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C,TV !oF .OU.D MOUND CITY COUNC April 27, 1982 Regular Meeting City Hall - 7:30 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Mound, ~,N DA Mi~nnesota Minutes of A}rii 13, 1982 Reg~ lar Meeting Minutes of A)ril 20, 1982 Spe~ iai Meeting L.M.C.D. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. To consider amenlding Chap er 23, City Code entiti. "Zoning" by removing a di~ trist from Residential R~ District and adding Light Industrial I-1Districtl B. 1982 Revenue Sharing Budget Hearing Purpose of hearing to solicit ideas for using '3 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds C. Delinquent Utility Bills Total of 35 Accounts = $3,208.57 delinquent more ~n six months - "Shutoff list for April" Status Report - Continental Telephone Rate Case Mound Fire Department Relief Assoc. Actuarial Study Proposal to increase benefits. Comments & Suggestions from Citizens Present Consideration of Bids for a 1974 or Newer Vac-Ail. I (To be handed out at the meeting) Consideration of Bids for the 1982 Street Seal Coatin Program (To be handed out at the meeting) Refund of Dock Permit Fees for 1982 Sale of City Property - Lot 1, Block 23 - Wychwood Consideration of Quotations for Upgrading Sanitary Se Lift Station (Bartlett & Lakewood Blvd.) Notice of Legal Claim from Hardrives Request from Chairman of Metropolitan Council to HaveI City Manager Serve on "Chairman's Advisory Committee''I Resolution to Purchase Surety Bond for $20,000 for City Treasurer Sharon Legg ~ Rager's Pub - Extension of Licenses from May 1 to June 1, 1982 LICENSE RENEWALS FOR 1982-83 Ao B. C. D E F G H I J Off-Sale Beer On-Sale Beer Restaurants Bowling Alley Games of Skill Pool Tables Juke Box Entertainment Permit Cigarette Licenses Arcade License Pg. 807-814 Pg. 815-818 Pg. 819-823 Pg. 824-826 Pg. 827' Pg. 828-837 Pg. 838-852 Pg. 853 Pg. 854 Pg. 855 Pg. 856-857 Pg. 858-861 Pg. 862-864 Pg. 865 Pg. 866 Pg. 867 Pg. 868-869 Page 806 17. Payment of Bills 18. Notification of Recommendation to have a Part-Time Plumbing Inspector 19. Change Order No. 1 on Street Lights 20. Resolution Approving Collateral Pledged to City of Mound 21. Resolution Cancelling Unit Assessments as a Part of 1981 22. Street Project: A. PID #24-117-24 43 0053 - B. PID #23-117-24 43 0043 - INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS A. $1,828.15 $1,838.15 Note on DAC Meeting & Progress - Verbal Report (They may bring an actual recommendation forth to this Meeting, but it may be held off until May 4th) B. Note on DNR Boat Access/Marina Issue from an internal Metropolitan Council Memorandum C. Letter from City of Minnetrista regarding Water & Sewer Connections to Minnetrista for Proposed Maintenance Building on County Road 110 D. County Road #125 Status - Verbal Report E. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Agenda & Minutes F. Notice of Greg Bergquist Passing "C" Water License G. Report of Hours of Police Reserve Unit H. School Board Minutes I. Letter from City of Minnetrista J. Letter from AMM - Surface Water Managment Proposal pg. 870 Pg. 871-874 Pg. 875m876 Pg. 877 Pg. 878 Pg. 879 Pg. 880-882 Pg. 883 Pg. 884 Pg. 885-898 Pg. 899 Pg. 900 Pg. 901-903 Pg. 904 Pg. 905 Page 806-a CIT'~~ of MOUND April 22, 1982 REMINDER TO THE COUNCIL: THE MEETING APRIL 27, 1982 STARTS AT 6:30 P.M. WITH A WORK STUDY SESSION. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 66 April 13, 1982 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on April 13, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Those present were: Mayor Rock Lindlan, Councilmembers Pinky Charon, Robert Polston and Gordon Swenson. Councilmember Ulrick arrived at 8:00 P.M. Also present were: City Manager Jon Elam; Police Chief Bruce Wold; City Prosecutor Desyi Peterson, Water Superintendent Greg Skinner; City Insurance Agent Earl Bailey; Insurance Consultant William Husbands; City Clerk Fran Clark and the following interested citizens: Gary Pauisen, John Wagman, Bob and Margaret Hanson. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting on April 6, 1982 were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Charon seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the April 6, 1982 regular meeting as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. SEWER BILLS - SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT The City Manager explained that in the past the City has given the senior citizens a discount on their quarterly sewer bill of $1.OO but that since the City raised the sewer rates to $18.OO per quarter the $1.OO discount is hardly worth the time or energy to post and credit it. His recommendation is to increase this discount to $2.00 or $3.00 per quarter. The fund is presently generating enough income to afford this and the discount would really help the senior citizens who are on a fixed income. Swenson moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #82-97 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A $3.00 DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ON THEIR QUARTERLY SEWER BILLS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. SIRENS The City Manager reported that last week during the statewide test of the weather sirens ours did not go off when they were activated. The one at the Fire Station was activated manually but the one ,n Island Park did not sound then either. The Police Department contacted Mr Elroy Lehn to check this situation out and he found that there was a bad circuit in the phone line between Wayzata and Navarre. N. W. Bell Telephone was notified and has rectified this situation and the sirens are now in working order. The City will have Bruce Wold check on the payments that have been made to Northwestern Bell for the siren when it was not working. Something might be able to be worked out where Bell would give us credit for the months the siren did not work or pay Lehn's bill. Information item. No action taken. 20° 67 April 13, 1982 D.W.I. PROSECUTION The City Manager explained that he has invited Oesyl Peterson, City Prosecuting Attorney, to the meeting tonight to give her views on the recent D.W. Io legislation, the new Hennepin County Municipal Court Policy and how they relate to the City's finances. Desyl explained that the new State Law has established that a second DWI in five years would be a gross misdemeanor and that prosecution of that charge would be the responsiblity of the City Attorney in municipal court. Between this law and the Hennepin County Municipal Court Policy,which the judges have adopted,where the first DWI carries a mandatory 2 days in the workhouse the City is looking at more cases going to trial and an expense of $45.00 per day for the workhouse. She has tried asking the judges to at least cover the workhouse costs in fines but is not getting complete cooperation. She would encourage the Council to put some political pressure on the court system making them aware that the City is footing the bill and the fines should be raised. Mr. Elam pointed out that in the first three months of 1982, DWI cases (23) paid $2950.00 in fines, but the City's workhouse bill for the same period of time was $4350.00, a City subsidy of $1400.00. The Council and Ms. Peterson discussed some other aspects of the new Law such as: 1. Implied consent 2. License revocation 3. Plea bargining Councilmember Ulrick arrived at 8:00 P.M. The City Manager will continue to monitor this situation and the costs involved and report back to the Council. Desyl Peterson complimented the Mound Police Department on their professional and cooperative attitude. No action was taken. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Gary Paulsen asked if it had been determined that the City owns the 3 acre site by the old sewer plant? The answer was yes the City owns the site. There were no further comments or suggestions. CITY INSURANCE PROGRAMS - WILLIAM HUSBANDS The City Manager explained that William Husbands was present to go over his report on the City Insurance Programs with the Council. Mr. Husbands stated that insurance coverage should be cost effective and yet cover contingencies. Mr. Husbands explained each coverage and his recommendations which were as follows: INSTITUTIONAL POLICY 1. Building and Contents Coverage - a. To clearly identify the Institutional Policy as being one of All Risk Coverage to the buildings and contents. b. To review the contents coverage for the Liquor Store and determine that $135,000 is either sufficient or needs to be increased. 68 April 13, 1982 c. To make sure the City has no obligations to provide building coverage for the Liquor Store building, d. To increase our coverage to Replacement Cost for the buildings and contents. 2. Loss of Business Earnings Coverage - a. To determine if Extra Expense coverage should not be increased from the present $5,000. 3. Contractors Equipment Coverage - a. To get the Contractors Equipment coverage up to a Replacement Cost basis. 4. Miscellaneous Property Floater Coverage - Policy 1 Recommendations - none. 5. Miscellaneous Property Floater Coverage - Policy 2 a. To have the Radio Equipment insured under the Contractors Equipment portion of the policy. 6. Comprehensive General Liability Coverage a. Review the contract with the Nurse and determine if the City should provide coverage for her under the General Liability and Workers Compensation Policies. b. To have the aggregate coverage removed from the General Liability Policy. 7. Money Orders, Counterfeit Paper Currency and Depositor's Forgery Coverage - Recommendations - None 8. Money and Securities Broad Form Coverage a. A review should be made to verify that the City Hall and the Liquor Store are the only two (2) places that accept money. b. That theses places deposit the daily receipts each and every day. 9. Public Employees Blacket Bond Coverage a. To obtain a policy that will protect the City against a loss of money from the Fireman's Pension Fund. WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY 1. To review our loss history, particularly in the Workers Compensation area, to determine that everything within reason is being done to keep our insurance costs at a minimum internally. BUSINESS AUTO POLICY 1. To have the physical damage coverage on the fire engines and snow plowing equipment on an Agreed Amount which represents Replacement Cost of that equipment. MINNESOTA DRAM LAW LIABILITY POLICY 1. Include the City of Mound as a named insured on the Minnesota Dram Law Liability Policy. 2. Change policy period to comply with the others of 2-I- to 2-1 at next anniversary. PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES LIABILITY POLICY 1. This is a Claims Made Policy covering only claims made against the City during the policy period and it should never be changed to an occurrence policy. 69 April 13, 1982 2. A resolution should be passed that enables the City to reimburse the $200 deductible to the employee and/or official if the City wishes to do so. COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA POLICY 1. Include the Minnesota Dram Law Liability Policy as an underlying policy to the Umbrella Policy. 2. Remove the aggregate limit from the Umbrella Policy. Mr. Husbands told the Council to expect an increase in the insurance rates next year if the interest rates come down and the market starts to become more solid. The Council discussed the possiblity of developing a Risk Management Committee as a committment to safety. Responding to Mr. Husbands recommendation under Commercial Umbrella Policy, section !: Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #82-98 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EARL BAILEY TO IMMEDIATELY BIND INSURANCE COVERAGE WITH INTERSTATE FIRE & CASUALTY BACK TO FEBRUARY !, 1982, FOR AN ADDITIONAL $1.5 MILLION AS AN UMBRELLA TO THE DRAM LAW LIABILITY POLICY The voted was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The Council thanked Mr. Husbands for the intelligent and informative report. Ulrick moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #82-99 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP A WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION STUDY CONTRACT WITH WILLIAM HUSBANDS FOR CONTINUED RISK MANAGEMENT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Charon moved and Ulrick seconded a motion authorizinq the City Manager to work with the City Insurance Agent Earl Bailey on the recommendations in the Insurance Study done by Mr. William Husbands. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. MOUND BAY PARK REFRESHMENT STAND The City Manager stated that this matter has been withdrawn from this Agenda and will come up in.a future Agenda. WATER METER PROBLEMS Councilmember Poiston disqualified hir,~self because the co~,~pany he works for is the ~ ..... ~;~ for the Neptune meters. The City Manager explained that in 1978, 1800 meters were purchased with outside readers from Neptune meters. The Water Dept. still has 500 new meters and readers that have not been installed but out of the 1300 that were installed, at least 250 are out of order. 81o 7O April 13, 1982 Greg Skinner, Water Superintendent, was present and showed the Council the meters and explained that the spring inside the meter in the house keeps breaking and does not send the ~mpluse to the remote outside reader thus the remote does not have the correct gallonage used. Another problem with the Neptune remote readers is that they have several openings and insects get in them and jam the reader so it stops completely. Both of these problems require the Water Dept. to find a time when the residents are at home to have the meter or remote repaired thus the Water Dept. is tied up almost full time repairing meters. It also causes a financial problem for the residents as their meter reading is estimated and the actual water used can be much greater that the estimate. Out failure rate for the Neptune meters exceeds 20%. Neptune has made a proposal to allow the City $16.50 credit for each of the meters that are still new and in the crate toward the purchase of a new system. The only problem with the new system is that all the houses in town are two wire systems and the new system is a three wire system. Thus, all the houses would have to be rewired. Badger Meter has also madea proposal. Their's is on a two wire system. The Water Dept. and the City Manager are recommending the Badger System. Councilmember Ulrick suggested checking with the City Attorney to see if a suit could be instituted to make the manufacturer liable for the meters and the labor involved in installation and repair. The Council agreed this would be worth looking into and directed the City Manager .... to do so and report back. They~also agreed there should be one system throughout the town but they would wait to make a decision on what type until the City Attorney advised on the suit. SHADE TREE REIMBURSEMENT Charon moved and Swenson seconded a motion to approve a shade tree reimbursement for Ed Belmler, 2130 Noble Lane in the amount of $48:00. The voted was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. BILLS Swenson moved and Charon seconded a motion to approve the payment of bills as presented in the amount of $61,422.92, when funds are available. Roll Call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING Swenson moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #82-100 RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CITY PROPERTY NORTH OF THE METRO SEWER PLANT ON WESTEDGE BLVD. REMOVING IT FROM THE R-1 DISTRICT AND ADDING IT TO THE I-1 DISTRICT FOR APRIL 27, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 71 April 13, 1982 SPRING CLEAN-UP The City Manager stated that the following bids were received for the hauling of trash for the Spring Clean-Up April 24, 1982. WIDMER BROS. Trucks $36.00 per hour P. 0. Box 218 Labor 1~.OO per hour Spring Park, MN. Dumping 22.50 per hour WESTONKA SANITATION Mound, MN. OR Truck & Driver Each Helper Dump Charges $30.00 per hour 10.O0 per hour 15.OO per hour approx. $4,800.00 flat fee including dumping charges. Swenson moved and Charon seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #82-101 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF WESTONKA SANITATION ON THE PER HOUR RATE The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. L.M.C.D. REPRESENTATIVE The Staff had included in the packet the resolution #81-75 appointing Orval Fenstad as the City of Mound representative to-the L.M.C.D. This resolution did not state a time period for this appointment. The Council asked the City Manager to check with the L.M.C.D. and see what their term of appointment is. L.M.C.D. MEETING - APRIL 20, 1982 The City Manager asked that the Councilmembers submit any specific items they would like to see brought up at this meeting with the other cities to him by Monday April 19, 1982. Several members brought up the following subjects: a. Cost effectiveness b. Restructuring c. Duplication of services WESTEDGE-: BLVD. & BOUNDARIES The Mayor stated he has been in contact with Mayor Gen Olson from Minnetrista and they have discussed both Councils appointing on Councilmember and ! Staff member to discuss Westedge Blvd. and boundary straightening and then reporting back to the Councils. Councilmembers Polston and Ulrick felt that it should be Staff only discussing the options and then bringing them back to both Councils at.a Joint Meeting. Swenson moved and Charon seconded a motion to appoint the Mayor and the City Manager to get together with Minnetrista's representatives and discuss Westedge Blvd. and boundary straightening and report back to the Council. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 72 April 13, 1982 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS The City Manager had included, in the packet, information on the following itemS: A. COMMENDATION TO OFFICER GARY CAY0 - A letter from the Police Chief commending Officer Cayo on his excellent patrol and interview techniques. The Council agreed that more of these should be given to all the Officers on the Police Force for their excellent work. B. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL BULLETIN - Recent Council Actions C. FIRST CENSUS DATA - HENNEPIN COUNTY D. COPY OF CITY OF MOUND DOCK LICENSE FROM THE L.M.C.D. E. AMERICAN LEGION POST 398 GAMBLING REPORT FOR MARCH Fo LETTER FROM MTC ON WAITING SHELTERS - There will be no 1982 Shelter Program because of rising construction and maintenance costs. G. MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT. H. L.M.C.D. FINANCIAL STATEMENT -1981 ANDERSON BUILDING Included in the handouts tonight was a letter from the City Attorney regarding the sale of the Anderson Building. The Council decided to start the meeting on April 27, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. for a work-study discussion on the Anderson Building. FIREMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION The City Manager reported that the Mound Fire Department Relief Association has turned in the 1981Acutarial Valuation and that they would like to meet with the Council on this. Councilmembers Polston and Swenson said they would meet with the Fire Dept. on this subject on Wednesday, April 21, 1982 for discussion. The Relief Association Report will be considered at the next Council Meeting April 27, 1982. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion to adjourn at ll:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. don Elam, City Manager Fran Clark, City Clerk Bryan Rock Products 86.04 Jan Bertrand 13.20 Ed Behmler 48.00 Coast to Coast 07.12 Continental Telephone 910.32 Computer Election Systems 700.00 Fran Clark 13.86 Robert Cheney 334.00 Dixco Engraving 9.00 Jon Elam 12.87 Glenwood Inglewood 42.75 First Natl Bank-Mpls 80.00 Eugene Hickok & Assoc 578.00 William E. Husbands (Ins Review)785.00 Illies& Sons 1,076.O0 JAB£O (HUD Rehab) 1,696.88 Leslie Paper 121.44 The Laker 201.49 League of MN Cities 11.50 Mound Police Dept 45.87 Mound Fire Dept 3,715.15 Wm Mueiler & Sons 2,244.85 Minn Comm 28.50 Minn Mining & Mfg 220.05 MN Park Supervisors Assoc I0.O0 Minnegasco 1,719.O4 City of Minnetrista 60.00 MacQueen Equip 1,O00.OO Marina Auto Supply 543.68 Navarre Hdwe 155.O0 Natl Fire Protect. Assn 50.00 N.S.P. 5,482.67 Planning & Develop Serv 800.00 Paper Calmenson 512.40 Brad Roy 166.45 Specialty Screening 174.50 Specialty Equip Co. 118.00 Thurk Bros. Chev 446.92 Title Ins. 60.00 Tri State Drilling 774.73 Village Chevrolet 39.00 Village Printers 127.75 Westonka Sanitation 50.00 R.L. Youngdahl & Assoc 421.27 Total Bills 25,793.30 LIQUOR BILLS The Liquor House Griggs, Cooper Johnson Bros. MN Distillers Old Peoria Ed Phillips Bradley Exterminating Johnson Paper Mound Locksmith Real One Acquisition Regal Window Clean Nels Schernau Wallin Heating Butch's Bar Supply City Club Distrib Coca Cola Day Distrib East Side Bev Gold Medal Bev Home Juice Kool Kube Ice The Liquor House Midwest Wine A.J. Ogle Pepsi Cola/7 Up Pogreba Distrib Thorpe Distrib Total Liquor Bills GRAND TOTAL--ALL BILLS 1,238.20 4,236.70 4,516.52 767.5O 1,038.86 1,617.88 19.00 276.8O 154.30 712.99 10.75 7.04 27.50 164.40 2,502.40 193.50 3,169.20 3,446.90 42.9O 42.48 60,00 3,284 35 414 45 2,118 50 2O3 4O 1,927 55 3,435 55 35,629.62 61,422.92 April 20, 1982 L.M.C.D. DISCUSSION MEETING Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting regarding the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District was hosted by the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota at 5341Maywood Road in said City on April 20, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. All L.M.C.D. member cities were invited to attend this discussion meeting. Those present were: from Mound - Mayor Rock Lindlan, Councilmembers Pinky Charon, Robert Polston and Gordon Swenson, City Manager Jon Elam and City Clerk Fran Clark; from Excelsior - Mayor Richard Knapp and Councilmember Charles Thomson; from Minnetonka - Mike Johnson, Assistant City Engineer; from Minnetrista - Mayor Gen Olson; from Orono - Mayor Brad Van Nest and Councilmember Tom Frahm; from Shorewood - Counciimembers Jan Haugen and Robert Rascop; from Tonka Bay - Mayor Glenn Froberg, Counciimembers Edward Bauman, Marvin Bjorlin, Ruth Sherman and Duane Temple; from Wayzata - Tom Anderson, Building Inspector; and the following interested citizens: Bill and Gerry Sime. Mayor Lindlan chaired and opened the meeting. He explained that this discussion meeting was called because of Mound's concern about 3 major issues: 1. The cost effectiveness of the L.M.C.D. 2. The funding of the L.M.C.D. 3. The services that the L.M.CoD. provides may be overlapping with other governmental agencies. Shorewood - Bob Rascop agreed that a review and evaluation of the enabling legislation and the finances of the L.M.C.D. was a good idea and that a good viable organization can withstand scrutiny. Shorewood does not want to see the L.M.C.D. done away with. Orono - Mayor Brad Van Nest stated that at time they question the L.M.C.D. but they cannot see the Lake without the L.M.C.D. because with it the Lake control would be the responsibility of the County Board. Orono has no problem with the funding aspect. They like the ordinances that the L.M.C.D. has developed. Maybe we should be reviewing the L.M.C.D.'s make-up. was made to have only 7 members instead of 14. Wayzata, Minnetonka Beach, Orono, Spring Park - appoint 1 member Mound, Minnetrista, Shorewood, Victoria - appoint 1 member Tonka Bay, Excelsior, Greenwood - appoint 1 member Deephaven, Woodland, Minnetonka - appoint 1 member and 3 members at large. It was felt at that time that there would be more consistency in thinking with less members. At one time a proposal Tonka Bay - Mayor Glenn Froberg questioned overlapping jurisdiction and an erosion of powers that should be retained by the municipalities. Minnetrista - Mayor Gen Olson felt that the L.M.C.D. offers a coordinated approach to Lake Minnetonka but questioned the lack of assertiveness on the part of the L.M.C.D. when Minnetrista was opposing the DNR. Minnetrista feels the L.M.C.D. is a necessary control for Lake Minnetonka. April 20, 1982 Excelsior - Mayor Richard Knapp stated that basically Excelsior is in ~avor o~ keeping the L.M.C.D. but they some questions in r~§ard t0 their policies and jurisdiction. Mound - Gordy Swenson feels that there is an overlap of control on Lake Minnetonka; that the L.M.C.D. is paying the Executive Director too much; and that the L.M.C.D. is not doing anything for Mound. Mound had to hire their own Dock Inspector because the L.M.C.D. Dock Inspector was not doing a good job in Mound. Mound - Bob Polston stated that faced with all the cutbacks the cities have had, a review of the L.M.C.D. and the way the organization is funded should be examined in regard to the fairness of the funding formula as it is setup. There are many dedicated members of the L.M.C.D. but we should make sure we are getting the most for our money. There were some questions as to the powers of the L.M.C.D. so Brad Van Nest read Section 3 of the enabling legislation to the group. He then stated that the L.M.C.D. is only concerned with the use of the Lake, the Watershed District is in charge of the shoreline and erosion. Excelsior - Charles Thomson stated that the L.M.C.D. is too weak in some ways and too strong in others. Shorewood - Jan Haugen asked if the Executive Director has a job description? Shorewood - Bob Rascop (Chairman of the L.M.C.D) answered yes and that he is evaluted yearly by the Chairman for merit raises. Mound - Bob Polston suggested setting up and ad hoc committee to review and evaluate the L.M.C.D. budget and the enabling legislation to see if there is an overlap in services. Tonka Bay - Ruth Sherman stated that the alternative to the L.M.C.D is the County Board and theywouldn't have the Lake Communities needs or desires in mind when making decisions. Shorewood ~ Bob Rascop stated that the amount the L.M.C.D. budgets has been kept at one half what they could levy to the municipalities. They also use the funds from the Save the Lake Fund for research and pollution. The DNR and the Watershed are in charge of algae and weed control. So the money the municipalities contribute is used for enforcement and regulation. Tonka Bay - Mayor Glenn Froberg stated that he felt the L.M.C.D. should operate within certain bounds of jurisdiction. This is a matter of concern to all of us. He then gave an example where he felt specific powers given to.the cities were taken over by the L.M.C.D. Excelsior - Mayor Richard Knapp stated that he agreed with Mayor Froberg on that point. The cities should be allowed to work out certain problems without the L.M.C.D. intervening. The example given by Mayor Froberg was the L.M.C.D taking charge of a prosecution that Excelsior feels should have been handled by their City Attorney. April 20, 1982 Shorewood - Bob Rascop stated that he would have a hard time defending the the L.M.C.D. on this because he was not on the board at that time. Tonka Bay - Ed Bauman, representative for Tonka Bay to the L.M.C.D, stated that to the best of his memory Excelsior initially brought the complaint to the L.M.C.D. Shorewood - Bob Rascop stated that the L.M.C.D. does not want to be concerned with land decisions and will not address parking issues. Sometimes Cities have asked the L.M.C.D. to enforce city ordinances and they will not do this. Shorewood - Jan Haugen questioned why a viable-organization such as the L.M.C.D. is not making their own recommendations but letting the City Councils make recommendations to them. Orono - Mayor Brad Van Nest stated that the framework of the L.M.C.D. is quite cumbersome and maybe the idea introduced earlier with regard to a 7 member board would make the L.M.C.D. a better organization. He also agreed with other persons that the Executive Director should make himself more visible to the members of the L.M.C.D. by attending some Council Meetings and reporting on items that the L.M.C.D. is working on in the individual cities. Mound - Bob Polston suggested that if it is felt that a smaller group could work better as an L.M.C.D. board that maybe the Minnetonkaarea should be broken down into districts and a public election of L.M.C.D. members should be held. Tonka Bay - Glenn Froberg felt Mr. Polston's idea was a good one because it would give these elected officialsa constituency to answer to. Shorewood - Bob Rascop stated that the philosophy of the Legislature and the DNR seems to be to get everyone on the lake and then control them. We need the L.M.C.D. for control. Right now there is parking for 150 cars at the accesses to Lake Minnetonka and the DNR would like to have 1 parking space for every 20 acres of 1.ake which would mean of total of 700 parking spaces. Tonka Bay - Ed Bauman feels that Lake Minnetonka is a State resource and wants to keep the lake open to all persons. The remainderof the group agreed with Bauman's feelings. Tonka Bay - Ruth Sherman felt that some excellent ideas have come out of tonights meeting and would like to see an ad ho~ committee formed. Tonka Bay - Ed Bauman commended Mound on their good idea for this discussion meeting. He felt it was good to talk with each other about the concerns. Mound - Mayor Lindlan feels there is a lack of communication on the L.M.C.D's part. Shorewood - Jan Haugen suggested having an outside consultant review the Executive Director's management policies. April 20, 1982 Mound - Bob Polston stated he thought this ad hoc committee should review, evaluate and issue a report of the facts on th~ f011owin§ items as well as concerns brought up tonight: 1. Cost effectiveness of the L.M.C.D. 2. Funding of the L.M.C.D. 3. Overlapping services. Mayor Lindlan asked for a show of hands of those in favor of the ad hoc Committee. All were in favor but one, Mr..Tom Frahm who felt this was counterproductive. It was decided by the persons present that the following persons be on this ad hoc committee: 1. *Mayor Glenn Froberg - Tonka Bay 2. Councilmember Bob Poiston - Mound 3. Tom Anderson representing Wayzata stated that he was sure one of his Councilpeople would be interested in serving on this committee. 4. Councilmember Jan Haugen - Shorewood Mayor Van Nest suggested that the Committee have Bob Searles come to one of their meetings as he is very knowledgeable on the L.M.C.D. Mayor Lindlan thanked everyone for coming and sharing their thoughts and concerns. Adjournment came at 9:40 P.M. Fran Clark, City Clerk (City of Mound) Mayor Froberg called the morning after the meeting and asked that his name be removed from the ad hoc committee because of a conflict of interest in that he is still in litigation on a case that involves the L.M.C.D. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota NOTICE OF NEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 23, "ZONING", MOUND CODE OF ORDINA~CES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 27, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, the Mound City Council will hold a hearing on the proposal to amend Chapter 23, Mound Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning", by removing from the Residential R-1 District and adding to the Light Industrial I-1 District, the following described property: "That part of Lot Four (4) of Section Twenty-three (23) Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) of Range Twenty-four (24) according to the Government Survey thereof, lying North of the Northerly boundary line of the Great Northern Railroad right-of-way" in the City of Mound. (Triangular property North of the Metropolitan Sewer Plant on Westedge Boulevard). All persons appearing at said hearing will be given an opportunity to be heard. Francene C. Clark, City Clerk LAKE LANGDON L AK£ R~ · +4 i .L A K [ TON K A IIBIEIIIIIBIIBIBill ZONING MAP Adopted 12-29-81, R'i Single Family 10,OOOsq. ft R-2Single Family 6DOOsq. ft R'3Two Family R-4Multi Family B-I £entral Business B'2General Business B'3Neighborhood Business I-1 Industrial City of Mound, Minnesotl 335 SPRING PARK, MN 55384 PHONE 471-9515 April 12, 1982 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound Mound, Minn. Dea~ Jon, I received your letter and Site Plat today of the City Property by the railroad tracks North of Mound. Please let me know as soon as you have the survey with the dimensions of the lot. I am very interested in this property to build warehouses on for some of our winter boat storage. PRES~ McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS [] LAND SURVEYORS · PLANNERS April 13, 1982 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Oon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: Cost Estimate Survey of City Property File #2113 Dear Jon: Our Survey Department estimates it would cost between $800.00 and $1,000.00 to do a survey of the City owned property in Section 23 north of the Burlington Northern Railroad and adjacent to the West Edge Boulevard. It would be best if the work could be done while the crews are still in Mound replacing lot corners on the past street projects. As per our telephone conversation, we will proceed with this survey Thursday or Friday of this week unless I hear otherwise. Sincerely, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. OC:lr Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Eagan printed on recycled paper i RECEIVED · ~:%,. the sum of [ I .... : ....... . as earnest money and in ~art payment ,. :-~ : ~f ~h~pperty ~nlersl~e~ha~thl8 ~y so~ to t~ buyer ~r thr~ Earnest money herein paid s/~t~ and ' 7~* ~ Subject ~ perfd ...... by the buy. ~e seller .~ee, m .... ute .nd d.llve, . ' '/ .~ Deed mnveylng mstket~ble OOe m s~d ptmlsen subject only m Bn follo~ exeepHon~: .... "' (a) Bulling ~d ~nlng laws. ordtn~ees. State and Federal resistless. " (bi Resection8 relating ~ use or t~vement of praises ~t~ut effective forfeiture ps.sion, · ~j. (c) Reservation of any minerals or minet~ ~t8 ~ the State of Minne~t~. ~ .~ (~ Utility and ~nnge easements ~lch ~ ~t interfere ~th present imp~vementL -. ,' -~shall pa~ of ~e re~ estate taxes and ins~llmen~ of spe~ assessments due n p yawls and ~1 such taxes,~ .~-i~*[~lment8 of ~ecia{ anseesm~ts ~en due in subsequent years. * , due and ~l such taxes ~d tns~llmentl of spe~al assessments in prior ye~s. ' ' Seller ~venants ~at b~ldings, Ir ~y, are entirely within ~ ~und~ li~s Or ~e p~perty ~d p~perty ~t included h~ein and all de~s f~m ~e pr~ 8,~ p~ ~on.date. '~ ' , . ...... 8h~i~menull~d~d. at the Bnver'm opt on ands ~nlespatd~ereunderzhMlbsre~nded~him. k' .. The ~yer ~d 8eJler also mutually a~ee at rata ad ~ s Qf rents lnteres~ insur~ee ~UUoI ahd 'Abs~act cer~fie~ date ~d ~ include paper searches ~ve~ing b~mptcles, and State and r~eral Judgement ~d shall be ~lowed days aft~ rec~pt ~er~f for exa~naOon of s~d Otis and ~e m~l~g of any obJecUon~ ~o be made in ~ng or deemed ~ ~ waived. I~ I~y objections ~e so Bi~e ~e s~]er shs~ be Allowed - . marke~ble. Pen~ng ~.eeUon of Utlm ~e parents hereunder required lh~] be pos~oned, but u~n ~rreoO~ . ' = day8 after ~itt~ notice ~ the ~y~, ~e p~ie, shall perform this a~e~ent ac~r~ng ~ $t8 te~l. ' ~ If 8~d UOe is not marketime ~d Il not made ~ within I~ days from the date or wdtten obJeeUoni ,[' ment shall be null ~d ~10, at option of ~y~, and neither pdncip~ shall be liable for dam~es here~d~ ~ney ~ere~fore paid ~ ~e buyer shall be refunded. If ~e floe ~ s~d pmpe.y be found m~ketable of b{ · and s~d ~y~ sh~l defa~t in ~y of ~0 a~eemente ~d ~ntinue in default for a pe~od of 10 days, -then ~d in th~ ' may te~nate ~ls ~n~act ~d on au~ t~inaHon all ~e paym~tn made u~ ~is con.act shall be re~ined agent, as thor respective interests may appear, as liquidated dampen, ~me being of the essence her~f, This deprive eider p~ty of ~e ~t of ~fotcing ~e ~ectflc petfo~ce of ~is ~n~act pm~ded such ~n~act 8h~l as ~ores~d. ~d pm~d~ aeOon ~ enforce much specific pe~ormance shall be commenced ~thin six ~n~9 It Is unders~d ~d a~e~ ~it ~lm I~e II made suBJee~ ~ ~e appmv~ ~ undersi~ed ag~t 18 in no m~ner liable of ten~lble on ac~unt of ~ls a~eement, '' t', It 1~ uflders~d that leller/~y~ hal until ~ ~ '" : 2:"( --i. ~be ~n~erllce~ o~e~ of ~e S~vl p~erty, ~ hereby - ..... approve ~e a~ve ~eem~t and ~e s~e th~eby mede. - - ......... - .... upon the te~s a~ve mentioned ~d mu 23.640 23.640.1 23.640.2 23.640.3 23.64O.4 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (I-l) Purpose This district shall serve as a development opportunity for industrial sites. 9ermitted Uses Within any Light Industrial District, no structure or land shall be used except for one or more of the following: Warehousing and wholesaling, except where specified in Section 23.640.3 Offices Public Buildings Research Laboratories ~onstruction and special trade contractor Public and p£~ivate utTl~t~ uses B-l, B-2~ B-3 uses Conditional Use Within any Light Industrial District, no structure or land shall be used for the following except by conditional use permit: Assembly/Storage of: apparel food products glass leather pottery lumber and wood products paper products rock and stone products textiles tobacco products fabrication metal products machinery and appl!ances transportation equipment liquid bulk storage Commercial recreation Residential accessory Auto, Bus:and Truck maintenance garages B-I, B-2, and B-3 uses Lot Area, Height, Lot Width and Yard Requirements 1. The floor area ratio shall not exceed 1 to 1. 2. Front Yard Setback: 30 feet 3. Lot Width: 1OO feet 4. Minimum Lot Area: 30,000 square feet 5. Rear Yard Setback: 30 feet 6. Side Yard Setback: 50 feet when abutting R District 15 feet when abutting street O feet when abutting railroad 7701 COUNTY ROAD 110 April 23, 1982 Mr. Jon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Elam: Minnetrista recently received notice that the City of Mound is considering zoning some property for industrial use. Since the area being considered lies along the Mound-Minne- trista border, Minnetrista has a few questions about the pro- posal. -Is the rezoning in response to a particular current proposal or is it in anticipation of development at some future time? -What effect would industrial activities have on sensitive environmental features, including Lake Langdon, wetlands and flood plains along the south side of the railroad, and steep slopes ex- tending northwest from Langdon lake? -How would access and traffic circulation be provided? The property has only 33 feet of road frontage on a substandard unpaved road. There are also height re- strictions under the railroad bridge. Neither the Minnetrista or Mound Comprehensive Plans show any collectors or major thoroughfares which would serve the industrial area. Instead, the only means of gain- ing access to the site seems to be over residential streets. -What impact would industrial activity have on the adjacent residential uses, especially the existing low density residential uses to the northwest, west, and southwest of the property which lie in Minnetrista? The Minnetrista Comprehensive Plan projects the con- tinuation of residential land uses ~n this area at a density of .3 units per acre. It appears that the small size of the parcel, about 3 acres, could restrict the buffering of the industrial uses from the resi- dential uses. The heavier traffic volume generated by an industrial use could also affect the residential neighborhood. Page Two Mr. Jon E1 am April 23, 1982 The City of Minnetrista appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on the plans of Mound and requests that your City consider our concerns, as outlined above. Sincerely, CITY OF MINNETRISTA Thomas J. Link City Planning Director TJL:bjs 32'-t:E m $---/::t' PETITION Regarding the proposed Anmendment to Chapter 23 "Zoning" Mound Code of Ordinances requesting to remove certain lands from residential R-1 classification and placing them on I-1 Industrial. Legal Description of Subject Property: "That part of Lot Four (4) of Section Twenty-three (23) Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) of Range Twenty-four (24) acoording %0 %he Government Survey thereof, lying North of the Northerly boundary line of %he Great Northern Railroad right-of-way" in the City of Mound. (Triangular property North of %he M~tropolitan Sewer Plant on Westedge Boulevard. ) Ownership 6f Subject Property: City of Mound. ODpy of proposed subdivision attached. Parties who have signed below are requesting consideration for their objections to the general plan for this project: 1. Proposed rezoning woul~ incompxlt, it~le deyelopm~nt~ wi _th~in ~ _akrea maintained by surrounding residents as rural or semi-rural in character. Present plan presents a severe enviro~tal impact_on the :neig.hborho~d.