2007-03-08JOINT PARKS, OPENS SPACE AND DOCK ADVISORY COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 2007 Present: Chair Mike Mason, Commissioners Sue Pilling, Teri Turner, Don Heywood, Mayor Mark Hanus, Council Members David Osmek, Greg Skinner, Mike Specht, John Beise Others Present: Park Superintendent Jim Fackler, City Manager Kandis Hanson, Administrative Assistant Vicki Weber, Bruce Chamberlain Chair Mason called meeting called to order 6:32 p.m. Discuss Park Planning Introductions were made and Chair Mason thanked everyone for coming. Mason stated managing parks and park planning is valuable for long range planning. Bruce Chamberlain from HGKi discussed park planning and comprehensive park system planning. He explained the benefits and components of park master planning. Park master planning involves a number of components. Critical to planning is to have neighborhood and community involvement. Mason asked how many communities in the greater-metro area utilize park planning. Chamberlain stated the majority of communities in the area do park master planning. Hanus asked if cities of similar size that are not growing utilize planning. Bruce commented Shorewood falls into that category and they do park planning. Planning is not only for new parks, but also for aging parks with aging facilities. Fackler stated recreation changes over time and referred to the Skate Park that has very high use. Pilling stated we should have parks we're proud of that have up-to-date, attractive, and safe equipment. Pilling stated we're behind schedule in our equipment replacement. Mason stated we don't need to do everything right away, but would like to come up with a plan for years to come. Osmek stated it's wise to have a plan, but what is that plan and what resources should we use towards a plan, or can we do it ourselves. Beise stated the parks budget has grown the most, because we have added additional parks and greenways that need to be maintained. Osmek said we have to look our parks and what amenities are at each park, and is not sure if we need a consultant for park planning. Mason asked if the Commission is qualified to say what should be at each park. The Commission meets 10-12 times a year, for a total of about 20 hours annually. Is this enough time for park planning. We're aware that limited things can be done at our parks, but what are those limited things. 1 Fackler stated parks have a lot of liability and there are rules and regulations that need to be followed such as ADA. Aging equipment is a liability. Planning is important for these issues. Turner stated the Commission and Council need to find a shared vision. The jewels of our community are the water, parks and docks, that's what brings people here. It's our responsibility to find people healthy places to spend their time in the community. Turner commented for liability issues the first thing you're asked for a plan. Mason said there's concern about proper use of City resources, but we'd be foolish to not spend resources on planning. Maybe we look at one park and do a small step and reconvene again to see what return we got on an investment. Specht stated park planning and system planning needs to be looked at. The skate park is the most popular park and the Lakeshore parks carry a lot of value. We need to evaluate what we have and what the community wants in parks. Chamberlain commented if Mound wants great parks, you need to make small investments over time. The Council and Commission have scheduled another joint meeting at 6:30 pm on May 10th to further discuss park planning. Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Chair Mike Mason Mayor Mark Hanus 2