2021-03-23 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
March 23, 2021
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday,
March 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Westonka Schools Performing Arts Center in Minnetrista.
Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council members Phil Velsor, Paula Larson, Sherrie Pugh, and
Jason Holt
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Administrative Services Coordinator Kevin Kelly, , City
Attorney Jason Hill, City Planner Rita Trapp, City Building Official Scott Qualle, City Engineer Brian
Simmons, Douglas and Margo Williams, Danielle Rousselange, Dane Vocelka, Tim Lowe, Brian Benick,
Patrick McDeal, Drew Vocelka, Sam Steadman, John Connolly, Jon Holthaus, Jeny Holthaus, Justin
Bjork, Bob Adams, Gary Metchnek, Justin Dale, Jim and Sandy Gooley, Tim Witten, Jay Soule, TCody
Turnquist, Linda Johnson, Clark Wicklund, Steve Johnson, Kyle Becker, Jann Olsten, Ralph Kempf,
Elaine Pedley, Sam Pineur, Aaron Teal, Shelby Teal and Rachel Trout.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the
Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so
requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal
1. Open meeting
Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m
2 Pledae of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Hoversten noted amendments to the agenda include additional comments from the community for Items
7a-d and 8 a-c, and replacement pages 785-786.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Holt, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in
favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $789,759.23.
B. Approve minutes: 3-09-21 regular meeting
C. Approve Ordinance No. 01-2021 Amending Chapter 2 of the Mound City Code as it
Relates to Administration
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Jay Soule, Al & Alma's owner, 6201 Piper Road, offered his sincere thanks to the City Council for the
flexibility and helping businesses manage a difficult time in the economy and in the community and also
for following the advice of the Governor. Soule also thanked the City staff for all their assistance.
6. Orono Police Sergeant Tim Sonnek presenting the Mound activity report for Februa
Sergeant Sonnek said there were 138 calls for service for Mound in February, including 33 medicals, and
another 53 traffic cases which included 28 parking related complaints or tickets and 6 accidents.
7. Planning Commission Recommendation
A. Public Hearings - Major -subdivision -preliminary plat of "Villages of Island Park," rezoning and
Conditional Use Permit for townhomes and for a planned development
area in the shoreland overlay district for property at 4451 Wilshire Boulevard
Applicants: Steve Schwanke of Inland Development Partners, LLC and Turnquist
Rita Trapp presented the request for the property at the intersection of Wilshire and Tuxedo Blvd. Trapp
said the site is currently zoned B2 and is the former location of a 4800 square feet bar and restaurant with
77 parking stalls which were removed and has been green space for a number of years. Trapp said
Inland Development Partners is seeking multiple land use approvals. Trapp said the project is to build 18
individual townhome units with each unit having a garage space. Trapp added this is a rental project
which will have 17 2-bedroom units each with a 2-car garage and one ADA accessible unit with a one -car
garage. Trapp added that the site is 1.2 acres and includes a drainage and utility easement on the site.
Trapp said the developer, Inland Development Partners, is requesting a rezoning from the current B2,
General Business District to R-3 Multiple Family District which is consistent with a mixed use in the
Comprehensive Plan.
Trapp said the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is a required tool for townhome developments and is used
to provide flexibility for development and redevelopment activity. Trapp said the CUP establishes setback
and site development requirements of the 1.26 acre site which has established utilities at the site. Trapp
said the open space at the site is just under 50% and the building height will need to be below 35 feet.
Trapp said the units are 1,382 square feet for the 2-bedrooms and 708 square feet for the ADA unit with
an oversized garage to accommodate ADA requirements.
Trapp said there are two entrances proposed for the site - one on Tuxedo Blvd. and one on Wilshire Blvd.
and there will be 11 guest parking spaces with one disability parking space.
Trapp said the applicant is working on meeting the storm water requirements which are currently under
review by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) and the applicant has made changes to the
impervious surfaces which come to just over 50% and include a storm water garden.
Trapp said the landscaping plan is to keep as many trees as possible, including 22 over story and adding
10 new trees and a variety of other plants.
Trapp said the site plans were provided for technical review to partner agencies which included Hennepin
County Transportation (HC), the MCWD and the Mound Fire Department. Trapp said there were no
significant design changes from HC and the MCWD required a slight grading change for drainage. Trapp
added the turn radius in the driveway was changed to allow access to the Mound Fire Department ladder
truck and the City Building Official gave a favorable review.
Trapp said a Public Hearing notice was mailed to all properties within 350 feet. Trapp said the public
hearing tonight will address the three resolutions before the Council.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Trapp said the site plans were reviewed by the Planning Commission (PC) at the 2-2-21 and 3-2-21
meetings which recommended improvements to site access, additional parking, landscaping, open space
and added recreational facilities. Trapp said the PC unanimously approved the plans at the March 2"d
The Village of Island Park applicant Steve Schwanke of Inland Development Partners and Turnquist
Properties addressed the Council. Schwanke introduced Clark Wicklund of Alliant Engineering who
worked on the traffic flow, storm water system and landscaping for the site, property owner TCody
Turnquist, and Tim Witten of Witten and Associates who designed the exterior plans for the project.
Turnquist said his Grandfather purchased property in 1989 when it was a restaurant and bar with capacity
of 141 patrons, noting it was demolished in 2001. Turnquist said the site is mostly grass covered now but
was 90% impervious cover when it was a bar. Turnquist said there were multiple complexities at this site
including single family housing to the south, a commercial property to the north and Lakewinds to the
northeast, making it a challenge to fit in something with character. Turnquist said the decision was made
to break up the design into five units to better use the topography of the site.
Turnquist said there is a massive housing shortage in the area and strong demand in Mound for market
rate apartment rentals.
Wicklund said he included a memo outlining the specifics of the storm water requirements. Wicklund said
the site drains off of Tuxedo to the Wilshire rain garden project that provides a filtration system before the
surface water is conveyed in pipes to the lake.
Wicklund said the team reached out to HC about the access to the site and the feedback HC gave was to
improve sightlines and to reduce confusion. Wicklund said this was done at the site by eliminating the
multiple entrances/exits to Wilshire. Wicklund said HC reported a low frequency of crashes and a low
wait time to enter traffic during peak hours.
Schwanke said the property will be 18 market rate rental units with no affordable units, noting rents are
estimated to be in the $2400-2900/month range.
Schwanke said the finishes in the units are going to be upscale and target market for the units include
aging millennials who are on their first or second job and making a reasonable income but not prepared to
purchase a home and 55+ people who previously owned a home but are looking to simplify and eliminate
the burden of home ownership.
Salazar asked why they are doing a rental project as opposed to townhome sales. Schwanke said the
price it takes to build this project was a factor and the tremendous demand for this product in the city
which currently doesn't exist in Mound.
Salazar commented about traffic in the area of Tuxedo and Wilshire and Velsor said the traffic in the area
is light and doesn't think it is a problem at the site.
Sherrie Pugh asked who is going to manage the property and Schwanke responded Inland Development
Partners will have oversight of management and operations and will contract with a property management
company who specializes in smaller boutique properties. Schwanke said their group are local investors
who live in the west metro and plan to maintain and hold the property for at least 10 years.
Salazar opened the public hearing for public comments at 7:55 pm.
Jann Olsten, 3028 Pelican Point, said she doesn't like the density with 18 units or the entrance and exit to
the site and doesn't think the City should work to maximize the investment of property owners. Olsten
added the Council should get assurances from project owner that sub -letting of units or short-term rentals
will not be permitted.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Salazar said the City has responded to short-term vacation rentals through an ordinance to not allow any
new short-term vacation rentals and grandfathered rentals to not exceed 30 days of rental in a year.
Ralph Kempf, 4379 Wilshire Blvd, said he lives in Lakewinds and stated he doesn't want more cars in
area and more traffic on Tuxedo.
