2000-01-11MINUTES - MEETING MOUND HRA -JANUARY 11, 2000 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in a regular session on Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., {n the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Mark Hanus and Leah Weycker. Absent and Excused: Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens and Bob Brown. Also in attendance were Acting City Manager Fran Clark and Secretary Sue McCulloch. Others present: None. Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 1.0 MOUND DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Mayor Meisel presented the questions and answers information sheet to the Councilmembers. She stated this information addresses frequently asked questions about the downtown redevelopment project, i.e., what is TII: and why is the downtown being redeveloped?, and stated having this type of communication given to the citizens would benefit everyone. She stated she would like this information to be used as a mailer to update citizens beginning this month and to use in future months as the downtown project progresses. Mayor Meisel stated the information to support the mailer was retrieved from Bruce Chamberlain, Jim Prosser and herself. Mayor Meisel stated the back side of the flyer identifies the Councilmembers' names and phones numbers and would appreciate the councilmembers' permission to list their names and phone numbers on this mailer. Mayor Meisel stated she is open to any changes or suggestions that may come from the Councilmembers tonight. Councilmember Hanus was concerned if this mailer will prompt more questions than the City Council can endure at this point. Mayor Meisel stated the questions that are brought up as a result from this mailer would be taken as a positive note in her mind and would encourage communication regarding the downtown redevelopment. Councilmember Hanus asked if a cost-effective solution can be reached regarding how this mailer would be distributed to the citizens of Mound. The Acting City Manager suggested having it ran as an editorial, but not as a paid ad, in the Laker. Councilmember Weycker stated this communication mailer should get mailed to all citizens of Mound to allow it to be distributed to more persons. MOUND I-IRA M1NUTES - JANUARY 11, 2000 Mayor Meisel stated the questions and answers sheet is a self-mailer and could be mailed to all citizens of Mound costing approximately 15 cents per flyer. She did remind those present there would be a printing charge as well, although extra mailers could be included in new citizens packets. Mayor Meisel stated the newsletter would still be updated with information regarding the downtown redevelopment project, as well as the questions and answers mailer being sent out to the citizens on a rotating basis. Councilmember Hanus stated he appreciates the efforts in creating a mailer of this type. Councilmember Hanus stated his only concern now is how to get this mailer to the citizens of Mound the least expensive way possible. Mayor Meisel suggested having the mailers sent out with the water bills. The Acting City Manager stated this would be a good idea if the bills were sent monthly instead of quarterly. The Acting City Manager assured the Councilmembers she would check into all means of distributing the mailer and come up with the least expensive way possible. Councilmember Weycker appreciates the efforts in creating a mailer of this type as well. She stated after reading it over, more questions come to mind that she feels the public would like answers to as well, i.e., how will the redevelopment affect my business? Councilmember Weycker suggested using the same letterhead each time the mailers are produced. MOTION by Weycker, seconded by Hanus, to approve the distribution of the mailer entitled "Mound Downtown Redevelopment Questions & Answers." The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 3-0. Mayor Meisel stated Bill Beard is putting together a presentation for the Planning Commission for the end of January with the hopes of it being presented to the City Council in February. His presentation now will be more specific in how the downtown redevelopment will be laid out. 1.1 ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Weycker, to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 3-0. Francene C. Clark, Acting City Manager Attest: Council Secretary