Res 01-08HRESOLUTION 01-08H PHMIHA Board Resolution Approving U.S. Departmento~ Housing Operating Budget or Calculation of and Urban Development Performance Funding System Office of Public and Indian Housing Operating Subsidy ~u ^p~r~v~l no. ~, ~-~u-~ ~=~o. tu~,~, scarcazng existing ~m .o~es, ~monni and mam~mmg me ~ n~ae~ ~a co~pteung and ~l~Wlng [~e CollectloR ct Into~atlo~ ~ena commen~ rc~a~ln~ ~s o~aen ~sumate or ~y. om6r ~pecc o[ ~lS cOltecuon o[ Info.anon, lncl~ng 5~111o~ lor roaucln~ ~Is o~e~ ~o me ~cpo~ Mana~emen[ olllcor, otnce ol ul~aBon Follcl~ ~ ~ms. U,~. ~cnt ct Ho~m~ and oman ~evelopmen~ w~nin~on, D.u. zu4t~ouv and ~o me omceo[ ~Scmcn~ ~ B~agct, ~apc~o~ ~a~uon ~oje~ ~z~ I/~zo), w~mngton, D.~ zulus. ~o no~ send m~s completed Io~ to czmcr or me a~vo aa~ssees. Acting on behalf of the Board of Comm/ssioners of the below-named Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (IHA), as its Chairman, I make the following Certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of(check one or more as applicable): (date) Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: I certify on behalf of the: (PHAJIHA Name) MOUND HOUSING AUTHORITY 1. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has suttimcnt, operatmg reserves tO meet me wortang ca'p~tal needs ct its developments; 3. Proposed 0utlget expert(mutes are necessary m me ettiment and econormcal operation ct'me housing tot the purpose or' serving low-income residents; 4. The Out*get mmcates a source ct' tunas aOequate to cover all proposed expenmtures: 5. The ealeulatmn ot'ehgfl~fltty for t"ederal ttmdmg m tn accordance w~m ~e prowsmns oi' me regulaUon's; 6: All proposed rental charges and expenchtures will Oe eonsmtent w~th provmons ct'law; 7. The PHAJIHA will comply w~th the wage rate requirements un'clef 24 CFR ?0~, 110(e) and (t) or 24 CI*K ~0. l'~U(c) and ~. The PHA/IH.A will comply w~m the requ~reme, nts tbr access to records and aucitts under 24 Ui~'K ~0J~.] 10(I) or or 24 UFR 930.120(~); and 9. 'ride PHA/IH.A will comply w~th the requirements t0r me reexarmnat~on o~' tJumly income and composmon un,let 24 td~l,L t2~0.209, 990.1 'i$ and 950.:.-I I rlerOy certify tl~at all the lnt0rmat~on stated within, as well as any zntbrmation provxded tn mc accompaniment herewith, ts true and accurate. Warning HUD w'ili prosecute fal~ claims and ste~emcnt~. Conviction may result in criminal and'or civil ~enalties. (IS U.S.C. 1001, 1010, I012',31 U.S.(]. 3729, 3802) Board Chairman's Name (lype) Date: Pat Meisel 9/25/01 .U,.S.c.o,,,~,,~ I~.a.s Otis, ~ - ~0~.w.~o~'/4 form HUD-52~74 (10/95'i" Previou~ edition se obsolete tel. Handbook 7575.1