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MOUND CITY COUNCIL December 8, 1981 City Hall 7:30 P.M. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota AGENDA 1. Minutes of December l, 1981 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Minnegasco Franchise Fee Proposal B. Water Service Disconnect - 5930 and 5932 Beachwood Road 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS A. PUBLIC HEARING - Rezoning of all of Block 26, Wychwood B. Sign Permit - Metro Station, 5377 Shoreline Blvd. C. Side Yard and Rear Yard Variance - 1673 Canary Lane Lots 6 & 7, Block 5, Dreamwood - Danny Jensen D. Sign Permits - St. John's Lutheran Church, 2451Fairview Lane - Tracts A to G, Incl., R.L.S. #739 4. APPROVAL OF BIDS A. Mound-Spring Park Water Connection - George Boyer B. 1982, 3/4 Ton PickUp for the Water Dept. 5. Appointment of Planning Commissioners for Three Year Terms 6. Land Purchase - Tax Forfeiture Land - Lot 9, Block ll, Arden 7. Close Depot from December 15, 1981 to March 1, 1982 8. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present (please limit to 3 minutes) 9. 1982 Sanitary Sewer Rate Proposal 10. 1982 Salary Schedule for City Employees 11. 1982 Fire Contracts and Cost Proposals 12. Shade Tree Payments 13. Payment of Bills (To be handed out at Meeting) 14. Information/Miscellaneous Pg. 1421-1426 Pg. 1427-1434 Pg. 1435-1439 Pg. 1440 Pg. 1441-1442 Pg. 1443-1448 Pg. 1449-1450 Pg. 1451-1453 Pg. 1454-1455 Pg. 1456 Pg. 1457-1458 Pg. 1459-1464 Pg. 1465-1467 Pg. 1468-147~ Pg. 1479-1480 Pg. 1~81-1492 Page 1420 189 December 1, 1981 study on traffic waiting using the flashing lights 0nly. DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City Manager wanted the Council to note that the . next meeting of the DAC would be Wednesday, December 2, 1981, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Nail. The DAC will redefine and refine their long term goals and objectives at this meeting. FINANCIAL UPDATE The City Manager reported that we will just have to wait and see if the Legislature goes into Special Session to deal with the State financial problems before we can deal intelligently with the results of their actions. SEWER RATE STUDY The City Manager reported that the Council will have the sewer rate study next week and to remember that this is not connected to Minnegasco but to the Metro Waste Control charges. NSP'~' STREET LIGHT POLICY FOR NEW LIGHTS ON COUNTY ROAD 110 The City Engineer has submitted a letter from NSP stating their policy on the fixtures being installed on County Road 110. Their policy reads in part: "The maintenance provided with this service includes replacement of lamps, glassware, photoelectric cells, ballast assemblies, and cleaning. II PLANNING MEETING The Mayor suggested that the Council consider having an open special meeting in January of 1982, for the Council to discuss their 1982 goals and direction. Ulrlck moved and Swenson seconded a motion to set this special open planning meeting for January 9, 1982, Saturday, in the Conference Room in the Community Services Building, from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. with lunch brought in for the Council members. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. VACATION 'Councilmember Swenson adviSed the Council that he would not be at the January 26, 1982, Council Meeting because he would be on vacation. Swenson moved and Charon seconded a motion to adjourn at 10:05 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Fran Clark, Secretary Jon Elam, City Manager , BILLS .... DECEMBER l, 1981 American Waterworks Assn 43.00 Badger Meter 413.72 Buffalo Bituminous 2,400.00 Burlington Northern 533.33 F.H. Bathke 18.98 Conway Fire & Safety 30.79 Director Property Taxation 58.57 Davies Water Equip 310.56 Dependable Scrvi~ca 33.00 W.W. Grainger 41.54 Wm Hudson 8.34 Independent School Oist 277' 16.25 J.B. Distributing 51.84 Rona ld Johnson 20. O0 Bob Johnson 22.32 M.F.O.A. 27.50 MN Recreation & Park 65.00 MN Federal 7.00 Mound Postmaster 99.96 Mound Super Valu 52.15 Metro Fone Communications 35.40 P.E.R.A. 2,499.34 PHP 4,147.85 Pitney Bowes 143.O0 Pitney Bowes Credit 26.00 Reo Raj Kennels 383.00 State Treasurer 1,207.30 'Clinton Voorhees 795.50 Widmer Bros. 3,978.92 Weber & Troseth 49.50 Griggs, Cooper 1,045.99 Johnson Bros. Liquor 1,893.73 Old Peoria 1,338.O1 Ed Phillips & Sons 856.11 TOTAL 'BILLS 22,653.50 TRANSFERS Street to Imp & Equip Outlay 1,666.66 Park " " " 333.33 Finance" " " 80.17 Elections " " 25.00 Diseased Trees " 176.66 Sewer " " " 375.00 Water " " " 416.67 Cemetery " " 25.00 Street to Shop & Stores 628.32 Sewer " " " 20.50 Water " " " 182.65 Parks " " " 55.60 Police" " " 509.87 Liquor to General 1,500.00 LEGAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Mound City Council will hold a public hearing on December 8, 1981, at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall at 534l Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota. All known parties having an interest in properties located at 5930 Beachwood Road and 5932 Beachwood Road shall be advised that they may appear before this Council on this date to show cause why their water service should not be discontinued. JE:fc Jon Elam City Manager Publish in The Laker December l, 1981. 1"/42 GI:RALO T. THOMAS F. UNDERWOOD A~.B£RT FAULCON[R T'~ JAMIr$ D. LAIRSON LAW OFFICES WURST. CARROLL & PEARSON august: 26, 1~81 Mr. Greg Skinner Mound Water Department City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Water Connection Dear Greg:_ This will acknowledge that you have called me several times con- cerning the piece of property in Auditor's Subdivision 168. It is my understanding that one property contained two living units (two separate ~single family residences). It is my further under- standing that these two lots had beem under one property ~wnership and that both lots were assessed for sanitary sewer but only one lot was assessed for water. We understand that both lots were then sold ,under a contract for deed to Noel. M. Wittig, 6201 St. Croix Trail ~orth, 2118, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082. The City records reveal that in 1967 there were two parcels of record under one owne~phip, but now we have two parcels with different ownership. The water service off of Beachwood Road runs to the front house which was on the lot which was never assessed for water. The water meter is located in the first house. The first house was owned by Brad Hulls±ck who apparently has sold it on another contract for deed to Jay Peterson at 5930 Beachwood Road, Mound. T~e second unit, which obtains its water through the Peterson property, has now been sold on a contract for deed to Julie Ranfranz of 5932 Beachwood Road. There is some indication that the two property owners are having difficulty in agreeing on the payment of the water bill since all of their water is going through one meter. You and I have discussed Section 6.16, Subd. g of the City Code which reads as follows: "Every separate building and each unit in a duplex, double bungalow or townhouse supplied with water must have its own service connection directly with the mains and each unit must be provided with a shut- off and drip valve in the cellar from an independent riser pipe. These provisions shall' apply to all new construction and for any units which connect to the ~ EXHIBIT A Mr. Greg Skinner Page 2 August 24, 1981 City's water mains hereafter; existing units which do not have separate services as of the effective date of this ordinance and which are now connected to the City's mains are excepted from these provisions except as set forth below. Two or more adjacent buildings owned by the same person shall'be supplied throng~Ithe same con- nection only so' l°ng as 'the single ownership continues and provided t'hat the owner asrees to.Ray 'all charge~ for water consumed on"the entire premises. Upon the teI-miinationI iof ~"UghI.single-o~rf~ers~i~., a separate' cOnnec- tion shall be made immediately to the bui~di'ng 0r .premises thereto'fo~'h~vln$ the indirect connection, provided thai in case there"l~' no water main on any street on which said ~premis~s abut, the Superintendent may permit such connec- tion to remain until the water main is laid in such abutting street." Please note that everY separate building is required to have its own service connection. Also note that the ordinance provider that two or more adjacent buildings owned by the same person could be supplied through the same connection, so the situation was okay in 1967. The. ordinance then goes on to indicate that that situation is acceptable only 'sb long as single ownership continues and provided that the owner, agrees to pay all charges for water consumed on the entire premises. The ordinance is specific that upon termination of that singl'e ownership a new connection and a new meter is necessary and of course the second water assessment will have to be allocated. I have contacted Mr. Jim MacKinnon, an attorney in Excelsior, who represented Mr. Hullsick. I have been unable to reach Mr. Hullsick, so I am therefore sending a copy of this letter to Jay Peterson, Julie E. Ranfranz, Jim MacKinnon and Noel M. Wittig. It is my opinion that under the terms of the ordinance a separate service connectiOh is necessary. The manner of paying for that connection and the new meter is one that will have to be resolved by the parties. If they do not do that, your only choice is to turn off the water until the matter is resolved and until any delinquincies are paid. It is my hope that the parties-can get together and sit down with you to determine who has the financial responsibility to make the second connection and to pay the additional water assessment. The whole thing is a mess because of the dual ownership in 1967 and the allow- ance of the two parcels to be served by one meter. WUrSt. CARROLL & PEarSON Mr. Greg Skinner Page 3 August 24, 1981 It is inevitable in this type of situation that when the ownership changes, you then have a dispute between the parties as to who is using how much water and of course the City has no way to meter or keep accurate control. I hope this answers your question and I hope that Jay Peterson, Julie Ranfranz, Noel Wittig and Brad Hullsick can all meet and give you an answer as to how the connection is to be made and who will be paying for the service. I have just discovered in my notes that a Mr. Jim Smith at West Suburban Properties, 4363 Wilshire Boulevard may also have an interest, so I am including his name to receive a copy of this letter. CAP :ms Very truly yours, Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney CC: Mr. Jay Peterson Ms. Julie E. Ranfranz