1937-09-07~INUTES OF~ THI~ REGULAR ~{EETING OF THE ~OUND VILL~GE COUNCIL Held ,~ept. 7, 1937 ~fayor Huestie called the meeting to order ~.t 8 P..1_~., st the council chamber, and theme responding to roll call were Hue~tis, Vest, ?uff, ~,arcI~ and Alwln. ?he minutes of the meeting of August ~r~ were read and approved. There being_ no unflni.hed bu~Ine~ from the previou, meeting, the Mayor called for petitions. A delegation from Cook'~ Bay in the person~ of-Melon and F. W. Austin, ~nd ~r~. Kate Mohl voiced a prote~t agaln~t the present location of the Robbins Concrete Block Factory, deeming the location of the new enterprl,~e a Dubllc nuisance ~.nd s men. ce to tbs respectability, peace, and oulet of a beauty~lovlng residential neighbor- hood. On motion by ^lwin, ,econded by ~areh, ~ayor Hue,tl~ aooointe~ a committee of two councilmen (Alwin and ~areh) to contact tbs principals of the dispute in order to arrive at ~ome ~olution. ~r. Ahletrom, clerk of ~tnnltrl~ta Town.hip, petitioned the village of Nounal for half-~harlng the widening Of the margln~.l road along~ a portion .of the west limlt~ of the village, ~ound'~ financial aid to be employed only ~ far a~ the road widening follow~ village limits. This was left to th* ro~d committee to determine legal ~nd practical a~pects ~nd to report back to tbs council. ~r. Willia$ Hoofer a~ked for the r~,l~ing of ~ portion of the village street, wttb Oroper culvert_~ ~nd dltc~llng, in order to enh-~nce tbs annroach to hi~ farm north of Dutch Lake. Thl~ wa~ turned over to tbs Mead ~o~mlttee for di~po~al. J. P. Reed, Insurance Broker, presented ~ plan of Workm~n~ Oompen,a- tion Insurance coupled with a collateral contract of Public Liability, the whole calling for an annus~l premium p~yment of ~368.50, this to ~up- plant the present plan of workm~n~ compen~atlon crested b.v the ~mployers ~Tutu~ls of ~ausau, Wis., and wbo~e contract with the rill. ge terminated on Sept. 12th. Tbs new contact being with tbs Traveler. Inv. ~o. of Hartford, Conn., and wt. Reed, by residence ~nd ~bility, being alway~ present to watch village insurance interests, tbs plan w~.. ~ccept~ble to the council. On motion by ~lwin and .econd by Test tbs plan approved. In response to a letter read b9 the clerk, ~nd written over the signature of Dr. J. P. Wllkins, it wa~ moved by ~arch and ~®eonded by Test, that D~. ~rllkins, as Health Officer, be delegated, ~t village expense, to attend the ~lnnesota State ~anitary COnference held on the University ~ampus, Friday, ~ept. 24th, 1937. Thle the council aonroved and instructed the clerk to notify the doctor in writing of his aonolntment. The Village Recorder np~ read a comprehensive financisl report covering the six-months operation ef tbs ~ound ~unicipal Licuor ~tore and showing a net profit, in term~ of debt-free stock, tot~ling ~1228.38. This report was acceDted by the council snd ordered filed amongst tbs record~ of the village. ~rustee Tuff,nfollowing ob,~ervation~ by ~uperintend~nt Geo. R. Cole, moved that the latter be given a free hand in the selection ~.nd pur- chase of an altitude guage and related eeuipment needed by the village water syste~. This was ~econded by Vnet and aporoved by the council. 3,87 The Village ~eoorder was in~tructed to write to J. 0. ~ill~on Co., on avall~ble faeillti~s for pump rep~tr in ease of emergeney ~.nd the time involved in making a m~Jor repair; al,,o the overload working eaO .clty of the present villa, ge pump. The following bills were read n. nd ordered ps. id: Ed. Phillips & ~ons Co ...... $905.12 State Sank of Hound ......... State Bank of ~ound ......... LeRoy V. Alwin .............. LeNoy V. Alwin .............. Lel~oy V. Alwin .............. L. E. ~treater Lbr Oo ...... Northland Greyhound Lines... Ber~ A. }Tuff ................ J. ~. ~t~ln ................. G. R. Cole .................. G. R. Cole .................. L. ~. ~eXl .................. J. P. ~eed .................. Motor Power Eeuipment Co .... ~. ~. Nott do ............... W. ~'. Krause ................ ~. F. Broekert .............. Miller-Davis ~o ............. L. E. ~treater Lbr. Go ...... J. ~, Stein ............ . .... 0has. Boise ................. Interstate Power ~o ......... Geo. T. Ryan do ............. ~arold Hoofer ............. $ 3.15 17.77 ~e~man Eiekh~fer .......... 780.OO .Merman Kiekhafer .......... 8.10 9.80 ~lnnetonk~ Pilot .......... 28.90 10. O0 ($. ~. ~¥an~all ............ 7. 10.O0 ~ound H~w. Co ............. lg. 25.00 E. ~. ~e~n ................ 10.00 25.O0 A. L. Oooder .............. 9. 100.00 Oeo. ?. ~yan ~o ........... 1OO.00 League of Minn. ~unloi .... ~O.00 25.00 Ebenezer ~ome ~oolety ..... 15.00 75.00 ~. Obrt~ttanson ........... ?.25 ?.~5 E. W. Pete. rson ............ 16.50 ~68.50 )',ound' U. demetary Ass'n... 22. O0 1~.O0 Interstate Power do ....... 10.00 Dr. J. P. Wllkin~.. ........ 75.00 ~.00 Distlller~ Di~trib. Corp.. .75 }~eKe~on & Robbtn~ ........ ~2.99 5.20 Kelly Licuor Co ........... ~.02 ~nning~-~_nder~on Co ....... 9.70 ~.00 Old Peoria go ............. 106.10 .90 Ynteret~.te Power ~o ....... 1119~5 112.50 LeRoy N. Alwtn, ~ecorder.. 6.00 300.75 No further buslnes, coming before the meeting, it ~tood ~.dJourned, on motion. Attest President