. g, of the City Code provides as follows: "Every separate building and each unit in a duplex, double bungalow or townhouse supplied with water must have its own service connection directly with the mains and each unit must be provided with a shut- off and drip valve in the cellar from an independent riser pipe. These provisions shall apply to all new construction and for any units which connect to the City's water mains hereafter; existing units which do not have separate services as of the effective date of this ordinance and which are now connected to the City's mains are excepted from these provisions except as set forth below. Two or more adjacent buildings owned by the same person shall be supplied through the same con- nection only so long as the single ownership continues and provided that the owner agrees to pay all charges for water consumed on the entire premises. Upon the termination of such single-ownership, a separate connec- tion shall be made immediately to the building or premises theretofore having the indirect connection, provided that in case there is no water main on any street on which said premises abut, the Superintendent may permit such connec- tion to remain until the water main is laid in such abutting street." and WHEREAS, certain properties containing the street address of 5930 Beachwood Road and 5932 Beachwood Road were under common owner- ship at the time the ordinance was originally enacted, and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the City Code these two properties which were supplied by one water line and one meter, could continue in such a status until the ownership was changed from a single owner to two separate owners, and WHEREAS, the City Water Department is now advised that these properties have been separated and are owned by separate indiv- iduals and carry separate tax statements, and WHEREAS, the City Water Department has now investigated and finds that the individual ownership has been transferred to dual owners and has advised the parties in interest of the necessity of a second water line and a second water meter, and WHEREAS, the City Water Department contacted the City Attorney and provided him with the facts regarding these properties and received from him an opinion under date of August 24, 1981 indicating the necessity for separate connections and said letter was sent to all known parties in interest, and a copy of said opinion is attached to this resolution and marked Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the parties in interest have not taken any action to resolve the problem, and WHEREAS, Mr. Greg Skinner, Superintendent of the Mound Water Department advised the parties on NoVember 6 that he would be turning off the water supply, and WHEREAS, the parties and their attorneys have called the City and the City Attorney and dispute the City's right to turn off this water even though they acknowledge there is only one line and only one meter serving two separate properties, and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has advised this council that to protect the rights of the individuals and to provide them with due process, a hearing should be held wherein said parties have an oppor- tunity to provide information to this council to show cause why the water should not be disconnected, and the City Attorney has advised the Water Superintendent to hold off the water disconnection until after such a hearing has been conducted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MOUND CITY COUNCIL: 1. Ail known parties having an interest in properties located at 5930 Beachwood Road and 5932 Beachwood Road shall be advised that they may appear before this council on 1981 to show cause why their water should not be disconnected. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to send a copy of this resolution to Mr. Jay Peterson, Ms. Julie Ranfranz, Mr. Jim MacKinnon, Mr. Noel M. Wittig, Mr. Jim Smith, and any other persons who have registered an interest in these properties. Ail parties are advised that they may appear at the above date and time to show cause to this council why the water supply should not be terminated. 