Mr. Jim MacKinnon Mr. Noel M. Wittig Mr. Jim Smith Mr. Jon Elam ,':i3o · A.THOMAS WURST GERALD T. CARROLL C~URTIS A. PEARSON THOMAS F. UNDERWOOD ALBERT FAULCONER Tit JAMES D. LARSON LAW OFFICES WURST, CARROLL & PEARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINN£-qOTA 5540:~ November 9, 1981 TELEPHONE (6~) 338- IBgll Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Jon: I am enclosing herewith a copy of a proposed resolution for the council's consideration at its meeting on November 10. This resolution has been prepared after consultation with you and Mr. Greg Skinner, as well as numerous telephone calls from persons having an interest in this property. I have tried to impress upon the property owners that it is ridic- ulous for them and the City to expend huge sums in attorney's fees and that they would be better off spending their money to resolve the problem rather than to fight about it. Mr. Skinner feels, and I agree, that these people are in direct violation with the water code and that it is impossible to maintain and operate the system unless all consumers are required to meet the regulations as set forth in the City Code. I am suggesting that a due process hearing be offered these persons wherein they can appear before the council as an administrative body to show cause why the City regulations should not be followed. The hearing could be set for November 24 or one of your first meetings in December, depending upon your recor~Lendation. If you have any questions concerning the resolution or the problem, please contact Mr. Skinner and/or myself. I am also sending a copy of this to Greg so that he can review it prior to the council meeting on November 10 to ascertain that I have all of the facts. Very truly youth) Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney CAP:ms Enclosure cc: Mr. Greg Skinner Mr. James Larson I%! RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A HEARING GIVING CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW CAUSE WHY THE CITY WATER SUPPLY TO 5930 and 5932 BEACHW00D ROAD SHOULD NOT BE DISCONNECTED WHEREAS, the City of Mound owns and operates a municipal water system, and WHEREAS, the City Code, Chapter 6, provides the rules and regulations under which the water service is provided to Mound property owners, and WHEREAS, at the time said ordinance was enacted Section 6.16, Subd. g, of the City Code provides as follows: "Every separate building and each unit in a duplex, double bungalow or townhouse supplied with water must have its own service connection directly with the mains and each unit must be provided with a shut- off and drip valve in the cellar from an independent riser pipe. These provisions shall apply to all new construction and for any units which connect to the City's water mains hereafter; existing units which do not have separate services as of the effective date of this ordinance and which are now connected to the City's mains are excepted from these provisions except as set forth below. Two or more adjacent buildings owned by the same person shall be supplied through the same con- nection only so long as the single ownership continues and provided that the owner agrees to pay all char~es for water consumed on the entire premises. Upon the termination of such single-ownership, a separate connec- tion shall be made ium, ediately to the building or premises theretofore having the indirect connection, provided that in case there is no water main on any street on which said premises abut, the Superintendent may permit such connec- tion to remain until the water main is laid in such abutting street." and WHEREAS, certain properties containing the street address of 5930 Beachwood Road and 5932 BeaChwood Road were under conm~on owner- ship at the time the ordinance was originally enacted, and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the City Code these two properties which were supplied by one water line and one meter, could continue in such a status until the ownership was changed from a single owner to two separate owners, and WHEREAS, the City Water Department is now advised that these properties have been separated and are owned by separate indiv- iduals and carry separate tax statements, and WHEREAS, the City Water Department has now investigated and finds that the individual ownership has been transferred to dual owners and has advised the parties in interest of the necessity of a second water line and a second water meter, and WHEREAS, the City Water Department contacted the City Attorney and provided him with the facts regarding these properties and received from him an opinion under date of August 24, 1981 indicating the necessity for separate connections and said letter was sent to all known parties in interest, and a copy of said opinion is attached to this resolution and marked Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the parties in interest have not taken any action to resolve the problem, and WHEREAS, Mr. Greg Skinner, Superintendent of the Mound Water Department advised the parties on November 6 that he would be turning off the water supply, and WHEREAS, the parties and their attorneys have called the City and the City Attorney and dispute the City's right to turn off this water even though they acknowledge there is only one line and only one meter serving two separate properties, and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has advised this council that to protect the rights of the individuals and to provide them with due process, a hearing should be held wherein said parties have an oppor- tunity to provide information to this council to show cause why the water should not be disconnected, and the City Attorney has advised the Water Superintendent to hold off the water disconnection until after such a hearing has been conducted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MOUND CITY COUNCIL: 1. Ail known parties having an interest in properties located at 5930 Beachwood Road and 5932 Beachwood Road shall be advised that they may appear before this council on 1981 to show cause why their water should not be disconnected. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to send a copy of this resolution to Mr. Jay Peterson, Ms. Julie Ranfranz, Mr. Jim MacKinnon, Mr. Noel M. Wittig, Mr. Jim Smith, and any other persons who have registered an interest'in these properties. Ail parties are advised that they may appear at the above date and time to show cause to this council why the water supply should not be terminated. 3. It is the position of the City that all water consumers are bound by the rules and regulations as set forth in the City Water Code and that it is impossible for the City to provide water to separate properties where only one water meter exists and to enforce the regu- lations of this department without there being individual connections to individual parcels which have individual responsibility for meeting the code and paying any water charges for water consumed on the premises. Attest: Mayor City' Clerk' MINUTES OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF November 30, 1981 Present: Acting Vice Chairman Frank Weiland; Commissioners Roy O'Donnell, Margaret Hanson, Michael Vargo, Stan Mierzejewski, George Stannard and Gary Paulsen; Council Representative Gordon Swenson; City Manager Jon Elam; City Inspector Henry Truelsen and Secretary Marjorie Stutsman. MINUTES The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of November 9, 1981 were presented for consideration. Hanson moved and Stannard seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the November 9, 1981 meeting as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. Vice Chairman to fil] out the term after resignation of Gerald Smith Stannard moved and Hanson seconded a motion to appoint Frank Weiland as Vice Chair- man until the end of 1981. The vote was unanimously in favor. BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Sign Permit for Metro Station, 5377 Shoreline Boulevard Part of Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit F No one was present regarding the request for a larger sign changing station to a "Mobil-Sel Serve", so item was tabled until later in the meeting. Later in the meeting, the Commission took the following action: O'Donnell moved and Hanson seconded a motion to approve a sign permit for a sign no larger than the sign recently approved for the Station at 4800 Bartlett which is 8'2½" wide by 3'7" high (total area 28.1 feet). The vote was unanimously in favor. Side yard and rear yard variances - 1673 Canary Lane Lots 6 & 7, Block 5, Dreamwood Danny Jensen was present. Request is to build garage in front of the existing garage attaching it and the house altogether. Discussed that if variances granted, existing garage and proposed new double garage would all have to have frost footings and that the structure would be nonconforming. Variances re- quired should be corrected to read: Sideyard 7.7 feet and rear yard IO + feet. Stannard moved and Paulsen seconded a motion to deny the variances requested. The vote was O'Donnell against denying; all others in favor of the denial. o Sign Permits for St. John's Lutheran Church, 2451Fairview Lane Tracts A to G, Incl., R.L.S. # 739 Leighton bindlan was present regarding the request to place two signs to aid people in finding the church. One sign was to be on Church property on the corner of Bartlett Boulevard and Fairview; the other mostly on Tonka property about 8 feet West of the truck driveway on County Road 15 (Shoreline Blvd.) just opposite Hiddenvale Lane. Discussed that the sign might extend onto the County right-of-way and County approval would have to also be gotten. Stannard moved and Mierzejewski seconded a motion to approve the signs as requested for St. John's Lutheran Church on the locations proposed subject to the County's approval of the one on County, Road 15 (Shoreline Blvd.). The vote was Hanson against; all others in favor. Motion carries. Planning Commission Minutes November 30, 1981 - Page 2 December Meeting Dates Pauisen moved and Hanson seconded a motion to have only one Planning Commission meeting in December on the 14th. The vote was unanimously in favor. The Planning Commission requested that a letter of thanks be written to the Bu|ldJng Inspector Hank Truelsen in appreciation of his services and with their best wishes .... letter to be signed by the Commissioners at the December 14th meeting. Paulsen moved and Weiland seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting; all in favor, so meeting adjourned to December 14th meeting. Frank Weiland, Vice Chairman Attest: AGENDA FOR THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON November 30, 198! Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of November 9, 1981. BOARD OF APPEALS Leroy Signs, Inc. for Metro Station, 5377 Shoreline Boulevard Part of Block 4, Shirley Hills Unit F - Map 5 Sign Permit (Change to "Mobil-Self Serve") Danny Jensen, 1673 Canary Lane Lots 6 & 7, Block 5, Dreamwood Side Yard Variance for Garage - Map 2 e St. John's Lutheran Church, 2451Fairview Lane Tract's A to G, Incl., R.L.S. # 739 - Map 8 Sign Permit DISCUSSION Does the Planning Commission wish to change its meeting dates for December? Our regular meeting dates are December 14 and 28~ These dates do not conflict with the Holidays; but in other years, the Planning Commission has only had one meeting in December. /¥37 ORONO ORONO November 25, 1981 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: The Planning Commission The City Inspector Recommendations on Appeals - Meeting of November 30, 1981 BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Leroy Signs, Inc. for Metro Station, 5377 Shoreline Boulevard The sign is excessive in size and the total limits of (dimensions) sign should be no larger than four (4) feet by eight (8) feet. The City of Mound does not need billboard solicitation on the main arterial into the City. If this is kept up, we won't be able to see the build- ing for the billboards. 2. Danny Jensen, 1673 Canary Lane Side Yard Variance for Garage The existing house addition is nonconforming in being 7 foot 6 inches from the side Yard (10 feet is required) side yard deficiency of 2 foot 6 inches. Also the existing garage is nonconforming. It has a side yard deficiency of 1.7 feet. To allow this nonconformancy to expand would not be in the best interest of the City. Why not move the existing garage to conform and add to the existing garage? 3. St. John's Lutheran Church, 2451Fairview Lane Sign Permit Signs this large for identification signs are not in the best interests of the City nor does it relate to the best taste of the purpose of which it is intended or proposed. If allowed, be it in the interest of public safety that the site location for sign placement be approved by the Chief of Police. The site location should be definitely defined prior to approval. HKT/ms Henry K. Truelsen City Inspector CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 23, "ZONING", MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 8, 1981 at 7:30 o'clock p.m., at the City Hall, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, the Mound City Council will hold a hearing on the proposal to amend Chapter 23, Mound Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning", by removing from the Residential Use District A-1 and adding to Residential Use District A-2, the following described property: All of Block 26, Wychwood All persons appearing at said hearing will be given an opportunity to be heard. Judith A. Fisher, Acting City Clerk STATE AID .. [A-I" R~q'u~'r~es~i'(~ JlO,OOO Sq. Ft. Ifor Single Famil IDwg.; A-2 or B 6,000 Sq. Ft. APPLICATION FoR VARIANCE CITY OF MOUND ZONING Coral. NAME OF APP LI CANT Leroy Signs, Inc. PROPERTY ADDRESS 5377 Shoreline Blvd. PLAT 62060 PARCEL 9948 Address 6~25 Welcome Ave. No., Mpls., MN 55429 LOT M g B BLOCK Part nf 4 Te le phone Number 535-0080 ADDITION Shirley Hil]~ "n!t F PID # 13-I17-24 34 0063 INTEREST IN PROPERTY Si_mn Installer-Mobil 0~l Corp. FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Croix 0il Co. Address 5377 Shoreline Blvd., Mound, MN Telephone Number h7?-A?R? VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: FRONT I ACCESSORYI I YARD FT- BUILDING FT. SIDE YARD FT.,] LOT SIZE [ FTJ FT. FOOTAGE N.C.U."' or OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: Install new 11' by 7' 7", 1__. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. internally illuminated, "Mobil-Self Serve" si~n on 16' pole~ on existing base. l'Zlo I ', OCT Z 8 1981. rmit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. Variance s ar~-~'o,t ~ra~o fe rafoJe~'] alg A P P L I C A N~~.~. ~ ~J ~/ T~'o~s . · -~ ~/ DATE 10/27/81 boreas P. Duff~nature ~~,7PLANNING To approve a sign permit for a sign no COMM_[SSION RE COMMENDA TION larger than the sign approved for the Station at 4800 Bartlett which is 8'2½" wide by "high (total area 28.1 feet). DATE Nov. q0~ 1981 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE ':-'non-c onforming use / q 9/ Mobil I.D. -- Self Serve Rectangular Signs Internally Illuminated Pedestal Type Description: Embossed plastic, double faced, aluminum framed, single piece sign. Colors: Mobil Trademark; standard colors, Century Red "o", Century Blue "M", "b", "i", and "1", and background Mobil White. Words, "Self Serve", Mobil White on a Century Blue background. 11'-0" Size Actual size: standard pole: Alternate poles: 11'-1 '/2" wide by 7'-7" high. Drawing 1096 10" diameter (pipe) x 17'-0" high, pedestal pole. Drawing 1088 From 14'-6" to 25'-0" high poles may be used with this sign. Poles are to be obtained locally. Use: Standard sign for all Self-Serve outlets. Price Sign Price sign (double faced) to be mounted on sign pole. Mounting height to be determined by site conditons. (height of pole, visibility) and approved by the Resale Department. No lighting is required. /I Mobil APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE CITY OF MOUND FEE ZONING NAME OF APPLICANT ~_ ~_..~ Address/~, ~ · e le phone INTEREST IN PROPERTY PROPERTY ADDRESS PLAT LOT. ~ ¢ "~ BLOCK Number ~7~ -3de,~ ADDITION 13-11'7 - PARCEL FEE OWNER (if other than aPplicant) Addre s s · / Telephone Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT YARD NO TE: FT.] ACCESSORY[ T'I ,. BUILDING I F SIDE N. C. U.* or OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: LOT SIZE LOT SQ. FOOTAGE ~c>~ ~'o FT:] 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2_. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. ~. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. .q~W [ ~k~c~ilding permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the a"~ "~ ' \ . i~6uncil resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. ~ ~)~Variances are not t,r~ansferable., APPLICANT signature DATE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION To deny request. DATE Nov. 30, 1981 COUNCIL AC TION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use Iq q.'~ I do f~ly understand that the proposed addition to Lot 7, of property known as ~673 Canary Lane, borders lot 8, of my property known as 1677 Canary Lane. Th~s addition will be 2.3 fe~t from the lot line on Lot 7, which does not conform to the existing b~ilding set back requirements. I have also received a survey of Lots 6 ~ 7 with a diagram of the proposed addition to the garage which shows the distance from Lot lines 7 ~ 8. would have no objections if this variance was to be granted. Plat 0f Surve~ for Steven E. Leighton o. Lots'6 av~ 7, Block 5, Dream~ood Hennepin County, Minnesota · Jo Certf£t~a+~ of Survey: ,, I hereby certiDy that this is a true and correc% representation of' a survey of the boundaries o£ Lots 6 and ?, Block 5, Dream~ood, and of the lccation of all buildings thereon. other improvements or encroachments. It does not purport to show Seale: 1" = 20' Date : 10-I1-74 o : Iron marker Land Surveyor and Planner Long Lake, M~unesota ,% TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Jon Elam, City Manager Jan Bertrand, Building Official Variance request for Danny Jensen, 1673 Canary Lane December 7, 1981 I have met with Danny Jensen on Friday to discuss his proposed garage addition to his home. The existing detached garage is on a floating slab. I have explained to Mr. Jensen that he can not attach his addition to the detached garage. There would be nothing to prevent him from putting an overhead door at the rear and front of his new garage and thereby drive through to the rear garage. Due to the angle of the home on his lot, the proposed garage addition would be 2.3 to 3 feet from the South lot line. Property irons would be required to be marked at the time of the footing inspection and the existing detached garage would be required to be set away from the principal structure by five (5) feet. J/~an Bertrand Building Official JB/ms NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION FoR VARIANCE CITY OF MOUND St. John's Lutheran Church Address 2451 Fairview Lane Te le phone Number ~72-14 ] ~ INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address ~'~'~ -- -~ ~/,'~-~ FEE ZONING PROPERTY ~'"~'~/~ ~T,~, ADDRESS 24~;1 Fairview Lane P.1.#24-117-24 12 0058 PLAT PARCEL Shirley Hills Unit D f89f~: part of Block P.1.#24-117-24 12 0014 (Reg. Land Survey071 ADDITION Tracts A to G Included Te le phone Number "~7:~ ' ! ,t.~/~. VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT ACCESSORY B UI LDI NG SIDE J YARD FT N.C.U." or.,. OTHER (describe) ~A/¢ REASON FOR REQUEST: LOT SIZE LOT SQ. FOOTAGE NOTE: FTJ 1_, Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected -- property owners showing attitude toward To aid penple in finding the r_hurr_h. A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. Variances are not transf, erable/~'~ APPLICANT ~ ~f ~'~'~~g'~ DATE Signature (~ PLANNING COM1V[ISSION RECOMMENDATION Approve the signs as requested on the locatlons proposed subject to the County's approval of the one on County Road 15 (Shoreline Boulevard). --- DATE Nov. ~0, 1~81 COUNCIL AC//ON: RESOLUTION NO., DATE *non-conforming use / q L/q 545 Indien Mound Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 (612) 473-4224 November 5, 1981 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Mound-Spring Park Water Connection - CSAH 125 Dear Jon: .Enclosed please find one copy of the Notice of Letting relative to the above referenced project. Please forward the Notice of Letting to the City of Mound's official newspaper for proper advertisement of this project. Sincerely, EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES George W. Boyer, P.E. Vice President bt Enclosure NOTICE OF LETTING FOR MOUND-S~RiNG PARR WATER CONNECTION C.S.A.~I. 125 Sealed bids will be received in triplicate, at the office of the City Manager, City of Mound, Minnesota until 10:00 a.m. on the 8th day o~ December, 1981., and opened and read aloud. Said bids will be considered at 8:00 p.m. on the 8th day of December, 1981 to construct a 6-inch water line connecting the water systems of Mound and Spring Park, all as outlined and in strict accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by E. A. Hickok and Associates, Inc., Hydrologists-Engineers, 545 Indian Mound, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391. Plans and specifications are on file with the City Manager, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota and E. A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. All proposals shall be made on forms to be supplied by the Engineer like those attached to, and made a part of, the Contract Documents and shall be addressed to= City Manager 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 and endorsed: Bid for: Mound-Spring Park Water Connection - C.