1937-10-05MINUTES 0F.~T~E REGTTL^R ~METING OF T~ MOUND VILD~GE COUNCIL _HE~ October 5th, 1937. 389 ~,~ayor Muestls opened the meeting with the following re~oon~e to roll call: Those present; Mue~tls, ~o~t, Tuff, ~nd .~lwln. Absent; Trustee :~arch, because of ~re~ure of other business. The minute~ of the ~{egular ~eetlng. of. ~e~t. 7th, ~nd of lhe ~pecial ~ee%In~ of °e~t 2gth being re~d ~nd ~p~roved, the ~c~arthy Well D~rllllng Co. of *t. Paul was given the floor in a oue~tlonaire and discussion of a new well, the =trsteglc element~ of which argued for a location dl~tant from the pre~ent one ~nd to be *ound by the sinking of 6" te~t well~ at a co~t of ~6.OO per hour. ~urther c~ssion wa~ postDoned until 8 C~eci~l ~eetlr~ to be convened l~th at ?:~0 P. ~. The Council next heard the personal ~nnltcm. tion of ~illi~m Tfa~ke, 513~ 5th ~ve., °., '~pl~., fop an "On" ~nd "Off" c~.le Beer Iicen~e to purcha,~e s. nd operate the ?~a%h Tavern. Before action could be t~. taken on thi~ an~lication, the Village Recorder w~m Instructed to write the references: Wm. Dordy and ~artln Johnmon of Downing. Vis. On the personal petition of ~iltoh Therault, P. ~". ~ Recreational Instructor, lhat the Village definitely commit Itself to the con- tinuanee of the P.W.A reereatlonal program thu, far pursued within its limits, it was moved by ~lwtn and ~econded by Vo~t that the recreational work, thus far, stand aoproved ~.nd thai the Village continue to give its sunoort, both mora~ and fln~nci~l, a, future development~ ctrcumstance~ may re~ulre. Thi~ wa~ so,roved by the ~ouncil. The macring, being open to bids on curb ~nd ~idew~lk construction in connection with the widening of ~ain ctreet within ~he business district, G. A. Tyler, the onl.v bidder, ,~tated that be could not present a pro, er bid, inasmuch s~ the carefull.v pren~red line,~ and specifications of the surveyor did not include ~ definite idea a~ to the amount of rough work in connection with old walk ~nd curbe removal. ~e,therefore, suggested that the work go in on ~. b~i~ of time and materi~l, and a~ done by village employe~; thu~ eliminating from his estimate of the final co~t of the work the p~oentages reouired by the ~tate in connection with workmen~ compensation in~urance. In other wordg, the village would c~hin ~ m~teris1 saving under the compensation insurance tb~t it now c-~rr~ *or it~ employees. This the council ~roved ~nd T~r. Tyler w~= given the work. On a motion by Vo~t, ~eeonded by Tuff, the Village Mecorder was instructed to confer by letter with the ~tertown Teleohone ~o. in a olan to revive the ori~inal method of b~ndling fire ~_ignals ~hrough the'teleohone office, the village ~greeing to absolve the company from re~oonsibility 1~n connection with ~nv ~igns1 f~ilure. This the council aooroved. The following bill~ were read =nd ~roved: Merman Dres~el ............... ~ 1.80. Le~ov V. Alwin ........... $ 8.85 LeRoy V. ilwin ................ 10.O0 Ie~ov v. Alwin ........... 10.00 Norihern Greyhound Lines ...... 25.00. L. E. ~treator Lbr. Co... 25.00 J. C. Otc in ................... 100.00. ~.. R. Cole ............... 25.00 G. ~. Cole .... ^. uff ............... 100.O0 ...... 16.50. "oun4 Oil, ~-ta ............ 27.85 ~)()--~*-'~' '~. Co ~ '51.50 rnter~t~te ~ower Co ....... ~112.50 .~at ~rous .................. C. ~. ~andhof? ........... 99.00. !nter~t~te Power ~o ......... gl.90 I,[ound t{dw. Co ............ ~ffound I.G. ~, .............. Rondorf ~o%ors ........... ~'innet onka Pilot ......... Christ Nelson estate ..... J. C. ~tein .............. ~. ~{. Chrt~tlan~n ....... Frank Kickha .~er .......... Harold ~{oe fer ............ "iller-Davis Co .......... Geo. T. Ryan Co .......... L. E. ~treater Lbr. Co... Interstate Power Co ...... 78.29. G. %~. C'rande 5.00. mhe Pa. oer ~uoolv Co ......... 5.29 2.~?. 17.65. '~o1~ 'Vine Hou~e ............. 9.50 8.58 5.85. Ed. Pbilltp~ & °on~ Co ...... 555.06 v.~5. ~.~snning-^n~er.~on Co ......... ~.OO 14.20. ~'ilt, on Therault ............. 5.OO 11.03. "Innetonks Transfer ......... 1.65 98.~2. ~eton Oo~t ~ C~b[net work~.. 15.OO 32.~O. ~. ^. Rerstt ................ ~.OO 13.85. ~enn. County Weleare P~o~rd.. 3.42 3.92. .~t%est.~ .......... Recorder ~PECI~,L ~,~EETI~,~G 0TM ~E ~OII~O VIL!^GE COT~5!CIL HELD OCmOME9 13th, 1937 Resoondin~ to ro]l-c~ll ~t the ooenln~ o~ thl-~ meeting wer~ Vayor Hue~ti~, Truotee~ ~arch ~nd Tuff, ond Recorder ~lwin. Fo]]owing~ a discussion o~ the local theatre (~ound Theatre) Trustee Tuff offered the following re~olution, to wit: "Pe it resolved that ~ound Theatre, h~,ving oro~oered ~nd outgrown the need For Further licen~e im~uuit.v, be recuired to t~ke out ~ licen~e, ~ other the,otre~ do in other communities, cslling For ~, fee of' ~35.O0 onnuallv, and dating as From July 1st, for t, hi~ ~nd future Veor~." The eue,=tlon being on the adoDtion of the re~olution, on roll-c~ll, the vote ws~ unanimous. And mo the resolution w~ adopted. It was moved ~v ~lwin that the bill of ~15.O0 ore,cured by the ~eton ~oat ,~- Cabinet ~orks for a ~tove to he~t the Orooo~ed villoge garage be aooroved by the council. ~hi~ wo~ ~eeonded by ~rch, the council ~ =~entlng_. It was moved by .nlwin, C. I,. T~f+~ ~econ,~ing, tbst the re=olutlon ore~ented by ~. L. Tuff, at t. be meeting of ~ug. ~rd, 19.~?, with refer- ence to curb ~.nd ~idewslk con=truction, be suooliment6d in ~ way ss to ~include ~imil~r conotruction on the oooo~ite ~i~e o~ the ~tr~et; namely, from the northwe=t corner of the Ron.~orf ~otor Co. to the .~outbwe,~t corner of the ~tre~ter Lbr. Co. On re"erence to the original resolution, however, it wa~ di~covere~ th-t it we= ~lre~dv =o worded. After ~rr~n~ing ~or for the ~'ill~e Gsro~e, ~uch me~tl.n~ to convene ~t ~.30 ~' ~. Oct. 20th, ~9~, the me~ttng ~tood odJourne~ on motion. tie st .............................. ~ec order ? ~e ~ i de nt M'iCROGRAPHIC SERVICES UNIT DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE OF MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the microfilm appearing on this CITY OF MOUND tion of records of the following agency: delivered to the undersigned by MARY MARSKE the legal custodian of said records, who affirmed that such records were microfilmed by the undersigned in the regular course of business pursuant to established policy of the following agency: CITY OF MOUND to maintain and preserve such records through the storage of microfilm ~eproduction thereof, in protected locations. It is further certified that photographic processes used for microfilming of the above records were accomplished in a manner and on microfilm which meets with the requirements of the National Bureau of Standards for permanent microphotographic copy. ~9~/FICHE NUMBER COUNCIL MINUTES DOCUMENT I.D. JAN 17 1979 DATE PRODUCED ~RA OPERATOR RM-00062-01