3. It is the position of the City that all water consumers are bound by the rules and regulations as set forth in the City Water Code and that it is impossible for the City to provide water to separate properties where only one water meter exists and to enforce the regu- lations of this department without there being individual connections to individual parcels which have individual responsibility for meeting the code and paying any water charges for water consumed on the premises. Attest: Mayor City THE ATTACHED PACKAGE SHOULD BE FAIRLY SELF-EXPLANATORY P.O. Box 402 Mound. Minnesota November 11, 1981 Mr. J~hn Elam City Manauer Village ~f Mgund Mound, Mn 55364 Dear Mr. Elam: The Lake Area Sp~rts Center cDntracted with Ea~le Automatic Fire PrDtecti~n Co. on October 22, 1981, to install a sprinkling system throughout the SpDrts Center. I am enclosing a copy ~f that cDntract fgr y~ur records. As of today the w~rk is 50% cDmpleted. Esgle anticipates cgmpletion by 11-16-81. We wDuld be h~ppy t~ provide yDU with any Dther information whi~ yDu might require. Sincerely Bill Duryea A Joint Venture of Westonka and Orono Communities GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT 300 ROANOKE: BUILDING TELEPHONE (61=') 343-~'B00 TELECOPIER (612) 333-0066 TWX 910576='778 1650 UNITED BANK TOWER 3300 NORTH CENTRAL AyENUE PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85011m REPLY TO' Minneapolis OfF,CE O,RECT D,AL (612) 343--2999 November 9, 1981 Mr. Hank Truelsen Chief Building Inspector City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Bay Point Apartments Dear Mr. Truelsen: As I indicated to you in our telephone conversation on November 9, 1981, Bay Point Associates, the present owner of Bay Point Apartments, will soon be closing a loan from General Electric Credit Corporation. In connection with such loan, General Electric Credit Corporation has required that it be supplied with evidence to the effect that the land and improve- ments constituting Bay Point Apartments are now, and following rehabilitation and conversion to condominium units, will be in compliance with all zoning, building, health, traffic and other rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes and requirements applicable to Bay Point Apartments. I would appreciate it if, in accordance with our conversa- tion, you could write a letter to the effect that: (1) The Bay Point Apartments are zoned so as to permit their present use and so as to also permit their rehabilitation, conversion to condominium units and sale of condominium units. Mr. Hank Truelsen Page 2 Noven%ber 9, 1981 (2) That except for the whirlpool and for the four fireplaces which were recently installed, the land and improvements constituting Bay Point Apartments are in compliance with all building, health, traffic and similar rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes and requirements applicable thereto. I would appreciate it if you would address such letter to General Electric Credit Corporation, c/o the undersigned. Please send the letter to the undersigned. Please give me a call if you have any questions. very much for your cooperation in this matter. Thank you Very truly yours, .John W. Thiel JWT: tb TOM HAGEDORN CO MIWITTEE.~: AGRICULTURE W A,~iHI NGTON. D.C. (202) 22.5-247Z ongrtgg of the Init b tattg ~in~ton, ~.C. 20515 November 3~ 1<:)81 (507) 397-8226 211 SOU'TH NEWTON (507) 377-1676 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Elam: Thank you very much for your letter expressing your opposition to proposed reductions in federal revenue sharing funds. I appreciate your taking the time to share your view with me. In his latest budget message, President Reagan proposed a 12 percent across-the-board reduction in non-defense spending. I am generally Supportive of these cuts because I believe strongly in the necessity of reducing federal spending in order to move the country toward economic recovery. Furthermore, I do not think that any area of spending, including revenue sharing, is sacrosanct and should be exempted from the serious efforts to impose economy on the federal budget. I am a strong supporter of the revenue sharing program and of the block grant concept in general. I favor a system in which federal funds are channeled directly to the localities, where they can be put to the best and most efficient use. In my opinion, this approach is more effective than providing the states with monies that can serve as a disincentive to disciplining their own budgetary spending. Be assured that I will continue to support this kind of "no strings attached" approach to decentralizing government. However, I think revenue sharing should be subject to the same fiscal austerity as other federal programs, and I do not think that this particular program has been asked to share a disproportionate share of the reductions. Again, thank you for writing. I hope you will continue to keep me informed of your views on other issues of mutual interest and concern. With kind regards, I am Sincerely, TH/lb -0 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Downtown Advisory Committee Rob Chelseth 12 November 1981 Important Notice This is a reminder of the very critical meeting the Downtown Advisory Committee (DAC) has scheduled for Wednesday, November 18th, at 7:00 