$.A.H. 125. Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the Engineer on deposit of the sum of $30.00. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check, bid bond or cash deposit made payable to the City of Mound, Minnesota in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the maximum bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed contract within the time specified. The successful bidder shall furnish a performance bond within ten (10) days after award of the contract in the full amount of the contract. The performance bond shall be executed by a company duly authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota. The bidder shall furnish a statement satisfactory to the Owner and Engineer that he is a qualified bidder, that he maintains a permanent place of business and that he has had experience in constructing and performing the work as outlined in this Specification. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive minor irregularities if it appears to said Owner that such irregularities and errors were made through inadvertance. NL-1 NO t~id,t~! H~ay with~traw his bid for at ]east tl,i~ty (30) duy~ after scl-ledu]ed cl,>sin~3 time for the receiDt of tll~ bid~. ~>ubli~h~d by authority of the City of Mound, City of Mound, Minnesota By John Elam city Manager NL-2 CITY MOUND MOUND MINNESCTA 5535,4 (t~12) 472-1155 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE 1982 3/4 TON DIESEL 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP INVITATION FOR BIDS: Sealed bids will be received by the City of Mound, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota until 11:00 A.M., December 8, 1981. 8 '4. Se ONE 1982 3/4 TON DIESEL INTENT OF CONTRACT: Furnish ant one (1) 1982 3/4 ton diesel 4 wi or exceeding the specifications 'HEEL DRIVE PICKUP deliver to the City of Mound ~el drive pickup, only meeting of this proposal. Unit bid shall be a 1982 standard production, mcidel with all the latest changes and features'. Only truck and bcdY models (1982) in production will be considered in the awa~dl,r BID BOND: All proposals must b~ ~c~ompanied by a certified check or bidders bond made payai~le to the Treasurer, of the City of Mound for at least 5% of the'iarnount of the proposal, said surety to be forfeited to the C if bidder awarded a contract fails to fulfill the same. '- i The City of Mound shall have e cimum of 30 days to accept the low bid with prices bid to n firm for this period Delivery to be as soon thereafter as possible, but NOT BEFORE January I, 1982· , ITEM G. V. W. Wheel Base Cab to Axel Transmission MOUND, :MINNESOTA Specifications for ailg~ REqU IR~ENTS (MIN 8600 lbs. 131~ inches or lon~ 56 inches Automatic, 3 speed ton Pickup Truck BIDDER TO FILL IN-GIVING DETt lbs. Inchef range make inche~ speed Engine 6.2 liter - deisel inch Axle Front Rear Springs Front Rear ~kes ring Heavy Duty Meavy Duty Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Power Power assist Full width bench foam arm rests dept. yes no lbs. lbs · lbs · lbs. Mirrors Dual below eye steel mirrors less Alternator 60 amp. Heavy duty amps Battery Duai amp. volt lights & wiring Instrument Panel Standard lighting FUll Gauges Bump er Wheels & Tires Engine Heater Color Tank Frontv white Lt234185R, 16E Steel 10, Ply front & rearl Frost plug one coat primer & one behind seat oat white I: Options Rust proofing Quote for 1982 3/4 ton pickup truck Date Name of Company SiRnature /~ CITY December 3, 1981 TO: City Council 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 FROM: Jon Elam, City Manager SUBJECT: Planning.Commission The Planning Commission has three Peterson, Stan Mierzejewski and Mi this year. Russ would like to continue to set to fill out the term of Lorraine the only available new opening. The Planning Commission has would like to have on the Commiss' position occupied by a woman that Thus my recommendation for the PI; January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1! 1. Russell Peterson 2. Start Mierzejewskl 3. Liz Jensen The terms of Chairman Russ all expire at the end of was just appointed last month ~ncl Margaretls term then becomes iZl Jensen as the next person they ink since we are filling a also fill it with a woman. ssion, for terms starting JE:fc December 3, 1981 CITY ND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: City Council FROM: don Elam, City Mana! Attached is a lot that is coming The cost of $103.00. The importa that the City doesn't own on Tux, and up the hill from Grimm's Gro, valuable for esthetic purposes, 'Forfeiture Sale by the County. iS that it is only 1 or 2 lots ;tween the street and the swamp the cost is low, the land rchase is in order. JE:fc ~LESE× 35: BRIGHTON FUEL AND Inslructions: Enter the organization name, date, and/or maxi-audit report. BUILDING NAME 01d Depot Activity Center BuILDII~(~-~)DRESS 5801 Bartlett Blvd CiTY ............. Mound, MN Paul Wilcox ZiP CODE 553~ TELEPHON 612.9'3, Month Ju,y ,9 80 29 Augu,t ,9 80 16 s~p,,mbe, t9 80 99 Instructions: Complete this section of fuel consumption as code number describes the fuel type and the units of Electricity, kwh ................................. Natural gas. therms ............................ Natural gas, CCF... ' Natural gas, MCF ............................. Natural gas, CF ............................... LPG, gallons ................................ No. 2 fuel oil, gallons .......................... No. 4 fuel oil, gallons ......................... No. 5 fuel oil, gallons ......................... It the fuel used comes under the heading of stipulated from the supplier to MBTU using the conversion storage capacities of each fuel type for the building. measured, and the cost corresponding with the quality make additional copies of this form. FUEL TYPE natural gas FUEL CODE 22 Year Quantity Used October 19 80 273 345 652 November 19 80 December 19 80 Janua~ 19 81 388 t9 81 506 March 19 81 238 Ap,,, 19 81 133 May 19 81 118 Ju.e t9 81 -39 Y. ar Total 2758 Minnesota Energy Agency EN4X)O78-O1 December 1979 3N REPORT address, city, and zip code as used on the prior report, mini.audit report, NAME OF ORGANIZATION I DATE City of Mound t 11-12-81 ADDRESS 5341 Maywood Roa, CITY Mound, MN ., CONTACT PERSON Jon E1 am IZlP CODE 55364 TELEPHONE 612/472-1155 Indicate the fuel types used by the fuel code as listed. The fuel No. 6 fuel oil, gallons ................................. 34 Hard coal, tons ..................................... 41 Soft coal, tons ...................................... 42 Street steam, Mlbs .................................. 51 Solar, hours ........................................ 52 Wind, kwh ........................................ 53 Wood, tons ........................................ 54 Other (specify), MBTU ................................ 55 the fuel type. Forlthe units of measure convert the units as in the Maxi-Audit Manual or ~her engineering reference text. Enter the is being completed for. Ettler the monthly quantities used, if it is the purchased quantities a~ld costs. If more than two fuels are used FUEL TYPE FUEL CODE Quantit~ Used 81 97 19 1.47 '61 . O8 ). 08 1~.89 8.29 0.33 .13 iNIT OF MEASURE STORAGE CAPACITY Cost Instructions: Complete' this section on elecirical cc~'nsuml:)tion as l~¢~l~tely as possible. Enter the electrical utility name supplying eleCtrical power to the building and the rate classification utilized. Enter the ~1~ ~tNIt the data is being completed for. Use the same months and year for this section as were used in the fuel consumption section. Enter th~il ,l~!¢el energy consumed in kilowatt.hours. Enter the total electric bill for each month. If the building has a demand meter, enter the maxinl~jmll~ilowatt demand for each month. Enter the power factor also, if it is onth Year Energy m Power Factor Cost ($) Kilowatt-Hours Den~il;watt s ,y ~9 80 221 ;comber 19 80 606 ; 33.19 nus~ ~* 81 453 '~[ ~ 25.71 ,bruary t~ 81 432 24.55 ~rcn ~* 81 326 19.22 ,ar Total 3910 i ~ ~ } $234.94 Upon completion of the Fuel and Minn Conservation 150 East St. Paul levard 101 Report Form mail it to: )ment Minnesota Energy Agency EN-00078-01 December 1979 Building Fha A. Description The Old Depot Community structure that has been basement use facilities. The walls and ceiling ha refitted. From the ener in poor condition throu¢ The building contains al running order wi tha sepa basement area. Efficiem supply each floor level B. Envelope Characteristic 1. Walls Outside Air Film Lap wood siding 3" Insulation ½" Sheetrock Inside Air Film U = 1/13.19 = 0.08 2. Roof Outside Air Film Wood shingles 3/4" Wood Roof 6" Batt Insulation 5/8" Gypsum Board Inside Air Film U : 1/24.79 = 0.04 3. Basement Walls Outside Air Film 8" Concrete Block Inside Air Film U : 1.96 = 0.51 'acteri sti cs is a remodeled 66 year old mto a new foundation with insulated and some windows standpoint, it would be considered cal equipment in good r~ace for first floor and the igned heat distribution sytems 0.17 0.79 11.10 0.45 0.68 13.19 0.17 0.44 0.98 22.20 0.39 0.61 24.79 0.17 1.11 O. 68 1.96 Building Heat Loss Walls Roof Basement Walls Wi ndows Doors Infi 1.-doors I nfi 1.-wi ndows Building Energy Using 1. Heating There are two gas one for the first piped to all areas. 