~ surrounding the development, up to now neighboring residents are not aware of any environmental impact surveys, studies, or assessments pertaining to this developmant. e Neighboring property to %he West of this proposed rezoning across West Edge Drive in ~he City of Minnetrista is zoned for acreage residential lot sizes. e Land under~_c~ion does not lend itself to in_ d.ustr$.al use for the following reasons: (see attached ~ap) -'- a. Contour of land is wooded and sloped not conducive to industrial use requiring costly grading. b. Leveling such land would require extensive cribbing for slope reinforcement to prevent collapsing and erosion of soil from property to the north. c. Subject parcel of property contains two drainage creeks from approximate 60 acre water shed district to the north and northwest of same. Costly provisions would have to be made to accc~odate the normal pattern of natural drainage to the wet land area west of Lake Langdon. d. A substantial portion of subject property is comprised of slough and wet land which would have to be excavated and refilled with stable soils at considerable expense. e. The present subject parcel is extremely sm~ll and confined to be of any value to industry. Should industry want to expand, there would be no place to expand. ~ f. At present, there is sewer available to the subject parcel but no City water. Cost for water service to the site would have to be borne by the neighboring property owner to %he North, which would be forcing him to pay for the benefits of another party which is unjust. d_~oes not h~aye any in~ 'ate road. access to West Edge Drive, bound" by Minnetrista property between West Edge and the western boundary. Property to the ~iate west of subject parcel and east of West Edge is acreage residential zoning. Property to the North Co. Aud. Sub. Div. #231, Lot ~ (approximately 27 acres) is n~a{n%ained in natural conditions, undeveloped, origJa~] climax forest area, perhaps %he only one of its kind left in ~he Minnehonka area only because of the owner's dedication to its protection and preservation. It ha.q for many years been operated as a State licensed horticultural nursery and registered tree farm for the protection, probagation and sale of wild flowers and plant stock native to the area. The above owners also maintain State food handling licenses for the production of pure maple syrup, garden vegetables, etc. Rezoning of the city owned land to the south oould and ~uld probably jeopardize the established operations on the property to the north, as well as jeopardize varied vanishing species of wild life and habitat now protected by present environmental conditions in this par~ of the neighborhood. 0 Approximately 15 years ago subject parcel of City property along with the wet lands surrounding the present sewer plant facility and several City purchased parcels of tax delinquent property along the north shore of Lake T angdon south of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way were reconr~=_nded by the Y~und Park Cc~,~dssion, at that time to the Mound Council to be set aside and msintained as open space, "green area" for present and future public use and appreciation. Since that time, the status of all of the above sites and entire northwestern and western shores of Lake Langdon have been maintained as such. We believe there is no reason to change the status of such property, and since public funds were used to purchase the land, it should be maintained as originally recc~mended above. We request that the MDund City Council reject the proposed rezoning frcm R-1 residential to I-1 industrial in favor of the above outlined reasons and we reconmend to the City of Mound that they continue to maintain subject parcel of land as open space for present and future public use and appreciation. If subject parcel must be sold, then it should be confined within an ordinance that protects the present environmsnt and status. Respectfully sutm~itted, Address Property Location & Legal i CORRECTION TO NOTICE PUBLISHED MARCH 30, 1982 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Mound will conduct a Public Hearing on April 27, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. on the allocation of it's 1982 Federal Revenue Sharing Budget. Present fund balance as of December 31, 1981 was $86,734.89. Proposed uses include: Street and Park Dept. Equipment; Upgrading the Three Points Tennis Courts; Downtown Improvements; Spring and Fall Clean-Up and City Hall Maintenance and Repairs. Any citizen wishing to suggest any other ideas is urged to appear at the Public Hearing. Fran Clark, City Clerk Publish in the Lake April 13, 1982 PROPOSED EXPENDITURE PLAN FOR REVENUE SHARING FUNDS 1. Tire Balancing Machine (Used) 2. Pressure Washer (Car/Truck) (New) 3. Summer Interns for City Manager's Office 1. Master Park Plan 2. Use of City Land 4. Downtown Study for DAC 5. Refurbish Three Points Tennis Court 6. Vac-All Truck 7. Police Car 8. Painting and Refurbishing City Hall 9. Fence Around New City Maintenance Building 10. City Hall Remodeling il. Spring & Fall City Clean-Up 12. Park Dept. Truck Repairs 13. File Cabinets - Finance Dept. 14. Magnetic Locator for Water/Street Dept. 15. Post Drive 16. Election Counter 17. 1983 Fire Dept. Relief Supplement $ 9O0.OO 1,600.00 4,OO0.OO 6,750.00 10,000.00 15,000.O0 8,OOO.OO 10,000.00 8,OOO.OO 20,000.00 lO,O00.O0 1,000.00 5OO.OO 55O.OO 785.OO 6,OOO.OO 3,5OO.OO TOTAL $106,585.00 Precinct Election Processing System That Sets the Standard in Election Ballot Processing Systems PEPS, Precinct Election Processing System, is a powerhouse of proven performance that can process your election ballots quickly and efficiently. When not using PEPS as a precinct counter, this compact portable microcomputer can be used as a central election tabulator, or to count your absentee ballots. PEPS is also a winner when used to tally key precinct returns. KEY FEATURES: STA TE-OF-THE-ART DESIGN - ZSOA microprocessor, two interrupts, ten 2K PROM slots, 32K bytes RAM storage, two built-in portable memory cartridges used for programming and to store election results, 40 column alphanumeric dot matrix printer, and a hand feed card reader, plus an interface for an optional hopper feed card reader. All standard! Feature after feature. OPTIONS INCLUDE- an additional Z80A microprocessor and 20K prom providing multaneous card reading and printing. Also interface for an external line printer is available. EASY TO USE - any inexperienced operator can master PEPS without lengthy training or special skills. PORTABLE & LIGHTWEIGHT- Smart looking and packaged in a dust and moisture proof case. PEPS can go anywhere, provided 115 volt, 60 hertz power is available. FAST FAULT DIAGNOSIS - Go/No-Go circuit testing merely involves turning PEPS on. Functional check-out procedures provide for verification and fast isolation of component failure. That translates into high system reliability. ECONOMICAL/VERSATILE- PEPS is a Iow cost universal ballot counter that can be used for processing many different types of elections. Use PEPS to count Datavote or Votomatic ballots in city and county elections. It does it all. See PEPS in action, or for more information contact an authorized DIAMOND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION representative. Account 42-343-2631-41 33-424-4738-41 33-439-4317-51 33-439-4919-81 33-442-4452-41 33-442-4574-51 33-463-4660-81 33-472-4555-11 33-475-4610-71 33-475-4621-41 33-484-3134-11 33-484-4517-61 33-484-4708-11 33-487-4873-61 33-500-4429-71 33-500-4440-41 33-506-3135-81 33-515-3118-51 33-515-3155-71 33-536-2561-31 33-548-3107-91 33-551-3133-9~L. 33-563-3201-91 33-587-3054-11 33-593-5223-81 33-596-4908-81 33-599-4700-31 33-620-4520-91 33-620-4884-41 33-620-4921-91 33-620-4925-01 33-641-5251-61 33-647-5223-21 33-647-5235-81 42-259-4801-91 Delinquent Utility Bills Amount $308.43 45.'94 77.46 89.90 58.52 lO9.57 98.69 64.18 91.42 75.96 50.12 49.56 29.08 39.00 33.60 35.40 109.17 36.10 73.60 68.86 301.29 $3208.57 4-21-82 ~03.99- 1~2-62- 66'~C+ 50'1[+ ~9o56+ 29'08+ ~9.00+ ~5.~G+ 109olV+ 1~2.62+ ?~.60+ 26~3.03. 33-596-4908-81 33-599-4700-31 33-620-4520-91 33-620-4884-41 33-620-4921-91 33-620-4925-01 33-641-5251-61 33-647-5223-21 33-647-5235-81 42-259-4801-91 Hesse Jenn ~1Peterson Johnson rieve Segner Wilson stopherson n Dill Houn? ~bster ~lgren Mc Kee )lsen /ars ~c Ginley ~ruud )tto Jorgenson illsick 'U Kramer ook seth oaroara Ruebon Bobby Sain Fred Fritzwatefcan't find curb box) Don Scherven Ferner Adair Joe Andrews A Holmes Empson Margaret Larson Gerald Longley Douglas Palmer Water Care Delinquent Utility Bil Amount $308.43 45.94 77.46 110.36 89.90 58.52 109.57 203.99 98.69 88.65 64.18 91.42 44.84 75.96 66.30 50.12 84.99 49.56 29.08 63.44 39.00 33.60 35.40 109.17 132.62 36.10 118.79 73.60 68.86 301.29 ls 2631 4738 4317 Paid 4452 4574 4660 Made 4610 Paid 3134 4517 Made 4873 Paid Paid Made 3118 Paid 2561 3107 3133 3201 3054 5223 Paid 4700 Paid Made Paid 4926 Paid 5223 5239 4801 4-21-82 Commerce Blvd. Galway Rd. Wilshire Blvd. $44.30 Due $66.06 Denbigh Rd. Denbigh Rd. Bedford Rd. arrangements Manchester Rd. $50.00 Due $38.65 Tuxedo Blvd. Tuxedo Blvd. arrangements Cumberland Rd. arrangements Inverness Rd. $42.50.Made arrangements Wexford Ln. Argyle Ln. Alexander Ln. Devon Ln. Brighton Blvd. Drummond Rd. Aberdeen Rd. arrangements- Island View Dr. $10.00 Due $108.79 Phelps Rd. Phelps Rd. Bartlett Blvd. $2613.03 GERALD T. CARROLL CURTIS A. PEARSON THOMAS F. UNDERWOOD ALBERT FAULCONER Trr JAMES D. LARSON LAW OFFICES WURST, CARROLL & PEARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 April 14, 1982 TELEPHONE (612) 338-8911 Mr. Jon Elam City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Continental Telephone Dear Jon: I enclose a copy of Mr. Campbell's revised Prehearing Order. Please note that the hearing date for Mound has been scheduled for June 10, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. I have been meeting with Derick Dahlen and George Hoedemann of Peat, Marwick and Mitchell developing an intervention strategy and preparing for cross-examination of Continental witnesses during the week of April 19. Those hearings are scheduled to start on Monday, April 19, at 9:30 a.m., in the large hearing room, 7th Floor, American Center Building, 160 East Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul. Our testimony is due to be filed on May 21, and our witness will be cross-examined during the week of June 21, 1982. Our overall strategy is to reduce the company's overall revenue requirement, and then seek to have the bulk of the rate decrease flow to the metro class to correct for the company tendency to design rates which overcharge metro customers. In the last case the PUC agreed that the company's "value of service" approach overcharged the metro class. Now we will give the PUC a revenue rollback and a method for correcting that rate discrimination. Incidentally, on March 19, Continental refiled their case to reflect the Commission decision on their "Vertical Services" depreciation filing. The net result was a reduction of the increase from 39.5%'to 31.6%. WURST, CARROLL ~ PEARSON Mr. Jon Elam April 14, 1982 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. JDL:cnm Enclosure Ve7 t~7 yours, ~ ,.. James D. Larson ~,' PUC-82-06] -BC P-407/GR-8] -700 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIOK In the Fatter of the Petition of Contin- ental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc., for Authority to Change its Schedule of Telephone Rates for Customers within the State of Minnesota. ~ PP~Y.~HEAP2NG OPD~ The above-entitled matter came_ on for a P[ehearing Conference, pursuant to notice, on March 5, 1982, at 9:30 a.m. in Oourtroom 12 of the Office of A~min- istrative Hearings, 310 South Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota, before Bruce D. Campbell, Hearing Examiner. The following appearances were made: Wayne W. Wha]en, Stephen J. Mattson, an~ Lee Ann Conti, F~yer, B~own & Platt, Attorneys at law, 231 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60604, and Martin C. Weinstein, Mas]on, Edelman, Borman, Brand and McNulty, Attorneys at Law, 1800 Midwest Plaza B2i]ding, Min- neapolis, Minnesota 55402, appeared on behalf of Petitioner (Company). Jean E. Heilman, Assistant Attorney Genera], Seventh Floor, ;%~.erican Center Build- ing, 160 E. Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 5510l, appeared on behalf of the Department of Public Service (Department). ieonard A. Nelson, Supervi- so[, Utilities Division, appeared on behalf of the Office of Consumer Services, Minnesota Department of (km~erce (Consumer Services). James D. Larson, Wurst, Carroll & Pearson, Attorneys at Law, 1512 First Bank Place West, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, appeared on behalf of the City of Mound. Mark Ober]a~der, Seventh Floor, American Center Bulding, ]60 E. Kello.~ Boulevard, St. Paul, ;.:innesota 55101, appeared on behalf of the Public b~i]ities O~mmission (Commis- sion). Discussion was held among the 'participants who took part in the preheating conference, and having considered all the arguments and co~ents, as well as written submissions fi]ed by the participants, the Hearing Examiner makes the following Prehearing Order: I I~q~LRVEI~DRS 1. Based upon their Petitions in Intervention, each of the following are made a party to these proceedings as an Intervenor: the Minnesota Department of Public Service; the Minnesota Office of Consumer Services, Minnesota Depart- ment of Comme~ce; and the City of Mound. 2. ~he deadline for intervention is April 5, 1982. Any person allowed to intervene in this proceeding after the date of this Order shall be bound by the terms of this Order. SCHEDULE The following Schedule is adopted and, when modified by Order of the Hear- lng Examiner, shall govern for th~s proceeding: 3. Company fi~es update of prell]ed d~[ect testi~ony based on subsequent actual data - March ]9, ]982. 4. Intervention Deadline- April 5, 1982. 5. Cross-examination of Company Direct Testimony - April ]9-23, 198Z. 6. /nterveno~s File Direct T~stimo~y - May 21, 1982. 7. Cross-examination of Interv~nors' Direct Testimp_ny - June 2]-25, 1982. 8. Rebuttal Testimony of ali Parties fi]ed - July 12, 1982. 9. Surrebuttal Testimony fi]ed - July 28, 1982 10. Cross-examination of All Parties' Rebuttal and Surrebutta] Testimony - August 2-6, 1982. 11. 7he parties shall submit Briefs and are encouraged to submit proposed Findings of Fact and ODnclusions, all appropriately referenced to the offic{al record, at such time after the close of the evidentiary hearings as shall be directed by the Hearing Examiner. 12. Public hearings for the purpose of receiving the direct testimony of public witnesses shall be scheduled in the following locations: 1. Two Harbors 2. Dnbar rass 3. International Falls 4. Isle 5. Chisago City 6. Mound 7. Maple Plain 8. Blooming Prairie 9. Atwater ]0. Elbow Lake The dates and times of such hearings shall be determined by the Hearing Exami- ne.- after consultation with the Con~aission and the parties. FROCEDURE 13. The Rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be applied to this case. 14. The hearing shall b~ conducted in accordance with the schedule herein unless otherwise deter~ined by the Examiner. 15. Ail direct testimony to be presented by ali pa~ies shall be filed with the Hearing Examiner and shall be served upon the parties in accordance with the schedule herein. Ail filed testimony shall be in question and answer format. 16. Ail documents filed, including prefiled testimony, but excludin9 in- fo.-marion reqoests and responses shall be filed as follows: a. Prior to the issuance of the Report of the Hearing Examiner, the original document and one copy shall be filed with the Office of Hearing Exam- iners. The original document and copy shall be delivered or mailed to: Bruce D. Campbell Hearing Examiner Office of Administrative Hearings 4D0 Su~t Bank Building 3]0 South Fourth Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 b. Eleven (11) copies shall be filed with the Con,mission Sec[etary The copies shall be for distribution among Cor~issioners and Conmission Staff. delivered or ma~]pd to: Randa] 1 Young Executive Secretary Minesota Public t~ilities Commission Seventh Floor, ~merican Center Building 160 East .Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 5510] c. One copy shall be served personally or by mai] on the attorney for each party of record, or, if there is no attorney, upon the pa~y; provided, however, that service of all such documents shall be_ made on the attorneys for the Company personally, or by mail, as follows: Steven J. Mattson, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Attorneys at Law, 23] South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604. d. Five (5) copies of such documents, exclusive of pleadings, fi]ed prior to the termination of the evidentiary hearings, shall be served person- ally or by mail on the following individual: Linda Anthony Minnesota Department of Public Service Seventh Floor, American Center Building ]60 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 One copy of all pleadip~_s and other documents filed subsequent to the termina- tion of the evidentiary hearings shall be filed on such person. e. One copy shall be served personally or by mail on the individuals: Mike Boyd - Case Manager Minnesota De_partment of Public Service 790 American Center Building 160 East Eellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Fdnnesota 5510] and Michael J. Feeney Office of Oonsumer Services ]62 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 f. Followin~ the Report of the Hearing Ex. aminer, original documents shall be filed with the Secretary of the ODmmission. A copy ~ay be filed the Office of Administrative Hearings. g. Pursuant to 9 MCAR S 2.202 D., and Minn. Reg. PSC 512, the effec- tive date of filing shall be the date the document is mailed to the Hearing Ex- ~niner or to the Secretary of the Co~ission. h. Proof of service shall be filed with each filed document. ]7. one copy of any document or information fi]ed with or supplied to the Public L~ilities Co~mission or the Co~mission Staff relative to any issue in these proceedings which is not otherwise served on the parties or their attor- neys pursuant to Paragraph 6 hereof shall be served on the attorney of record for each party. 18. All requests for information shall be made in writing to the person from whom the information is sought with a copy of the request mailed to all parties of record. The party responding to the information request shall pro- vide the information requested to the requesting party within ten (10) days from the date of postmark or personal sc:vice of the information request. The information need not be supplied as a matter of course to all othr parties. In the event the information cannot be supplied wJthin such ten-day the responding party shall notify the requesting party, in writing, within five days of the request to work out a schedule of compliance with the reques- ting party. All disputes concerning the reasonableness of discovery requests and the timing and sufficiency of responses shall be ~esolved by the ~e. artng Examiner upon motion of a party. 