2021-04-13 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
April 13, 2021
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Ray Salazar; Council Members Paula Larson, Sherrie Pugh, and
Jason Holt.
Members absent: Phil Velsor
Others present: Ben Landhauser, Tim Nichols, Sam Erickson, City Manager Eric Hoversten,
City Clerk Kevin Kelly, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Planner Rita Trapp
and City Engineer Brian Simmons.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
2 Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Holt, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Holt, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all
voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $223,654.28.
B. Approve minutes: 3-23-21 regular meeting
C. Approve Pay Request #2 And Final in the amount of $3962.85 to Advanced Wall
Structures, Inc. for the 2019 Retaining Wall Improvement Project, Piper;
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
Mound City Council Minutes — April 13, 2021
6. Consideration/actions -- Maior Subdivision -Preliminary Plat of Mound Harbor 2nd
Addition and Artessa Mound (formerly Zvago Mound)
Trapp presented the Mound Harbor sale and final plat approval of the construction of a 52-unit
cooperative building for residents' age 62+. Trapp said the building will house four one -
bedroom and 48 two -bedroom units and this request for final plat is the last step in the process
of the final plat conforming to the preliminary plat, the approval of the development agreement
with Artessa Mound and the 2nd amendment of the purchase and development agreement which
will extend the timeline of the purchase of the property.
Trapp said the final plat generally follows the original preliminary plat from last year and there
were no additional comments or concerns. Trapp stated staff did follow up with Mound Farmers
Market and More (MFMM) representatives and walked through the plan with them and
addressed their concerns with construction timing and how the work would be phased. Trapp
added that Old Shoreline Road will be included in with the land purchase and staff will work with
MFMM, Minnesota State Bank and Lifestyles Communities to ensure that there will be access to
the MFMM site during construction and in the long-term.
Trap said one change from the original agreement was the name from change from Lifestyle
Communities Zvago Mound to Artessa Mound. Trapp added staff is asking for Council to
consider the approval of the three resolutions before them.
Pugh stated it was not clear about the role the bank would play regarding access to the MFMM
during construction. Pugh asked if the access would be similar to what took place previously.
Trapp said the MFMM will be similar and there will not be the loop which was in place but will be
drive in and drive out. Trapp added that most of vendors use the parking lot for sales or the
transit ramp for parking and MFMM representatives thought the drive in and out is not a
particularly disruptive barrier.
Pugh stated the development agreement said there will be construction staging until 2023 and
asked if the staging will impact the MFMM. Trapp said staff will continue the conversation with
MFMM and will work and communicate with them regarding the staging of construction although
Trapp added that most of the staging will occur along Auditors Road.
Trapp said everyone thinks MFMM is an asset to downtown Mound and Salazar agreed that the
MFMM is an important asset and staff will make sure the MFMM will be accommodated.
Larson stated she is also concerned about the development agreement and is concerned the
construction staging isn't strongly established. Trapp said the construction agreement staging
area will occur mostly along Auditors Road. Larson said the MFMM is very popular and would
hate to see it impacted. Trapp said the parking lot will continue to be part of the MFMM though
Old Shoreline Road is part of the property for sale. Trapp said staff are currently working on
MFMM access which will be next to the Bank. Larson said she is uncomfortable with the impact
on the MFMM which is very popular with city residents.
Salazar asked if there are assurances MFMM won't be impacted and the parking lot will
continue to be used as it is now. Trapp said part of the uncertainty is the City is in the park
planning process right now and further planning cannot be underway until after the preliminary
plat is finalized. Trapp said the park planning process couldn't start until there was a preliminary
Mound City Council Minutes — April 13, 2021
plat and the park planning process isn't wrapped up and finalized as of yet though staff have
every intent to make sure the MFMM isn't significantly impacted.
Larson, Pugh and Salazar all agreed on the importance, value and popularity of the MFMM and
Salazar said the intent is to keep the market open and to make sure it has the space to operate.
Pugh said she would like language in the agreement stating there will not be interruption of the
business of the MFMM.
Trap said the City owns the property site where the MFMM is held and the issue at hand is
access to the market site in which the details are going to be worked out. Trapp said the issue
of a MFMM access point is on the City to work out the final details which are being worked out
as part of the park planning process. Trapp said staff do a technical review of the agreement
which gives authority to the staff to finish off the access issues and other details.
Pugh asked for a motion to ensure MFMM access and Salazar said a motion can be taken up
after the resolutions are voted on by the City Council.
Pugh asked for clarification regarding lighting and whether the lighting in the planning was street
lighting or pedestrian lighting. Trapp said the height of the lighting was something being
discussed with the developer.
A. Requested Actions
i. Approve Resolution Approving Major Subdivision -Final Plat for Mound Harbor
ii. Approve Resolution Approving Development Agreement
iii. Approve Resolution Approving Second Amendment to Purchase and Development
Agreement with Lifestyle Communities, LLC
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. Salazar, Holt and Pugh voted
in favor. Larson was opposed. Motion carried.
Salazar asked Pugh if she would like to make a motion regarding the MFMM.
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Larson, to approve a motion to direct staff to provide appropriate
access and space for the Mound Farmers Market and More (MFMM). All voted in favor. Motion
MOTION by Holt, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. Salazar, Holt and Pugh voted
in favor. Larson was opposed. Motion carried.
Pugh asked for clarification regarding the soil contamination at the site. Ben Landhauser, 1301
American Blvd. East, Bloomington, stated soil boring was completed on the site after the phase one
evaluation by Braun Intertech noted ground contamination with petroleum. Landhauser said Braun will
do more evaluation and create a construction mitigation plan to remove the pollutants. Landhauser
said there will be a full removal of soil noting there is no ground water contamination. Pugh asked if
there was to be ongoing testing at the site and Landhauser said there will be monitoring and a post
construction evaluation will be conducted to eliminate any environmental concerns.