2. Lighting Antique i ncandescen first floor. basement area. E. Building Equipment Furnaces (1) Rheem - model 120,000 BTUH 100,000 BTUH (1) Rheem - model 200,000 BTUH i 180,000 BTUH 2. Lights 12 incandescent li 6 fluorescent x 1725 x 72°~t~ = 9,936 BTUH x 1298 x 72°at = 3,738 BTUH x 480 x 72°at : 17,626 BTUH :X 156 x 72°at = 12,355 BTUH x 63 x 72°at = 4,990 BTUH x 120 Ft x 72°at = 27,648 BTUH x 94 Ft x 72°~t : 6,024 BTUH 82,317 BTUH .naces, one for the basement and ter ducted supply systems are ~g is being maintained for the lighting is installed in the watt The Old Depot Activity Cen 1953, moved to its presentl in 1975. Although conside building, it is recommende · energy conservation durlngl Department. No calculations were made furnace pilot lights durin in an accountable savings. equivalent to that of an a a higher operating cost an winter months. Although i energy consumptions reduct All calculations were madl 55OF, but the gas sized residence (normally )uilt in 1915, remodeled in n in 1967 and remodeled again novation has been done to this deration be given to )lanning sessions by the Parks )ossibility of turning off months, but it might result ,uilding's square footage is dential home, yet it has ly unoccupied during the of the City's smaller buildings, result in a substantial payback. e indoor temperature of exceeds that of a comparably, 68OF and occupied). En~ Items Item 1. Install insulated $ doors 2. Insulate basement $ block walls 3. Add storm windows $ 4. Solar domestic $ hot water Savings $ 251.17/yr Pa~back Time 2.85 yrs $ 105.34/yr 5.09 yrs $ O.06/yr 213.30 yrs $ 171.21/yr 4.23 yrs Because the City's Sewer Fund ha rates are determined by charges Commission, sewer rates had to b RESIDENTIAL: Quarterly Sewer Charge For 10,O00 gallons or less ~ All over 10,OOO gallons, per! 1,000 gallons : Minimum Quarterly Bill ~i Note: The above minimum applies! which is in accordance wi this policy, for example charge of $33.00. COMMERCIAL, INCLUDING LARGE APAI Monthly Sewer Charges (Large U For 3,000 gallons or less All over 3,000 gallons, per 1,OOO gallons Note: Minimum Monthly Bill per Single Family Dwelling - The water used each quarter exC~ billing), whichquarter the of water used on March bill Two-Family Usage and Multiple basis as a single dwelling, all such properties shall multiplied by the $5.50 per used but not placed into it is metered. Dwellings Connected to Sewer butln, * Shall pay a quarterly rate sewer rates based on gallons meter from the City and have their well. For information c Commercial and Industrial - The ~uar amount of water used each mont~ (see above). Water used but deducted providing it is meterE Availability Charge - All dwellings must pay an availability char occupied or vacant. Late Fee Penalty - For all bills no' specified on the bill, a 10~, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, ARRANGEMENTS MAY BE PAID AT THE STATE BANK OF MOL )rt for some time and because sewer the Metropolitan Waste Control effective January 1, 1982. Quarter S16.5 $ 1.2 $16.5 ~ingle family dw ~g Sewer Departm would have a m ly Charge minimum D ~lling or apartment ~nt policy. Under nimum quarterly Monthl%..~harge $ 5.50 minimum $ 1.20 $ 5.50 will be based on the amount of he summer quarter (September lling will be based on the amount e - Is computed on the same the total quarterly charge on than the number of units nimum charge per unit. Water sewer may be deducted providing to Municipal Water -.. ~O0. If such users wish to pay used, they can purchase a water plumber install the meter on 1251. sewer rate is based on the actual same cost scale as residential ~ced into the sanitary sewer may be to the sanitary sewer $16.50 per quarter - whether on or before the due date e will be added. iBEEN MADE SO WATER AND SEWER BILLS 1 PRESENT i~. EXAMPLE ISLAND PARK OF CITY KS MOUND 3 PTS. TOTAL O0 380 341 328 13.90 32 41 32 14.80 4O 39 122 43 15.70 32 43 43 118 16.60 43 42 41 126 41 17.50 18.40 36 36 36 3~ 19.30 20.20 34 44 36 34 27 34 .60 30 30 21.10 34 30 22.00 29 65 22.9O 25 27 29 23.80 17 22 19 24.70 18 22 19 25.60 16 17 12 26.50 25 16 14 13 '"4O 28.30 13 9 29.20 15 16 30.10 9 12 14 16 14 12 TOTALS 12] 110! 2641 BREAKDOWNS INCOME RATES INCOME 13,637.0o 16.5o ,459.50 17.70 ,805.60 1~.90 1,852.60 20.10 2,091.60 21.30 17 ,3o8.5o 8~ 5o 2~305.80 371.80 2,683.80 117.5o 22.50 2,722.50 2,024.00 23.70 2,607.00 .007.20 24.90 2~589.60 1,757.40 26.10 2~270.70 2,067.85 27.30 3,388.00 28.50 1,854.90 29.70 1,380.40 30.90 1,457.30 32.10 ,152.00 33.30 1,404.50 34.50 1,233.00 35.70 018.80 36.90 255 60 38.10 812.70 39.30 2,675.40 4,389.00 2,405.70 1,792.20 1,893.90 !,498.50 .828.50 .606.50 1~328.40 1~638.30 1,061.10 45,777.45 58,835.70 Residential Tonka Toys Schools Businesses Apartments (3 publ lc) (1 private) (day ca re) SAN I TARY SLOWER REVISED RATE / i TOTi ~E, ANALYSIS $290,756.O0 53,867.20 5,543.08 503.10 320.85 7,260.00 43,560.00 $401,810.23 FINANCIAL POSITION SEWER FUND Balance January 1, 1981 Plus Revenues - 1981 (Est.) Less Expenses - 1981 (Est.) $3,232,960. * +349,724. -377,854. PROJECTED BALANCE January 1, 1982 Plus Revenues - 1982 (Proj.) Less Expenses - 1982 (Proj.) i PROJECTED BALANCE December 31, 1982! $3,204,830. +463,310. -402,372. S3~265,768. $3,]85,494 invested in propertYliipiant and equipment. The following is actual as o Year to Date - Revenue Year to Date - Expense Cash Balance Plus the deficit at the 1981 Deficit as of gc ~o~ begilIi ng of 10-31 1 r 31, 1981 PROJECTED YEAR END - REVENUE $274,269.78 314,878.44 (40,608.66) (84,137.14) ($124,745.80) 349,724. PROJECTED YEAR END - EXPENSE 377,854. ~I10 411~ 4113 4151 4152 4210 4220 4221 4224 4230 4233 4234 4310 4312 4313 4321 4322 4350 4351 4361 4371 4372 4375 438O 4395 4410 4411 4413 4421 4423 SEWER Salaries PERA/FICA Overtime, Reg. Hosp. and Dental Life Ins. & Disability Office Supplies Operating Supplies, Genl (combined 4225 Shop Ma & 4240 Small Tools) Motor Fuels Clothing & Uniforms Repair & Maint. Supplie (combined 4237 Utility & 4231 Equip. Parts) Building Repair ;ra l ~eria] Street Maint. Materials Professional Services Legal Services Audit & Financial Postage Telephone Printing Legal Publication Insurance Electricity Gas Service Garbage Repair Maint. Contract (Combined 4382 Other Equip. & 4420 Other Contr. Central Equip. Rent Miscellaneous Conference & School Dues & Subscriptions Janitorial Services Waste Disposal - MWCC 'st. Maint. Repair Services) 1982 PROPOSED 51,846. 6,§!4. 4,000. 4,753. 652. 200. 1,2OO. 3,100. 725. 6,OOO. 300. 5oo. SOO. 1,5OO. 1,5OO. 8oo. 150. 1OO. 9,OOO. 18,OOO. 2,700. 65. 14,OOO. 9;000. 12,OOO. 3oo. 50. 1OO. 231,117. 1981 79,275. 9,190. 3,100. 525. 250. 1,250. 2,800. goo. 5,5oo. 100. 5oo. 6OO. 3oo. 1,400. 1,300. 4OO. 150. 75. 12,O00. 18,OOO. 1,OO0. 50. 13,300. 8,OOO. 20,000. 3oo. 50. 1OO. 179,846. 75 SEWER - continued page 2 4500 4551 4712 4713 Capital Outlay (5 Sewer manholes have infiltration repair) Office Furn. & Equip. Imp. & Equip. Transfer (2 lift stations upgraded) Shop & Stores Transfer Refunds TOTAL EXPENSES 1982 PROPOSED 5,000. 100. 15,000. 1,200. 100. 402,372. lgB1 I00. 4,500. 2,000. 366,861. December 3, 1981 TO: FROM: City Council Jon Elam, City Manager Enclosed is the list of employees and their 1982 salaries as approved in the City Council's Budget Resolution. I don't know if you need to reapprove them. I suppose your should fill in any blanks on the list. JE:fc 1982 SALARY KECOMMENDA~IONS NAME SALARY DEPARTMENT OR TITLE Jon Elam Fran Clark Vacant Gayle Burns Judy Fisher Dee $chwalbe Chris Bollis Don Rother Jan Bertrand Marge Stutsman Bruce Wold William Hudson Bradford Roy Ronald Bostrom Herman Kraft William Roth Stephen Grand Gary Cayo Scott Racek John Ewald Karen Balgaard Shirley Hawks Eugene Hoff Robert .Shanley Joyce Nelson Richard Schnabel Greg Skinner Greg Berquist Mike Reese Lois Sandquist Damon Hardina Don Heitz Nelson Schernau Norma Werts Julie Clyne Christopher Jolicoeur 15,000.00 23,000.00 14,868.00 14,868.00 14,868.00 20,713.00 20,713.00 17,000.O0 1 7, lsd. O0 30,000.00 28,300.00 27,228.00 25,O8O.OO 25,080.00 25,O8O.OO 25,O8O.OO 24,244.00 24,244.00 21,408.00 7,270.00 15,500.00 21,736.80 22,000.00 14,868.00 21,236.80 20,713.60 20,113.60 20,113.60 15,894.00 20,113.60 2o,113.6o 24,0O0.00 15,56o.o0 13,500.00 8,O82.OO City Manager Adm. Ass't. Finance Director Finance Dept. Finance Dept. Finance Dept. * Park Director *. Park Dept. Building Inspector Adm. Ass't. Police Chief * Supervisor of * Supervisor of * Patrolman * Patrolman * Patrolman * Patrolman * Patrolman * Patrolman * Patrolman (6 months)Animal Warden Police Secretary Street Dept. Street Dept. ½ Street, ¼ Water, * City Shop * Water Dept. * Water Dept. * Water Dept. ½ Water, ½ Sewer * Sewer Dept. * Sewer Dept. Liquor Store Liquor Store Liquor Store Liquor Store Investigation Patrol ¼ Sewer * Salaries set by Union Contract REPORT 1981 CITY MANAGER SALARIES Shakopee 31,OOO. Chas~a 31,9OO. Mendota Heights 36,400. Prior Lake 35,400. Orono 36,500. Chanhassen 32,900. Wayzata 30,800. Minnetrista 27,000. Eden Prairie 39,600. Minnetonka 41,8OO. Plymouth 49,500. MOUND 35,000. 29,500. (Vacant) (Prior to 4-1-81) (After 4-1-81) * From initial survey, these are projected to increase in 1982 from 4 to 7% on average above these levels. December 3, 1981 TO: City Council FROM: Jon Elam, City Manager Enclosed is the material and contract forms for the 1982 Fire Service Contracts. We need a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Manager to enter into the 1982 Contracts with the Cities of Minnetrista, Spring Park, Orono, Shorewood and Minnetonka Beach. I will explain how I have approached this at the Meeting. JE:fc 1982 FIRE CONTRACT MATERIAL 1982 * 1980 ASSESSED FIRE CALLS VALUE ~ + ~ HOURS MOUND 46.51 + 57.50 MINNETRISTA 9.27 + 11.19 ORONO 24.66 + 11.42 SPRING PARK 10.86 + 18.21 SHOREWOOD 1 . 65 + O. 2 MINNETONKA BEACH 7.05 + 1.46 TOTAL FINAL PERCENTAGE ]O4.Oi 2 20.46 2 36.08 2 29.07 2 1.85 2 8.51 2 52.00 10.23 18.04 14.54 .93 % 4.26 TOTAL 100. % * 1980 data used - Since 1982 data not completed. Can be revised as this data is entered. 1980 FIRE DEPARTMENT HOURS FIRE HOURS + RESCUE HOURS = TOTAL MouND 2920 + 1956 = 4876 MINNETRISTA 643 + 306 = 949 ORONO 947 + 21 = 968 SPRING PARK 776 + 768 = 1544 SHOREWOOD 18 + 0 = 18 MINNETONKA BEACH 123 + O = 123 PERCENTAGE 57.50% 11.19% il.42% 18.21% .22% 1.46% TOTAL 5427 + 3051 = 8478 1OO. % (A) 1982 Operating (B) 1982 Equipment Fund (C) 1982 Fi reman' s Cost & Building Capital Relief Fund TOTAL Outlay 16,000. 30,500. $167,55o. .MOUND MINNETRISTA ORONO SPRING PARK SHOREWOOD MINNETONKA BEACH $167,550. x 52.00% = 167,550. x 10.23% = 167,550. x 18.04 = 167,550. x 14.54 = 167,550. x .93 = 167,550. x 4.26 = tOTAL 1982 $ 87,126. 17,140. 30,226. 24,362. 1,558. 7,138. $167,550. 1981 65,392.26 14,865.12 24,958.88 16,874.79 '1~601.25 5,964.20 $129,656.50 I 4137 4138 4139 4210 4214 4220 4221 4223 4227 4228 431o 4313 4319 4320 4321 4322 4350 4360 4371 4372 4382 4383 439O 4410 4411 4413 442O 45OO 4713 FIRE DEPT. £hief's Salary & Officer'S Pay Fire Drill Pay Salaries Office Supplies Copy Machine Operating Supplies, General Motor Fuels Cleaning Supplies Safety Supplies Fire Prevention Professional Services Audit and Financial General Maintenance Communications (Radio Replacement) Postage Telephone Printing · -_ Insurance Electricity Gas Service Other Equipment Repair Building Repair Rental (Radio Rental) Miscellaneous Conferences & Schools Dues & Subscriptions Other Contractual Capital Outlay Shop and Store Transfer TOTAL EXPENSES PROPOSED 8,200. 6,OO0. 40,800. 25o. 250. 9,OD0. 1,O00. 150. 8OD. 1,O00. 5OO. 5oo. 7,ooo. 2,000. 100. 95o. 3OD. ll,O00. 1,500. 4,000. 6,500. 2,000. 3,OOO. 200. 7,500. 1,800. 25O. 4,000. 5OO. i21,o50. 1981 4,oo0. 5,500. 40,000. 200. 