19. Further discovery may be had herein in accordance with 9 MCAR S 2.214. 20. Prefi]ed direct, rebuttal and surrebutta] testimony shall not be bound into the record but shall be received as an exhibit to the record. Prefiled testimony not offered into the record shall be considered withdrawn and the witness may not be cross-examined concerning the withdrawn testimony. 21. Testimony in the evidentiary hearing shall be offered in the following order: Company, Department, Consumer Services, and other Intervenors in the order of their intervention. Cross-examination of the Company shall be conduc- ted first by the Department, then by the Consumer Services, and then by other Intervenors in the order of their intervention. Cross-examination of Interven- ors shall be conducted first by the Company, second by the Department, 'third by the Cons~er Services, and then by other Intervenors in the Order of their intervention; provided, however, that parties shall not cross-examine their own witnesses. Any new affirmative matter that is not offered in reply to another party's direct case should not be allowed in rebuttal testimony and exhibits; provided, however, that the parties may, with the approval of the Hearing Exam- iner, raise in rebuttal testimony affirmative matter with respect to any new issue not already a part of the party's direct case resulting from statements made by members of the public at the public hearings held herein. Similarly, surrebuttal testimony and exhibits should be limited to a reply to rebuttal testimony and new affirmative matter should not be accepted. 22. Parties shall examine and cross-examine witnesses through their attor- neys, if they are represented by counsel. Any party not represented by counsel may examine and cross-ex~mine each witness through any one representative cho- sen by the party. 23. At the public (i.e., non-evidentiary) hearings, members of the public shall be permitted to ask questions of the Ck)mpany as well as to ~ake state- ments. The Company will be expected to respond to the public's questions. Be- cause the Company's responses will not be subject to cross-examination and will be_ provided to assist the public, the Company's response shall not be consid- ered as substantive evidence in this proceeding. S~orn statements made by mere- be_rs of the public may be considered substantive evidence where appropriate. 24. A final preheating conference may be held on a date determined by the Hearing Examiner. The purpose of this preheating conference would be to mark exhibits to be offered at the hearing, including exhibits to be offered upon cross-ex~.mination, and portions of depositions to be introduced into the rec- ord. In the unusual case where the attorney for a party believes that an ex- hibit should not be disclosed to the opposing side prior to oral examination, he may present a copy of the exhibit to the Examiner with a brief memorandum of explanation in suppo~ and circulate copies of the exhibit to the other parties at the time of cross-examination. 25. Parties are encouraged to stipulate evidence not in dispute and to narrow the scope of contested issues to the matters actually in diSlm~te. All stipulations will be. subject to public hearings still being held, review by the E):aminer, an~ review by the Com. m~ss~on. ~ -4- 26. Ex~insr for cause. Order is effective {z~ed~ate]y and may be ,~)d{f{ed by the ~earfng Dated this //~ day of March, ]982. BRUCE D. CAMPBELL Hearing Examiner PUC-82-061 -BC P-407/GR-81-700 STATE OF MIN~ESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of Continental ~.lephone Company of Minnesota, Inc., for Authority to f~ange its Schedule of T~!ephone Rates for Customers Within the State of Minnesota. SECOND PREHEARING ORDER In accordance with the Prebearing Order herein dated March 11, 1982 and, for cause, the Hearing Ex. aminer amends such Prehearing Order as follows: 1. Paragraph 12 is amended to read: 12. Public bearings to receive the direct testimony of public wit- nesses are scheduled as follows: a. Lindstrom - June 1, !982, 7:30 p.m., Chisago Lakes Senior High School, 24900 O!inda Trail, Lindstrom, ~nnesota. b. Isle - June 2, 1982, !:00 p.m.,- Isle High School Gymnasium, Main and Mille Lac Streets, Isle, Minnesota. c. ~o Harbors - June 2, 1982, 7:30 p.m., High School, 405 Fourth Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota. d. Embarrass - June 3, 1982, 1:30 p.m., Town Ha!l, Embarrass, F~nnesota. International Falls - June 4, 1982, 7:30 p.m., International Falls Senior High School Cafeteria, llth Street, International Fa]!s, Minnesota. f. Maple Plain - June 7, 1982, 7:30 p.m., Maple Plain Elementary School, 5050 /ndependence Street, Maple Plain, Minnesota. g. Atwater - June 9, 1982, 1:30 p.m., Atwater High School Audi- torium, Tnird and Wyoming Streets, Atwater, Minnesota. h. Elbow Lake - June 9, 1982, 7:30 p.m., Elbow Lake High School, 411 First Street Southeast, Elbow Lake, ~,~nnesota. Blooming Prairie - June 10, 1982, !:30 p.m., Blooming Prairie High Sd)ool Auditorium, 202 Fourth Avenue Northwest, Blooming Prairie, Minnesota. j. Mound - June 10, 1982, 7:30 p.m., Middle School Cafetorium, ]88! Co~erce Boulevard, Mound, Minnesota. The Company shall apprise its subscribers of the public hearings scheduled herein by appropriate notice in accordance with Minn. Reg. PSC 516 in consul- tation with the Co~ission. 2. Paragraph 16c is amended to read: c. One cop}' sha!] be served pe. rsonally or by mail on the attorney for each party of record, or, if there is no attorney, upon the party; provided, however, that service of all such documents shall be made on the attorneys for the Company per- sonally, or by mail, by serving Steven J. Mattson, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Attorneys at Law, 231 Seuth LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604, and service of all such documents shall be made on the attorneys for the Office of C~nsumer Services, Minnesota Department of Con~nerce, personally or by mail, by serving Craig Anderson, Special Assistant Attorney General, 1100 Bremer Tower, Seventh Place and Minnesota Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, and service of all such documents shall be made on the attorneys for the City of Mound, personally or by mail, by serving James D. [arson, Wurst, Carroll & Pearson, Attorneys at Law, 1100 First Bank Place West, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55482. 3. Paragraph 16e is amended to read: e. One copy shall be_ served personally or by mail on the following individuals: Mike Boyd - Case F~nager Minnesota Department of Public Service 790 ;~nerican Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101; Michael J. Feeney Office of Oonsumer Services 162 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101; William O. Houma~' Continental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc. 3500 We_st 80th Street Suite 500 Minneapolis, F~nnesota 55431; and Derick O. Dahlen 1700 IDS Tower Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. Except as hereby expressly amended, the Prehearing Order dated March 11, 1982 and fi]ed herein remains in effect in accordance with its terms. Dated this 29th day of March, 1982. BRUCE D. CAMPBELL Hearing Examiner Telephone: (612)341-7602 TELEPHONE RATES - HIGHER STILL? CLIPPING IS FROM THE MAPLE PLAIN AND INDEPENDENCE NEWSLETTER APRIL 1982 Continental has requested approval from the Minnesota Public Service Commission (p.s.c.) for an fncrease in telephone rates which will amount to an increase of $1OO per year for every homeowner in Maple Plain and Independence. The City of Mound has filed to formally intervene and present opposition to the rate increase before the P.S.C. by hiring attorneys and rate experts to challenge the arguments of the phone company. Maple Plain has offered to assist in the opposition to this increase and has formed a "HATE CHALLENGE COMMITTEE" to seek donations to help defray some of the costs of fighting this increase. Attorneys Curt Pearson and James-L arson will be appearing on behalf of Mound to file intervention documents, to prepare the testimony of witnesses before the P.S.C., to cross examine the phone company witnesses and to prepare the necessary briefs and legal arguments on the various issues. Also working on our behalf is Derick Dahlen, a financial consultant from Peat, Marwick and Mitchell. Darwick is a financial rate expertand willchallenge the validity of the phone company's request for an 18% return on investment and attack the validity of the various cost studies presented by the company. In a recent interview, the Mound Attorney, James Larson, said,"I don't know where the phone company is coming from on this one, because the P.S.C. has never approved more than a 14 or 15 per cent return on investment." It is estimated that the cost of the legal challenge will be in the neighborhood of $20,000 for legal fees , expert witness fees, and other costs. Requests have been made to the cities of Maple Plain, Independence, and the general public for financial assistance to pay these costs. Citizens of Maple Plain, Independence, Loretto, and Delano are urged to help by contacting the Maple Plain or Independence City Offices or making a donation payable to the "RATE CHALLENGE FUND",' P.O. Box 44, Maple Plain, Minnesota. 55359. Leave your names with the city clerks or send a card to the above P.O. Box if you wish to help. In the 972, 479, and 472 exchanges, there are over 9500 customers and if each customer donated $2.00 to help fight this increase, the costs would be covered. More would be appreciated, of course. It's a small investment when compared to the yearly cost of this proposed increase! Would you please help?~ MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION December 31, 1981 Actuarial Valuation Box 37, Mound, Minnesota 55364 April 8, 1982 ~-~. John Elam City ~nager City of Mound 53 41 ~ywood Road Mound, F~ 55364 Dear John; Attached is the recently completed actuarial review of the Mound Fire Department Re]ief Associstiou Pension Plan. As is indicated in t-~e introduction, the purpose of this report was not only to value the current monthly benefit of $185, but also to demonstr=te the cost im- pact of raising the monthly benefit levels. F~xhibit VI contains a chart th=t indicates the funding, necessary for our current ~1-~5 benefit as well as funding needed for two incre~scd benefit levels. The estimated 1982 contribution for the pension fund is $58,500.($30,500 from the city and an estimated $28,000 in 1982 state aid) Exhibit VI indicates that at ~ g210 bene?~t level the total contribution payable January I of a plan year would be ~5,937 and if paid December 31 would be ~58,755. The general membership of the M~nd Fire Department has passed a proposal to increase the pension plan benefits to $2!O per month retro- active to January l, 1982. Minnesota st_~te law requires .the approval of the c~ty council for such an increase. Therefore, ~-~]d you place us ou the city council agenda for Tuesday, April 27, ]982 some time after 8:30 P.M. If you h~.,~e an~ questions please feel fre to contact Me at home (472-5485) or at work (544-O341). Sincerely, Tavid J. Carlson, Secretary Mound Fire Department Relief Associat~ on Alexander & Alexander Inc. Consulling Acluarial Division Sheiard Plaza P. O. Box 1360 M~nneapohs, Urnne$ota 55440 Telephone 612 542-3000 TWX 910-576-2856 . exander exander March 26, 1982 Mr. David Carlson Secretary Mound Fire Department Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: December 31, 1981 Actuarial Valuation of the Mound Fire Relief Association Pension Plan Dear Mr. Carlson: We are pleased to submit this actuarial review of the Mound Fire Department Relief Association Pension Plan. This valuation was performed as of December 31, 1981. The costs developed and recorded in this report are based upon employee census data collected as of December 31, 1981 which was furnished by the Mound Fire Department. Asset data as of December 31, 1981 was supplied by the Marquette National Bank. All costs, liabilities, and other factors under the plan were determined in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and procedures. This actuarial valuation followed the requirements of the Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association Guidlines Act of 1971 as amended by: - Chapter 429, Laws of Minnesota 1977 - Chapter 563, Laws of Minnesota 1978 - Chapter 201, Laws of Minnesota 1979 This valuation has been completed in accordance with provisions of Sections 356.20 to 356.23 of the Minnesota Statutes. Sincerely, Robert D. Nordin, F.S.A. Consulting Actuary RDN:brl INTRODUCTION This report represents the December 31, 1981 actuarial valuation of the Mound Fire Department Relief Association Pension Plan. Following this introduction is a series of nine exhibits which contain all the information required by Minnesota Statutes. The purpose of this report was not only to value the current monthly benefit of $185, but also to demonstrate the cost impact of raising the monthly benefit levels. Exhibit V and Exhibit VI show the financial impact of increasing the monthly benefit from $185 to $205 and $210 per month respectively. When reviewing the cost impact associated with these increasing benefit levels, it must be kept in mind that the estimated 1982 contribution is $58,500. Of this total, the city of Mound will be contri- buting $30,500 and the remaining $28,000 is the estimated state aid for 1982. The definitions of some actuarial terminology used in this report are shown below: 1. Actuarial Accrued Liability: The present value of benefits that has been earned for service prior to the valuation date. 2. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability: The amount by which the actuarial accrued liabilities exceeds the value of assets in the special fund. If a plan has no unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities, then all prior service benefit accruals have been fully funded. e Normal Cost: The amount necessary to fund benefit accruals earned during 1982 for active plan participants. MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Index to Exhibits Exhibit Summary of Principle Plan Provisions II Sun,nary of Participant Data III Age-Service Distribution of Active Participants As of December 31, 1981 IV Sun~ary of Special Fund Development of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability and Explanation of change in Unfunded Actuarial Accrued liability Since December 31, 1979 VI Development of Required Contributions VII Actuarial Assumptions and Method VIII Census Data - Active Members IX Census Data - Retired Members and Surviving Spouses Exhibit I MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Sun, nary of Principle Plan Provisions Age Requirements: No person age 35 or over is allowed to join and all members must retire upon reaching age 60. Retirement Benefit: 1) Eligibility Requirements: Age 50 and 20 years of service 2) Amount of Benefit: $185 per month Vesting Benefit: Disability Benefit: 1) Eligibility Requirements: years of service 2) Amount of Benefit: $185 per month beginning at age 50 1) Eligibility Requirements: None 2) Amount of Benefit: $185 per month Funeral Benefit:* 1) Eligibility Requirements: None 2) Amount of Benefit: $1,500 Widow's and Children's Death Benefit:* 1) Eligibility Requirements: None 2) Amount of Benefit: Widow: $138.75 per month Children: $46.25 per month to age 18 or marriage Maximum Family Benefit: $185 per month * Applies in the event of the death of a member prior to or after his retirement Exhibit II MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Sugary of Participant Data Ae Active Participants: Number Prospective Retirement Annuities December 31, 1979 37 $82,140 December 31, 1981 37 $82,140 Retired or Separated Participants Receiving Benefits: Retired Disabled Total December 31, 1979 Amount of No. Annual Benefit 12 $26,640 0 0 12 $26,640 December 31, 1981 Amount ~f i No. Annual Benefit 13 $28,860 0 0 13 $28,860 Gm Retired or Separated Participants Entitled to Future Beneifts: 0 0 0 0 Deceased Participants Whose Beneficiaries are Receiving or are Entitled to Receive Benefits: i $ 1,665 2 $ 3,330 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Exhibit III Age-Service Distribution of Active Participants As of December 31, 1981 COMPLETED YEARS OF SERVICE Age 0-1 2-4 5-9 10-14 "15-19 20-24 25-29 30+ Total 20-24 i 3 i ..... 5 25-29 2 - 5 ..... 7 30-34 i 2 8 I .... 12 35-39 - - - 3 2 - - - 5 40-44 - - 2 I i i - - 5 45-49 - - - i I - - - 2 50-54 ..... i - - 1 55-59 ......... 60-64 ......... 65+ ......... I I TOTAL 4 5 16 6 4 2 - - 37 12/13/81 N umber: 37 Average Age: 33.5 Average Service: 8.6 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Sunmary of the Special Fund Exhibit IV Market Value of Assets as of Beginning of Year Receipts Contribution - Municipality - State Investment Income Net Change in Asset Value Total Disbursements Benefit Payments Expenses Total Plan Year Endin9 December 31 '"1980 1981"' $249,998 $269,045 9,781 41,271 23,905 26,244 23,008 23,047 (8,703) 6,900 $47 , 991 $97,462 28,655 32,490 289 2,310 $28,944 $34,800 Market Value of Assets as of End of Year Accured Contribution Accrued Trustee Fees Actuarial Value of Assets 269,045 331,707 2,323 (1,517) 332,513 Exhibit V MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Development of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 1. Actuarial Accrued Liability, Actives Retirees and Beneficiaries Separated Vested Total Accrued Liability 2. Assets 3. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, (1) - (2) 4. Full Funding Date 5. Annual Amortization Payment required to fund the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability by the Full Funding Date December 31, 1979 December 31, 1981 $185 "$185 $205* $210' N/A 266,059 294,822 302,013 N/A 409,326 453,578 464,640 N/A 0 0 i0 615,173 675,385 748,400 766,653 249,998 332,513 332,513 332,513 365,175 342,872 415,887 434,140 12 -31-99 27,904 12-31-99 12-31-99 12-31-99 27,935 33,883 35,371 Explanation of Change in Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability Since December 31, 1979 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, December 31, 1979 Decrease due to amortization payments (1980 and 1981) Increase due to actuarial loss since 1979 Increase due to benefit change Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, December 31, 1981 Benefit Levels $185 $205* $210' 365,175 365,175 365,175 (28,406) (28,406) (28,406) 6,103 N/A 6,103 6,103 73,015 91,268 342,872 415,887 434,140 * Proposed benefit level increases Exhibit VI Development of Required Contributions The table below shows the derivation of the contribution that is required to fund the Mound Fire Department Relief Association Pension Plan in accordance with the Volunteer Firefighter's Relief Association Financing Guidlines Act (Section 69.777, Minnesota Statutes). As can be seen we have analyzed the impact of increasing the monthly benefit from $185 to $205 and $210 respec- tively. The minimum contribution from the municipality and state aid must meet the normal cost plus an amount to amortize the existing unfunded actuarial accrued liability by the full funding date (December 31, 1999). The full funding date represents the date by which the total unfunded actuarial accrued liability must be reduced to zero. The full funding date may change only if there are plan changes or changes in the actuarial assumptions. To determine the municipalities portion of the contribution, simply substract one year's estimated state aid from the total contribution. 