P.M., in the Community Services Center. The DAC will meet in the large meeting room; to enter the room, use the parking lot North of the building, and enter through the doors on the building's North side. At this meeting, the DAC will go through an exercise designed to identify and rank the problems and issues that exist in downtown Mound. For details on this process, please consult the attached memorandum dated November 9th, 1981. The DAC will also generate preliminary programs and activities to be pursued in the downtown. All in all, this represents a key step in the planning process. Consequently you will certainly want to make your input know. Looking forward to seeing you next week. AGENDA - NOVEMBER 18, 1981 Community Services Center 7:00 P.M. 1. Review of Minutes from the November 9th meeting. 2. Short review of background study materials (See Section D of the Study) 3. Go through Issues/Needs Identification Process 4. An idea session on programs/activities addressing the problems and issues raised regarding the downtown. 5. Adjourn I q$ l~inutes - Downtown Advisory Committee - l~ovember 9, 19B1 12 noon at the Soda Fountain Present: Paul Pond, Georgiann Daly, Frank...Weiland, Peter Ward, Bob McClelland ~-.' ~ -." Also:.Rob Chelseth and Diane Arnes°n'-- Minutes from the November 2nd meeting were approved. Chelseth described zoning in the'airy. He Spoke from. the.dr, af.t zoning ordinance which he thinks is about to be approved by-the'council. A survey map of parking was displayed. Most-of the.parking available is within 800' of the T-intersection-of'-llO-& 15. The sign' code was discussed briefly. Weiland noted his interest.in signs .in connection with his role on the planning commission..Pete Ward favors, a. short"-sign ordinance. Pond.spoke of attorneys.' needs .for specific guidelines in sign ordinanCes so interpretation'is clear and political favoritism can be avoided. Chelseth spoke briefly on'public-and private development_programs and budgets. He mentioned community'development block grants, E:D.A"funds, local non-profit development corporations as an approach to S.B,Aj loans, although those loans carry unfavorable interest.rates. Tax increment financing was described. These have political...implications. The new laws are very strict. Projects have-to meet legislative tests=' -Industrial development bonds and general~obligation bonds are also possibilities, if projects can be put together'over several municipalities to equal a large amount , such as-a half mi'llilon, dollars. Chelseth.says the goal is for the actual drive to come from the private sector.- Materials were distributed for r~ading before the November. 18th evening workshop meeting. (Section D Background Data Review and Needs Assessment and Westonka Retreat.'81 'List).. Pond stressed the importance of ALL MEMBERS) presence at the November 18th evening meeting. Review materials before you arrive. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room, Westonka'Community. CenteF.' .Park in the north lot, near the Pond-ArenaT' Enter the doors for the school district offices. 'Walk to the right, then to the right again and you're- there. Coffee will be provided. A~water machine and. pop machine are found in an adjacent room..Be prepared with a lot of ideas. The meeting will adjourn sometime between 10 and'Il p:m. "This ~meeting) will be the culmination of our. efforts.,', Paul Pond. Weiland moved and.l~cClelland seconded.a motion, to not subscribe to a town idea exchange publication' Chel~eth advised such' p-ulDl'ications are available through the public libraries. Pond said he .is getting a lot of flak about the committee. The council is not happy with what they're getting'for'their money.. ~ They think too many studies are being done and criticize Chelseth for "going through the motions".. Council wants committee to come up with concrete solutions. Ward suggested the November'lSth meeting be'geared not only toward listing the problems, but also generating solutions. He said', "We have a pretty ugly downtown and now that the road work is done, now-what?" Ward wants to see immediate solutions (for work from now till spring) DAC/2 medium range solutions (for completion by fall of 1982) and longrange ~olutions. The goal (s to improve the atmosphere in. the corm~unit~. Ward moved and Dal~'-seconded'a motion to'gear'the November lBt~.meeting toward generation of immediate actions, shortterm act.ions, and longrange solutions. Chelseth should include this in the.agenda .for the Traffic fl ow at the T-inters~c~ 6n"waS" ~ scuSsed..Jrneson..mentioned two pedestrians having been hit since completion.of-~road"Work. Members divided names for phoning' to ensure .adequate attendance at the November 18th meeting, 7 p.m.