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2020-10-27 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING NEW LOCATION: WESTONKA SCHOOLS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 1. Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature, have been evaluated by staff, recommended by staff for approval by the Council, and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. At this time, anyone present who wishes to offer dissenting comment to any items on the Consent Agenda is invited to identify themselves and the item of concern so that the it may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered after discussion in normal sequence. Separate introduction or further support from petitioners or requestors is not required at this time and removal of an item from the Consent Agenda for this purpose is not required or appropriate. 4. *Consent Agenda Page *A. Approve payment of claims 2167- 2195 *B. Approve minutes: October 13, 2020 Regular Meeting 2196-2201 *C. Approve a Resolution Requesting Study and Improvement of Traffic 2202 Safety at Hennepin County Roads 44 and 110 Intersection in Mound *D. Approve Resolution approving variance for property at 3325 Warner Lane 2203-2242 Planning Case No. 20-18, PID No. 25-117-24-21-0126 2205 *E. Approve Resolution Amending Resolution No. 20-50 Authorizing the Granting 2243- 2247 of Regulatory Flexibility to Local Businesses 2243 *F. Approve Pay Request #1 in the amount of $193,741.46 to Northwest Asphalt 2248-2251 for the 2020 Surfside Parking Lot Improvements Project; PW -20-01 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Susan Navratil of the Gillespie Center and Senior Community Services providing an update on Center 2020 activities and 2021 priorities Ben Brandt, Mound LMCD Board of Directors Representative, providing an update 2252 on LMCD 2020 activities and 2021 priorities PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 8. City Engineer Brian Simmons requesting discussion and action on a Resolution 2253-2255 ordering preparation of report on Shoreline Drive pedestrian safety improvement 2255 study 9. Mayor Salazar providing an update to Council on recent Development Committee, Staff, and Private Interest discussion of Lost Lake Channel Improvements Initiative 10. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/Reports from Council members B. Reports: Fire Department—September 2020 2256-2257 Engineering —September YTD 2258 C. Minutes: DCC —January 16, 2020 2259-2261 D. Correspondence: LMCD— 2021 City Appointments 2262-2264 11. Adjourn COUNCIL BRIEFING October 27, 2020 In tune with Phase III of the Stay Safe MN Plan; through mid-November, we will re -open Council and Commission meetings to in-person attendance for our residents. Meetings will be hosted in the Westonka Schools Performing Arts Center where social distancing requirements can be met. Council meetings will continue to be held the second and fourth Tuesday each month with agendas and meeting details/locations posted to the City website the Thursday prior under the "Mayor and Council' section of the "Government" tab of the Home Page. Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! 27 October - 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting at Westonka Performing Arts Center 3 November — General Election Day — Polls Open 7 am — 8 pm 12 November — 7:00 PM — Parks & Open Spaces - Interview of Candidate(s) LOCATION TBD *** at Centennial Building Council Chambers*** 10 November - 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) 10 November - 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting at Westonka Performing Arts Center 19 November — 7:00 PM — Docks Commission — Interview Candidate(s) LOCATION TBD 24 November - 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) 24 November - 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting LOCATION TBD 1 December — 7:00 PM — Planning Commission — Interview Candidates * * * at Westonka, Performing Arts Center*** 8 December - 6:55 PM — HRA Regular Meeting (as may be required) 8 December - 7:00 PM — City Council Regular Meeting at LOCATION TBD 22 December — Regular meetings cancelled due to Christmas holidays City Offices OPEN for early Absentee Balloting Until Further Notice; by Day -to -Day Essential Business by Appointment Only November 11: Veterans' Day—City offices closed November 27&27: Thanksgiving Holiday — City offices closed December 24&25: Christmas Holiday — City offices closed Dec 31 & Jan 1: New Year's — City offices closed City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Inauire in advance. please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision- making. City of Mound Claims 10-27-20 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2020 0920KENGRAV $ 21388.00 2020 BOLT#92020 $ 68,414.75 2020 1020UBREFUND $ 636.24 2020 0920HOISINGT $ 11298.75 2020 101320CTYMAN $ 21012.04 2020 101520CTYMAN $ 442.40 2020 3Q20SURCHG $ 11097.06 2020 10202OCTYMAN $ 18,978.61 2020 102720CITY $ 54,039.18 2020 102720HWS $ 1321712.76 TOTAL CLAIMS 11 $ 282,019.79 -2167- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 0920KENGRA $2,388.00 Refer 402 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 157415 10/132020 Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 157415 10/132020 Cash Payment G 101-23395 5234 LYNWOOD PC Invoice 157415 10/132020 4848/4852 LANARK RD ENFORCEMENT MATTER- LEGAL SVCS SEPTEMBER 2020 MOUND HARBOR RE & DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT LEGAL SVCS SEPT 2020 5234 LYNWOOD BLVD VARIANCE-- LEGAL SVCS SEPTEMBER 2020 Transaction Date 10202020 Due 12/312017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,065.00 475 TIF 1-3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $323.00 $2,388.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,388.00 Total $2,388.00 !IVADUN 10/20/20 11:18 AM Page 1 $1,179.00 $323.00 $886.00 $2.388.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch BOLT#92020 $68,414.75 Refer 408 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258239 9/302020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258239 9/302020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258239 9/302020 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258239 9/302020 Cash Payment E 475-46386-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258240 Cash Payment Invoice 0258241 Transaction Date 9/302020 E 401-43100-300 Professional Srvs 9/302020 10202020 Refer 409 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258237 9/302020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258237 9/302020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258237 9/302020 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258237 9/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 Refer 410 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 404-45200-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0258242 9/302020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0258222 9/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 Refer 411 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 401-43110-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0258218 9/302020 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE REDEVELOPMENT PROJ TIF 1-3 ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 MSA SYSTEM COORDINATION UPDATES ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18. 2020 10/20/20 4:52 PM Page 1 $28.75 $28.75 $28.75 $28.75 $1,026.00 $128.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,269.00 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS AUG 8 THRU $1,240.00 SEPT 18, 2020 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS AUG 8 THRU $1,240.00 SEPT 18, 2020 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS AUG 8 THRU $1,240.00 SEPT 18, 2020 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS AUG 8 THRU $1,240.00 SEPT 18, 2020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,960.00 2020 SURFSIDE PARK IMPROV PROJ- PW 20- 01- ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW2001 2020 LIFT STATION J-1 AVALON PARK IMPROV PROJ PW 20-05- ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW2005 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 2019 RETAINING WALL -WARNER LN IMPROV PROJ PW19-10 ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW1910 ! I VA 110010 $20,051.00 $15,359.25 $35,410.25 $1,144.50 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 401-43119-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0258219 9/302020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0258227 9/302020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0258229 9/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 Refer 411 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA Cash Payment E 404-45200-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0258243 9/302020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0258217 9/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 Refer 412 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 427-43121-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0258220 9/302020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0258224 9/302020 Cash Payment E 401-43110-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0258226 9/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 2019 STREET & UTILITY IMPROV PROJ- SHERWOOD DR- PW 19-01 ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW1901 2019 COMMERCE BLVD WATERMAIN REPLACE PROJ PW 19-04 - ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW1904 2019 SANITARY SEWER FERNSIDE FORCEMAIN PROJ PW 19-05 - ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW1905 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 2019 SWENSON PARK TENNIS COURT IMPROV PROJ PW1906- ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW1906 2019 MANHOLE REHAB PROJ PW 19 -09 - ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW1909 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 2020 CRACK & SEAL COAT IMPROV PROJ PW 20-06 ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW2006 2020 MANHOLE REHAB PROJ PW 20 -04 - ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW2004 2020 RETAINING WALL IMPROV PROJ PW 20-02 ENG SVCS AUG 8 THRU SEPT 18, 2020 Project PW2002 Due 12/312019 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,268.75 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $6,575.50 404 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT RESERVE $20,948.00 427 SEAL COAT FUND $1,732.00 475 TIF 1-3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $1,026.00 601 WATER FUND $2,779.75 602 SEWER FUND $32,816.00 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $1,268.75 $68,414.75 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $68,414.75 Total $68,414.75 s►Ar�811 10/20/20 4:52 PM Page 2 $4,740.00 $1,511.00 $1,044.00 $8,439.50 $897.00 $114.00 $1,011.00 $1,732.00 $15,030.00 $563.00 $17,325.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 1020UBREFU $636.24 Refer 403 ANCONA TITLE ESCROW _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 5125 DRUMMOND RD- R. CLOUD -UTILITY REFUND- ANCONA TITLE Invoice 102020 10202020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 404 EDINA REALTY TITLE _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 4366 WILSHIRE BLVD- R. VEDADHAGHI- UTILITY REFUND- EDINA REALTY TITLE Invoice 102020 10202020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 405 EDINA REALTY TITLE _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 3155 DRURY LN- V. CURTIS-UTILITY REFUND- EDINA REALTY TITLE Invoice 102020 10202020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 406 EXECUTIVE TITLEINC. EDINA _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 3188 TUXEDO BLVD- K. HARRELL -UTILITY REFUND- EXECUTIVE TITLE EDINA Invoice 02112015 2/102015 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 601 WATER FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $636.24 $636.24 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $636.24 Total $636.24 WAIVE 10/20/20 11:39 AM Page 1 $188.83 $188.83 $224.10 $224.10 $208.07 $208.07 $15.24 $15.24 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 0920HOISNG $1,298.75 Refer 392 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, 1 _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS SEPTEMBER 2020 Invoice 020-002-8 10/112020 Cash Payment G 101-22903 5238 PIPER 2020 EXPANSI 5238 PIPER LN EXPANSION- PLANNING SVCS SEPTEMBER 2020 Invoice 020-002-8 10/112020 Cash Payment G 101-23395 5234 LYNWOOD PC 5234 LYNWOOD BLVD VARIANCE CUP - PLANNING SVCS SEPTEMBER 2020 Invoice 020-002-8 10/112020 Cash Payment G 101-22902 3325 WARNER LANE 2020 3325 WARNER RD VARIANCE -PLANNING SVCS SEPTEMBER 2020 Invoice 020-002-8 10/112020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $1,298.75 $1,298.75 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated bythe Computer $1,298.75 Total $1,298.75 9PArpm 10/21/20 9:14 AM Page 1 $591.25 $160.00 $201.25 $346.25 $1,298.75 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 101320CTYM $2,012.04 Z4ta'�i:Yl��iGl'711�1[.)YdILN:1I�RH�7�1/I/� �'I Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 36712 9242020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 36696 9/172020 Transaction Date 10/13/2020 Refer 384 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material Invoice 104048416 10/52020 Transaction Date 10/13/2020 Refer 385 NORTHSTAR COMPANIES Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 1288 7202020 Transaction Date 10/13/2020 Refer 386 POSTMASTER Cash Payment E 101-41110-322 Postage Invoice 101320 10/132020 Transaction Date 10/13/2020 Refer 387 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 702105894 9252020 Transaction Date 10/13/2020 DELIVERY SVC 9-24-20 DELIVERY SVC 9-17-20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total BRUSH DROPOFF- BALANCE THRU 10-2-20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 30 REUSABLE MASK- HARBOR WINE & SPIRITS Project CV -19 Wells Fargo 10100 Total POSTAGE CITY CONTACT NEWSLETTER - NOV, DEC, 2020, JAN 2021 EDITION Wells Fargo 10100 Total ELECTRIC SVC 8-24-20 THRU 9-23-20 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,064.34 602 SEWER FUND $97.35 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $850.35 $2,012.04 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,012.04 Total $2,012.04 9VANCE Total 10/13/20 9:31 AM Page 1 $268.25 $432.10 $700.35 $14.50 $14.50 $150.00 $150.00 $1,049.84 $1,049.84 $97.35 $97.35 CITY OF MOUND 10/15/2011:19 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: October 2020 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $442.40 Total $442.40 -2174- Payments Batch 101520CTYM $442.40 Refer 389 CARBONE S PIZZA _ Cash Payment E 101-41310-430 Miscellaneous STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCH 10-15-20- $192.25 PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG EES Invoice 101520 10/15/2020 Transaction Date 10/15/2020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $192.25 Refer 390 KOSKELA, DUSTIN _ Cash Payment E 101-41310-430 Miscellaneous STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCH 10-15-20- $250.15 PUBLIC WORKS & PARKS Invoice 101520 10/15/2020 Transaction Date 10/15/2020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.15 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $442.40 $442.40 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $442.40 Total $442.40 -2174- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 3Q20SURCH $1,097.06 Refer 388 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUS Ck# 080800E 10/13/2020 Cash Payment G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments 3RD QTR 2020 BUILDING SURCHARGE Invoice 093020 10/132020 Transaction Date 10/13/2020 Fund Summary i1111➢11e7A01:1 wall 01Q 10/13/20 1:32 PM Page 1 $1,097.06 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,097.06 10100 Wells Fargo $1,097.06 $1,097.06 Pre -Written Checks $1,097.06 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $1,097.06 sAVAPE CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 10202OCTYM $18,978.61 Refer 395 BALL, GAVIN _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2020 BOOT ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEMENT PER CONTRACT Invoice 101920 10/192020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 399 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair SPARK PLUG FOR SMALL EQUIPMENT CHAIN SAW- FIRE DEPT Invoice 6974-394825 9/72020 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID- FIRE DEPT Invoice 6974-396923 9282020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 400 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (PW Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6974-394254 9/12020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6974-394301 9/12020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-394321 9/12020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-394529 9/32020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-394520 9/32020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-394533 9/32020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-394568 9/32020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6974-395485 9/142020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6974-395655 9/152020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-395753 9/162020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-396623 9242020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6974-397024 9292020 Transaction Date 10202020 Refer 407 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (PA49 Cash Payment E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6974380662 4242020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels Invoice 6974379783 4/162020 Total 10/20/20 1:26 PM Page 1 $200.00 $200.00 $8.96 $13.79 $22.75 LUBE & FUEL FILTERS- PUBLIC WORKS $13.77 SHOP Project 20-5 LUBE FILTER- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP $6.50 Project 20-5 BATTERY- HIGHLAND GENERATOR $84.41 BATTERY CORE RETURN PARKS TRUCK -$22.00 #416 BATTERY PARKS TRUCK #416 $155.99 FUEL, LUBE, OIL, LUBE & FUEL FILTERS, $201.24 COOLANT FOR GENERATORS, LIGHT TOWERS, WELLS Project 20-5 QUICK DISCONNECT- TRUCK #313 STREETS $20.74 OIL ABSORBER- PUBLIC WORKS SHOP $42.20 Project 20-5 STAR TRON ADDITIVE- FOR SMALL ENGINES $8.27 Project 20-5 BATTERY, 3 PK AIR FRESHENER, PARKS $116.96 TRUCK #415 LUBE SPIN ON- PARKS TRUCK#320 $8.38 QD CLEANER- 11 OZ 2 QTY PUB WKS SHOP $15.62 Project 20-5 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $652.08 SPARK PLUG- STREETS VEHICLE $4.48 OIL IFLTER- PARKS TRUCK#319 $3.14 s•Ar�:E CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels FUEL- PUBLIC WORKS SMALL ENGINES Invoice 6974382426 5/122020 $1,640.00 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies CIRCUIT TESTER- PUB WKS SHOP Invoice 6974378909 4/62020 $22.75 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply STARTER SOLENOID CREDIT RETURN Invoice 6974378964 4/72020 $1,640.00 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 396 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. Total 10/20/20 1:26 PM Page 2 $6.92 $15.63 -$16.39 $13.78 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,640.00 Invoice 551979 9212020 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $22.75 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,640.00 Refer 394 KIVISTO, SCOTT _ $1,640.00 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2020 BOOT ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEMENT $200.00 PER CONTRACT Invoice 102020 10202020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00 Refer 397 MATTHEWS, JIM _ Cash Payment G 281-22000 Deposits REFUND LOST LAKE DOCK SLIP KEY $50.00 DEPOSIT- J. MATTHEWS Invoice 102020 10/142020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 393 MIDWEST PAVING & MATERIALS Cash Payment E 404-45200-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 101320 10/132020 Transaction Date 10202020 Refer 398 NOBS, BRYAN Cash Payment G 281-22000 Deposits Invoice 102020 10/142020 Transaction Date 10202020 PAY REQUEST #3 2019 SWENSON PARK TENNIS COURT IMPROV PROJ- PW 19 -06 - WORK COMPLETED NOV 7, 2019 THRU SEPT 22, 2020 Project PW1906 Wells Fargo 10100 Total REFUND LOST LAKE DOCK SLIP KEY DEPOSIT- B. NOBS Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $471.30 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $22.75 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $100.00 404 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT RESERVE $16,150.00 602 SEWER FUND $594.56 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $1,640.00 $18,978.61 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $18,978.61 Total $18,978.61 9PArrm Total $16,150.00 $16,150.00 $50.00 $50.