1979 1982 $18~ $185 $205* $210~ 1. Normal Cost $19,133 $18,135 $20,096 $20,586 Amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability by the Full Funding Date (December 31, 1979) 3. Total Contribution payable J an u ary 1'* 4. 5% interest to year end 5. Total contribution payable December 31'* 27,904 27,935 33,883 35,371 47,037 46,070 53,979 55,957 2,352 2,304 2,699 2,798 $49,389 $48,374 $56,678 $58,755 *Proposed benefit level increases **Includes State Aid Exhibit VII MOUND FIRE DEPARIMENT Actuarial Assumptions and Method Interest: 5% compounded annually Mortality: Non-Disabled: United States Life Table, 1959-61, White Males and White Females Disabled: 1965 RRB Totally Disabled Annuitants Mortality Table Withdrawal: The rate of withdrawal is .060 at age 20 decreasing uniformly to .000 at age 45 Disability: State of New York Retirement System -Rate of disability for Police And Fire (April 1, 1966) Retirement Age: Age 53 and 20 years of service Actuarial Cost Method: Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Method MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENl CENSUS DATA - ACTIVE MEMBERS Exhibit VIII CODE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O AGE NEAREST BIRTHDAY 52 43 41 39 40 45 37 41 35 39 45 34 30 33 30 3O 31 40 41 29 COMP LETED YEARS OF SERVICE 22 21 17 16 16 16 14 14 12 11 11 10 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 PROJECTED ANNUAL ANNUITY $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200. $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,2OO $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,2O0 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE MEMBERS Exhibit VIII Page 2 CODE NUMBER 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 AGE NEAREST BIRTHDAY 29 3O 31 32 33 24 28 30 25 31 34 21 22 24 28 32 27 COMPLETED YEARS OF SERVICE 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 PROJECTED ANNUAL ANNUITY $2,200 $2,2O0 $2,2OO $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,20O $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,2OO $2,200 MOUND FIRE DEPARIMENT CENSUS DATA - RETIRED MEMBERS Exhibit IX CODE NUMBER AGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 67 67 66 63 60 59 59 58 57 57 54 53 5O Census Data - Surviving CODE NUMBER AGE 54 51 EXPECTED ANNUAL BENEFIT $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,20O $2,2OO $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 Spouse Annuitants EXPECTED ANNUAL BENEFIT $1,665 $1,665 100 April 6, 1982 Councilmember Polston moved the followlng resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 82-87 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR A 1974 OR NEWER VAC-ALL TO BE OPENED AT 10:00 A.M. - APRIL 27, 1982 WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, the City is in need a machine to clean ~he 300 plus catch basins within the City, and with our limited personnel, it would only require 2 people to operate and could also be used to sweep and vacuum .the gutters along the streets, and it could be purchased with ½ the money coming from Capital Equipment Outlay and ½ from Revenue Sharing Funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for a 1974 or newer Vac-All in the official newspaper and the Construction Bulletin - Bids to be opened at 9:30 P.M. on April 27, 1982 and considered at the regular Council meeting on April 27, 1982. A motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Swenson and upon vote being 'taken the[eon; the following voted in favor thereof: Charon, Poiston, Swenson, Ulrick and Lindlan; the following voted against the same: none; whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Mayor Attest: City Clerk INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: 1. Each bid must have descriptive literature. 2. Bid Security: A cashier's check or certified check in the amount of 5~ of the total bid or a bidder's bond in the amount of 10% of the total bid, made out to the City of Mound, must accompany each bid. 3. Sealed bids should be clearly marked in the lower left hand corner of the envelope and will be opened at 9:30 A.M., April 2~, 1982, at the City of Mound, 5341Maywood Road, Mound, MN. 55364. MACHINE BID: YEAR 1974 MODEL EIS-13 MAKE Vac-All Mounted on IHC Cab Over Chassis $3O,OOO.OO PRICE OF UNIT BID: NAME OF BIDDER ADDRESS MacQueen Equipment, Inc. 595 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104 SIGNATURE , j 'x... DATE April 26, 1982 TITLE Vice President 99 Aprl 1 6, 1982 Councilmember Po~ston moved the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 82-86 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 1982 STREET SEAL COATING PROGRAM WHEREAS, WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the City Council on February 23, 1982 (Resolution #82-46) approving the Plans and Specifications for a five year seal coating program of the streets in Mound, and McCombs Knutson has presented the plans and specifications for year 1 of the program and mapped out the street% most in need of seal coat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUSED, MINNESOTA: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for year 1 of the seal coating program in the official newspaper and the Construction Bulletin - Bids to be opened at IO:O0 A.M. on April 27, 1982 and considered at the regular Council meeting on April 27, 1982. A motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Swenson and upon vote being taken thereon; the following voted in favor thereof: Charon, Polston, Swenson, Ulrick and Lindlan; the following voted against the same: none; whereupon said resolution was declared passexI and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Attest: City Clerk 1982 SEAL COAT PROGRAM MOUND, MINNESOTA BID TABULATION APRIL 27, 1982 ITEM 1. #2356.5O5 2. #2356.507 Bituminous Material for Seal Coat Furnished and Applied Seal Coat Aggregate (FA-2 or FA-3) Applied .QUANTITY 36,000 GAL. 1,550 TON PLANHOLDER ALLIED BLACKTOP CO. 3 89th AVE. NO. GROVE, MN 55369 BATZER CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 1025 ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 253-4313 BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. 1200 WEST HIGHWAY 13 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 890-6300 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC. 2825 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTH' MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 721-2451 Y SURFACING CO ll7 F STREET MARSHALL, MN 56258 BID BOND 5% NO BID RECEIVED 5% NO BID RECEIVED AMOUNT 1. S .845/Gal. 2. $3.O8 Ton TOTAL BID 1. $ .82/Gal. 2. $4.30 Ton TOTAL BID 1. $ .755/Gal. 2. $6.90 Ton TOTAL BID $30,420. 4,774. $35,194.O( $29,520.OI 836,185. 5% $27,180.OO 10,695.00 $37,875.oo 1982 - SEAL COATING BUDGET GRAVEL at $3.35/Ton - $3.35/Ton - TOTAL FOR GRAVEL PLUS SEAL COAT BID !,O66 Tons 539 Tons PLUS: Est. Engineering Costs Est. Patching Costs Est. Administration TOTAL COSTS BUDGETED AMOUNT - $68,000.00 = $ 3,571.10 = 1,805.65 $ 5,376.75 35,194.0o 4O,57o.75 1,ooo.oo 5,ooo.o0 300.00 $ 46,870.75 Already on To be purchised (21'F ()f MOIJND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA f~5364 (612) 472-1155 April 8, 1982 TO: City Manager FROM: Dock Inspector SUBJECT: Refund of Dock Permit Fees The following people qualify for refunds for the reasons given: Schrupp, Gilbert 1661 Gull Lane $2.00 Overpaid Thrift, Robert 1729 Dove Lane $2.00 Overpaid Prokasky, Tom 4649 Island View Dr. $2.00 Overpaid Kes, Ken 320l Amhurst Lane $2.00 Overpaid Bode, Lloyd 5947 Ridgewood Road $2.00 Overpaid Terlinden, DuWayne 1744 Avocet Lane $2.00 Overpaid Storlien, Wayne ]595 Dove Lane $2.00 Overpaid Cliff, Dan 1704 Bluebird Lane $2.00 Overpaid Finn, Joyce 4729 Island View Dr.$10.O0 Overpaid Baert, Harry 2977 Oaklawn Lane $32.50 Rutz, Richard 5223 Windsor Road $32.50 Bonnema, Robert 5079 Bartlett $32.50 Pearson, Robert 2618 Clare Lane $32.50 Ponder, Dee 5098 Three Points $32.50 Matson, Tom 2192 Centerview $32.50 Shedd, Richard 2223 Noble Lane $32.50 Schammel, Tom 2630 Halstead Lane $32.50 Robbins, Penney 2625 Halstead Lane $32.50 Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Rockvam, Tom 6112 Ridgewood $65.00 Cancel Peterson, Mary 1574 Dove Lane $18.00 Cancel 401.50 Dock led Out led on Dock April 9, 1982 CItifY of M©UND Mr. Gary W. Schleif 4951 Brighton Blvd. Mound, MN. 55364 Dear Gary, Thank you for your letter on Lot 1, Block 23, Wychwood. I appreciate your acceptance of the price of $1,158.16 for the lot. The problem is that I can't justify that price in light of the fact that you really are getting to use the whole lot and the City would have to pay off entirely the $1,855.14 worth of special assessments, a real total of $4,855.14 ($3,000.00 for the lot and $1,855.14 for the special assessment). I would like to suggest a compromise of $2,000.00, which will allow us to pay off the special assessment and thus get probably City Council approval. The logistical problem is that the City can't pay off special assessments on a lot it doesnlt ac~ually own. I would rather not just sell the center of the lot and have the City retain the edges just so it would pay the special assessments. Further, years from now no one would ever understand how and why the lot was divided in such an unorthodox way. Thus the $2,000.00 would allow us to complete the transaction and give you actual use of the total lot for what I would expect would be years to come. Let me know your t.houghts and we can begin the process of preparing a Quit Claim Deed. Sincerely, on Elam~'~* ~~~yEManager JE:fc ETON This block is ~311 mort, h TO: QUOTATION DRIllING AND EOUIPMENT CO. 16940 HWY. 55 WEST. PLYMOUTH. MN * (612) 553-1234. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 252 · HAMEL, MN 55340 CITY OF MOUND 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 PROJECT' March 19, 1982 DATE OF QUOTE Renovation of air ejector type lift DATE OF BID OPENING stations to Hydr-O-Matic Submersible type. SPEC. REF. , 230 volt 3 phase ARCHT./ENGR. Gentlemen: With reference to the Subject Project, we are pleased to present for your consideration our proposal for furnishing the following: QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Lift Station E4 - 160 GPM ~42 - 5 H.P. Installation of Pumps and Cmrrtrols - includes 2 Hydr-O-Matic Model S4NRC500 with special Hydr-O-Rail SystEIm I Duplex Nema 3 Control Panel with running time meters, condensation protective heater and thermostat, hi-water alarm, duplex outlet, pole mount, 4 mercury floats & hanger. Standard 2 pump alternator and overload protection. 2 IOWA List 115 check valves with outside weight & lever 1 Lot piping, fittings, nuts and bolts. 4 Guide bars to surface - 2" galv. I Lot mechanical labor inside lift station. 1 Lot electrical labor to mount control panel on pole within 10' of lift station. (inter-connect by others) 1 Lot Bypass system mith separate control and hose. Coating of inside of lomer portion of Lift Station with coal tar epoxy after roughing surface - F.O.B. Mound $9,5t4.00 Yours very truly, TRI-~TE DRILLING & EQUIPMENT CO. jtl/~rlj~ aLJJ OJ ~O!jOU U~)IJ!JM uodn ~LUq ,~Ue 18 XueduJOC) 9q~,/~q UMaJpNIIM pue pa)tOA~J 9q JO pal~ueq3 aq X~UJ uo!jejonb s!q.l. S:IIII'Ila¥1-1 I:I:IH/O '].UaLUd!nba qons ssassodaJ ol ].qJS!J aM]. a^eLl '].Ina,tap s,jaLuo].sno jo lu;),',o aq]. u! 'lleqS ,~uedL.UO3 aq]. 'Llseo u! pied Xlln,t uaaq seq ].uauJd!nba aq]. ,to (Jo,taJaqi. ua^!15 s@].ou Xue 6u!PnlOu!) a3~Jd oLli. Iii.un aJn].onJi.S JO X].leaJ Xue o]. pax!,t,te MOq ,tO SsalpJe§aJ 'X].JadoJd leuosJad u~eudaJ IleqS ].uaLud!nba S&H911:l N:II-I aN~f ~I-I£1.L · asuadxa pue ~s!J s,JaXnq le oq IlULlS Ja/~nq Joj Plaq ,~Jau!qoelAI 'luaudd!qs j.o agu!.l.}e ),oa,tja u! asoLl], ol. saopd aseaJOU! XeLU Jo/pue uo!].aldudoo jo olJuluaoJad oi. tSu!pJoooe i. UaLUXed aJ!nbaJ o~. i.3ala XeLU Xuedguoo aq]. 'aJn].oe,tnueLu ,to UO!~.aldLUOO SXelap jo/~nq 11 'i.uagud!qs JO,t XpeaJ uaq,~ alep aqi. jo se anp auJooaq Ileqs ~.uaLud!qs ,to a].ep uo paseq si.uaudXed '),uagud!qs S,~ Ulc)p JaXnq ,ti 'satbJeq3 uo!].ellaOUe3 alqeuoseaJ si.! ,to l. uau. JXed aJ!nbaJ pue guai.! padd!qsun Xue o]. se JapJoaq]. laoueo Jo oouu^pe u! i.uauJ,~ed aJ~nbaJ XJa^!laP oi. JoiJd audi]./~ue i.e alqes!oJaxa uo!i.Oala si! ].e 'Xeud XuedLuOO aqi. 'uo!].oe qons so~l!lsn( uo!i.enl!s le!oueu!,t s,JaXnq i.uaudalbpn! s,Xuedudoo aq]. u! ,t! Jo 'Mai i~OUaAIOSU! JO/~o].dnJNueq Xue Japun Ja,~nq i.su~uSu Jo ,~q pai.n].p, su! aq Ibu!paaooJd Xue ,t! padd!qs aJe SLUe].! led!ou!Jd se e].eJ oJd apeLU aq Ileqs 'si.uaLUXed le!i.!u~ up. ql .~oqlo 'si.uaudXed sase3 lie Ul 'Xue j! 'sl. so3 uo!l. OallOO snld 'aOUeleq 15u!pue~,s].no aLI]. UO uJnuue Jad (%9 L) uaai.qlb!a ol lUOlUA!nba ql. uoLU Jad i.uaoJad ~/, L) auo ,to a6JeqoJns 5uh~JJe3 pue amAJaS e oi. i.oafqns aJe m, uauJXed anpJaAO 'i.uoudd!qs Jai.,te sXep 0g u!qi.!M l. au aOUeleq aq Ileqs i.u@ud,~ed jo suJjal, aq]. 'uo!].ei.onb aq], u! p@!j!oads aS!MJaq~.o ),ou ,ti S~EI3J. -~,uou. JaaJIbe aseqoJnd q].!M paLuJ!,tuoo SSalUn a].onb ,to a].ep udoJ,t sXep 0g Jai.,te ].ueLU].snfpe o~. i.oafqns aJe saou 'i.uogua3eld Jap Jo ,to agU!l i.e paLlS!uJnJ S! a].eo!,t!),Ja3 uo!i.duJa×a JadoJd e SSalUn JaXnq aLI]. Xq Pied aq IleqS qo!qM JO lie '/~JO^!loP JO 'apes 'aJn~,oe,tnueuJ ,to ~,oadsaJ u! sa×el Jaq].o pue 'as!oxa asua3!l 'uo!i.ednooo ash 'saFes apnlgxa sao!Jd I1¥ S~'Jt~ld 'JaJn].oe,tnueuJ aq]. ,to sLuJa], aq]. q].!M aouepJoooe u! paa].ueJJeM s! paJa,tjo ].uaudd!nba aq/ 'IOJ~,UOO s,Xuedu. Jo3 aql. puoXaq pu~ Xue ,to sasneo Jo 'Slepa].eLu 6u~JnooJd Jo uo!lei.JodsueJi u! SXelaP 'sa!l!Joq].ne XJe].tI!LU JO le].uaudUJaAO8 ,to sloe '$a~jlno!.U!p Joqel 'saH!Ji.s 'poE) ,to sloe 'sa.~!j. Xq pasneo SXelap .Jo,t alqe!l aq ~.ua^a ou u! Ileqs ,~UedLuo3 aq_L 'Sle^oJdde XJessaoau pue uo!].eLUJO,tU! lie,to ~,d!aoaJ aq~, uodn paseq s! pue XlUO a),euJ!lSa ue s! XJa^!lap ,to aLu!/'ails qo! o), paMOlle i.q6!aJ,t Lli.!M ~,Uagud!LlS ,tO lu!od s,jaJn~'ge,tnueud 'EI'O'J aq II!M XJa^!lap 'uo!~.elonb s!q]. AU3AI33a · a].eps].!Ja~esXepogaJ!d×alleLlsuo!lelonbs!q].'u!aJaLl palelSXlSSaJdxaes!MJaqlossalu~ '],uaLuaaJtbe g!Lll i.o pad au. Jooaq IleLls Jap Jo Jo 83ue:].d8338 sJa/(,n~] U! SUO!],!puo'C) .Jo su. JJaJ_ ],u.a].s!suoou! ON luouJeeJSe S!Lp, q],!~ eouepJoooe u! pue o], luensJnd aq lsnuJ Je/~nE] ,~q leSod0Jd J0 u0!].e].0nb ~.0 @3ul~].d@39v 'lesodo.~d pies u! suo!]dpuoC) Jo SLU.JaJ_ Xue al~ue'q3 ].OU Ileqs Jap.Jo aseLloJnd s,JeAn'El i.uauJd!r~b:::] "~ J~U!ll!JC] ai.ei.S-!J_L 6uli.daooe Ul 'J@/(n~ aq), pue 'oc) ],uauJd!nb::l ~ aU!il!JCl alelS-!Jl uaa,~].aq ].uauJaaJ6~ igJnlOr~JiUO3 JO uo!le~,onb Xue ]O lied le.JISa],u! ue 8jnj!Jsuo3 ileqS u!eJaq pe~,eJs aleS SNOIIICINOO CINV S~I:I~II at:lVaNvlS TECNNICAL FACTORS INC. 3222 SNELLIN® AVENUE, MINNSAPOUS, MN · 5§406 HANSON PUMP SERVICE CO. 612 · 721-1625 ~rch 15, 1982 CITY OFMOUND %Public Works Department City Hall - 5341 ~.~ywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 A]TENTION: REGARDING: Greg Skinner Quotation #82-67 Dear Greg: We would be pleased to offer a quotation to you for the upgrading of your --p-Fesent lift station #E4. This would consist of replacing y~ur air ejectors with ABS submersible sewage pomps, replacing your existing check valves, modifying your lift station to accomodate a slide rail system for the pulling of your pumps, replacing the control panel and any wiring that needs to be done to insure power to the new equipment. The list of materials are as follows: (2) ABS AFP-7, 7 HP, 1750 RIB{, 230 volt, 3 phase submersible sewage pumps with a 190 mm diameter impeller capable of pumping 175 GPM at 44'. (2) #4051004 base elbows (2) #6232513 slide rail brac~ (2) 20' lengths galvanized lifting chsin (1) NEMA 3R duplex control panel, 7 HP, 230 volt, 3 phase with magnetic starters, circuit breakers, running lights, electric alternator, H-O-A switches, 24 volt control circuit, elapsed time meters, condensate heater and d]ermostat, neonseal leakage for each pump, and contact for hooking up to your existing high alarm light. (2) #6300, 4" swing check valves ?HE qOTAL PRICE FOR ABOVE EQUIPS~NT, INSTALLED .... $8,765.00 F.O.B.: ~axes: Terms: Price: Delivery: factory, no freight allowed None included ~/~,, Net 30 days, not subject to retainage Firm for 30 days from date of quotation 4 - 6 weeks Quotation #82-67 Page 2 March ]5, 1982 We will be using the city's existing 4" 1/4 turn gate valves, 4" tees, 4" 90° ell and any spool pieces that can be used from the existing piping. we will be supplying a 4" submersible trash pump with 50' of discharge hose for by-pass pumping to a truck supplied by the city. The city has the responsibility of breaking up and replacing the existing concrete apron surrounding the entrance tube to the station and hauling away the debris and old equipment taken out of the station. Again, thank you for the opportunity of quoting. If I may be of any' other service to you please call. Sincerely, Rob Wright RW/lm attachment: Terms and conditions of ABS Pumps, Inc. Section 200 Page 2 ABS Pumps Inc. April 1, 19§0 25 Village Lane Wallingford, Conneclicut 06492 (203) 269-4764 TERMS AND CONDITIONS An order will constitute a contract between the Company and the Buyer when accepted in writing by the Com. party at its home office in Wallingford, Connecticut. A contract resulling from lh~ acceptance of an order may be canceled or altered by the Buyer only if agreed to in writing by the Company at its home office, subject to payment of reasonable charges necessary to protect the Company from loss. Until accepted, as provided herein, an order shall constitute an offer to purchase. Neither the acceptance of any deposit made with an order nor the cashing of any check or other inshument therefor, nor the holding of such deposit by the Com- pany shall be deemed an acceptance of an order, but if the order is not accepted, the Company will promptly refund such deposit. The Company shall not be lial~le for any failure to make delivery, for late delivery, or other default by reason of any occurrence or contingency beyond the reasonable control of the Company or of any of its sources of sup- ply or for failure to give notice of any delay. In the event of any such occurrence or contingency the Company may extend delivery schedules or may, at Its option, cancel the order in whole or in part without liability other than to return any deposit or pre-payment should tl~u whole order be canceled. The Buyer will reimburse the Company for all taxes, excises and similar charges based upon or measured by the production, storage, sale, transportation or use of the products described herein. The Company warrants that the products (except products made by the Company to drawings or specifica- tions of the Buyer) will not in themselves infringe any United States patent, but the Company assumes no obligation in regard to patent infringement resulting from the us,; of the products in combination with equip- ment or other products not furnished by the Company. Liability unuer this warranty is hmited to the aggregate amount (exclusive of taxes and transportation) to be paid hereunder and is conditioned upon the Buyer's giv. lng the Company prompt written notice of any claim of patent infringement and granting the Company ex. clusive control of the settlement or litigation thereof. The Company shall not be bound by any terms, conditions, or representations which are not stated herein. The Company shall not be obligated to perform hereunder if, at any time, Buyer's credit rating becomes impaired. The Company shall retain a security interest in the products supplied hereunder to secure performance of Buyer's obligations and Buyers shall execute all financing statements and othe~ instruments that the Com- pany deems necessary to protect its security interest. If the Buyer defaults in any of its obligations hereunder or is unable to pay its debts as they mature, the Company shall have the right to repossess the products or cancel unshipped balances with or without resort to legal process. All malarial is sold F.O.B. shipping point and title and risk of loss passes to Buyer on delivery to the common carrier at shipping point. Orders for replacement material must be a new purchase order. