1999-03-23AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1999 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or Citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. OPEN MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. APPROVE AGENDA. 3. *CONSENT AGENDA *A. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 1999 SPECIAL MEETING ........................................ 934-937 *B. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 9, 1999 REGULAR MEETING ........................................ 938-947 *C. SET SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1999, FOR PURPOSES OF CONDUCTING AN EXECUTIVE SESSION ON THE WOODLAND POINT MATTER. SUGGESTED START TIME IS 7:30 P.M. *D. APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR .................. 948-949 *E. PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR WILLIAM DAHLEN, 4555 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE .................................... 950-960 *F APPROVE ENDORSEMENT OF SCOTT THOMAS TO FILL VACANCY ON MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD ............ 961-964 *G. PAYMENT OF BILLS ........................................ 965-977 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: CASE 99-03: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A HARDCOVER VARIANCE AND TO VACATE A UTILITY EASEMENT IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION TO CONVERT a 1 ~h STORY DWELLING INTO A 2 STORY AND ADD AN ADDITION WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE, AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT l&2, BLOCK 5, DEVON PIDS 25-117-24 11 0047 & 25-117-24 11 0046 ........ 978-1006 REPORT ON DISCUSSIONS WITH WESTONKA SCHOOL DISTRICT RE: CONTINUED USE OF WESTONKA COMMUNITY CENTER FOR COMMUNITY TENANTS ..... 1007-1009 932 6. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT REQUEST FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT RE: PROPOSED CHANGE TO COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN HENNEPIN COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2000 AND DECEMBER 31, 2002 ..................................... 1010-1012 INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS: A. Financial Report for February 1999 as prepared by Gino Businaro, Finance Directofl013-1014 B. Park and Open Space Commission Minutes of March 11, 1999 .............. 1015~1020 Information from WeCan, CASH and Senior Community Services regarding budget questions asked of them at the CDBG Public Hearing .......................... 1021-1038 D .Memo from the City of Orono to Mayor Pat Meisel regarding an invitation to attend a meeting on March 24, 1999, 8 a.m., Lafayette Club with other area Mayors. Agenda for the meeting is to discuss the future of the Rail America (Dakota Rail) line between Hutchinson and Wayzata. To my knowledge, the line is not being abandoned. However, there is interest from some of the area cities regarding what could be done should the line ever be abandoned ............................................ 1039 E. Water quality report cards from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District ......... 1040-1044 F. LMCD update on the overhaul of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) equipment .... 1045-1048 Go Strategic Planning Retreat: I have tentatively arranged for a facilitator to hold the strategic planning retreat that we discussed previously. The information about the facilitator, Peter Cotton, is enclosed. We have tentatively scheduled it for Saturday, April 10, 1999. Location is still to be determined. Department Heads are clear for that day. Councilmember Ahrens indicated her calendar is clear for that day. How about everybody else? . . 1049-1055 REMINDER: Joint Planning Commission meeting with Minnetrista is scheduled for Monday, March 29, 1999, 7:30 p.m., Minnetrista City Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed redevelopment of the mobile home park. Gayle Bethke, an employee in the Finance Department for many years, has resigned. She has been replaced by Collette Roberts, a previous applicant for a position in Finance. 933 MINUTES- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING- FEBRUARY 10, 1999 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 10, 1999 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, February 10, 1999, at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the Hearing Examiner's Report on the Wetland Delineation and exemption appeal by the Beckers for four lots on Three Points Blvd. in Mound. The City Clerk called the roll. Those present were: Mayor Pat Meisel, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, and Leah Weycker. Councilmember Ahrens was absent and excused. Also in attendance were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Engineer Kelly Bopray, Building Official Jori Sutherland, City Attorneys John Dean and Mack LeFevre, City Clerk Fran Clark and the following interested citizens: Tim Becket, Mark Jacobson, John Quist, Cheryl Fougeron, Jeffrey Skelton, John Campbell, Michael Fitzgerald and Larry Johnson. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The City Attorney outlined the procedure, process and rules for this hearing as follows: February 10, 1999 Hearing on Becker Wetland Delineation and Exemption Appeal A special meeting of the Mound City Council has been set for Wednesday, February 10, 1998 to consider the report of the hearing examiner on this matter. The purpose of this memorandum is to review the procedure and the rules that the council may wish to follow during the hearing. Although it is occasionally appropriate to recognize exceptions to hard and fast rules and procedures, generally the hearing process will go more smoothly and the information will be received in a more coherent and understandable way if the effort is made to follow the established procedure and rules. PROCEDURE A. PARTICIPANTS. o ° City Council. Your role is to review the record, hear the information presented by the parties at the hearing, and render a decision. Beckers. The Beckers have appealed the Building Official's denial of a grading permit. That decision was reviewed by the hearing examiner who has recommended that it be affirmed. The Beckers may be represented by counsel at the hearing, or may represent themselves at their option. City Staff. The staff is responding to the Becker appeal and proposing that the Building Official's denial be affirmed by the Council. The position of the staff will be presented by John M. LeFevre, Jr. City Attorney. The city attorney will be present to provide assistance to the MINUTES- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING- FEBRUARY 10, 1999 council as it may direct. B. PROCESS 1. Meeting called to order, roll taken, pledge of allegiance, etc. 2. City manager and/or city attorney called on to introduce topic. 3. Council can ask any questions about the procedure or the rules. Presentations. It is my suggestion that the Beckers' should have the opportunity present their case first. Following the conclusion of the Beckets' initial presentation, the staff position will be presented. I also recommend that the Beckers' have an opportunity to make further comments, but that those further comments should be limited to matters raised in the staff presentation only. Any additional presentations should be only with the permission of the council The council has the right to ask questions at any time during the presentations. Ce Summation. If the council wishes, the parties should each be given an opportunity, starting with the Beckers', to sum up their presentation. I suggest that a time limit (say five minutes) be placed on each. Council Deliberation and Decision. The council should formally acknowledge the close of the presentations and move into the deliberation phase. The principal issue here is whether to adopt any of the proposed resolutions, or to adopt a different resolution. It is not required that the decision be made on the evening of the hearing. RULES The following rules were provided to the parties in the hearing notice, and consequently should be incorporated in the hearing. The evidence that was presented to the hearing examiner is the only evidence that will be considered by the council. No testimony will be permitted at the hearing. The parties should limit their factual statements to a review of the evidence that was presented to the hearing examiner. The issue for the council to consider is whether to accept, modify, of reject the Recommendations of the hearing examiner; and, if rejected, what alternative findings are to be made. Consequently, the presentations of the parties should be directed to a review of the hearing examiner's recommendations from the perspective of.- (i) whether they are supported by the evidence in the record; And (ii) whether they correctly apply the applicable law. MINUTES- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1999 MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown to accept the rules as laid out. was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The vote Mr. Becker made his presentation. Mr. Quist and Mr. Jacobson showed an exhibit that was presented at the hearing. Mr. Becker reviewed his letter dated February 9, 1999. He then read a letter from his parents, Lorell and Dale Becker. Mr. Becker did not agree with the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation and did not feel she was qualified to make these. The City's Attorney, Mac LeFevre, made his presentation and presented the proposed resolution and recommended that the City Council accept and adopt the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact; Conclusions of Law; and Recommendation in the Appeal of Timothy Becker and Dale and Lorell Becker, Relating to the Wetland Delineation and Exemption on Four Lots in the City of Mound, with modifications as indicated in the attached Exhibit A, made in order to conform the said Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommendation, more closely to the evidence in the hearing record. The City's Wetland Engineer, Kelly Bopray (MFRA), agreed with Mr. LeFevre. Mr. Becker reiterated his contention that the Hearing Examiner was not qualified. The Mayor closed the hearing at 9:30 P.M. The Council discussed adding more monitoring wells on the property and continued monitoring. Brown felt the monitoring wells should continue to be monitored for a full year to get a tree reading of the water level and hydrology. LeFevre stated that even if the Council adopts the recommended resolution tonight, the Becket's can take a further appeal to BOWSR on this decision. If they have additional information, they could renew their request for a permit based on that. Councilmember Brown felt that more monitoring was necessary. Hanus suggested an addition: The duration of the monitoring is not to extend beyond September 1, 1999, provided that acceptable results are received and the TEP ends the monitoring requirement. City Attorney's suggested addition: This conclusion does not prejudice the right of the Becker's to request revisions in the delineation following the conclusion of a monitoring program reasonably acceptable to the City. Monitoring need not continue after September 1, 1999, at the locations and the number that are currently there, based upon a certification to the City, by Bart Engineering that that is an adequate sampling of the site and the TEP ends the monitoring requirement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota that in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act CWCA"), Minn. Stat. Ch. 103G, the City hereby, determines that the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact, as modified 3 73b MINUTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1999 below, are reasonably supported by the evidence of record, and that the Hearing Examiner properly applied the applicable law, and therefore the City accepts and adopts the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact; Conclusions of Law; and Recommendation in the Appeal of Timothy Becker and Dale and Lorell Becker, Relating to the Wetland Delineation and Exemption on Four Lots in the City of Mound, with modifications as indicated in the attached Exhibit A, made in order to conform the said Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommendation, more closely to the evidence in the hearing record. The following resolution was moved by Councilmember Hanus, Councilmember Weycker with the additions as outlined above: and seconded by RESOLUTION//99-15 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE HEARING EXAMINER'S FINDINGS OF FACT; CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; AND RECOMMENDATION IN THE APPEAL OF TIMOTHY BECKER AND DALE AND LORELL BECKER, RELATING TO THE WETLAND DELINEATION AND EXEMPTION ON FOUR LOTS IN THE CITY OF MOUND The vote was 3 in favor with Brown voting nay. Motion carried. MOTION made by Weycker, seconded by Brown to adjourn at 10:05 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Attest: City Clerk 4 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, March 9, 1999, at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Pat Meisel, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, and Bob Brown. Councilmembers Hanus and Weycker were absent and excused. Also in attendance were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Attorney Ron Batty, City Planner Loren Gordon, City Clerk Fran Clark and the following interested citizens: Dotti O'Brien, Mardi Wett, Mike & Dan McDonald, Stan Drahos, and Bill O'Meara. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. APPROVE AGENDA. At this time items can be added to the Agenda that are not listed and/or items can be removed from the Consent Agenda and voted upon after the Consent Agenda has been approved. Councilmember Ahrens asked that Item *F (Public Lands Permit for William Dahlen, 4555 Island View Drive) be removed because it requires a 4/5 vote and there are only 3 Councilmembers present this evening. Councilmember Brown asked that Item #E (Appointment to the POSC) be removed in case there is discussion on it. City Manager Ed Shukle asked to have Item *D (Norwood Lane Improvement Project) removed because there are two resolutions that need to be approved this evening as follows: 1. Resolution declaring the cost to be assessed. 2. Set the public hearing date on the proposed assessment for April 13, 1999 instead of March 23, as suggested in the Agenda because there is not sufficient time for the publication of the hearing and the mailed notice. Mayor Meisel stated she would like to add an item to the regular agenda regarding an update of a meeting she attended Saturday morning with the Senior Center. *CONSENT AGENDA MOTION made by Brown, seconded by Ahrens to approve the Consent Agenda, as amended. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. *1.0 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 23, 1999, REGULAR MEETING. MOTION Brown, Ahrens, unanimously. MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 *1.1 '1.2 '1.3 '1.4 '1.5 1.6 APPROVE THE MINUTES, AS AMENDED, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. MOTION Brown, Ahrens, unanimously. OF THE JANUARY 19, 1999, APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 2, 1999, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. MOTION Brown, Ahrens, unanimously. BID AWARD: AUDITOR'S ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. RESOLUTION//99-20 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE BID FOR THE AUDITOR'S ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO KUSSKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. OF CHASKA IN THE AMOUNT OF $222,349.00 Brown, Ahrens, unanimously. APPROVE OUASI-PUBLIC SIGN PERMIT FOR A PORTABLE SIGN, UPPER TONKA LITTLE LEAGUE. MOTION Brown, Ahrens, unanimously. PAYMENT OF BILLS. MOTION Brown, Ahrens, unanimously. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR NORWOOD LANE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT (SUGGESTED DATE: APRIL 13, 1999). MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 The City Engineer explained that the following is a preliminary assessment roll prepared using the low bid of $56,327.75 received on Thursday, February 25, 1999. He has included the assessment section of the Preliminary Engineering Report prepared in July of 1998 with the proposed assessment numbers adjusted to reflect the actual bid prices. This attachment shows that the property proposed for development will be assessed 51% of the cost of the project after deducting the City share. The remaining 49 % is proposed to be assessed on a per lot basis which calculates out to be $4,270 per lot. This is $190 more than was projected in the original report. The Engineer believes the proposed assessment to be fair and equable and recommends adoption as presented. ASSESSMENTS It has been the City's policy to assess most of the cost of any street improvement to the benefiting properties. When the large reconstruction projects were done in the late 70's and early 80's, the City contributed 1 mil, which calculated out to approximately 1.5 percent of the total cost of the project. In 1976, the City adopted a street improvement assessment policy under Resolution No. 76-77. A copy of this policy is included in this report. The City does not have a policy in-place which covers utility improvements. From what he can determine, there have not been any utility projects assessed since the original sanitary sewer was installed in the 60's. He is suggesting that this project be assessed to the benefiting properties as follows: The City's share of the project is proposed to be $12,300, which is the additional cost to loop the watermain through to Bartlett Boulevard. Assess the developer of Lots 1 through 6, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit A, 51 percent of the total project cost, less the City's share. This amount would be $15,845 for the utilities and $15,265 for the street improvement or a total proposed assessment of $31,110. The remaining amounts would be assessed to the vacant property on the east side, Lots 12 through 17, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit A and Lot 7, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit A, which is on the west side. If the remaining 49 percent of each of the utility and street costs are assessed on a per lot basis, the charge could be $4,270/per lot. He is suggesting the per lot method to assess these vacant lots, rather then the adopted street assessment policy which uses area, unit and frontage for the following reasons: The storm sewer is already existing; therefore, the square footage charge for storm sewer is not applicable; and The lots are very similar in both size and front footage, thus a per lot assessment would be comparable. The following is a breakdown of how the total project cost was divided and the per lot charge 3 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 calculated. SUGGESTED UTILITY ASSESSMENT Total Estimated Cost $ 35,200.00 + Less City Share $ 4,130.00 * Total Amount to be Assessed $ 31,070.00 * Amount Assessed to Developer (51%) $15,845.00 * Amount to be Assessed to Vacant Benefiting Property $15,225.00 * Per Lot Computations $15,225.00 -- 7 lots = $2,175.00/1ot* SUGGESTED STREET ASSESSMENT Total Estimated Cost $ 38,100.00 * Less City Share $ 8,170.00 * Total Amount to be Assessed $ 29,930.00 * Amount Assessed to Developer (51%) $ 15,265.00 * Amount to be Assessed to Vacant Benefiting Property $ 14,665.00 * Per Lot Computations $14,665.00 7 lots = $2,095.00/1ot TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT * Legal Description PID Utility Street Total Assessment Assessment Assessment Lots 1-6, Block 3 13-117-24 44 0032 $15,845.00 $15,265.00 $31,110.00 Lot 7, Block 313-117-24 44 0033 $ 2,175.00 $ 2,095.00 $ 4,270.00 Lot 12, Block 2 13-117-24 44 0026 $ 2,175.00 $ 2,095.00 $ 4,270.00 Lot 13, Block 2 13-117-24 44 0027 $ 2,175.00 $ 2,095.00 $ 4,270.00 Lots 14-17, Block 2 13-117-24 44 0091 $ 8.700.00 $8.380.00 $17.080.00 Totals $31,070.00 $29,930.00 $61,000.00 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is the opinion of the Engineer that the proposed project is feasible and can best be accomplished as described herein. + REMAINS UNCHANGED FROM ORIGINAL REPORT. * REVISED AS PER BIDS. Two of the platted lots still create a unique situation. Lot 7, Block 3 is combined with Lots 8 and 9 as one tax parcel with an existing home located on it. It appears that Lot 7 could possibly be divided from the other two lots and become a buildable lot, meeting the City's zoning requirement. This being the case, we are proposing to assess this lot for both the street MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 and utility improvements. One option that could be considered would be to defer the utility assessment ($2,175.00) until such time the parcel is divided. The street assessment, $2,095.00, should not be deferred because it is an immediate benefit. Lot 12, Block 2 is also a minor problem because it does not meet the City's minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet in a R-2 zoning district. At the present time it is also a separate tax parcel, but is owned by the same tax payer as owns Lot 13. Including the west half of the vacated alley on the east side of these lots, Lot 12 has 5,635 square feet and Lot 13 has 6,087 square feet. Combined together, they would still be short approximately 278 square feet from 2 - 6,000 square foot building sites. There has been some discussion about deferring all or part of the proposed assessments against the parcels along the east side of the proposed improvements. A suggestion would be to defer only the utility assessment until such time the parcels are subdivided or a building permit is requested. The decision on the deferring the utility assessment can be made at the public hearing on April 13. The street assessment could be levied immediately. Ahrens moved and Brown seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION # 99-21 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE NORWOOD LANE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Ahrens moved and Brown seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION $99-22 RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF NORWOOD LANE FOR APRIL 13, 1999 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.7 ACCEPT RECOMMENDATION FROM PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION RE: APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY. Brown moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION//99-23 RESOLUTION CONCUR WITH THE POSC RECOMMENDATION AND APPOINT JOHN BEISE TO THE PARK & OPEN SPACE COMMISSION FOR A 3 YEAR TERM - EXPIRING 12-31-01 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.8 PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR WILLIAM DAHLEN, 4555 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE. MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 The City Manager explained that Councilmember Ahrens is correct and approval of this would require a 4/5's vote of the Council. He recommended continuing this item to the March 23rd Meeting. MOTION made by Brown, seconded by Ahrens to continue the Public Lands Permit for William Dahlen, 4555 Island View Drive to the March 23, 1999, City Council Meeting. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.9 PUBLIC HEARING: 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG} PROGRAM. The City Manager explained that four organizations have requested funding, but that the amounts proposed are not the amounts requested. This is because the City is held to a 20% cap on public service delivery programs under Federal HUD roles. The total amount of CDBG funds that Mound will receive is $64,646. This is proposed to be broken down as follows: ACTIVITY BUDGET Westonka Senior Center Operations $ 7,757 Westonka Community Action Network (WECAN) $ 2.715 Sojourner (formerly Westonka Intervention $1,681 Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH) $ 776 Rehabilitation of private property $51.717 TOTAL $64,646 The Mayor opened the Public Hearing. The following persons spoke. Bill O'Meara, representing CASH. Mardi Wett, representing WECAN. Cathy Bailey and Dotti O'Brien, representing the Westonka Senior Center. They all thanked the Council for their continued support. The Council asked for a copy of each organization's proposed budget for the year; each organizations salaries; and what administrative costs are. Sojourner provided this but the other three organizations did not. The organizations will provide this to the City Manager and he will forward it to the Council. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Brown moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION//99-24 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR 1999 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY 6 MINUTES- MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG)PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENTS WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY AND ANY THIRD PARTY AGREEMENTS The voted was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.10 PUBLIC HEARING: CASE 99-03: STREET & UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE DWELLING AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE. JORJ AYAZ. LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 15, DEVON, PID#25-117-24 11 0161 The City Clerk advised that a 4/5's vote of the City Council is needed to approve a vacation and therefore this item will have to wait for a future meeting. The Mayor opened the public hearing. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Brown to continue this public hearing to March 23, 1999. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.11 COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. STAN DRAHOS, 5430 Three Points Blvd. He presented the Council with some pictures he had taken in Seattle of how they mark their crosswalks. He referred 'to the crosswalks at the House of Moy and at 2020 Commerce Blvd. He reported that he has been working with the Public Works Superintendent, Greg Skinner, on this. He and Greg are getting as much information as they can and try to move forward on this. The crosswalk at 2020 Commerce is the crosswalk Stan is focusing on due to the fact that the crosswalk at House of Moy will not be necessary after County Road 15 gets relocated within the next few years. Skinner is doing some checking with Hennepin County on the feasibility of this type of signage over a County Road. No action was taken at this time. DAN MC DONALD, Enchanted Island, and Boy Scout from Pack #571 who was at this Council Meeting taking notes to obtain his Communications Merit Badge. 1.13 ADD-ON ITEM - MEETING WITH WESTONKA SENIORS The Mayor reported that there was a meeting of the Westonka Senior Center Foundation last Saturday. At that meeting, Cheryl Fischer, Mayor of Minnetrista, came forward and offered a piece of land that is within the Lions Park to the Seniors with the idea of building a Senior Center. Mayor Meisel reported that the idea was that Minnetrista would apply for a grant 7 MINUTES- MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999- through the Block Grant monies for $200,000. The grant paperwork has to go in by this Friday. A motion was made at Saturday's meeting to accept Cheryl's proposal from Minnetrista and to move forward with writing the grant. There were 120 persons who attended that Saturday meeting. Mayor Meisel stated that she had spoken with Mayor Rockvam of Spring Park and he said that Spring Park is behind anything that the seniors would try to do or want to do. He stated they would throw money into the pot if it goes toward building a new Center. She related that to the people at the meeting on Saturday. Mayor Fischer would like to know if the City of Mound would also participate with the other cities in this effort. Mayor WRA, Orono Fischer is planning to meet with the various service organizations in town, i.e. Lions, American Legion, VFW, Rotary, Jaycees, etc. Fischer will also be asking the Cities of and Spring Park to participate in this effort. Mayor Meisel informed the Council that there will be a meeting at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, March 23, 1999, at the Westonka Senior Center. They will be discussing how to finance a project like this, i.e. Revenue Bond, etc, can the money be raised by fundraising, etc. The Council has been and will be discussing temporary measures for the agencies that are now housed the Community Center. The City Manager will be meeting with Dr. Meyers on Thursday March 12, 1999, about some of the issues discussed tonight. Mayor Meisel stated that what Mayor Fischer would like to know is if she has the support of the City of Mound in this effort so that this can be part of the grant application. Councilmembers Ahrens and Brown agreed with Mayor Meisel in supporting the move to have the Senior Center built at Lions Park in Minnetrista. There was some discussion on trying to find interim housing for the other agencies in the Community Center at this time. 1.12 AREA CODE UPDATE. The City Manager reported that he has received another communications from Mr. Jim Strommen about the area code proceedings. He is asking that Mound respond to the overlay program the is being proposed. The Council asked that the City Manager tell Mr. Strommen that their position on the overlay would be to stick with municipal boundaries if they were going to change the area code in Mound. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS: A. Department Head Monthly Reports for February 1999. B. Letter from the office of the Governor regarding applications for the Metropolitan Council. 8 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 Dock and Commons Advisory Commission Minutes of February 18, 1999. Park and Open Space Commission Minutes of February 11, 1999. Letters from Jay Peterson, 2667 Halstead Lane RE: Wara Development in Minnetrista. The City Manager pointed out that Mound will be affected by both the north and south development of Saunders Lake. The south would require the Mound water extension. On the north side they are asking for the water system to be continued up in that area and they will be dumping a great deal of traffic onto a couple of Mound's streets that border that area. He reported that Mound and Minnetrista met several weeks ago relative to the south Saunders Lake development. The two cities will be meeting again on Thursday, March 12th, to discuss this further, and discuss the compost facility. Letter from Triax Cablevision regarding some changes in cable television programming and a rate increase on the basic rate. Memorandum on the surveying of Devon Common near Roanoke access. Notice regarding the neighborhood meeting on the proposed development of the mobile home park in Mound and Minnetrista. Please note that there will be a joint meeting of the Planning Commissions from both cities on March 29 at Minnetrista. Councilmember Brown stated he will report back to the Council on this meeting since he is the Council Rep. to the Planning Commission and will be attending this meeting. Notice from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding the annual legislative conference to be held on Thursday, March 25, St. Paul. Gino and I have attended in the past and it is a good way to learn about some of the key legislative issues facing cities during the 1999 legislative session. If you are interested in attending, please let me know ASAP. Councilmember Brown stated he would like to attend. Planning Commission minutes of February 22, 1999. Sales data books on 1998 in preparation for the 1999 Open Book meetings scheduled for April 20-21. REMINDER: THERE WILL NOT BE A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 16. Letter from John Dean RE: Bob Schmidt letter of January 19, 1999. MOTION made by Brown, seconded by Ahrens to adjourn at 9:05 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 9 Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 9, 1999 Attest: City Clerk Henner in County An Equal Opportunity gmp/offer March 4, 1999 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF WEED INSPECTOR Enclosed is a form for the appointment of a weed inspector in your municipality. It is required that the enclosed form be filled out and returned to the County Agricultural Inspector. Please do this as soon as possible. We would like all appointments in by April 15, 1999. S}~erely, ~ regory/~enl~r} Agricultttral I~spector Enclosure Department of Environmental Services 417 North Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1397 (612) 348-6509 FAX:(612) 348-8532 Environmental Info Line:(612) 348-6500 Recycled Paper MINNF. SOTA DEPART1V~ OF AGRICULTURE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT VT_.ED INSPECTOR FOR CITY OR TOWNSIOP INSTRUCTIONS I) Complete this form. 2) Return to the Count), Agricultural In.s-pectOr: Greg Senst 417 North 5th street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1309 NAME OF PER,SON APPOINTED APPOI]q'rMENT LOCATION ADDRESS CITY OR TOWNSH~ NAM~ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE COUNTY HENNEPIN (INCLUDE ARF..A CODE) DATE OF APPOIHTMI~T IN ACCORDANCE W1TH MINNESOTA STATUTES 18.80, SU~D. 3, PERTAINING TO ASSISTAI~ WEED INSPECTORS, TH~ ABOVE NAMED Pt~RSON IS l.i~tEBY AJsPOINTED TO BE ASSISTANT w~Tr~ INSPECTOR FROM THE DATE INDICATI~ UNTIl. SUCH A TIME AS TH~ MAYOR OR TOWN BOARD WISH~S TO TERMINATE ~ APPOH~FM~N'T. TI-lIS APPO~ CONFERS ON THE APPOINTEE ALL TI~ DUTI~, AUTHORITY, AND PRIVILF~ES OF ANY LOCAL WEED INSPEC'rOR AS OUTI.Bq-ED BY LAW. SIGNATURE (MAYOR OR CHAIR OF TOWNSHIP BOARD) TITLE DATE SIGNED STRICT ADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE CITY OF MOUND DOCK AND COMMONS ADVISORY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 1999 Present were: Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Frank Ahrens, Orvin Burma, Mark Goldberg, and Greg Eudch, and Council Representative Mark Hanus. Also present were Park Director Jim Fackler, Dock Inspector Tom McCaffrey and Secretary Kdstine Kitzman. Absent: Commissioner Orvin Burma Chair Funk called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. 1. MINUTES Motion made by Ahrens, seconded by Goldberg, to approve the minutes of the January 21, 1999 DCAC meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. AGENDA CHANGES Agenda approved as presented. w REVIEW: PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT Applicant: William Dahlen Location:' 4555 Island View Drive Fackler reported on the application submitted by Mr. William Dahlen to remove/trim trees and Dock Site #41050, Devon Commons. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. The Contractor must be licensed in the City to do the trimming and removal as required by the City Code Section 488:00. The work shall be supervised and coordinated by the Parks Director and the contractor shall give the Parks Director 24 hours notice in advance of scheduling or performing the work. In the event that compliance with the resolution has not been achieved within one year of the date of the resolution and the applicants associated to Dock License will not be issued or will be revoked until compliance has been achieved. Ahrens questioned condition number three, Fackler stated that this is a standard addition to all public lands permits issued. Ahrens then stated he does not agree with "holding a person's dock hostage" to an unrelated issue. Hanus asked if this condition serves any purpose in this case, as the project has to be supervised by the Parks Director anyway. Goldberg agreed that in this instance, the condition is not needed. Mounds Dock and Commons Advisory Commission February 18, 1999 Funk pointed out that the Commission should, however, be consistent in their approach to granting permits. Fackler stated that this condition usually helps make sure people comply. In this case, it may help to make sure the applicant makes sure the project is supervised by the Parks Director, rather than going ahead and doing it on his own. Goldberg suggested applying this condition when needed, and dropping it when it is not necessary. Hanus stated that the Ordinance must be followed, and if this condition appeared in the Ordinance then it must be included. He noted that some time was spent looking into the Ordinance, but more research will have to be done to conclude if this condition is mandatory. Ahrens stated that in the past, rather than holding back the dock permit, anyone who altered public land without a permit was prosecuted, as this is a misdemeanor. Eurich stressed that the Commission must be consistent by adding the condition to all, or dropping it from all permits. Goldberg stated that it sounds very heavy-handed and he does not believe the Commission should take that position. However, he would like the Commission to retain the right to include the condition when needed since it gives leverage for compliance. However, he would like to see some less harsh penalties used first, working up to losing the dock license. Hanus questioned whether it may be illegal to withhold the dock license anyway. Goldberg asked if this leverage was needed and what other means of ensuring compliance are available. Fackler stated that this is the only statement that has been used to ensure compliance. Chair Funk directed Staff to clarify the Ordinance with respect to this and other penalties that exist. Hanus questioned whether the City should share some of the cost if the health of the trees is the reason for some of the trimming, as stated in the application. Fackler replied that the City only handles the cost when the tree is a hazard. Motion made by Ahrens, seconded by Eurich, to approve the Public Lands Permit for Mr. William Dahlen, 4555 Island View Drive, to remove/trim trees, with Staff recommendations #1 and #2 as indicated above. Motion carried unanimously. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAY~NOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 STAFF REPORT DATE: February 2, 1999 MEETING DATES: February 18,1999 Dock and Commons Commission (D&C) March 9,1999 City Council TO: FROM: Dock and Commons Commission, City Council, and Applicant Jon Sutherland, Building Official ~ , APPLICANT: William Dahlen 4555 Island View Drive LOCATION: DOCK SITE #41050, DEVON COMMONS SUBJECT: PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TO REMOVE/TRIM TREES Background and Comments The applicant, William G. Dahlen, is seeking approval as described in the attached application in order to remove an elm tree (that is growing close to and under the large oak), and also to trim the existing large oak and maple tree. Also submitted with the application is the tree pruning standards from the contractor and photos of the trees. This area of Devon Commons is a relatively open, sloping, grassy area, with an assortment of trees. 1) Maple Tree Trimming: The applicant states the maple tree is to be trimmed, apparently this is to improve the view to the lake. COMMENT: The commission may view limited trimming of the maple tree as reasonable as long as the health of the tree is maintained. Improving the view to the lake is permitted by the Shoreland'lVlanagement Ordinance (SMO) Section 350:1225. Subd.4.A. 2. B. (1), that is attached for your reference. Your Commons Classification and its impacts should be reviewed and discussed however I am not aware of any conflicts. 2) Oak Tree Trimming: The applicant is proposing to trim the Oak tree and states that the trimming is required as a result of the Storm Damage last summer. prlnted on recycled paper 4555 Island View Dr - Commons Page 2 COMMENT: The Oak tree was trimmed by the City after the storm, however, it appears that additional tdmming could be done. 3) Removal of Elm trees: COMMENT: The applicant is seeking the removal of two small elm trees and if the commission may find this does not appear to be in conflict with the SMO. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Dock &Commons Commission recommend approval of the tree removal as proposed with the following conditions: 1) The Contractor must be licensed in the City to do the trimming and removal as required by the City Code Section 488:00. 2) The work shall be supervised and coordinated by the Parks Director and the contractor shall give the Parks Director 24 hours notice in advance of scheduling or performing the work. 3) In the event that Compliance with the resolution has not been achieved within one year of the date of the resolution the applicants associated Dock License will not be issued or will be revoked until compliance has been achieved. JS:kl Subd. 4. Shoreland Alterations. Alterations of vegetation and topography will be regulated to prevent erosion into public waters, fix nutrients, preserve shoreland aesthetics, preserve historic values, prevent bank slumping, and protect fish and wildlife habitat. A. Vegetation Alterations. Removal of vegetation necessary for the construction of structures and the construction of roads and parking areas regulated by Section 350:1225, Subd. 5 of this ordinance is exempt from the vegetation alteration standards that follow. Removal or alteration of vegetation, except for agricultural and forest management uses as regulated in Sections 350:1225, Subd. 7 B. and C., is allowed subject to the following standards: ao Intensive vegetation clearing within the shore and bluff impact zones and on steep slopes is prohibited. Intensive vegetation clearing for forest land conversion to another use outside of these areas is allowable as a conditional use if an erosion control and sedimentation plan is developed and approved by the soil and water conservation district in which the property is located. bo In shore and bluff impact zones and on steep slopes on private property, limited clearing of trees and shrubs and cutting, pruning, and trimming of trees is allowed to provide a view to the water from the principal dwelling site and to accommodate the placement of stairways and landings, picnic areas, access paths, beach and watercraft access areas, and permitted water-oriented accessory structures or facilities, provided that: (1) The screening of structures, vehicles, or other facilities as viewed from the water, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions, is not substantially reduced. (2) The above provisions are not applicable to the removal of trees, limbs, or branches that are dead, diseased, or pose safety hazards. Rev. 4/97 PUBLIC LAND PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF MOUND, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN Phone: 472-0600, Fax: 4'72-0620 55364 DISTRIBUTION: 5~_rqq BUILDING OFFICIAL ~- c3,~PARKS DIRECTOR ]-,::,q,~-cF', DNR i-~g-CF~MCWD [-~-C~PUBLIC WORKS DATE RECEIVED I -~"qq"~'~ DOCK MEETING DATE-,5~_ /_~_ qC!~ CITY COUNCIL DATE '~- q - q q lcheck one): CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT - new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code Section 320, Sub& I). I I PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT - to allow repairs to an existing structure (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE - to anow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition (City Code Section 320, Sub& 3). ~ i LAND ALTERATION - change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. (City Code Section 320. Subd. 4). The structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, sheds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance which means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non-transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to change in dock site holder. Applicant Name ILLIl tVk Address q~-'-~'.~" ~~J/~ {AJ Phone (home) ~/Z-qgZ-~-7OO (work) &/g-2%~Z- Abutting Address 4~-~-~-- "~5/-/grA]h I)/&(,X3 ~. Property Owner ~]...~/~t%~ -~ A3/It- ~/q~/~ Legal Lot Block ,, Description Subd. Public Name ' I-~-,%/'1r) ~ 'CO~ ,J'~"~ Property Dock Si~e # 4 IoKO Shoreline Type ~\(9 Contractor Name 05'-'[- ~J [~ -~--E~ VALUATION/PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS): 0-~, D SCmE REOUEST & PURPOSE: C~ 54-gnal~ure of Applicant Da!e 2q~l December 21, 1998 OSTVIG TREE; INC. SINCE 1933 A Tradition of Excellence Bill Dahlen 4555 Islandview Dr. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Dahlen: Below is a bid for tree work on your property for the winter of 1998/99. 1. Prune Maple near powerlines $ 225.00 Prune Maple near comer of house. Prune Oak on lakeside. Prtme Elm under Oak. Prune Maple on lakeside. Remove small Elm on lakeside. Grind stump on lakeside. Total. please add sales mx. $1150.00 Our price for spraying your evergreens, doesn't come out until February 15, 1999. Ir'you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office at 473-0534. Vice President TRfkr Suite 200 · 1421 E. Wayzata Blvd. ° Wayzata, MN 55391 Business: 47.3-0534 Residence: 479-3711 Fax: 479-4018 A Family Owned Business For Three Generations PRUNING STANDARDS With the American klational ~tandard for pruning, AN~I A$O0, specifications can be written in a virtual/nfinite number of combinations. The following information is designed to help you understand exactly what will be accomplished in a pruning operation. Branch Size A minimum or maximum diameter size of branches to be removed should be specified in all pruning operations. This establishes how much pruning is to be done. Pruning Objectives Pruning objectives should be established prior to beginning any pruning operation. A300 .