2021-01-26 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
January 26, 2021
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Westonka Schools Performing Arts Center in
Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council members Phil Velsor, Paula Larson, Sherrie
Pugh, and Jason Holt
Members absent: None
Others present: City Manager Eric Hoversten, Fin Dir/Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche,
Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Building Official Scott Qualle, Claudia Lacy,
Eric Lien, Emily Lien, Tyler Pieper, Robert Berrett, Paul Vogstrom, Michael Mahoney, James
Lang, P. Palanisami
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledae of Alleaiance
3. Approve agenda
Hoversten noted the agenda item #7 begins on page 270, not 259.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Velsor, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all
voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $1,403,342.11
B. Approve minutes: 01-12-21 regular meeting
C. Approve Labor Agreement between City of Mound and teamsters Public and Law
Enforcement Employees' Union Local 320 Representing Maintenance Persons January
1, 2021 through December 31, 2023 (Public Works Employees)
D. Approve Pay Request #4 and Final in the amount of $33,952.37 to G.F. Jedlicki, Inc. for
the 2019 Commerce Blvd Watermain Replacement project PW 19-04
Mound City Council Minutes — January 26, 2021
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Tyler Pieper, 5504 Church Road, requested a contact with whom he could discuss native
plantings at our city parks with the goal to benefit plant and bird species and savings on
Hoversten said Pieper should contact him at City Hall, noting there have been numerous
discussions with the Parks Commission on this very topic.
6. Planninq Commission Recommendation
A. Consideration/Action on Resolution Authorizing Release/Sale of City Parcels
Identified as PID No. 12-117-24-43-0020 and PID No. 12-117-24-43-0011 and
Consistency Determination with 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Smith gave an overview of what parcels are in question. Smith said the Planning Commission
recommended approval of the sale. Smith said in 2018 a policy was put in place to provide a
pathway for these type of parcels to be considered for release by evaluating if they would be
more productive under the control of adjacent owners, auctioned off, or retained by the city.
Smith said both are the minimum lot size and are encumbered by utility and drainage
easements. The City Attorney confirmed the city has ownership through the deed and is able to
release. Smith said Staff determined that they could be offered for sale to abutting parcels in
order to retain the easements. Smith said the Assessor determined the overall value for each
parcel to be $3,000 less 30% and legal costs.
Smith said Staff determined the which of the qualified abutting properties were the best suited
buyers based on a sales creating the most conforming lot, so each parcel is only being offered
to one abutting property owner. Smith said it has not been confirmed that the abutting property
owners are interested, but it is the assumption that they would be combined with existing
Smith said the Planning Commission recommended the parcels be offered to the two abutting
property owners in a sealed bid format conditional on the lots being combined for property tax
purposes. Smith noted the sale of these lots is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Velsor asked to clarify the parcels in question based on the maps as it seems the Canary lot
being offered to the owners on Dove is irregular. Smith said it is already an irregular lot. Velsor
suggested better outlines of lots in question in the future.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Larson, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
PARCELS IDENTIFIED PID NO. 12-117-24-43-0020 AND PID NO. 12-117-24-43-0011 AND
7. Building Official Recommendation
A. Consideration/Action to Authorize proceeding with Hazardous Building Action
for property at 2396 Commerce Boulevard
Mound City Council Minutes — January 26, 2021
Qualle noted the property has been unoccupied for the past 15 years and in August the City
was made aware of a falling fagade which raised questions on the structural integrity. Qualle
said an administrative warrant was issued to give them access and the packet contains the
assessment of the structural soundness and safety of use. Qualle said this requested action is
consistent with the other approaches for nuisances where the City requests a restoration
agreement but also allowing for a backstop if the owners are unable to come to agreeable
terms. Hoversten noted the owners have reached out to foster constructive conversations but
cautioned the Council not to impeded the other alternatives. Hoversten noted multiple
representatives of ownership are present tonight.
Michael Mahoney, attorney for the property owner, 125 West Lake Street, Wayzata, stated he is
representing James Lang, the property owner. Mahoney introduced Claudia Lacy who is here
to present a potential resolution. Lang noted as the lawyer he has to be on record to say any
abatement order would be arbitrary and capricious as they have experts to verify the building is
Mahoney said he prepared an agreement with punch list items identified by the Building Officials
with a proposed timeline. Mahoney said he has had productive conversations with the City
Attorney James Hill.
Claudia Lacy, 5940 Loring Drive, stated she is a long time resident and business owner. Lacy
said she has long advocated for an upgrade or tear down of this building and said she is here to
share her vision. Lacy showed an artist's rendering of what the building could look like. Lacy
said she thinks this partnership has real potential.
Salazar asked what is the proposed use. Lacy said it has not been completely flushed out, but
the initial intent is a public use; a gathering space for the community. Lacy said this could help
create space to address loneliness and isolation in our community.
Pugh said she too has grown up here but she believes the proposal would need many more
specifics as the community already has an abundance of space. Lacy agreed and noted Mr.
Lang is on board with making improvements in order to increase the benefit to the community.
