1935-03-26298 The President appointed Trustee March and Jack Stein to investigate both Bidders' trucks and report to the ~lerk, when ready with their recommeflds. A letter from the County Attorney of-Renville County,'Ninn. was read regarding one Louis N. Smolt and family being returned to Mound for relief. A letter written by the President was read in reply to the Renvtlle Count~, and on motion by Tuff and Seconded by Ma~ch, that'said letter be sent to the Attorney of Renville County. Notion carried. No further busine~syappearing, 01erk on motion meeting adjourned. President. March 26, 1955. Minutes of Special Meeting of the Mound Village Council'held March B6, 1935. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Council meeting of .the Village Council of the Village of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was duly held in the Council Room in the basement of the State Bank of Eound, in said Village on the ~6th day of March, 1935, at 8 o'clock P.M. The following Trustees were present: W. C. Huestis, President, Yost, March, Tuff and Horton. The President stated the meeting was called to consider any protests against the grading of Carman Blvd. in the Highlands, and other business that might appear. The Notice of Hearing published in the Pilot was read, and no protests were heard. A motion by Trustee Tuff, seconded by Yost, that Carman Blvd. be graded andlone half of the total costs be assessed against the Lots or parcels of ground benefited by said improvement =atably and in proportion to the special b~:~nefits as conferred upon it by said improv~nt smd without regard to cash valuation. Motion carri~ed. Road committee to hire four teams and men necessary for the work to be. done on Carman Blvd. Committee reoorted on the trucks, that in the opinion of the committee, they were too high priced for used trucks, and after some discussion, a motion by Yost, seconded by March, that all bids for l~ ton trucks be rejected, and Clerk advertise again in this week's Pilot for bids for l½ ton used truck, chass~is'and cab, and wi.th or without a mechanical or hand dump body. Motion carried. No further bysin~s appearing,on motion the meeting adjourn-