1937-09-29388 ~PECIAL ).~I~TTING O~~ THT ~.~OUND VILLAGE Those resnonding_ to roll call at the opening of thi., meeting were ~ayor TTuestis. Trustees ~ost 8. nd Tuff, ~nd Recorder Alwin. TrUstee ~farch ap.pest ed later. The purpose of the meeting w~.s to consider precautions ~g~in~t a recurrence of a criooled w~.ter ~ervlce, ,uch a~ followed the main break on Harrison Ave. Discussion centered around looping the system, with~the tower as the center, and constructing ~n addltions. 1 water radius to feed the w&stern arch of the loop, so that any crippled sector could be shut off and repaired while water-delivery continued through unaffected Dortions oftthe system. This plan wa, finslly dropt because affected frontage was alresdy overloaded with back t~xes. The next plan was to ~upvly a 2,0o0 Gal. tank, frost free, to serve as an air cushion ags. ins~ which there could be limited delivery direct from the pump. Further discussion of tbl~ was postooned pending ~he conslderatloh of a new well to be taken up at the regular meeting of the council Cctober 5th. T~ustee ~. L. Tuf~ presented plans to convert the now village owned erstwhile bus barn into a munici.~_~,l building housing village street equipment, fire truck and accessories, llcuor store, and village office, and having upstairs space for rental pur~o,es. It was ~r. ?uff's suggestion that part of this construction get under way ~.t once in order to give warm housing to village grader and truck for the winter. Om motion by Alwin, seconded by ~arch, the council vote~ un~nimously that this limited development of the plan proceed under ??r Tuff's own per,on,.1 supervi s i on. On motion by Tuff, seconded by ~arch, the Village Council voted unanimously that the an~roprlation for village oneration for the year 1938 be ~et at Sg,O00'~O as a general fund, and $480.00 as a fund for poor relief. There being no further busines~ before the council, it adjourned on motion. ~tte~t Pre ~ ident