1937-08-03384 IfINUT~ OF TT~ REGUL,~R ?~ETI%IG O? THE WOIJ~'D XrlI.,L~.GE C'~I~CIL }~LD ~ugust 3rd, 19~7. Those resDond~ng to rol!-ea]l at the eox~ncll ch~m~er ~t 8 o'clock we~ ~ayor ~ue~tls, ~ru~t.e~ ~uf~ ~nd ?~rch, ~,nd Recorder ~,lwin. ~ru~tee ~ro~t was absent for the meeting. The mtnute.~ of the regulor m~at. ln~ of Jul.v gib ond of~th~ ~ei~l meeting of Julvml&th were now re~d, ond, being acoeDt~ble, were aooro~re d. The meetln~ now beln~ o~en to pvve,~l~ ~nd oetltlon~, ,~ ~ele~tlon from ~eton in the ~er,~on~ of '~felen P. Fox ~nd Allen r~. Fox, b~ word and in writing ~ked that Ro~llnd L~ne be condemne~ to vehlcul~r tra~c and be le~t open ~ ~ ~oot o~=~,~gew~y only. ~ayor r-Tue~tl= Instructed the Road dommittee to look into the le~,l ~ect.~ of the m~tter r~nd to act eccordinglT~ to the Ye~t intere~t~ o~ ~1]. concerned. Petitloner~ in the ~er=on~ of "e-~r~ P~rdee ~nd ~ohn~ now a~ked for an extension of the ~treet li~htlng to include the Juncture of '~aple Ave. and. Church ~tr. mhe res,~on being to discourage the pre.~ent Dractl~e of ~ut[ing thi~ ~ecluded nei~hborbodd to indecent and immoral u~e. ~.~a. yor '~'ue~tf~ instructed the ~rl].lage Recorder to in~re~tlga, te the neighborhood ~'~nd to confer with the Tnter~tate Power Co. ~ to the co~t~ of ~uch .°n extension. ~ction to be eccordingl),. The Village Recorder w~ ~1--o ~ked to reeer to ~'il].age records for Inform~tion as to proeed~re-a..-In im~rovlng the ~reo-ent rill. age water set-uo. Trustee Tuff now offered the Col]owing re~olutlon, to wlt~ ~esolved that, the ?illume of ~,~ound widen It~ ~tn ~tr~et from the ~outh Corner of the ~tate Pank of f~ound ~Torth to t'-~e Bese~s]]. Park, and that the ~illage Recorder be instructed to ~dvertt~e for bids, on the ba~i~ of the required legal ~n5 ~t~nd~rd ~eclflcstlon~, for the construction of curb~ ~nd ~ldew~:lks ~long both ~Ide~ of that area. ~he euestton ~eing on the ndomtion of the re~olutlon, the roll.- call wa~ unanimous; Tt]f~, ~arch, ~nd ~lwtn s~centlng. ~zor ~gree ~ng. Trustee ~arch now mresented ,~ redo!ut, ion. to wlt~- ~e~olved, the village record~ being in or~er ~nd ~ccept~ble to the Council, that H. I. Horton, the ~t incumbent of the "I~]~ge Recorder'~ Office, be released from ht~ bond ~nd. ~1] re~mon~Ibility in connection with village accounts. On roll-call, the .odo~otlon of thi~ re~lution wa~ unanimous: Tuff, ,',~s.rch, ond ~,lwln ~centing, Vo.=t bein~ absent. In connection with ~treet widening, the ~rill~,ge Recorder w,os in~tructe~ to confer with the ~ele~hone Co. for the removsl of ~ most in front of the ~svi~ ~tore. The mresent incumbent ~rll]s, ge Recorder'~ Pond wa~ next mre~ented for amnroval. It w~ moved b? ~ru~tee ~srch ~'nd ~econded by mru~tee Tuff that the bond be filed in the village ~rchlve~ and that r~ w~rrant(~ be drawn on the vill~:g~ t. rea~urv in the ~ount of ~5.OO to cover pa.vment on the bond for t~e current ve~r. The fo!]owlng bills were re~d ~nd ~onroved: - Ore r - Geo. Geo. R. J. C. ,~teln ........... Tgorthl~nd ~-revhound Lines. T.. e Ro ? ~r. ~ lw t n ......... "~ or~$ n Pel~e ........... !eRov V. ,::lwln. ' ?. ~. Prazmp, n .......... Fred Etter t~.te ~ank of "Innet onka er~n~fer .... ~'ound I.G. A ........... ] .... g Rob~ In~ dale ~ ander~ Rober~ "srdens .......... Ch::~. ~else. .... ,, ...... J . C. ~tein ........... ae~er ?i4mer. ' . Cbr1~. }Xel~o-: E~tate... :%und ~:~w Co ........... John P. Reed..In~ ...... ~r,. ~. Pardee .......... "er~s n Dre~el . ~,~nne t onk~ Pilot ....... Dr. J. ?. '~tlkln~ ...... Ja~ ~. Craig Co ........ Rondorf ~%1o~ Co ....... Psrker ~tmer ~e~Ice... ~tate ~snk of ~,tound .... ~tate ~,~cI{es~on ~n~. Ro~in~, I,i~uor. Cole ................................................. ,4 ?5. Cole ........... 25. 100. 7.91 10. O0 10. O0 7.20 ~.10 ~. oo 1.12 C, q2 5~ ,50 g. O0 5.00 3. ~0 ~. 20 5.40 18.20 84.55 lg. O0 10. OO lA. ~0 5a. 03 29.00 480. O0 10.17 4,28 31.15 187.51 275. O0 3. oo 23.21 385 O0 O© ©© ©© There beln~ nothing ~urt, her beeore t',~e m~t~ng, the meeting =too8. ad J ourned. Fre ~ ld e nt Addenda to above li~t o~ bill.' Frank ;~cCormlck... liouor. 7tore.... Grigg~, CooDer ~ Co..I louor. ?tore. ~.Innea~oll~ "tine Mou~e ............ Di=tiller~ Di~trlbutin~ Cor~or,~ilon. Ed. Philli~ ,~ Con~ CO ............... 55.32 15.28 122.15 41.84