25O. 8,0OD. 1,000. 100. 6OO. 800. 400. 5OO. 6,OOO. 100. 950. 200. 10,000. 1,100. 3,600. 5,500. 2,000. 3,000. 100. 7,OOO. 1,800. 25O. 4,OOO. 1,000. 107,950- MOUND MINNETRISTA ORONO SPRING PARK SHOREWOOD MINNETONKA BEACH MOUND MINNETRISTA ORONO SPRING PARK SHOREWOOD MINNETONKA BEACH USE OF FIRE OE?T. HOURS PERCENTAGE INCREASES (DECREASES) 55.O4 13.4o 13.50 14.93 1.17 1.,_96 1 oo I ACTUAL HOURS 1974-78 AVERAGE YR. 3119.0 816.6 829.2 811.4 75.2 127.8 1979 1962 101 104 -O- 94 ~,8,o, 57.5o 11.19 11.42 18.21 .22 1.46 lOO % 1980 4876 949 968 1544 18 123 Increase or Decrease +2.46% (-2.21%) (-2.o8%) +3.28% (- .95~) (- .50%) CHANGE 1980 VS.1979 + 637 - 13 - 133 + 440 + 18 + 29 (+39.9%) 1982 FIRE TRUCK PAYMENTS PAYMENT MOUND $47,500. MINNETRISTA 47,500. 0RON0 47,500. SPRING PARK 47,500. SHOREWOOD 47,500. MINNETONKA BEACH 47,500. TOTAL 1982 $170,OOO. x 1983 140,OOO. x 1984 105,OOO. x 9% = 1985 70,000. x 9% : 1986 35,000. x 9% = x x x x FIRE i I = $1S = $12,6 0;~. , , $ 9,45OL $ 6,300. $ 3,150. TOTAL $46,800. COSTS 52.00 ~ = 10.23 % = 18.04 % = 14.54 % = · 93 ~ = 4.26 % = 1982 $24,700.00 4,859.25 8,569.00 6,906.50 441.75 2,023.50 $47,5OO.OO PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS + $30,O00. = $45,300. + $35,000. = $47,600. + $35,000. = $44,450. + $35,O00. = $41,300. + $35,000. = $38,150. + $170,000. = $216,800. 1981 $17,008.64 3,866.45 6,491.85 4,389.17 416.4a 1,551.30 $33,723.90 LEVY $47,6OO. $50,OOO. $46,700. $43,400. $40,100. $227,800. * $11,O00. balance over payments to be credited against 1986 or 1987 Capitol Outlay Fund OPERATING COSTS 1982 + : 1982 TRUCK PAYMENT : TOTAL 1981 TOTAL INCREASE* MOUND $ 87,126. + MINNETRISTA 17,140. + $24,700.OO = $111,826.OO 4,859.25 = 21,999.25 ORONO 30,226. + 8,569.00 = 38,795.00 SPRING PARK 24,362. + 6,906.50 = 31,268.50 SHOREWOOD 1,558. + MINNETONKA BEACH 7,138. + $167,550. 441.75 = 1,999.75 ~2,O23.50 = 9,161.50 $47,500.OO $215,O50.OO Of this increase, 57.06% is paid by Moundior about 5% more than due to the fact that it was under estimated slightly last year. increases for each city on a percentagei,basis, are as follows: MINNETRISTA · ORONO 6.23 14.14 SPRING PARK 19.46 SHOREWOOD - .O5 % 82,400.90 $29,425.10 18,731.57 3,267.68 31,450.73 7,344.27~ 21,263.96 10,OO4.54 2,O17.74 (-17.99) 7,515.50 1,646.OO MINNETONKA BEACH 3.16 $163,380.40 $51,669.60: the regular formula The remaining REVISED JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEHENT AND CONTRACT FOR FIRE SERVICE HOUND - THIS AGREEHENT, made and entered into this day of , 19.___, by and between the City of Hound, a munlclpal corporation of the County of Hennepln and State of Hinnesota, party of the first part, and the City of , , a munlcip~J corporation of the County of Hennepin and State of Hinnesota, party of the second part, VITNESSETH: That, VHEREAS, the City of desirous of having fire or other emergency service furnished by the City of Round Fire Oepartment, and VHEREAS, the City of Hound has the facilities and equipment and is willing and able to provide fire and other emergency service to the City of .,. , and VHEREAS, the City of Hound has prepared for the City of an annual financial budget covering truck bonded indeptedness, fire equipment capital outlays, annual operating costs and Fireman's Relief Association. N0Vt THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutai covenants of the parties hereto, It is agreed as follows: . I) In accrodance with the other terms and provisions hereof~ the City:of Hound shall provide fire and other emergency service for the City of 2) The City of Hound, through Its~ Fire Oepartment, shall endeavor to protect and save 1ire and property from destruction by fire In the said area. i 3) The sald flre and other emergency service shall be furnished by the City of Hound for an annual cost to be determined mutually, after the presentatlon of a budget proposal by the City of Hound, no later that September I. ~) The formula that will be used w111 be mutually agreed upon.and w111 Incorporate both the levels of service used by the City of the previous year and the projected assessed value of property, in the City of for the Contract year. · S) Once an annual contract cost for the City of has been determlned, that cost shall be paid to the City of Hound in four (q) equal Installments on the first dary of January, April, June and September of each Contract year. 6) An annual financial report on the prior year Fire Department costs shall be provided to the City of . , along with an itemized breakdown of all the prior year fire and rescue calls. Page 7) In order to facilitate the accounting and reporting of all City of fire funds, a specie! Fund called ~rea Fire Service Fund" Is hereby created. All operating expenses shall cma fram this Fund. Other separate Funds already in existence Include, Fire Department Capital Outlay Fund; Fireman's Relief Association Fund; end Fire Truck Bonded Indebtedness Fund. Reports on each of these Funds will also be provided to the City of , by the City of Hound, annually. 8) If any of the above mentioned Funds, for whatever raison, shall become delinquent (an unforeseen number of fire calls, etc.) end require additional funds prior to the next budget year, the City of shall be notified and have a vote (based on it's percentage of budget partlcipation) on whether additional funds shall be added; the amounts thereof and for what purposes the funds shat1 be used. 9) If the City of Is aggrieved by the determination of the City of Hound as to the determination of ho~ the costs were determined or ho~ they are allocated among the various titles served by the City of Hound, the City of shall have the right to appeal these costs. Sald appeal shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the City of Hound asking for arbitration. The determination of the City of appeal may be by negotiation of the parties or shall be referred to a Board of Arbltration. The Board of Arbitration shall consist of three persons; one appointed by the City of Hound, one appointed by the City of and the third ~o be appolnted by the two so selected. Arbitration shall be conducted In accordance wlth the Uniform Arbitration Act. Chapter 572 of the Minnesota Statutes. Said arbitratLon shall be binding on both parties. I0) Subject to action by the City of this Agreement shall automatically be renewed for successive terms of .' one calendar year, unless either party upon one calendar years written notice to the other party cancels the Agreement. 11) The Fire Chief shall weigh the relative risk of loss of life or property in the case of concurrent fires. His determination shall be final In servicing the fire posing the greater risk. It Is understood and agreed that the Hound Fire Chief is In charge of fightlng all fires in the service territory of, or the entire City of and unless an extreme emergency arises requiring Immediate action, he or his deputy who is In charge, shall determine the need for mutual-ald assistance from other departments. The City of shall bear no responsibillty whatsoever for services or activities of the Fire Department outside of the City of and shall be fully Indemnified by the City of Hound for all clalms and liability, , Includlng claims and 1lability based upon allegations of negllgence, stemming from any services or actlvitles of the Fire Department outside the City of 12) Both the City of Mound and the City of shall have full cooperation and assistance fro~ the other City and Its officers, agents, and employees. IN VITNESS 14HEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands this date of , 19 CITY OF MOUND Mayor (Seal) City Manager CITY OF By (Seal) Mayor City Clerk CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWO©L/ Fi©AD MOUND ~'~' ~ -*a (612) 472-1155 30 November 1~81 TO: Jon Elam, City Manager FROM: Tree. Inspector SUBJECT: Rebate The following people ha~ compliance with State ar Would you please forwa the City Council for pa' Chris Bollis Tree Inspector CB/ms Attachment removed their diseased trees in City Ordinances. the request for reimbursement to ~nC? /~/ 77 November 20, 1981 LI NAME ADDRESS Jay ~eterson 6301 Ramber Ln. Richard Beard 2610 Granger Court NO. TREES 4 4 TOTAL DBH 79" 81" DOLLARS $158.O0 $162.00 Lois Mitchell 2380 Commerce Blvd. Ron Reisdorph 1704 Eagle Ln. Paul Hlavac 3029 Drury Ln. James Bedell 2625 Wilshire Blvd. 87" 22" 108" 29" $174.00 $44.00 $216.00 $58.00 ~ick Ludden 4617 Island View Dr. 64" $128.O0 Walter Stockton 5348 Lynwood Blvd. 1 25" $50.00 Dennis Tauber 6264 Lynwood Blvd. 1 22" $44.00 Jim Jessen 5710 Sunset Rd. 27" $54.00 Jeffrey Kamrath 5954 Lynwood Blvd. 19" $38.00 Michael Huspek 5908 Sunset Rd. 52" $104.00 Ralph Hofferber 4815 Bartlett Blvd. 37" $74.00 Ronald Marschke 2207 Noble Ln. 70" $140.00 Merlin Marschke 2220 Cedar Ln. 54" $108. O0 Steve Erickson 4441 Lamberton 67" $134.00 :al Amount $! ,686.00 BILLS .... DECEMBER 8, 1981 Auto Con Industries 24 Automobile Service C0. 208 Acro Minnesota Air Hydraulic Systems 91 Holly Bostrom 27] Frank Blackowiak Bryan Rock Products Berry Auto & Body 23 Robert Cheney Conway Fire & Safety 2~ Continental Telephone Dorothy DeLaney Diseased Tree Rebates 1,686 Don David Ins. 86 Duanes 66 10 Judy Fisher 15 Fadden Pump Co. 46 Fire Engineering 12 Genuine Parts Henn Co. Treas 1,413 Eugene Hickok 682. Herb's Typewriter 13. Lowell's 7. The Laker 97 Lakeland Envelope 225 City of Minnetrista 369 Metro Fire Equip 50 Marina Auto Supply 366 C.S. McCrossan 329 Minnegasco 1,369 Mound Hdwe 4 Wm Mueller & Sons 1,O08 Minn Comm 28. Mound Fire Relief 26,244. MBL 660. Ron Mann 939. City of Minnetrista 6,703 Mound Postmaster 300.~ Mound Fire Dept 6,372. Navarre Hdwe 271. Oswald Fire Hose 12. Planning & Development Serv 745. Timothy Piepkorn 510. Sapir Enterprises 31. Howard Simar 120. City of Spring Park 6,703. City of St. Bonifacius 1,218. Summerhill Investment 500. Nels Schernau 10.23 Stacken Sod 110.00 State Board of Electricity 50,00 Thrifty Snyder Drug 15.16 Thurk Bros. Chev 67.63 !Thurk Implement 8.10 !Water Products 843.91 Westonka Sanitation 50.00 Waconia Bldg Center 50.00 TOTAL BILLS 62,732.57 LIQUOR BILLS Frank Blackowiak 32.00 City of Mound 24.70 Real One Acquisition 675.00 Regal Window Cleaning 10.75 Johnson Paper 212.25 Bradley Exterminating 19.OO Kool Kube 185.30 A.J. Ogle, Inc. 2,180.97 Butch's Bar Supply 104.00 Coca Cola Bottling 178.10 Day Distrib 4,277.85 East Side Bev. 3,751.60 Gold Medal Bev. 233.95 Happy Tyme 170.40 City Club Distrib 2,727.10 Midwest Wine Co. 687.58 The Liquor House 1,812.39 Pepsi Cola/7 Up 260.55 Pogreba Distrib 2,763.55 Thorpe Distrib 4,856.20 TOTAL LIQUOR BILLS 25,163.24 GRAND TOTAL--ALL BILLS 87,895.81 ae ociat!.on of metr. oj:)o!!t, gn mun apa .e$ November 25, 1981 TO: Chief Admio_istrative Off~ ~BI Member ~,~micipalitie~ FROM: Vern Pet+son, Executive THERE ARE TWO IT'.iS I WOULD 1. TPdINSPORTATIpN ADVISORY As a result of the recent c~ on TAB. The ~._~ is alloc~ litan adviso~z body. The will serve the balance of be eligible to fill these official and must be Transportation Policy Commit' The TAB normally meets the Metropolitan Council Chamber advise and counsel to the Me Co~m~ ssion and ~N/DOT, and annually determine the FAU THE A~g{ BOARD IS SOLICITING BULLETIN. REC0}~MENDATIONS ATTENTION OF VERN PETERSON, 2. SURFACE WATER M~NAGEMENT Recently your city should Surface Water },~.