2000-07-25HRA MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - July 25, 2000 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met on Tuesday, July 25, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: Chairperson Pat Meisel; HRA Board Members: Andrea Ahrens, Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, and Leah Weycker. Also in attendance were City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney John Dean, Mound Visions Coordinator Bruce Chamberlain, City Planner Loren Gordon, James Prosser ofEhlers & Associates, and Recording Secretary Diana Mestad. Others present: Ken & Sally Custer, Steve Wagner, Bruce and Patti Dodds, Lorde Ham, The Laker; Tom Casey, Amy Cicchese, Lakeshore Weekly; David Greenslit, Barb and Ryan Stoll, Troy D. Hicks, Bart Roegin, Tim Hafagle, Roy Stoll, Marilyn & Derek Adam Greshowak, Pat Morrissey, Rick Roberts, Kevin Plann, Andrew Mahoney, Wayne E. Ehlebracht. Consent Agenda: All items listed under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or citizen so request, itt which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Chairperson Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Pinky Charon, Executive Director of the HRA, was not present. MOTION, by Brown, seconded by Ahrens, to table the Indian Knoll Manor portion of the Agenda until the next HRA meeting. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried. 5-0. 1.1 INDIAN KNOLL MANOR CONSENT AGENDA A. MONTHLY BILLS B. MINUTES - JUNE 27, 2000 1.2 ACCOUNTING ITEMS A. ACCOUNTANT REPORTS B. BANK ACCOUNTS 1.3 H.R.A. ACTION ITEMS A. RESOLUTION #00-15, LOAN FORGIVENESS B. RESOLUTION tt00-16, TENANT APPOINTMENT 1.4 INFORMATION ITEMS Mound HRA Minutes, July 25, 2000 A. ANNUAL AND FIVE YEAR HOUSING PLAN B. AUDIT FOR Y/E 9/30/99 (COMMISSIONERS ONLY) 1.5 TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 1.6 NEXT INDIAN KNOLL MANOR MEETING- AUGUST 22~ 2000 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA. 1.7 APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 27~ 2000. MOTION by Weycker, seconded by Brown, to approve the Minutes of June 27, 2000. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. 1.8 RAY MAR PROPERTIES~ INC. AMENDED DUMPSTER AGREEMENT The City Attorney stated that the original dumpster agreement had been amended to include covering the cost of the landscaping by the HRA. He stated that the draft agreement presented in the packet was not the latest draft, which does include the landscaping agreement. The landscape is to be competed in November 2001. MOTION, by Ahrens, seconded by Hanus, to approve the Dumpster Agreement as amended. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. 1.9 DISCUSSION OF OFFICE OF STATE AUDITOR LETTER REGARDING WESTONKA SCHOOL DISTRICT PARCELS The City Attorney stated that the City has received a letter from the State Auditor disagreeing with the City's finding that the development of the school site is eligible for TIF. A memo is included in the meeting packet stating the City Attorney's ideas and the options available. The options basically fall into two groups. The first group involves accepting the conclusion of the State Auditor and removing the property from the TIF district. The second group involves seeking a review of the State Auditor's determination. The City Attorney feels there is no time rush to make a decision on how to proceed. The City Attorney stated that he is concerned that an impression may be projected that the City is operating outside the law and further stated that it is the opinion of both his law firm and Ehlers & Associates that it is proper to include the school property in the TIF district. The City Attorney is recommending that the City seek a review of the State Auditor's determination as he does feel the City is in the right. Also, it will be more difficult to bring the property back into the TIF district later because the building as been removed. 2 Mound HRA Minutes, July 25, 2000 The City Attorney stated that Mr. Prosser is in the process of preparing a press release to express the City's position and response to the public. HRA Board Member Brown stated that if the City is right, he wants to proceed and Chairperson Meisel agreed with this. HRA Board Member Hanus asked what specifically needed to be done in order to proceed. The City Attorney stated that he would bring specifics to the next meeting as the State Auditor's letter was only recently received. HRA Board Member Hanus asked for elaboration on how taking this property out of the TIF district would affect the City's ability to acquire the playfield. The City Attorney stated that discussions with the developer involved keeping the price consistent with the bond referendum, which included TIF for the developer's use on the remaining property. HRA Board Member Brown confirmed that no TIF money had been offered to date. HRA Board Member Weycker stated that she has spoken with Gino Businaro, Finance Director, and he has told her that being located in the TIF district does not mean a parcel qualifies for TIF. The City Attorney confirmed this. HRA Board Member Hanus asked if the OSA was merely a reviewing authority and not an overseer. The City Attorney stated that by statute, the OSA has clear authority in this matter, but that they are not the final arbitrator regarding TIF violations. James Prosser, Ehlers & Associates, stated that removal of the parcel from the TIF district could impact the City's ability to work with the developer. He stated that there has been some discussion of using shared parking that might require TIF in order to work. He stated that this would add time and cost to the project. Mr. Prosser suggested beginning preliminary discussions with OSA to begin to work through the issues involved. The City Attorney stated that he felt he had a consensus to begin to move forward with this issue. 1.10 MICHAEL DURRELL, REPRESENTING HOUSE OF MOY~ DISCUSSING PETITION TO DELAY BEARD GROUP~ INC. FINAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. Chairperson Meisel stepped down at this point citing a potential for a perceived conflict of interest. HRA Board Member Hanus became Acting Chairperson. Michael Durrell presented the HRA with a petition currently being circulated asking for a vote to decide the question of whether the current redevelopment plan is appropriate for Mound. He stated that he has gotten 200 signatures in 2 days and expects 900 signatures. Mound HRA Minutes, July 25, 2000 Mr. Durrell stated that k was not his intention to create an us verses them situation with the City Council. He then asked whether HRA Board Member Ahrens would be willing to sign the petition. HKA Board Member Ahrens stated that she would not sign the petition as she felt the time for this question was ten years ago when the redevelopment process began. Mr. Durrell stated that he felt that the City Council was elected to make the best possible decisions for the citizens and that the Council needed to hear what the citizens had to say on this issue. HRA Board Member Brown stated that he did not feel it was appropriate for the HRA to argue with Mr. Durrell in this forum. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated that Mr. Durrell's purpose should be to present information to the HRA. Mr. Durrell stated that he felt that the citizens of Mound felt that the HRA had turned away from what they wanted and are asking for a vote on the redevelopment issue. He is asking that the HRA wait to sign the final agreement with the developer until a vote can be taken. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated that speaking on behalf of the HRA he felt that the citizens have had input into the redevelopment decisions including many meetings both with the public and with business owners. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated that he felt that Mr. Durrell was presenting this petition to people who did not have the details of the redevelopment plan. He stated his concern was that this would delay a project that most citizens feel is moving too slowly now, but that the petition would certainly force the issue. HRA Board Member Ahrens stated that the information on the top of the petition was inadequate to encompass the information given in the last ten years. Mr. Durrell replied that education could occur during the referendum process. Acting Chairperson Hanus asked how language on a petition was tied to a referendum. The City Attorney stated that he would look into this issue and provide a written response to the City Manager. HRA Board Member Brown stated that in his extensive involvement with the community, he has found that 99% of the people are excited about the redevelopment plan. At this time, Acting Chairperson Hanus stepped down and Chairperson Meisel returned. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Weycker to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. Mound HRA Minutes, July 25, 2000 Kandis Hanson, City Manager Attest: City Clerk 5