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 102720CITY $54,039.18 Refer 430 ABM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY, IN _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply 4 QTY FE PIPE Invoice 0148459 9292020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 431 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic WELL 3 FAILING- SVC & REPLACE FUSE 2 - BLOWN Invoice 200020 10/162020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 432 BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) PHILBROOK PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 9 DEPT Invoice 23030393 10/132020 09-20 THRU 10-6-20 Invoice W783320 10!72020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) CENTERVIEW BEACH BIFFS RENTAL & SVC Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 9 09-20 THRU 10-6-20 Invoice W783317 10!72020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) SURFSIDE PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 9 09- 20 THRU 10-6-20 Invoice W783318 10!72020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) SKATEPARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 9 09-20 THRU 10-6-20 Invoice W783319 10!72020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) SWENSON PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 9 09- 20 THRU 10-6-20 Invoice W783321 10!72020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 433 BOYER TRUCKS-MPLS Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs LAMP ASSEMBLY- PARKS TRUCK Invoice 97956 10/162020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 424 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying OCTOBER 2020- COPIER RENTAL- FIRE DEPT Invoice 23030393 10/132020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying OCTOBER 2020- COPIER RENTAL- HARBOR WINE & SPIRITS Invoice 23030394 10/132020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 425 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-41930-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 Cash Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 Cash Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 10/22/20 11:10 AM Page 1 $50.76 $50.76 $665.05 $665.05 $141.00 $238.50 $516.50 $238.50 $141.00 $1,275.50 $254.25 $254.25 $31.75 $34.40 $66.15 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20 $41.98 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20 $77.96 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20 $109.49 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20 $280.39 s►ArE:N Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 102720 10/122020 Transaction Date 5212020 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20 Project 20-3 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20 GAS SVC 8-21-20 TO 9-21-20- DEPOT BLDG Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 456 CITIES DIGITAL SOLUTIONS _ Cash Payment E 203-41000-440 Other Contractual Servic LASERFICHE LICENSES FOR PUBLIC PORTAL & AUTOMATING FORMS Invoice 50054 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 426 CIVIC PLUS, LLC Cash Payment E 203-41000-440 Other Contractual Servic WEBSITE REDESIGN, STANDARD PACKAGE, IMPLEMENTATION, ANNUAL SUPPORT 9-23-20 THRU 9-22-2021 RES 20-94 Invoice 204475 9/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 427 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE L _ Cash Payment E 285-46388-300 Professional Srvs MOUND HARBOR DISTRICT- UPDATE 1E TITLE COMMITMENTS FOR PLAT Invoice HB -36908 10/122020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 428 DPC INDUSTRIES, INC. Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals Invoice 82000130-20 9/302020 Transaction Date 10212020 Total 150# CHLORINE CYLINDER RENTAL- QTY 14 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 429 FLEETPRIDE TRUCK & TRAILER P _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs ENGINE HEATERS FOR GENERATORS Invoice 59651474 9/172020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 430 GRAINGER Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 9683185418 10/132020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 9683185418 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 9674135653 10/52020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 9672066652 1022020 Transaction Date 10212020 Total 30 FUSES - CLASS CC 30A KLKR SERIES - UTILITY DEPT 30 FUSES - CLASS CC 30A KLKR SERIES - UTILITY DEPT PLOW TERMINAL CLEANERS MIDGET FUSES- 12A FLM SERIES Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 431 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE OCTOBER 2020 Invoice 1000154949 10/52020 Project 20-3 s►Ar510 10/22/20 11:10 AM Page 2 $71.60 $28.63 $34.67 $644.72 $5,579.71 $5,579.71 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $140.00 $140.00 $390.78 $390.78 $210.30 $210.30 $43.25 $74.40 $538.25 $717.44 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE- OCTOBER 2020 Invoice 1000154892 10/52020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 455 HOME DEPOT/GECF (PIW) _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply 5 SPEEDEON SPADE BITS, 3 GREEN Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28.98 PRIVACY FENCES- STREET DEPT Invoice 33493 9/142020 14-20 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply 2 X4X8 #2 CEDAR- QTY 7 & 6X6X10 #2 Cash Payment E 101-41410-331 Use of personal auto CEDAR BOARDS- PARKS FENCE Invoice 6020036 9282020 CTR- ELECTIONS- K. KELLY- 10-19-20 THRU Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 10/22/20 11:10 AM Page 3 $2,137.58 Total $2,855.02 $302.21 $125.87 Total Refer 432 JESSEN PRESS INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-350 Printing PRINT, MAIL -CITY CONTACT NEWS 8 PG NOV, DEC, 2020 & JAN ,2021 - 6,000 COPIES Invoice 685726 10/132020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $428.08 $1,478.00 $1.478.00 Refer 457 KELLY, KEVIN _ Cash Payment E 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto REIMS MILEAGE- DOCK PROGRAM $23.75 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28.98 INSPECTIONS- K. KELLY- 8-17-20 THRU 10- 433 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC _ 14-20 Invoice 102720 10212020 5/16-1/2 STEEL SPRING PIN ASSORTMENT Cash Payment E 101-41410-331 Use of personal auto REIMS MILEAGE -TO HARRISON BAY SR $5.23 Transaction Date CTR- ELECTIONS- K. KELLY- 10-19-20 THRU Wells Fargo 10100 Total $57.86 10-21-20 Invoice 102720 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28.98 Refer 433 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply 5/16-1/2 STEEL SPRING PIN ASSORTMENT $57.86 Invoice 9307348848 1/302020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $57.86 Refer 434 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C652 - COLOR $584.94 OVERAGE- 1-14-20 THRU 2-13-20 Invoice 3539568 10/52020 Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C652 - B & W $140.00 OVERAGE- 1-14-20 THRU 2-13-20 Invoice 3539568 10/52020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA B200 PW COPIER $5.00 OVERAGE CHG 1-10-20 THRU 2-09-20 Invoice 3539568 10/52020 Project 20-3 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $729.94 Refer 435 LUBE -TECH & PARTNERS, LLC Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic USED BULK OIL PICK UP- PUB WKS SHOP $579.00 10-10-20 Invoice 1713518 10/102020 Project 20-3 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $579.00 Refer 436 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY _ 9PAR01811 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply 4 POLES, & 2 ATTACH TIPS =- SEWER DEPT Invoice P30364 10/132020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 438 MEDIACOM _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi ORONO PD INTERNET SVC 10-16-20 THRU 11-15-20 Invoice 102720 10/62020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 437 MNSPECT _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees SEPTEMBER 2020 BUILDING INSPECTION Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply AIR FILTER- TOOL CAT FEES Invoice 8451 10/82020 4 -CYCLE FUEL- FIRE DEPT EQUIPMENT Cash Payment R 101-42000-32220 Electrical Permit Fee SEPTEMBER 2020- ELECTRICAL Wells Fargo 10100 Total INSPECTION PERMIT FEE CREDITS Invoice 8451 10/82020 Cash Payment G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments SEPTEMBER 2020 - ELECTRICAL STATE SURCHARGE FEE CREDIT Invoice 8451 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 439 MULCH STORE, THE _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material 6 CUBIC YARDS LOGS DISPOSAL- PARKS Invoice 104052564 10/92020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 440 NAPA AUTO PARTS - SPRING PAR _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply AIR FILTER- TOOL CAT Invoice 0577-122346 10/12020 10/82020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply AIR FILTER- TOOL CAT Invoice 0577-122346 10/12020 Cash Payment E 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels 4 -CYCLE FUEL- FIRE DEPT EQUIPMENT Invoice 0577-120691 9!72020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 441 NEWMAN SIGNS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN MATERIALS Invoice 025502 10/82020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 442 NOZZ TED _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies 3/4" FOR 6" AND UP NOZZLE EXTENSION WITH WHEELS- WATER DEPT Invoice 06-14751 9292020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 443 ORONO, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners Invoice 20141686 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM FEES SEPTEMBER 2020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 444 PERFORMANCE PLUS LLC _ WA1-01! 10/22/20 11:10 AM Page 4 $303.00 $303.00 $96.90 $96.90 $7,632.38 -$345.30 -$30.00 $7,257.08 $48.00 $48.00 $12.02 $12.02 $19.84 $43.88 $1,622.20 $1,622.20 $166.03 $166.03 $164.60 $164.60 CITY OF MOUND 10/22/2011: 10 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment Invoice 9010 Transaction Date E 222-42260-305 Medical Services 1022020 2/122020 MEDICAL EXAM & PSA TEST OCT 2020- QTY 1 FIREMAN Wells Fargo 10100 Total $164.00 $164.00 Refer 445 R & S COLLISION SERVICES, INCO _ Cash Payment E222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair BODYWORK REPAIRS TO FIRE VEHICLE $930.16 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing #42 - CHIEF'S 2013 CHEVY TAHOE Invoice 4063 9282020 Invoice 798798 10/112020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $930.16 Refer 446 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY _ Invoice 798798 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs DURA MAX CUTTING EDGE- PARKS $434.94 LEGAL NTCE- PARKS COMMISSION EQUIPMENT VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-17-20 Invoice P8281801 10/162020 Cash Payment Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $434.94 Refer 447 SHADOW PLASTICS, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 50 CASES VENTED LINERS- TRASH CANS PARKS Invoice 97463 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 448 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 4429-9 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 10 QTY 5 GALLON DARK GREEN PAINT, 10 BRUSHES Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 449 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER -CITY Cash Payment E 101-45200-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- PARKS COMMISSION VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-10-20 Invoice 798798 10/112020 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- PLANNING COMMISSIOI` VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-10-20 Invoice 798798 10/112020 Cash Payment E 281-45210-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE - DOCKS COMMISSION VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-10-20 Invoice 798798 10/112020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- PARKS COMMISSION VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-17-20 Invoice 799962 10/182020 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- PLANNING COMMISSIOI` VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-17-20 Invoice 799962 10/182020 Cash Payment E 281-45210-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE - DOCKS COMMISSION VACANCY- PUBLISHED 10-17-20 Invoice 799962 10/182020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 451 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 WARM $3,009.60 $3,009.60 $371.35 $371.35 $41.87 $41.87 $41.86 $52.33 $52.33 $52.34 $282.60 $149.76 CITY OF MOUND 10/22/2011: 10 AM Page 6 Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- $118.06 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- $118.06 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- $38.81 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- $95.10 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- $55.70 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 2-14-20 THRU 3-13- $15.85 20 Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW EQUIPMENT- SAMSUNG GALAXY S10- $0.00 RAY HANSON Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW EQUIPMENT- SAMSUNG GALAXY S10- $0.00 RAY HANSON Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW EQUIPMENT- SAMSUNG GALAXY S10- $0.00 RAY HANSON Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW EQUIPMENT- SAMSUNG GALAXY S10- $0.00 RAY HANSON Invoice 9864885663 10/132020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $591.34 Refer 450 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT SPOT- $35.01 SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT $35.01 SPOT 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- $35.01 INTERNET SVC- 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS SUPER- RAY HANSON - $35.01 TABLET- INTERNET SVC- 9-11-20 THRU 10- 10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Project 20-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS SUPER- RAY HANSON - $35.01 TABLET- HOT SPOT SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10- 10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Project 20-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT $17.50 SPOT- SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 JA1.01em CITY OF MOUND 10/22/2011: 10 AM Page 7 Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT $17.51 SPOT- SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $35.01 SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW STREETS TABLET DATACARD $35.01 INTERNET SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW STREETS GALAXY 4G MOBILE $509.37 BROADBAND TABLET Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY 7726- NEW TABLET- INTERNET SVC $17.50 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY 7726- NEW TABLET- INTERNET SVC $17.51 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi SEWER TRUCK #109 DATACARD SVC 9-11- $35.01 20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS SUPV VEHC #113 R. HANSON $35.01 DATACARD SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Project 20-3 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS JET PACK LAPTOP AIRCARD SVC $35.01 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Project 20-3 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER DATACARD SVC 9-11-20 $17.51 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER DATACARD SVC 9-11-20 $17.50 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi WATER TRUCK #315 DATACARD SVC 9-11- $35.01 20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi WATER TRUCK#512 R. PRICH DATACARD $35.01 SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.51 SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.50 SVC 9-11-20 THRU 10-10-20 Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NEW PARKS GALAXY 4G MOBILE $509.37 BROADBAND TABLET Invoice 9864625488 10/102020 Transaction Date 10202020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,578.90 Refer 452 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Cash Payment E 101-41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose GARBAGE SVC OCTOBER 2020- CITY HALL $119.33 & FIRE DEPT Invoice 7419035-1593-9 10/52020 9PAREe CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose GARBAGE SVC OCTOBER 2020- CITY HALL & FIRE DEPT Invoice 7419035-1593-9 10/52020 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose GARBAGE SVC OCTOBER 2020- PUB WKS BLDG- 2 - YD DUMPSTER & 2 QTY 8- YARD DUMPSTERS Invoice 7419035-1593-9 10/52020 Project 20-3 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 454 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE AND _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MOUNT & BALANCE 2 NEW TIRES - STREETS 2004 STERLING TRUCK Invoice 869742 10/162020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 453 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities Invoice 703296822 10/52020 Transaction Date 10212020 10/22/20 11:10 AM Page 8 $119.33 $1,383.77 $1,622.43 $1,105.36 Total $1,105.36 ELECTRIC SVC 9-03-20 THRU 10-04-20 CITY OWNED STREET LIGHTS Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $24,934.85 203 OTHER FEDERAL PROGRAMS $17,579.71 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $3,480.62 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $117.95 285 HRA/HARBOR DISTRICT $1,800.00 601 WATER FUND $1,421.97 602 SEWER FUND $4,641.05 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $63.03 $54,039.18 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $54,039.18 Total $54,039.18 s►AE:1� $4,684.76 $4,684.76 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Payments Batch 102720HWS $132,712.76 Refer 540 56 BREWING, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 5611876 10/192020 Transaction Date 10222020 BEER Wells Fargo Refer 500 AM CRAFT SPIRITS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 10792 6/172020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 10792 6/172020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo Refer 502 AMPHORA IMPORTS LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 9175 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 9175 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo Refer 501 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3442294 10/92020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3442295 10/92020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 20100132020100 10/92020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 3443449 10/162020 Transaction Date 10212020 10100 10100 10100 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 1 $152.00 Total $152.00 $170.44 $2.00 Total $172.44 $240.00 $11.25 Total $251.25 BEER $832.10 BEER $35.60 BEER- KEG PICKUP -$90.00 BEER $1,661.80 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 503 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS, DUM DUM POPS, C -FOLD TOWELS Invoice 0102157000 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- MN VIKINGS & GOPHERS CAN COOLERS Invoice 0102157200 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0102157200 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES- CREDIT DUM DUM POPS NOT DELIVERED Invoice 0102136300 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0086397700 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0102195600 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 0086397700 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0086348900 10212020 9PARIM $2,439.50 $239.98 $20.00 $128.60 -$15.00 $38.00 $81.00 $3.10 $261.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 2 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $4.65 Invoice 0086348900 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $761.33 Refer 504 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $96.00 Invoice 0086278700 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $1.55 Invoice 0086278700 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT PIMMS CUP 750 -$35.27 Invoice 0086228900 10/122020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $32.94 Invoice 0086278200 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,450.10 Invoice 0086278200 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR SPLIT CHARGE DUE $3.15 Invoice 0086278200-2 9/182020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,548.47 Refer 541 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,929.88 Invoice 0086396100 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $29.45 Invoice 0086396100 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $1.55 Invoice 0086381400 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $248.00 Invoice 0086381400 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,208.88 Refer 505 BIG AXE BREWING CO. LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $305.94 Invoice 2237 10/142020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $305.94 Refer 506 BOOM ISLAND BREWING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $256.50 Invoice 9958 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $256.50 Refer 507 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $171.60 Invoice 1091180442 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,783.50 Invoice 1091180441 10/142020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,955.10 Refer 542 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,691.50 Invoice 1091182667 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $184.00 Invoice 1091182668 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,875.50 JA1.01FM CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Refer 543 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1081196089 10212020 10!72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1081194008 10/152020 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1081196088 10212020 10202020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1081196087 10212020 BEER CREDIT Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo Refer 509 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 2080291830 10/82020 10!72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1081190248 10!72020 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1081190249 10!72020 10202020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 2080291828 10/82020 BEER CREDIT Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 2080291826 10/82020 Transaction Date Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 10100 Total Refer 510 BROKEN CLOCK BREWING COOP _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 4266 10!72020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 544 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2476677 10202020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2476678 10202020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 2476679 10202020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 511 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES, L.P. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2473780 10/132020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT ON ACCT -CHECK #62261 10/920 Invoice 062261 10/92020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2473781 10/132020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice 2473782 10/132020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Faroo 10100 Refer 545 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 555587 10/192020 !IVARUN 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 3 $470.00 $240.90 $738.70 $2,304.54 $3,754.14 -$6.45 $3,685.32 $1,056.50 -$81.00 -$40.50 $4,613.87 $144.00 Total $144.00 $261.07 $2,047.20 -$79.90 Total $2,228.37 $192.10 -$1,640.00 $5,720.85 -$11.12 Total $4,261.83 $1,056.47 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 4 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,056.47 Refer 512 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,080.80 Invoice 123-06749 10/142020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,080.80 Refer 513 HEADFL YER BREWING _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $335.00 Invoice 2311 10/52020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $335.00 Refer 514 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,393.75 Invoice 364113 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,065.40 Invoice 366145 10/152020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,459.15 Refer 515 INBOUND BREWCO _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $125.67 Invoice 8458 10/162020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.67 Refer 516 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,660.90 Invoice 3120786 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$12.00 Invoice 1461588 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $124.65 Invoice 3120785 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,541.00 Invoice 3133214 10/152020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,314.55 Refer 519 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$14.67 Invoice 117562 9/182020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$34.50 Invoice 117561 9/182020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$187.00 Invoice 118440 9242020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -$236.17 Refer 564 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,395.68 Invoice 1661210 10/122020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $9,319.33 Invoice 1668751 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,663.81 Invoice 1668752 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $801.00 Invoice 1666200 10/192020 s►AE:�10 Transaction Date 10212020 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 517 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1656546 10/52020 SVC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1656547 10/52020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1656799 10/52020 Invoice 36733 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1656798 10/52020 E 609-49750-265 Freight Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 518 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1664070 10/142020 SVC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1664071 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1658920 101'72020 Invoice 36733 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1658921 10!72020 E 609-49750-265 Freight Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 520 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 32547 10/152020 SVC Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice CN7279 101'72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT Invoice CN7280 10!72020 Invoice 36733 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 546 MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ -$271.98 WHISKEY Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 10-08-20 Invoice 36747 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 10-05-20 Invoice 36733 10/52020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 10-01-20 Invoice 36729 10/12020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 10-15-20 Invoice 36761 10/152020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 547 MAVERICK WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice CM41090 1022020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice CM41088 1022020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 476247 9262020 Total Total 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 5 $16,179.82 $1,740.00 $1,423.20 $139.62 $103.82 $3,406.64 $3,727.23 $3,823.85 $2,747.30 $9,163.54 Total $19,461.92 $587.36 -$24.66 -$35.49 Total $527.21 $562.60 $58.00 $295.80 $326.25 Total $1,242.65 WINE CREDIT- TORRES LAS MULAS ROSE -$850.00 LIQUOR CREDIT- WILDERNESS TRAIL RYE -$271.98 WHISKEY WINE $303.96 sARllle CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 476247 9262020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 495932 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 495932 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 495932 10212020 Transaction Date 10/52020 FREIGHT WINE LIQUOR FREIGHT Wells Fargo 10100 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 6 $3.00 $371.88 $469.98 $6.00 Total $32.84 Refer 521 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 9-07-20 Invoice 180166932 10/42020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 548 MINT ROOFING, INC. _ Cash Payment E609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance COMPLETED WORK ON CANOPIES- COUNTERFLASHING-HWS Invoice 1275387 10/132020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 522 MODIST BREWING CO. LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 17018 10/142020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 523 MOUND MARKETPLACE ASSOC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals NOVEMBER 2020 COMMON AREA MTCE & INSURANCE HWS Invoice 02012020 2/12020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 549 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 105054 10/192020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 105054 10/192020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 105054 10/192020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 105054 10/192020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 524 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6107670 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6103854 10!72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 6103855 10!72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6107669 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 6111053 10212020 WARIE Total $65.19 $65.19 $1,755.00 $1,755.00 $384.00 $384.00 $1,014.39 $1,014.39 -$159.00 $4.50 $175.00 $0.00 $20.50 $576.37 $4,386.50 $2,058.75 $116.92 $318.82 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 6111054 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 WINE Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 526 SCHRAM WINERY & BREWERY LL _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 000226 10/92020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo Refer 527 SHAMROCK GROUP, INC. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2556696 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2554797 101'72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2548152 9202020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 2560750 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 7 $1,728.50 Total $9,185.86 $144.00 Total 10100 Total Refer 550 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 9-30-20 EDITION Invoice S0723816 9292020 $144.00 $201.26 $98.24 $128.81 $55.78 $484.09 $15.00 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 Refer Cash Payment Invoice 1896 Transaction Date 528 SIMPLE GRACE PROMOTIONS, IN _ E 609-49750-218 Clothing and Uniforms 10/62020 10222020 12 EMBROIDERED NAVY SWEATSHIRTS & 8 EMBROIDERED NAVY POLO SHIRTS- HWS STAFF Wells Fargo 10100 Total $605.48 $605.48 Refer 561 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,471.50 Invoice 2008661 10222020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,047.84 Invoice 2008660 10222020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $115.00 Invoice 2008659 10222020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $36.00 Invoice 2008663 10222020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $121.47 Invoice 2008658 10222020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $96.00 Invoice 2008662 10222020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$566.95 Invoice 9211482 -CR 6/42020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$41.04 Invoice 9215882 -CR 7/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$203.40 Invoice 9209184 -CR 5/142020 sAR.yE CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 9221306 -CR 8/192020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 9210782 -CR 5282020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo Refer 529 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2003163 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2006056 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2003162 10/82020 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2006054 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2003161 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo Refer 525 SP3, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 80992 10/152020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 8 -$112.00 -$88.00 10100 Total $3,876.42 $1,568.00 $4,682.65 $115.00 $1,505.33 $3,520.12 10100 Total $11,391.10 $365.00 10100 Total Refer 530 STEEL TOE BREWING, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 36412 10/132020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 532 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 24073 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 24073 10/152020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 531 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS, LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 23961 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 23961 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 23961 10/82020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 562 UNMAPPED BREWING CO. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale Invoice 1645 10/142020 Transaction Date 10222020 BEER Wells Fargo Refer 534 VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICES, 1 _ 9PAR0xM 10100 $365.00 $396.00 Total $396.00 $408.00 $9.00 Total $417.00 $320.00 $94.25 $10.00 Total $424.25 $141.00 Total $141.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance SVC OUTSIDE CAMERAS- REPLACE SUN DAMAGED BUBBLE LENSES, CHECK ALARM NOISE FROM EQUIPMENT- HWS Invoice 6797 9212020 Transaction Date 10222020 Refer 536 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0265875 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 0265508 10/132020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0265508 10/132020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 0265868 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0265868 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 0265875 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0263160 9/102020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 0263160 9/102020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo LIQUOR FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT LIQUOR FREIGHT Wells Fargo Refer 535 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 0265217 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 0265218 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0265219 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 0265217 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0265218 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 0265219 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo Refer 537 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 154653 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 154653 10/152020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 153941 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 153941 10/82020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 153942 10/82020 WINE FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT FREIGHT !IVA 002E 10100 10100 Total Total 10100 Total 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 9 $221.05 $221.05 $106.00 $12.00 $576.00 $2.50 $104.00 $2.50 $45.00 $2.50 $850.50 $180.21 $14.00 $312.00 $5.00 $120.00 $7.50 $638.71 $366.00 $8.40 $884.00 $16.50 $5.00 CITY OF MOUND 10/22/20 12:48 PM Page 10 Payments Current Period: October 2020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale BEER $256.00 Invoice 153942 10/82020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,535.90 Refer 538 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,510.00 Invoice 7302716 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $366.40 Invoice 7301659 101'72020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,672.00 Invoice 7303607 10212020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,548.40 Refer 563 WINEBOW _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,864.00 Invoice 00085353 10212020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $26.25 Invoice 00085353 10212020 Transaction Date 10222020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,890.25 Refer 539 Z WINES USA LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $418.00 Invoice 23788 10/142020 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $10.00 Invoice 23788 10/142020 Transaction Date 10212020 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $428.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $132,712.76 $132,712.76 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $132,712.76 Total $132,712.76 -2195- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 13, 2020 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Westonka Schools Performing Arts Center in Minnetrista. Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council members Phil Velsor, Jeff Bergquist, Paula Larson, and Sherrie Pugh Members absent: None Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Fin Dir/Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche, City Engineer Brian Simmons, Mike Klauda, Collin Charlson, Ellie Dahl, Jamie Cater, Sargent Kenny Beck, Andrew Myers Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda Pausche noted Agenda Item 11. Bond Sale should read $8,470,000 instead of the original $8,915,000 because the bonds sold at a premium and noted the additional pages of the S&P bond rating report and the bond sale proposal and bid tabulation. Salazar requested item 4A be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Removed. B. Approve minutes: 09-22-20 regular meeting. C. RESOLUTION NO. 20-96: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 2020 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) PARKING MAINTENANCE ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 5% INTEREST LEVY #20519 D. RESOLUTION NO. 20-97: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR CITY/CRESCENT PARK PROPERTY -2196- Mound City Council Minutes — October 13, 2020 E. RESOLUTION NO. 20-98: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LASERFICHE LICENSING OUTSIDE OF BUDGET F. Cancel December 22, 2020 regular City Council meeting G. Approve Pay Request #3 in the amount of $16,150.00 to Minnesota Paving & Materials for the 2019 Swenson Park Tennis Court Project, PW -19-06 4A. Removed. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $1,287,248.84. Mayor Salazar asked about the charge for use of the Westonka Performing Arts Center and Pausche noted they are only billing the labor cost of the host and technology assistant which varies based on length of meeting. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the payment of claims. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. Andrew Myers, 110 Sunrise Ave, Tonka Bay, said he chaired the Minnetonka Beach Planning Commission for 10 years and is a small business owner in the district who is running for Minnesota House of Representatives District 33A. Myers said he is interested in working closer with the cities and small businesses in the district, noting that he is running to rebuild the economy and protect our tax dollars as the State is running a big deficit due to the pandemic. Myers said his website is andrew(cDandrewmvers.com. Mayor Salazar thanked Myers for attending and wished him the best. Pugh noted Saturday was the last day of the Farmers Market for this season noting how much it has grown and what an asset is for our community. 6. Orono Sergeant Kenny Beck presenting the Mound activity report for September Sergeant Beck said there were 149 calls for service including 54 medical/lift assist and welfare checks, 8 thefts, 3 alarms, 8 domestics, 8 traffic, 1 sex crime, 12 CSO requests, 1 drug, 8 property crimes among others noting it was a high-volume call month. Beck said the skate park is becoming a nuisance and that thanked the city for investing in the camera upgrade. Hoversten said in cooperation and financial support from the Crime Prevention Fund, the cameras were installed yesterday. Beck said that is good to hear as they were called for a fire in the woods nearby. Salazar asked if the cameras will be real time and Hoversten said they will be play back at this time. Larson said she received a call from a Minnetrista resident whose daughter was involved in an car accident on Friday night who praised the Orono Police Department and Mound Fire Department for the way she was treated and calmed. 7. Public Hearings -2197- Mound City Council Minutes — October 13, 2020 A. Action on Resolution Adopting Assessment for Delinquent Municipal Utility Bills and Certifying to the County Auditor at 5% Interest — Levy # 20520 Pausche noted that this roll is actually lower than the amounts in 2019 and that much of this gets paid by the November 15, 2020 deadline in order to avoid assessment to taxes. Mayor Salazar opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. and upon receiving no comments, closed the public hearing at 7:26 p.m. MOTION by Bergquist, seconded by Pugh, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-99: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR DELINQUENT MUNICIPAL UTILITY BILLS AND CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 5% INTEREST - LEVY #20520 B. Action on Resolution Adopting Assessment for Miscellaneous Expenses and Certifying to the County Auditor at 5% Interest — Levy #20521 Pausche noted that there was only one minor miscellaneous abatement eligible for assessment to taxes. Mayor Salazar opened the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. and upon receiving no comment, closed the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-100: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES AND CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 5% INTEREST - LEVY # 20521 C. Action on Resolution Adopting Assessment for 2019 Street & Utility Improvement Project — Sherwood Rd, City Project No. PW -19-01, Levy #20522 Simmons did a brief presentation of the information included in the packet, including the fact that this project was repackaged multiple times to receive more favorable bids and outcomes. Simmons said this was the only one of three proposed cul-de-sacs to be totally improved. Simmons noted a Bolton & Menk engineer is in the lobby to address any completion of work issues. Simmons said the hearing is part of MSS Chapter 429 process to allow for special assessments based on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) for residential parcels where all are charged the same amount regardless of linear frontage. Discussion ensued on how the utility funds contributed to the reconstruction of the street resulting in a street reconstruction with utility improvements resulting in lower assessments than a street -only project. -2198- Mound City Council Minutes — October 13, 2020 Mayor Salazar opened the public hearing at 7:41 p.m. and upon receiving no comment, closed the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. MOTION by Bergquist, seconded by Velsor, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-101: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR 2019 STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT —SHERWOOD DRIVE CITY PROJECT NO. PW -19-01 LEVY # 20522 8. Ian Johnson requesting approval refurbishment of the Information Sign at the Surfside Boat Launch as his Eagle Scout Project Hoversten said Johnson contacted him months ago for ideas on what could be done to refurbish the invasive species informational sign at the Surfside Park boat launch, noting as an existing sign, no additional sign permits would be needed. Ian Johnson, 4763 Island View Drive, said he is a pursing his Eagle Scout designation, noting his family recently moved to Mound and that he has fallen in love with Surfside Park & Beach. Johnson did a presentation of pictures taken with his drone and outlined his suggested updates to the existing sign in order to complement the Surfside Park & Beach sign. Johnson said the redesign will be a more efficient use of space with 40 SF in an 8'X 5' sign. Johnson noted that the footings are adequate so there is no need for additional sign approvals. Johnson said a small space will remain at the bottom if additional information needs to be added in the future. Johnson gave a price estimate of $620 noting he plans to raise the funds privately at no cost to the city. Johnson said he will do simple landscape that could be added to. Johnson gave a project schedule with an anticipated projected completion in November. MOTION by Salazar to authorize Johnson to proceed with the Surfside sign renovation. All voted in favor. motion carried. 