-- provido< two basic objectives. ~-azard Reduction Prunin.q"~ Hazara reauct~on pruning (HRP) is recommended when the primary objective is to reduce the danger to a specific target caused by visibly defined hazards in a tree. For example, HRP may be the primary objective if a tree had many dead limbs over a park bench. Maintenance Pruning ~ Maime[~a[l~= t~ u[Hng (MP) is recommended when the primary objective is to maintain or improve tree health and structure, and includes hazard reduction pruning. An example here might be to perform a MP operation on a front yard tree. Pruning Types Hazard reduction pruning and maintenance pruning should consist of one or more of the pruning types noted below. Crown cleaning .... Crown cleaning shall consist of the selective removal of one or more of the following items: dead, dying, or diseased branches, weak branches and watersprouts. Crown thinning .... Crown thinning shall consist of the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration, air movement, and reduce weight. Crown raising .... Crown raising shall consist of the removal of the lower branches of a tree to provide clearance. Crown Reduction, or Crown Shaping .... Crown Reduction decreases the height and/or-spread of a tree. Consideration should be given to the ability of a species to sustain this type of pruning. Vista Pruning .... Vista Pruning is selective thinning of framework limbs or specific areas of the crown to allow a view of an object from a predetermined point. Crown Restoration.,.,Crown Restoration pruning should improve the structure, form and appearance of trees which have been severely headed, vandalized, or storm damaged. - over - CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 MEMORANDUM March 19, 1999 TO: FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ENDORSEMENT OF SCOTT THOMAS TO MCWD Attached is a letter and resume from Scott Thomas, a resident of Minnetrista, who has asked for our support in filling the vacancy on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD). The vacancy is a result of the resignation of Tom Maple, Deephaven, who has served on Board for the past several years. Tom was an excellent Board member and kept the City of Mound informed on many issues. He was a strong supporter of the Lost Lake Canal project and the remaining phases of the Mound Visions program. He will be missed. Mr. Thomas was a candidate, endorsed by a number of cities including Mound, in the last go around to unseat Pamela Blixt and Malcolm Reid. I am happy to see him still interested and willing to serve. Mr. Thomas would like the City's support again with a letter to the County Board in that regard. I would recommend that you approve the endorsement of Scott Thomas. printed on recycled paper March 18, 1999 igg§ 4801 Minneapolis Ave. Minnetrista, MN 55364 Mr. Edward Shukle, Jr. City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle: As you know, Mr. Tom Maple has resigned from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Hennepin County is currently seeking candidates for the open board position. I have applied for the open position and would like to ask the City of Mound for a letter of support. The issues the MCWD had to deal with during the first twenty years were quite different from those of the last 10 years. In the late 1960's, just prior to the formation of the MCWD, lakes were severely damaged from unrestricted flow of highly polluted water into the watershed. The primary culprit was point source discharges, such as overflows from wastewater treatment plants. The MCWD along with City, County and State governments worked together to solve the problem. Due to the severity of the pollution, the focus for the MCWD was in dealing with the existing poor water quality of the watershed and the improvements were significant during that first 20 years of the MCWD existence. The story is different over the last 10 years. There still are lakes and bays that have degraded water quality. These water bodies have been identified and solutions proposed. However, much of the remaining damage is from non-point source pollutants. The large capital improvement type fixes are not as effective resulting in the cost for pounds of pollutant removed skyrocketing. Meanwhile, the MCWD has moved away from working with the cities within the watershed to imposing rules that restrict/punish certain behavior. This has created an adversarial relationship between the parties who need to work together to solve the upcoming problems. There is a need to review the watershed management strategies being used by the MCWD. With the governor's call for an efficient mass transit system within Hennepin County and the extension of Hwy 12 west of Wayzata, both the upper and lower portions of the watershed is going to undergo substantial development Letter to City of Mound March 18, 1999 Page 2 over the next 20 years. It is critical that the MCWD focus on managing the future of the watershed as well as looking at its present needs. The MCWD has to work on: Building trust with the watershed cities. Partnerships need to be made with each city to review development plans and anticipate impacts on the watershed. · Reduce emphasis on rulemaking and enforcement. Rulemaking should only be used where federal, state, county or city laws or ordinances are not sufficient. It would be better to work with other government units to influence modification of existing laws rather than create new rules. · Develop plans in concert with other government units. County and State planning departments have strict requirements regarding construction of water quality structures as part of their projects. The MCWD should be looking at possibilities for joint ventures instead of having sole ownership of projects. · Develop a five and fifteen-year management plan based on consistent criteria. The watershed has to adopt unbiased criteria for selecting projects to fund and the plan should be followed. The MCWD should seek City and County concurrence prior to adopting the plan. · Consider other issues affecting the watershed. Milfoil now inhabits every lake in the watershed. It is a serious issue that needs attention. Zebra mussel infestation is on the horizon and its impact is uncertain. The MCWD needs to work with other government units to address these problems. Once again, I hope I can count on your support. With my professional background as a civil engineer dealing with environmental issues, I can help shape the direction of the MCWD to meet its future challenges. I would be glad to meet with you or address the City Council at your convenience. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to call me at 330-6939. Sincerely, C. Scott Thomas. Attachment: Resume RESUME OF CHARLES SCOTT THOMAS Address: 4801 Minneapolis Ave. Minnetrista, MN 55364 Phone: Home: (612) 472-2018 Work: (612) 330-6939 Work History: 1988-Present:, Northern States Power Company: Project Civil Engineer Minneapolis, MN Responsibilities include design and management of NSP ash waste disposal facilities, project engineer for the St. Anthony Fails Hydroelectric Facility and for miscellaneous projects at NSP's coal fired generating plants. 1986-1988 Twin City Testing Corporation: Principal Civil Engineer St. Paul, MN Responsibilities included design and administration of Geotechnical/Environmental projects primarily associated with Northern States Power Company and the U.S. Corp of Engineers. 1984-1988 CRS SirrinelFroehling and Robertson: Project Civil Engineer Raleigh, North Carolina Responsibilities included design and administration of Geotechnical/Environmental projects associated with clients for the two firms. 1979-1984 ATEC Associates/AMAX Coal Company: Civil Engineer Indianapolis, Indiana Responsibilities included design and administration of Geotechnical/ Environmental projects associated with clients/mines for the two companies. Education: 1984 Masters of Sciencein Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West LafayeEe, lndiana 1979 Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Personal: Married with two children Currently coach of 5th Grade Boys Basketball, Mound Westonka. BILLS 14arch 23, 1999 Batch 9030 128,842.86 TOTAL 128,842.86 LO, _1 oo ..... o ~ o~ ~ oo ~ ...... o ~ ~ 0 o ~-- I 0 o, u o , t ' o o ~ ~ ~ o ~ o o o~ o oo o~ .... ~ oo o ....... ~ ~oo I OI I ~o ~o ~o ~ ~ ~ oo ~ o o o o g § go o g § I ! I I-- o_ z u.J '0 oo og ~o oo oo~ og o go og ~o oI ~ 'l k f ,, o o~oo :o:ooooooo oooooooooo ooo=:ooo:: ooooo ...... ~ 0~0~ 00~000000~000~0000 O0 0 oo oo o o'o oo J~o y ~, Y Y Y Y Y Y ooooo~ oo~:oo oo oo o o o Z uJ Z I LU Z · . ...._._ .................... / March 9, 1999 PROPOSED RESOLUTION #99- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A HARDCOVER VARIANCE AND VACATE A UTILITY EASEMENT IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION TO CONVERT A 1% STORY DWELLING INTO A 2 STORY AND ADD AN ADDITION WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE, AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 1 & 2, BLOCK 5, DEVON PIDS 25-117-24 11 0047 & 25-117-24 11 0046, P & Z CASE//99-03 WHEREAS, the applicant, Jori Ayaz, has made application to vacate a utility easement on 1/2 of unimproved Drummond Road. This would allow additional hardcover associated with the construction to convert a 1 Ih story dwelling into a 2 story and add an addition with an attached garage at 4844 Island View Drive, and: WHEREAS, the property is a corner lot that fronts on three streets, Island View Drive, Amhurst Road, and unimproved Drummond Road, and; WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R-lA Single Family Residential Zoning District which according to City Code requires a minimum lot area of 6,000 square feet, 40 feet of lot frontage, a front yard setback of 20 feet, and rear yard setback is 15 feet, and; WHEREAS, the subject property was granted front and rear yard variances with the approved resolution #98-43, and; WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the request and recommended the Planning Commission recommend Council approval of the request with the following conditions: Hardcover be limited to 40 percent as stated in Resolution #98-43. Vacate the south IA of Drummond Road right-of-way adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 15, Devon, retaining a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes. Vacate the north 10 feet of the easement as originally described in document #890740. March 9, 1999 Upon recording of vacation documents, a revised survey is to be furnished which shows all easements and city utilities, including the watermain in the north ~h unvacated Drummond Road. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended approval of the following: 2. 3. 4. The vacation request of the south Ih of Drummond Road be denied. Allow up to a total of 3712 square feet of impervious surface. Vacate the north 10 feet of the easement as originally described in document #890740. Upon recording of vacation documents, a revised survey is to be furnished which shows all easements and city utilities, including the watermain in the north ~,6 unvacated Drummond Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City does herby grant a hard cover variance and utility easement vacation with the following conditions: a. Allow up to a total of 3712 square feet of impervious surface. b. Vacate the north 10 feet of the easement as originally described in document #890740. Co Upon recording of vacation documents, a revised survey is to be furnished which shows all easements and city utilities, including the watermain in the north ~/5 unvacated Drummond Road. ° The City Council authorizes the alterations set forth below, pursuant to Section 350:420, Subdivision 8 of the Zoning Ordinance with the clear and express understanding that the structures described in paragraph number one above remain as lawful, nonconforming structures subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of Section 350:420. It is determined that the livability of the residential property will be improved by the authorization of the following improvements: Converting a 1 ~,6 story to a 2 story dwelling including an addition with an attached garage. This variance is granted for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: PID 25-117-24 11 01~46: LOT 1, BLOCK 15, DEVON, SUBJECT TO ROAD. PID 25-117-24 11 0047: LOT 2, BLOCK 15, DEVON This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. March 9, 1999 The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. Mound Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1999 MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1999 Those present: Chair Geoff Michael, Commissioners: Orv Burma, Jerry Clapsaddle, Becky Glister, Cklair Hasse, Michael Mueller, Bill Voss, Frank Weiland, and Council Liaison Bob Brown. Staff present: City Planner Loren Gordon, Building Official Jon Sutherland, and Secretary Deb Hawkinson. Public Present: Mr. & Mrs. Jorj Ayaz (4844 Island View Drive) and neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. John Smith (5189 Emerald Drive), Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jilek (5444 Spruce Road) and neighbors. Chair Geoff Michael called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MINUTES - APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 11, 1999 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Weiland to accept the minutes as written. Motion carried 9-0. Building Official Jon Sutherland asked to add an item to the agenda. Agenda item 1C will be a Variance request on 5189 Emerald Drive. The Chair accepted the addition. 1. BOARD OF APPEALS: PUBLIC HEARING: CASE ~9-03: STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION, TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE DWELLING AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, JORJ AYAZ, LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 15, DEVON, PID # 25-117-24 11 0161. Chair Michael opened the Public Hearing at 7:50 p.m. after an introduction to the public of the format of this type of meeting. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to review the application of Jod Ayaz to construct an addition to the existing dwelling at 4844 Island View Drive. In order for this dwelling to be in conformance with zoning and building regulations, the vacation of part of the street right-of-way and utility easements is required. Gordon reported that today 4844 Island View Drive is a one and one-half story and the applicant desires to expand this to two story and add a two-stall garage. In order to accomplish this and be in compliance with codes, the applicant has submitted a request for the vacation of one-half of Drummond Road adjacent to his property and the vacation of a utility easement which runs along the front of the property as contained in Document # 779757. Mound Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1999 Currently Drummond Road is an unimproved street with water and sewage lines running through it from Amhurst Lane to Dexter Lane. As there are still utilities, easements will still be required. Vacation of Drummond Road is needed in order to attempt to meet the hardcover conditions stipulated in the approved Resolution #98-43. This limits hardcover to 40 percent. The current application still has an overage of 364 square feet even with street vacation. There are three options to look at: 1. If the Planning Commission determines the vacation is in the public's interest, the hardcover would be limited to what is shown on the original site plan submitted with the variance request (1998 plan). 2. The request could be modified to vacate all of Drummond Road which would then be incorporated in to the property. This assumes the abutting property owner north of Drummond does not wish to receive the north one-half. Total allowable hardcover would be 4480 square feet. 3. The third option would be to modify the previously approved resolution to allow driveway hardcover as shown. This would be a hardcover variance of 364 square feet. Staff makes the following recommendation: That the Planning Commission recommend Council approval street and utility easement vacations as requested with the following conditions: 1. Limit the hardcover to 40 percent as stated in Resolution #98-43. 2. Vacate the south half of Drummond Road right-of-way adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 15, Devon, retaining a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes. 3. Vacate the north 10 feet of the easement as originally described in Document # 890740, 4. Upon recording of vacation documents, a revised survey is to be furnished which shows all easements and City utilities, including the watermain in the north one-half of unvacated Drummond Road. Weiland asked if this plan would block Lots 18, 19, and 20 by vacating the street. If any one of these lots is unowned, the City needs to provide street frontage. Sutherland responded that while it is possible to subdivide the subdivision, Hanover Road would more appropriately serve these lots. The City Engineer has looked at this site and does not see any land-lock issues. The topography is too steep to justify improving Drummond Road for street purposes. The Staff does not see any public interest in retaining this right-of-way for street purposes. However, utility and drainage easements should be retained. Mound Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1999 Mueller reiterated that only the south half of Drummond is requested to be vacated and that the north half would remain available. Councilman Brown indicated that Lots 18, 19, and 20 were "odd" lots and would be non-conforming for anyone to build on. Brown asked if the applicant has considered buying all of Drummond Road in order to give him sufficient hardcover space. If all of Drummond Road were to be vacated, half would go to the lot owner on the north side. This applicant would need to make arrangements with his neighbor to obtain that half. That is not a City decision. Mueller asked about precedents of vacating only one-half of a street before. Weiland indicated two locations, one by Union Cemetery and one by Owens. Mueller does not believe the application by Union Cemetery was passed. Owens has gone through, however. Mueller's concern is that there are "little jogs" of 15 feet wide by "whatever" length of City-owned property that there is little or no access to and is unusable. Gordon indicated that by vacating one-half of Drummond Road, a precedent will indeed by set. It was asked if all of Drummond Road should be vacated. Mueller asked Sutherland who initiates this, the City or the property owners. Sutherland explored another option which is to give this applicant a variance on hardcover. Mueller is concerned that this leads to "piecemeal" planning and is not the direction the Planning Commission should go. He asked if the owner of the north side of Drummond had been notified. Sutherland replied that yes, that owner had been. Sutherland further spelled out the frustration of this application for both the applicant and the Staff. Everyone is held up if we seek the entire neighborhood to vacate all of Drummond Road. Mueller is uncomfortable with a hardcover variance. Clapsaddle asked if the City could just vacate and give Drummond to the adjacent property owners. This would require a Public Hearing. PUBLIC COMMENT Jorj Ayaz asked what the City's plans were for the road. He is trying to improve his property and that of the roads. Today it is green space and while used for a utility easement, there is no building on it nor proposed to be on this area. He does not think the neighbors would object to getting extra land if all of Drummond Road was vacated. Brown indicated "walking" the property today and does not see how it can possibly be an improved road. It would have to be a "tunnel." Weiland continued to express his concern that any one of the lots could be land-locked and that is unacceptable. Gordon reiterated that improved roads serve all the current homes and nothing will change as far as access for these owners. Mueller clarified this by stating: "There are no land-locked parcels." Chair Michael closed the Public Comment period at 8:20 p.m. Mound Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1999 DISCUSSION Chair Michael asked if this road could be recognized much like you would "commons" and if that designation would help the applicant. Clapsaddle and Mueller suggested that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that a Public Hearing be called for purposes of vacating the entire Drummond Road. Weiland asked if this could be called "green space" and unusable and thus, grant a variance for one-half of the street. Then when and if the whole street is vacated, the variance could be removed. Burma pointed out that even with this plan, the hardcover condition is still an issue. Do we give a variance on the hardcover condition of 40 percent was his next question. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Weiland for a variance for hard cover limits not to exceed 40 percent (4000 square feet) with the addition of the extra 1200 square feet (Drummond Road 80 feet x 15 feet). Motion carried 9-0. DISCUSSION Clapsaddle asked why a Public Hearing was called to vacate only one-half of the street. He expressed frustration over "patchwork" planning. Brown asked what it would take to vacate all of Drummond Road. This would require another Public Hearing and thus delay this applicant. Sutherland asked what it would take to make this application work. Discussion ensued as to how to build driveway that would satisfy the 40 percent hardcover limitation. A call for a vote on the motion was made. The variance was granted and the road vacation was not approved. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle that the Vacation Request #99-03 be denied as it provides a "piecemeal" planning process and that the Island View utility easements be maintained with the three conditions per the City Engineer's report. Motion carried 9-0. The Chair suggested that Mr. Ayaz check with his neighbors and get them together to come in to vacate the entire unimproved portion of Drummond Road. If vacated, this would become additional property and the Variance could be rescinded. MOTION by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle for the Planning Commission to request that the Council have Staff prepare 4 Mound Planning Commission Minutes February 8, 1999 recommendation to vacate all of the unimproved Drummond Road. Motion carried 9-0. DISCUSSION Chair Michael pointed out that this would require another Public Hearing. CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUN D, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE #99-03 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION LOCATED WITHIN THE R-lA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE AND ADJACENT UNIMPROVED DRUMMOND ROAD, BLOCK 15, LOTS I & 2, DEVON PIDS # 25-117-24 11 0161 P & Z 99-03 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 1999 to consider the approval of a street and utility easement vacation located within the R-lA Single Family Residential zoning district at 4844 Island View Dr and adjacent unimproved Drummond Road. ..... . ~,. ,,~ .... 040 '."- v~ - ....oJ 8 , ~.,i t~;~ ~ .... o ' ~u.~ (64/~ ~ .... , ~ .l~ ~ ~r~~ 149'~'J ~ 40 40 40 40 40 40 ~ ~ ~) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4~1~ 40 40 40 40 40 40 t5 40 ~a~ ~ 40 All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at thismeeting~~ ~~ , K~nquist~in~ Secretary Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of affected property on February 23, 1999 Published in the Laker, February 27, 1 999 prmted on recycled paper PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Loren Gordon, AICP DATE: February 8, 1998 SUBJECT: Street Vacation Request OWNER: Jorj Ayaz - 4844 Island View Drive CASE NUMBER: 99-03 HKG FILE NUMBER: 99-5c LOCATION: 4844 Island View Drive ZONING: Residential District R- 1A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential BACKGROUND/COMMENTS: Jorj Ayaz property owner at 4844 Island View Drive has submitted a request for the following: 1. Vacate ½ of Drummond Road adjacent to the property. 2. Vacate a utility easement area along the front of the property as contained in Doc. # 779757. Currently Drummond Road is a paper street that has water and sanitary sewer lines within in it. Between Dexter Lane and Amhurst Lane, Drummond runs in the rear of homes located on the block. All homes on the block front on Island View Drive or Hanover Road. As there are no homes that "front" on Drummond or and detached garages that could utilize it as an alley, it does not seem useful to the public for access purposes. The City Engineer's report dated February 1, 1999, details the utility and easement issues on the property. Recommendations from this report are included in the following recommendation. As you will remember, the applicant submitted a request last year for front and side yard variances to remodel the existing residence. The request to vacate that part of Drummond Road is primarily related to the need to comply with the hardcover conditions stipulated in the approved resolution//98-43. The resolution states that hardcover for the property is limited to 40 percent. As proposed, the property would be over the allowable amount by 412 square feet. With the incorporation of ½ of a vacated Drununond Road, the total property area would be 10,000 sq. fi. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 p. 2 #99-03 ~4yaz I/acation Request January 8, 1999 which would allow for 4,000 sq. ft. of hardcover. The site plan and hardcover calculations submitted with last year's variance request show a total of 3932 sq. ft. of impervious surface. The new survey dated January 26, 1999, is the same as last year's survey, except that the driveway has a notch on the north side and is about 5 feet wider. This new site plan would add approximately 432 sq. fi. of hardcover bringing the total hardcover after incorporation of the vacated street to 4364 sq. fi. An overage of 364 sq. fi. Even with street vacation, the January 262 site plan could not be approved. To move this request along there are a couple of options: 1. If the Planning Commission determines the vacation is in the public's interest, the hardcover would be limited to what is shown on the original site plan submitted with the variance request. 