Res 01-10HPublic Housing Assessment System {PHAS) Management Operations Certification U.S. Deparlmen! of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessrnent Center OMB No. 2535-0106 (exp. 8/31/2001) Public reporting burden for this collection of intormatJon is eslimated to average 1.8 hours per response, including the lime for renewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this informat[o~ and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currentiyvalid OMB control number. This inform~ion is collected to implement section 502 of the National Affordable Housing Act of 19g0, as amended, which established specific indicators to assess the management pen'ormance of public housing agencies (PHAs) in all major areas of management operalions. PHAs will complete the PHAS Certification form HUD-50072 and electronicalJy submit it to HUD. If a PHA does not have this capability in-house, the PHA should consider utilizing local resources, such as the library or another local government entity that has Intemet access. In the event local resources are r~t available, a PHA may go to the nearest HUD Public Housing program office and assistance wllJ be given to the PHA to transmit this PHAS certification. The information is used by HUD as a component of PHAS to assess all major areas of PHA's management operations, designate PHAs as troubled and PHAs troubled with respect to the program for assistance from the Capital Fund under Section g, enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with troubled PHAs and PHAs troubled with respect to the program for assistance from the Capital Fund under Section g, and report annually to Congress on the stal~s of troubled PHAs and PNAs troubled with respect to the program for assistance from the Capital Fund under Section 9. This information is required for HUD to fulfill statutory requirements of the 1990 Act. The information collected does not lend itself to confidentiality. Instructions: A PHNAME's electronic responses to this cert~cation must be the PHNAME's actual data; e.g., pdor to any adjustments to the indicators. Round percentages to the nearest two decimal points. PHNAME Name Project name(s) if AME /.-i, j;or FY Ending Submission Date The management functions for the following sub-indicator (s) have been assumed by an RMC, and the RMC certification will be completed and submitted to HUD (enter sub-indicator numbers or N/A): Sub-Indicator #~: Vacant Unit Turnaround Time V12400 Total number of turnaround days. q~'-~ V12500 Total number of vacancy days exempted for Capital Fund. V12600 Total number of vacancy days exempted for other reasons. V12700 Total number of vacant units turned around and lease in effect in the PHA's immediate past fiscal year. ~ (,~ V12800 Average number of calendar days units were in down time. V12900 Average number of calendar days units were in make ready time. ~'~,_:~ V13000 Average number of calendar days units were in lease up time. ,.~ ~ ~ V13100 Average unit turnaround days. , ~ .~,.~,,~' Sub-Indicator #2: Capital Fund i Da you have any open Capital Fund programs (e.g., CLAP, CGP, Hope VI, LBPRA, VRP) (Y/N)? Open = any program that does not have a pre-audit end date or that received a pre-audit end date during the CF10000 fiscal year being assessed. Component #1 and #2 (please circle yes or noI (~ No Component #1: U nexpended Funds Over Three Federal Fiscal Years (FFYsJ Old CF 10050 Total funds authorized over 3 FFYs old that do not hive a I~re-audit end date or that received a pre-audit end date during the fiscal year being assessed. CF 10100 Total funds expended over 3 FFYs old that do not have a pre-audit end date or that received a pre-audit end date during the fiscal year being assessed. CF10200 Unexpended funds to be recaptured. CF10300 U nexpended funds approved by HUD over 3 FFYs old. CF 10400 U nexpended funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PHA control. CF10500 Adjusted total unexpended funds. Component#2: Timeliness of Fund Oblic~ation CF11100 t T°tal funds auth°rized f°r grants °lder than 2 FFYs °Id' "~ 1-~ Total funds obligated over 2 FFYs old. Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 5 form H U D-50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Public Housing Assessment u.s. Department of Housing OMB No. 2535-0106 Operations Certification Rea[ Estate Assessment Center CF 11300 Unobligated funds approved by HUD over 2 FFYs old. CF 11400 u nobligated funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PHA control. CF 11500 Adjusted total unobligated funds. Component #3: Adequacy of Contract Administration Th~ date of the last HU D/Army Corps of Engineers on-site inspection and/or audit related to contract CFl1700 administration (include A-133 Audit). CF 11800 The number of findings related to contract administration. L"") CF 11900 The number of findings related to contract administration that have been corrected by the PHA. CF 12000 The number of findings related to contract administration that the PHA is in the process of correcting. Component #4: Quality of the Physical Work The 'date of the'last HUD/Army Corps of Engineers on-site inspection and/or audit related to the quality of CF12200 physical work. ¢-'~/.:,~0/,~2 ¢ (3~) CF 12300 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work. ~ CF 12400 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work that have been corrected by the PHA. ~ CF 12500 The number of finding related to the quality of physical work that the PHA is in the process of correcting.(7_,.) Component #5: Adequacy of Budget Controls ~F12700 Tot'al ar~ount of'Capital Funds expended during the PHA fiscal year being assessed. The amount of Capital Funds expended on approved work items not subject to budget revisions during the CF12800 PHA fiscal year being assessed. The amount of Capital Funds expended under budget revisions with prior HUD approval during the PHA CF 12900 fiscal year being assessed. The amount of Capital Funds expended under budget revisions not requiring prior HUD approval during CF 13000 the PHA-fiscal year being assessed. Sub-Indicator #3: Work Orders Component #1: Emergency Work Orders 'W 10000 Tota~ nur~ber of emergency work orders. W10100 Total number of emergency work orders completed / abated within 24 hours. W10200 Percentage of emergency work orders completed / abated within 24 hours. Component #2: Non-Emergency Work Orders 'WI0500 Total nun~ber'of non-emergency work orders. W 10600 Total number of calendar days it took to complete non-emergency work orders. Average number of days PHA has reduced the time it takes to complete non-emergency work orders over W10700 the past three years. W10800 Average completion days. Sub-Indicator #4: Annual Inspection of Dwelling Units and Systems Component #1: Annual Inspection of Dwelling Units 'Al0000 The total 