9. City Engineer Brian Simmons requesting action to approve Resolution Accepting Bid for 2020 Retaining Wall Improvements, City Project PW -20-02 and awarding contract in the amount of $115,823.00 to Sunram Construction for the same Simmons said coordination is going well with the property owner and that after receiving a lot of interest from contractors, two bids were submitted with the low bid within 5% of the engineers estimate. Simmons said the wall is located at the corner of Sulgrove and Tuxedo. Simmons confirmed this will be a big block retaining wall. Simmons noted the wall will be completed by end of November. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Bergquist, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-102: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR 2020 RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. PW -20-02 10. City Engineer Brian Simmons requesting discussion and action on the following: Simmons noted this would be a preliminary design and topographic survey to determine the extent of the cost and scope to be reviewed in January, 2021. -2199- Mound City Council Minutes — October 13, 2020 A. Resolution ordering preparation of report on lift station improvement project for 2021 MOTION by Bergquist, seconded by Pugh, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-103: RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR 2021 B. Resolution ordering preparation of report on 2021 watermain improvement project — Lynwood West Simmons noted that this is the same exercise to do a preliminary evaluation to determine the cost and scope of this segment of Lynwood Blvd, which has been broken down into three segments. MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-104: RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON 2021 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT PROEJCT — LYNWOOD WEST 11. Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services, reporting on the results of the 2020 bond sale and requesting action on resolution providing for the issuance and sale of $8,915,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2020A, pledging for the security thereof special assessments, net revenues, and levying a tax for the payment thereof Pausche said the Council approved the sale of bonds at the September 8, 2020 regular meeting to finance sewer improvements to be repaid by the levy, a fire pumper truck, and refunding of 2011 B bonds for interest rate savings. Pausche said Standard & Poors upheld the AA Stable rating, noting 5 bids were received with the lowest bidder Piper Sandler out of Minneapolis. Pausche said the true interest cost on the bonds is 1.090 percent and the par amount was reduced by $445K due to a premium bid and unused discount. Pausche noted the refunding portion will save approximately $35K per year in interest and the action tonight is to award the bonds to Piper Sandler. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to adopt the following resolution as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 20-105: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $8,470,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2020A, PLEDGING FOR THE SECUITY THEREOF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, NET REVENUES, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF 12. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Hoversten noted meetings in PAC will continue through November 17th and Staff is still working on where meetings will take place thereafter. -2200- Mound City Council Minutes — October 13, 2020 Hoversten noted city hall closings for the holidays in November and December, cancellation of the December 22 meeting, and early absentee voting continues at City Hall through November 2. Velsor asked about intersection of CR 44 & 110 and the ongoing issues with traffic control. Hoversten said he has recommended making it into a 4 -way stop and the County refused so he requested evaluation of right of way clearance. Velsor said he does not understand the County's resistance. Hoversten said the dominant turn is CR 110 left on CR 44 because it is unprotected. Larson noted that this is the accident she noted earlier and said there was also a motor cycle issue the week before. Hoversten said unfortunately the County seems to rely on warrant volumes. Simmons said if it does not meet the warrant threshold than it is most effective for public officials to bring political pressure to bear. Simmons is going to bring something to October 27 meeting on solutions for the trail crossing on Lynwood Blvd. Hoversten said the County has requested the City conduct the study in which BMI propose the scope of changes. Salazar noted CR 44 and 110 is poorly lit and wondered if that area could be studied as well. Simmons said the lowest cost is to make it a 4 way stop and that should only require a resolution. An informal poll by the council directed Staff to prepare a resolution for the next meeting. Salazar said our primary function in government is the health, safety and welfare of our citizens so it is frustrating to meet road blocks. B. Reports: Finance — August YTD Liquor Store - September C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: Mound Press Release — Commission Vacancies 13. Adjourn MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Bergquist, to adjourn at 8:23 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar -2201- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 20 - RESOLUTION REQUESTING STUDY AND IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC SAFETY AT HENNEPIN COUNTY ROADS 44 AND 110 INTERSECTION IN MOUND WHEREAS, Hennepin County has jurisdictional authority and responsibility over various roads and routes throughout the County under both State Statutes and County Ordinances; and WHEREAS, County State Aid Highways (CSAH) 110 and 44 fall under Hennepin County jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County holds responsibility for the safety and configuration of these roadways; and WHEREAS, recent events reflect a perceived increase in motor vehicle accident and "near miss" activity at the intersection of CSAHs 110 and 44 on the western side of Mound; and WHEREAS, "near miss" and poor maneuver coordination have been frequent reasons for resident complaints about the intersection of CSAHs 110 and 44 to Mound City Council and Staff members; and WHEREAS, unabated, Mound City Council and Staff anticipates accident, "near miss", poor traffic maneuver coordination to continue at the intersection of CSAHs 110 and 44 placing residents at undue risk; and WHEREAS, The Staff and City Council of the City of Mound recognize an obligation to the safety of the residents of our City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby requests Hennepin County conduct traffic safety analysis at the intersection of CSAHs 110 and 44 in Mound MN. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Hennepin County provide its report of findings and recommended corrective actions to the City of Mound upon prompt completion Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of October, 2020 Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -2202- Mayor Raymond J. Salazar EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Rita Trapp, Consulting Planner DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Variance Request APPLICANT: Wausau Homes Anoka on behalf of owners, KA & JE Clark LOCATION: 3325 Warner Lane (PID 25-11]-24-21-0126) MEETING DATE: October 27, 2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential ZONING: R-1 Single- Family Residential Summary The applicant, Wausau Homes Anoka, on behalf of the property owners, KA and JE Clark, has submitted an application for a variance to build anew home within the bluff/bluff setback on an existing shoreland lot on the west side of Warner Lane. This lot has been owned by the property to the north and has been used as an accessory lot to access a water oriented accessory structure. The applicant is proposing a two-story, three-bedroom home with a walk out and two car garage. While the 13,642 square foot shoreland lot is larger than the minimum required for the R-1 zoning district, the property is impacted by a number of existing conditions. The propenVs width is 50 feet, which is narrower than the zoning minimum of 60 feet in the R-1 district. A significant portion of the property is within a bluff, with grades up to 53% in some places. The bluff in this area has already been historically impacted, including with retaining walls, fencing, steps, a shed, and a water oriented accessory structure. Taking into consideration the location of the bluff line, the bluff setback, and the front yard setback, the amount of buildable space on this lot of record is very limited and could not be achieved without some sort of variance. The applicant has proposed anew home on the property that meets all setback standards except for setback from the top of bluff, as the proposed structure is within the bluff zone. 2203- Planning Commission Review and Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the variance request at their October 6th meeting. Draft minutes have been prepared for your review. There were no members of the public in attendance at the meeting. Planning Commissioners questioned why the home was not moved toward the street. The applicant noted that moving the house would not eliminate the need for a bluff/bluff setback variance and just result in the need for a front yard setback variance as well. It was felt that minimizing the variance to just the bluff setback was most appropriate. Planning Commissioners also expressed concern about the structures extending from adjacent parcels onto the property. Staff noted that while the City discourages these encumbrances, it is a private matter that cannot be conditioned as part of the project. Planning Commissioners expressed concern about whether the walk -out terrace shown on the rear of the home was required to be setback from the side lot line and asked that Staff review the proposed plans in preparation for City Council consideration. Staff's determination is that the terrace is part of the overall platform created by the retaining walls and not a separate structure subject to setback standards. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the variance with the conditions and findings as proposed by Staff. Notification Neighboring property owners of the subject site, per Hennepin County tax records, were mailed a letter on October 21't to inform them of the City Council's consideration of the application at its October 27, 2020 meeting and that the request was being included on the Consent Agenda. Recommendation Given Staff and the Planning Commission recommendation for approval, the attached resolution has been prepared for your consideration. Additional Information • As provided for by Minnesota Statute Section 15.99, the City of Mound, on October 16, 2020, executed an extension on its 60 -day review timeframe for action on the variance application. The City's new deadline for action on the variance application is December 17, 2020. -2204- RESOLUTION NO. 20 - RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE FOR PROPERTY AT 3325 WARNER LANE PLANNING CASE NO. 20-18 PID NO. 25-117-24-21-0126 WHEREAS, the applicant, Wausau Homes Anoka, on behalf of the property owners, KA and JE Clark, submitted a request for a variance to build a new house in the bluff/bluff setback at the existing parcel of 3325 Warner Lane; and WHEREAS, the shoreland property is located in the R-1 single-family residential zoning district; and WHEREAS, the 13,642 square foot property is a residential lot that has previously been used in conjunction with the adjacent lot; and WHEREAS, the existing parcel has a water -oriented accessory structure and other accessory structures, but no primary structure; and WHEREAS, the property's width of 50 feet is less than R-1 requirements, but matches the lot width of other properties in the area; and WHEREAS, a significant portion of the property is within a bluff, with grades up to 53% in some places; the property's bluff has been historically impacted with retaining walls, fencing, steps, a shed, and a water oriented accessory structure; and WHEREAS, to construct the home a platform for the home will be built using retaining walls. This retaining wall structure will also create an area for a walkway on the north side of the home and a terrace area on the rear; and WHEREAS, the location of the bluff line, the bluff setback, and the front yard setback, limit the amount of buildable space on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed new home meets all standard setbacks except for the setback from the top of the bluff, which the applicant is requesting a variance from the ten foot bluff setback requirement; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances which is provided below: -2205- (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be granted, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of the owner's land. No use variances may be granted. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and WHEREAS, according to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: and Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. -2206- WHEREAS, details regarding the requested variance for the proposed project are contained in the Executive Summary Report for the October 27, 2020 City Council meeting, the Planning Report the October 6, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the variance subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the variance request was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its October 6, 2020 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended Council approval of the variance as recommended by Staff; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the variance request at its October 27, 2020 meeting and determined that approval would allow the property to be used in a reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, the City Council's decision on the variance application was made within the timelines included in Minnesota Statutes 15.99; and WHEREAS, in granting approval of the variance, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-39 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. It is reasonable for a residential structure to be built on a lot of record, and given the challenging topography and the setbacks from the street, the property owner is limited on where they can build a structure. 4. The location of the top -of -bluff on the property means that any building on this lot of record would interfere with the bluff setback. -2207- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above and approve a variance for the property at 3325 Warner Lane, as described on the attached Exhibit A, to allow construction of a new home within the bluff/bluff setback with the following conditions: Structural plans for any retaining walls on the property shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager/Public Works Director. 2. Stormwater management plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager/Public Works Director. 3. All utility connections are solely the responsibility of the private owner and will remain under the private ownership of the property. Extension of municipal utilities is neither implied or expressed in any approval of the variance. 4. No future approvals of any changes or improvements to the water oriented accessory structure is included as part of this action. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 6. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action. 7. Applicant shall provide all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 8. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 10. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided unless an escrow of sufficient amount is on file with the City. The applicant may also direct the City to record the resolution with the fees to be taken out of the escrow. -2208- 11. Applicant is directed to contact the MCWD related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control, shoreline stabilization and other regulations that may apply and require permitting to undertake the proposed project. Evidence from the MCWD in the form of a permit or waiver must be provided before release of any future building permit. Adopted by the City Council this 27th of October, 2020. Attest: Catherine Pausche. Clerk Mayor Raymond J. Salazar -2209- Exhibit A -2210- MINUTES - DRAFT MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 6, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair David Goode called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm ROLL CALL Members Present: Sue Pilling, Jake Saystrom, Vice Chair David Goode, Jason Baker, Sherrie Pugh, Drew Heal, John Ciatti. Staff Present: Rita Trapp, Secretary Jen Holmquist. Members of the Public Present: Ben Zeckmeister and Tom Ososki (Wausau Homes Anoka). 1999:Z911/90]yJila:11llLI[e1eChaL11179 MOTION by Saystrom to approve the agenda as written; seconded by Heal. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ciatti to approve the September 1, 2020 meeting minutes to include correction of the typo on page one as written; seconded by Baker. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Saystrom to approve the September 15, 2020 meeting as written; seconded by Baker. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS Planning Case No. 20-18 Variance for new house construction on existing parcel 3325 Warner Lane in bluff/bluff setback Applicant: Wausau Homes Anoka Owners: KA & JE Clark Trapp outlined the application for a variance to allow construction of a new home in the bluff/bluff setback area of the Shoreland lot. The proposal is for a 2 -story, 3 -bedroom with a walk out and a 2 -car garage. The property is 13,000 square feet but only 50 feet wide which is smaller than required for this type of lot but is typical for the lots in this neighborhood. A significant amount of the property is on the bluff. The bluff is part of three properties owned by the same owner. Each property is individually platted. The property has already been impacted by previous development and use of the site. Improvements already on the property include retaining walls, fencing, a shed, a concrete area, some steps and a water oriented structure. The house will be nearer to the street than other houses to the north and south. Retaining walls will be needed to accommodate the proposed design. Retaining walls have been reviewed by the City Engineer and Public Works Director to make sure they are comfortable with the construction of a home inside the bluff area and relative to the retaining walls. Applicant has tried to minimize the impact. The only variance requested is for the bluff setback. Without a setback variance, the land will be undevelopable. There are examples of other homes in the area that are set on the bluffs. Trapp noted that no consulting agencies had any comments. Because this area has been impacted by construction in the bluff in the past, the city is recommending approval of the setback variance. Specific conditions to this property are that the structural plans will need to be reviewed and approved by the City Manager/PubMorks Director. Also storm water management plans will be reviewed. Utility construction is the property owner responsibility and will remain under the ownership of the current owner. Extension of the public utilities will need to be addressed with future building permit applications. Saystrom asked about a line drawn on the survey. Trapp does not know. She suggests that is a good question for the applicant or owner. Saystrom asked if this is the right time to consider requiring the applicant to address the existing structures that cross onto the property. Trapp stated that these are a private matter and the owner will have to figure that out. Trapp explained the city can't put a condition on the project that is not related to the application. Saystrom asked about the grade where this applicant is proposing to build. He noted this appears to be steeper than surrounding properties. Trapp agreed that this is a more significant slope than adjacent properties . Saystrom wondered if there is a precedent for this. Trapp says historically in Mound there has been construction in these types of areas. She also noted that many other sites in the area have a flat spots where a house can be constructed. However, that is not the case here. This is why staff took the time to consult with the City Engineer and Public Works to confirm that they do not have issues with the proposed bluff construction. Trapp noted that if this variance is not granted then the lot can't be built upon. Ciatti asked if the bluff setback has changed since the owners owned the property. Trapp noted this setback is required by DNR. It is hard to answer the question as she is unsure when the DNR set this requirement nor is she aware when the owners purchased the property. Baker asked if the walk up terrace is 0.73 feet from the property line. Trapp confirmed that the terrace is being treated as part of the structure and not as a separate structure subject to a setback. Goode asked if the commission can approve the variance with a condition that the terrace needs to be reviewed. Trapp noted her preference was to approve the request as presented. She explained that this is not a typical yard structure. It is part of the retaining wall. They are proposing a fence to eliminate the risk of falling off the retaining wall. Because we are dealing with such steep slopes, it is difficult to have a typical yard. Trapp said it is something that city staff will have to take a closer look at and make a determination. If it is determined that additional review is needed, it can be brought back to the Planning Commission. Pilling noted that the entire home could be moved forward on the lot. Trapp explained that if they move the placement of the home forward this would create the need for a front yard variance, rather than a variance to build in the bluff. The bluff variance will be needed regardless, and as proposed, causes the need for only one variance. Pilling asked what materials will be used. Trapp says the question is for the applicant but that the impervious calculations work. Goode asked if there are any further questions. Hearing none, Goode asked if the representatives are here. Ben Zeckmeister, 2850 Cutters Grove Avenue, Anoka stated he was present for Wausau Homes Anoka. He is the licensed builder working with the property owner. He says he can't speak on the site elevations and refers to Tom Ososki who designed the site plan. Mr. Ososki said the line Saystrom asked about earlier, is a revision bubble and addressed the elevation question on the retaining wall. From the north, the large retaining wall is needed because a sloped driveway is adjacent to it. The retaining wall steps down as the slope goes down. The idea is to turn a corner and make an "L" shape to provide a platform to build the house on so the footings don't have to go so deep. Other options can be looked at if it is determined that this design is not allowed. Ciatti asked if the retaining wall will need to be back filled in order to obtain this. Tom confirmed materials will need to be brought in for backfill. Ciatti asked if there are architectural reasons for the house being placed as it is. Tom says the closer it is to the lake, it would be further into the bluff. Moving it closer to the road would leave little room for the driveway. It was also noted that moving the design will not eliminate the need for a bluff variance in addition to any other setback variances. Tom stated it's a 19 foot drop from the top to the driveway. -2212- Saystrom noted recent discussions with nuisance and said he sees property turnover as a chance to remove non-conformance and he hopes we can use this process as a chance to address these types of issues. Trapf explained that you can't set unrelated conditions that don't pertain to the current application. Trapp stated that if the owner was creating something new that would extend on adjacent properties or if an access was needed from an adjacent property, it would be a different discussion. MOTION by Baker to recommend that the City Council approve the bluff setback variance for this site subject to the staff recommendations 1-11 and findings of fact 1-4, seconded by Saystrom. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ciatti to cancel the October 20, 2020 special meeting due to lack of business. Seconded by Heal, MOTION carries unanimously. As part of Council updates, Pugh noted that the budget passed and that there is a plan to develop a commission to take up future development issues. Pilling asked who the new commission will report to. Pugh says the commission will be comprised of residents and city council members. It will make recommendations to the City Council, similar to the Planning Commission. MOTION by Ciatti to adjourn at 7:44 p.m., Seconded by Heal. MOTION carried unanimously. -2213- Variance Request for 3325 Warner Lane PLANNING COMMISSION — OCTOBER 5, 2020 Overview • Applicant is requesting a variance to allow the construction of a new home within the bluff/bluff setback of the existing shoreland lot • Proposing a two-story, three- bedroom home with a walk out and two -car garage 10/21/2020 -2214- 1 (\ ' EAST ELEVATIOSMIeN 1/4"= T -0'(33X]4) Site Characteristics • Property is more than 13,000 square feet • Property is only 50 feet wide • Significant portion of property in bluff • Bluff previously impacted on this site with retaining walls, fencing, shed, steps, and water oriented accessory structure 10/21/2020 (1/ WEST ELEVATION `/ Sm(e-1/H'=1'-0'(11X1)) 34) -2215- Analysis • Meets all setbacks except for construction within a bluff/bluff setback • Without setback variance applicant unable to construct a home • Existing shed, concrete pad and retaining wall to be removed 10/21/2020 -2216- 3 Analysis • Retaining walls and rain garden proposed will require review and approval of Building Official and City Manager/ Public Works Director Recommendation 10/21/2020 PROMSEO IMPUonOUS SURP EDE L Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the bluff setback variance. Conditions unique to request: 1. Structural plans for any retaining walls on the property shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager/Public Works Director. 2. Stormwater management plans shall be reviewed and approved bythe City Manager/Public Works Director. 3. All utility connections are solely the responsibility of the private owner and will remain under the private ownership of the property. Extension of municipal utilities is neither implied or expressed in any approval of the variance. 4. No future approvals of any changes or improvements to the water oriented accessory structure is included as part ofthis action. -2217- Findings 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-39 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. It is reasonable for a residential structure to be built on a lot of record, and given the challenging topography and the setbacks from the street, the property owner is limited on where they can build a structure. 4. The location of the top -of -bluff on the property means that any building on this lot of record would interfere with the bluff setback. -2218- 10/21/2020 5 rAL pirvoFmoomn ©a PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Rita Trapp and Laura Chamberlain, Planning Consultants Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: October 1, 2020 PLANNING CASE NO. 20-18 Variance Application APPUCANT: Wausau Homes Anoka OWNERS: KA&JE Clark LOCATION: 3325 Warner Lane (PID 25-11]-24-21-0126) MEETING DATE: October 6, 2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential ZONING: R-1 SingleFamilyResidential BACKGROUND The applicant, Keith Clark, has submitted an application for a variance to build a new home within the bluff/bluff setback on an existing shoreland lot on the west side of Warner Lane. The existing lot, totaling 13,642 square feet, is a residential lot that has previously been used in conjunction with the adjacent lot. The applicant, who also owns the adjacent parcel to the north, appears to have used it as an accessory lot to access a water oriented accessory structure and now wants to develop the lotwith its own residence. The applicant is proposing a two-story, three-bedroom home with a walk out and two car garage. REVIEW PROCEDURE Variance City Code Section 129-39 (a) states that a variance may be granted to provide relief to a landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulty for the property owner. In evaluating the variance the City Council must consider whether: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or -2219- buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. According to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. 60 -DAY PROCESS Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for the purpose of application of the 60 -day rule. The "Day 1" was determined to be August 20, 2020. NOTIFICATION Property owners abutting the subject site, per Hennepin County tax records, were mailed a letter on September 30, 2020 to inform them of the Planning Commission's review of the application at its October 5, 2020 meeting. SITE INFORMATION The applicant currently owns three platted lots on Warner Lane and is seeking to construct a new home on the southernmost parcel. Currently the applicant's home is located on the lot immediately to the north of the proposed new home lot. While the shoreland lot is larger than the minimum required for the R-1 zoning district, the property is impacted by a number of existing conditions. The property's width is 50 feet, which is narrower than the zoning minimum -2220- of 60 feet in the R-1 district; of note, however, surrounding properties in the area also have a 50 feet width and have been developed. A significant portion of the property is within a bluff, with grades up to 53% in some places. The bluff in this area has already been historically impacted, including with retaining walls, fencing, steps, a shed, and a water oriented accessory structure. Taking into consideration the location of the bluff line, the bluff setback, and the front yard setback, the amount of buildable space on this lot of record is very limited and could not be achieved without some sort of variance. The applicant has proposed a new home on the property that meets all setback standards except for setback from the top of bluff, as the proposed structure is within the bluff zone. Due to the lot limitations, the applicant is requesting a variance from the 10 foot bluff setback requirement. Requirements R-1 Requirements Proposed Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. 13,642 sq. ft (existing) Lot Width 60 feet 50.54 feet (existing) Front Yard (E) 30 feet 30 feet Side Yard (N) 6feet 9.0 feet Side Yard (S) 10 feet 10.1 feet Lakeshore (W) 50 feet 169+ feet Bluff 10 feet 0 feet Hardcover 40% (5,456 sq. ft.) 27.6% (3,768 STAFF/CONSULTANT/AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to involved City Departments and affected public agencies for review and comment. Staff did not receive any concerns to date about the proposed variance. DISCUSSION • The plans for the proposed structure have placed the home as close to the top of the bluff as it could be while still maintaining front and side yard setback standards for the R-1 district. Without the variance the applicant would not be able to construct a home on the existing lot of record. • The image on the next page shows the 2 -foot contours in the project's vicinity. Staff notes that building in the bluffs has occurred historically throughout the City and that this property has already impacted the bluff through previous site development activities. • The plans show that the existing shed, concrete pad, and retaining wall will be removed as part of the proposed project. • The applicant has provided the City with plans for a retaining wall along the northern side yard to facilitate the building of the structure on the bluff. Structural evaluation and -2221- approval of these plans will be required by the Building Official and City Manager/Public Works Director. • The applicant is not proposing any changesto the existing water -oriented accessory structure on the property. It should be noted that anyfuture changesto this structure will require its own application with the City. • The applicant has shown a rain garden in the front yard of the site. The applicant is advised that stormwater management for the site will need to be approved by the City Manager/Public Works Director. • The adjacent propertyto the north has a driveway and wood retaining wallsthat cross the boundary. The applicant is advised that an access easement between the two properties will be required. • The adjacent propertyto the south has a stair/walkwayto the lake that also encumbers the property. The applicant is advised that an access easement should be obtained. • The applicant has indicated that the proposed home will be 33.6 feet in height. This will be confirmed as part of the building permit process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the bluff setback variance for this site subject to the following conditions: 2222- 1. Structural plans for any retaining walls on the property shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager/Public Works Director. 2. Stormwater management plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager/Public Works Director. 3. All utility connections are solely the responsibility of the private owner and will remain under the private ownership of the property. Extension of municipal utilities is neither implied or expressed in any approval of the variance. 4. No future approvals of any changes or improvements to the water oriented accessory structure is included as part of this action. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 6. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action. 7. Applicant shall provide all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 8. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 10. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided unless an escrow of sufficient amount is on file with the City. The applicant may also direct the City to record the resolution with the fees to be taken out of the escrow. 11. Applicant is directed to contact the MCWD related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control, shoreline stabilization and other regulations that may apply and require permitting to undertake the proposed project. Evidence from the MCWD in the form of a permit or waiver must be provided before release of any future building permit. -2223- In recommending Staff approval of the variance, the following findings of fact are offered: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-39 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. It is reasonable for a residential structure to be built on a lot of record, and given the challenging topography and the setbacks from the street, the property owner is limited on where they can build a structure. 4. The location of the top -of -bluff on the property means that any building on this lot of record would interfere with the bluff setback. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission, it will be forwarded to the City Council for action at an upcoming meeting. At this time, the possible meeting date is October 13, 2020. The alternate meeting date would be October 27, 2020. -2224- RETAINING WALL. DECK FRAMING SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY vv v ACTUAL FRAMING DETERMINED BY OTHERS 1. THIS DRAWING IS TO PROVIDE THE MASON OR OTHER RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR WITH THE PROPER FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS. IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE FOUNDATION IS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. HEIGHT OF FOUNDATION AND COLUMN SPACING AS SHOWN ARE CRITICAL. IF CHANGES ARE MADE, THEY MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 3. ALL FOUNDATION FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4'-0" BELOW GRADE (DEPENDING ON LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS). 4. VENTING AREA OF BASEMENT WINDOWS SHALL BE 1% OF THE BASEMENT FLOOR AREA (2% FOR BOCA CODES). COMBUSTION AIR FOR HEATING EQUIPMENT AND FOUNDATION INSULATION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES, 5. FOR CRAWLSPACE FOUNDATIONS, THE MASON CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN 18" x 24" ACCESS TO THE CRAWLSPACE AND VENTILATION AT THE RATE OF 1/150 OF THE CRAWLSPACE AREA. COVER CRAWLSPACE WITH 6 MIL. POLY FILM. - 2225 - FOUNDATION / LOWER LEVEL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) Finished Square Footage: 672 SF T-0 SUPERIOR WALL HEIGHT Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers or Beams sized by Supplier A( NORTH V i ZZ � L G 0 Ln (N M L M M� W DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-1 V C O1 E 0 x M 0 N h0 O u v N 6 I W N 0x 0 v ai o E Y O U x 7 � O N N bA C OJ E N O c t 6 N ❑ CO cuc N o o c a O u U L U0 N c 4-5 O Q cii v V L U V f6 L 0 m c N � L N x 0 O a)op E .3 x � n3 0 c � a o aj 0 a, c 0 a, U N 7 OJ T E `~- - 0 � o E u C U 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > iJ O Q a) v � 72 ti4 Q iZ -0 o O U y o N � 7 N X OJ to U � c � N Q) .� E a, o m CL � ti4 m T 0 0 U v ai � N cuX cu ai Q) 0 CL v co c .3 Q cu E 0 U v> 0a Mo Q) a > M Ol 0 t NOLn L Ln Ln (�Rt Z3 m = N N =3� c� M � NU O Z5 C) c Ln a ^``W n M w N a% E U v N SL5 9] YCLry CL UJ 45 IZU DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-1 V C O1 E 0 x M 0 N h0 O u v N 6 I W N 0x 0 v ai o E Y O U x 7 � O N N bA C OJ E N O c t 6 N ❑ CO cuc N o o c a O u U L U0 N c 4-5 O Q cii v V L U V f6 L 0 m c N � L N x 0 O a)op E .3 x � n3 0 c � a o aj 0 a, c 0 a, U N 7 OJ T E `~- - 0 � o E u C U 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > iJ O Q a) v � 72 ti4 Q iZ -0 o O U y o N � 7 N X OJ to U � c � N Q) .� E a, o m CL � ti4 m T 0 0 U v ai � N cuX cu ai Q) 0 CL v co c .3 Q cu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�j IST FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) Floor Square Footage: 1058 Garage Square Footage: 506 9'-11/8" Wall Heights (u.n.o.) 94-7/8" Header Height (u.n.o.) Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers sized by Supplier - 2226 - NORTH c L O _O LL N LL J ZZ L G Q� L � 0 Lr) N M M DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-2 V C N Ca) E O (6 N .E ti4 0 U a N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 (6 = 7 � O N T � N bA C E N O c t 6 N ❑ GO cuO N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) V L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 S � � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v T — 0 � o E cu ai C CJ 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > > i) O O. Q ns C cn a a -o 0 0 U y, > O N � 7 N X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 :� �o 3 T 0 U v a, � N cuX ate+ a) U 0 CL a, Mo M .3 n3 Q a, E O U >E 0 a M N a) o a > M Ol O t NOLn L Ln Z3 m E(� = N N If r M �J :3 -�e N U O Z5 C) Ln a W V) M w N a% E I/ U N N FYS 4S 49 CL x-4.1 isi z`_ - DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-2 V C N Ca) E O (6 N .E ti4 0 U a N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 (6 = 7 � O N T � N bA C E N O c t 6 N ❑ GO cuO N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) V L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 S � � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v T — 0 � o E cu ai C CJ 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > > i) O O. Q ns C cn a a -o 0 0 U y, > O N � 7 N X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 :� �o 3 T 0 U v a, � N cuX ate+ a) U 0 CL a, Mo M .3 n3 Q a, ZD SL6048L FX3616 SL4842L FX4824 FX4824 FX4824 60'-0" - 2227 - 2ND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (2204) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) Floor Square Footage: 1016 8'-11/8" Wall Heights 82-7/8" Header Height Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers sized by Supplier NORTH L E 0 =30 N LL U 0 U L fB > DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-3 V C N Ca) E O (6 7 N ti4 0 aUi N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 U = 7 � O N T � N bA C N O c t 6 N ❑. GO c O N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) U L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v O T — 0 � o i E cu ai C U 0 v o -0 a v 0 CL Q ns C m � � a 0_-0 o O U y, o N � 7 a, X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 ns � 0 U v v � N cuX cu — a) u 0 L a) MoM .3 n3 Q a, E 0 U >E 0 a Mo N a) a > M Ol 0 t NOLn L Ln Z3 m E(� = N N If N U O Z5 C) ro Ln a W V) M w N Z E U N N 4s 4s 4s CL x-4.1 cis DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-3 V C N Ca) E O (6 7 N ti4 0 aUi N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 U = 7 � O N T � N bA C N O c t 6 N ❑. GO c O N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) U L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v O T — 0 � o i E cu ai C U 0 v o -0 a v 0 CL Q ns C m � � a 0_-0 o O U y, o N � 7 a, X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 ns � 0 U v v � N cuX cu — a) u 0 L a) MoM .3 n3 Q a, T.O. WALL - 1,000.8' T.O. SUBFLR - 992.7 mri T.O. SUBFLR - 982.0' t .a a .t . 4.1 NOTE: SEE SHEET A6 FOR HOUSE ELEVATIONS AND TYPICAL EXTERIOR MATERIALS. IN EAST ELEVATION 1 Scale - 1/ 8" = 1'-0"11X17 ( ) 114" = Y-0" (22X34) - 2228 - WEST ELEVATION 2 Scale - 118" = 1'-0"11X17 ( ) 114" = 1'-0" (22X34) DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: LA -4j v E O 2 N bA O U a) � N C d4 (6 � c cu 2 3 aj v o E Y O U 2 7 � O N N bA C a) E N O -r— CL - O Eb � c O O C O U U L N y, � N C O 1 O Q U a) a) U L U V f6 L 0 Co C: N � � L a) s 2 0 O a) E .E 2 3: n3 � c � ns � a o cii C: a) U =3 �o a, — 0 � o -0v C U 7 � _0 _0 N O -0 O O Q � a) � r ti4 Q T L O. -O O O U y, >o N � 7 N X � a) U � C N N � E a, O m GD 3 T ns O_ O U v v � N 6U cu u a) 0 Q 3 Q Qj a, E O U O V) +� 0 cB +� E(� = N N U _N W Q +" Q N Q N U 076 C Lu / DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: LA -4j v E O 2 N bA O U a) � N C d4 (6 � c cu 2 3 aj v o E Y O U 2 7 � O N N bA C a) E N O -r— CL - O Eb � c O O C O U U L N y, � N C O 1 O Q U a) a) U L U V f6 L 0 Co C: N � � L a) s 2 0 O a) E .E 2 3: n3 � c � ns � a o cii C: a) U =3 �o a, — 0 � o -0v C U 7 � _0 _0 N O -0 O O Q � a) � r ti4 Q T L O. -O O O U y, >o N � 7 N X � a) U � C N N � E a, O m GD 3 T ns O_ O U v v � N 6U cu u a) 0 Q 3 Q Qj a, E O U > 0a O mO V) O 01 Q > M0 O t Ln v 'n `n Z3 N E(� = N N N U O ��`` O m Ln W ^i--) 00 N a) E U v N Cu •=d c DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: LA -4j v E O 2 N bA O U a) � N C d4 (6 � c cu 2 3 aj v o E Y O U 2 7 � O N N bA C a) E N O -r— CL - O Eb � c O O C O U U L N y, � N C O 1 O Q U a) a) U L U V f6 L 0 Co C: N � � L a) s 2 0 O a) E .E 2 3: n3 � c � ns � a o cii C: a) U =3 �o a, — 0 � o -0v C U 7 � _0 _0 N O -0 O O Q � a) � r ti4 Q T L O. -O O O U y, >o N � 7 N X � a) U � C N N � E a, O m GD 3 T ns O_ O U v v � N 6U cu u a) 0 Q 3 Q Qj a, NOTE: SEE SHEET A6 FOR HOUSE ELEVATIONS AND TYPICAL EXTERIOR MATERIALS. SOUTH ELEVATION 1 Scale - 118" = 1'-0" 11X17 114" = 1-0 (22X34) - 2229 - C O +_1 m E O U N > o a m C: a, 0 0 a > m rn _I_- Ln z3 o Ul N M E QD _ Q) N N o k Z3 o a: a N 00 Z fV U aJ N DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-!jj v v E 0 2 D ru ruv N 40 O v � N C v � N -6 r9 N 2 N O Q c E Y 0 u 2 7 73 O N Z5 Vm �v E n O O L � Q1 v O L � o � O0 u U U L E o Q U N 4 U t U + >. 