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the products prior to payment and acceptance and if Buyer's inspec. tion reveals any defects in the products, Buyer shall notify the Company within thirty (30) days after receipt of the products of any claim Buyer might have concerning such defects. Buyer's failure to notify the Company within such thirty-day period shall constitute a waiver by Buyer of all claims covering such defects in the products. The Company's acceptance of order cancellation or order reduction requests is conditioned upon receiving Buyer's written agreement to assume termination charges. The Company reserves the right to refuse to accept any order which does not meet quantity requirements which the Company may establish for any given product or group of products. Prices are based on quality levels commensurate with normal processing. If a different quality level is re- quUed, Buyer must specify their requirements and pay any additional costs that may be applicable. The Company reserves the right to correct clerical or stenographic errors or omissions. The terms of this agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Connecticut. The fn~,~qoing terms and conditions will prevail notwithstanding any variance with the terms and condHions of B~,',.,, s order for the products. New Issue FABYANSKE AND 5VOBODA, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 420 HAMM BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINN[SOTA 5~10~ April 14, 1982 McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 Ms. Mary Marske, City Clerk Mr. Tim Lovassen, Mayor City of Mound, Minnesota Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Tuxedo Road MSAP 145-101-06 and Three Points Boulevard MSAP 145-106-01 Gentlemen and Ms. Marske: Our client, Hardrives, Inc., has asked us to assist them in the collection of certain moneys that are due and owing under the above-captioned contracts. According to the contract between the City and Hardrives, certain items were to be paid for on the basis of the actual quantity of material furnished and placed. With respect to the items listed below, the quantities of materials which Hardrives furnished are significantly greater than those quantities which McCombs-Knutson has elected to approve for payment. In the table set forth below, the quantity of the pay item for which Hardrives and McCombs-Knutson have pay tickets is set forth beneath the phrase "Hardrives Quantity". Under "McCombs-Knutson Quantity" is the quantity which has been approved for payment by McCombs-Knutson. The difference between those quantities, the unit price and the total amounts unpaid are set forth in the columns which follow. McCombs-Knutson A~soc~a~es. Inc. city of Mound, Minnesota April 14, 1982 Page Two Hardrives McCombs-Knutson Item Quantity Quantity Bituminous Base 5,761.54 4,995.30 Bituminous Binder 262.39 234.00 Bituminous Wear 6,185.52 5,645.00 Bituminous Binder 328.43 310.50 Granular Fill 2,906.30 2,650.00 Class 2 914.51 489.00 Class 4 and 5 26,163.15 22,800.00 Tack 4,025.00 2,300.00 Unit Difference Price Total 766.24 ~ 11.51 ~8,819.42 28.39 165.00 4,684.35 540.52 12.07 6,524.08 17.93 165.00 2,958.45 256.30 5.26 1,348.14 425.51 6.50 2,765.82 3,363.00 5.68 19,101.84 1,725.00 1.10 1,897.50 ~48,099.60 Your failure to certify and approve for payment and pay the above amounts constitute a breach of the contract and a violation of Minnesota Statute §429.041, subd. 6. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, interest is accruing on these overdue amounts. If prompt payment is not received, appropriate legal actions will be taken in order to compel payment. your s, MTF:ps cc: Hardrives, Inc. WURST E~ALD T. CARROLL CURTIS a. P£ARSON FAULCONER D* LARSON LAW OFFICES WURST, CarROLl ~ PEaRsoN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55~0~ April 19, 1982 TELEPHONE Mr. M. T. Fabyanske Attorney at Law 420 Hamm Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Re: Tuxedo Road and Three Points Boulevard Improvements - City of Mound Fabyanske: Your letter of April 14, 1982, to McCombs-Knutson regarding Hardrive's contract with the City of Mound has been referred to my office. It is my understanding that your client contends that they are entitled to $48~099.60over and above the amounts approved by McCombs-Knutson. I have talked to the engineers and they advise me that the quantities which they have calculated are based on tickets provided by Hardrives to the engineers. They further indicate that in their discussions with Hardrives they indicated to them that if they had additional tickets they should be brought in to the engineers for examination, and if they are found in order, they could be approved. The engineers are waiting for Hardrives to come back to them with this additional information, and then they would try to come up with a final number for approval. It appears that we should have a meeting of your clients, personnel from McCombs-Knutson, you and me to try to work out the numbers. I will appreciate hearing from you, and if you agree with this procedure, let's try to pick a date and we can meet at the offices of McCombs-Knutson where all the data is available. Ve~/~truly yours), ~urti~ A. Pearson, City Attorney City of Mound CAP: ih cc: Mr. Jon Elam Mr. John Cameron Metropolitan Council 300 Mefro Square Building Seventh Street and Robert Streel Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone [612) 291-645~ Office of the C:hairman April 9, 1982 Mr. John Elam, City Manager Mound City Hall 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Elam: We would appreciate it very much if you ~ould agree to serve on the Chairman's Advisory Committee. This committee has been active for serveral years and has proven to be an opportunity for local elected officials to get together to discuss topics of mutual interest and of course is extremely valuable to the Chairman to find out what your feelings are on timely issues that the Council is involved in. The sessions are extremely informal and the Committee is chaired by Jo Nunn, Mayor of Champlin. Though we usually meet on the 'first Wednesday of each month, we would like to invite you to join us for dinner for this meeting on April 14 at 6:00 p.m. Please call Rosemarie Johnson with your reservation if this will be possible for you to attend. C RW/rj Sincerely, Charles R. Weaver Cha i rman Josephine Nunn Co~ni tree Chairman CITY of k[OUNI) 5341 IL~AYWOOD MOu~',~ MINI~ESOTA f612) 472-1155 April 22, 1982 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JON ELAM, CITY MANAGER : When we passed the motion to purchase Surety Bonds in Janu4 was the Acting City Treasurer. NoW!We need one for Sharon Finance Director/City Treasurer. TheiAuditor called this recently and told us we should pass airesolution authorizl of a $20,000 Surety Bond. Judy Fisher "g gi' the attention purchase JE:fc CITYI:0F MOUND Mouncl iM!~ nnesota TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Jon Elam, City Man. Licensing Departmen April 21, 1982 Rager's Pub at 5098 Rager's Pub at 5098 Three Po being purchased by Richard GJ Inc. Mr. Amundson has made a and plans to operate under Restaurant Cigarette Entertainment Permi Pool Tables - 2 Games of Skill - 5 Juke Boxes - 2 On Sale Beer Off Sale Beer i ree Points Boulevar J~ Boulevard is in th. ~undson DBA Amundson ii ication for the fol name, "Three Points The Police Department is ch~ hearing is required on the is a suggested date for the p ng on the applicati¢ r License Application~ ic hearing. Mr. Amundson also will be makiing application to the Minnesota for a permit to all set ups for consump' intoxicating liquor. of censes lic 1 th Ma rjo'~i e Stutsman CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Jon Elam, City Manager Licensing Department April 20, 1982 License Renewals Various licenses expire the last day of April. will be from May l, 1982 through April 30, 1983. Off Sale Beer: On Sale Beer: Restaurants: A1 & Alma's Supper Club, 5201 Piper Road Grimm's Store, 3069 Brighton Boulevard Mound Lanes, 2346 Cypress Lane Mound Super Valu, 2240 Commerce Blvd. "No Frills" Grocery, 5229 Shoreline Blvd. PDQ Food Store, 5550 Three Points Blvd. Rager's Pub, 5098 Three Point~ Blvd. Tom Thumb Superette, 2222 Commerce Blvd. A1 & Alma's Supper Club, 5201 Piper Road House of Moy, 5555 Shoreline Boulevard Mound Lanes, 2346 Cypress Lane Rager's Pub, 5098 Three Points Blvd. A1 & Alma's Supper Club, 5201 Piper Road Burger Chef, 5205 Shoreline Blvd. Donnie's on the Lake, 4470 Wilshire Blvd. Hole-in-One Bake Shop, 5309 Shoreline Blvd. House of Moy, 5555 Shoreline Blvd. Martin & Son Boat Rental, 4850 Edgewater Drive Mound Lanes, 2346 Cypress Lane Mound Legion Post 398, 2333 Wilshire Blvd. Rager's Pub, 5098 Three Points Blvd. Surfside, Inc., 2670 Commerce Blvd. Tonka Toys Restaurant, 5300 Shoreline Blvd. V.F.W. Club # 5113, 2544 Commerce Blvd. Pool Tables: ~.~'~Bowling Alleys: Mound Lanes, 2346 Cypress Lane - Games of Skill: A1 & Alma's Supper Club, 5201 Piper Road Donnie's on the Lake, 4470 Wilshire Blvd. Mound Lanes, 2346 Cypress Lane Rager's Pub, 5098 Three Points Blvd. Surfside, Inc., 2670 Commerce Blvd. Tomco, 5558 Auditor's Road Rager's Pub, 5098 Three Points Blvd. Tomco, 5558 Auditor's Road V.F.W. Post 5113, 2544 Commerce Blvd. Juke Box: American Legion Post # 398, 2333 Wilshire Donnie's On The Lake, 4470 Wilshire Blvd. Rager's Pub, 5098 Three Points Blvd. Surfside, Inc., 2670 Commerce Blvd. V.F.W. Post 5113, 2544 Commerce Blvd. Tomco, 5558 Auditor's Road The renewal period for these Bowling Lanes ~ ~'~'-_~~~ 1 Machine e"~~~ 3 Machines 6 Machines 3 Machines ~-~ 3 Machines 12 Machines 2 Tables ~~~ 2 Tables I Table 1Juke Box 1 Juke Box · 2 Juke Boxes 1Juke Box 1 Juke Box 1Juke Box Memorandum to: Jon Elam, City Manager License Renewals - Page 2 In addition, Surfside has an Entertainment Permit which expires April 17, The annual renewal period would run from April 18, 19R2 to April 17, 1983. ~'%)The following have cigarette licenses which expired February 28, 1982: Burger Chef, 5205 Shoreline Blvd. Surfside, Inc., 2670 Commerce Blvd. These licenses run from March l, 1982 through February 28, 1983. 1982.~~ An arcade license for Tomco should be approved for a one year period through December 31, 1982. Marj~or i e Stutsman Licensing Department ms BILLS ....... APRIL 27, 1982 Air Comm Earl F. Andersen & Assoc Acro Minnesota Blackowiak & Sons Holly Bostrom Burlington Northern J.H. Bathke Bill Clark Standard Fran Clark Custom Rubber Stamp Davies Water Equip John Ewald Ill Ess Bros. & Sons Jon E1 am Hecksel Machine Shop Koehnens Standard Ken & Norms Cabinets LOGIS Lehn Electric Metro Waste Control Mun ici pal s M.S. Print MacQueen Equip McCombs Knutson Mound Super Valu N.S.P. N.W. Bell Tele Popham, Haik, Kaufman Pitney Bowes Credit Charles Pearson Reo Raj Kennels Shepherds Rental Rugs Spring Park Car Wash Seton Service Swanson Bros. Drywall Howard Simar State Treasurer Security Alarm (Liq Store) Thrifty Snyder Drug Un i tog 90. O0 100.43 138.95 94. O0 221.45 533.33 13.80 5,735.75 27 78 17 5o 267 43 6 00 165 O0 28 45 320.O0 15.94 75.OO 1,458.19 198.00 420.75 19,277.27 120.00 146.35 2,241.26 4,641. O0 16.37 3,823.68 60.30 1,245.14 26.00 18.O4 121 .O0 53.00 9O. 9O 1.85 89.72 6O.OO 19O. 86 386.19 2.19 248.30 Widmer Bros. Xerox Dock Refunds The Liquor House Griggs, Cooper Johnson Bros. Liq. MN Distillers Old Peoria Ed Phillips & Sons Carol Burlet Shirley Hawks Doris Lepsch Scott Racek TOTAL BILLS 1,282.50 647.99 401.50 186.10 1,600.98 1,212.30 1,132.90 971.71 2,54O.74 15.00 96.06 15.O0 9.82 52,899.77 CITY of MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD RC)AE MOUND, MINNESOTA,~.~6,,' ~" (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Jon Elam, City Manager Jan Bertrand, Building Official April 22, 1982 Selection of a part-time Plumbing Inspector I have interviewed four applicants for a part time plumbing inspec- tor and have talked to several others over the phone. I would like the City to pay our inspector at 85% of the permit fees collected, retaining 15% for administration. We could con- sider allowing a deduction for P.E.R.A., if. the inspector would be interested in a permanent part-time status with the City. Also, I have agreed to conduct the air and manometer tests for him and arrange site access after hours and/or weekends. He will need a City identification card to identify himself to homeowners. I would like to hire Terry (Terence) L. Sincheff as the plumbing inspector. I have several reference letters attached. He has 15 years experience in the plumbing trade as a journeyman. He lives in Mound and works mainly in Minneapolis. He is presently awaiting another job assignment. His last project was completed in March of this year. Jan Bertrand JB/ms Attachments 82/ ,,sazax v~ gl l ~9£~;6 V/OS':INNIIAI 'CINrlOI~I $~O ZD V~I.LNO D "lglZNlalsta - lVl3a~lWWO3 - 11/li:llsnaNI DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS SOL J. JACOBS. DIRECTOF 300 PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER 348-7822 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5.541[ August 16, 197B Mr. Terence L. Sincheff c/o 6077 Aspen Road Mound~ Minnesota 55364 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mr. Terence L. Sincheff is a Ocurneyman Plumber Gas fitter licensed by the City of Minneapolis and by the State of Minnesota. He was an indentured PlumDer Apprentice for five years, attendin9 Dunwoody Industrial institute classes from 1969 to 1973. ~s his evening school instructor i can state that his attendence and 9fades were excellent. In 1972 he was selected as the top plumber apprentice for the State of Minnesota, to compete in the national plumber apprentice contest held at Purdue UniversiTy. In 1975 he received his license as a gourneyman Plumber, Gasfitter from the City of Minneapolis and from the Minnesota State Board of Health. His workmanship and related business with this office have always been outstanding. Sincerely, / . Ralph Lichliter Supervisor Plumbing Inspection Department L OOSEN INC. 550 N. WILLOW DRIVE LONG LAKE, MINNESOTA 55356 PHONE: 612/473-'J~:~. 2.505 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Augu~.t 1.7, 197-8 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I am writing in reference to Terry Sincheff. He worked for my company as a shop helper for several years on and off through high school, and also worked for my company off and on as a plumber apprentice and as a plJ~ber journeymmn. He was an excellent and dependable employee, and has excellent per- sonal habits. Also, I am very familiar with his record as a plumber apprentice, where he generally was first in his class each year of the appren- ticeship program. I can give him an unqualified high recommendation as a person and as being fully qualified and competent in all phases of the plumb- ing indus try. Sincerely, President McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS I PLANNERS April 20, 1982 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Oon Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: Co. Rd. 110 Street Lights Change Order No. 1 File #5951 Dear Jon: Enclosed is Change Order No. 1 for the street light project. Item No. 3 was discussed with the Council at the time the fixtures were approved. Item No. 4 is for the two covers that were installed on the bases beside the Ice Arena. Item No. 5 is additional cost for factory furnished paint for the poles to better match the fixtures and also covers the painting and installation of the brackets for the Christmas decorations. With this additional cost the revised contract amount for the project would De $62,254.40. If you need any further information, please contact me. Sincerely, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. OC:lr Enclosure Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Eagan printed on recycled paper CHANGE ORDER No. 1 Mound, Minnesota County Road !10 Street Lights File #5951 Item Quantity Unit Price Total 3.) 4.) 5-) Factory colored fixtures Base covers on Alder Road Extra - furnish & install factory paint 72 EACH $ 12.O0/EA $ 864.00 2 EACH llO.O0/EA 220.00 LUMP SUM 700.00 Total - Change Order No. 1 $1,784.00 APPROVED: McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, Inc. APPROVED: CITY OF MOUND By: City'Manager By: Mayor Date: Date: Date: Date: Councilmember moved the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 82- RESOLUTION APPROVING COLLATERAL PLEDGED TO THE CITY OF MOUND WHEREAS, the State Bank of Mound was designated an official depository for the City of Mound, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, M.S. ll8.Ol requires that the Council approve all collateral furnished to secure funds in excess of the FDIC insurance, and WHEREAS, the City deposits funds with the State Bank of Mound in excess of the FDIC insurance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA: That the following collateral items furnished to secure funds in excess of the FDIC insurance be approved: $1OO,OOO U.S. Treasury Notes due IOO,OOO U.S. Treasury Notes due 50,000 Becker, MN. lSD #726 due 50,000 Gilbert, MN. GO due 50,000 Eden Prairie, MN. lSD #272 due 60,000 E. Grand Forks, MN. GO due 50,000 Somerset, MA. GO due 1OO,0OO Clinton, MI. W & S Rev. Bonds due 9-30-82 1-31-83 2- 1-84 7- 1-84 3- 1-85 2- 1-87 4- 1-88 7- 1-87 50 OOO 1OOOOO 1OOOOO 200 OOO 5OO.OOO 500.000 150 OOO Burnsville, MN. Wtr. GO & Rev. Blaine, MN. GO Imp. St. Paul, MN. 1976 Refunding Bensalem, PA. School Dist. GO U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Notes Chicago ILL. due 12- 1-85 due 2- 1-88 due 2- 1-94 due 2- 1-95 due I1-15-84 due 2-15-85 due I- 1-85 These collateral items on deposit are located at the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis and are equal to at least 110% of the funds the City has on deposit as required. MS 118.O1. Councilmember moved the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 82 RESOLUTION CANCELLING THE UNIT ASSESSMENT ON PID #24-117-24 43 0053 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,828.15 WHEREAS, WHEREAS, PID #'s 24-117-24 43 0053, #24-117-24 34 0002 and #25-117-24 21 OO16 were combined into one parcel on April 14, 1982, and these lots were all non-conforming lots and thus unbuildable, and WHEREAS, City policy has been to encourage lot combinations to further the goals of community and residential development, and WHEREAS, this follows ongoing City assessment policy as it relates to undersized lots and lots which are unbuildable, and WHEREAS, these PID numbers consist of Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23 of Block 9 and Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Whipple Addition, and WHEREAS, a unit charge of $1,828.15 was assessed against each PID # 24-117-24 43 0053 and 24-117-24 34 0002 in Levy 8297 - 1980 Street Improvement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA: That one unit charge in the amount of $1,828.15 be removed from PID #24-I17-24 43 0053. Councilmember moved the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 82- RESOLUTION CANCELLING THE UNIT ASSESSMENT ON PID #23-117-24 43 0043 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,828.15 WHEREAS, PID #'s 23-117-24 43 OO41 and #23-117-24 43 0042 were combined on August 20, 1981 into PID #23-117-23 43 0043, and WHEREAS, these lots were all non-conforming lots and thus unbuildable, and WHEREAS, City policy has been to encourage lot combinations to further the goals of community and residential development, and WHEREAS, this follows ongoing City assessment policy as it relates to undersized lots and lots which are unbuildable, and WHEREAS, this new PID number consists of Lots i and 2, Block 6, Highland Addition, and WHEREAS, a unit charge of S1,828.15 was assessed against each original parcel in Levy 8297 - 1980 Street Improvements, and WHEREAS, the City