Salazar closed the Public Hearing at 8:03
Requested Actions:
i. Approval of Resolution approving the Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat
of Villages of Island Park Planning Case No. 21-01
ii. Approval of Resolution approving Ordinance amending the Mound Official
Zoning Map to rezone PID Number 19-117-23-31-0021 and PID Number
19-117-23-31-0020 from B-2 General Business District to R-3
Multiple -Family Residential Planning Case No. 21-01
iii. Approval of Resolution granting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for
Townhouse Use and a Shoreland Planned Unit Development Area (PDA) for
Villages of Island Park Planning Case No. 21-01
Pugh said should there be a requirement to have a "no left turn" sign at Tuxedo. Hoversten said he
strongly encourages the City not to install signage that isn't enforceable and to maintain space for fire
trucks to access the site.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
8. Review/discussion regarding request for evaluation of tattoo studio as substantially
similar use at 5439 Shoreline Drive in Lost Lake commercial building as provided by
City Code Sec. 129-71 (continued from March 9, 2021 City Council Meeting)
Applicant: Dane Vocelka
Owner: Samuel C. & Shea F. Steadman
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Requested Action:
i. Approval of Resolution regarding substantial use determination for
property at 5439 Shoreline Drive in Lost Lake commercial building
Trapp said staff have reviewed the written request by the applicant, Dane Volcelka, regarding the tattoo studio
use as a substantial similar use as retail sales and service. Trapp stated the discussion regarding this
determination began at the March 9th City Council meeting and was tabled to allow the Villas of Lost Lake Home
Owners Association (HOA) more time to respond to the substantial use request. Trapp said the council agenda
packet includes the comments from the HOA who regard the proposed tattoo studio as an adult use.
Trapp said staff met with the HOA and reviewed the City Code and Minnesota statute on tattoo studios and staff
have determined it is not an adult use but is same and similar to a retail use. Trapp added the State regulates the
licenses for tattoo studios and a person cannot get a tattoo until they are 18 and no one under 18 is allowed to be
in a tattoo studio. Trapp said a tattoo studio can be adjacent to residences and can be an in -home business.
Trapp said there is a 1st amendment right to adult uses and although they can be regulated, they can't be
prohibited. Regulations often require establishments to only serve adults and emphasize adult uses such as
nudity. Trapp said the city code defines adult use, including body painting, but doesn't mention tattoos in this
category. Trapp said staff communicated with the City attorney and the recommendation to Council is that a
tattoo studio is a substantially similar use to sales and services.
Trapp added there is no requirement for window tinting of a tattoo studio and staff reviewed other communities
with tattoo/body art work businesses and found some in residences and one in a strip mall right behind
Dane Vocelka, 236 25th Street SE, Buffalo, the applicant, addressed the Council. Vocelka said he plans to call
the business The Harbor and offer fishing guide services and custom built fishing rods. Vocelka said the business
activity related to those businesses takes place in many areas outside of a physical business location. Vocelka
said he uses social media and word of mouth to attract customers and often meets these clients at public landings
or at their residences. Vocelka said the business will attract limited traffic to the physical business as the custom
fishing rods are created in-house and their delivery is done by mail or by hand delivery to clients.
Vocelka said his businesses do complement each other and the store front will have a very high end art gallery
appearance with high end finishes and upscale furniture that will be clean and professional with very little walk up
traffic. Vocelka added that his customers come from all walks of life and tattooing has been an art form for
thousands of years. Vocelka said he has met the required regulations and the space is adequate to meet state
statutes and he thanked the Council for their consideration.
Danielle Rousselange, 236 25th Street SE, Buffalo said tattooing is a fast growing industry which has lost its
stigma and 50% of millennials have at least one tattoo.
Holt asked if there was plan for the windows of the business and if there are partitions which separate the waiting
area from the artistry. Vocelka stated there must be some form of walls or curtains around the tattoo work station.
Vocelka said his hours of operation will be similar to the Caribou and he said he prefers to be done at 6:00 p.m.
Larson asked Vocelka why doesn't open a studio in Buffalo since he lives there. Vocelka said Buffalo doesn't
have the customer base and the majority of his clientele of the custom fishing rod and fishing guide are based
around Lake Minnetonka.