2. The request could be modified to vacate all of Drummond Road which would then be incorporated in to the property. This assumes the abutting property owner north of Drummond does not wish to receive the north ½. Total allowable hardcover would be 4,480 sq. fi. 3. The third option would be to modify the previously approved resolution to allow the extra driveway hardcover as shown. This would be a hardcover variance of 364 sq. fi. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend Council approval street and utility easement vacations as requested with the following conditions: 1. Limit the hardcover to 40 percent as stated in Resolution #98-43. 2. Vacate the south half of Drummond Road right-of-way adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 15, Devon, retaining a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes. 3. Vacate the north 10 feet of the easement as originally described in Document No. 890740. 4. Upon recording of vacation documents, a revised survey is to be furnished which shows all easements and City utilities, including the watermain in the north one half of unvacated Drummond Road. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 Engineering ' Planning ' Surveying FRA RECEIVEP FEB - 2 1999 MOUND PLANNING & INSP. MEMORANDUM DATE: February 1, 1999 TO: Jon Sutherland, Planning and Zoning FROM: John Cameron, City Engineer SUBJECT: City of Mound Vacation Request - 4844 Island View Dr. Case No. 99-03 MFRA # 12002 As requested, we have reviewed the application for street and easement vacation and have the following comments and recommendations. The application requests vacation of the south one half of Drummond Road adjacent to the applicant's property, Lots 1 and 2, Block 15, Devon. This half of the right-of-way has a sewer service for Lot 19, Block 16, Devon running thought it. There is a City watermain located in the north one half of the ROW. Attached is a copy from the City's record plans, which shows both lines. It does not appear that the Drummond Road right-of-way will ever be needed for street purposes; therefore we see no public interest in retaining this right-of-way for street purposes, but utility and drainage easements must be retained. 15050 23rd Avenue North · Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447 phone 612/476-6010 · fax 612/476-8532 e-mail: mfra@mfra, con The application also requests vacation of the easement contained in document No. 779757 which covers the south 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 15, Devon. The existing garage is located within this easement, however in 1986 the north 10 feet was vacated, we assume because of the garage. The south 10 feet was retained as a utility easement because a City watermain runs through this portion of the lot. This 10 foot easement must still be retained; therefore nothing needs to be done with the easements on the south end of Lot 2. Attached is a copy of document No. 779757, the original easement and documents No. 1789599 and No. 1798024 containing Resolution 86-117 vacating the north 10 feet of the 20 foot easement. For some reason, this resolution was recorded twice. Lot one, Block 15, Devon also has a utility easement across the south 20 feet and is recorded as document No. 890740. It was originally dedicated for both the watermain and sanitary sewer main. The addition to the existing house as proposed by the applicant will extend over the city sanitary sewer main and manhole. This short section of sanitary sewer only serves this property; therefore arrangements have been made with Public Works to allow removal of the manhole and a section of the City sewer main when the addition is constructed. With removal of the city sanitary sewer main, the size of the easement can be reduced from 20 feet to 10 feet. Attached is a copy of document No. 890740 There is one last document No. 1466491 which is for a triangular easement at the southeast comer of Lot 1 for the curb radius. The proposed construction will not affect this easement, thus it can be left in place. Attached is a copy of document No. 1466491. In summary the following is my recommendation regarding the proposed street and easement vacations. The utility issues have been coordinated with Greg Skinner of Public Works and he concurs with these recommendations. Vacate the south half of Drummond Road right-of-way adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 15, Devon, retaining a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes. 2. Vacate the north 10 feet of the easement as originally described in Document No. 890740. o Upon recording of vacation documents, a revised survey is to be fumished which shows all easements and City utilities, including the watermain in the north one half of unvacated Drummond Road. e:~qain:\misc:\sutherland 1-28 ~lpr~l 28, I9~8 RESOLUTION g98-43 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A FRONT YARD SETBACK AND REAR YARD SETBACK VARIANCES IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION TO CONVERT A 1 1/2 STORY DWELLING INTO A 2 STORY AND ADD AN ADDITION WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE, AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 1 & 2, BLOCK 15, DEVON PIDS 25-117-24 11 0047 & 25-117-24 11 0046, P & Z CASE #98-15 ,. WHEREAS, the applicant, Jori Ayaz, has applied for a front and rear yard setback variances and a variance to impervious surface in order to allow construction to convert a 1 1/2 story dwelling into a 2 story and add an addition with an attached garage at 4844 Island View Drive, and; WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R-lA Single Family Residential Zoning District which according to City Code requires a minimum lot area of 6,000 square feet, 40 feet of lot frontage, a front yard setback of 20 feet, and rear yard setback is 15 feet, and; WHEREAS, the existing dwelling is setback is 10 feet from the front yard facing Island View Drive resulting in a front yard setback variance of I0 feet would be required, and the setback is 15 feet from the rear yard setback; WHEREAS, currently the property consists of two PID's and this would require a combination, and; WHEREAS, the property is a comer lot that fronts on three streets, Island View Drive, Amhumt Road, and unimproved Drummond Road, and; WHEREAS, the existing setback from Island View Drive is similar to many of the adjacent properties, and; April 28, 1998 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended approval of the variance recommend by staff, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City does hereby grant a 10 foot front yard setback to Island View Drive and a 9 foot rear yard setback variances to convert a 1 1/2 story into a 2 story dwelling and to construct an addition with an attached garage with the following conditions: The property meet the 40 percent hardcover requirements. The applicant identify existing easements, vacate unnecessary easements and add new easements as deemed necessary. The applicant shall obtain an entrance permit and be granted the right to remove a portion of the City's retaining wall for driveway access to Amhurst Lane. The City will allow the applicant to use those removed bricks to build a retaining wall on the driveway apron. The City will retain responsibility for that portion of the wall within the right-of-way and the applicant will retain responsibility for that portion located on said property. During the removal and reconstruction of the wall the Public Works Department will review and inspect the wall within the right-of-way. Lots I and 2 represented by PID #'s 25-117-24 11 0047 and 25-117-24 11 0046 be combined. Satisfying any request of the City Engineer in regards t~ utility and easement issues. The City Engineer and Building Official review and approve drainage plans and building permits. The City Council authorizes the alterations set forth below, pursuant to Section 350:420, Subdivision 8 of the Zoning Ordinance with the clear and express understanding that the structures described in paragraph number one above remain as lawful, nonconforming structures subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of Section 350:420. It is determined that the livability of the residential property will be improved by the authorization of the following improvements: Converting a 1 1/2 story to a 2 story dwelling including an addition with an attached garage. This variance is granted for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: PID 25-117-24 11 0046: LOT 1, BLOCK 15, DEVON, SUBJECT TO ROAD. PID 25-117-24 11 0047: LOT 2, BLOCK 15, DEVON ° This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (I). This 2 shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. April 28, IP98 The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Weycker and seconded by CouncilmemberJe nsen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Alu'em, Hanus, Jensen, Polston and Weycker. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. SS/BOB POLSTON Mayor Attest: City Clerk 3 A temporary construction easement 25 feet' in ~i~hi.~nd a perpetual' easement 20 feet in width for public so~er~;wa'~er~.'~and..Othgr, utilit~ Purposes including the right to open, lay out~' C0nS~'ct 'and ~he same, and the rigtit'.to remove.trees, b~sh~ .~nd"soil~'th~refrom over~ under and across Lot 2 in BioC~:'15 of/Devo'~:a~dordigg to': the plat thereof on tileand of.'record in the Titles in and for said county and. s~ate, the.SOUth.libe of'both easements being the Soutli :line Of,.sa'i~ I.ot['.2 ''"'?_'".- '. . : . ::..; ;:":,,.L - ~.,. . ' :~;7,..~ . Said temporary constructioit easement, t6-exP'ii'e'.'.Jih~ry ..1, 1966. Certificate 105585. - .. ~,.:: .... '. . .. Y'..:ty ~, thc :cce?6 I,:'.r%' ~ i%~ ~-e,'t,.~.:, .... .~nd'- o:':p10yee~:,~i'l~:.'.kei:!ac6 2;:.r: c apron, ~ormoct.',md replace drain"fi~!~.'. He~ldce :ba,~t' ~d end~vor .... ~ ~..m ,~o,,, ~.lin6 ~t~ or .tzll, ou folla~o. m~vo zideualk blocks on Rcpiaoe. ~=:~. ~o:,t£0n.0t,,drain£iel6 disturbed ~0 ~a~Jt Illlb lO ~olb t~t l~altl£, To~ether wi/;& all tl~v ;~redt~me~ a~ mpp~rt~, u,lo bc~in~ or i~ an.~i~e a.p,crlalnin~, ~o th~ ~aid. party of th~ ss~l Pa'rt,:i.ts ~uceessg~"t 'and ~n ~tgIimonp ~crcoI. TI,~ ,at~ parties, of tI~ ~d part ha,.Y~... ~rounto ~t.. ...their ......... ha~S. the da~ and ffear first above w~'itten. .... ~.,,,.:..:.¢ .................... ~,.,,.~....,..~ ............................. ~'.,..t!; ,)£ .Hennepi n .............. ' ...... ~ ...... : .., .. o~' . ....... a~..~:~~ ........ ~.:~.~., ~,,fo,., ,,,,., . .~o.t~:y. ~u~.~3.e ........ [ ...... ,,.~,,~,,:.~,,~ ~,~:.~0""'"' ,,~,o,,,~,. ,,,,,~,,,.,,,~ Kon~ G, King and ~rieda ~, ling, husband, and ~ife~ ]1 STATE OF MINNrSSOTA COUNT~ OF HENN-~IN o£c - 1 1998 MOUNO PLANNING & INSP. DISTRICT OOURT FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ~he Village of ~.~und, a municipal corporation, Petitioner, VS. Maude L. Goetz, Henry D. Andresen, Mary Charlotte Andresen, husband and wife, Nancy l&ay Andresen, also known as Nancy May }Iorbst and John Peter Herbst, her husband, ELiza- beth May Andre~en, Antoinette Marston C~%se and Olyde Case, her husband, Lillian Schmltz and John W. Schmitz, husband and ~fe, l~a th ~_dp__V.O ~3_e. ~f. _ !.(.enn e_v~_a.n d Courtnoy) Anderson and MarEaret Aim Andersonm) husbm~d and wife, Jerome W. Sulli-') van and Gracs F. Sullivan, husband ) and wife, and Lewis H. Sch+mrtz, ) Rsspondent s. ) JUDGMENT AND DECREE IN THE MATTER OF THE COND~INATION OF CERTAIN' LANDS FOR MUNICIPAL SANITARY SEWAGE ODLLECTION SYST~ . AND MUNICX_PAL WATER SYST~4 ~ND STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY Upon the certification of Ray~ond C. Ploetz, one of the attorneys for petitioner herein, whirJa certification is duly filed herein$ upon Motion of Grathwol, Ploetz & Oberhauser by Raymond C. Ploetz, Attorneys of petitioner heroins upon authority of ~nnesota Statute 117.17, and it appearing to the Court tkat all proceedings for the taking of the lan~s described herein have been ce~.,ple~d, that t&ere have been no appeals therefrom, that due servioe of the notice has been made, and more than thirty (30) days have expired since said service, and the petitioner has made payment of all damages and interest allowed by the commissioners; IT IS ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the ~lllage of Mound o~ns'tnde£easible p~rpetual easomout ~0 the lands described belov, the right to oonstruot and maintain municipal water mains and other municipal utilities and appurtenances thereon, includinm, the rim, hr to r~,~ovo treo~, brush, soil, and fill therefrom~ Parcel 5 A temp~.?ary easement 25 feet in width and a perpetual easement 20 feet in widfll for public sewer and other ut~.litypurposes over, under and across Lot 1 in Block 15, Devon, Southerly llne of both easements being thc Southerly line of said lot. IT IS FURTHER ADJUDGED AND DECREED that a certified copy hereof be filed for record with the ReDistrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County as evi- dence and notice of the title an8 rights of the said petitioner herein, ~d upon such filing that the notices of lis pendens filed in connection with this pro- ceeding and upon said parcels.~ be, ~nd hereby are, d~scharged. JudgJ of ~s~ric~ BY THE COURT: GERALD R. NELSON Clerk of Dtstrtct Court OFFICE OF REGISTRAR OF TITLES STATE OF MINNESOTA ~[')UNTY OF HENNrptN ! here~y certify ~hc! [he w~t,~in instrument CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE //99-03 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION LOCATED WITHIN THE R-lA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE AND ADJACENT UNIMPROVED DRUMMOND ROAD, BLOCK 15, LOTS I & 2, DEVON PIDS # 25-117-24 11 0161 P & Z 99-03 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Commission of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 8, 1 999 to consider the approval of a street and utility easement vacation located within the R-lA Single Family Residential zoning district at 4844 Island View Dr and adjacent unimproved Drummond Road. _ . .u'-?.,u, ~u-'4d Iii40 o 40 40 40 40 40 40" ":" ~ ..... o~ ~ ~',Io ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~, ~ ,." o~0 17 tS~ ~ 19 ~0 o ~ o 12 o 5 .' · t ') (64)- ~ 40 40 40 40 40 40 ~ ~40 40__ ~ 40 40 40 40 40 40 VIE'# .......... ~~ -40 ,/'~ 'o; ~40 40 40 ~t~ 40 40 40 40 40 40 ~5 40 .~ ~ ,-o6 5~ ~o (40) ~(~) (~1) All persons appearing at said hearing~~with reference to ~above will be given the opportunity to be heard at th~~~ ~ ~s Unquis~P~mg Secretary Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of affected property on January 27, 1999 Published in the Laker, January 30, 1999 printed on recycled paper Rev. 1/30/97 Application for STREEt' / EASEMENT VACATION City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone: 472-0600, Fax: 472-0620 1999 Case No. Application Fee: $250.00 Distribution: /~/'-~ City Engineer /-~/-~ Public Works /,,~/L~Minnegasco Police Dept. Fire Dept. GTE Other Please type or print the following information: APPLICANT Name JO R ~r /~ CA Z ~hone ~H> 6/2-q~2'Og/ 2 {w~ ~/2- ADJACENT PROPERTY Name of Business (APPLICANT'S PROPERTY) Lot ~ Block · DISTRICT O~ STREET REASON FOR REQUEST IS THERE A FOR THIS ~ND? Print Applicant's Name Date Print Applicant's Name Applicant's Signature Date From' .lorj Ayaz 4844 Tsland View Drive Mound, MN 55364 To: City of Mound Council members Date: January 25, 1999 Re.' Vacation of Drummond Road Dear council members; ! have applied for vacation of the Drummond Road and the vacation of the easement on the southwest corner of the property. ! am interested in the portion of Drummond that abuts the North boundary line of my property. The reason for my application is for the sole purpose of being able to have a moderate size driveway. Consequently, ! must have more square footage in my property for my hard cover calculations so that ! will be allowed to have such pavement. ! would have no objections to have this additional piece of land to be recorded as easement on the property for the benefit of the city usage and utilities etc., since there will be no structure built on it. ! have outlined on the updated survey the portion that ! am' interested in. Also outlined my proposed building, driveway and retaining walls that will be necessary to have. As an additional comment, due to the sloping topography of this land there would be very minimal use for any kind of project. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, ../? / ~. 3or~yaz.~//~)/ RECEIVED ,lAN 2 6 1999 MOUND PLANt, lIN{3 & INSP. Rev. 1/30/97 Application for STREE~r / EASEMENT VACATION City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone: 472-0600, Fax: 472-0620 '3AN 2 1 1999  ,.~' i .-'.' -,.-' ' ' ~' ' ~ Application Fee: $250. O0 DisCribu~ion: IZJl-qq ciw /~-~21'-~ City Engineer /~.~/-~ Public Works /;'e-~- ~q ~innegasco /-~/- q~ Police Dept. /%~/-~Fire Dept. /~/'- FL? /--0/-4;~' STS Other Please type or print the following information: APPUCANT Name Jo/~ T ~ yA Z Address q g cl q 15,-~b Ul'~ D~. P.one I.} ~/2 ' q~Z' Og/ 2 (v~ ~/2 - 6 ~O-q~q -Dr. ADJACENT PROPERTY (APPLICANT'S PROPERTY} ZONING DISTRICT DESCRIPTION OF STREET TO BE VACATED REASON FOR REQUEST IS THERE A PUBLIC NEED FOR THIS LAND? Name of Business Lo, Circle: R-1 ~ R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 U Print Applicant's Name Date Minnegasco has no facilities within the above described area and has no objection to its vacation. notice. _ _ Thank you for the advance Steven Yon Bargen Right-of-Way Administrator Minn~.g.a_sco RECFIVED JAN 2 7 1999 MOUND PLANNING & INSP. PROPOSED ROAD VACATION EXHIBIT ~, 1 8 I I o b .' ' ~ :' . ,-~ -. Z I ~ ~ ~ ~ '*1 w~(t~) I / "% I,~; '~ ~"~ ,~..~ - ~ ,// ~ ~ ..... ' W[SI" 80.00" "~.~,. ( CONCREIE ROAD ) ~CAL~ ro : dO d AYAZ PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4844 Island ~ew Drive, Mound, Minnesota. PROPOSED VACA~ON DESCRIPTION: That part of Drummond Road, as dedicated in the Recorded plat of "Devon", situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota I~ng east of the northerly extension of the west line of Lot 2, Block 15, of said plat, and west of the northerly extension of the east line of Lot 1, Block 15. CERIIFICAIION: I hereby certify that this exhibit was prepared by me or under m7 direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surve~r under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 2~th day of danuar7, lgOO. ~ [~/.' ~ECEIVED b~~~Jack Bolke JAN 2 8~99 NOTES: Minnesoto License No. 20281 x~UUllD PLANNING & INSP. 2474-73 NORTH 1. The orientation of this bearing system is based on the south line of Lot 1, Block 15, Devon which is assumed to hove a bearing of West. 2. No title work was provided for the preparation of this survey to verify the legal description, ownership, or the existence of any easements or encumbrances. 3. Area of the proposed vacation described hereon is 2,400 square feet or 0.0550 acres. 4. The property is subject to on easement for street purposes over the southeast corner of the property as shown on available County Section Maps. EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK lNG. 7~-~5 Way,ora Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 SURVEYORS Tale: (6,12) 546-6837 ,¥ HOUSE; ....... '..' ' (S E W FRONT FRONT,~,_. N ;_~E. W, __ N S E W~,) SIDE REAR N S E W' LAKE N S E W TOP OF BLUFF ZONING DISTRICT. LOT SIZE/WIDTH: R ~ ~n nnnlCn ~1 ~,SOO/O !A ~,000/40 ~g2 20,000/80 R~ 6,000/40 B3 10,000/60 R2 14,000/8Q R3 Sgg ORD. 11 30.000/100 IL~,QUIRED I EXIS'I'dqC/PROPOgED I0 10' OR 30' m~.o LOT s,~e COT ~ ~ LOT DF, FIll: YARIANC~, GARAGE, SliED ..... DETACHED BUILDINGS FRONT N S E W FRONT N S E W SIDE N S E W SIDE N S E W REAR N S E W LAKE N S E W TOP OF BLUFF 4' OR 6' 4' OR6' 4' 10' OR 30' HARDCOVER 30% OR 40% CONFORMING? YES, NOO {BY: ]DATED:. I'his Zoning Information Sheel only ~mmarizus a portion of 'he tequiren~nta outlined in 'he City of Mound ZoninI O~llmnce. For further Information. contact 'he City of Mound Planning Depal~ment at 472-0600. · . - ~ ' ~ - -,', .. ,,. . · ....· ~< .... p , ~ z '~~c".'_,.',,_. ,., , , ,".,, , ,t .ii. _,,/~/_.'~,~-7~.~ ;6'/ ~tn".'~ "s~L -(e)a ' s'.'"~ s ,(,~) ~.,~.~l ,..~ ,'", ,;~?'-~_.~-' · /,h;;, ,".. ,. ," '","";,,~. . '" "~',-,'~,,,. ~-'- ..... ,:._ a ... e.-,,---.~---+,e'~n'o,-~:.-..-:-'--n,~r~--/.o?'~-,~c~-L-,~..__., x,-.,.,~ ----- ~-~ -,-.,-~. -,,,"'- .' ~e~ .... '- .... ,cz, ",~ ,~',e · · , ..',~.- { '. ~ ........ .,,~ .mu~, t.~.~_.L.L~_ _ _t..s_.~_u..,,,..~,.,.,.m. ...... : m ~ ~ ~: m.-~.- ~'"'~vi:. '" ".'.;c~,.' ?. (,~: ~' .~ "a~'~" "*c':.:5,']..~::': '~": "., o' ~ R flO · 0RUlaUONO RI) ..: "--' · · / ~ (~7}(~]/~,t,' I I:,x,)~,,.~l ---'~4~J --(4f~46' '~'~--~- e'"~"-.~.-u'~'~j-~aO~ ~ J~ j~ ~ I" ~..,. ~'~..~,.,= 'i[m,~.' _.{.~ .,,.-_' ~. _o,-".8._ ,~/,-~_ ,_ .,...--',-~ ~"~ ,~..,' K..'{~m_ . ,_, . .. <----.~,, ~ -- .... ~?.-,'~ .... .'=.. {II~,~;Y:;''-~''~ *I 41..I .. '~'- ' - -" - .' ~' =- ~'.:~.'.'/-' ' ;:- aa ~ aa t ~o ~o ~ - · ~. ' - . .,. . .' .+-. ".~--~" .~:., -- '"' .... '" ' ~" I =, .' '.c. ,.."~ '.-'~=' -~;.~.---~ .-... .......... · '- O ~c) C) ..-~.-~.~.-;~'.~.~ - - ' . · '~ -' .-.