neglected to remove one unit charge of $1,828.15 at the time of combination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA: That one unit charge in the amount of $1,828.15 be removed from PID #23-117-24 43 0043. R. L. YOUNGDAHL & ASSOC., INC. 3131 FERNBROOK LANE · PLYMOUTH. MINNESOTA 5544,1 · (612) 553-1800 April 20, 1982 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Attention: Jon Elam RE: Umbrella Dear Mr. Elam: Earl gave me a copy of your Risk Management Report and I note that he indicated he felt that the Umbrella could be put over the Liquor Liability for a cost of $450.00. In checking with our markets we find that it is actually going to run $1,200.00. We have used our influence with our Umbrella markets and they have agreed to cover the Liquor exposure for an additional premium of $950.00. If this is not agreeable to you please let us know and we will see about obtaining an excess policy over the Liquor Liability. If we don't hear from you we will assume that the additional cost is acceptable to the City and we will order the endorsment to be issued. Thank you. Cordially, Pat Fennell PAF/sh CITY OF MOUND 4 o APPLICATION FOR BINGO PERMIT Date Name of Applicant /~/~ ~ ~' ./OH /~~ ' (~f 'a~ org'anizati6n~ organization name) Address ~33.3 ~/~4~C ' Phone No. Bingo Manager (Name)_ ~~q ~ _C~'/~/~ ~ Address ~' ~~/~..,,. Address of where Bingo will be played Dates and Hours Bingo will be playe~ 6 o (Attach separate sheet if more room necessary) Is License Fee attached? Fidelity Bond: (a) Amount (b) Name of Bonding Company (c) Expiration Date of Bond Yes N6 Amount * (Minimum $10,000.) *Note: Fraternal., religious, 'veteran and other non-profit organizations may request the Bond t6 be waive-d. Please indicate below if you are making such a request. Signature of person mak licatio~ ( ITY of h4OU ND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 553~4 (612) 472-1155 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Downtown Advisory Committee Rob Chelseth, City Planner 16 April 1982 Meeting to Review Design Proposals The DAC has received proposals from seven design firms to provide technical assistance on streetscape/storefront plans. The proposals are from the following firms: - Planmark/Minneapolis - Damon Farber Assoc./Minneapolis - Ernst Associates/Chaska-~ - Close Associates/Minneapolis~- - Horan Assoc./Navarre - The Studio/Minneapolis - Inter Design/Minneapolis The proposals range in size from a two page letter to rather large book- lets. Those members of the DAC interested in reviewing the proposals before the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 22nd, 1982 at 7:30 P.M., may.pick-up a copy of each proposal from Marge Stutsman at the City Hall. Because of the limited number of copies, please make sure to bring any materials you pick-up to the meeting on Thursday. For your assistance in comparing the proposals, attached please find a copy of the two page request for proposals all firms received. Look forward to seeing you on Thursday. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOP DESIGN PLANS FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AND A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR DOWNTOWN MOUND, tlINNESOTA This request is for a proposal to provide professional architectual and land- scape architectual assistance to the Downtown Advisory Committee of the City of Mound, Minnesota. The assistance should be specifically aimed at develop- in9 design concepts for the rehabilitation of store fronts, rears and signs on the principal local highway (County Road 110 - Commerce Boulevard). The following three part outline provides direction on the format and content you are requested to follow in making a proposal. As indicated, the proposal should be divided into three parts covering a work program, a schedule and budget, and general background information. Please make the proposal as con- cise as possible. The Committee welcomes suggestions or modifications you feel may improve the program. PART I: PROJECT WORK PROGRAM A. Present a program to develop a theme and plan for the rehabilitation/modi- fication of store buildings a.~d signs in the downtown. The plan must include suggested building improvements, and provide design and construc- tion guidelines to assist building occupants who wish to make changes in their structure. B. In coordination with the plan for building rehabilitation undertaken for Part IA, develop a complementary plan for landscape and streetscape improvements on County Road 110 in the downtown area. Included within the landscaping plan should be 1) a planting plan for trees and shrubs; 2) suggested types and locations for street furniture including benches and trash receptables; 3) suggested location(s) for a downtown information directory, drinking fountains, telephones, and possible public restrooms. This plan should include suggested designs, cite specific equipment to be purchased, and provide associated estimated costs. On-going costs for maintenance and repair should be considered in developing the plan. PART II: BUDGET AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE Present a program budget that details the costs associated with each step out- lined in the work program developed under PART I. The total budget should not exceed $4,000. In addition, provide a time schedule for the completion of the project. The project should be completed within 60 days of its start. Page 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOP DESIGN PLANS FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AND A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR DOWNTOWN MOUND PART III: GENERAL INFORMATION Provide name, address and phone of proposer(s) including firm name and pro- ject participants. Also provide resumes of staff participating in the pro- ject, h(ghl(ght~ng experience on projects directly related to the one pre- sented in this proposal. SUBMISSION AND SELECTION OF PROPOSALS All proposals must be submitted to the Mound City Hall, no later than 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 15th, 1982. Please submit twelve (12) copies of the proposal. Any questions regarding the proposal should be directed to Rob Chelseth, Mound City Planner, at 332-4166 or 472-1155. The request for proposal does not commit Mound to award a contract, or pay any costs associated with the preparation of a response to this request. Mound reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received. Mound may require proposers selected to participate in negotiations, and submit such price, technical, or other revisions to their proposals as may result from negotiations. THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM A METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEMORANDUM - dated April 16, 1982 Lake Minnetonka Task Force You probably have followed in the newspapers the recent debate about DNR's attempted acquisition of a public access site on Lake Minnetonka. One positive result of that debate was that the governor asked DNR Commissioner Joe Alexander to establish a task force to develop a complete recreational management plan, including public access for the lake. The governor has also recommended that DNR, the' Council and DEPD take lead responsibilities for putting together and working with the task force. I've indicated to Joe my willingness to work with him and with Commissioner Eklund on this matter. A 19- member task force is planned, made up of 9 representatives of various involved governmental agencies plus 10 citizen members. We will publicly solicit applications from interested citizens and Joe, Kent and I will make the appointments. Target date for completion of the study is June 30, 1983. I'll keep you informed as further details develop. 7701 COUNTY ROAD 110 W Ii MOUND, mINNESOTA 55364 · 472-3484 April 13, 1982 Mr. Jon Elam, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Jon: As per the request submitted by the City of Mound, the City Council of the City of Minnetrista, approved the connection of the Widmer Building on County Road 110 to the Minnetrista water and sewer systems. The fees for same are as follows: Connection Fee Water Sewer $130.00 $13o.oo Use Fees Water - $15.00 (10,000 gallons) Per Quarter+ $1.00 per additional Sewer - $38.00 Per Quarter 1,000 gallons. We understand that the building has been purchased by the City of Mound to be used for municipal purposes. For this reason, the City Council reduced the amount per usual City policy. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, CITY OF MINNETRISTA Charlotte Paterson C1 erk/Adminis trator CP:bjs 2. 3. 4. AGENDA Minnehaha Creek Watershed District April 15, 1982 Wayzata City Hall 7:30 p.m. Call to order; present, absent, staff. Reading and approval of minutes of regular meeting 3/18/82. Approval or amendment of April 15, 1982, agenda. Hearing of permit applications. ne 81-117 Dana Corporation - grading and drainage plan for Spicer Addition, City of Plymouth. Be 82-05 City of Minnetonka - street and storm sewer construction to extend Stone Road to connect with McGinty Road, Minnetonka. Ce 82-11 Hennepin County DOT - construction of CSAH 18 and interchange at TH7, Hopkins and St. Louis Park. 82-14 City of Plymouth - Medina Road extension between Vicksburg Lane and Dunkirk Lane, City of Plymouth. 82-17 Hennepin County DOT - upgrading of CSAH 3 between Meadowbrook Avenue and Louisiana Avenue, Hopkins and St. Louis Park. F® 82-18 Rutledge Construction - 6030 sq. ft. building addition adjacent to Kenny's Market, City of Long'Lake. Ge 82-19 David Maiser - expansion of parking facilities and existing building, City of Minnetonka. He 82-20 Paul W. Fox - 4 lot residential subdivision on 3.87 acres referred to as "Huntington Pond, City of Minnetonka. 82-21 Dick Conry - 40 lot residential subdivision on 93.34 acres "Lake Minnetonka Homes," City of Orono. Jo 82-22 Methodist Hospital - 11,000 sq. ft. building addition in the floodplain of Minnehaha Creek, City of St. Louis Park. Ke 82-23 Charlton Consolidated Companies, Inc. - 180 unit condominium development on 13.93 acres, City of Minnetonka. Le 82-24 Glenn Seutter - expansion of parking facilities on a 0.74 acre commercial development, City of Minnetonka. 82-25 Steve Coddon - lakeshore setback variance of 70' from the shoreline of Harrison Bay, City of Mound. Ne 82-26 Fredrick Haey - 38 lineal feet of rip-rap shoreline erosion protection, "After-the-fact" approval for rip-rap, City of Orono. 0 t 82-27 Saul Segal - "Cedar Hills Third Addition" commercial and residential properties, City of Minnetonka. 82-28 city of Excelsior - clean and repair drainage system outletting Galpin Lake to Lake Minnetonka, Excelsior. 82-29 William Hill - fill and excavation in the ~loo~plain for the construction of a two story house, City of Wayzata. Re 82-30 Wayzata Yacht Club - maintenance and dredg- ing at the yacht club, Lake Minnetonka. Se 82-32 G. Robert Johnson - 189 lineal feet of rip-rap shoreline erosion protection, City of Orono. Correspondence. Hearing of requests for petitions by public for action by the Watershed District. Reports of Treasurer, Engineer and Attorney. ao Treasurer's Report - Mr. Russell (1) Administrative Fund Report Engineer's Report - Mr. Panzer (1) Headwaters Control Operational Plan Revisions; (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Summary of Written Comments CP-7 Contract Amendment/Status Report Painter Creek Subwatershed Study/Status Report Draft 1981 Hydrologic Data Report Hydro Data and Water Quality Monitoring Program, Evaluation and Proposal/January 1982 1982 WM&RF Attorney's Report - Mr. Macomber (1) Distribution and Filing of Annual Report (2) Filing of Annual Audit Unfinished Business. B. C. D. Rule and Regulation Revision. District Initiated Maintenance Projects Bridge Obstruction Draft Permit Application Guidelines New Business. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT March 18, 1982 The regular meeting of March 18, 1982, was called to order by Chairman Cochran at 7:35 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Managers Present: Cochran, Lehman, Thomas, Russell and Gudmundson Also present were board advisors Panzer, Reep and Macomber. Approval of Minutes It was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 21, 1982, rescheduled by notice to February 4, 1982, be appoved as published. Upon vote the motion carried. It was then moved by Gudmundson, seconded by Lehman, that the minutes of the regular meeting of February 18, 1982, be approved as published. Upon vote the motion carried. Approval of Permit Applications The managers reviewed a written memorandum from the engineer dated March 11, 1982, indicating that the following applications comply with the applicable standards of the dis- trict and recommending approval on the terms and conditions as set forth in his written memorandum: Pflaumwell Development Partnership - extension of permit 79-34 for a 2.8 acre multi-unit resi- dential development referred to as "Tealwood," Section 35, City of Long Lake. Hennepin County Dept. of Environment and Energy - Spring Park access rip-rap, extension of permit 81-31. Hennepin County Dept. of Environment and Energy - Hendrickson access rip-rap, extension of permit 81-32. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell that the foregoing applications be approved subject to all terms and conditions recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. March 18, 1982 Page 2 Tabling of Permit Applications The managers reviewed a written mem6~andum from the engineer dated March 11, 1982, recommending that the following applications be tabled until such time as all required exhibits have been received by the engineer: David Maiser - approval of a grading and drain- age plan for the extension of parking facilities and building addition, 15119 Minnetonka Boule- vard, South 1/2 of Section 16, City of Minnetonka, Trademark Communications. 82-19 Dick Conry - approval of a grading and drainage plan for a 40-1ot residential subdivision on 93.34 acres, NE 1/4 of Section 4, City of Orono, between Old Crystal Bay Road and Willow Dr., South of Watertown Rd. 82-21 Methodist Hospital - approval of a grading and drainage plan for an 11,000 sq. ft. building addition in the F-2 floodplain, NE 1/4 of Section 20, City of St. Louis Park, 6500 Excelsior Boule- vard, adjacent to Minnehaha Creek. 82-22 It was moved by Thomas, seconded by Gudmundson, that the fore- going applications be tabled until all required exhibits have been received. Upon vote the motion carried. Headwaters Control Structure/Management Policy and Operating Procedure Chairman Cochran, noting the number of persons present at the meeting regarding the proposed changes to the Management Policy for the control structure, requested the board to consider Item 7B1 of the engineer's report prior to the consideration of permits. This modification to the agenda being accepted, Chair- man Cochran indicated that the matter at hand was the engineer's report to the board of managers on the proposed revisions to the Management Policy. He stated that the board of managers wished to have the engineer give a summary of the proposed changes. Chairman Cochran stated that the board wanted to provide members of the public an opportunity to address questions to the engineer and thereafter the board wanted to receive any statements from members of the public present who wished to comment on the pro- posed changes. Chairman Cochran indicated that a number of comments had been received in response to the district's request March 18, 1982 Page 3 and requested that oral comments' submitted at the meeting be limited to those which supplement the written comments previ- ou-~ly received since all written comments will~ b'e reviewed by the managers. Prior to commencement of the engineer's summary, manager Russell described the origin of the proposed revisions, indicating that operating experience had indicated a need to make certain revisions to the Management Policy to better accomplish the original management objectives and policy goals. Manager Russell stated that the board will not take action which will cause harm, either to those residing on the lake or to creekside residents. Manager Russell stated that each of the managers is appointed at large within the district and does not represent any geographical division within the district. Chairman Cochran then called on the engineer to pro- vide his overview report. The engineer then summarized the process of construction of the structure. The engineer stated that the original structure was a fixed-crest structure built at elevation 928.64 in 1897 (NGVD 1929). The engineer stated that the structure was totally rebuilt by Hennepin County in 1944 at almost the identical elevation (928.60 NGVD 1929). The engineer reported that surveys of the prior structure during the late 1960's and 1970's indicated that the structure had become uneven because of frost and ice action with a resulting low point of 928.61 at the north end of the structure and a high point of 929.25. The engineer stated that the average elevation of the prior structure was 929.02. The engineer then reviewed the ordinary high water level investigation made.by the Department of Natural Resources in 1977 when the prior structure was still in place. The DNR concluded that the natural ordinary high water level for Lake Minnetonka with the prior structure in place was 929.40 NGVD 1929. The engineer also reported that the DNR had concluded that the natural run out elevation prior to the construction of the original Gray's Bay Dam was not significantly changed by construction of the first dam in 1897. The engineer then briefly described the Gray's Bay Dam control structure built by the district in 1979 and 1980 to replace the prior fixed-crest structure. The engineer stated that the discharge limits for the structure are set by the De- partment of Natural Resources in its permit for operation of the structure. March 18, 1982 Page 4 The engineer then reviewed the 1977 Management Policy which was adopted by the board of managers as a part of the public hearings on the project in 1978. Following that summary, the engineer described the proposed modifications in the Manage- ment Policy. These include expansion of the bands at which a discharge up to 150 cfs and up to 250 cfs can occur in order to maximize the district's ability to control downstream flood- ing and to stabilize Lake Minnetonka levels. The other primary modification is to provide base flows to Minnehaha Creek during the open water season more comparable to historic flows with the prior structure to improve aesthetics and minimize the effects of stream flow stagnation. The modifications, if adopted, would also provide recreational flows for public events. The engineer described in detail the specific opera- tional adjustments which are proposed to accomplish these ob- jectives. The engineer then stated that he had calculated the effects of the proposed Management Policy on three example years and displayed graphs representing the result of these calculations. The engineer presented the year of 1981 as a low water year and showed the effects of the proposed Management Policy changes on the lake levels and creek flows during that year. The engineer then discussed the year of 1962 as a typical water year and applied the proposed Management Policy changes to water levels and creek flows during that year. Similarly, the engineer used the year of 1969 as an example of a high water year and made the same computations. The engineer concluded that the proposed plan modifi- cations will accomplish the original objectives of the 1977 Management Policy to a greater extent than the present plan is able to accomplish. Chairman Cochran then invited questions from those present. Mayor Brad VanNest stated that he believed additional time was needed to review the proposed plan and requested a