Larson asked where he was going to park his boat and trailer and Vocelka responded he meets with some of his
customers in the morning at a public access but noted the majority, or approximately 95%, he meets at a private
dock or at their home. Larson said the Lost Lake residents have a concern about parking and traffic at the
Caribou as it is often backed up. Vocelka said he has a friend who lives in Navarre where he can park his boat
when not in use.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Velsor said that a tattoo studio isn't a walk in and get a tattoo type of business so customers need appointments
to be scheduled which shouldn't take up more than three parking spots.
Salazar asked which of the three businesses is his strongest. Vocelka said it depends on the time of year but the
tattoo studio will be the primary revenue source.
Salazar stated a public hearing is not required but would like to hear from those present for their comments.
Gary Metchnek, 1120 Oakview Lane N., Plymouth, spoke to Dane Vocelka's character as a fishing guide
and going out of his way to help Metchnek and his family.
Doug Williams, 5479 Lost Lake Lane, President of the HOA of the Villas of Lost Lake, said he is
strenuously opposed to the tattoo studio. Williams added he equates the tattoo business to an adult body
painting studio which is regulated in the city code as an adult business. Williams added the tattoo
business shouldn't be allowed within such close proximity to residences.
Williams said he did his own study of tattoo businesses and there aren't any in residential neighborhoods
in the area. Williams said the HOA consists of 27 partners who have put their time and money into the
Lost Lake Harbor Redevelopment. Williams said the fishing portion of the business is welcome if there
are no parking issues.
Williams said the tattoo business would be operated within 15 feet of the Lost Lake Villas residences and tattoo
parlors and other adult establishments have an adverse impact on property values. Williams said adult business
regulation requires they are to be a distance away from churches, libraries and schools and generally 200 feet
from the property line of the closest residential property. Williams said 20 of the 27 Lost Lake properties are
within 200 feet of the business location.
Williams said he did have a conversation with Vocelka and offered to try to find another business location in
Mound for Vocelka and to work with the landlord to try to get back the financial commitments which both parties
have spent. Williams said he never heard back from Vocelka regarding his offer.
Williams said Minnesota statute does not provide where a tattoo parlor is located though no one under 18 can get
a tattoo and businesses dealing with bodily fluids are treated differently by the State. Williams said his research
found that Excelsior had a tattoo parlor which was 500 feet from residences; Golden Valley is 250 feet away from
residences and Eden Prairie, 200 ft. Williams said Vocelka's current tattoo business in Eden Prairie is 1000 feet
from the closest residence. Williams added the Shakopee Police Department evaluates adult businesses and a
Chaska tattoo parlor is 300 feet away from a Planned Unit Development (PUD) in their downtown and their code
requires a 200 feet distance for adult uses.
Jim Gooley, 5496 Lost Lake Lane, said he was on the Wayzata Planning Commission and they did not permit this
use, Orono requires body painting studios to be at least 250 feet from residences, and Tonka Bay restricts where
adult uses are allowed.
Williams again stated a tattoo parlor is specifically defined as an adult enterprise and there is no family friendly
tattoo business. Williams requested the city zoning code, as it pertains to a PUD, consider tattoo parlors to be an
adult establishment which would prevent this business to be in the area of the Lost Lake Villas PUD. Williams
also said he would like more time to bring to the Council data which will show an adult business will bring down
property values.
Velsor said there was a non -licensed chiropractor who provided massages and a CBD oil business in the same
business space and he said the tattoo business is a highly regulated industry by the State.
Holt said tattoos are done under concealment and an adult body painting studio is painting a nude body during a
live performance which is characterized as sexual content.
Williams asked what is the distinction between nudity and tattoos done a person's genitalia
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Jason Hill, City Attorney, said the procedure before the City Council is to establish if a tattoo studio is a permitted
substantially similar use and none of State Statute says a tattoo studio is an adult use, noting body painting is a
different activity centered on sexual activity which is different from tattooing. Hill said tattoo studios are not in the
City Code as an adult use and other cities don't list tattoos as an adult use in their code.
