2000-10-24I-IRA MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 24, 2000 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met on Tuesday, October 24, 2000, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present: Acting Chairperson Mark Hanus; lIRA Board Members: Andrea Ahrens, Bob Brown, and Leah Weycker. Also in attendance were City Manager Kandis Hanson, Executive Director Pinky Charon, Tenant Representative Pauline Payne, and Recording Secretary Diana Mestad. Others present: Jerry Marek, Steve Coddon, Jennifer and Derek Zaugg, Peter C. Meyer, Carol Weber, Stef Mitchell, Steve and Sue Cathers, Stacy Cathers, Amy Cicelise, Ed Mauer, Jim Brand, Frankand Betty Weiland, Lois VanDyke, Chris Warrell, June McCarthy, Dolly O'Brien, Lina Tucker Reinden, Patti Harty, Paul Glynn, Orv Burma, Rob Rebbyn, Elaine Winter, Michael Mueller, Lee Sampson, Nate Eggert, Trenton Rehberger, Josh Denning, Steve Olson, Tom Eccles, Tom Casey, Ed Carlson, Don and Carthy Scheven Jr. Lorrie Ham, Kevin Hinrichs, Rick & Deb Perry, Ken and Shirley Romness. Consent Agenda: All items listed under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Acting Chairperson Hanus called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed Tenant Representative Pauline Payne to the Board. 1.1 INDIAN KNOLL MANOR CONSENT AGENDA A. MONTHLY BILLS FOR SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2000. B. MINUTES - SEVrF_aMBER 13, 2000 MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker to approve the agenda and consent agenda. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. 1.2 ACCOUNTING ITEMS A. ACCOUNTANT REPORTS B. BANK ACCOUNTS. The Executive Director stated that she felt the reserve amount would be fine. She asked the Board whether there would be an immediate need for the $10,000 in levy money as she wished to move it to a 4M fund that would require a 30-day waiting period before withdrawal. The Board agreed that the mort/es should be moved. HRA Board Member Brown asked whether consideration had been given to switching to a card security system rather than changing locks when tenants moved. The Executive Director stated that the building does need new security and thought has been given to a card system. She further stated that security cameras are also under consideration. HRA ACTION ITEMS 1.3 1.4 RF-qOLUTION//00-21, CAPITALIZATION POLICY The Executive Director stated this would have a $500 limit. Acting Chairperson I-Ianus asked whether the language was consistent and the Executive Director stated it MOTION by Brown seconded by Ahrens to approve Resolution ~)0-21. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. RF~._qOLUTION//00-22. INVENTORY DISPOSAL Acting Chairperson Hanus asked whether there was a replacement plan. The Executive Director stated that most of the items had already been replaced. MOTION by Weycker, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution//00-22. Discussion: HRA Board Member Ahrens stated that in the future she wanted to see a list of items being disposed of before they were disposed. The Executive Director asked if there would be a dollar mount on the items. HRA Board Member Ahrens stated she wanted to know about everything on the inventory list. HRA Board Member Brown stated this could be done once a year at year-end. Acting Chairperson Hanus called the question. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 Motion ca~ed. 5-0 1.5 RF-qOLIYYION g00-23. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S HOURS The Executive Director stated that her hours have not changed since the 1980's. MOTION by Brown, seconded by Ahrens to approve Resolution g00-23. Discussion: HRA Board Member Weycker asked whether the Executive Director was a City employee. The Executive Director stated that in the past she was told that she was not a City employee. HRA Board Member Weycker wondered whether the Executive Director could become a City employee and the City Manager stated that she would check on this. Acting Chairperson Hanus called the question. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 Motion carried 5-0. 1.6 OPERATING SUBSIDY FOR FYE 9/30/2001 The Executive Director stated that she is receiving a subsidy in the amount of $13,000 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1.7 BUDGET APPROVAL NOT NEEDED ANYMORE The Executive Director stated that she is no longer required to get budget approval from HUD and that the HRA Board would be monitoring the budget. She stated that HUD would still require a year-end audit. 1.8 TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Tenant Representative Pauline Payne thanked the HRA for accepting her on the Board. The Executive Director stated that she feels the HUD buildings are very safe as the inspection process is very thorough. 1.9 MISCELLANEOUS HRA Board Member Brown stated that at the prior evening's Planning Commission meeting, it was brought up that the HRA had discussed and approved moving the Park and Ride from the Mound Vision Plan. The Commission felt that this should have come before them before being approved. HRA Board Member Ahrens asked whether this item had also been approved at the Council meeting. The City Manager cautioned the Board about adding an item to the agenda at this point in the meeting. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated that he was comfortable discussing this as an information only item. Acting Chairperson I-Ianus stated that he was not sure whether Council had acted on this item, but not sending it back to the Planning Commission was merely an oversight. I-IRA Board Member Brown agreed it had been an oversight, but wanted to make the Board aware of it for future matters. The City Manager stated this had not come before Council and it was the HRA's prerogative to bounce items back to advisory boards. Acting Chairperson Hanus asked whether there was a consensus by the Board to send this item back to the Planning Commission before having it come before the City Council. The HRA Board was in agreement with this. The City Manager asked whether items for the Mound Vision Plan were approved by the City Council. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated they had been to date. Acting Chairperson Hanus stated that the Board would like clarification on the process from the City Attorney. MOTION by Weycker, seconded by Brown to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. Kandis Hanson, City Manager Attest: City Clerk