Res 01-05H2UL-0S-2001 22:29 MOUND HR~ 952472507S P.02×03 PHA/IHA Board Resolution ApprOving u.s. Department of Housing Operating Budget or Calculation of and Urban Development Performance Funding System Office o£Public and Indian Housing Operating Subsidy v~ ^n0rov~ ~o. ~,,-~ ~. ~,~'*'~ ¢~r or tBe above Acting on behalf oft. h, Board of Conunissioner$ of the below-named Publi; Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (IHA), as its Chairman, I make the following certifications and ag'reem,nts to the Department of Housi.ng and Urban Development (HUD) regarding.the Board's approval of (check one o~ more as applicable): Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: Calculation of performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Calculation of performance Funding System Submitted on: (date) I certify on behalf of the: (PHA/IHA Name) MOUND HOUSING AUTHORITY 1. All rcg'ulatory and statutory requtrements l~ave been met; 2. The PI-IA has 5UlilClent operating reserves to meet the working capffal needs of ;ts ~evelopments; 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary m the ettment and economical operation of the housing for the purpose or' sm-ring Iow-income residents; 4, The ouaget mchcatea a source of thnds ~equate to cover all proposed expena~mres: $. 'l'iae caleulatlOrl ol' ellglbfltty Ior Federal thndll~g is m accorcianee with the provisions oI'the regulations; 0. All proposed rental charges and ¢xpen~ll. ture$ will Be consistent with pro¥~s~ons or' law; 7. 'l'tle PHA/JHA wtll comply with tl~e wage rate r~lmrements un,lei 24 Ct"K ~bl~. I 1O{.,) ~nd {,i) ox 24 Ct"F, 950.120[c) aha id); 8. The PHA/IHA will comply with t_he reqmrements ibr access to records aha audits under 24 CFK 901~. 1100) or or 24 UP'It. 950,120{,8); and ~. The FHA/II-IA will comply wxth ~e r~qulremellts Ibr ~e reexammatmn oi' family income and composition unael 24 CFK 9b0.21.}9, 990.'['[5 8.Ild 950.3 that: I herby ee/t~Iy that all the mt0rrnatt0n stared w~th~n, as well as any tnlbrmatlon provided ~1~ th$ accompaniment herewath, ~s ~ ~d ~curate. ~ ~ill pm,<ute f~lse elaim~ md ~mt~m. Convkfi~ may ?e~uR i~ criminal an~or ci~l ~al6e$. (18 ~,S.C. 1 ~ l, 1010, 1012 ;31 U.S.C. 3729, 3S02) p~do~ e~fion ia ob~le~