Hoversten said in pursuing a dual track, all options are left on the table that creates the back-
stop/pressure to ensure progress. Hoversten said the kind of issues Pugh is raising are the kind
of details that need to be part of a restorative agreement. Hoversten said architectural plans
and specs are required for any commercial use that will bring to light potential uses. Hoversten
said demolishing the building is an economic decision more than whether it could be repaired.
Mahoney asked to clarify what is the Council action tonight because he assumed it was
abatement and demolition for which he is asking to be tabled. Mahoney said he has a Civil
Engineer here to attest to the building's soundness. Mahoney said he has a proposal with the
action plan that will address the structural concerns. Hoversten said the action is to instruct the
Staff to prepare the required documents for a hazardous building abatement.
Palanisami, Structural Engineer, 5661 International Pkwy, New Hope, said he walked though
the building in September/October noting the footings, walls and roof were sound. Palanisami
said approximately 400 SF in the rear has to be removed due to inadequate footings and soil
conditions. Palanisami also noted a wall repair needed but other than those two items, the
joists and footings are sound according to commercial building standards.
Mound City Council Minutes — January 26, 2021
Holt asked if Palanisami saw the Building Official's report of 39 items and Palanisami said yes.
Palanisami said he is a structural engineer and is only weighing in on that aspect and not the
waterproofing, lighting, etc.
Mahoney said he is asking the Council to consider that in light of the report provided, that the
Council agree that the building can be repaired and not demolished. Mahoney noted that his
proposed agreement addresses the 38 items to be corrected over a six-month period that
provides for staff oversight.
Velsor noted parking will be an issue with any proposed use. Hoversten said this stresses the
importance of a planning application phase of a restorative agreement to determine the
proposed use which may include the need for a shared parking agreement, etc. Hoversten also
said this would include evaluation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fire Code
Mahoney said abatement and demolition is not appropriate. Velsor said as a public official this
property is the number one concern of constituents and the public looks for the Council to take
action. Velsor noted this process has been used for several residential properties. Velsor
asked how many years has Mr. Lang owned this building and was told 30. Velsor said the
public officials are going to encourage the owner to take action because no one is adamant that
it needs to be torn down but the City has to protect the public interests.
Mahoney said he is requesting any action not be as accusatorial and pejorative as this sounds,
noting that this is the first time anyone has heard anything forward looking about this building.
Salazar referred to the City Manager's report included with the packet that outlines the options
and alternatives. Salazar said with enough money anything can be brought back to life, but this
building has many issues with no progress over 25 years and is creating much public ire.
Paul Vogstrom, licensed architect, 1151 North Arm Drive, said he is in construction and he was
involved in developing the scope of work. Vogstrom said he is interested in working with Lang
in determining what the building could be and that he is even interested in possibly operating a
business in it. Vogstrom said Lang is on board.
Holt asked if Lang was going to address the Council and Vogstrom said no. Holt asked why it
took so long and Vogstrom suggested just moving on. Velsor noted any action by Council is not
absolute, it is just to create piece of mind and maintain all options.
Salazar thanked Vogstrom and encouraged them not to waste any time in contacting the city to
develop a plan. Hoversten said this action is to direct the staff to prepare the documents
regarding an order to abate for future consideration by the Council. Hoversten said it could be
that a restorative agreement could be what takes it place if sufficient progress with the owner is
made before then.
Qualle read the portion of the code that has led him to determine that this is an unsafe building
structure making it a public nuisance per MSS Chapter 463 Sec. 15-26. Qualle noted that in
addition to the two areas noted by the owner's Structural Engineer, he did not address multiple
other structural issues that if left unaddressed can lead to structural failure. Qualle noted all
options of repair/rehabilitation or demolition and structural removal are on the table.
Mound City Council Minutes — January 26, 2021
Holt asked Smith who owns the property and Smith said that still needs to be
verified/determined as there appears to be a contract for deed that was not recorded, noting the
City Attorney would work through the title issues.
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
8. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager:
Holt asked about the crosswalk study. Hoversten said the engineers are pulling information
from other agencies and it will be a few months before the report is finalized. Hoversten noted
that this is specific to the Three Rivers trail crossing on Shoreline Drive.
Holt said water was another concern expressed by the public during campaigning. Salazar said
a presentation is being prepared for a February meeting and the public will be invited.
Hoversten noted that it will most likely be the second meeting in February. Qualle noted
MNSpect responded to a concern about water safety in the apartments south of Our Lady of
Lake, noting all four samples sent for evaluation were determined to be safe/acceptable.
Pugh said she was reappointed to the Legislative Salary Commission for a 4-year term. Pugh
asked for a Council demo of the new city website and Pausche said February 1st is the
anticipated go -live date. Pausche suggested she ZOOM with Pugh to show her the new site.
Hoversten noted Planning Commission and Council meetings will take place in the PAC in
B. Reports: Fire Department — November & December 2020
Engineering — 4Q2020
C. Minutes: Parks & Open Spaces: 12-10-20 regular meeting
D. Correspondence:
12. Adjourn
MOTION by Velsor, seconded by Holt, to adjourn at 8:51 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Raymond J. Salazar
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk