2000-02-22MINUTES - MEETING MOUND HRA -FEBRUARY 22, 2000 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in a regular session on Tuesday, February 22, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: HRA Board Members: Bob Brown, Mark Hanus and Leah Weycker. Absent and Excused: Chairperson Meisel and HRA Board Member Andrea Ahrens. Also in attendance were Acting City Manager Leni Harrell, City Attorney John Dean, HRA Director Pinky Charon, and Secretary Sue McCulloch. Others present: None. Consent Agenda: All items listed under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Acting Chairperson Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker, to approve the agenda and consent agenda as amended above. Motion carried. 3-0. "1.0 INDIAN KNOLL MANOR CONSENT AGENDA. Monthly bills. Minutes - January 25, 2000. Next Indian Knoll Manor meeting scheduled for March 28, 2000. 1.1 ACCOUNTING ITEMS. A. Accountant Reports. HRA Director briefed on the accountant reports. She stated there has been electronical problems with the filing process causing some reports to be late. B. Bank Accounts. HRA Director stated there were no items for discussion. MOUND I-IRA MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 1.2 H.R.A. ACTION ITEMS (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING). A. CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT FROM BALBOA CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FOR VACANT LAND NEXT TO SUPER AMERICA. Acting Chairperson Hanus asked if there were any questions for the City Attorney concerning the purchase agreement. HRA Board Member Weycker asked the City Attorney about the pollution on the site. The City Attorney stated the TIF program would cover what expenses incur from the pollution cleanup. HRA Board Member Brown asked the City Attorney about the super fund. The City Attorney stated the super fund would be used for the VIC program. HRA Board Member Weycker stated she does not want to see the City of Mound pay for any expenses concerning cleanup that were initially not agreed to by the City. The City Attorney stated he is comfortable with the way the contract reads. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated 6a directs any questions about the cleanup process. He stated it notes that we can terminate the agreement if the property is found polluted or if the property is polluted and we do not receive funds to pay for this cleanup. HRA Board Member Brown stated with the City's tight budget this year, we do not want to ask for money from the taxpayers for this project. The City Attorney agreed to add in some language to make the agreement read more clearly regarding cost issues, reimbursement issues, and precluding from use of the property. Acting Chairperson stated on page 9c there appears to be some blanks in the agreement that need to be filled in properly. The City Attorney agreed. HRA Board Member Brown stated if we close on this matter, we are then stuck with paying for whatever cleanup is necessary on the property, but prior to the closing if there are pollution issues that are extraordinary, the City of Mound can back out of the agreement. The City Attorney stated the City does have a risk and will not discover all the problems until we buy the property. Although, he stated the City should progress to the next step in purchasing the property. MOUND HRA MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 The City Attorneb, further suggested that the agreement state the Cit will make installment payments rather than one lump sum as currently stated in the agreement. stated the payments would be spread out to cover a couple of years. He Acting Chairperson Hanus stated if the purchase does occur, will the City of Mound sell a bond. The City Attorney stated this may not be the case and would rather have the finance director address this funding question at a later date and time. MOTION by Weycker, seconded by Brown, to accept the purchase agreement with the language change in 6a, filling the blanks in on 9c, and changing the method of payment to installments. Motion carried. 3-0. B. CONSIDERATION OF REPLY LETTER FROM JIM PROSSER TO THE NETKAS. The consensus of the HRA Board Members included having the proposed draft letter sent out to the Netkas. C. QUOTES ON PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT ON THE COAST TO COAST REDEVELOPMENT SITE. Acting Chairperson Hanus asked why this matter was considered on the TIF agenda tonight because in his mind, tbas had already been approved. The amount approved was not to exceed $5,000. HRA Board Member Weycker stated the amount is not the issue; it appears they would like direction regarding whether to perform a single Phase I or an individual Phase I for the four developments. Mr. Prosser agreed and further stated the combined Phase I would be cost-effective to have it done now, rather at a later point in time when the parcels are sold. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker, to approve the February 17, 2000, letter written to Bruce Chamberlain allowing all four parcels to be included in Phase I amounting to approximately $3,800. Motion carried. 3- 0. 1.3 INFORMATION ITEMS. A. CIAP Grant. The I-t2RA Director stated the CIAP grant has been received. She stated she will now have the vents properly cleaned and the long window in front of the complex would be tinted. She stated she also purchase an inexpensive snow blower to be used for the sidewalk and in between cars. MOUND HRA MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 HRA Board Member Brown asked how the venting w0u/d be performed and the HRA Director stated it would come out from the roof. HKA Board Member Brown stated there is a new technique using high pressurized vacuums that suck everything out. He highly recommends this process be checked out. The I-IRA Director was concerned there were approximately 50 ducts to be cleaned, but HRA Board Member Brown assured her all ducts would be cleaned properly and through this vacuum system. The HRA Director stated she would wait until the spring to clean the ducts. In the' meantime, HRA Board Member Brown will give the recommended venting company name to her. B. CBDG Grant. The HRA Director stated she would like to invest $100,000 of the grant money into making handicapped efficiency apartments to comply with the 5 percent rule. She stated she would take four apartments and make two handicapped apartments. HRA Board Member Weycker asked if the resolution in packet needed to be more specific with regard to how many apartments we are asking for. The HRA Director stated the application has more of those specific details, and the resolution being presented just signifies the City agrees with this proposal. The consensus of the HRA Board felt the Grant would be put to good use in the specific way stated above. C. HOME Grant and other funds. The HRA Director was cautioned about applying for this specific grant because 25 percent of the money would need to come from some other source if the grant was approved. Chairperson Hanus asked if the funds being made available have to be dedicated or do they just have to be proven they exist. The I-IRA Director stated the monies would need to be only proven they exist. The consensus of the HRA Board stated the HRA Director should apply for this grant and if accepted, the City can deal with that decision at a later date. At this point, it is important to apply for as many grants as possible. The Acting City Manager stated when all of the grant applications have been completed and approved, he suggested taking the best offer for the City of Mound. 1.4 1. 2. 3. 1.5 None. 1.6 MOUND HRA MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 MISCELLANEOUS. I-IRA Director handed out the Budget Progress Report. HRA Director will be on vacation next week. HRA Board Member Brown stated he does realize the policy of no cell phones being allowed during a meeting; although, tonight he will have a phone to wait for a call fi-om Mayor Meisel to see if she will be attending the City Council meeting tonight. TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT. ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker, to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 3-0. Pinky Charon, HRA Director Attest: Acting Chairperson Hanus