~nagement adopted by the Council, it Development G'~ide and is deal with problems caused by The plan as proposed by the in the Metropolitan Area! its comprehensive Land Use management at the local level TO YOUR ATTENTION: VACANCIES there are ~hree city vacancies ~rs on this ve~ important metropo- .s selected to fill these vacancies Which expire October 31, 1982. To you must be a municipal elective serve as a member of the afternoon of each month inthe provides general transportation Council, Metropolitan Transit most important2unction is to priorities? FOR TH]~SEiVACANCIES VIA THIS SENT IN WRITING TO THE AM~OFFICE, THAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1981~ ~LITAN DEVELOPI~ENT GUIDE a copy of a p~oposed plan on by the Metropolitan Council. When part of the Metropolitan Council's the Council to serve as the plan to and storm water runoff. has serious implications for cities would require that every city amend an element for surface water ilocal plan would have to be approved 300 hanover bldg. 480 cedar street II, ~innesota 55101 (612) 222-2861 by the Watershed District shed district organization as described by the Counc~ become the fifth me- and open space and staggering. According to publication, the planning Costs for implementing the $43,000,000 and then there for operation and The Council's proposal has Committee and Board of Dire position opposing the Surfa¢ Metropolitan Council. I proposal very carefully and to the ~,~etropolitan Council would also suggest that public meetings in December metropolitan area. The Tuesday, Dec. 8, 7 p.m. Dakota County Vo-Tech County Rd. 42 and Akron Rd. Rosemount Thursday, Dec. 10, 7 p.m. Plymouth City Hall ~3400 Plymouth Blvd. Plymouth Thursday, Metropolitan 300 Metro S( ?th and St. Paul WE REQUEST THAT ~ THIS INFORMATION TO THE ~unty for those areas where a water- exist. For all practical purposes surface water management would similar to sewers, airports, parks The cost implications are also quite Monitor", a Metropolitan Council t~e two years and would cost $6,000,000. initially would be an additional an additional $10,600,000 per year 'e~iewedby the A~'s Metropolitan Agencies those bodies have adopted a policy i~,Lanagement Plan as proposed by the est that you review the Council's s a concern to your city, begin talking members that represent your city. I its position at one of the five at 'various locations around the is as follows: Wednesday, Dec. 9, 7 p.m. Chaska ~ddle School 1750 Chestnut St. Chaska Tuesday, Dec. 15,~7~p.m. Blaine City Hall 9150 Cen-ral Ave. N.E. Blaine p.m. Chambers RECEIVING THIS BULLETIN DISTRIBUTE IN YOUR CITY. VP/cr LAKE MINN KA CONSERVATION 402 EAST LAKE STREET MINNESOTA 55391 BOARD MEMBERS December 1, 1981 DISTRICt TELEPHONE 612/473-7C:- FRANK MIXA, EXECUTIVE DIRECT,: Norman W Paurus, Chairman Orono Edward G Bauman. Vice Chairman Tonka Bay Jerry Johnson. Secretary Excelsior Frank Fi Hunt. Jr.. Treasurer Spring Park Robert T. Brown Greenwood Alan Fasching Mlnnetrista Orval R Fenstad Mound Richard J Garwood Deepl3aven Lois C. Johnson Ulnnetonka Beach Robert S. MacNamara Wayzata Robert P. Rascop Shorewood bawd F. Nixon Laketown Township Robert K. Pillsbury Mlnnetonka t E. Slocum ~dlanci cl J Soderberg Victoria City of Mound c/o Jon Elam, Mana 5341Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Elam: Your neighbor, at t has applied for a d~ intends to install the Lake in front are used to protect needed purpose. Although this appli. are renewals for eq~ several'seasons. Advance notice of you to respond with have about the inst~ ten days. Your cooperation in appreciated. Sincerely, LAKE MINNETONKA CONI ~s!ide, Inc., from the LMCD and deicing equipment on . Most installations , but may be for some other lybe new this most year, which has been in use for ;hbor's intent is to allow or concerns you may Please contact us within safety on the Lake is DISTRICT Frank Mixa Executive Director cc: LMCD Inspector Surfside, Inc. leaBue of sota oities November 30, 1981 TO: Mayors, Managers, Clerks FROM: Donald Slater, Executive Peggy Flicker, Legislative C. SUBJECT:. What does the Governor's bud mean to cities? The parts of the Governor's proposal t Delayed 1981LGA and homestead almost certainly not be until will be made. That will depen flow problem. e 1982 LGA and attached machi for state - $55.9 million) cut by 8.3% last year.) Cities would have no ability certifying the 1982 tax levy. Some sort of Stabilization Fun( who can demonstrate sufficient half of the amount cut. This in 1983, from local revenue credit, not the state's, would 5. No leVy limits would be im 6. The Shade Tree Program would ;t cities directly are: till be paid in full. Payment will it is unclear when in 1982 payment overall solution to the state cash Ild be cut by 20.7%. (Total savings not forget that 1981LGA was already some or all of the'cut by re- set up to allow local governments .e., no reserves) to borrow for up to d back in up to 5 years starting governments' full faith, and ~P the Fund. ties in 1983 or thereafter. by 3.2 million dollars. (OVER) 5)00 hanover building, 480 oedar street paul, minnesota 55101 (612) 222-2861 I q tt (~Indirect Impact · Other parts of the Governor's proposal; they shift greater burdens onto the school aids and county aids, the Gow stead credit and circuit breaker prope :t cities indirectly in the sense that tax. Aside from recommended cuts in recommended changes in both the home- relief. The income of people eligible for the ~/~'~iit breaker would be lowered from $36,000 to $20,000. The homestead Credit' woul~tl/~)) 45% of a homeowner's tax bill, up to a maximum of $500 instead of the currenttl~B~ml up to a maximum of $650] These ~wo chan~es would save a total of $154 million. N~bll~ha~ these recommended changes would not ~ cut the reimbursement payment to citie~lt it'~elCities would receive the total property taxes levied for 1982 but with the s~~ytng less of the bill and the local tax- payer paying more. ' ~ m Comments on the Governor's Program ~ 1. L~ cuts - These cuts, especi.,~: mbined with no levy authority, will hit many cities very hard. to hope to avoid cuts of this magnitude is with a state tax unless IR and DFL legislators If there is not strong and increase, you can count on at homestead credit reimb~ There will be no state tax increase is local support for such a move. local advocacy for some state tax 7% LGA cut and possibly cuts'in as well. 0 1982 levy authority - The some property tax increases of increases as much as with 1982 taxes. The League to re-levy to make up for at this issue do not bode well Stabilization Fund - Ever so far Convinces us that the intent of helping local However, it is simply a way to are likely to be very high finances in general, this his recommendations would necessitate clearly wanted to limit the impact - no ability to make up for the cuts inue to urge that cities have the option cuts. The timing and politics of ity budgets. been able to learn about this proposal oppose it. It has the laudable the impact of drastic budget cuts. )for current operating expenses at what '~tes. Given the shaky future for city Fund should not be considered a serious alternative. If the s d~s not raise taxes to pay what it promised and cities can't l evy~l~ ,ak~ up for any cuts, then cuts in 1982 city budgets will have to be~'"~ ~,:i! 4. No levy limits after 1982- Tnm~e gue strongly supports this part of the Governor s proposal. However, i. 1 ) be very difficult to prevent the Legislature from keeping levy i s On cities. The more it looks like a greater t°tal burden is g°ing t~il put °n the pr°perty tax' the harder it~ ~ will be to get rid of levy limi This is why it is important that this be part of a total solution to the 'rent problem that includes some state tax increases to minimize cuts to 1,~Ca) governments. Cities must educate the Legislature and Go~ernor as to our need for both the property ax and state aid as revenue sources. The property tax needs to be more flexible, and :ate aid needs to be more reliable and pr(dictable. DAS/PF:cmt ll/30/al December 1, 1981 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yel you. Once again we can back away from hi rates, fears of inflation, governmental deficits, worries abot of tax exemption and think about the really important things -- we lilive, healthier than we might be, sheltered, well fed (it might be ICtive to travel some of the poorer areas of the globe). We are free to and come as we please. We can complain about our leadership, we can i - meaningfully vote. We don't have a national police knocking on the doort we don't have political prisons, executions. It's important to stand b~ck and "see" how fortunate we really are. ) The world will turn in spite of budget~deficits, high interest rates; The great universe is not apt to even quiver if one's particular moral standard is offended. What we need most is a clea~ perspective and resolution of global national and local problems in a spirit of understanding and forgiveness, trying to identify those concerns that are truly important. What is really important is that we don't annihilate each other in the name of this or that religious or political conviction. Perhaps a little less judgement and a little less shouting will get us through. Attitude is everything and that's what this time of the year especially impresses on us. Have a Happy Holiday. Merry Christmas from all of us. Y~rt L. Ehl~rs EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FINANCIAL SPECIALISTS F~RST ~',!/~,TiONA[',"q©Q L(FqE C[']hJ'CO!JF~SE f~O]' NI,:~F',L}L ( T'"E AVE MINNEA~-~OL}$, FvliNF~ES'OIA 55402: ['~39-82-~:}1 (/~,P,[~A CODE D12] Metropolitan Transit Commission 801 American Center Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612/221-0939 November 24, 1981 Mr. Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Routine Maintenance of Shelters Site No. C-874 3 Points Blvd & Gull Lane City of Mound Dear Mr. Kopp: The MTC is reviewing its maintenance procedures for shelters throughout the metropolitan area to find ways to reduce the maintenance costs without removing the shelters. This review is precipitated by continuing inflationary pressures on MTC operating costs coupled with the financial constraints imposed upon MTC by reductions in federal and state funding. These financial constraints are forcing MTC to implement cost reduction measures in all facets of our operations. One such area is the maintenance of the passenger waiting shelters. When the above referenced shelter was installed in Mound, the City agreed, as part of the participation agreement, to perform the routine maintenance of the shelter (i.e., cleaning, litter pick up, snow removal). Our records indicate that the MTC, as well as the city, is performing that duty. As of December 1, 1981, the MTC will cease this duplication of services. We appreciate the additional responsibility that is placed upon the City of Mound by this procedural change. However, we are sure that you can empathize with the position in which the MTC finds itself and will cooperate fully in assuring the continued successful operation of the shelter program. As stated in the agreement, the MTC will continue to repair shelters which are damaged through vandalism or accidents. Please call Mr. Gary DeCurtins, Shelter Maintenance Foreman at 642-2623, to report a damaged shelter. Thank you again for your cooperation. Sincerely, David R. Jessup Manager-Civil Engineering jd cc: Mayor Rock Lindlan Commissioner Kincannon George Caria Gary DeCurtins Fred Gauthier Lou Olsen WASHINGTON. D.C. 205t0 November 23, 1981 Mr. Jon Elam City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Jon: Thank you for getting in touch with me to express your concern about Revenue Ruling 81-58 which affects the tax exempt status of police and fire relief associations. I appreciate the time you have taken to share your views with me. Because I share your deep concern, I have joined with other members of the Minnesota delegation opposing Revenue Ruling 81- 58. I'm sending along a copy of the letter sent to the Commis- sioner of the Internal Revenue Service Roscoe L. Egger, Jr. which expresses our views. As you will note, Internal~~.~Service officials indicated that a' decision Would/be made regarding 81-58 by December 1, 1981. I want to assure you that if a favorable decision is not made on the ad~inistrative~:level, I will work to get legislation passed to preserve your tax exemption. Again, thanks for calling this important matter to my atten- tion. I'll be back in touch wiith~ you when I have something to report. Since.re~ , Ridy Boschwitz United States Senator RB/bd Enclosure 'Budget By BETTy WILSON~-~ ~ DAVE ANDERSON and ~ · ROBERT WHEREAT~.. ~ Ten years ago, 'John Haynes helped worka "miracle" in Minne~,i /SOta' .~. ' .~" :!/.!~, ..-~ i':~i,;.~ ..?j: .' From'/i iheav~l~? cO~se~vati~ Eegislature that had =wrangled for ' five deadlock~ months- over mon- ey...'the 26,year,Id aide to Gov, Wendell ~Ander~h' Won appro~i . of a philosop~of g&Vernment that has sin~ ~een a~laimed aro~d ~ the country~ th~';"Mi~ ~- ~' HaYnes w~fa. of' ~e ~te ~'~ dismay~ ~: away ~" rent ~ s~te . his third set ~ year. Q ? pro.ny 'Quie ~ld ~niean': in Cuts might leave (Budget, tr.,n Page owners and a decrease In services. tract Democratic Congressman Martie Sabo, ~uid that if Quie suc- ceeds in his elforts, Minnesota's reputation loc e healthy ~tal en- vironment would ~ seriouMy dam- a~. 'q think ~me laz~e sections of the Itite will not be I~ well ~tv~." he said. "When you rely on t~ pro~y t~. tho~ are~ with te~urces wHI ~ ibie to con- tinue their pre,eat level of ser- ~ces. ~t tho~ areas withoul the ~e~ources will simply have no chuice." ~al governmentl may have "~11 willingness lo tax them- ~lves. ~ If there Is only a limited amount ut lax ~"to tax.~at wiIhn~ness d~sn'l du you a great deal of ~." tiaynes ~aid. ''lbo 1~71 tr~i.l,lion Inclnded alote Ihan ISHO million tn n~w rev- ,hUe. increasing the ~les tax from 3 ~rcenl ~o 4 ~tcent and tncreas- lng individual and cor~ra~e in- come and oth~r taxes. While ~ imended to r~uce h~al real- amaze leviel by up to 20 percent by ~ndlng a mawr ~rtion of ti~e new state revenue ~ck to the I~al lev- el through enrlchcd sch~l, mumcl- ~1 and coumy aid Iormulas. ind ~ luml dlslrh V(~ ~(~ in delJvenn~ ~ervicc~ or decidlni exacll~ how mune~ ~ould ~ ~penl ~1 I~ul I~cl~." H~ne~ ~id. LJnder the 1971 law, the state le(I mom of the decisions on how money ~hould be spent in the hands of local elected school ~ards and government officials who understand the needs of their ~ple. "1 think that dlvi,mn of resin- John Haynes was architect of 1971 spending bill I~ t&t'jl ..... Mblllly 9,'a~ qulle ~ellSlhh, Iix'al I~il~t, lUlllrnts We [t'J~ Ihat Ihe lav,,, ~ IIw least a r In lein,~ 0[ abllny le pay and olh. n i~ nul relal- ed tu U~e need~." IIi Ihe molto area, where house5 tend to have market values higher [~n m other cilles, the increase would apply Io a larger percentage CurrenUy the state pays $650 or 58 ~rcen~ (whichever i5 higher) of {be property tax bills on homes ~. cupJed bg the owner. Quie would reduce Ihag ~o $500 or 45 ~rcent, The amoun~ of aid a city receives Icom Ihe state is ~sed on ils size and the Iolal market value of Jig taxable pro~rty. Those with IiHle industrial or commercial dLwelop- ment get more stale aid. Those wilh heaRhy business economies les~. The result is ~hat the cilies lac- mg the larg~M revenue cut5 are the cR~es with ~he least abd~ty Iu make up the dlllerence in I~al taxes. And often those citie~ ne~d the ~[ale aid most. Four weeks ago the League of [IOllflaire asking city ol flciuls to ses~ as best they could how they miglll weather a 20 percem cut in "We made a prelly g<~ huh?" said Peggy Fbtker, Iubhvl~l [ur lhe League. Mor~ Ihan 300 re- ~es have be~ received; t IlaU the citic~ ~aid they would ~ ha~e to make c~ts m their police departmcms, perhaps culling back Ihe number of hours patrolled dur- I i~ ~lnle shlft~. · One*lourlb aoii('lpiUed luy- oll~. hi Ihelr I.dlre (h'p.irt lite.uts · Ilalf h)resuw cuts In str(.et nlalutenaniT dirt ~miw phiwlnK hull m~uJlcnanc(. (m Mrcel Itghl~ t Ital[ planned cul~ in park and ~crealion &ervice~. t One-third iore~w layoffs m ~be park and recreational ~epar[- Raising pro~rty laxes may nu~ ~ an oplion for Pro~r~y tax ra~es loc nexl year aheady have ~en lered ~o provision loc pcrmuDng cilies Io go ~ck and rehgure offsel h~ pro.sod culs. he ~uggestL~ Ihal cries ~rrow ~hc money, up [o half (d ~hal lhey ~mld h~ in slale aid~. Thai ~ is likely lo work an un- heed to Ix}trow most, I-htkcr txmd ratings because oI their weak tax base and economic problems. Thai means the cities facing The biggest culs will have to pay the highest interest rates to borrow the money to make up for those Wealthy or poor. the cities would be faced not oplv with the 20.7 percent cut, which' comes on And to be able to borrow the money, Flicker said. the cities would have to prove that they are truly needy. ~ That raises the concern of what the effect would be on a city's bond rating if it had to explain publicly its desperate financial "] think rather than go Into debt and jeopardize their rating we're going to see a lot of cities just take i~ on the chin instead." Flicker said. Minneapolis Mayor [:)on Fraser said Tuesday that the city could lose its triple-A I~)nd rating 1{ it had to borrow money to meet op- orating expenses. Quie's proposed cuts would lect each of the state's 87 counties. according to Jim Shipman, execu- live direclor of lite A.',-,'.x'iation of Mutni",ota CoUIIile5 ,~hlpman ~id the direct impacl stand $50 Ilttlhl}lL lit' Mild Cl)UUln'% would have to dip Into reserve {unds. "it wil{ put them in ahm,~t the salne situntion that the !,tale i.~ in." he said. ttennepin County olhcials con- tacted 'luesday did nut know e.,,- would lose, mainly becau,,r Quie did not detail all the cuts. Tom Fal- stad. the county budget director. estimated $6 million to $8 milbon. Gene Ranieri, the county's chief staff lobbyist, said the aid reduc- Don could b,: deeper--as much as $10 million. County Commissioner Randy Johnson said that means going talking about lopping o{I hut,,e pta- grams. We're looking al down Ihe work hou~, cl.slng down paris of the The property tax impllt'ailons ol Quie's plan could prove Io mlxed blessing for the governor Election day, Nov. 3 next year wiffcome only three days after tnt ~cond hall' property tax payment~ come due on (~t, 31. Taxes will be up--somewhere ~tween l0 and 25 percent in mosl areas~largely because o~ in[la- tlon-f~eled increases in market values apd ~me mil{age mcrea~e~ brought a~ut by state and lederal cuts in the 19~1 budgets. There will ~ the automatic in- crease oI up to $150 for ~ome honlrowne[~, moMl? I1~ IIH' TWill CRies area. But there will ~ no Tuesday's budget mes~ge and, the governor's eHort to erase the ~777 million revenue shortfall. Any really large tax increase, make up even halt ol $777 million, would not come until the elecl~on The governor is heading tot major conirontation with the I.eg- islature and won't gel everything he wants in Ihe special starting Tuesday, said Ilouae Speaker tiarry Sieben, }tastings But ~h.la,n ~ald H'n uuhkel). Ihrr, Ihal the ]tH legl~lul~vr ma- jorlly will tx, ahk, lo pro{ecl proptqly lax rcllel il'~ dea~gw'd Although Qu}e calh'd ~er es lo make up the state's provcled $768 milhon dehcit, he reiused ~y whether he'd veto a lax m- crea~e hill He strongly himed. though, that he'd ~, likely ~o indexing, which ia intended keep indKqdual income laxeh fram rising any fasler than Jnflalion. back to the coumy's 1982 budget Minneapolis Slar Staff Writer of $507 million and connng up ' Mike Bosc als. o contributed Io this with more cuts. article. /qq/ C[I'Y of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAU MOUND N'~IN~'~,E~,~'TA ~,5364 (612) 472-1155 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Downtown Advisory Committee Rob Chelseth, City Planner 3 December 1981 Notice and Agenda for the Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Downtown Advisory Committee will be on Wednesday, December 9, 1981 at 7:00 P.M. in the Mound City Ha11~. At the meeting, the Committee will examine each of the objectives it has identified as its primary responsibility to determine: - the type of activities which must be pursued to achieve the objectives - potential sources of program support (monies, staff, etc.) - group to be involved for assistance and support Minutes and revised list of the DAC's objectives will be mailed to all members on Monday, December-7, 1981 in an attempt to get them to you before next Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing you at the next key meeting. Rob Chelseth Re/ms