-::-? :~';_ · ~ ~'~ , ~,,~r~=... WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPEJ~DENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 277 5600 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD · MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 3/15/99 TO: FROM: RE: #1 in SAT scores on Lake Minnctonka in 1994 & 199~ Top 10% among Minnesota schools on Basic Skills Test scores in 1998 http://www.wcstonka.kl 2.rrm.us Ed Shukle, Jr., City Manager, City of Mound Pamela J. Myers, Ph.D., Superintendent, 612-491-8001 Westonka School Board's plans for the Lynwood site At Its retreat on Saturday, March 13, the Westonka School Board discussed at length its facility goals, needs, and plans. The School Board's goal is to provide adequate space for school district programs and offices. After examining the pros and cons of lease arrangements, the School Board members determined that they need to sell this site as soon as possible, in order to have funds to provide space to house the district offices, which are temporarily moving Into crassroom space in three school buildings. Therefore, the School Board is not Interested in developing a lease with l~e City of Mound for the Lynwood site. The School Board is ready to sell the Lynwood site, and Is willing to offer it for sale first to the City of Mound. I've asked Kevln to research whether the school district can offer the property to one buyer, without putting the property up for public sale to all possible buyers. The asking price is the 1996 appraised value plus the percentage increase in commercial property value In the City of Mound since that date, which you researched from the County Auditor's office, et 6%. This amount is $1,180,840. In addition, the School Board is ready to sell the ballfleld property. The Board is willing to offer it, a~so for sale first to the City of Mound, if we are allowed to do this. The Board is proceeding to call for appraisals of this site. The School Board is proceeding to call for bids for demolition of the Lynwood site In preparation for sale of the property as a buildable site, In order to receive the highest possible value for this property. If the Mound City Council is interested purchase of the Lynwood site, the School Board has authorized me to negotiate a purchase agreement., with you, on their behalf, with a deadline of April 24,1999, for a signed purchase agreement and receipt of earnest money. Please respond at your earliest convenience. c. Bill Plnegar, Chair, Westonka School Board CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 March 12, 1999 Dr. Pam Myers Supt. of Schools Westonka Schools 5600 Lynwood Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Re: Community Tenants Remaining in Westonka Community Center Dear Pam: Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you yesterday regarding community tenants remaining in the Westonka Community Center after May 1, 1999. Pursuant to our meeting, I am writing this letter to request that the Westonka School Board consider allowing the community tenants to remain in the building for no more than two years. Under this type of an arrangement, the following tenants could remain: Westonka Senior Center, WeCan, Public Access Studio, Youth Center and Head Start. The City of Mound is interested in exploring this possibility with you. I would request that the School Board permit you to negotiate on their behalf, with me, a lease arrangement whereby the City of Mound would be the lessee and could sublease the facility to these tenants. We would work out an acceptable lease an-angement for both parties that would cover such things as utilities, custodial, grounds, incidental maintenance and insurance. Following our negotiations, we would be able to provide a draft agreement for each party to review and consider. Ultimately, the lease period would run from May 1, 1999 to April 30, 2001. At this point in time, the City of Mound is looking at the possibility of a community center being built within the next two years in the city of Mound. In addition, the Cffy Council has asked me to ask you if the School Board wishes to sell the Westonka Community Center property? If so, on what terms would the property be sold? Please discuss these issues with the School Board and advise me as to their thinking at your earliest convenience. prmted on recycled paper Letter to Dr. Pam Myers March 12, 1999 Page 2 City Manager CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 MEMORANDUM March 19, 1999 TO: FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY TO JOIN CDBG CONSOLIDATED POOL Attached is a letter from Mark Hendrickson, Principal Planner, Hennepin County Office of Planning and Development, regarding the City of Mound's possible interest in joining the consolidated pool for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The current threshold for the consolidated pool is $50,000. The County Board is considering increasing the threshold to $75,000 which would qualify the cities of Mound and Chanhassen. Mr. Hendrickson is wanting feedback from us as to whether we would consider membership in the consolidated pool with the increase in threshold amount. At first glance, my reaction to this idea was negative. However, after talking with Mr. Hendrickson and understanding that the current public service programs would continue to get funded as well as the single family rehabilitation programs, I became more interested. In addition, the opportunity to apply for other project funds seemed attractive. The purpose of the consolidated pool is to utilize the resources of 27 cities which provides more opportunity. Hennepin County is asking for our input. They are looking at increasing the threshold for a three period beginning in FY 2000. The County staff is scheduled to meet with the County Board regarding this matter on March 24, 1999. If we are interested in being a part of the consolidated pool for the next three years, we need to cormnunicate that to the staff. If we are not interested, we need to communicate that too. My recommendation would be to join the consolidated pool; it makes sense to do so. printed on recycled paper ~-1B-1999 10:1] FRO~ HENN CO O~C O~ PLNG & DEU TO 9~720620 P.02 ennepin... County March 17, 1 ggg Ed Shuldc Cid' Manager Ciq' of Mound 5341 Ma) wood Road Mound; MN 5536~. Dear Ed: As you arc aware, the Joint Cooperation Agreement for the CDBG program is up for renewal, The new a~eement is for a three year period beginning in FY2000. At direction of the County, Board a series of meetings were held recently with all participating cities to discuss altemauvcs to the current method ofallocatng CDBG funds. One alternative would increase the Consolidated Pool threshold to $75.000. Under this alternative cities with a planning allocation of $75,000 or less have their allocation contributed to the Consolidated Pool. Only cities contributing to the pool can apply for this funding. Tnis proposed change would affect your city' and Chanhasscn. In response to your rcquest, following is a description of how thc Consolidated Pool opcrates. Thc Cou,olidatcd Pool was cstablishcd in thc current Cooperation Agreement that u-as executed in 1997. Under this agreement planning allocations for cities that would receive $50,000 or less are placed in the Consolidated Pool. For the 1999 program, a total of $330,889 was available to the 2'/cities contributblg to the pool. Selection Committee A selection cmrumittec, most of whom arc administrators ot'pax'ac~patxng cities, facilitates the annual application process. ,~aa attempt is made to balance the make-up of thc committee to reflect the nature and eeo~aphic diversity' of thc Consolidated Pool area. The committee revicws competitive proposals from cities and public service agencies and prepares a funding recomm~dation. The city of Mound could appoint a represcmtative to the commit~e. Funding Set-asides To simplify the application process the selection committee established set-asides for public services and smglc family rehabilitation. There is a 20% set-aside for public services. Public ser,'ice agencies submit competitive applications for priority se~'ices. In 1999 the public service set-asidc was $65,000. Thc follovdng agencies serving western Henncpin County receive Consolidated Pool Rmding: S~nior Commmiltl Services (Wcstonka Senior Ccriwr), WeCAN: Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners and Sojourner Project. toll Oflh:e Of Planning & Development Development Pl~nir~, Unit 10709 Way'am Boulevaid, Suite 260 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305 (612) 541-7080 FAX:(612) 541-7090 .TDD/TTY:(612) 541-7981 led Shukle March 17, 1999 Page 2 A second set-aside is for single family rehabilitation. For this set-aside a dollar amount has bccn designated that approximates the annual average amount allocated by' cities for this activity prior to their participation in the Consolidated Pool. In 1999 the rehab set-aside ',,,'as $90..000 The rehab funding pool is administered by Hennq~in Court .ry. Clients are currently being served in all cities that had previously allocated funding to rehabihtation. Project Funding The I999 funding for competitive CDBG projects, excluding the set-asides for public services and single Ikmily rehab, was $175,gI~9. In the two years in which the Consolidated Pool approach has been in op,ration, most of'the successful city-initiated projects were funded at levels that exceeded the annual amount they would have received under the old formula approach. These include a scau~ed site aequisitiorffhomebuyer assistance project - $110,000, a new multi- community' housing program in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity - $70..000, funding for multi-communi~' affordable housing planning: - $40,000 and a housing rehabilitation project in targeted areas of Orono and Spring Park- $128,000. I hope you find this reformation useful in describing the Consolidated Pool. I've attached a copy of the 1999 application package for your information. If you have any questions about the Consolidated Pool please call Jim Ford at 541-7091. On March 24, 1999 at 9:00am the Count3, Board will be briefed on the c,~m~munity' mceti~g~ and a recommendation to morca.~e the Consohdated Pool threshold. Sincerely, Mark Hendriekson Principal Planner Gary L. Cunningharn Jim Ford CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT Feb. 1999 16.67% GENERAL FUND Taxes Business Licenses Non-Business Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Court Fines Other Revenue Transfers from Other Funds Charges to Other Departments Feb. 1999 Y'I'D PERCENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED 1,253,280 0 0 4,550 470 664 114,000 13,100 16,118 960,560 35,257 35,257 59,700 717 1,624 100,000 0 0 63,500 450 525 133,560 0 0 12.000 1.075 1.995 (1,253,280) 0.00% (3,886) 14.59% (97,882) 14.14% (925,303) 3.67% (58,076) 2.72% (1oo,ooo) 0.00% (62,975) 0.83o/° (133,560) 0.00% (10.005) 16.63% TOTAL REVENUE 2,701,150 51.069 56.183 (2,644,967) 2.08% FIRE FUND RECYCLING FUND LIQUOR FUND WATER FUND SEWER FUND CEMETERY FUND DOCK FUND 409,680 42,499 93,724 (315,956) 22.88% 127,600 7,180 13,457 (114,143) 10.55% 1,650,000 105,554 223,624 (1,426,376) 13.55% 451,000 33,133 66,578 (384,422) 14.76% 924,000 86,369 165,815 (758,185) 17.95% 5,100 0 0 (5,100) 0.00% 79,800 35,831 52,144 (27,656) 65.34% 03/16/1999 rev98 G.B. CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT Feb. 1999 16.67% Feb. 1999 YTD PERCENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND Council 73,000 4,619 16,010 56,990 21.93% Promotions 4,000 0 0 4,000 0.00% Cable TV 1,500 298 298 1,202 19.87% City Manager/Clerk 196,900 14,289 30,250 166,650 15.36% Elections 3,150 0 0 3,150 0.00% Assessing 64,800 0 1 64,799 0.00% Finance 176,020 10,608 21,310 154,710 12.11% Computer 27,550 1,426 7,291 20,259 26.46% Legal 103,480 9,116 9,116 94,364 8.81% Police 1,048,010 62,503 139,843 908,167 13.34% Civil Defense 4,960 99 752 4,208 15.16% Planning/Inspections 224,370 13,090 21,104 203,266 9.41% Streets 472,050 52,277 111,482 360,568 23.62% City Property 82,690 6,693 11,931 70,759 14.43% Parks 170,950 12,023 20,789 150,161 12.16% Summer Recreation 38,410 0 0 38,410 0.00% Contingencies 20,000 1 24 19,976 0.12% Transfers 181.740 15.145 30.290 151.450 16.67% GENERAL FUND TOTAL P,893,580 . ~0P,187 4P0,491 P,473,089 14.53% Area Fire Service Fund 409,680 16,446 40,306 369,374 9.84% Recycling Fund 126,780 7,722 15,163 111,617 11.96% Liquor Fund 227,890 20,489 37,936 189,954 16.65% Water Fund 429,150 67,771 96,547 332,603 22.50% Sewer Fund 903,390 79,141 181,475 721,915 20.09% Cemetery Fund 6,970 42 42 6,928 0.60% Dock Fund 92,710 5,230 6,645 86,065 7.17% Exp-98 03/16/1999 G.B. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MARCH 11, 1999 Present were: Commissioners Peter Meyer, Tom Casey, John Beise, Norman Domholt and Christina Cooper, and City Council Representative Leah Weycker. Also present were Park Director Jim Fackler, City Planner Loren Gordon, and Secretary Kristine Kitzman. Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. MINUTES Motion made by Weycker, seconded by Casey to approve the minutes of the February 11, 1999 Park and Open Space Commission (POSC) meeting, as amended. 1. Page 2, Paragraph 3, "Commissioner Meyer asked..." 2. Page 2, Paragraph 4, "Commissioner Weycker asked..." 3. Page 4, #6, Paragraph 1, "...regarding the 1998 rental of the Mound Depot..." 4.Page 5, #8, Paragraph 2, "...Three architects estimates were..." 5. Page 5, #8, Paragraph 2, "...and asking what (strike improvements) can be done..." 6. Page 6, #9, Paragraph 3, "Mr. Beise suggested approaching the area Realtors (strike himself included) about..." 7. Page 6, #9a, Paragraph 1, "The Park Commission donated approximately 200 hours this year and approximately $160.00 for miscellaneous equipment. The City also donated some equipment, such as shovels." Motion carried unanimously. la. WELCOME NEW COMMISSIONER Chair Meyer welcomed new Commissioner Beise and stated he was looking forward to the ideas and input Mr. Beise will bring to the Commission. 2. AGENDA CHANGES The agenda was approved as submitted with the following amendments: 1. Add 12c, Commissioner Reports 3. DISCUSS: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN City Planner Loren Gordon reported on the Comprehensive Plan, stating that Mound has very limited resources for additional park land. The Plan from 1990 has not changed significantly. The general direction is to keep the neighborhood parks as the cornerstone of Mound parks and to encourage public involvement. Mr. Gordon also stated that there is an inventory of parks available, but it does have to be updated by Mr. Fackler. Mr. Gordon then presented a map of the parks in Mound, and a map of the bikeways and trails planned for Mound. Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission March 11, 1999 Commissioner Cooper questioned the existing trails marked on the map. Mr. Gordon stated that most of the existing trails are along the roads. Commissioner Cooper asked if these trails are marked as bike trails, as she was not aware that they are bike trails. Commissioner Weycker concurred and stated that she also did not know that these shoulders were supposed to be bike trails. Commissioner Domholt asked if thero is no parking along these bike trails. Consensus was reached that these shoulders need to be better marked and signs posted stating that this lane is a bike lane, and more public education is needed to inform citizens that the shoulders are bike lanes. Commissioner Casey questioned the bikeway next to the railway and if there is a safe distance for bike trails to be from the railway. Mr. Gordon stated that the safe distance is wider than what is available through Mound, which is why the railway would only be used as a trail if it is not in use anymore as a railway. Commissioner Casey then questioned if some roads will be reconfigured with more narrow lanes to make space for a bike/walking lane. Mr. Gordon stated that this is one element of the bikeways and trails plan. The Commissioners then suggested the following changes to the Comprehensive Plan: Page 1: Paragraph 1: "Parks play a critical role in the physical and social structure of a community. Parks and Open Space also play a critical role in the protection of our City's natural resources. Historically .... " Paragraph 3: ...fully developed. The largest vacant parcel is a 21 acre site along Westedge Road (that has an possibility for acquiring additional park tand-.)...Because the City is virtually fully developed,...This shift does not preclude the... Paragraph 4: ...there has been a National philosophical shift... Paragraph 5: ...of all Mound residents, and to conserve and protect the natural and historic resources of the community by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations. The community... Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission March 11, 1999 Page 2: Paragraph 5: Page 5: Paragraph 1: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 5: Paragraph 6: Paragraph 7: Page 7: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Paragraph 5: Paragraph 6: Page 8: Paragraph 2: Page 9: Paragraph 6: Paragraph 8: Page 10: Paragraph 2: Check into the acreage in this paragraph for accuracy. ...existing park features. Add some language regarding the Indian Mounds in the City. Gordon will research this. Mr. ...(wetlands and Nature Conservation Areas). ...These publicly owned and privately dedicated parcels... Delete this paragraph. Remove "Veterans Park" from specialized areas section. Revise this paragraph, upgrading the description of the park. remove from specialized areas section. Also ...they will attempt, successfully or unsuccessfully, to seek the... ...example is WRA Park in...County Road 110 has four... ...Other facilities within a 20 minute drive for Mound residents... The National Association of Park and Recreation Standards show that...a large area of undeveloped land exists. If this area ...layout. Consideration should be given to purchasing the property for inclusion into the Park System. Delete last sentence. ...park system, and needs to be protected. Since Mound...envisioned, although parcels should be added when the opportunity arises. ...all park facilities. Native plants should be used whenever possible to provide environmental as well as aesthetic benefits. Plans for... Delete, or rephrase paragraph. Chair Meyer tabled the discussion of the Comprehensive Plan at 10:00 p.m. and asked for a motion to continue. Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission March 11, 1999 Commissioner Weycker asked if some agenda items can be moved to next month's agenda. Consensus was reached that Item #8 be moved to 10a. Motion made by Casey, seconded by Domholt to continue the meeting for 30 minutes. Motion passed unanimously. Paragraph 3: ...forfeited land is one source of...nature area parks. Other ways to protect natural areas and open space should be considered. Paragraph 5: Add language regarding bike paths. Paragraph 6: Complete a community recreation and open space survey.., recreation needs and desire to acquire additional open space. Page 11' Paragraph 5: Page 12: Paragraph 5: In some cases, publicly owned commons properties...public use. Some areas could support trail systems... ...as pedestrians depending on the amount of available land, and environmental impacts. Bikeways in this area... ~_4. DISCUSS: JUNE PARKS TOUR No comments currently. Chair Meyer will contact the new Commissioners for their input before the next meeting. 5. DISCUSS: FUNDING SOURCES Chair Meyer reported on the Legion. It was noted that a letter needs to be written specifying your group, the project, and the amount of funding requested. Commissioner Weycker reported on the Jaycees. It was noted that this group looks at requests once a month. The decision then takes approximately two months. Requests need to be in writing, and very specific. Commissioner Cooper reported on the Lions. He added that the request needs to be written, and very specific. Then the request is reviewed at the next available board meeting. Commissioner Casey had no report on the VFW. Commissioner Beise recommended asking each organization individually, for separate projects. 4 Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission March 11, 1999 Commissioner Domholt suggested making sure that the organizations know that there will be recognition when funding is granted for any project. He also suggested first taking a park tour then making a list of needs and gather cost information so specific requests can be drafted. Weycker moved, Casey seconded a motion directing Staff to gather information on cost and availability of native trees and planting guidelines. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Domholt then suggested forming a Standard Operating Procedure folder for the POSC with information compiled regarding any procedures, such as the above information on funding resources. 6. UPDATE ON MARCH FOR PARKS March for Parks will take place on Sunday, May 2, 1999 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. The route is the same as last year, beginning at the Orono City Hall, into Long Lake. Chair Meyer asked each Commissioner if they had any additional business sponsors to suggest, and if each Commissioner could recruit some workers, collect pledges, and confirm if they will be available to help. Chair Meyer tabled the discussion at 10:30 p.m. and asked for a motion to continue. Motion mad-e b~Casey, seconded by Meyer to continue the meeting for 15 minutes. Motion passed 4/2 (Cooper and Weycker opposed). 7. DISCUSS: ISLAND PARK HALL IMPROVEMENTS Park Director Fackler submitted last year's estimates, and stated he will contact the two companies for new information before the next meeting. 8. DISCUSS: YEAR 2000 CAPITAL OUTLAY This item was moved to item 10a 9. DISCUSS: EARTH DAY PROJECT Chair Meyer recapped some of last year's events for Earth Day, including parks clean up, and asked if an event should be scheduled for this year. Commissioner Weycker asked if the clean up would be better done in the fall. 5 Mound Advisory Park and Open Space Commission March 11, 1999 10. POSC APRIL AGENDA Comprehensive Plan (first) Public Hearing on Park Improvements (second) Parks and Beach Program Report (third) Update - March for Parks Park Dedication Fund Year 2000 Capital Outlay For May: POSC Resource Guide, and Community Resource Guide 10a. DISCUSS: YEAR 2000 CAPITAL OUTLAY This item was deferred to the April meeting. 11. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: a) DCAC Minutes b) Planning Commission Minutes c) Monthly Events Calendar d) LMCD Information e) City Council Minutes Chair Meyer tabled the discussion at 10:45 p.m. and asked for a motion to continue. Motion made by Meyer, seconded by Weycker to continue the meeting for 15 minutes. Motion failed 511 (Meyer in favor). Chair Meyer asked for a motion to schedule a special meeting to finish the agenda. No motion was made. Motion made by Weycker, seconded by Meyer to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 6 Community Action for Suburban Hennepin March 11, 1999 RECEIVED Community Education Community Services Emergency Assistance Homeless Family Support Homelessness Prevention Volunteer Services Energy Assistance Tenant Hotline Tenant Organizing Home Buyer Education Homeowner Counseling Home Rehab Counseling Edward Shukle, Jr. City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle, I understand that the City Council requested more detailed budget information from CDBG applicants. I am happy to provide that, and thank you for your continuing support. The 1999 proposed budget for the CASH's entire organization was $2,113,164. (We anticipate it will actually come in at about the same level as this year, which was about $2.6 million, but the large difference depends on when we receive direct payments for clients for our energy assistance program. Those funds are state pass- through payments on behalf of individual applicants to utility vendors.) Our administrative costs are $231,000 out of a budget of $2.6 million. The funding sources for Homeownership Services are projected to be: MHFA 57,100 HUD 54,000 CDBG Urb* 15,000 CDBG Ply 7,500 CDBG StLP 11,000 Econ Opp** 153,000 33-10th Avenue S. Suite 150 Hopkins, MN 55343 Business (612)933-9639 Tenant Hotline 933-0017 Energy Assist. 930-3541 Fax 933-8016 TDD 935-4011 Investing In People, Building Community * Our fiscal year is January 1 - December 31, 1999. This period overlaps two CDBG contract periods. We have split the contracts into two anticipated periods, and divided the total between homeownership and tenant hotline budgets. **The economic opportunity grant combines federal Community Services Block Grant and Minnesota Economic Opportunity Grant funds. Tenant Hotline CDBG Urb* Econ Opp** Henn Court 15,000 100,000 15,000 Community Development Block Grant dollars are allocated directly to staff salaries for those staffproviding direct assistance to clients. As with any budget, those numbers are projections until contracts are signed. What you should know is that the pooled resources of CDBG funds is very important to this organization in several ways. The pooled funds allows us to support two staff positions which directly provide services to low-income clients. (The volume of work has steadily increased, and we are really in need of adding another position.) The number of cities which support us is important in leveraging other funds, and showing broad support to other funders. We believe we also receive better referrals, notices in newsletters, and partnership support from those cities that are formally invested in programs for their residents. Finally, I believe these partnerships are useful for cities to demonstrate their commitmets to the goals of the Livable Communities Act, and otherwise show what they are doing to support efforts around affordable housing, an issue which receives a lot of attention. If there is any other specific information you would like to receive, please do not hesitate to call me at 933-9639, ext. 203. I know that reviewing budget detail with acronyms may not be self-explanatory; additionally, contract periods most frequently do not coincide with our fiscal year. Very truly yours, Executive Director COMMUNITY ACTION FOR SUBURBAN HENNEPIN JANUARY 1999 EXPENSES SALARIES Salaries Benefits EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET DECEMBER YTD AMOUNT PERCENT REMAINING REMAINING $ 46,755.83 $ 46,755.83 $ 663,754.74 $ 616,998.91 93% $ 12,552.84 $ 12,552.84 $ 159,270.56 $ 146,717.72 92% PROF SERVICES Audit $ $ $ 11,000.00 $ 11,000.00 100% Attorney $ $ $ 107.00 $ 107.00 100% Computer $ $ $ 29,083.00 $ 29,083.00 100% Other $ 1,341.87 $ 1,341.87 $ 15,490.00 $ 14,148.13 91% TRAVEL ~~ ~~~ 404.87 $ 11,255.71 $ 10,850.84 96% ~1~'~~' $ 7,131.62 $ 74,668.47 91% SUPPLIES Postage $ 4,691.24 $ 4,691.24 $ 9,284.00 $ 4,592.76 49% Printing $ 357.10 $ 357.10 $ 7,796.00 $ 7,438.90 95% Supplies $ 885.99 $ 885.99 $ 12,773.00 $ 11,887.01 93% EQUIPMENT Copier $ 923.40 $ 923.40 $ 4,921.00 $ 3,997.60 81% Serv Cont $ $ - $ 3,703.00 $ 3,703.00 100% Comp Equip $ 874.90 $ 874.90 $ 31,784.00 $ 30,909.10 97% INDIRECT Insurance $ 397.02 $ 397.02 $ 7,331.75 $ 6,934.73 95% Telephone $ 1,635.05 $ 1,635.05 $ 19,739.20 $ 18,104.15 92% Dues $ 785.00 $ 785.00 $ 4,672.00 $ 3,887.00 83% m-'~~E~ - $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 100% "'~~[,~,,~~___ 1,390.18 $ 12,757.78 $ 11,367.60 89% Other Jan99 COMMUNITY ACTION FOR SUBURBAN HENNEPIN FUND REPORT JANUARY t999 109. Community Services Block Grant '99 1/99-12/99 $ 312,630.00 $ $ - 209. Energy Assistance Program'98-'99 07/98- 9/99 $ 60,208.00 $ 285,566.44 $ 407,818.14 309. Hennepin County Emergency Services '99 1/98 - 12/98 $ 72,540.00 $ $ 5,912.89 310. Hennepin County FHP^P - Singles '98 - '99 7/98 - 6/99 $ 7,590.00 $ 6,356.99 $ 7,306.99 321. Hennepin County Volunteer Program'98 7/97- 6/98 $ 72,800.00 $ 54,795.27 $ 56,790.73 331. Hennepin County Legal Services 7/97- 6/99 $ 63,840.00 $ 48,574.13 $ 50,715.54 341. FHP^P- Rapid Exit & Homeless Prevention'98 7/97- 6/99 $ 71,720.00 $ 58,998.32 $ 64,835.99 350. West Hennepin Welfare to Work'98 1/98 - 12/98 $ 85,000.00 $ 54,098.03 $ 60,821.37 351. Hennepin County Mc Knight Cars 7/98 - 6/99 $ 11,000.00 $ 9,478.08 $ 12,556.23 352. VV Hennepin McKnight Transportation 7/98 - 6/99 $ 15,000.00 $ $ 411. Forclosure Prevention Assistance Program'98 12/97- 10/98 $ 45,000.00 $ 39,326.71 $ 39,326.71 412. MHFA- Home Ownership 10/98 - 10/99 $ 40,000.00 $ 9,713.00 $ (20.50) 431. MN Full Cycle Home Ownership 10/97- 9/99 $ 15,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 432. MN Full Cycle Home Ownership 1/99 - 12/99 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 512. HUD Comprehensive Housing Counceling '98-'9 9/98- 9/99 $ 44,370.00 521. Project Soar 10/97- 9/00 $ 219,317.00 $ 55,270.09 $ 57,280.97 530. CFLTransitional Housing 7/98- 6/99 $ 30,000.00 $ 16,997.00 $ 17,898.20 602. CDBG- Urban'97 6/97- 6/99 $ 25,830.00 $ 19,725.00 $ 19,725.00 609. CDBG- Urban 98 7/98- 6/00 $ 29,186.00 $ 5,567.92 $ 6,733.04 621. CDBG- St. Louis Park Emergency Repair'98 1/97- 12/98 $ 20,000.00 $ 22,920.16 $ 15,765.66 630. CDBG - St. Louis Park'97 1198 - 12/98 $ 20,000.00 $ 8,298.79 $ 10,232.81 651. Bloomington Emergency Services Day Care 99 1/99 - 12/99 $ 8,000.00 $ $ - 655. Eden Prairie School System Renters Curriculum 1/1/99 - 12/99 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - 800. Tenant Screening 1/97- 12/98 $ 85,000.00 $ 73,767.83 $ 73,767.83 801. Futures Grant 1/98- 12/98 $ 20,000.00 $ 18,968.05 $ 19,688.72 810. National Community Reinvestment 7/98- 5/99 $ 6,000.00 $ 3,604.52 $ 3,729.27 900. Homeownership Misc 1/98- 12/98 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 28. C.A..S.H. Homeless Prevention I $ 1,499.42 $ 25,266.56 29. C.A.S.H. General I $ 1,598.89 $ - $ 102,786.67 Page 1 RECEIVED RECEIVED HAP, ', 5 1999 estonka Community Action Network niversary~ · Emergency Assistance · Meals on Wheels · Human Services · Job Development & Placement 5600 Lynwood Blvd. March 11, 1999 Mound, MN 55364 (612) 472-0742 (612) 472-5589 (FAX) SERVICE AREA Greenfield Mound Independence Rockford L~retto St. Bonifacius Maple Plain Spdng Park Minnetonka Beach Tonka Bay Minnetdsta Western 0ron0 OFFICERS Craig Andemon Pm~ldent St. Boni-Minnet#stra Police Chief Dorothy McQu~en Vice Prealdent Community Volunteer Sandy Slmar S~cmta~, Head Start Manager Marvin John-on Tt~u~r Mayor of InaepenBence BOARD OF DIRECTORS [~rector of Wast Hennel~n Public Saf~y Mary DeVInney Westonka Foodsheff Coordinator Roaemarla Fabmga-Snyder Community Volunteer Lan Harrell Mound Police Chief Irma KafIIghizII Community Volunteer Paula Lamon Business Owner Latson P#nting Sharon McM®namy-lCOOk Norv~st Bank Vice President Suun Meyera Community Volunteer Marty~ Nellon Persona/Banker Mound Ma~uette Bandy Ollt~l Pe~sh Nurse Chaflei Pugh Community Volunteer K~n RIb~ Pastor of First Presbyterian Church Bob To.mike Community Volunteer Mafdl 'dior Westonka Chamber-Adrn. Asst. Mark Winter Crow River Bank Vice President ADMINISTRATION Klkl Sonnen Executive Director Kok~ Chltlo~ Family Advocate Audrey O~llnd Administrative Assistant Meals on Wheels Coordinator ShOrtly Tulb~q Career Counselor~Job De.loper Mayor and Councilmembers of Mound 5341 Maywood Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, Thank you for supporting WeCAN with 1999 CDBG funds. I was sorry to miss your Block Grant Public Hearing on Tuesday, but the snowstorm wrecked havoc on my car and me! WeCAN Boardmember Mardi Wett, who did attend your hearing, told me that you wanted to know more about WeCAN finances. Enclosed is a copy for you of the latest independent auditor's report. If there are any additional questions, please feel free to give me a call at 472-0742. Thanks again for your help! Sincerely, Kiki Sonnen WeCAN Executive Director Cc: Ed Shukle, City Manager WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 I I I I i ! l I [ l I I [ I I I[ [ I I [ ! WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT BALANCE SHEETS STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITY STATEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSE STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 6 7 4;ILARSON ALLEN & CO.,LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Board of Directors Westonka Community Action Network, Inc. Mound, Minnesota We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Westonka Community Action Network, Inc. as of May 31, 1998 and 1997, and the related statements of activity, functional expense and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In. our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present faidy, in all matedal respects, the financial position of Westonka Community Action Network, Inc. as of May 31, 1998 and 1997, and the changes in net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Saint Paul, Minnesota July 9, 1998 LARSON, ALLEN, WEISHAIR & CO., LLP (1) WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. BALANCE SHEETS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 CURRENT ASSETS Cash Investments Other Receivables Prepaid Expenses Total Current Assets FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (Net of Accumulated Depreciation of $16,074 and $12,908, Respectively) 1998 $ 50,109 10,814 5,090 684 $ 66,697 $ 11,346 $ $ 1997 36,337 20,556 4,596 1,515 63~004 11,996 Total Assets $ 78.043 75,000 LIABILITIES .AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Taxes Accrued Wages and Vacation Capital Lease Obligations Total Current Liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Undesignated Designated Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 2,285 $ 5,337 1,663 2,349 3,808 4,538 - 871 $ 7,756 $ 13,095 $ 57,829 10,814 1,644 $ 70,287 $ 78.043 41,349 20,556 61,905 75,000 See accompanying Notes to F~'nandal Statements. (2) WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITY FOR THE YEARS ENDED MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUE Public Support: Contributions Grants Total Public Support Government Grants: Community Development Block Grants Hennepin County Contracts Other Govemment Contracts Total Government Grants Other Revenue: Program Service- Meals-on-Wheels Membership Dues Interest Revenue Miscellaneous Income Net Assets Released from Restrictions Total Other Revenue Total Public Support, Government Grants and Other Revenue EXPENSE Program Expense: Emergency Assistance Job's Program Financial Counseling Food and Nutrition Affordable Housing Meals-on-Wheels Developing New Programs Total Program Expense Management, General and Fund Raising Total Expense CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Net Assets - Beginning of Year NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR Unrestricted 1998 Temporarily Restricted $ 52,935 $ - $ 2,000 5,000 $ 54,935 $ 5.000 $ $ 13,611 $ - $ 25,281 - 30,705 - $ 69,597 $ - $ $ 42,465 3,751 908 13 $ $ 3,356 (3,356) $ 50,493 $ (3,356) $ $ 175,025 $ 65,393 24,532 8,56O 10,702 43,387 3,208 $ 155,782 12,505 $ 168,287 $ 6,738 61,905 $ 68.643 $ 1,644 $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ 1.644 $ $ 1.644 $ Total 52,935 7,000 59,935 13,611 25,281 30,705 69,597 42,465 3,751 9O8 13 47,137 176,669 65,393 24,532 8 560 10 7O2 43 387 3 208 155 782 12 505 168 287 8,382 61,905 70,287 1997 Unres~cted $ 39,674 3,500 $ 43,174 $ 8,773 25,281 28,458 $ 62,512 $ $ $ 47,143 3,635 1,149 1,599 53,526 159,212 56,672 30,980 1,269 11,290 3,256 52,879 7,640 163,986 11,497 175,483 (16,271) 78,176 61,905 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. (3) OLU ZU.~ Zp3 E 0 w~ WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Change in Net Assets $ Adjustment to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to Net Cash Used in Operating Activities: Depreciation (Increase) Decrease in Current Assets: Prepaid Expenses Receivables Increase (Decrease) in Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Accrued Wages, Vacation and Payroll Taxes Net Cash Provided (Used) By Operating Activities $ 1998 8,382 3,166 831 (494) (3,o51) (1,417) 7,417 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisition of Furniture and Equipment Net Increase in Investments Net Cash Provided By Investing Activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Payments on Capital Lease Obligations NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH Cash - Beginning CASH - ENDING Interest Paid Dudng the Year $ $ $ $ $ $ (2,516) 9,742 7,226 (871) 13,772 36,337 50.109 4OO $ $ 1997 (16,271) 3,519 (721) 10,975 (972) 853 (2,617) (3,348) 7,176 3,828 ~,690) (1,479) 37,816 36.337 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. (6) WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY 31, '1998 AND '1997 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Nature of Activities Westonka Community Action Network, Inc. (WeCAN), is a community-based human service organization dedicated to enabling people with Iow incomes to achieve greater self- sufficiency. WeCAN provides emergency assistance to families, meals-on-wheels to seniors and the homebound, community planning for affordable housing, food and nutrition classes, a job development and placement program, and budget and financial counseling. WeCAN also operates a human services center providing public assistance intake services, and family and individual counseling. WeCAN provides these services to twelve communities in western Hennepin county. Description of ProQram Services Over the past several years, WeCAN has developed many programs to fulfill their mission. These programs include: Emeraencv Services - WeCAN provides vouchers to people in need to help with rent, utilities, food, transportation and other essential needs. In recognition that Iow-income families face transportation problems reaching the traditional service centers, WeCAN developed its Human Service Center, which bdngs services to people in need. The WeCAN Human Service Center provides public assistance intake services, and family and individual counseling. Jobs Proc~ram - The WeCAN Job Development and Placement Program, established in November 1994 through the support of the McKnight and Norwest Foundation, provides unemployed people with employment counseling, career development planning, testing, referrals, job and training placement, and retention follow up. The Jobs Program also provides area employers free listing of their open positions with the program, links those openings electronically with 15 other community-based jobs programs, and provides referrals of qualified applicants to them. Financial Counselinci - WeCAN provides financial and budget counseling for those families struggling to make ends meet. Food and Nutrition- WeCAN provides food and nutrition programs for seniors and young parents enabling the participants to learn from each other in cross-generational shadng of information about how to achieve better health and nutrition on a budget. Family Services - WeCAN provides items such as birthday kits, blankets and school supplies for those in need. Meals-on Wheels - WeCAN operates a program of delivering hot dinners to homebound seniors and people with disabilities to enable them to live longer in the comfort of their own homes. New Proclram Development - Because they need to be responsive to the community and its changing needs, WeCAN works to develop new programs that help Iow-income people adapt to changing times. (7) NOTE 1 WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) Financial Statement Presentation Contributions received are recorded as an increase in unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted support, depending on the existence or nature of any donor restrictions. Accordingly, net assets of WeCAN and changes therein are classified and reported as follows: Unrestricted - Those resources over which the Board of Directors has discretionary control. Designated amounts represent those revenues which the Board has set aside for a particular purpose. Tem~)oradlv Restricted - Those resources subject to donor imposed restrictions which will be satisfied by actions of WeCAN or passage of time. Permanently Restricted - Those resources subject to a donor imposed restriction that they be maintained permanently by WeCAN. The donors of these resources permitted WeCAN to use all or part of the income earned, including capital appreciation, or related investments for unrestricted or temporarily restricted purposes. WeCAN has elected to present temporarily restricted contributions, which are fulfilled in the same time pedod, within the unrestricted net asset class. At this time, WeCAN only has unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets. Estimates Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the reported revenues and expenses. Actual results could vary from the estimates that were used. Tax Exempt Status WeCAN is exempt from income taxes under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and Minnesota state statutes. Westonka Community Action Network, Inc. is not a private foundation and contributions to WeCAN qualify as a charitable tax deduction by the contributor. Receivables Receivables are recorded at their net realizable value. Allowance for doubtful accounts is recorded using the direct write-off method. Management believes all receivables are collectible at May 31, 1998 and 1997. Furniture, Ecluipment and Depreciation Furniture and equipment are stated at cost or the fair value at date of acquisition for donated property. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over an estimated useful life of three to seven years. When assets are retired or otherwise disposed of, the cost and related accumulated depreciation is removed from the accounts and any resulting gain or loss is reflected in income for the period. For donated properties, if donors stipulate how long the assets must be used, the contributions are recorded as restricted support. (8) NOTE 1 NOTE 2 WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) Furniture, Ec~uil3ment and Oeoreciation (continued) In the absence of such stipulation, contributions of property and equipment are recorded as unrestricted. Amortization expense for the capital lease is included in depreciation expense. Government Grants and Contracts WeCAN recognizes contracts and government grant revenue when earned as an exchange transaction. Revenue is earned when eligible expenditures, as defined in each grant or contract, are made. Funds received, but not yet earned, are shown as grant advances. WeCAN may retain unexpended funds for use in future pedods provided expenses incurred are in compliance with the specified terms of the grant. WeCAN's activities are subject to audit examination and review by Hennepin County and other government agencies to determine compliance with contract requirements. To the extent that any expenditures are disallowed or surplus funds are not spent, a liability to Hennepin County and other government agencies could result. Investments The Organization invests in certificates of deposit which are stated at fair market value. Maturities are greater than three months. Functional Allocation of Expenses Salades are allocated based on the time spent in program or supporting service. Expenses other than salades and related expenses which are not directly identifiable by program or supporting service are allocated based on the best estimates.of management. Fundraising expenses were minimal and were included in management and general. FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT Fumiture and equipment at May 31, 1998 and 1997, is as follows: Furniture and Equipment Less: Accumulated Depreciation Net Furniture and Equipment 1998 $ 27,420 f16.074'~ $ 11,346 Depreciation for the year ended May 31, 1998 and respectively. 1997, $ was $3,166 1997 $ 24,9O4 f12.9083 11.996 and $3,519, (9) NOTE WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY 31, 1998 AND 1997 CAPITALIZED LEASES WeCAN leased its phone equipment under a noncancelable lease agreement. Dudng 1998, the Organization purchased the phones from the lessor. This lease has been recorded as a capitalized lease and consists of the following: Phone System Less: Accumulated Amortization 1998 1997 $ 3,818 $ 3,818 (1.909) (1.363) $ 1.909 $ 2.455 NOTE 4 MAJOR SUPPORT CONCENTRATIONS WeCAN has depended significantly on fees and contributions from Hennepin County to carry out its program activity as follows: Hennepin County. 1998 1997 15% 16% WeCAN provides services within the State of Minnesota. The amounts due for services provided are from local governments, institutions and individuals. NOTE5 NET ASSETS At the end of the year ended May 31, 1998 and 1997, WeCAN had net assets which were designated as follows: Amount Designated for Operating Reserve - Emergency Uses Only Amount Designated for Capital Improvements 1998 1997 $ 5,258 $ 15,000 5.556 5.556 $ 10.814 $ 20.556 At May 31, 1998, WeCAN had net assets that were temporarily restricted for technology purposes in the amount of $1,644. Net assets released from restrictions was $3,356 during the year ended May 31, 1998. (10) ..S..e..n.!.o.r...C...o.m .m..u..n.!~..~! .c~...$ .-....w.e..?.t.on..k...a. Senior Center 1999 Budget ............... · 2/5/99 hEVENUES ......... ' CENTEP,/RIDE9 ........................................ CDBG POOL City of Orono ....M~....t Council Office ~)f 'l:~nsportation .... Van Donations Westonka Sr Fun.d.r. aisin, g Volunteers of America Senior .C, ommu. ni .ty~ se~ices. .... [XP~NSE$ ....... i 12,929 7,000 4,950 ......................... 4..~;..9...s...7. 8,000 9,600 8,007 1,050 101,523' 'Cent~'~ Dir~to~" (Sal ~' Fri~'ge) ............................. Food Handlers (Sal + Fringe) Admin Space rent Audit/Payroll/PBGC '~dv; r~ising~Mari~eting/P;i ntir;g ..V....a..n...p~..o~e ................................................... " i 1,200 Mileage [. 1,795 Vol Mileage ......................... ~ ................. ' ...... : i 630 ,.T...r..a!ni~g' ..................................................... ~, ............................. ~, ........................ ~ ........................ ,, 1,029 Van Gas, Maint, Repair, Permit Insurance .... ~, ........................ .2..,9..~..7. ............................................................................. i ................................................... 298 Mi~/Membershi .ps .. ).~ ~ ... '~OTAL i i 101,523 ..S...u .R P..L U..s..(...DF-:.F.!..c;.IT) ...................... .......... ; ................. 38,447 ...... , ...................... ,',. ........................ ..2.~,Z.7..?.. ~ 7,160 6,107 389 .......... ~ ...... ~ , 1,954 1,778 : : 398 CITY OF ORONO ~6124730510 03/15/99 15:10~:01/01 N0:072 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Mike BlOom, City (~f Milmetonka Beacl~ Mayor Cheryl Fischer, City of Minnmtrista .Mayor Pat Meiscl, City of Mound 'Mayor Jerry Rockvam, City of Spring Park Mayor Barry Pettit, City of Wayzata Ron Moorse, City Administrator March 8, 1999 Confimmtion ol'Mceting to Discuss the Conversion of thc Dakota Rail Railroad Line to a Recreational Trail The meeting of the Mayors oflhe Minnetonka Beach, Minnetrista, Mound. Orono, Sprh~g Park and Wayzata' to discuss the conversion of Dak.ola Rail Railroad Line to a recreational trail, has been scheduled for 8:00' a.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 1999 al the Lafayette Club in Minnetonka Beach. lfyou have any 'questions regarding the meeting, please call me. Krieg Communications 216 Water Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone: 612-401-7070 FAX: 612-401-7071 E-mail: cyntl~iakrieg@usinternet.com March 10, 1999 Mr. Edward Shukle City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle, We've just made our water quality report cards available on the Intemet. Our web address is www.minnehahacreek.org. From them, 30 District lakes' and bays' quality information can be accessed. Attached is a sample report card for your inspection. I've also included a copy of the press release. You might want to use parts of it in your city's newsletter. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cynthia Krieg District Communications Minnehaha Creek Watershed District bnproving QualiO, of Water, Quality of Life Gray Freshwater Center Hwys. 15 & 19, Navarre Mail: 2500 Shadywoad Road Excelsior, MN 55331-9578 Phone: (612) 471-0590 Fax: (612) 471-0682 Email: admin@minnehahacreek.org Web Site: www.minnehahacreek.org Board of Mangers Pamela G. Blixt President Malcolm Reid Vice President Monica Gross Treasurer Lance Fisher Secretary Thomas W. LaBounty Thomas Maple, Jr. James Calkins District Office: L. Eric Evenson District Administrator FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Water Quality Report Cards Released Contact: Cynthia Krieg, Krieg Communications, (612) 401-7070 L, Eric Evenson, District Administrator (612) 471-0590 Pamela Blixt, President, MCWD, (612) 935-8143 (Excelsior MN 3/8/99) Water quality report cards are now available for thirty locations in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD). The report cards were produced by the MCWD to make water quality information more widely available and understandable for residents. The full color report cards can be accessed and printed out from the District's web site at www. minnehahacreek.o rg. They contain 1998 data on three important water quality indicators: phosphorus, chlorophyll-a and clarity depth as measured by Secchi disk. Report cards also include long-term trend data on phosphorus levels, considered to a critical water quality indicator. "The District has been committed to monitoring and improving water quality since the District's formation in 1967," said Pamela G. Blixt, President, MCWD. Monitoring data, according to Blixt, has always been available to cities, agencies and residents. It was compiled in a thick hydrologic report, or as computer files, that might have been difficult to wade through. "This year we've provided a more user-friendly product," she said of the report cards. "Anyone who is interested in water quality can use this. You don't have to be a scientist to understand it." According to Blixt, high phosphorus levels cause excessive algae growth. "Decreasing phospho- rus measurements usually tell us the water body is improving," she said. "Increases in phospho- rus are a cause for concern." Chlorophyll-a is a measure of algae productivity, according to Blixt, and downward trends are desirable in this factor. The third measurement included in the report card is water clarity. "Water clarity measurements tell how deep into the water you can see," said Blixt. "Those numbers we like to see get bigger." Each report card includes a map of the location where the monitoring is conducted. It also shows the contours of bottom of the lake or bay. For Lake Minnetonka locations, there is also ninety years of water elevation history. Blixt noted that the District is responsible for a great deal of water quality data collection. "There's a lot of territory to cover," she said, "but we have been keeping up with it for thirty-two years." -MORE- Water Quality Report Cards Continued Today, other agencies are beginning to help collect water quality data according to Blixt. MCWD provides leader- ship and coordinates the efforts of a consortium of agencies who collect and share data. "There's no point in two of us monitoring the same location," she said. The District's historical data are made available to other agencies. "We're glad to work cooperatively and share the data we have gathered over the years." Blixt also noted that MCWD measures more factors than the three indicated on the report card. "We would be glad to provide these measurements to residents who request them," she said. "At some point in the future there may be an appetite by the public for even more information." If residents have any questions about water quality in their area they can call the MCWD at 471-0590. MCWD is a local unit of government responsible for managing water quality and quantity in a 181 square mile area that includes 30 communities in Hennepin and Carver Counties. NOTE TO PRESS:The following locations are those for which report cards were prepared. 