Mound City Council Minutes — April 13, 2021
Holt asked if the site preparation will stir up soil and after removal will new soil be added. Landhauser
said there shouldn't be much impact as the soil will be picked up and deposited in back of a truck for
removal. Landhauser said they knew of the fuel storage on the site in the past before entering into this
agreement. Landhauser said the pollutants are fairly isolated and the contaminated soil will be
removed. Holt asked if Landhauser was confident there wasn't anything they saw which would stop the
development of the site and Landhauser said there wasn't.
Holt asked about the explanation for the name change of the business. Landhauser said the name
change was brought on by a change in the partnership and in the next evolution of their brand.
Landhauser said there is another Artessa site in Shakopee and they are actively seeking out inner -ring
suburban sites for new cooperative opportunities.
Hoversten stated the 2nd agreement is an extension of the April 30th timeline of the first agreement and
was requested by the developer due to delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the delays of
Hennepin County in finalizing the final plat. Hoversten said the delays could take the timeline past April
30th as the sale will now most likely be completed in May and the County needs the time to do their
Holt asked when Artessa Mound will have physical work at the site and Landhauser said pre -sales will
start in the next couple of months. Landhauser said pre -sales typically last for 6-9 months and Artessa
will need to have 60% of the units presold before construction begins in 2022 though site prep will
happen prior to construction. Landhauser said active framing will most likely occur in the summer of
2022, with ground breaking expected to start in January 2022. Landhauser doesn't expect to impact
the MFMM.
Landhauser said they have a Sales and Design studio in Edina and sales people will be in Mound to
meet at the site but there will be no sales center in Mound as many of their meetings will continue to
happen virtually with prospective buyers.
Pugh said there are quite a lot of 60+ people in Mound and asked if Artessa was going to be actively
marketing to Mound residents. Landhauser said there will be on -site advertising, direct mailing and
newspaper ads in the area and noted they have already been hearing from Mound residents.
Salazar said Artessa is not a new company to this type of project. Landhauser said their project in Long
Lake started marketing in November and has 40% reservations already and expects to hit 60% in June.
Tim Nichols, 1301 American Blvd. East, Bloomington, said the response has been overwhelming and
he considers Mound to be a jewel with this development serving as a flagship property so close to the
lake and next to a park and believes Mound sales will be received equally well or better than their other
MOTION by Pugh, seconded by Holt, to approve the following resolution. Salazar, Holt and Pugh voted
in favor. Larson was opposed. Motion carried.
7. City Engineer Brian Simmons presenting bid results and requesting action on a Resolution
Accepting Bid for 2021 Lynwood Blvd Watermain Improvements (Ph1) City Proiect No. PW-21-01
Mound City Council Minutes — April 13, 2021
Simmons addressed the City Council with a report on the bids received on April 6th for the
phase one project. Simmons said there were five bidders with Widmer Construction as the
lowest and below cost estimates. Simmons said Widmer has done quite a bit of work around
the city and he recommends approval of their bid.
Larson said she is hoping this project will help the water she is receiving in her house.
Simmons said the aim of the Lynwood project is to increase the reliability of water service but
noted it will not remove iron and manganese. Simmons said the causes of unsettled sediments
is usually due to a change in equilibrium in the system such as fire events and water main
breaks. Simmons added the water system flush will take sediments out of the system but will
change the normal flow of water in the pipe which might cause sediment to make it to residents'
Hoversten said the removal of iron and manganese will be part of the discussion going forward.
Holt said he has photos of discolored water and complemented staff on the bid outcome.
Simmons said the favorable bids might reflect contractors who secured the PVC for the pipes
and locked in the prices prior to the volatility we are seeing right now.
Salazar said the manganese issue was discussed during the presentation at the March 9th
Council meeting. Salazar said the City did send out a direct mailer to residents explaining the
problem which was recently brought to City's attention by the Minnesota Department of Health.
Salazar said the goal of the City is to get in front of the problem, inform the community and to be
as transparent as possible. Salazar directed residents to the City website as the best source of
information. Hoversten he has had and will continue to discuss the manganese issue with
residents. Salazar said the City has spoken to Mound's State Representative and State
Senator and U.S. Congressman about the issue and the staff are currently working on a
feasibility study of the problem.
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Pugh, to approve the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
8. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council members/City Manager: Hoversten mentioned
upcoming meetings, including the April 20th Annual Department Head reports and May 11th
regular Council Meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, and the April 27th and May 25th
regular council meetings to be held at the Westonka Performing Activities Center (PAC).
Hoversten added hydrant flushing will begin on April 19th and will continue for a month as City
crews work through the system. Hoversten said updates on the progress of the flushing will be
broadcast through RAVE notices to residents who have signed up. Hoversten said the
community cleanup day is scheduled for May 8th and additional info on the City water
manganese issue and the water consumer confidence report have been provided through direct
communication and in the next city newsletter.
Hoversten said City Hall seasonal hours will commence on May 3rd
Mound City Council Minutes — April 13, 2021
B. Reports: Finance —February 2021
Liquor Store — March 2021
C. Minutes: Docks and Commons Commission: 01-21-21 Regular Meeting
D. Correspondence: May 8, 2021 Special Clean -Up Day Flyer
10. Adjourn
MOTION by Larson, seconded by Holt, to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Raymond J. Salazar
Attest: kevin Kelly, Ci y Cle