Trapp stated the 60-day extension has been initiated and Hoversten said the extension expires on April 28, 2021.
Steve Johnson, 2309 Lost Lake Court, said the tattoo studio is not in the right spot and there is a common sense
factor in the Council's decision to put "yourself' into the shoes of people who come to our homes or the owners if
they try to sell their property and it becomes a deal breaker if there is a tattoo parlor nearby.
Vocelka said tattooing is a growing industry and tattooing has no similarity to an adult use.
Jim Gooley, 5496 Lost Lake Lane, said the HOA opinion is not a reflection on the applicant but it is about
our home values and the perception of our future.
Aaron Teal, 21353 Forest Hill Road, Richmond, MN said he appreciates the opinions expressed tonight
but said Vocelka has spent the last six months trying to make this happen.
Patrick McDeid, 3513 Lyric Avenue, Navarre, say the old perception and negative connotation of tattoos
has changed and there are infinite reasons for getting a tattoo.
John Holthaus, 248 Main Street East, Richmond, MN said he doesn't agree with the property value
argument of the HOA.
Shelby Teal, 850 Cumming Lane, St. Cloud, stated that Vocelka is a professional artist and body painting
isn't in any way similar to tattooing.
Jeny Holthaus, 248 Main Street, Richmond, MN said Vocelka has a degree from UMD and when Vocelka
was a student in Duluth, artists in tattoo shops in Duluth started buying his work and respected his art
and added these aren't the tattoos of yesterday. Holthaus said Vocelka designed a flower tattoo for her.
Linda Johnson, 2307 Lost Lake Court, said she lives right in front of the proposed tattoo parlor. She said
she doesn't object to Vocelka's fishing business but doesn't see how it relates to the tattoo business.
Cindy Gooley, 5496 Lost Lake Lane, said the Lost Lake HOA property values will be negatively affected
and would like to see a compromise of removing the tattoo studio from the business but keep the other
Salazar brought the discussion back to the Council.
Pugh asked Vocelka why he didn't respond to Williams' calls. Vocelka said he initiated contact with
Williams and they spoke for 30-40 minutes on Saturday.
Holt and Vocelka discussed taking tattoo out of the name of business sign on the building and Vocelka
said the sign would just say "The Harbor" and not reference tattoos.
Salazar said it is a state requirement that a privacy wall or partition must be present and a full privacy
curtain around every station in a tattoo studio. Vocelka said the store in Eden Prairie has blinds or
curtains in the windows to eliminate the view from outside.
Vocelka clarified the business will not have a piercing room and he is not licensed to do piercing.
Hill said the sign is not a requirement of the City, noting it is the applicant's choice to not have the word
tattoo in the sign.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Williams said the signage issue is not the HOA's concern but rather the business which goes on inside
Velsor said he sees nothing derogatory about a tattoo studio and thinks it is far-fetched that this business
would be a drain on property values. Velsor added he likes the energy of the business owner and Mound
has a reputation as a "squasher" of businesses.
Salazar said Williams does make a compelling argument but he is in agreement with the staff
recommendation that the business is a similar use. Salazar said the city code does not equate tattoo
studios as an adult use or that tattooing is similar to body painting which is a specific activity apart from
Larson said the Council wants new businesses in town and Mound needs to attract new businesses but
tonight we have heard from people who don't live in our City. Larson said Williams pays taxes to our city
and the properties in the HOA contribute significant tax revenue to the City. Larson said she is
sympathetic to the townhome owners who took the risk on the townhomes and she said she is conflicted
on this issue.
Pugh said the Lost Lake development occurred during the economic crash and she is looking to the Lost
Lake HOA for compromise.
Holt said the Council needs to look at the city code and state statute to determine if this is a substantially
similar use or not.
Salazar said we need businesses in our town as the City has lost businesses. Salazar added that Mound
once was a thriving business town and it is important to have good businesses. Salazar said he believes
Vocelka is a good person and he understands how the HOA feels.
Salazar added an employee of his business has a tattoo on her ankle to honor her deceased Mother.