delay in adoption of the plan by the board. Mayor VanNest indicated two major areas of concern. First, during high water levels between elevation 929.6 and 930.0 he stated that the district should not have the flexibility to allow a discretion- ary discharge up to 250 cfs but should be required by the Management Policy to discharge at the maximum rate at any time when the lake is at that elevation. Second, he stated that the modification in the band between 929.3 and 929.6 allowing March 18, 1982 Page 5 for increased discharge range during this period up to a maxi- mum of 150 cfs could cause damage to the lake and that further investigation of the potential impacts of this change should be undertaken. James Yon Lorenz inquired of the engineer regarding the proposal for special flows and the relationship of these flows to base flows. Mr. Von Lorenz stated his view that the board should not sacrifice base flow in the creek for the special flows and that he, as a creekside resident, would prefer consis- tent base flows.during the summer months. At this point, manager Lehman observed that the base flow concept as shown in the proposal is intended to more closely approximate historic flows that occurred with the prior structure at the specified lake elevations but these are not necessarily canoeable flows in the creek and have not historically been so at those lake elevations. Ms. Shirley Taylor inquirgd whether fluctuation for special events would have environmental impacts. The managers indicated that their understanding was that it would not. City of Minnetrista council member Frank Dimancho spoke and requested copies of the charts that were displayed by the engineer and the managers agreed to supply those materials to Mr. Dimancho. Mr. Dimancho stated that he felt it was necessary rather than simply looking to historic years, to try to project ahead to future conditions as guides for any modifications in the Management Policy. In response to the general inquiry regarding the trend of lake levels, the engin- eer indicated that lake levels have in general increased in each of the last three ten year periods and that he anticipates that lake levels will continue to increase in future years. Mayor Rock Linlan of the City of Mound spoke with regard to the special flow concept and urged the board to modify the concept for special flows to provide that these would be authorized only after the lake elevation rises to a higher level than that presently proposed. Mayor Linlan stated that he was concerned that a discharge early in the year would not be appropriate because a dry summer could occur resulting in unduly low lake levels. March 18, 1982 Page 6 Robert Mitchell of Minnetonka Beach inquired with respect to certain limitations in the Management Policy and the relationships of the elevations in the Management Policy to the prior structure. Dennis Ryan, Director of Engineering, Minneapolis Park Board, appeared and indicated the support of the Minneapolis Park Board for the proposed changes. Mr. Ryan stated that the Board would prefer that the managers increase the base flow to the creek during the summer months but stated that the Park Board recognized the need for balancing the interests of all residents of the watershed district. Chairman Cochran stated that based on the comments received, he believed the board should take additional time to review the written comments already received and any additional comments received after the present meeting after which time the board would then discuss those comments and develop a method of working with affected persons within the district prior to sub- mitting a request for modification to the Department of Natural Resources. It was then moved by manager Thomas, seconded by manager Russell, (1) that the proposed Management Policy be placed on the May agenda, (2) that the board invite comments to be submitted to the district up to ten days prior to the May meeting, (3) that in the interim, study of the proposed policy should continue and (4) that the board discuss further the possibility of holding additional meetings regarding the pro- posed changes within the watershed. Upon vote the motion carried. Hammer Residences - approval of a 7-lot residential subdivision on 10.67 acres, NE 1/4 of Section 5, City of Minnetonka, Minne- tonka wetlands area. 82-08 The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval and recommended approval subject to the submission to the engineer of a revised erosion control plan and revised weir outlet design. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the application be approved subject to the foregoing conditions. Upon vote the motion carried. Further Tablin~ of Permit Applications The engineer advised the managers that required exhibits had not been received by the engineer on the follow- ing permit applications and recommended tabling of the follow- ing applications: March 18, 1982 Page 7 Rutledge Construction Co. - approval of a grading and drainage plan for a 6030 sq. ft. building addition adjacent to Kenny's Market, NE 1/4 of Section 34, City of Long Lake, Hwy. 12 and Lake Street. 82-18 Paul W. Fox - approval of a 4-lot residential subdivision on 3.87 acres, SE 1/4 of Section 14 City of Minnetonka, SE corner of Huntington Drive and Shady Oak Road. 82-20 It was moved by Thomas, seconded by Russell, that the foregoing applications be tabled until all required exhibits had been re- ceived. Upon vote the motion carried. Treasurer's Report Treasurer Russell distributed the monthly Administra- tive Fund Report of the district dated March 18, 1982. Follow- ing discussion and review by Treasurer Russell it was moved by Gudmundson, seconded by Thomas, that the Treasurer's Administra- tive Fund Report dated March 18, 1982, be approved and the bills paid as set forth in that report. Upon vote the motion carried. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District/Data Aqquisition Fund Manager Russell explained that a typographical error had been discovered in the resolution of the board of managers adopted September 17, 1981, creating the Minnehaha Creek Water- shed District Data Acquisition Fund to the effect that the amount stated in the resolution to be placed into the Data Acqui- sition Fund was $5,000 less than that intended by the managers and than that actually placed into the fund by the Treasurer. Thereupon, manager Thomas offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Gudmundson: WHEREAS, the Board of Managers on September 17, 1981, adopted a resolution creating a Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Data Acquisition Fund; and WHEREAS, the Managers intended on September 17, 1981, to authorize the Treasurer to transfer the sum of Eighty-five Thousand Dollars ($85,000) from the January 1, 1981, fund balance in the Administrative Fund to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Data Acquisition Fund; and March 18, 1982 Page 8 WHEREAS, the sum of Eighty-five Thousand Dollars ($85,000) was thereafter transferred from the Adminis- trative Fund to the Data Acquisition Fund as reflected in the Treasurer's Report dated October 15, 1981; and WHEREAS, the Managers have discovered a typo- graphical error in paragraph 2 of the resolution of September 17, 1981, which states that the Treasurer is authorized and directed to transfer the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000) from the January 1, 1981, fund balance in the Administrative Fund to the Data Acquisition Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. Paragraph 2 of the resolution of the Board of Managers dated September 17, 1981, creating the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Data Acquisition Fund is amended as of September 17, 1981, to read as follows: "2. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of Eighty-five Thousand Dollars ($85,000) from the January 1, 1981, fund balance in the Administrative Fund to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Data Acquisition Fund for these purposes;" 2. That the actions of the Treasurer and the accountant acting at his direction in transferring the sum of Eighty-five Thousand Dollars ($85,000) from the Administrative Fund to the Data Acquisition Fund after September 17, 1981, are hereby ratified and approved in all respects. 3. Except as amended herein, the resolution adopted September 17, 1981, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and there were 5 yeas and 0 nays as follows: COCHRAN YEA LEHMAN YEA THOMAS YEA RUSSELL YEA GUDMUNDSON YEA The Chairman declared the resolution adopted. March 18, 19a2 Page 9 Annual Audit/19 81 Treasurer Russell then introduced Randy Lapic of R.D. Bersie and R.C. Lapic, Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Lapic presented the result of his examination of the financial statements of the district for the year ended December 31, 1981, and distributed copies of his report to the managers dated March 15, 1982. Following discussion and review, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Lehman, that the Annual Audit of the financial statements of the district for the year ended December 31, 1981, be accepted and approved by the board of managers and that the attorney be directed to file the report as required by law. Upon vote the motion carried. West 44th Street Channel Improvement/CP-7 The engineer reported that the contractor had failed to commence or complete the work as required by the contract and that the work could not be undertaken at this time because of water levels in the creek. The engineer advised the managers that the contractor had requested, in lieu of termination of the contract, that the district allow the contractor to undertake the work required by the agreement during the fall/winter of 1982-83 on the original contract terms, including price. The engineer advised the managers that, in his judgment, if an acceptable agreement could be negotiated with the contractor to perform the work during the fall/winter 1982-83 season, this would be an acceptable alternative. The engineer advised the managers that the attorney and the engineer had prepared a pro- posed amendment to the agreement with the contractor and de- livered that proposed agreement to the contractor for execution. If executed by the contractor, the engineer stated that he would bring the proposed agreement back to the board of managers at the next regular meeting. The board of managers indicated agree- ment with the recommended approach outlined by the engineer. Gal~n .Lake Petition The engineer reviewed a request from the City of Excelsior dated March 8, 1982, and distributed a written memo- randum dated March 17, 1982. The engineer indicated that this matter had been previously reviewed and a similar request by the City was not acted upon' by the board of managers in August of 1981. The engineer advised the managers, however, that the pro- posed work described by the City appeared to be the most cost- effective solution to the existing drainage problem. Mayor Richard Knapp, councilmember Charles Thompson and City Manager Timothy Madigan appeared in support of the request and explained March 18, 1982 Page 10 the agreement that has been tentatively negotiated between the City, the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the County of Hennepin. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Gudmundson, that the district authorize a payment from the 1982 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund of up to 50% of the materials cost as described in the March 8, 1982, letter from the City up to a maximum of $2,200. Upon vote the motion carried. Water Maintenance & Repair Fund/~982 Budget Recommendations The engineer reviewed a written memorandum dated March 16, 1982, summarizing the status of work undertaken with respect to 1980 and 1981 allocations and evaluating and recom- mending contributions toward certain projects for which requests have been received from the 1982 fund. 1980 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund Allocations The engineer advised the managers that a project authorized from the 1980 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund for the City of Orono for channel stabilization along Long Lake Boulevard has not been undertaken by the City and that the City does not plan to commence construction. It was moved by Lehman, seconded by Gudmundson, that the allocation of $4,000 approved by the board June 19, 1980, from the 1980 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund for the City of Orono channel stabili- zation along Long Lake Boulevard be rescinded. Upon vote the motion carried. 1981 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund Allocations The engineer advised the managers that work on the projects authorized from the 1981 fund were either underway or about to commence and recommended no action with respect to those allocations. 1982 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund Allocations The engineer reviewed in detail the requested allo- cations received in response to his letters to the municipalities within the district for projects which could be considered by the board under the Water Maintenance & Repair Fund. Following dis- cussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Gudmundson, that the following projects be approved for funding from the 1982 Water Maintenance & Repair Fund, further, that if work on these is not commenced by the end of calendar 1982, all such alloca- tions will be rescinded as of December 31, 1982: March 18, 1982 Page 11 Appli can t Project Description Allocation City of Greenwood City of Long Lake City of Medina Minneapolis Park and Re creation Board City of St. Louis Park Erosion control of public launching area at the end of Westend Lake General clean up and debris removal from drainage channel from Holbrook Park to Long Lake General clean up and debris removal from Long Lake Creek from Long Lake to the Bur- lington Northern tracks Wetland restoration at Dexter Drive (West side) and Water- town Road (North side) Channel repair between Willow Drive and Wolsfeld Lake Aquatic Weed Harvesting: Lakes Harriet, Calhoun, Isles, Cedar, Nokomis, Hiawatha and Diamond Creek Bank Stabilization near the C & N Railroad Bridge over Minnehaha Creek 50% up to a maximum o f $2065 50% up to a maximum of $4417 50% uP to a maximum of $800 50% up to a maximum of $1260 50% up to a maximum of $1500 $2200 maximum 30% up to a maximum of $1500 TOTAL $14,542 Upon vote the motion carried. Painter Creek Work Plan/Status The engineer distributed a memorandum dated March 17, 1982, summarizing costs expended during 1981 on the Painter Creek Subwatershed Project and projecting costs for 1982 for completion of the tasks identified in the Work Plan. The managers reviewed and discussed the budget projections provided by the engineer. March 18, 1982 Page 12 Adjournment There being no further business to come before the regular meeting, Chairman Cochran declared the re~utar meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John E. Thomas, Secretary minnesota department of health 717 s.e. delaware st. minneapolis 55440 (612~ 296-5221 April 12, L982 Mr. Gregory Bergquist 2028 Grandview Boulevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Bergquist: It is a pleasure to inform you that you have passed the written examination for water supply system operator, Class C . Upon receipt of the $15.00 certification fee and the copy of this letter, your application will be submitted to the Certification Council for final approval. The certifi- cation fee should be made payable to the State Treasurer, State of Minnesota and should be mailed to: Section of Water Supply and General Engineering Minnesota Department of Health 717 S.E. Delaware Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Your written examination is available for your review up to 60 days after the date of the examination. If you would like to review the examination for your own information, please feel free to call Doug Mandy a~ 612/296-5525. You are to be commended for the interest you have shown in the waterworks field and the effort made to meet the requirements for certification. xc: City of Mound~/ Y~s~% v~ i~ truly, Supply and General Engineering an equal opportunity employer INTEROFFICE MEMO SUBJECT: Chief Wold, Sgt. Roy Officer Ewald Reserve Unit DATE b~rch 30~ I feel that it is part of my responsibility to advise the department of the hours that are being given to the department, so as to let you know that the money that has been invested into the Mound Police Reserves has not been wasted. The hours do not include time spent riding with Regulars or any administrative work done outside of the office. Hours for: Jan. 1982 Feb. 1982 March 1982 Reserve Squad 48 50 40½ . School functions (Hockey, etc.) 16½ 22 - CPR Instruction 16 25½ Organizational Meetings 30 20½ 36 Training 20½ 70 Emergency Call-outs (Non-scheduled) 16 - - Administrative work (Done in the office) - 11 14¼ Total logged hours 110½ 140 186¼ 0 /jc zZOz zZoz z ?o / 7701 COUNTY ROAD 1i0 W · MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 · 472-3484 April 8, 1982 Mayor & City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mayor and Council: After months of review and input by the City of Minnetrista, its consultants, Lake Minnetonka municipalities, and others, the Board of Hennepin County Commissioners rejected Site M in Minnetrista as a potential landfill site on Tuesday, March 16, 1982. The City of Minnetrista appreciates the support which your City gave in opposing Site M. We look forward to continued cooperative effort with Mound and other Lake Minnetonka com- munities to protect the valuable asset we have in Lake Minnetonka. Sincerely, CITY OF MINNETRISTA Mayor Gen Olson GO:bjs a ociation of metropolitan munic[palitiee April 19, 1982 TO: AMM Member Cities FROM: AMMStaff Public Hearing: Metropolitan Council proposed Surface Water }fanagement Plan SURFACE WATER M~NAG~.~NT PROPOSAL - PUBLIC HEARING; APRIL 29th Sometime ago, (April ?th. ~,~',! Bulletin) we alerted you to the fact that the Metropolitan Council had scheduled a Public HearLug on April 29th. to receive comments on their proposed Surface Water l~nagement Plan. The Council expects to adopt this plan sometime after the conclusion of the P~olic Hearing and issue it as Chapter in its Metropolitan Development Guide. We have now completed an analysis of the proposed Surface Water Management Plan and identified those portions and sections of the plan which are in conflict with or inconsistent with the Surface Water l~nagement Act (Chapter 509) which was passed during the 1982 Legislative Session. The before referenced AMMBul!etin contained a summary of Chapter 509. Attached to this bulletin is a summary of the A~Staff comments to the Councils proposed Guide Chapter which we will present at the Public Hearing. A number of city officials have asked for a copy of these comments to assist them in preparing testimony for the hearing. Again, we urge you to review the Councils proposal very carefully and if it is a concern to your city, present your comments at the April 29th. hearing. JOINT LEGISLATIVE CO},&'E[SSION ON ~TROPOLITAN GO-V-EPC,',L~CE Attached is a meeting notice of the Joint!Legislative Cor~m~ssion on Metropolitan ~Governance. There will be opportunity for testimony at this meeting should you wish to testify. The A}~ was the principal sponsor of the Legislation authored by Representative Carolyn Rodriquez in th~ 1981 Legislative Session which established this Commission to examine the ~etropolitan Council and the ~etropolitan Commissions. WE RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL RECEIVING THIS BULleTIN MAKE DISTRIBUTION TO TPIE APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS IN YOUR CITY. Thank you. 300 hanover bldg. 480 cedar street, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612) 222-2861