1934-12-04December 4, 1934. Pursuant to due notice, a Public Assembly for the annual VillagEs meeting ~.rAd election held one'hour before polls opened. The meeting was called to order at eleven o'clock A.M. by J. 0. Krause, who was at once elected to act as Moderator. The Minutes of the last annual meeting were rea~, and on motion by Mrs. Jacob Hohl and seconded by W. I. Davis, that the Minutes be approved as read. The motion was carried. Citizens present: J.C. Krause, H. I. Horton, Brazman, Davis, Hoefer, Dr. Wilkins, W. H. A.~ Koehter, Aug. Broeckert, Emil Sorenson, Wm. Kickhafer, Wm. K~ause, L. P. Sohns, Kuske, Mrs. Gebo, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jacob Hohl. Treasurer's Report as of December 1st, 1934, was read. Motion by Tuff, seconded by Hoefer that Treasurer's Report be accepted and placed on file until regular meeting in January, 1935. Motion carried. 01erk's report as of December 1st, 1934, was read and on Motion by Tuff, seconded by Hoefer, that report be accepted and placed on file until regular meeting in January, 1935. Motion carried. Motion by Wm. Hoefer ~d seconded by W.' H. A. Koehler that the tax levy be $7000.00 for the year 1955. Motion carried. Motion by W. H. A. Xo&hler, seconded by W. I. Davis, that ~he sense of this meeting, the Village Council be authorized to addv$1000.O0 tot he levy of $7000.00 to take care of Interest and Bonds, provided the Council deems it necessary. Motion carried. Motion by W. H. A. Koehler, seconded.by Wm. Krause, .that meeting adjourn and the polls be opened. Motion carried. Clerk ~ Moderator. · December 5th, 1934. ~,,.~,~/ Pursuant to due call andnotice thereof, a sl~l-al meeting of the Village Council o~ the Village of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was held in the Council Room in the basement of the State Bank of Mound on Wednesday, December 5, 1954, at eight o'clock P. M. Members present, J. C. Krauee, President, Yost, C. L. Tuff and H. I. Horton. Broeckert being absent on account of illness.' The returns of the Judges of the Annual Village Election, and the ballots cast ha$ing been filed with the clerk. It was - found that two huhdred eleven votes had been cast, with the following results: 281