~Westonka"Community Center. Adjournmen't~ was at 1:20 p'.m. Diane Arneson CITY of MOUND 53~1 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNE$O'IA 55364 (612) 472-1155 MEMOP, ANDUM TO: FROM: DATE SUBJECT: Downtown Advisory Committee Rob Che]seth, City Planner 9 November I981 The Process of Identifying the Issues and Needs for Downtown Mound During the last several months, the Downtown Advisory Committee (DAC) has studied a wide variety of information concerning the situation with- in downtown Mound. At this stage, it is important that the DAC reach some preliminary agreement on what issues and problems this information indicates are present in the downtown. To accomplish this task, the DAC will hold a special evening meeting for Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 P.M. (to be held at the Community Services Center). To prepare for the meeting on'November 18th, we ask that you take a few moments to make a list of those downtown planning problems or issues with which you.are concerned.. Please concentrate on listing problems or issues, and not solutions or specific plans, using Section D to re- view the materials we have studied. Certainly some members may list the same problem, but this is a valuable observation to have. Do not hesi- tate to get down what you feel is obvious, or note something which you feel has been overlooked or unanticipated to this date. Attached to this memorandum, please find two additional pages. One entitled "Planning Process" generally shows where "the problem and need analyses" step falls in the entire planning sequence. The second sheet entitled "Planning Issues Identification" outlines the procedures which will be followed at the November 18th meeting to list, refine and priori- tize downtown issues. PLANNING PROCESS Assessment of Situation/Resources Requirements of Target Population Problem and Need Analyses Goals Objectives Poli cy-Maki ng Program Implementation Evaluation Funding PLANNING ISSUES IDENTIFICATION FOR MOUND: A PROCESS Question: What are the most significant planning issues facing downtown Mound over the next ten years? Step 1. Silent Generation of Ideas in Writin9 a. each group member works silently and independently for several minutes b. wr|te |deas in br|ef statements c. focus on problems, not solutions Step 2. Round-Rob|n Recording of Ideas on Flip Chart a. go around table asking one need statement from each person b. in succeeding turns, person may pass, and re-enter later c. duplicates need not be mentioned, but genuine alternatives should be d. new ideas may occur, which may be added to the list at any time e. discussion will take place later Step 3. Discussion of Each Idea for Clarification a. clarify meaning of ideas b. explain rationale c. anyone can discuss any idea d. disagreements will be resolved through voting Step 4. Vote on Item Importance a. select most important items b. rank these items c. write choices on voting cards EXAMPLE OF QUESflON-ISSUES - What are the most significant issues facing the Minnesota Vikings over the next five years? 1. The need for depth at different positions. 2. Rising player salaries. 3. Inexperienced rookies at key positions. 4. The development of Tampa Bay's team. 5. Need for better draft choices. 6. Howard Cosell's mouth.. 7. Etc. MOUND'S DOWNTOWN PLANNING QUESTION - What are the most significant planning issues facing downtown Mound over the next ten years? cCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. November 11, 1RS1 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Tim Albers Hardrives 7200 Hemlock Lane No. Maple Grove, MN 5536R Subject: Section 2 - 1980 Streets Clean-Up & Project Completion File #5248 Dear Tim: In reviewing your progress on the 1RBO Mound Section 2 Street Rroject, it is becoming evident that you will not finish all of the items we have to have done for final payment. I realize some of these items are time and material items, but we feel they are a part of this project and therefore, should be completed as such. We want to tie up these loose ends so as to not have them haunting us and you into another construction season. We have only seven (7) items to finish, and some of these already have their attorneys involved. The following items need to be ~ompleted this year: Ruud's Drive Ilies Drive Bartlett Drive Gladstone Patch Warner Ratch Brunswick Swale Waterbury Swale If you have any questions, please contact us. Yours very truly, ~COMBS-KNUTE~3N ASSOCIATES, INC. 3ohn Christianson OC: lr / CC' 3-6~ (c,~ Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Eagan pr~nIeo on recyclud pa~e~ November 17, 1981 CITX ' of ?IOUND 5341 ~'¢%qY~.