2020-11-10 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
November 10, 2020
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Westonka Schools Performing Arts Center in
Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council members Phil Velsor, Jeff Bergquist, and Paula
Members absent: Sherrie Pugh
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Fin Dir/Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche, City
Engineer Brian Simmons, Building Official Scott Qualle, Orono Police Sergeant Kenny Beck,
Patrick O'Flanagan, Dalton Detrites, Jaramie Wood
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledae of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Bergquist, seconded by Velsor, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion
4. Consent agenda
Bergquist requested Item 4D be pulled for discussion.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the consent agenda as amended.
Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $527,373.01.
B. Approve minutes: 10-27-20 regular meeting.
C. Approve Pay Request #2 in the amount of $78,035.24 to Widmer Construction for the
2020 Lift Station Replacement Project PW -20-05
D. Pulled for discussion.
DECEMBER 16, 2020 AND DECEMBER 23, 2020
Mound City Council Minutes — November 10, 2020
F. Approve miscellaneous Public Works pay items in the total amount of $2662.35 for 2016
Street, Utility Improvements (Bartlett) and 2019 Bay Ridge Sewer Improvements
G. Set City Council Special Meeting for Friday, November 13, 2020 at 4:OOPM via ZOOM
Video Conferencing to canvass the results of the November 3, 2020 Municipal Election
4D. Pulled for Discussion. Approve Resolution Approving a Public Lands Permit for Fence
in Undeveloped ROW for Property at 4848 Island View Drive
Bergquist asked how much of the ROW will the fence encroach on. Hoversten said it is typically
Y2 of the ROW parallel to Drummond. Jaramie Wood, 4848 Island View Drive, applicant, said
they are looking to extend almost the entire width of Drummond, estimated at 25' of the 30'.
Salazar asked if there is precedent for going beyond the Y2 ROW and Hoversten said he did not
know of any. Salazar asked the applicant if they would be okay with 15' to remain consistent
and Wood said yes.
Hoversten said Condition No. 1 of the resolution is consistent with the fence only on the south
half. Hoversten clarified that a public lands permit preempts any claim such as adverse
MOTION by Bergquist, second by Velsor, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor,
motion carried.
5. Comments and sui-cigestions from citizens present on any item not on thea enda.
None'were offered.
6. Orono Sergeant KennV Beck presenting the Mound activity report for October 2020
Sergeant Beck noted a total 177 calls for service in October, including 59 medical/emergency,
100 non -emergency, and 26 citations, noting that was a little higher than the previous month.
Beck said winter parking enforcement will begin on November 15th with no on -street parking
from 2 am to 6 am.
7. Buildinci Official Recommendation
A. Consideration/Action on Resolution to Authorize Proceeding with Hazardous Building Action
for Property at 5872 Glenwood Road
Building Official Scott Qualle said they have been watching this property for approximately 10
years and last spring there was a report that water was flowing from the property which ended
up being a broken pipe under the sink which prompted notification the building was not to be
occupied. Qualle said during a summer inspection it was determined this is an unsafe structure
that needs to be removed, demolished or significant remediation based on what the statute
requires. Qualle said it is their recommendation that the building be condemned and removed.
Qualle said the owner of record is Michael O'Flanagan, but noted Patrick O'Flanagan is in the
Mound City Council Minutes — November 10, 2020
Patrick O'Flanagan, 5605 Kramer Road Minnetrista, said they started the renovation years ago
and fell behind but thought the water was turned off at the curb and was surprised to hear of
the break. O'Flanagan said they reroofed % and painted the exterior and he feels it can be
rehabilitated. O'Flanagan said they will have an engineer evaluate any structural damage.
Qualle said the building has been vacant 5 years or more and if it had such potential it would
make one ask the question why it has taken so long.
Bergquist asked O'Flanagan if he is the owner and O'Flanagan said he bought it from his brother
on contract for deed adding he did not think it is not inhabitable as much demo has already
taken place. Bergquist asked when the structural engineer would do the assessment. Qualle
said that was requested in April noting it has been 6 months already.