0 Co C ui up L � N � v � L � Y 2 0 v 2 rp Z� ru 7N m� Q oN vv U �+ -o v �T E m o E v U OC U =5 � O N � Q > v 0 Q� L �p �Q Q -o O o U y > O N C: v U i1 X UD N m U C rp Q N v E Q O L 7 L ro h0 >m T O U v � Q cu Q) Q) L Ur— 1 tKMINt UL)NNr—U I IUNJ Lit 1 WttN NtW Kt I AININU WALL AND EXISTING RETAINING WALLS TO THE NORTH. NORTH ELEVATION 1 Scale - 118" = 1'-0"11X17 ( ) 114" = 1'-0" (22X34) — 2230 — C O f0 LU i--1 L O Z DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-6 0 ao CU E v� 0 0 c a O u C O O Q U Cu N T E — 0 o E Cu -0 v �v 6 U N E O U > O MO N Q) a > M Ol O t V) ,n `n :t N E = N N =3� c� M �J � NU O �^`` r, D C) C:W a 4' � mLn M 00Z N E U N 45 F� Y Ca CmN DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-6 0 ao CU E v� 0 0 c a O u C O O Q U Cu N T E — 0 o E Cu -0 v �v 6 U N BIG BLOCK OR C.I.P. - CONCRETE RETAINING WALL. BY OTHERS. METAL ROOF 2'-0" TYP ROOF CONSTRUCTION: - ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES - 15LB FELT - 112" OSB SHEATHING W/CLIPS - ODE ROOF EDGE ROOF TRUSSES BY OTHERS GIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERS FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: - 23/32" OSB TErg=G SHEATHING - 18" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 16" 0. C. - R-19 FIBERGLASS BATT OR 3' SPRAY FOAM SILL INSULATION 18' TRUSSES BATT INSULATION OR SPRAYFOAM AT RIM JOIST. TYP. CEILING CONSTRUCTION: - 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER - 5/8" SHEETROCK OR 112" NO -SAG SHEETROCK 18' TRUSSES WALL CONSTRUCTION: - 112" SHEETROCK - 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER - R-19 FIBERGLASS INSULATION - 2X6 STUDS @ 16' 0. C. - HOUSE WRAP - SIDING 18' TRUSSES BASEMENT WALL CONSTRUCTION: - 2X10 TREATED PLATE W/ANCHOR BOLTS @ 6'0. C. SLAB CONSTRUCTION: - SILL SEALER - 3 1/ 2 " POURED CONCRETE FLOOR - 10 114" SUPERIOR WALL @108" - 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER W/DAMP PROOFING - 2" RIGID INSULATION 4" COMPACTED SAND ATTIC CONSTRUCTION: - PROPER VENTS - R-50 FIBERGLASS/CELLULOS INSUL. - ENGINEERED WOOD TRUSSES @ 24" 0. C. I' BUILDING SECTION Scale -3116" 3/ 16" = 1'-0" 11X17 �I I ( ) I— 3/8" = Y-0" (22X34) - 2231 - c O ._7_ U a1 an c W DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-7 0 o O 1 C O v U L m y to N c Z-, O Q a v U t U M L 0 m v;m w� L N 2 0 O (uto E .3 � c oN c: U N ajo v -T O E cu I C U 7 -0_0 -0 Q 0 Q �Q Q_0 O o U y, > O N � 7 � X U c: C N N E a, O 7 m Q O U N N � N 6 U E O U V / 0 O a m0 V) O 01 Q > M= O v 'n `n N E = N2 N N U O ��^`` C) ,n a W +) 0 N ) E U v N w Q DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-7 0 o O 1 C O v U L m y to N c Z-, O Q a v U t U M L 0 m v;m w� L N 2 0 O (uto E .3 � c oN c: U N ajo v -T O E cu I C U 7 -0_0 -0 Q 0 Q �Q Q_0 O o U y, > O N � 7 � X U c: C N N E a, O 7 m Q O U N N � N 6 U Div lam) HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS sv— (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERTY ADDESS 3325 Warner Lane — PI D 2511]-2421-0126 OWNER'S NAME Keith Clark LOT AREA 13,642 SOFT.X30%—(for all lots) ...................... 4,092.6 LOT AREA SOFT.X40%=(for Lots of Record) ..................... 'Easing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized as outlined In zoning ordinance Section 124385 (see back). A plan mus be submitted and approval by the Building official. LENGTH WIDTH SO FT HOUSE A — 1,576 A 1,576 TOTAL HOUSE DETACHED BUILDINGS 24.1 A 87 234 (GARAGEdSHED7 A 234 TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS... 32.5 19 669 DRIVEWAY, PARKING A AREAS, SIDEWALKS, 196 ETCA — — — — — — — — _ — 554 __ 1,419 TOTAL DRIVEWAY ETC DECKS Opendecls(1/4"m A — Opening between beard) wth a pervious surface under are not A — counted as hardcover. A TOTAL DECK — — — — A — — — — 350 189_— A — — -- -- — -- 539 TOTAL OTHER TOTAL HARDCOVER/ IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 3,768 UNDER / OVER (indicate difference) _324.60 PREPARED BY Brent R Peters DATE 852020 Revised 1/10 —2232— SUMMARY OF HARDCOVER RULES Excerpts from the Mound Zoning Ordinance Section 129-2 Definitions Impervious cover means any surface impervious or resistant to the free flow of water or surface moisture. The term "impervious cover" shall include, but not be limited to, all driveways and parking areas whether paved or not, tennis courts, sidewalks, patios and swimming pools. Open decks (one -quarter -inch minimum opening between boards) shall not be counted in impervious cover calculations. Lot area, minimum, means the area of a lot in a horizontal plane bounded by the lot lines, but not including any area below the ordinary high-water level as determined by the city or department of natural resources. (The ordinary high-water level for major lakes in the city: Lake Minnetonka = 929.4; Dutch Lake = 939.2; Lake Langdon = 932.1.) Section 129-196 Requirements applicable to all residential districts (a) Lot coverage. Impervious surface coverage of lots in residential zones shall not exceed 30 percent of the lot area. On existing lots of record, impervious coverage may be permitted to up to a maximum of 40 percent consistent with the provisions identified in section 129-385(g)(2)a. Section 129-385 Zoning - Shoreland Management (2) Specific standards. a. Impervious surface coverage of lots in residential zones shall not exceed 30 percent of the lot area. On existing lots of record, impervious coverage may be permitted by a maximum of 40 percent providing that the following techniques are utilized as applicable: 1. Impervious areas should be drained to vegetated areas or grass filter strips through the use of crowns on driveways, direction of downspouts on gutters collecting water from roof areas, etc. 2. Dividing or separating impervious areas into smaller areas through the use of grass or vegetated filter strips such as the use of paving blocks separated by grass or sand allowing infiltration. 3. Use grading and construction techniques which encourage rapid infiltration such as the installation of sand or gravel sump areas to collect and percolate stormwater. 4. Install berms to temporarily detain stormwater thereby increasing soil absorption. Impervious surface coverage in lots in the business and industrial zones shall not exceed 30 percent of the lot area. In business and industrial zones that are included within areas covered by an approved stormwater management plan, impervious surface coverage shall not exceed 75 percent of the total lot area. Revised 1/10 -2233- s O r = O NGREEK WATERSHEDMINNEHAHA FLOOD WATERSHED FLOOD PLAIN=937.5 V' MOUNDOD AIN=9 PLAIN=931.0 -- MOUND HOOD PLAIN -937.0 -- MINNEHAHA CREEK l� WATERSHED HOOD 1 " = 10' 0' 10' 20' 30' 0 FOUND MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O SET MONUMENT (XXX XX) DENOTES RECORD DISTANCE PER PLAT OF WHIPPLESHORES LEGEND "J HYDRANT Poe POWEROVERHEAD X GATE VALVE war WATERMAIN cs CURB STOP BOX x FENCE LINE Existing Driveway area = 34 sq. ft. LIGHT POLE CURB &GUTTER ( GUY WIRE CONCRETE SURFACE Proposed Impervious Surface Calcutations POWER POLE Boathouse area =234sq. ft. Dock & Steps area BITUMINOUS SURFACE S) STEEL/WOOD POST Proposed House area = 1,565,q. ft. Proposed Driveway & Sidewalk area XXXXEs __ SLOPE PERCENTAGE Proposed Covered Entryway area =187sq. ft. X(100000) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION =507sq.ft. Terrace & Deck Steps X1000.00 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION 2 SQ. FT. -eYeYYYYYYYYYY'(\ TREELINE CHECKED'. RRP DRAWN'. BJV FIELD CREW'. FDF FIELD WORK DATE'. 10/03/19 INITIAL ISSUE'. 10-22-2019 Add slope percenta q es, 0HW and Flood Contours 05-18-2020 Add proposed house location LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 57, WHIPPLE SHORES, according to the recorded pint thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, GENERAL NOTES 1. The legal description and easement information used in the preparation of the survey e based upon Certificate of Title No. 527022. Said Certificate contains addlfion it lands. 2 The orientation of the survey e based upon the Hennepin County Coordinate Grid (NAD 83-96 Adj.) 3. Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant at the southeast corner of subject property. Devotion -985.33 ft. (NGVD 1929) 4. Subject property contains 13,666 Sq.IE or 0.314 acres to waterline/ 13,642 Sq. Ft. to the O.H.W. (929.4) 5. Building sho wn reflects lst Floor plain, shset A-5,Failed 03/09/2020. 6. The proposed grades and contours depicted hereon are pursuant to the site plan provided by Wausau Homes, acted July 13, 2020. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS Subject property contains 13,642 Sq. Ft or 0.313 acres as automated to the Ordinary High Water line (929.4) Existing Impervious Surface Calculations Building area=235sq. ft. Stairs area =46sq. ft. SURFACE Pavers area = 115,q. ft. Existing Driveway area = 34 sq. ft. PAVERS Shedarea=79sq.ft. Impervious area = 509 sq. ft. / 3.7% of total of lot area Proposed Impervious Surface Calcutations r 1SQ. FT. Boathouse area =234sq. ft. Dock & Steps area =189sq.ft. Walls =350sq. ft. Proposed House area = 1,565,q. ft. Proposed Driveway & Sidewalk area = 668 sq. ft. Proposed Covered Entryway area =187sq. ft. Proposed Deck &Terrace area =507sq.ft. Terrace & Deck Steps =47sq.ft. Impervious area = 3,747 sq. ft. / 27.4% of to Lot of lot area PREPARED FOR: Laurie Burnett Mound, Minnesota I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MV DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED [AND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Brent R. Peters, Land Surveyor DATE'. August 13, 2020 LICENSE NO. 44123 34 - OZ 5 981,52TC I gS OPEN o N PIPE 98i 84TC g2 98201TC r 8 V A 6 oa�G 62 98192TC 95TC 3325 WARNER LANE Mound, Minnesota Westwood Phone (952)93]5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite#300 Fax (952)93]5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Telriw (888) 9375150 wii t cwadpucom Westwood Pmfersional Serrimc, Inc Boundary and Topographic Survey SHEET NUMBER 002420OV-SURV I DATE: 10/15/2019 PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE DETAIL PAVERS r 1SQ. FT. STONE WALL`4STEPS RETAINING 14, 98 SQ. FT.WALL 98 u WALL 152 SQ. FT. 2 SQ. FT. Oil w p COVERED ENTRY U wo 1875Q. FT ¢ I'--------LOTAREA I STEPS � ti3,642SQ. FTI 47SQ. FTSTONEWALL E--------� HOUSE DRIVEWAY 88 SQ. FT. 1,5655Q. FT 668SQ. FT. RETAINING WALL 10 SQ. FT. 3325 WARNER LANE Mound, Minnesota Westwood Phone (952)93]5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite#300 Fax (952)93]5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Telriw (888) 9375150 wii t cwadpucom Westwood Pmfersional Serrimc, Inc Boundary and Topographic Survey SHEET NUMBER 002420OV-SURV I DATE: 10/15/2019 RETAINING WALL. DECK FRAMING SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY vv v ACTUAL FRAMING DETERMINED BY OTHERS 1. THIS DRAWING IS TO PROVIDE THE MASON OR OTHER RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR WITH THE PROPER FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS. IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE FOUNDATION IS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. HEIGHT OF FOUNDATION AND COLUMN SPACING AS SHOWN ARE CRITICAL. IF CHANGES ARE MADE, THEY MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 3. ALL FOUNDATION FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4'-0" BELOW GRADE (DEPENDING ON LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS). 4. VENTING AREA OF BASEMENT WINDOWS SHALL BE 1% OF THE BASEMENT FLOOR AREA (2% FOR BOCA CODES). COMBUSTION AIR FOR HEATING EQUIPMENT AND FOUNDATION INSULATION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES, 5. FOR CRAWLSPACE FOUNDATIONS, THE MASON CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN 18" x 24" ACCESS TO THE CRAWLSPACE AND VENTILATION AT THE RATE OF 1/150 OF THE CRAWLSPACE AREA. COVER CRAWLSPACE WITH 6 MIL. POLY FILM. - 2235 - FOUNDATION / LOWER LEVEL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) Finished Square Footage: 672 SF T-0 SUPERIOR WALL HEIGHT Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers or Beams sized by Supplier A( NORTH V i ZZ � L G 0 Ln (N M L M M� W DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-1 V C O1 E 0 x M 0 N h0 O u v N 6 I W N 0x 0 v ai o E Y O U x 7 � O N N bA C OJ E N O c t 6 N ❑ CO cuc N o o c a O u U L U0 N c 4-5 O Q cii v V L U V f6 L 0 m c N � L N x 0 O a)op E .3 x � n3 0 c � a o aj 0 a, c 0 a, U N 7 OJ T E `~- - 0 � o E u C U 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > iJ O Q a) v � 72 ti4 Q iZ -0 o O U y o N � 7 N X OJ to U � c � N Q) .� E a, o m CL � ti4 m T 0 0 U v ai � N cuX cu ai Q) 0 CL v co c .3 Q cu E 0 U v> 0a Mo Q) a > M Ol 0 t NOLn L Ln Ln (�Rt Z3 m = N N =3� c� M � NU O Z5 C) c Ln a ^``W n M w N a% E U v N SL5 9] YCLry CL UJ 45 IZU DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-1 V C O1 E 0 x M 0 N h0 O u v N 6 I W N 0x 0 v ai o E Y O U x 7 � O N N bA C OJ E N O c t 6 N ❑ CO cuc N o o c a O u U L U0 N c 4-5 O Q cii v V L U V f6 L 0 m c N � L N x 0 O a)op E .3 x � n3 0 c � a o aj 0 a, c 0 a, U N 7 OJ T E `~- - 0 � o E u C U 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > iJ O Q a) v � 72 ti4 Q iZ -0 o O U y o N � 7 N X OJ to U � c � N Q) .� E a, o m CL � ti4 m T 0 0 U v ai � N cuX cu ai Q) 0 CL v co c .3 Q cu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�j IST FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) Floor Square Footage: 1058 Garage Square Footage: 506 9'-11/8" Wall Heights (u.n.o.) 94-7/8" Header Height (u.n.o.) Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers sized by Supplier - 2236 - NORTH c L O _O LL N LL J ZZ L G Q� L � 0 Lr) N M M DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-2 V C N Ca) E O (6 N .E ti4 0 U a N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 (6 = 7 � O N T � N bA C E N O c t 6 N ❑ GO cuO N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) V L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 S � � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v T — 0 � o E cu ai C CJ 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > > i) O O. Q ns C cn a a -o 0 0 U y, > O N � 7 N X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 :� �o 3 T 0 U v a, � N cuX ate+ a) U 0 CL a, Mo M .3 n3 Q a, E O U >E 0 a M N a) o a > M Ol O t NOLn L Ln Z3 m E(� = N N If r M �J :3 -�e N U O Z5 C) Ln a W V) M w N a% E I/ U N N FYS 4S 49 CL x-4.1 isi z`_ - DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-2 V C N Ca) E O (6 N .E ti4 0 U a N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 (6 = 7 � O N T � N bA C E N O c t 6 N ❑ GO cuO N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) V L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 S � � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v T — 0 � o E cu ai C CJ 7 0 -Q0) O .2 0- > > i) O O. Q ns C cn a a -o 0 0 U y, > O N � 7 N X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 :� �o 3 T 0 U v a, � N cuX ate+ a) U 0 CL a, Mo M .3 n3 Q a, ZD SL6048L FX3616 SL4842L FX4824 FX4824 FX4824 60'-0" - 2237 - 2ND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (2204) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) Floor Square Footage: 1016 8'-11/8" Wall Heights 82-7/8" Header Height Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers sized by Supplier NORTH L E 0 =30 N LL U 0 U L fB > DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-3 V C N Ca) E O (6 7 N ti4 0 aUi N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 U = 7 � O N T � N bA C N O c t 6 N ❑. GO c O N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) U L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v O T — 0 � o i E cu ai C U 0 v o -0 a v 0 CL Q ns C m � � a 0_-0 o O U y, o N � 7 a, X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 ns � 0 U v v � N cuX cu — a) u 0 L a) MoM .3 n3 Q a, E 0 U >E 0 a Mo N a) a > M Ol 0 t NOLn L Ln Z3 m E(� = N N If N U O Z5 C) ro Ln a W V) M w N Z E U N N 4s 4s 4s CL x-4.1 cis DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-3 V C N Ca) E O (6 7 N ti4 0 aUi N (6 to w N 0 v aj o E Y 0 U = 7 � O N T � N bA C N O c t 6 N ❑. GO c O N o o 1 a O v U L m y to N C O Q a) U L U V f6 L T 0 CO C bA � a) � s S 'J O a)to E .3 � c � a a) I N C: (U a) U N 7 v O T — 0 � o i E cu ai C U 0 v o -0 a v 0 CL Q ns C m � � a 0_-0 o O U y, o N � 7 a, X a) to U � C fB N � E a, 0 ns � 0 U v v � N cuX cu — a) u 0 L a) MoM .3 n3 Q a, T.O. WALL - 1,000.8' T.O. SUBFLR - 992.7 mri T.O. SUBFLR - 982.0' t .a a .t . 4.1 NOTE: SEE SHEET A6 FOR HOUSE ELEVATIONS AND TYPICAL EXTERIOR MATERIALS. IN EAST ELEVATION 1 Scale - 1/ 8" = 1'-0"11X17 ( ) 114" = Y-0" (22X34) - 2238 - WEST ELEVATION 2 Scale - 118" = 1'-0"11X17 ( ) 114" = 1'-0" (22X34) DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: LA -4j v E O 2 N bA O U a) � N C d4 (6 � c cu 2 3 aj v o E Y O U 2 7 � O N N bA C a) E N O -r— CL - O Eb � c O O C O U U L N y, � N C O 1 O Q U a) a) U L U V f6 L 0 Co C: N � � L a) s 2 0 O a) E .E 2 3: n3 � c � ns � a o cii C: a) U =3 �o a, — 0 � o -0v C U 7 � _0 _0 N O -0 O O Q � a) � r ti4 Q T L O. -O O O U y, >o N � 7 N X � a) U � C N N � E a, O m GD 3 T ns O_ O U v v � N 6U cu u a) 0 Q 3 Q Qj a, E O U O V) +� 0 cB +� E(� = N N U _N W Q +" Q N Q N U 076 C Lu / DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: LA -4j v E O 2 N bA O U a) � N C d4 (6 � c cu 2 3 aj v o E Y O U 2 7 � O N N bA C a) E N O -r— CL - O Eb � c O O C O U U L N y, � N C O 1 O Q U a) a) U L U V f6 L 0 Co C: N � � L a) s 2 0 O a) E .E 2 3: n3 � c � ns � a o cii C: a) U =3 �o a, — 0 � o -0v C U 7 � _0 _0 N O -0 O O Q � a) � r ti4 Q T L O. -O O O U y, >o N � 7 N X � a) U � C N N � E a, O m GD 3 T ns O_ O U v v � N 6U cu u a) 0 Q 3 Q Qj a, E O U > 0a O mO V) O 01 Q > M0 O t Ln v 'n `n Z3 N E(� = N N N U O ��`` O m Ln W ^i--) 00 N a) E U v N Cu •=d c DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: LA -4j v E O 2 N bA O U a) � N C d4 (6 � c cu 2 3 aj v o E Y O U 2 7 � O N N bA C a) E N O -r— CL - O Eb � c O O C O U U L N y, � N C O 1 O Q U a) a) U L U V f6 L 0 Co C: N � � L a) s 2 0 O a) E .E 2 3: n3 � c � ns � a o cii C: a) U =3 �o a, — 0 � o -0v C U 7 � _0 _0 N O -0 O O Q � a) � r ti4 Q T L O. -O O O U y, >o N � 7 N X � a) U � C N N � E a, O m GD 3 T ns O_ O U v v � N 6U cu u a) 0 Q 3 Q Qj a, NOTE: SEE SHEET A6 FOR HOUSE ELEVATIONS AND TYPICAL EXTERIOR MATERIALS. SOUTH ELEVATION 1 Scale - 118" = 1'-0" 11X17 114" = 1-0 (22X34) - 2239 - C O +_1 m E O U N > o a m C: a, 0 0 a > m rn _I_- Ln z3 o Ul N M E QD _ Q) N N o k Z3 o a: a N 00 Z fV U aJ N DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-!jj v v E 0 2 D ru ruv N 40 O v � N C v � N -6 r9 N 2 N O Q c E Y 0 u 2 7 73 O N Z5 Vm �v E n O O L � Q1 v O L � o � O0 u U U L E o Q U N 4 U t U + >. 0 Co C ui up L � N � v � L � Y 2 0 v 2 rp Z� ru 7N m� Q oN vv U �+ -o v �T E m o E v U OC U =5 � O N � Q > v 0 Q� L �p �Q Q -o O o U y > O N C: v U i1 X UD N m U C rp Q N v E Q O L 7 L ro h0 >m T O U v � Q cu Q) Q) L Ur— 1 tKMINt UL)NNr—U I IUNJ Lit 1 WttN NtW Kt I AININU WALL AND EXISTING RETAINING WALLS TO THE NORTH. NORTH ELEVATION 1 Scale - 118" = 1'-0"11X17 ( ) 114" = 1'-0" (22X34) — 2240 — C O f0 LU i--1 L O Z DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-6 0 ao CU E v� 0 0 c a O u C O O Q U Cu N T E — 0 o E Cu -0 v �v 6 U N E O U > O MO N Q) a > M Ol O t V) ,n `n :t N E = N N =3� c� M �J � NU O �^`` r, D C) C:W a 4' � mLn M 00Z N E U N 45 F� Y Ca CmN DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-6 0 ao CU E v� 0 0 c a O u C O O Q U Cu N T E — 0 o E Cu -0 v �v 6 U N BIG BLOCK OR C.I.P. - CONCRETE RETAINING WALL. BY OTHERS. METAL ROOF 2'-0" TYP ROOF CONSTRUCTION: - ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES - 15LB FELT - 112" OSB SHEATHING W/CLIPS - ODE ROOF EDGE ROOF TRUSSES BY OTHERS GIRDER TRUSS BY OTHERS FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: - 23/32" OSB TErg=G SHEATHING - 18" FLOOR TRUSSES @ 16" 0. C. - R-19 FIBERGLASS BATT OR 3' SPRAY FOAM SILL INSULATION 18' TRUSSES BATT INSULATION OR SPRAYFOAM AT RIM JOIST. TYP. CEILING CONSTRUCTION: - 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER - 5/8" SHEETROCK OR 112" NO -SAG SHEETROCK 18' TRUSSES WALL CONSTRUCTION: - 112" SHEETROCK - 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER - R-19 FIBERGLASS INSULATION - 2X6 STUDS @ 16' 0. C. - HOUSE WRAP - SIDING 18' TRUSSES BASEMENT WALL CONSTRUCTION: - 2X10 TREATED PLATE W/ANCHOR BOLTS @ 6'0. C. SLAB CONSTRUCTION: - SILL SEALER - 3 1/ 2 " POURED CONCRETE FLOOR - 10 114" SUPERIOR WALL @108" - 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER W/DAMP PROOFING - 2" RIGID INSULATION 4" COMPACTED SAND ATTIC CONSTRUCTION: - PROPER VENTS - R-50 FIBERGLASS/CELLULOS INSUL. - ENGINEERED WOOD TRUSSES @ 24" 0. C. I' BUILDING SECTION Scale -3116" 3/ 16" = 1'-0" 11X17 �I I ( ) I— 3/8" = Y-0" (22X34) SP�iE c O ._7_ U W V) an c W c O 4-1 U CL CL a W U c DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-7 0 o O 1 C O v U L m y to N c Z-, O Q a v U t U M L 0 m v;m w� L N 2 0 O (uto E .3 � c oN c: U N ajo v -T O E cu I C U 7 -0_0 -0 Q 0 Q �Q Q_0 O o U y, > O N � 7 � X U c: C N N E a, O 7 m Q O U N N � N 6 U E O U V / 0 O a m0 V) O 01 Q > M= O v 'n `n N E = N2 N N U O ��^`` C) ,n a W +) 0 N ) E U v N w Q DATE: 08-11-2020 DRAWN BY: TO SHEET: A-7 0 o O 1 C O v U L m y to N c Z-, O Q a v U t U M L 0 m v;m w� L N 2 0 O (uto E .3 � c oN c: U N ajo v -T O E cu I C U 7 -0_0 -0 Q 0 Q �Q Q_0 O o U y, > O N � 7 � X U c: C N N E a, O 7 m Q O U N N � N 6 U CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 20 - RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO 20-50 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY TO LOCAL BUSINESSES WHEREAS, on May 26, 2020 the City Council approved Resolution 20-50 approving regulatory flexibility to local businesses to adjust operations to accommodate Federal, State, and Local directives in response to the 2020 COVID-19 public health emergency; and WHEREAS, the original Resolution delegated authority to the City Manager to approve and disapprove local applications for regulatory flexibility through October 31, 2020; and WHEREAS, two such applications were received, reviewed and approved: Al and Alma's Outdoor Patio Seating area on private land Surfside Bar and Grill expanded outside seating area on private land :and WHEREAS, public health conditions, Emergency Orders, and Public Health Guidelines have remained unchanged and are anticipated to continue for the foreseeable future; and WHEREAS, in order to support the continued viability of local businesses, maximize the number of customers allowed to access businesses in light of the state's operating restrictions, and to exercise the creativity encouraged by the Governor's office, the City Council determines it is in the best interests of the City to continue to allow the granting of regulatory flexibility as part of an approved plan submitted by each business seeking such flexibility; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide continued relief to allow local businesses to maximize opportunities for commerce. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby adopts a resolution amending City Resolution No. 20-50 with the following language: 5. The authority delegated herein to the City Manager shall take effect immediately and shall continue through QGt9beF 312020 April 30, 2021 Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of October, 2020. Catherine Pausche, Clerk -2242- Mayor Raymond J. Salazar CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 20 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY TO LOCAL BUSINESSES WHEREAS, the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of Minnesota have declared states of emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19; WHEREAS, on March 23, 2020, the Mayor of the City of Mound issued a declaration of local emergency and on March 25, 2020 the City Council acted by resolution to extend the local emergency declaration; WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes this emergency has had a devastating effect on local businesses required to close pursuant to the Governor's orders, particularly restaurants and other businesses that were the last to be allowed to reopen; WHEREAS, businesses are required to have a plan in place to safely reopen to the public that reflects social distancing requirements and complies with limits imposed on the number of customers that may be served at one time; WHEREAS, the Governor's office has encouraged local governments to be creative in working with businesses as they reopen, particularly restaurants who are initially limited to outdoor service only; WHEREAS, in order to support the continued viability of local businesses, maximize the number of customers allowed to access businesses in light of the state's operating restrictions, and to exercise the creativity encouraged by the Governor's office, the City Council determines it is in the best interests of the City to allow the granting of regulatory flexibility as part of an approved plan submitted by each business seeking such flexibility; WHEREAS, it is not practical under the circumstances of this emergency to require businesses to pursue what can be a several month process to seek amendments and other approvals to obtain the flexibility they need now to safely reopen their businesses; and WHEREAS, delegating authority to the City Manager to grant flexibility to local regulations as part of a plan a business submits to the City Manager for approval is the only workable solution for expeditiously providing the assistance local businesses need as they start to reopen and put their employees back to work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Manager is hereby delegated the authority to grant, on behalf of the City, flexibility in City regulations as the City Manager determines is appropriate to support the operations of -2243- local businesses as they reopen to the customers and resume operations under the limitations imposed by the Governor's emergency orders. Regulatory flexibility may only be granted as part of a written plan the City Manager approves for a particular business entity. 2. For the purposes of this Resolution, the "regulatory flexibility" the City Manager is authorized to grant includes, but is not limited to, the following: (a) Allow the expansion of the licensed "premises" of a business holding an on -sale liquor license to allow the service and consumption of alcohol in an expanded area identified in the approved plan; (b) Allow the expansion of existing business operations without requiring amendments to existing zoning approvals or new zoning approvals; (c) Allow a business to use adjacent City property for customer seating, the display of its products for sale, or for other similar uses upon entering into a license agreement with the City; and (d) Such other flexibility in the City's regulations and the enforcement of those regulations as the City Manager determines is appropriate under the particular circumstances of the business to reasonably allow it to conduct its business in a manner that maximizes its operations while complying with its plan, the Governor's emergency orders, and applicable guidelines. 3. The City Manager has the discretion to deny any request for regulatory flexibility. If approved, the City Manager shall place such conditions on the approval as the City Manager determines are reasonable under the circumstances. The City Manager is authorized to issue written approvals of regulatory flexibility to execute license agreements on the City's behalf. The City Manager may immediately repeal any approved regulatory flexibility if the City Manager determines the business violated the scope of the regulatory flexibility, any conditions placed on the granted flexibility, or the expanded business operations interfere with public safety or unreasonably obstructs the use of public property. 4. The regulatory flexibility allowed under this Resolution is intended to temporarily allow a business to overcome local regulatory hurdles that interfere with its efforts to implement its plans to reopen and operate in accordance with social distancing and other federal and state safety requirements. This Resolution, and regulatory flexibility granted hereunder, does not exempt a business from: (a) Complying with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and emergency orders; (b) Fully implementing its COVID-19 Preparedness Plan; (c) Complying with local regulations not directly related to the regulatory flexibility granted in the plan approved by the City Manager; or -2244- (d) Immediately returning to full compliance with all applicable local regulations upon the expiration or termination of the regulatory flexibility. 5. The authority delegated herein to the City Manager shall take effect immediately and shall continue through October 31, 2020. 6. The City Manager shall submit one or more reports to the City Council identifying the businesses granted regulatory flexibility and the types of flexibility granted, including whether the business entered into a license agreement with the City to utilize City property. Adopted this 26"' day of May 2020. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Raymond J Salazar, Mayor -2245- CITY OF MOUND LICENSE AGREEMENT User This License Agreement ('Agreement") is entered into as of the Effective Date by and between City of Mound ('City") and User. In consideration of the mutual promises and permissions granted herein, City and User hereby agree as follows: 1. Temporary License. City grants User a temporary license ("License") to use the City Property for the Particular Uses during the Use Period. City is willing to waive certain permitting requirements and regulations to assist local businesses such as User to maximize its operations to the extent allowed under the Governor's emergency orders during the pandemic emergency in exchange for User agreeing to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. License Conditions. Use of the City Property under this Agreement is subject to compliance with all the conditions listed at the end of this Agreement. Such conditions are incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. User is responsible for ensuring compliance with these conditions by its customers, agents, and invitees (collectively, "Customers"). Failure to comply with any of the conditions may result in the immediate termination of this Agreement. 3. Limitations. Requirements and Waiver. User understands and agrees as follows: User assumes all risks associated with use of the City Property by it and its Customers; User shall not allow the City Property to be used in a way that creates or constitutes a public nuisance; City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition or suitability of the City Property for User's purposes; User waives all claims against City arising from or related to its use of the City Property; this Agreement constitutes permission to temporarily use the City Property and does not convey any interest in the City Property to User; grant of this License does not constitute abandonment by City of the City Property; User has no right to any further permissions or licenses related to the future use of the City Property; User must immediately cease its use of the City Property upon expiration or termination of this Agreement; User is responsible for keeping the City Property neat and orderly; User shall repair any damage done to the City Property directly related to its use; nothing herein shall be construed as limiting City's right to regulate, use, maintain, or improve the City Property; User is responsible for obtaining all permits and licenses that may be required; and User shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances regarding its use of the City Property. 4. Indemnification. User agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend City, its officials, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, proceedings, damages, causes of action, liability, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from or in connection with its use of the City Property under this Agreement, except for claims arising directly from City's own negligence. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as City waiving any exception from, or limitation on, its liability provided in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 466 or other law. 5. Termination. This Agreement terminates at the end of the User Period if not terminated earlier by City. City may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to User if City determines, in its sole discretion, User violated any term or condition of this Agreement or if the City needs to resume its use of the City Property. 6. Entire Agreement; Modifications. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties regarding User's use of the City Property. No modifications to this Agreement are valid unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties. -2246- The parties have entered into this Agreement as of the Effective Date. USER: By: Date: CITY: Eric Hoversten, City Manager LICENSE CONDITIONS User shall comply with all of the following conditions: (a) The City Property must be kept free of garbage and hazards to the public. (b) User shall work in good faith with City to address issues, concerns, and changing circumstances regarding its use of the City Properly and make adjustments to the Particular Uses as required by City. (c) If User holds an on -sale liquor license and liquor will be served or consumed on the City Property, User shall: (1) Place markers or signs as needed to clearly delineate to Customers the outdoor area, including any portion of the City Properly, in which liquor may be consumed. The area must not be larger than approved by the City; (2) Take reasonable steps to ensure liquor is not consumed within vehicles located within the delineated consumption area; -2247- QBOLTON ENK Real People. Real Solutions. October 22, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2020 Surfside Park Improvements City Project No. PW -20-01— BMI No. C17.120183 Dear Mr. Hoversten: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: (952) 448-8838 Fax: (952) 448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 1 from Northwest Asphalt, Inc. for work completed on the Surfside Park Improvements Project from September 8th, 2020 through October 16th, 2020. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $193,741.46 to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Brian D. Simmons, P.E. City Engineer H:\M0UN\C17120183\1_Corres\To Others\2020-10-22 Ur of Recdn, Pay Reqt l.docx Bolton & Mork is an equal opportunity employer. Contractor's Application for Payment Owner: CITY OF MOUND Owner's Project No.: PW -20-01 Engineer: BRIAN D. SIMMONS Engineer's Project No.: C17.120183 Contractor: NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. Other Project No.: Project: SURFSIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Contract: Application No.: 1 Application Date: 10/22/2020 Application Period: From 9/1/2020 to 10/16/2020 1. Original Contract Price $ 201,910.50 2. Net change by Change Orders $ 4,623.20 3. Current Contract Price (Line 1 + Line 2) $ 206,533.70 4. Total Work completed and materials stored to date (Sum of Column G Lump Sum Total and Column J Unit Price Total) $ 203,938.38 5. Retainage a. 5% X $ 203,938.38 Work Completed $ 10,196.92 b. X $ - Stored Materials $ - c. Total Retainage (Line 5.a + Line 5.b) $ 10,196.92 6. Amount eligible to date (Line 4 - Line 5.c) $ 193,741.46 7. Less previous payments (Line 6 from prior application) 8. Amount due this application $ 193,741.46 9. Balance to finish, including retainage (Line 3 - Line 4) $ 2,595.32 Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies, to the best of its knowledge, the following: (1) All previous progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with the Work covered by prior Applications for Payment; (2) Title to all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work, or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment, will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all liens, security interests, and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any such liens, security interest, or encumbrances); and (3) All the Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. Contractor: NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. Signature: �y Date: Name: ���%cam-..•.gy Title: Recommended by Engineer Approved by Owner By: —�� By: Name: BRIAN D. SIMMONS Name: Title: CITY ENGINEER Title: Date: 10/22/2020 Date: Approved by Funding Agency By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: EJCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment (c) 2018 National Society of ProfesSESpineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment Owner. Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: CITY OF MOUND BRIAN D. SIMMONS NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. SURFSIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: PW -20-01 017.120183 Application No.: 1 Application Period: From 09/01/20 to 10/16/20 Application Date: 10/22/20 A Bid Item No. B Description C D Contract E Information F G H Work Completed I Materials Currently Stored Inof in G) 1 Work Completed and Materials Stored to Date (H+I) K %of Value of Item (1/F) L Balanceto Finish IF -1) Item Quantity Units Estimated Value of Bid Item Quantity Unit Price (CX E) Incorporated in ($) ($) the Work Value of Work Completed to Date (EX G) al Contract 1 MOBILIZATION 1.00 LS 10,000.00 10,000.00 1.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 100% 2 TRAFFICCONTROL 1.00 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100% 3 CLEARING 2.00 EA 300.00 600.00 2.00 600.00 600.00 100% 4 GRUBBING 2.00 EA 300.00 600.00 2.00 600.00 600.00 100% 5 RE MOV E BITU M I NOUS PAVE M E NT 4,400.00 SY 7.25 31,900.00 4,401.00 31,907.25 31,907.25 100% (725) 6 RE MOV E GC NCR FTE CU R B AND G UTTER 630.00 LF 3.50 2,205.00 995.00 3,482.50 3,482.50 158% (1,277.50( 7 REMOVE FENCE 65.00 LF 10.00 650.00 65.00 650.00 650.00 100% 8 SALVAGEAND REINSTALL SIGN 4.00 EA 525.00 2,100.00 4.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 100% 9 SALVAGEAND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE ROCK 350.00 SF 6.00 2,100.00 107.15 642.90 642.90 31% 1,457.10 10 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) 790.00 CY 19.40 15,326.00 790.00 15,326.00 15,326.00 100% 11 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION 100.00 CY 20.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 12 STABILIZING AGGREGATE (CV) 100.00 CY 42.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 13 GEOTEXTHE FABRIC, TYPE V 100.00 SY 2.00 200.00 200.00 14 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 1,400.00 TON 0.01 14.00 14.00 15 TYPE SP9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,F((SPWEA240F( 400.00 TON 94.70 37,880.00 457.87 43,360.29 43,360.29 114% (5,480.29( 16 TYPE SP12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIX (2,B((SPNWB230B( 530.00 TON 77.90 41,287.00 492.60 38,373.54 38,373.54 93% 2,913.46 17 RIBBON CURB 60.00 LF 29.50 1,770.00 1,770.00 18 CONCRETE CURBAND GUTTER DESIGN B618 475.00 LF 29.50 14,012.50 887.00 26,166.50 26,166.50 187% (12,154.00( 19 6" CONCRETE PAVEMENT 144.00 SF 9.00 1,296.00 144.00 1,296.00 1,296.00 100% 20 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (PAINT) 2.00 EA 25.00 50.00 1.00 25.00 25.00 50% 25.00 21 4" SOLID STRIPE (PAINT) 1,300.00 LF 1 0.40 520.00 1 1,533.00 613.20 1 613.20 118% (93.20( 22 ADJUST FRAME &RING CASTING 4.00 EA 800.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 23 CHIMNEY SEAL 4.00 EA 200.00 800.00 800.00 24 WOOD RAIL FENCE 120.00 LF 42.00 5,040.00 5,040.00 25 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW 180.00 CY 32.00 5,760.00 166.00 5,312.00 5,312.00 92% 448.00 26 RANDOM RIP RAP, CLASS I 20.00 CY 100.00 2,000.00 20.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100% 27 ROCKTRENCH 30.00 LF 40.00 1,200.00 30.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 100% 28 GLASS PAVE 1,400.00 SF 6.00 8,400.00 1,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 100% 29 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET (CAT 3N WITH SEED MIX 33-261( 500.00 SY 2.00 1,000.00 550.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 110% (100.00( 30 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET (CAT 3N WITH SEED MIX 25-151( 550.00 SY 2.00 1,100.00 550.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 100% 31 SILT FENCE 200.00 LF 5.00 1,000.00 300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 150% (500.00( 32 BIOROLL100.00 LF 7.00 700.00 80.00 560.00 560.00 80% 140.00 33 FLOTATION CURTAIN 100.00 LF 20.00 2,000.00 100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100% Original ContractTotalsl 201,910.50 1 199,315.18 $ $ 199,315.18 99% $ 2,595.32 EICDCC-620 Contra'�[)q'c/5 cation for Payment Unit Price IN 2019 National Society of ProfEsaIDffi . 2Rfor EICDC All rights reserved. 1 one Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment Owner. Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: CITY OF MOUND BRIAN D. SIMMONS NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. SURFSIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: PW -20-01 017.120183 Application No.: 1 Application Period: From 09/01/20 to 10/16/20 Application Date: 10/22/20 A Bid Item No. B Description C D E Contract Information F G H Work Completed I Materials Currently Stored Inot in G) 1 Work Completed and Materials Stored to Date (H+I) K %of Value of Item (l/F) L Balanceto Finish IF -1) Item Quantity Units Unit Price ($) Estimated Val us of Bid Item Quantity ICX E) Incorporated in ($) the Work Value of Work Completedto Date (EX G) Change Orders CC -1 AMENDED TOPSOIL& SCARI LIGATION OF BASIN 1.00 ITS 1,805.00 1,805.00 1.00 1,805.00 1,805.00 100% CC -2 IRRIGATION REPAIRS FOR ASSOCIATION CURB 1.00 ITS 2,104.20 2,104.20 1.00 2,104.20 2,104.20 100% CO -3 ADDITIONALTREE REMOVAL 1.00 ITS 714.00 714.00 1.00 714.00 714.00 100% Change Order Totals $ 4,623.20 $ 4,623.20 $ $ 4,623.20 100% $ Original Contract and Change Orders Project Totals $ 206,533.70 $ 203,938.38 1 $ 203,938.38 1 99% $ 2,595.32 EICDCC-620 Ccntra'�[)q'c/5I& icadon for Payment Unit Price IN 2019 National Society of ProfEsaIDffi kGgi e2 for EICDC All rights reserved. 