*,O~D ROAD M©L'.ND. M~NNESCTA 55364 (612~ 472-1155 TO: FROM Joyce Nelson Jon Elam, City Manager(¢~/~ This memo is to let you know what the policy is on your leave of absence because of pregnancy. The City of Mound will allow you up to six months unpaid leave of absence. You may use your accrued sick leave or vacation during this time. You will not accrue any sick leave or vacation while on leave of absence. The City will continue to pay its portion of your insurance premiums and you will be responsible for your share of these premiums. We wish you good luck and look forward to your quick return. JE:fc CITY Of /IOUND 5341 MAY~,¥OOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESCTA 55364 (6!2) 472~1155 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Jon Elam, City Manager Rob Chelseth, City Planner 16 November 1981 Request for Information on Phase 11 of Step 4 Step 4: Plan Concept Development Phase I1: Group Workshop/Public Input Budgeted for: $940. Activity/Cost Breakdown $150. I. Preparation and management of three hour issue identifi- cation/short rem solution - Workshop (November 18th) $195. 2. Staff work drafting a written narrative which a) describes the problems and issues raised and ranked by DAC; b) dis- cusses potential short-term revitalization activities; and c) links the issues/problems with potential long-term revitalization activities under the plan to be developed in Phase Ill. $350. 3. Manage the circulation and presentation of the results from Phase II to key groups. Individual presentations expected for the City Council, Planning Commission, Chamber, Mound Retailers' Association, with additional input requested from all key groups with a major interest in the downtown (School District, Churches, Clubs, League of Women Voters, Elderly, etc.). These groups will be offered opportunities to appear before the Committee as a special subcommittee of the DAC and its Staff. $100. 4. Public Hearing on problems/issues. $145. 5. Staff develops revised problems/issues and short-term ac- tivities based upon input. ' ~ "' CONSULTIfi, G ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS ~ PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 November 13, 1981 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1981M.S.A. Street Improvements Payment Request #6 File #5387 & 5388 Dear Jon, Enclosed is payment request #6 for work completed thru October 31 on Tuxedo Boulevard and Three Points Boulevard. We have approved the request and recommend payment to Hardrives in the amount of $120,155.21. Sincerely, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Aohn Cameron JC:bb Enclosure Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Eagan printed on recycled paper 'NuzNE=R. McCuMoa .~UTSON CONTRACTOR: HAP~£IVES, INC. ~00 H~ ~ ~ ~00 HEMLOCR LANE ' PLYMOU~, MN ~ ~, ~N )A~: lO/2:I/B1 -- CONTP~CTOK PAT ESTIMA~ S~ARY -- COMPLETED lu,.,E=Ju ~u~_EV,F'.D MSAP 145-101-06 ~=Ki~LS ON SITE TUXEDO BDLEEVAED MSAP 14S-lOt-GO IHP. EE F'OI~{TS BOLr,_EVARD MSAP 145-1~-01 THIS FERIGI~ 61,11G.G3 65,3G£ 0.00 0.00 .uJUO,~,- TOTAL LESS EETAiNAGE - 5% PREVIOUS, TOTAL ,~:,Gu,~, ~'u~ Fur, v. ug.."< COdF'LETED TO DATE LESS F RcV.oUo TDT~MOU~T .12_6,479.16 6, ,l~3. em'jO 1PO, 155.P1 -0.00 180,1S5.81 TO ~,07G.52. 497,6B3.07 O. Or.- 0.00 B~0,699.59 41,534.97 789,164.61 669,009.40 -- SL~HAEY OF F'REVIGUS F'AYMENTS -- ESTIMATE HO. DATE I 05131/81 E OG/30/Bi 3 07131/g1 4 08/31/~! 5 09130/81 ,~uu,~ TOTAL 104,149.81 104,149.81 l~,lOS, c= E41,ESS.TO 204.1lS.3~ 445,43S. O9 SS~,=.4.48 103,764. ~"=~ 669,009.40 ur F R,J',,)ED. COdTKAuTu,",. H.'tn~'nlv~-,~, IN~. -J / I NOLO;D, !IN - IUXEDD EDAD ~ IH&E.E POINTS INEER: McCOMBS-~UT~N CONTRACTOR: HARDRI~ES, INC. 12.800 HW% 55 7BOO HEMLOCK LANE PLYMOUTH, MN MAPLE GP~, ~N E: 10/31/81 -- PAYHENT S~ARY FOR ~D~ CDHPLE~D ID DA~ -- ITEM CONTPJqCT DESCRIF'TIDN OUAh'TITY ~'~II 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 1.0 LS' 210!.511 CLEAR ~ GP, b~,-'-,""'" 1.0 LS E104.501 Pd%V CbLV. F'IPE BS.O LF PI04.501 PJgV CONC C~G 25.0 LF c10,..,,9 PJIV M.H. OR C.E 1.0 EA 2105.501 COMMON EXCAV. G,GEG. O CY 2105.535 SALVAGE IOF'SDIL 500.0 CY ~-lov.~vl,~,,,~ llS. O GAL 2211.501 AGGR BASE CL E 220.0 TON 2211.501 AGGR~..~. CL 4 3,000.0 lO~ 2811.501 AGGE BASE CL 5 2,SBO.O TON .:,v~. ~ui CD)~CP~TE £~S04 BIT. NAIL HIXT ~0.0 TON E:,~.Si4 B,a.' COuRt_ MI>'. ,-,OOv. O .... S04 100.0 c:,~l. BIT MATL MIXT P341.580 WEAR COURSE MIX 1,~00.0 TON 2SS?.SOP BlT MAIL"',~n"" C 4~v.'"~ v ~ GAL 2E:58.501 BIT MATL PRIME 2,886.0 GAL ~503.511 12' PCP SI SE~ F;gS.O LF 2503.5!1 iS" PCP ST SEW 305.0 LF 2503.511 18' PCP SI SEW 353.0 LF P503.572~ 12" RCF' CDNC AP !.0 EA ~-:v,:..5~.:.18' AF W/ID 1.0 EA 250-C.S06 CGNSI HH OR CB 2G.S LF ~'"~" GR "'~ 7.6 LF 2506.507 ~,u,4~l HH 2_~vo.~,~ CAST. A i v EA 2506.516 CAST. AS!iBLY B 10.0 EA 2511.S.32 HAND PLACED R.R 10. 