1. Brownie Lake 11. Lake Harriet 21. West Upper Lake 2. Browns Bay 12. Harrisons Bay 22. Maxwell Bay 3. Lake Calhoun 13. Lake Hiawatha 23. Lake Minnewashta 4. Cedar Lake 14. Lake of the Isles 24. Lake Nokomis 5. Christmas Lake 15. Jennings Bay 25. North Arm 6. Cooks Bay 16. Lafayette Bay 26. Spring Park Bay 7. Crystal Bay 17. Langdon Lake 27. St. Albans Bay 8. Forest Lake 18. Long Lake 28. Stubbs Bay 9. Gleason Lake 19. Lower Lake North 29. Wayzata Bay 10. Halsteds Bay 20. Lower Lake South 30. West Arm We have enclosed a report card that we think might be of interest to you but please feel free to request another (or go to the web) if you'd like to see another location. Wayzata Bay Lake Minnetonka 1998 Report Card __A innehaha_ Creek t !Watershed DiVot lmpro~ng Qma~ity of W~er, Quarry of Life · - 0.12 .E 0.10- Long Term Surface Total Phosphorus Trend (Positive) Summer Average 0.08 - ~ 0.06 .~ .. ..... 0.04 _ . . o 0.02 _ 0.00 I t I I I 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 I I 1990 1994 1998 1998 Water Quality Summaries e~,10 0 $ Total l~lo sphorous · Dissoiwd Phos. 21-May lO-Jul 29-Aug 18-Oct 0 0 1-Apr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-1~ay lO-Jul 29-Aug 18-Oct 250 0 21-IV'ay lO-Jul 29-Aug 18-Oct ~ 7 ? 5 o 2 ", 0 1-Apr 21-May lO-Jul 29-Aug 18-Oct Guideline: Water Quality is Impaired at [0.06mg/I] or higher MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT 1998 Hydrologic Data Report w,ack ~,o~i~-~, ~c. ~soo Pio,~-, c~.k ~ Fi~lure AM-30 Enviro~'n~nlal Engnnetns Mapl~ Plato, MN 55359 Wayzata Bay Lake Minnet0nka 1998 Report Card A 'Minnehaha Creek~L-'~'~!::: Watersh-~ Dist~ct Irrcr~in~, Otalio, of IFat~, Qua//O' of l, if~ Lake Data: DNR I.D. #27-133P Sampling Site Surface Area 751 Acres I v LWA 01 Maximum Depth 63 Feet I UTM Easting 460085 · Concentrated Inflow Water Quality Grade A UTM Northing 4978246 Water Quality Trend Positive ~ · Concentrated Outflow F--] Direct Tributary Ol o Ol 02 Miles Watershed ~ Lake Minnetonka Elevation History 932 ~. ~86 ¥-ear-F~d-~9-3-1-:$'r-----, ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 930 iNori,jat 011W(929.4) t.~ 924i '.. ,-' '~ .......... 922 ,Runout (~S.6) , ~' ~. Monthly ~ Monthly '~gh -- . 920i MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT 1998 Hydrologic Data Report ".Venck Asst~lates. lnc 180o Pioneer Creek ( ;enter FEB 1999 Figure AM-29 LAKE MINN.ETONKA CONS.ERVATION DJSTRICT 18338 MINNETONKA BLVD. DEEPHAVEN, MINNESOTA 55391 TELEPHONE 612/745-0789 FAX 612/745-9085 Gregory S~ Nybeck, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR March 11, 1999 BOARD MEMBERS Douglas E. Babcock Chair, Tonka .Bay Bert Foster Vice Chair, Deephaven Eugene Partyka Secretary, Minnetdsta Craig Nelson Treasurer, Spring Park Andrea Ahrens Mound Bob Ambrose Wayzata Kent Dahlen Minnetonka Beach Craig Eggers Victoda Tom Gilman Excelsior Greg Kitchak Minnetonka Lili McMillan Orono Robert Rascop Shorewood Herb J. Suerth Woodland Sheldon Wert Greenwood TO: FROM: LMCD Member Cities' Direcm~r~ ~ Greg Nybeck, Executive SURIECT: Update on overhaul of EWM Equipment At its 8/12/98 meeting, the LMCD Board of Directors awarded a contract to Minnesota Beating Co./Air Hydraulics, Inc. and Cummins Diesel Service to evaluate the condition and refurbish the four District EWM harvesters where needed. The current fleet is ten years old and refurbishing efforts have not been undertaken previously. With the assistance of Gene Strommcn, 1998 EWM Project Manager, work on the harvesters commenced in September and was continued through early November. Some of the work completed includes the evaluation of the diesel engines; rebuilding of the hydraulic systems including the power systems and thrusters; inspection of hosing and replacement where needed; and the rebuilding or replacement of the front-end rollers or cutters where needed. Please refer to the attached summary sheet for further breakdown of work completed to date. As noted in the attached sheet, $60,983.70 has spent to date on the refurbishing of the District EWM harvesters. An additional $4,000 of expenses are planned for the spring of 1999 to complete the project. These expenses are being paid out of the LMCD Equipment R~lacement Fund, which has been previously funded for the purpose of upgrading or replacing the EWM capital equipment. The goal of this preventative maintenance project is to ensure minimal downtime of the District harvesters and has been highly successful to date. Feel free to call the LMCD office if you have questions relating to this project. 50% Recycled Content 20'/o Post Consumer Waste Web Page Address: http://www.winternet.com/~lmcd/ E-mail Address: Imcd @ winternet.com EWM HARVESTING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BREAKI)O~VN OF EXPENSES FALL, 1998 N_nme Power Systems Cummins Diesel Sales Industrial Supply Marsh Gabriel Eiler Plastics Navarre Hardware Wanderlust Industrial Supply Marsh Gabriel Wanderlust Gene Strommen Marsh Gabriel Northwest Filter Supply Hydraulic Boat Co. Navarre Hardware Toll Gas & Welding Grainger Marsh Gabriel Hydraulic Boat Co. Dassel-Cokato Machine Wanderlust C.W. Signs Navarre Hardware Northwest Filter Supply Lubrication Technologies Goodin Company Gene Strommen American Bow Thrusters Marsh Gabriel Air-Hydraulic Systems Gene Strommen Description Date Check # Couplings 9/3 12326 Engine Oil Analysis 9/3 12337 Bearings 9/3 12340 Contract Service 9/15 12360 Conveyor Plastic Lining 9/17 12354 Miscellaneous 9/17 12356 Miscellaneous 9/17 12362 Bushings & Bearings 9/17 12363 Contract Service 10/6 12386 Miscellaneous 10/9 12388 Contract Service 10/9 12384 Contract Service 10/21 12414 Machine Filters 10/23 12399 New Front-End Rollers 10/23 12406 Miscellaneous 10/23 12409 Welding Gas 10/23 12414 Chain, Sprocket, Tools 10/23 12413 Contract Service 11/4 12443 New Front-End Rollers 11/6 12437 Rebuilt Front-End Rollers 11/6 12440 Miscellaneous 11/6 12445 Machine Signs 11/6 12433 Miscellaneous 11/20 12450 Machine Filters 12/4 12465 Hydraulic Fluid 12/4 12474 Valve 12/4 12475 Contract Service 12/4 12476 Housing 12/4 12481 Contract Service 12/4 12482 (See attached breakdown) 12/17 12487 Contract Service 1 / 1 12514 Amount $298.89 $74.51 $347.01 $868.00 $1495.47 $39.56 $8.48 $175.69 $2,559.00 $6.37 $330.00 $2,100.00 $625.49 $2,289.14 $256.83 $16.99 $518.58 $1,739.00 $517.92 $1,600.00 $97.30 $383.40 $41.84 $222.11 $1,969.33 $136.52 $706.25 $785.60 $1,104.00 $39,178.84 $256.25 EWM HARVESTING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FALL, 1998 TOTAL EXPENSES MONTH September EXPENSES $ 3,307.61 October $ 8,733.87 November $ 4,583.32 December $44,102.65 January $ 256.25 TOTAL $60,983.70 There are approximately an additional $2,000 in expenses to be incurred in the Spring of 1999 for the conversion of hydraulic fluid in two harvesters and for miscellaneous work. Further description of these monthly expenses is broken down on the attached sheets. P C RECEIVED IlAR 8 199 } Peter Cotton Process Consultant P Management Training · Coaching Organization Development · Team Development March 5, 1999 Mr. Edward Shukle, City Manager 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle: Enclosed is a proposal for a typical City Council workshop/goal setting session that I have put on for other cities. This workshop includes a team building exercise, a three step approach to goal setting, and a discussion on the roles of the various participants in the carrying out the City Council's goals. Remember this is a proposed agenda and we can modify it to fit the City Council's needs. Let me know if I can be of any help to you and the City Council My charge for facilitating this session would be based on a $750 a day fee. Sincerely, Peter Cotton 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 · White Bear Lake, Minnesota 551 l0 ° ~ 426-4060 P C Peter Cotton Process Consultant Management Training * Coaching Organization Development * Team Development P C March 5, 1999 City Council Goal Setting Workshop Proposal submitted by Peter Cotton, Municipal 2095 Dotte Dr. White Bear Lake MN. Consultant 55110 To The Mound Minnesota City Council 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 · White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 ° ~ 426-4060 /o5o P C Peter Cotton Process Consultant Management Training · Coaching Organization Development * Team Development OBJECTIVES During the City Council workshop the participants will: Experience the advantages of teamwork Discuss the participants styles of team decision making Share their vision of the City of Mound in the year 2020 Discuss and select common goals for the City of Mound to be achieved within the next one to two years Discuss the roles of the participants to carry out the council's goals and other functions of the City The goals that are established by the Council then become the working agenda for the city staff 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 · White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 · (64~ 426-4060 PC Peter Cotton Process Consultant Management Training * Coaching Organization Development * Team Development PC This seminar will emphasize the following: 1. Team Building, 2. Long Range Planning, 3. Goal Creation, 4. Goal Setting, and 5. Role Expectations. 1. Team Building; employs an instrument that I have used with other groups. This instrument allows the participants to see the advantages of working together and the part each plays in joint decision making. 2. Long Range Planning or Visioning; a session where everyone forms an image of what they think the City will be like in the year 2020, including population, age of the population, transportation system, educational system, and health care system. This mental image is then shared and discussed by the group. 3. Goal Creation; a brain storming session where every one brings to the attention of the group, projects or issues they believe will be helpful in guiding the City towards the image of the City they see in 2020. These goals are put on easel paper so every one gets a chance to review them. 4. Goal Setting; in this session the participants set priorities for the goals they have created. Alternative ways of establishing these priorities are considered. 5. Role Expectations; a discussion by the participants concerning what their perceptions are of the roles and tasks of the Mayor, the Council (both as a body & individual members) the City Administer and the City staff. My role is to facilitate the group process, in other words I keep the group moving towards its goal of establishing goals for the City. To complete this agenda normally takes one to one and half days. 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 · White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 ° {Cv4~ 426-4060 P C Peter Cotton Process Consultant P C Management Training · Coaching Organization Development * Team Development FOLLOW UP To assist the staff in following up on the established goals I will furnish the city of Mound a list of the goals. Consultants fees: My fee for the above City Council workshop will be $750 a day or $400 for a half day plus expenses. Instrument fees: In addition there will be a charge of $10. for each of the team building instruments that are used by the participants. /0_53 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 * White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 · ~'~.426-4060 PC Peter Cotton Process Consultant Management Training · Coaching Organization Development · Team Development P C Mr. Cotton has had his own consulting firm since 1987, specializing in the areas of Organization Development, Goal Setting, Team Building, and Management Training for Municipal Governments. He has conducted workshops and management training seminars for Cities and Counties in several mid- western states. Peter Cotton brings over twenty years of experience in the areas of city management and decision-making to his consulting business. He has ten years experience in the City Management profession including being the City Manager of both an out state and suburban community (Iowa Falls, IA & Hopkins,MN). He also served one four-year term as a Councilman at Large in a large suburban community (Minnetonka MN). This mix of being able to experience how a city functions from these two different sides of the table gives him a unique perspective on how an organization operates. In addition, he worked in sales and marketing in the private sector for ten years. Peter Cotton has a Master's Degree in Public A~ministration from Kansas University, a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Mankato State University,.a Certificate in Training and Development from the University of Minnesota, and a Certificate in Gestalt Therapy from the Gestalt Institute of the Twin Cities. In addition he has taken courses in organization development, team building and training from the NTL Institute in Washington D. C. and the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. Mr. Cotton has been active in civic affairs over the years. He currently is an active member of The American Society of Training and Development, co-chairman of it's Management and Supervisory Special Interest Group, and a member of the local chapter of the Organization Development Network. He has been a member of Rotary International, International City Management Assoc., and Toastmasters serving as the Educational Vice President in 1989 and the President in 1990. He likes to read, sail, and play bridge in his non-working hours. He also enjoys watching football and hockey. 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 · White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 · ~) 426-4060 PC Peter Cotton Process Consultant Management Training · Coaching Organization Development · Team Development Pc, Previous Clients and References Shakopee, MN Mr. Mark McNiel, City Administrator 129 Holmes St. Shakopee MN 55379 Ph 612 445 3650 League of Minnesota Cities Mr. James Miller, Executive Director 3490 Lexington Avenue No. St. Paul, MN. 55126 Ph 612 490 5600 Edina MN Mr. Kenneth Roslan, City Manager 4801W. 50th St. Edina MN 55424 ph 612 927 8861 Burnsville MN Mr. Greg Kont, City Manager 100 Civic Center Parkway Burnsville, MN 55337 Ph 612 895 4546 Stillwater Mn. Mr. Nile Kriesel, City Coordinator 216 N. 4th St. Stillwater Mn. 55082 Ph 612 439 6121 2095 Dotte Drive, #308 · White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 · ~ 426-4060 DRAFT LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT EwrlvIJEXOTICS TASK FORCE 8:30 a.m., Friday, March 12, 1999 LMCD Office, 18338 Mtka Blvd., Deephaven, MN Present: Herb Suerth, LMCD Board; Wendy Crowell, MN DNR; :John Barren, Hennepin Parks; Greg Nybeck, LMCD Executive Director. Minutes. The Task Force reviewed the minutes from the 1/8/99 EWM/Exotics Task Force meeting and accepted them as submitted. Nybeck updated the Task Force that a discussion regarding the possible use of Sonar in Carsons Bay is scheduled for the 3/24/99 Board meeting. He noted background literature and a copy of the agenda would be forwarded to those parties who have expressed interest in participating in this discussion. Ui~date on ideas being considered for 1999 Zebra Mussel Work Plan. Suerth updated the Task Force on the establishment of a work plan for zebra mussels in 1999. He stated a list of ideas and thoughts has been established relating to a zebra mussel work plan for 1999. He added this was discussed at a recent Board meeting and a tentative budget of $35,000 has been established. He noted staff and selected Board members recently met with representatives of Carmichael and Lynch to discuss a zebra mussel work plan for 1999 and beyond. He asked for feedback from Nybeck on this meeting. Nybeck stated he attended this meeting at Carmichael Lynch, in addition to Jay Rendall, Tom Gilman, and Lili McMillan. He noted the purpose of this meeting was to establish a professional educational campaign on a short and long-term basis relating to zebra mussels. He stated a proposal is expected from Carmichael Lynch in the near future and would be forwarded to the Task Force after it has been received. He concluded discussion at this meeting focused on creating an urgency and awareness with the public. Suerth stated a verbal report has been received to date with a written proposal expected in the near future. He noted the LMCD is willing to work with the MN DNR on some program, i.e. bilboard signage, provided it works within and is coordinated with the framework of the proposal from Carmichael Lynch. He stated one program he would like pursued this year is a coordinated inspection training program with the commercial marina owners. Crowell stated this training should be expanded to included commercial transporters. Suerth stated he envisioned Board members to work with staff on educating commercial facilities in their own communities. EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE, 3/12/99, PAGE 2 A~,ency Reoorts. Crowell stated the MN DNR budget that assists governmental bodies in the management of eurasian watermilfoil should be completed in the near future. She noted she believed approximately the same amount of funds will be available to the LMCD in 1999. Barren stated Hennepin Parks will be placing two new RUSS units on Lake Minnetonka this spring to assist in water quality data collection. He added he is currently discussing the idea of working with Carver County and the MCWD to rate pollution potential from feedlots that eventually lead into Halsteads Bay. .Area Wide l~ke Association Rgoorts. There were no area wide lake association reports. Old B~l.nine~s. There was no old business. New Business. There was no new business. AtOournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Respectfully SubmiRed, Gregory S. Nybeck Executive Director CALL TO ORDER LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 7:00 PM, Wednesday, March 24, 1999 Tonka Bay City Hall ROLL CALL CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Babcock READING OF MINUTES - 3/10/99 LMCD Regular Board Meeting PUBLIC COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) CONSENT AGENDA- Consent agenda items identified with a (*) will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests a discussion of any item, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda. 1. EWMIEXOTICS TASK FORCE A) (*) Minutes from the 3/12/99 meeting; m B) Discussion of the proposed use of Sonar in the southeast corner of Carsons Bay (background material previously mailed out); C) Additional Business; WATER STRUCTURES A) Hennepin Parks, request for Board direction relating to permit(s) for installation of two RUSS units on Lake Minnetonka in 1999; B) Grandview Point Assoc., consideration of minor change application to relocate slip # 5 from southwest of slip # 1 to the northeast of slip #.4, and to reorganize slip #'s 6-8; C) Lafayette Ridge HOA, consideration of minor change application to relocate the double wide slips from the east end of the dock structure to the west end; D) Minnetonka Yacht Club (Site 1), consideration of minor change application to relocate slip #32; E) West Point Place HOA, consideration of minor change application to convert two existing transient BSU's to two overnight storage BSU's; F) Ordinance Amendment, First reading of an ordinance relating to boat storage density and multiple dock facilities on Lake Minnetonka; amending LMCD Code Sections 2.02 and 2.03 (Discussion of a few cities request to have a Workshop/Planning Session); m G) t999 Multiple Dock/District Mooring Area (DMA) Licenses, staff recommends approval of 1999 multiple dock/DMA license applications as outlined in 3/18/99 staff memo; : H) (*) Pelican Point HOA, Notice of Extension- staff recommends Board approval to notify the applicant that additional time, 60 days, is needed to consider the application for new multiple dock license; I) (*) Excel Marina, Notice of Extension- staff recommends Board approval to notify the applicant that additional time, 60 days, is needed to consider the application for new multiple dock license; J) Additional Business; LAKE USE & RECREATION A) Staff recommends approval of renewal Liquor/Wine/Beer license applications as outlined in 3/18199 staff memo; B) Review of LMCD Code requirement relating to charter boats on Lake Minnetonka with Liquor/Wine/Beer licenses (including review of current restrictions relating to areas of operation); C) Ordinance Amendment, First reading of an ordinance relating mandatory meeting requirement for charter boats with Liquor licenses; D) Additional Business; FINANCIAL A) Audit of vouchers for payment (3/15199 - 3/31/99); B) January financial summary and balance sheet; C) Additional Business; SAVE THE LAKE ADMINISTRATION A) Update on Hawks v. LMCD pending litigation (Note: Board may vote to discuss pending litigation in closed session) B) Additional Business; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT DRAFT LAKE MINNETO~ CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 7:00 PM, Wednesday, March 10, 1999 Tonka Bay City Hall CALL TO ORDER Chair Babcock called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. ROLL CALL Members present: Douglas Babcock, Tonka Bay; Bert Foster, Deephaven; Gene Partyka, Minnetrista; Tom Gilman, Excelsior; Greg Kitchak, Minnetonka; Kent Dahlen, Minnetonka Beach; Lili McMillan, Orono; Herb Suerth, Woodland; Andrea Ahems, Mound; Bob Rascop, Shorewood. Also present: Charles LeFevere, LMCD Counsel; Gregory Nybeck, Executive Director; Roger Winberg, Administrative Technician. Members absent: Bob Ambrose, Wayzata; Craig Eggers, Victoria; Craig Nelson, Spring Park; Sheldon Wert, Greenwood. CHAIR ANNOUNCEMENTS, Chair Babcock There were no Chair announcements. READING OF MINUTES - 2/24/99 LMCD Regular Board Meeting MOTION: Gilman moved, Ahems seconded to approve the minutes of the 2/24/99 Regular Board meeting as submitted. VOTE: Ayes (7), Abstained (1, Babcock); motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Persons in attendance, subjects not on agenda (5 min.) There were no comments from the public on subjects not on the agenda. pUBLIC HEARING · Paradise Charter Cruises, Consideration of new on-sale Intoxicating Liquor License applications for the charter boats Paradise Destiny, Paradise Grand, and Paradise Princess II. Babcock opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. He asked the applicant and public if they had any comments. There being no comments from the applicant or the public, Babcock closed the public hearing at 7:06 p.m. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Reaular Board Meetina March 10, 1999 Page 2 MOTION: Ahems moved, Gilman seconded to approve the new intoxicating liquor license application for 1999 for the charter boats Paradise Destiny, Paradise Grand, and Paradise Princess II. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. Foster and Rascop arrived at 7:07 p.m. 1. LAKE USE AND RECREATION There was no business. ® WATER STRUCTURES A. Ordinance Amendment, First reading of an ordinance relating to boat storage density and multiple dock facilities on Lake Minnetonka; amending LMCD Code Sections 2.02 and 2.03. Babcock introduced the agenda item noting it addresses three separate issues. McMillan stated she would like to discuss the possible change of the General Rule from 1:50 to 1:100. She asked for clarification from LeFevere on how the Code amendment was drafted. LeFevere stated the draft Code amendment would not supersede any municipal ordinance that is more restrictive than LMCD Code. He added the Code amendment would treat all outlot situations on Lake Minnetonka the same. He noted the three components of the draft Code amendment include the change in the General Rule to 1:100, it addresses the placement of docking structures at the end of a development that impacts the adjoining neighbors, and it addresses measurement of meandering shoreline through wetlands. He concluded if the Board is comfortable with these components, the Board might want to take it one step further to allow greater density under an LMCD ordinance based on the Planned Unit Development (PUD) model. McMillan questioned whether the intent of addressing outlots would be accomplished by making the General Rule more restrictive. Babcock stated he recalled in the past, LeFevere has advised the Board not to prohibit boat storage on outlots because of difficulty of enforcing this on a long-term basis. He noted a more restrictive ordinance on certain types of facilities appears to make more sense. LeFevere stated if there were a strict prohibition against boat storage on outlots, the ordinance would not allow the District to work with cities who encourage outlot situations in a PUD. He noted the General Rule in the draft Code amendment would allow the District to continue working with the cities. Foster stated he needed clarification and encouraged Board discussion relating to shoreline measurement as described in the ordinance amendment. He expressed concern in adopting the process for measuring shoreline, especially when it involves Board subjectivity. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regu r Board Meeth g Mar~ 10, 1~ Pa~e 3 LeFevere stated the measuring of shoreline that meanders through wetlands is never going to be an easy task. He noted the concept in the Code amendment would be to compare the amount of meandering shoreline to the amount of shoreline apparent from the lake and making proper adjustments. Gilman stated he believed this component of the draft Code amendment clarifies how to measure shoreline. Babcock stated the District 'has struggled with shoreline measurement and has allowed for shoreline to be counted on both sides of long, narrow points. McMillan stated she believed the Code might need to define what is usable shoreline. Foster stated with this shoreline measurement standard, the Sweat property has a narrow entrance on to Grays Bay with an enormous amount of shoreline going into the property. He questioned how this standard would be applied in this situation. He stated it makes it difficult for private owners to determine how much usable shoreline they might have towards development. Babcock stated this ordinance amendment would apply only to sites that require a multiple dock license. He added although there are some subjective decisions for the Board, it expresses the intent of this Board not to count all shoreline related to narrow points and meandering shoreline. McMillan stated adopting a General Rule change to 1:100 might make the most sense because it reduces the subjectivity of the Board. LeFevere suggested the Board not get too focused on definitions for all situations that relate to this discussion. He noted the Board might need to amend the Code again when the first application is submitted. Foster stated he believed changing the General Rule to 1:100 might be a more appropriate means of further restricting outlots rather than the proposed means of measuring shoreline. He noted he is more comfortable when the developer has an idea of how much shoreline they have to work with up front. LeFevere stated there are a couple of approaches to allow the developer to know up front how much shoreline they have to work with. He noted a predetermination could be evaluated by the Board before an application is submitted or the developer could deal with the ambiguity after the application has been submitted. McMillan asked if dredged shoreline is allowed in shoreline calculations. LeFevere stated that depends on where it is in relation to the 929.4' shoreline elevation. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting March 10, 1999 Page 4 Kitchak stated on the back side of the Sweat property away from GrayS Bay, there are channels that work their way through the property. He questioned whether these channels should be included in the total shoreline calculation. LeFevere stated if these channels are at the 929.4' contour, current Code would count this shoreline towards the total. Babcock stated although some properties meet the density allowances of the General Rule, whether it be 1:50 or 1:100, some shorelines do not appear to be capable of handling those densities in a reasonable fashion. He noted the Board has wrestled with this in the past even though the shoreline is marginal. He added the discussion of the Sweat property might be an example of unusable shoreline being transferred to usable shoreline. Kitchak stated he believed the Sweat property, some time in the future, would be a large PUD. He noted in this case an outlot with the docking facilities on the back side might make a lot of sense. Babcock stated he believed there are two issues relating to that: should that shoreline be allowed to contribute to the active boat count on the lake, and should density shifting be allowed within a parcel. Foster stated he is not comfortable with Subd. 7(d) because it is unclear to the developer. He suggested it be dropped from the draft Code amendment. LeFevere stated the subjective percentages used in the shoreline calculations section is no real science and was his first attempt. He suggested the Board might want to change these figures. McMillan stated in a best case scenario, she believed it would be beneficial for the Board to work with the developer on a PUD to identify the best place to locate docking structures. Babcock stated based on his experience, that working relations do not stand the test of time in most cases. He noted the developer and the residents have a different point of view in many cases. He cited Pelican Point HOA as an example. Partyka questioned whether lots are generally platted along the 929.4' lake elevation. LeFevere stated that is not necessarily true. He stated the 929.4' lake elevation mark is the ordinary high water mark which is the delineation point where the District regulatory authority ends. He noted property may be privately owned to the ordinary low water mark, which has not yet been determined. McMillan questioned whether changing the General Rule to 1:100 is workable for a developer in a PUD. She asked how that would impact a new application, such as Pelican Point HOA. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting March 10, 1999 Page Babcock stated he believed as the lake is redeveloper, developers not only want one boat per house but they also want big boats. He noted marginal shoreline cannot always support maximum density and larger boats. Foster stated in addition to the 1:100 General Rule, it might make sense to establish footage units based on size of the boats. He noted that might make it clearer for developers. Babcock stated water depths available might also be taken into consideration. He noted the Board considered water depths when Pelican Point HOA was originally approved in 1994. McMillan questioned whether the District was involved with Pelican Point HOA when the dock sites were, initially approved. Babcock stated the Board had significant input with the developer on the original dock locations in 1994. He noted their point of view has changed since the residents have moved in. Foster stated he believed the District needs to adopt rules that are clear to the developer and are fair. He added there are some conflicts where cities are trying to maximize their tax bases and the District is attempting to control boat density. McMillan stated she believed the construction of large dock structures is similar to building a house. She stated they have an impact on the lake and that the cooperation of District and the developer in dock location and layout would be beneficial. Babcock stated in the Pelican Point HOA situation, they were allowed to density shift from the island to the main land under certain conditions. He noted one of these conditions was that no variances were to be approved when density shifting occurred. Foster stated the idea of assisting the developer in the designing and location of docks is totally opposite from previous points of view of the Board. He suggested this might merit Board discussion. Babcock stated the Board currently identifies how a dock structure fits with an authorized dock use area and whether it has any adverse impact on abutting neighbors. LeFevere stated~in the Code relating to multiple docks, there is a long list of criteria to be considered when a multiple dock license is before the Board. He noted there have been some instances where these criteria have been used to negotiate with the developer when there is an element of a proposed plan which the Board does not find favorable. Partyka questioned whether the Board should approve first reading of the draft ordinance amendment at this point. He stated he was in general agreement with the draft ordinance amendment. Foster expressed concern with how shoreline is to be measured, especially Subd. 7. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District RegMar Board Meeting March 10, 1999 Fage 6 Kitchak stated he is not comfortable approving first reading yet. He suggested the Board not make changes at this point and continue first reading at the next meeting. The general consensus of the Board was that changing the General Rule to 1:100 was favorable; however, there were some dissenting points of view on how to measure shoreline. Babcock suggested Section 3, Sub& 17 could be amended to read ~minimization of impact may include locating large dock structures near the center of the facility, expanded setback requirements, and/or limiting boat storage density near adjacent properties." Kitchak stated the middle of the property might not be the best area to locate a dock structure in a PUD development. He suggested the decision on the location of the dock could be left up to the discretion of the Board. The consensus of the Board was that the location of the docking facility in the center of the property might not be the best area to locate it. There was discussion that it might be appropriate for the District to adopt an ordinance that parallels the PUD ordinances for cities. Rascop noted one difference between a PUD on land and on the water is that land is for private use and water is for public use. LeFevere stated PUD ordinances for cities are beneficial because they give cities flexibility. He noted at times, PUD's are abused when super variances, broad sweeping variances, waivers, and mixed land uses are granted with little to no discernable improvements that make the PUD justifiable. MOTION: Gilman moved, Foster seconded to table further discussion on the first reading of this ordinance amendment to the 3/24/99 Board meeting. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. Ahrens left at 8:34 p.m. B. 1999 Multiple Dock/District Mooring Area (DMA) Licenses, staff recommends approval of 1999 multiple dock/DMA license applications as outlined in the 3/4/99 staff memo. MOTION: Gilman moved, McMillan seconded to approve the 1999 multiple dock/DMA license applications as outlined in the 3/4/99 staff memo. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Foster); motion carried. C. Additional Business Babcock stated staff has included a letter from Hennepin Park relating to the two RUSS units Lake 1Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meeting March 10, 1999 Page 7 that will be placed in Lake Minnetonka this summer. He noted the letter identifies the location of the two RUSS units, it describes what they will accomplish, and it requests the necessary permit(s) from the District. He suggested the Board table this to the next meeting to allow for proper review, The consensus of the Board was to table discussion of the Hennepin Parks request to the 3/24/99 Board meeting. 3. EWM/EXOTICS TASK FORCE Gilman stated he had been in recent contact with representatives from Carmichael Lynch regarding the zebra mussel work plan. He reported they are currently working on a proposal and that it should be complete in the near future. 4. FINANCIAL A. Audit of vouchers for payment (3/1/99-3/15/99) Nybeck reviewed the audit of vouchers for payment as submitted. MOTION: Foster moved, Gilman seconded to approve the audit of vouchers as submitted. VOTE: Motion carded unanimously. B. January financial summary and balance sheet. Nybeck reviewed the January financial summary and balance sheet as submitted. He noted the reserve fund balances would be adjusted after the 1998 audit has been completed to properly reflect the District office move and the refurbishing of the EWM harvesters. McMillan added she would like to see a more detailed breakdown of the Save the Lake expenditures, especially separating out project expenditures from administrative expenditures. No action was taken by the Board on the January financial summary and balance sheet. C. Additional Business Nybeck stated the bookkeeper for the District has resigned effective June. He asked the Board to forward any contacts they might have relating to a. replacement. S. ADMINISTRATION A. Consideration of staff recommendation for compensation adjustment for part-time Administrative Clerk, Jan Briner. Nybeck stated a performance appraisal had been recently completed for Jan Briner, part-time Administrative Clerk for the past year. He noted she graded above average and that staff is Lake Minnctonim Conservation District gegu r Uoard Meet March 10, 1999 Page 8 recommending a 3.5% increase in her hourly rate from $11.20 to $11.60, effective 3/16/99. MOTION: Rascop moved, McMillan seconded to approve a compensation adjustment for part-time Administrative Clerk Jan Brier from $11.20 to $11.60 per hour, effective 3/16/99. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of staff recommendation for compensation adjustment for Administrative Teclmieian, Roger Winberg. Nybeck stated a six-month performance appraisal had recently been completed for Administrative Technician Roger Winberg. He noted he was graded average and that staff is recommending a 3.6% increase from $27,000 annually to $28,000, effective 3/16/99. He noted his next performance appraisal is in six months. MOTION: Foster moved, Suerth seconded to approve a compensation adjustment for Administrative Technician Roger Winberg from $27,000 annually to $28,000, effective 3/16/99. VOTE: Ayes (8), Abstained (1, Gilman); motion carried. C. Additional Business Nybeck stated the District would be renewing its insurance policy with the LMCIT in the near future and the Board needs to decide whether to waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability. He noted the Board has not waived this in the past. MOTION: Foster moved, Partyka seconded to not waive limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. 6. SAVE THE LAKE McMillan made the following comments: · She commended the efforts of the volunteers on the Winter Ice-Cleanup Project that was done on Saturday, 3/6/99. She noted approximately 2/3 of the lake was cleaned with dumpsters located at the City of Wayzata Beach and at the Spring Park Bay public access. She added a press release and accompanying photo of the volunteers will be forwarded to the local newspapers. · The book from Carol Henderson of the MN DNR relating to lakescaping has recently been completed. She noted she would like to make this book available to the public and would like to provide a free copy for larger donations in the upcoming "Save the Lake solicitation letter. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Regular Board Meetin~ March 10, 1999 Page 9 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Nybeck made the following comments: · A copy of the March calendar and change in phone numbers was included in the Board handout folders. · A copy of the proposed project to improve shoreland fishing between St. Albans and Excelsior Bay was forwarded by the MN DNR for comments. The Board discussed the project and there were no comments. · Staff stated they would like to work with the Water Patrol in scheduling a mandatory meeting for charter boat owners to attend that have liquor, wine, and beer licenses. He noted there are some Code issues that both District and Water Patrol staff would like to discuss with charter boat owners prior to the season. The Board discussed this request and confirmed there is a need to discuss rules and regulations. The Board determined a Code amendment making this meeting mandatory should be done, that two different meeting dates should be scheduled, and that staff should prepare a review of LMCD rules and regulations that relate to charter boats. MOTION: Kitchak moved, Gilman seconded to direct attorney to amend the Code to make it mandatory for charter boat operators that have liquor, wine, and beer licenses to attend an annual meeting to discuss rules and regulations. VOTE: Motion carried unanimously. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 10. ADJOURNlVIENT There being no further business, Chair Babcock adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Douglas Babcock, Chair Eugene A. Partyka, Secretary PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364-1687 (612) 472-0600 FAX (612) 472-0620 CASE #99-07 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TWINHOME LOCATED WITHIN THE R-2 SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY ZONING DISTRICT AT 2541 WEXFORD LANE LOTS 1, 2, 3, 14 & 15, BLOCK 7 SETON PID # 24-117-24 11 0019 P & Z 99-07 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1 3. 1 999 to review the use of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a Twinhome at 2541 Wexford Lane located within the R-2 Single or Two Family Zoning District. This type of construction business is allowable within the R-2 Zoning District through Conditional Use Permit. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. ~Secretary ~ailoO to propertg ownors within 350 feet of affected ~ublished in tho kaker, March 27, 1 printed on recycled paper *J. APPROVAL OF LICENSE RENEWALS: TRANSIENT MERCHANT, TREE REMOVAL, SET-UP LICENSE AND PUBLIC GATHERING PERMITS. *K. 4. CASE CASE 99-05: MINOR SUBDIVISION, TO READJUST PROPERTY LINES TO CREATE TWO PARCELS, MARVIN NELSON, ~20~25 SHOREWOOD LANE, LOTS 4, 5 & 6, BLOCK 1, SHADYWOOD POINT 61980, PID #18-117-23 32 0011 & 18-117-23 32 0012. CASE 99-06: MINOR SUBDIVISION, TO READJUST PROPERTY LINES TO CREATE TWO PARCELS TO CONSTRUCT A TWINHOME AT 2541 WEXFORD LANE, FINE LINE DESIGN GROUP, INC., LOTS 1, 2, 3, 14 & 15, BLOCK 7, SETON 37950, PID #24-117-24 11 0019. PAYMENT OF BILLS. 99-07: PUBLIC tlEARING: REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TWINHOME LOCATED WITHIN THE R-2 SINGLE OR TWOFAMILY ZONING DISTRICT AT 2541 WEXFORD LANE, LOTS 1, 2, 3, 14 & 15, BLOCK 7, SETON, PID #24-117-24 11 0019 CASE 99-03:CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A HARD COVER VARIANCE AND TO VACATE A UTILITY EASEMENT IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION TO CONVERT A 1 ~,6 STORY DWELLING INTO A 2 STORY AND ADD AN ADDITION WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE, AT 4844 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 1 & 2, BLOCK 5, DEVON PIDS 25-117-24 11 0047 & 25-117-24 11 0046. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: NORWOOD LANE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. -RESOLUTION AMENDING STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BECAUSE HARDSHIP FOR SENIOR CITIZENS -RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR THE NORWOOD LANE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT -RESOLUTION AWARDING THE BID AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT FOR THE NORWOOD LANE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 7. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: POSSIBLE CITY OF MOUND PARTICIPATION IN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) CON- SOLIDATED POOL, M~~.,~O_l~.,Tc:',~.'.~r.m.~~,l'~'~'~, HENNEPIN COUNTY OFFICE OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT.('*~q~.~' PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ON FENCE/TRELLIS ISSUE. 10. INFORMATION/MISCELLANEOUS: A. Department Head Monthly Reports for March 1999. Letter from Kiki Sonnen, Executive Director, WeCan requesting financial assistance in relocating their offices from the Westonka Community Center to some other location. I did not put this on the action part of this agenda because the Council has previously stated that it did not believe it had a financial obligation to relocate the community tenants except for the public access studio which it now controls with Chanhassen. C. Dock and Commons Advisory Commission Minutes of March 18, 1999. D. Memorandum from Jim Strommen, Suburban Rate Authority, on the area code decision. Letter from the National League of Cities (NLC) regarding the five federal priorities of of the NLC. Summary of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) Roundtable held with City Managers, Administrators and other city officials. Notice from MCWD regarding a public meeting on the operation of the Gray's Bay Dam Control Structure. Meeting is scheduled for April 22, 1999, Minnetonka Community Center, Council Chambers, 6:30 p.m. Notice from the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) regarding vacancies on the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) and on the AMM Board. Public Hearing Notice from LMCD regarding Pelican Point Homeowner's Association variance application. Public hearing is scheduled for April 14, 1999, 7:00 p.m., Tonka Bay City Hall. Notice from the Mound City Days Committee regarding participation in the parade. Please send in this notice to the Committee if you intend to be in the parade. Councilmember Brown attended the joint planning commission meeting with Minnetrista on March 29 at Minnetrista. He may want to comment on the results of that meeting. Copy of the survey requested by the City Council on the Roanoke Access. You will note that there is a change in the numbering of the individual dock sites. This is due to survey crew using two bench marks noted on the current Dock Location Map. They were //42052 at the Roanoke Lane access and//41631 at the point in front of Lot 14. In order to locate the dock sites as directed by the City Council, (see the City Council minutes of January 12, 1999 and February 9, 1999), the numbering had to be adjusted. Questions should be directed to Jim Fackler, Parks Director or John Cameron, City Engineer. Mo REMINDER: Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 1999, 7:30 p.m. N. REMINDER:HRA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 13, 1999, 7:00 p.m. Oo We have received a resignation/retiremem letter from Judy Bryce, part-time Fire Department Secretary. She will be leaving at the end of April. Judy has been with us for nine years in this capacity. We will be having coffee and cake for her on Friday, April 30, 3 p.m., City Hall.