2of2 From: Eric Hoversten To: B Brandt; Brandt, Ben Subject: LMCD Update Presentation at 27 Oct Council Date: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:44:00 PM Ben; Thanks for touching base today. I will place you on the agenda for 27 October. If you have anything that you want to include with the packet we distribute for the meeting please have it to us by noon on Thursday 22 October. Please remember that the Council will be meeting at the Westonka High School Performing Arts Center on October 27. Meeting starts at 7:00. We will docketyou as an up -front discussion item so we'll get to you pretty much right away. Eric Eric Hoversten City Manager and Public Works Director City of Mound Phone: 952.472.0609 Fax: 952.472.0620 Email: erichoversten(cDcityofmound.com Seasonal Hours (May -Oct) M -Th 7:30-5:00 and F 7:30-11:30 Regular Hours (Nov -Apr) M -F 8:00-4:30 -2252- a:Z00"all ►1174:1.1 r_1►1111►10 Shoreline drive was realigned and widened through Mound in 2000, and the Dakota Rail trail traverses Mound through the same area. The intersection of Shoreline and Commerce represents the main intersection in Mound and is the focus of placemaking activities that include retail and transit and the placement of a subsequent parking structure. Because of the current alignment of Shoreline drive, users traveling on the Dakota Rail Trail are forced to cross both Commerce and Shoreline Boulevard to continue East-West. There is an adjacent pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Belmont and Shoreline, which has different rules and regulations than the regional trail, but the combination of the proximity of the two crossings, sight lines, and pavement width results in confusion for the driving public and safety concerns for pedestrians and bike traffic on both crossings. Hennepin County has roadway jurisdiction over Shoreline drive, Three Rivers is responsible for the regional trail, and the City of Mound encompasses all portions of the project. At the lead of City Manager Hoversten we have met with these stakeholders and they agree that determining a more succinct and holistic solution for safety in this area is necessary. Goals of Studying the Shoreline & Belmont Corridor: • Increase pedestrian crossing safety for the Belmont/Shoreline Intersection • Increase pedestrian crossing safety for the Dakota Trail/Shoreline Intersection • Maintain pedestrian access in and around Mound • Maintain placemaking activities and accessibility to valued resources and destinations • Increase driver comfort through the Shoreline East-West Corridor These elements will need to be analyzed and considered as part of the overall system to ensure a successfully and meaningful improvement is made as part of this project. ADDITIONAL PROJECT TEAM In addition to the existing Bolton & Menk personnel that serve the City of Mound, we'd like to introduce some of the internal experts that are imminently qualified to complete this effort: Cody Christianson, P.E., ENV SP Traffic Project Manager Cody will be the project manager on this job, leading our internal team and city staff through the study process. Cody began his career in transportation engineering in 2008. He is experienced in construction, civil project work, and project management. He has expertise in roadway engineering and design, bike and pedestrian planning, and sustainability. Cody is passionate about the transportation sector of civil engineering from urban paved streets in major cities to gravel pioneer roads, and how multimodal active transportation facilities can be integrated into the public right-of-way. His passion thrives on multi -disciplinary projects that bring new perspectives and insights to his work. Kelsey Retherford, P.E. Traffic Engineer Kelsey will lead the traffic analysis. Kelsey has served as a transportation design engineer since 2015. Her primary responsibilities include traffic analysis for intersection control evaluations, corridor studies, and preliminary and final roadway design projects. Client satisfaction is a top priority for Kelsey and she is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure projects are done right. She enjoys creating quality products and strives to show information in a way that is easily understood by everyone PROJECT SCOPE AND SCHEDULE The City of Mound can expect our team to be fully committed to the success of this project, working directly with and as an extension of city staff. Our team has determined the following tasks are key components of the project. Task 1: Project Management We will manage this project to deliver the tasks according to the scope, on time and within budget. This includes maintaining communication with city staff via phone conversation as needed throughout the duration of the study. We have also included time for up to 2 meetings with Hennepin County and Three Rivers staff to coordinate project details. Task 2: Traffic Analysis Using the turning movement counts and sight lines, we will develop multi -modal traffic models to analyze the potential improvements. Using metrics such as delay and queuing, we will modify and test these improvements to determine feasible options for incorporation into the overall design. Only existing volumes will be analyzed. Task 3: Alternatives Analysis As discussed with the project partners, alternatives have been narrowed down to the following: • No Build • Grade Separated Crossing • Relocate Dakota Rail Regional Trail along CSAH 15 • Consolidate Belmont Ln and Auditors Road crossings at either intersection with an overhead RRFB • Consolidate Belmont Ln and Auditors Road crossings at Belmont Ln with a signal The proposed alternatives will be evaluated based upon a custom evaluation matrix to determine which best meet the study's purpose, as well as national and state bikeway design standards (such as the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities and the MnDOT Bicycle Facility Design Manual). The evaluation matrix will include a list of criteria developed in partnership with the City of Mound and vetted by the partner agencies. Criteria included in the evaluation may be related to cost, operations and maintenance, bicycle comfort and connectivity, motor vehicle impacts, pedestrian impacts, transit impacts, and more. We will advance alternatives that meet the purpose, satisfy the vision for the corridor, and meet technical design guidance and standards for further consideration. The alternative development, evaluation, and selection of the preferred alternative will be described in the study report Our team will develop the above referenced alternatives for the corridor. We will describe the alternatives, along with any sub -alternative options at specific locations that do not change the overall corridor alternative plan. In addition, our team will develop estimated costs for each build alternative and sub -alternative. This will help decision makers understand the magnitude of cost for implementation. The evaluation matrix will be consolidated for the corridor alternatives and included in the study report. To convey alternatives, we will develop lane layout configuration concepts over a corridor aerial. The concepts will display potential impacts to adjacent properties, alignment, utilities, access, traffic control, streetscaping areas, sidewalk, trails, other bike or pedestrian elements, transit facilities, and turn lane needs at the intersections. Typical sections will be developed to convey lane widths, sidewalk widths, trails, bike lanes, boulevards, and other needs along with the right-of-way. Within the evaluation matrix, we will summarize impacts anticipated with each design alternative. We will also score each alternative from the standpoint of the various stakeholder's goals and objectives. This will help effectively communicate assumptions to the public. Task 4: Study Report & Stakeholder Input The Bolton & Menk team will create a draft report summarizing the study. Our draft report will include the research, findings, and recommendations completed through the study. In addition, we will summarize our evaluation criteria and include cost estimates. The draft report will be reviewed by the city, county, and Three Rivers Park District. We will update the draft report based on comments received during the review period. We will submit a final report along with an appendix with updates as agreed with study team. Our final report will be a cumulation of all the research, planning meetings, alternatives development and vetting, and thoughtful decision making on the part of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, and the Three Rivers Park District. We are confident it will serve as a valuable resource as you move forward to implement the selected alternative. Exclusions The following are items excluded from the scope of work: • Survey and Mapping • Signal Justification Report • Geotechnical Investigation ESTIMATED COSTS A detailed cost breakdown, including hours, is attached. Our total proposed fee for this project is $12,689. Respectfully submitted by, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Brian Simmons, P.E. Bolton & Menk, Inc. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 20 - RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON SHORELINE DRIVE PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY WHEREAS, The City has expressed its concern with safety for pedestrian users crossing Shoreline Drive at both Belmont and the Dakota Rail Trail; and WHEREAS, the City's has solicited Hennepin County and Three Rivers Park District in discussions pertaining to improving pedestrian safety in this corridor; and WHEREAS, Bolton & Menk Inc, the City's Consultant Engineer has prepared a proposal to complete a Pedestrian Safety Improvement Study at a not to exceed fee of $12,689; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the Shoreline Drive Pedestrian Safety Study, be referred to Bolton & Menk, Inc. for study, and they are instructed to report to the Council as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost effective, and feasible. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of October 2020. Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mayor, Ray J. Salazar 1 -2255- L d E Q 0 co Z Lel u O CL w U H Z w a W W LL 0 Z m CO C 0 N 0 N (D L O L t d LL C N C O CL (n a) C d L� L E w Q 3- L r r Ln LN OO ON O p'T LO C") r 00 O cr) MMM(0 O O r O = r N r M ti N U(NO N M Ln N O O N Ln N O O It ti M 0 r N N It 01 O N � r.+ N r r � (O N O M N M O O 0 (0 r M 0 O O P- LO O coM = M r M LO 00 lL I., N C U O N N O Cr N N O O l! ) r r 0 O LO O r Cl) LO LO O = r MrN 00 T")� (O Lo a) N (0 MO qT r- N p� LrOLn � N M coN (O C� M Li W O r M LO i r r M In O N� M M r Lfj Ln N r M r N e} O N N L 0 N N T- LO04 0 0 0 O O I� r 0 0 M N LI N M p~p OS L LL N O � r M O O O O O O O r 0 C) r M N r co W ` C w O O CD 0 O � Q ii ii a)�, LL CD C c MLw c V p p W y O m p N r Q Q Y U o a Q m a Uo z w z Q Z =O a p U U) U) a �a O o M 00 00 N r � LO CD M M O O U _U Q Z w IL O .-. 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Present: Chair Derrick Hentz, Vice Chair Susan Gardner, Commissioner Heidi Peterson and Council Representative Paula Larson. Absent: Commissioners Jim Funk and Linda Muller Others Present: Eric Hoversten, City Manager, Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administration and Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator. Chair Derrick Hentz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda. MOTION, by Larson, seconded by Gardner, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 2. Oath of Office. Hoversten administered the Oath of Office to Commissioners Gardner and Hentz. Hoversten thanked the Commissioners and the Docks and Commons Commission as a whole for the work they extend on behalf of the City. 3. Election of Officers — Chair and Vice Chair Hentz asked if any of members present wanted to take on the officer positions. Gardner stated she would like to stay on as Vice Chair. Hentz said he could stay on as Chair. MOTION, by Peterson to re -appoint Hentz as Chair and to re -appoint Gardner as Vice Chair. Larson seconded the Motion. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Approval of Meeting Minutes — November 21, 2019. MOTION, by Gardner, seconded by Hentz, to approve the amended minutes with correction of the misspelling of Commissioner Hentz's name from the November 21, 2019 DCC Meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present: No one came forward. 6. 2019 Annual Dock Report Kelly stated Mike Miller returned as City Dock Inspector in 2019. Kelly said Miller has done a great job and provides additional value to the Dock Program and the City as a whole. -2259- DCC Minutes — January 16, 2020 Kelly provided statistics of dock and slip usage in 2019. Kelly said all the Lost Lake slips were rented in 2019. Kelly stated, of the 37 original Villa Slips, 21 went to Villa owners, 12 to Mound residents and four to non-residents. Kelly added the 10 Harbor Slips all went to non-residents. Kelly said the usage in Dreamwood was down in 2019 which is not typical as there were three abutting dock sites which did not moor a watercraft. Kelly said 524 watercraft were licensed which is in line with recent years. Kelly stated the wait list grew to 211 applicants in 2019 with 11 wait list applicants getting into the Dock Program. Kelly added that one of the wait list applicants who received a dock location was pretty far down the wait list as he is from the Wychwood neighborhood. Kelly said Wychwood residents are given higher priority for dock sites on that commons as it is a dedicated neighborhood. Kelly added that none of license holders in the Wychwood neighborhood were interested in moving to the dock site in their neighborhood so he went to the wait list to fill the opening. Kelly said there were two Woodland Point and one Dreamwood residents who also moved off the waitlist onto sites within their dedicated commons. Kelly addressed the underutilization of docks in 2019. Kelly added there were seven abutter locations which did not put in a dock and the Highland -end abutter dock was rented out to a non -abutter in 2020. Kelly said he has sent a letter to the abutter at Amhurst with the explanation the abutter needs to use his slip location in 2020 or he would be forfeit the right to the slip location and a regular dock site would be established in the area as the new abutting Icoation. Kelly added he did not tow any boats due to dock program violations in 2020. 7. In/Out Contract Kelly said Dock Administration only received one bid from the RFQ which was sent out. Kelly said the bid was from Splash Docks, the current vendor for in/outs in 2018/2019. Pausche said the RFQ was for a five-year contract and the bid from Splash Docks came in at 50% higher than their bid from the previous in and out contract. Staff and the DCC discussed the potential reasons for only receiving one bid such as the five-year length of the contract. Staff felt the bid wasn't too out of line with past bids and the current vendor underbid to get the contract in 2018/2019. Larson asked if the approval of the In and Out RFQ would need City Council approval. Pausche responded the Council has approved the dock program budget under which this RFQ would be covered so it would not be brought to the Council separately. Larson stated there is concern about the expense of the bid and was counseled to suggest a second RFQ be offered in an attempt to get more than one bid. Pausche reiterated that the dock budget has been approved though staff could seek out input from the other vendors for the reasons which they didn't make a bid. Discussion ensued regarding the bid and whether to reconsider opening up the RFQ again. Pausche said staff will reach out to two vendors which didn't bid and will have this information within the week and will determine at that time whether to reopen. Pausche staff will report back on our findings at the March DCC meeting. -2260- DCC Minutes — January 16, 2020 8. Discussion 2020 Work Plan Pausche began the discussion by stating most likely there will not be any pressing issues on the agenda for the rest of the year. Pausche said it is an election year and Dock Admin staff will be busy running three elections in 2020. Hentz stated the regularly scheduled DCC meetings will be held in March, September and November. Hentz also wondered about zebra mussels and lifts at slips issue which has come up throughout 2019. Pausche said the discussion of lifts at slips has been an ongoing discussion for a number of years and if a Dock Program participant feels they need a lift they can move to a dock location at this time. Pausche added the question of storage of the lifts hasn't been fully vetted and winter access needs to be considered. Peterson said her children and neighbors use snowmobiles to access the lake. Peterson said their street end access is blocked by lifts and dock materials. Hentz asked if staff still gets inquiries about lifts on slips and Kelly stated that was continuing. Kelly said those Dock Program participants asking about lifts at multiple slips would like assurances the lifts can be used year after year. 9. Reports Larson stated the City budget and a 3% levy increase were approved by the Council in December. Larson added the Shafer Richardson concept plan for the redevelopment of the Commerce Place site will be taking place on January 28th. Larson stated the City put out a Request of Qualifications and Interest (RFQ/1) for redevelopment proposals for the Mound Harbor District. Larson said responses to the RFQ/I are due on January 29th Pausche stated the Presidential Nomination Primary is on March 3" and absentee voting starts tomorrow, January 17th at City Hall. MOTION, by Peterson seconded by Gardner, to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Submitted by: Kevin Kelly -2261- PAY.\N NETOryt LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 08 5341 MAV WOOD HOAR, SUITE 200 •MOUND, MINNESOTA 55384 •TELEPHONE 952045-07P9 •FAX 952045-9085 FQ✓9TOH O�St 4 DATE: October 19, 2020 TO: LMCD Member Cities (Ma��y�ovr«s��M/�anagers, Administrators, Clerks) FROM: Vickie Schleunin�Eutive 6irEctor RE: 202'1 City Appointments of LMCD Board Members The terms for some members of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) Board of Directors will expire January 31, 202'1. Terms on the LMCD Board extend from February 1st through January 31st of the following year. The state enabling LMCD legislation calls for Board members to be appointed by their respective member cities for athree-year term, with no term limits. If necessary, a city does have the ability to recall its member anytime and appoint another member for the remainder of the term. Because of the uniqueness of Lake Minnetonka and the important application of the ordinances, it is beneficial for Directors to serve multiple years. Through your partnership, we have processed a high number of projects and achieved many successes this past year. We hope that your appointed Director will consider serving another term. We appreciate the time, guidance, and dedication of your Board Member representative in helping to preserve and enhance the "Lake Minnetonka experience." Appointments. At this time, the cities with the January 202'1 expiration terms are requested to reappoint or appoint new members to the Board of Directors. A list of the current City appointment terms is provided in the enclosed table. Please note that officer positions will be considered by the Board tentatively in February through a Nominating Committee process. Attendance 8. Participation. This past year, the overall attendance of the Board Members was good. The individual Board Member attendance records for the LMCD Regular meetings are provided in the following table. Members also contribute through their attendance at and participation in Special Meetings, Workgroups, Committees, special events, and projects outside the regular meeting schedule. The membership of Committees and Workgroups is also included in an enclosed table. 2021 City Appointments of LMCD Board Members October 19, 2020 Page 2 LMCD Board Member Appointments Jan. 2021 Term Endings Regular (Appointments Needed) Jan. 2022—Term Ending Jan. 2023 -Term Ending Dan Baasen, Wayzata Ben Brandt, Mound Rich Anderson, Orono (Current Secretary) Rate of Additional Committee/ Gregg Thomas, Tonka Bay Gary Hughes, Spring Park Bill Cook, Greenwood (Current Chair) Attendance (Current Treasurer) Jake Walesch, Deephaven Dennis Klohs, Minnetonka Beach Ann Hoelscher, Victoria (Current Vice Chair) Nicole Stone, Minnetonka Mike Kirkwood, Minnetrista Mark Kroll, Excelsior Denny Newel, Woodland Deephaven Jake Walesch Deborah Zorn, Shorewood -2263- Regular Member City Board Member Board Total Board Rate of Additional Committee/ Meeting Meetings Attendance Workgroup Participation Attended Nominating Committee Deephaven Jake Walesch 18 20 90% Dec 2019 — Feb 2020, Communications/ Legislative Workgroup Excelsior High Water/ No Wake 1/8 - Current Mark Kroll 15 16 94% Workgroup AIS Task Force, STL Greenwood Bill Cook 16 20 80% Committee, Finance (2020 Treasurer) Workgroup, Officer Workgroup, Deicing Operations Workgroup STL Committee, Minnetonka Nicole Stone 18 20 90% Nominating Committee Dec 2019- Feb 2020 Minnetonka Beach Dennis Klohs 17 20 o 85/0 Strate is Plan Subcommittee 9 -2263- 2021 City Appointments of LMCD Board Members October 19, 2020 Page 3 Please let me know your city's appointment for 2021 after your council meeting where approvals are made, typically December 2020 or January 2021. A copy of the official Council appointment is also required such as the resolution or meeting minutes. Appointments typically start February 1, 2021. 1 look forward to working with your city in the coming year to preserve and enhance the Lake Minnetonka experience. If you have questions, please contact me at (952) 745-0789 or vschleuninga-Imcd.ora. -2264- Regular Member City Board Member Board Total Board Rate of Additional Committee/ Meeting Meetings Attendance Workgroup Participation Attended Minnetrista 1/22 - Current Mike Kirkwood 15 15 100% Communications Workgroup Mound Ben Brandt 18 20 90% AIS Task Force Deicing Operations Orono Rich Anderson 17 18 94% Workgroup, High water/ No Wake Workgroup Strategic Plan Subcommittee, Nominating Committee Shorewood Deborah Zorn 15 20 75% Dec 2019 —Feb 2020, High Water/ No Wake Workgroup Strategic Plan Subcommittee, Spring Park Gary Hughes 18 20 90% Deicing Operations Workgroup, High Water/ No Wake Workgroup Tonka Bay Gregg Thomas 19 20 95% STL Committee, Officer (2020 Chair) Workgroup Victoria Ann Hoelscher 20 20 100% Communications Workgroup, (2020 Vice Chair) Officer Workgroup Wayzata Dan Baasen 17 20 85% STL Committee (Chair), (2020 Secretary) Officer Workgroup STL Committee, AIS Task Woodland Force, Finance Workgroup, 1/8 - Current Denny Newell 16 16 100% High Water/ No Wake Workgroup Please let me know your city's appointment for 2021 after your council meeting where approvals are made, typically December 2020 or January 2021. A copy of the official Council appointment is also required such as the resolution or meeting minutes. Appointments typically start February 1, 2021. 1 look forward to working with your city in the coming year to preserve and enhance the Lake Minnetonka experience. If you have questions, please contact me at (952) 745-0789 or vschleuninga-Imcd.ora. -2264-