2511.504 FILTER ~_ANKET 5.0 CT .... SC.1 ...... ~ALK ...... F_s=i. 4 ~u,~C SF 2'-~-..---'!.SOi Cu,~. ~.~ ~-~lo S,530.0 LF ......... ~" cnNc n ..... ~ 5 2571.3C,2 F~ F'LANT A TREE 30.C, TP£ :~ E'571.S~2 F& PLANT H TREE 30.0 TRE ;7 2571.5-~4 i'R PLANT SHRU2S 10.0 SHR :2 E2_~Jlj~~ RC;.Si~.E SEEgl,;G 0.3 AC r9 SEED MiXTU~'~ 5 15.0 L~S ,C ~575.50'5 S~DDiNG B, GC.C.O SY UNIT PRICE 2S,O00.O0 4.00 2.00 ~00. O0 3.77 4.P5 8.00 6.50 5..6~ S.G8 165. O0 11.51 165. O0 12.07 1.10 0.10 18. O0 80.00 EM. O0 isC.O0 " O0 100.00 I'~'- 0" 200.00 60.00 30. O0 lC,. O0 4.10 18. C.O lIS. 30 119.30 10. O0 173. E.IO 1.10 .... THIS PERIOD .... O.LkANTITY 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 164.S 14.0 O.O 61.6 1,083.7 510.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 56. C 0.0 30.0 2,0.0 30.0 0.0 O. 3 3,525.0 AMD~iT 0.00 0.00 O. O0 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 1,O?l. BS 5,736.80 5,736.80 252.00 0.00 0.00 lO,164.oo 561.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. OO 67.20 O. OO O. O0 3,575.00 3,STS.O0 3,5?9.00 6.00 52.50 31.50 ..... TO DATE 1.0 1.0 51.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 178.0 4,010.0 4~.0 86.7 1,848.3 1~.1 E,045.7 1,000.0 0.0 4~.0 E97.O 360'.0 1.0 29.8 9.S 1.0 ~.0 13.0 10.0 0.0 6,049.0 ~.O 3~.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 0.3 is.O 6,000.0 AMDL~(T 25,000. O0 5,400.00 204. O0 0.00 PO0.00 22,865.62 0.00 · 0.00 1,is?.O0 28,776. BO 28~653.20 8,130. O0 14,305. SO 81,E~.53 18,991.50 24,691.59 1,100. O0 0.00 7,416.00 5,540.00 7,920.00 isO.O0 650. O0 8,980.00 665. O0 1BB. O0 2,400.00 780.00 ,~,'d ,Y · VV 0.00 14,74P. O0 24,800.S0 356. O0 ".:,, 575. O0 3,579. O0 3,5?9.00 0.00 5?_. 50 31. SO G, 600. O0 .... :;I-P,¢.CTOF.. F',:,',' ESTII'iAS[ ,'.-,. OG TUXEDO ~O L~_E VAF. D -- ?AYHENT SLL~ARY FOR ~]RK COHPLETED TO DATE -- 44 ~'EC 45 ~'EC 40 ~'EC 47 ~c'EC 48 SPEC 49 ~'EC 50 ~-'EC 51 SPEC SP_ S~'EC S3 ~'EC 54 SPEC SS SPEC SG ~'EC iTEM IIEM CONTRACT U~IT NO. DES~EiPIION QUANTITY ~IT PRICE 41 BS?S.Sll H~_C~ ~A~EIAL O.G TON ~0.00 48 27S7.Si1 TOPSOIL GOR~W ~0.0 CY G.00 .... T~ ~ C 43 ~'EC Fr~V S'~F'S ~. ~C.vv F~U D~Y ~b~ ~LLS S,4B0.0 ~ 6. BS PRDV ADJ GA~ VAL~E G.0 EA ISS. O0 FEDV LO~ ~ATE~SA!,~ ~0.0 LF ~.00 PEDV LO~ UATEE ~EV 700.0 LF 7.00 F'PJ9 EXT WATER SERV G0.0 LF 80.00 PEDV CUF~ ~X E CC E.O EA 100.00 F'ROV AGJ CUF~ ~X 40.0 EA 30.00 F'EOV I~ SEW ~EV ~.0 LF S. O0 PRO ' .'~ LG~EE SEW SERV 8S0.0 LF 7.00 PEOV FkI SIGH POSTS ~.0 EA ~.00 F'EGV FEi ~-i SIGNS ~.0 EA 30.00 F', E7-1 .... ~C.O0 F'EDV ~' o l~N~ .30-~ EA PROV FEi kS-i SIGNS 1.0 EA ~.00 STIC PEGV F&I 8XG ~YE 1.0 EA SO. GO m SS~C PEDV ADJUST GYDFJNT ~.0 EA BSO. O0 S9 ~'EC F'~V ADJUST ~H 14.0 EA ~S.00 60 SPEC PEOV F~CONST M.H. 1.0 EA ESO.O0 61 ~'EC F'FJ~ FIELD OFFICE 1.0 LS 68 ~UCE EXCAVATION -1,0S0.0 YD 4.02 ~ G~N~AE FILL 8,8S0.0 TO;J S.86 ~4 I-IIPJFI Fabric 780.0 SY I.BO .... l~IS F'EEIGG ..... Q~NTITY 0.6 816. 4.0 61S.3 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.G 0.0 0.0 O.O O.G 0.0 C.0 O.O 0.0 1S. 0.0 0.~ O.G 0.0 A~DL~,~.T SO.GO 1, ESS. O0 P_O0.O0 4,PI4.BO 1,E,~O. O0 0.00 O. OO O.OC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. C,.5 0.00 0.00 G. OC, P, S~S. OO 0.00 0.00 O. O0 0.00 0.00 ...... TO DATE ....... QUANTITY O.G S00.0 4.0 3,714.3 !0.0 0.0 85.0 10.0 3.0 1.0 18.0 0.0 lg.O lq.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 1S.0 8.0 !.0 1,376. ~ 2,6S0.0 86S. 0 AKD~T 90.00 3,000. O0 P, O0. O0 25,448.95 1,3S0. O0 0.00 800.00 300. O0 30. O0 60. O0 0.00 0.00 300. O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,,:,c~. O0 SOO. O0 3,000. O0 5,531.52 13, SS~. O0 I, SS7. O0 TOTAL ~u.,r..Du BDLLEVAP, G ltSAF' t4S-I01-C.-5 61,116.63 .33C:, 076.52 --NDINEER: HcCOKBS-40;UTSDN CONTRACTOr: HA~/)RIV~S, INC. ~BOO Hg~ ~ ~00 HE~D~ LANE PLY~OU~, MN -MAPLE G~, ~N )A~: 10/21/B1 -- P~T~ENT S~9~ARY FOR HATERIALS 6N SI~ -- T'rI I S FEP. IOD ITE~, II-EH CONTRACT UNITS INUDICE UNITS ND. DESCRiF'T!GN GUANTITY DELiV"ERED PRICE ON SITE TOTAL Il'EH ..... INVOICE PRICE TO DATE ~;ITS ON SITE TOTAL ITEK VALUE ,U^:Du BO~.EV.P~ HSAF' 145-101-0~ TOTAL ...... ~ ' ~ O.gC' 0.00 - IUXEDD RDAD ~ iH,EF.E F'DINI$ BLYD KSA 1'~B1 TUXEDO BDL~£VA..~ HSAP ENG II~EEE: McCOJlB$-~{UTSON i~BO0 Hk'Y 55 PLY~OUI'H, MN DATE: 10/31/81 CHANGE GRDER NO. 01 0B/31/81 CONTEACTDR: HAP~)R!V~$, INC, 7800 HEHLDCE LANE MAPLE DRDL~, MN unmNu~. GP~ERS -- S~MAEY OF B O, G1G. 00 ITEM ITEM {'RE~IGUS ......... ND. DESCEIPIIO~ QUANIIIY UNII PRICE GB MUCK EXCAYAIID~ 0.00 YD 0.00 63 GEAN~.AR FILL 0.00 'TON O. O0 64 MIF, A. FI Fabric 0.00 SY O. O0 -CHANGED AMOUNT AMOUNT QUANTITY L~4IT PRICE DEDUCTED ADDED 1,050. O0 YD 4.02 4,281.00 2,850.00 TON S.E6 14,~B!. O0 7BO. O0 SY 1. BO 1,404.00 ~ ,,,,, .... 