Salazar said Vocelka's offer to remove the word tattoo from the business sign should not go
unrecognized and he thanked the people for coming in to discuss this issue and the Council needs to
vote tonight.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Salazar called for a recess at 10:21. MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to recess the meeting.
All voted in favor. Motion carried. The meeting resumed at 10:31.
9. Building Official Recommendation:
A. Consideration/action on Resolution regarding hazardous building at 3053 Brighton Boulevard
Scott Qualle stated the property at 3053 Brighton has been determined to be an unsafe structure. Qualle said the
home has been the subject of the City Building Official's attention for the past ten years. Qualle said the home's
foundation is failing and the home has been deemed unsafe for human habitation. Qualle said a hoarding
situation was brought forward to Hennepin County Human Services due to the condition of the home and the
home also became a vulnerable adult issue. Qualle said the representatives of the person agree the residence is
a tear down and the lot should be sold. Qualle said the unsafe condition of the house encouraged the
representatives to take the right step.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
Hoversten said this is an administrative step to prepare an order of abatement and the City will work with the
representatives who have come forward.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
B. Consideration/action on Resolution regarding restoration agreement at 2396 Commerce Blvd
Hoversten said staff have worked with the owners at 2396 Commerce and have a verbal agreement to
move forward with Council approval to give City authorization to step in to get the property redeveloped.
Larson asked who is the property owner as the Annabelle Williams Trust was the property owner and now
Lang is being referred to as the owner of the property. Hill said there is to his knowledge no viable
warranty deed held by the Williams Trust. Hill said if the City requires a warranty deed it will lengthen the
process of property restoration and Hill added he doesn't think the Williams Trust is a going concern and
Jim Lang is party to and bound by the agreement.
Larson said that Lang needs to follow the timeline to finish the restoration by December 31, 2021 and by
June 30th Lang will need to apply for a building permit. Larson asked about delinquent taxes which
Hoversten said are due to the County and not the City. Hoversten said Lang needs to agree to do the
work or the City without contest could go forward without having to go through a court for abatement.
Hoversten said the agreed upon dates will be finalized by the City Attorney and Mayor who can negotiate
with Lang to force the party to get the restoration done.
Salazar said Lang sent photos to the Mayor to show that the trash was removed from the site.
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Velsor, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion
10. Mayor Salazar providing an update to Council and Community on Lost Lake Improvement Initiative
preliminary coordination activities
a. Action to approve release of Lost Lake Improvement Initiative Introductory memo
to MN Department of Natural Resources
Salazar stated the discussion to make the Lost Lake area a destination began last fall and in October the
Minnesota DNR pushed back on the initiatives as they were first proposed.
Salazar said the direction from the DNR was to do something for the lake ecology and the citizens of
Mound in order for residents to better embrace nature in the Lost Lake area. Salazar said the letter is
asking staff, the Council led Development Committee and the DNR to brainstorm ideas on enhancing
Lost Lake.
Holt commended the committee on the letter and Pugh said she is excited about the idea of Mound taking
the lead on being environmental stewards. Velsor said the boardwalk will be a chance to get the
community involved. Salazar said this initiative can be an investment in the City's future.
Mound City Council Minutes — March 23, 2021
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Larson, to approve the release of the DNR letter. All voted in favor.
Motion carried
11. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Pugh reported the POSC has a young
volunteer who will plant a flower garden and do other planting at Belmont Park.
Larson gave a report of the DCC Meeting on March 181h. Larson said the topics were the wait list lottery,
shared docks, the new slip at Idlewood and the deferring the rip rap project due to expense.
Hoversten said the next City Council meeting scheduled on April 13th and the Department Heads special
meeting on April 20th will be held in the Centennial Building Council Chambers. Hoversten added the April
27th regular meeting will be back at the PAC.
B. Reports: Fire Department — February 2021
C. Minutes: Parks & Open Space Commission: 02-11-21 Regular Meeting
D. Correspondence:
10. Adjourn
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Holt, to adjourn at 11:08 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk
Mayor Raymond J. Salazar