'number of ACC u~its. ~ ¢_'_'~ The sum of units exempted where the PHA made two documented attempts to inspect and is enforcing A10100 the lease. O A10200 Vacant units exempted for Capital Fund. ~ Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 5 form H U D-50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Public Housing Assessment u.s. Depadmenl of Housing OMB No. 2535-0106 System (,P~AS~ l~anagement a.d Urban Development (exp. ~]31/200'~) Operations Ce~ification Real Estate Asses~en~ C~ter A10300 Vacant units exempted for other reasons. A10400 Total number of units inspected using the Uniform Physical Condition Standards (U PCS). A10550 Total number of units inspected that did not require repairs. The number of units where necessary repairs were completed to comply with U PCS either during the inspection, issued work orders for the repairs, or referred the deficiency to the current year's or next year's A10600 Capital Fund program. A10700 Adjusted units available. A10800 Percent of units inspected by PHA. Component #2: Annual Inspection of Systems includinq Common Areas and Non-Dwelling Space 'Al1100 Total nur~ber of conti~uous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries).' ' Total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) exempted from the inspection of A11200 systems. The total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) where all systems were Al1300 inspected in accordance with the UPCS. Al1400 Total number of buildings. Al1500 Total number of buildings exempted from the inspection of systems. The total number of buildings where all systems were inspected in accordance with the UPCS. Al1600 The number of buildings and sites where necessary repairs were completed to comply with the Un[form Physical Conditions Standards either during the inspection, issued work orders for the repairs, or referred A11700 the deficiency to the current year's or next year's Capital Funds program. A11800 Percentage of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries)inspected. Al1900 Percentage of buildings inspected. Sub-Indicator #5: Security Component#I: Tracking] and Reporting] Crime-Related Problems 'S10000 The d;te that t~e Board adopted current policies to track crime and crime-related problems. S 10100 The date that the PHA implemented the current procedures to track crime ,~nd crime-related problems. The date that the PHA implemented a current cooperative system for tracking and reporting crime to local S10200 police authorities. S 10300 The number of crimes that the PHA can document it reported to local police authorities. S10400 Percentage of developments where PHA can document it tracks crime and crime-related problems. Component#2: Screening of Applicants 'S 10500 The dot; the [~'oard adopted current screening policies that reflect the One-Strike criteria. S10600 The date the PHA implemented current screening procedures that reflect the One-Strike criteria. PHA can document that current screening procedures result in successfully denying admission to S 10700 applicants who meet the One-Strike criteria. (please circle yes or no) S10800 The total number of applicants denied who met the One-Strike criteria. Component#3: IS10900 Sl1000 Lease Enforcement I The date the PHA implemented current eviction procedures that retiect the One-Strike criteria. The date the Board adopted current eviction procedures that reflect the One-Strike criteria. Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 5 form H U D-50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.,5 Public Housing Assessment u.s. Department of Housing OMB No. 2535-0106 System (PHAS) Management and Urban Development (exp. 8/31/2001) Operations Certification Real Estate Assessment Center PHA can document that current eviction screening procedures resulted in the eviction of residents who 100 meet the One-Strike criteria. (please circle yes or no) ~.Yes.,) N o 200 The total number of evictions as a result of the One-Strike criteria. ~ Component#4: Drucj Prevention and/or Crime Reduction Procjram Goals 'S 11350 The number of HUD-funded drug preventior~ and/or crime reduction programs, The number of non HUD-funded drug prevention and/or crime reduction programs that the PHA requests Sl1450 to be assessed. S 11550 The number of documented program goals that are related to drug prevention and/or crime reduction. The number of goals the PHA can document it met under the implementation plan(s) for any and all of S 11600 these programs. ~,~ Percentage of goals that the PHA can document it met under implementation plan(s) for any and all of S11700 these programs. 0 Sub-Indicator #6: Economic Self. Sufficiency El0000 The number of HUD-funded economic self-sufficiency programs. The number of non HU D-funded economic self-sufficiency programs that the PHA requests to be E10100 assessed. E10200 The number of documented program goals that are related to economic self-sufficiency. The number of goals the PHA can document it met under the implementation plan(s) for any and all of E10300 these programs. Percentage of goals that the PHA can document it met under implementation plan(s) for any and all of E10400 these programs. Adjustments for Physical Condition and/or Neighborhood Environment Please enter project number and name and indicate which area the adjustment for Physical Condition and/or Neighborhood Environment applies for a project. (Check all that apply) ~roje'ct No. "" Project Name Site Common Areas Building Exteriors Please attach additional sheets as necessaw for additional projects. Previous editions are obsolete Page 4 of 5 form H U D-50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 1460.5 Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Management Operations Certification u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessment Center OMB No. 2535-0106 (exp. 8/31/2001) I certify that, as of the submission date, the above sub-indicators, under Public Housing Assessment System indicator #3 Management Operations are true and accurate for the fiscal year indicated. I further certify that, to my present knowledge, there is no evidence to indicate seriously deficient performance that casts doubt on the PHA's capacity to present and protect its public housing developments and operate them in accordance with Federal law and regulations. Appropriate sanctions for intentional false certification will be imposed, including suspension or debarment of the signatory. A Board Resolution approving this certification)s.j'equir~d. I further certify that Board Resolution number OJ - iO ~ approving this certification was passed on (mm/dd/yyyyy) ! Y~/O j J_Executiv~ ~,~or (signature) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) x Previous editions are obsolete Page 5 of 5 form H U D-50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.5