'r ...... + CH,Nur- PP~k,~uUa CONTr~.u, PRICE ~,v,44:.0£ ..... ~0,616.00 = REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT o~l,OSB.OP ORIGINAL CONTP. GCT PRICE "~"c~.O, ,,4~' ".GE + CHANGE ~0,616.00 = REVISED CGNTEACT MOk~O, MN - TUXEDO EOAO ~ THF. EE FCiNT-2 ~L%"~ bSA 198! THF-~E POINTS BDtkEVAFD Y, SAF' 145-106-01 ENGINEER: McCOMBS-KNUTSON CDNTEACTO£: HARI)~IUE$, INC. 18800 NWY ~5 7800 ~EMLOCK LANE PLYMOUTH, MN MAPLE GRDUE, MN DATE: 10/31/81 -- PAYMENT SL~HARY FDR ~DP~: COMPLETED TD ~AT'E -- ITEM ITEM CONTRACT hq(IT ND. DEr.~RIFTIDN P~ UANT ITY UNIT PRICE i 20~1.501 MOBILIZATION 1.0 LB 85,000.00 2 E101.511 CLEAR & GRUB RD 1.0 LS 13,000.00 3 2104.501 PdtV C~"-_V PIPE 15~.0 LF 4.00 4 2104.501 B, qV CDNC C~G lO0.O LF E.O0 5 E104.505 KMV CDNC PAVT. MT 31.0 SY 5.00 G £104.505 F~V MH DR CB 1.0 EA 800.00 P105.501 COMMON EXCAV. 15,815,0 CY 3.77 21C~.525 TOPSOIL BDP£'.D~ SO0.O CY G. O0 2105.~5 ~"' o=:,,~,u.s TDP~IL 7SO.O CY 2130.501 ~ATER (M) cou.'"'" C' P211.501 AGGR BASE CL P 3GS. O TON 6.S0 12 E811.SOI AGGR BASE CL 4 6, IS0,0 TON 5.68 1-[~I1.501 AGGR BA~ CL 5 6,,SGO.O TON 5.6B 14'tm~oi.501 CONCP. FTE APRONS 44P.0 ST 18.00 ~ P_E.~:I.S04 BIT MAll. MIXT 1EG.O TO~; 165.00 17 234!.504 BIT MATL MiX 170.0 TON 165.00 !8 ~341.405 WEAR CDURSE MIX 3,075.*C, TDN 12.07 19 E357.502 BIT MAil_ TACK 8GO. O GAL 1.10 EO 235B.501 BIT MAlL PRIME 5,160.0 GAL 0.10 21 E503.511 18" RCP ST SEW 758.0 LF 1B.O0 E2 E503.511 1S' RCP ST. SEW 65.0 LF 80.00 83 2503.573 8.0 EA 150.00 P4 ~50£.50~ CuN~T MH DR CB 31.0 LF 100.00 25 ES06.S07 CDNST CB DE~ H 13.2 LF 70.00 26 ESC'S.Si6 CAST A~,.c~_Y A E.O EA 1£5.00 27 E505.516 CAST ASx~D,Y B 18.0 EA £00.00 88 2506.516 CAST. ASMBLY C P.O EA IP5.O0 89 POS6.6Pl ...... ~ ' · ,,~,~-~- CASTING 1G.O EA 60.00 30 P_511.5.? HAND PLACED R.R 4.0 CY 30.00 31 E51!.50~ FILTER BLANKET E.O CY 10.00 .?2 EE£!.501 4 .... CuNu "b~LK EO,E:GO.O SF !.tv' "" 33 ~5E:!.501 CO)~C CEg B-618 q~,8OO. O LF 4.10 o, c~o~.50, CDNC D~"~ PV~ !O.O SY iB.O0 35 8571.50E F& PLANT M TEEE 75.0 TRE 119.30 35 2571.502 'F~ PLANT A TREE TS.O TEE' 119.30 37 P571.50£ F& PLANT H TREE - 75.0 TPE 115.30 3815.501 FD.SIDE SEEDING 0.7 AC 175.00 35'~5~75.502 ~ED ~IXTUEE 5 38;0 LBS E.IO 40 2~7.5C'5 SOu~..d~, 7,700.0 SY .... THiS GUANTITY 0.0 0.! 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.2 GS~. 0 900.0 O.C. O.O 0.0 69. O 1,234.5 0.0 0.0 O.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.O 0.0 8.0 0.0 ~.0 0.0 ~.0 ~.0 75.0 O.O 0.0 50.0 ,HuUhT 0.00 1,300. O0 O.OO 0.00 0.00 0..00 O' O0 0.00 O. O0 0.00 ~ 1.30 S~ 5,106.':= 5,112.00 0.00 0.00 1!, oo~. Ov 14,900.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. O0 O. O0 0.00 60. O,,S' 0.00 O.O0 ru. O0 8,547.50 $,547.5C. 8,547.S0 O.OG O. OO 55. O0 ...... TO DATE QUANTITY 1.0 1.0 lBS. O 199.0 2S.E 1.0 15, BIS. O S18.0 0.0 5.0 311.0 7,SBS.O 6, BOT. 0 544.8 14~.0 3,147.0 1BB. 4 3,5BB.3 1,3C. 0.0 0.0 718.0 8~. 0 1.0 43.1 20.1 2.0 12.0 8.0 16.0 4.0 1.0 io, oO~.O S, 716.0 23.0 75.0 75. O 0.7 38.0 7,775. C' AMOUNT 85,000.00 13,000.00 740.00 398.00 126.00 200.00 59,622.55 5,478.00 0.00 40.00 2,021.50 45,434.2~ 38,625.68 9,7~5.60 c4,~=0.00 32,E41.00 43,443.55 1,430.00 0.00 12,924.00 1,640.00 153.0C 4,E:lO.O0 !,497.00 ESO.00 E,400. O0 E50. O0 ~0.00 180.00 !0,00 E2,56S.C0 E,~,gZ:5.60 414.00 8,547.50 8,947.50 8,547.50 128.50 ~.~0 8,552.50 MOL~tD, MN - lUX£O~ F. OAO 1~ THF~5 POlI{i~ ~.~"~ RSA 19~1 'FHREE P.3INTS i~]LII_E~D 14~P -- PAYI"dT..NT SUKKAF. Y FOP`` WORK COF~*LETED TO DATE -- ITEH COI~TrACT ~IT DE~RIF'TION OUANTITY LNIT PRICE QUANTI~ ~5~.511 H~.CH MArtIAL 1.5 TON ~0.00 ~.0 ~'EC P~DV G~Y R~. ~ALLS 5,~0.0 ~ 6.~ 0.0 &S'EC F'~V ADJ GA~ VAL~ 9.0 EA 1S~.O0 1.0 ~'EC F'ROV EXT ~A~R ~RV 300.0 LF ~0.06 0.6 ~'EC F'RGV CU~ STDF'~X 8.0 EA 80.0~ SF'EC F'~V ADJ CUF~ ~X 30.0 EA 30.00 0.0 ~s'EC PF~V F~I SI~N POSTS 58.0 EA ~.0~ 0.0 SPEC P~OV F~I ~-t SIGNS 4.0 EA 30.00 0.0 SF'E~ PROP F~I R7-1 SISNS 50.0 EA ~0.00 0.0 &S'EC PROP F~I ~5-1 SI~N 1.0 EA ~.00 1,0 ?EC PROV F&I COP~' COCK 8.0 EA ~E.~ 0.0 F&I ~" ~F' AF'F~N 1.0 EA ~37.00 ~'EC ~ . nuv AD5 hA~HOLES 87.0 EA 155.00 ~'EC F'ROV RECOI~ST Fdd 3.0 , EA 250. O0 . O. ?E~ r~uv "~ ~ %rip ~0.0 LF 7.00 0.0 ~L~rr, u~ cu~ u~cr. :=R, ~ .0 LF %00 O.O FROv zN~. Fur~E,:~!~ ~50.0 LF 7.00 0.0 LO~=R ~.=r.,~It~ 850.0 LF 8.00 O.C .... THIS PERIOD ..... 0.00 lEG. O0 0.00 0.00 O.O0 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.O0 O.OO 0.00 O.CO TOTAL THREE POINTS BDL~_EVARD HSAF' 145-106-01 65,35E. 53 TO OUAJ~TITY 1.£ BOq. 0 0.0 l.O 0.~ ~.0 ~.0 1.0 1.O 1.0 31.0 0.0 0.0 DATE ....... AMOUNT ~_i~S. O0 £6,057.40 ¢,970. O0 O.O0 BO.O0 0.00 390. O0 60. OC. 460.00 75.00 ~.S. O0 ~37. O0 4, ~OS. O0 500. O0 0.00' O.OO 655. O0 O.O0 497,6S3.07 ENDINEER: HcCO.~BS-RNUTBDN CONTRACTOR: HARDRIVE~, INC. 1P. BO0 H'~Y 5B ~00 HEMLOCK LANE PLYHOU~, MN ~APLE G~, MN DATE: 10/31/81 -- PAY~NT S~{HARY FOR HAiR'ALS ON SI~ -- I~M ITEH CONTRACT UNITS INVOICE NO. DESCRIF'TI'SN QUANTITY DELIgERED PRICE THIS PERID~ TOTAL ITEH VALL~ TO DATE INVOICE UNITS 'PRICE DN Sllr~ IDTAL !TE~ TOTAL THREE POINTS BDLLEVAP, D HSAF' 145-105-01 OR~,IN-- CONTRACT PRICE 494.03~S.~0 + CnAmur 0.00 = REVI D ~.u,,,.~CT AHDI~T 0.00 McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING [NGIN[[I~S · LANB SUF~V~YOP~S ~ PLA~NF.B,S Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 November 13, 1981 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Improvements - Section 2 Payment Request No. 12 File #5248 Dear Jon: Enclosed is payment request no. 12 in the ~mount of $3'4,673.21 for the above project. The contractor has assured us that the few remaining items will be !inished within one week. We should be able to final thi project by the end of the month. We have approved the payment request and recommend payment to Hardrives in the above amount. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASsoCIATES, INC. johann Cameron~~~ JC:sj Enclosure Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Eagan printed on recycled paper >(DO -,-I ~ (D ~O(D. 0~0000~ 0~00~ 0~~0 ~00~ 0000~0000 00~0~000 ~~~oo ~~~00 I I I I .el' I I~ 00000%0c0 I I I I u~ I ~' I ~'5 I -.-I' I ~'% 0~ I I I 0 ,-i 0 ['- 0 -~' l'- 000 I I u% I 0~..- I I I ,--I I 0~0000~ , ~oo~oo ~ooooooo 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ O~ 0 0 0-~ '~'~-~ u'~O000 O0 C~I x-I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~) I ,--I I I I I I I ~'U~.O00 O0 0 00000000 0 0000 O0 I I I I I I ! 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I I I OO0g oo0 000 I I ~'N I I I I I I I! III IIII O011lll III III 000 OOOO I 100000 OOO 000 III IIII IIIII I1'1 III I I ~O ~ t/Nl"'~,--'l t~l~,,'-104,,--'l'~O I I I I I \\\ \\\\ \\\\\\~ JJJ JJ J ooo oooo ooooo~ ~ ~ ooo oooo ~ooo~o o~o ooo ~o~ ~~ ~o~o~ · I I I 000 I I I ,.-,,- :r 0000000~ ~0~~00 o~ (,r) I 4-) 0 IIIII IIIIII III 00000 000000 000 IIIII IIIIII III 0~00~ WWWW~ ~Z~Z~ ~%~ ~~WW 00000 00000 ~00000 ~~ ~ 0~00~ ~~o ~o 0 ' 0 00 '"-~ ..E × o i:,¢_, ,,, = = ~ OJZ: %o ~:) ~ >- 4J ~ U ~Enl~ C C c (D T) U ~ C4J .0 X 0 J:i X-~-~ '~ ~ · 0 I, I, L I, U W ~- hJ I~ CO r~ ~- (_9 I-- C 0 ~ 4-~ C C::).. C~ O~ EEZ Z-,o 0 X f..~ ~ f--I ~ f~LL.I (D Q.) O~ Q.) 00000 N -,-4 MOUND, MINNESOTA 1980 Street Improvements - Section 2 Hardrives, Inc. Payment No. 1 Payment No. 2 Payment No. Payment No. 4 Retainage Reduction Payment No. 5 Payment No. 6 Payment No. 7 Payment for Securities '~ Lieu of Retainage Payment No. 8 Payment No. 9 Payment No, lO Payment No. 11 Payment No. 12 $286,571.30 $445,42~.00 $462,303.95 $282,712.80 $ 82,056.22 $ 46,157.68 $ 14,819.45 $ 56,449.22 $ 83,642.37 $ 24,527.83 $ 36,506.44 $ 25,306.12 $ 19,611.06 $ 34,673.21 league of minnesota oities November 16, 1981 TO: City Managers, Administrators and Clerks FROM: RE: Peggy Flicker & Peter Tritz Homestead Credit and Local Gov( At a news conference today, the Governol receive payment in November or December local government aid. (We first learned It is the Governor's intention, however December 1981 local government aid and (There qs a small chance that the payme if the most optimistic economic forecas! The administration's current plan repres 1. Formerly, they planned to defer rnment Aid Payments announced that cities will definitely not )f either homestead credit reimbursement or that this was under consideration late Friday.) to pay the full amount of the November and )mestead credit to cities in early 1982. :s could even be made before December 31, are correct. ) :nts a ichange in two ways: :ll~ November local government aid (LGA) payment, and then to defer the )cember LGA and homestead credit payments if the legislature failed to act to allow deferral of the payment of school ' flow has now worsened so that the aids. However, the state s cash. .L~roblem November and December aid and homestead! credit payments to cities will be withheld regardless of whether s~hool aid payments are deferred. The Governor has now for the first time made a commitment that his intention is that the November and December aid and homestead credit payments will eventually be made in full to cities. Of course, the state's ability to meet this commitment, and the timing of the payments, may depend'on legislative action. In particular, payment by January or February would be possible only if the legislature acts to allow deterral of school aids. Otherwise, payment would not be made before late March or April. We will keep cities informed of any further developments with regard to the 1981 aid an~ credit payments, or prospective cuts in the 1982 aid and homestead credits payments. ~ pF/PT:cmt r 300 hanover building, 480 oedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 [612) 222-~861