Salazar asked if O'Flanagan has read the chronological order of events included in the packet
and O'Flanagan said yes. Salazar said he walked the property on Sunday and noted a gap
between front door to the basement. Salazar said the access windows to the basement are
laying on the ground leaving the basement exposed. Salazar said it begs the question why
there hasn't been more progress.
Velsor asked if multiple complaints have been received and Qualle said yes. Bergquist asked if
it is watertight. Hoversten said the access the Mayor noted at the stoop and basement
windows indicates it is not watertight.
Velsor said the City Council said the city are criticized about not being more proactive on
moving on some of these nuisances. Salazar asked if there was any way to save this building.
Qualle said that as he has in the past, anything can be fixed with enough money, but he does
not think it is financially feasible or justifiable. Velsor asked what the foundation was and
Qualle said a dirt crawl which Velsor added would be a potential for mold.
Hoversten noted the action is to direct staff to begin a legal abatement process that will require
time and asked the council to consider if that should be motivation enough to the owner to
begin making progress, particularly in light of the court system being slowed by COVID-19.
Velsor noted since he has been on the Council he has seen five of these types of cases and
O'Flanagan is the first owner he recalls whom showed up. O'Flanagan asked if 60 days would
be reasonable to get it sealed up.
Bergquist said this resolution is a reasonable step to continue to leave the city's options open
and the owner should get moving immediately.
MOTION by Bergquist, second by Velsor, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 10, 2020
8. City Engineer Brian Simmons presenting refined concepts for City entry monument at the
east entrance on County 15 and requesting instructions
Simmons said a discussion took place at a previous meeting that resulted in BMI being
directed to come up with a concept plan for an entrance monument. Simmons said the
packet contained a concept plan and estimated cost estimate of $75K including
landscape and engineering.
Salazar noted this plan presents the full offering but options and alternates could also
be considered. Bergquist said it is really nice but too expensive and maybe it needs to
be done in stages. Simmons said putting it in phases would be the sign first and then
additional planting and/or lighting.
Hoversten cautioned there are added mobilization costs when projects are broken into
phases. Hoversten said it is would probably be better to rescale the project if cost is the
Velsor questioned if the cast stone could be substituted with a painted stone. Simmons
said the Tonka Bay sign was constructed on an existing retaining wall whereas this has
to be built from the ground up.
Larson said her initial reaction was the cost estimate is very high. Larson said a
neighboring city explored similar options and when it was too expensive, they spruced
up the existing signs and the outcome was really nice.
Simmons said the concept was based on sign done for the City of Savage and that is
where the price estimate came from.
Bergquist asked what the Surfside Park & Beach sign cost and Pausche said less than
$20K but noted there was also in-kind donations for landscaping.
Salazar said we can get bids and decide then or just back off altogether. All present
agreed something has to be done. Salazar said this is part of the beautification effort,
so wanting to continue means reevaluating the design.
Hoversten suggested the council appoint a commission to weigh in on what can be
pared down. Larson and Velsor agreed to consult.
All agreed that staff proceed as discussed with BMI consulting with Larson and Velsor
to determine preferred design and cost ranges.
9. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
Mound City Council Minutes — November 10, 2020
Hoversten said the Council will canvass the results of the November 3, 2020 municipal
election on Friday, November 13 at 4:00 PM via ZOOM.
Hoversten reiterated winter parking restrictions begin November 15th with no parking on
city streets from 2 AM — 6 AM.
Hoversten the community rallied to accommodate the final street sweeping after an
early snow and thanked all involved.
Velsor thanked staff for the effort in providing early in-person absentee voting.
B. Reports: Finance Department — September 2020
C. Minutes: Planning Commission — 09-01-20 & 09-15-20
D. Correspondence:
10. Adjourn
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Velsor, to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mayor Raymond J. Salazar
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk