1938-01-17~[elcI J~nu~r~v l?th, 1938 T~v~%ee~ vo~%, ~l'ul~, .nd ~Inkel, -nd Alwln, Recorder. The o~ec% of' the meetin~ w~= te receive the reoort of ~he Vi33,,ge G~.r~.~e ~lmne~ committee, G. a. Tyler, G. R. Cole, ~nd ~. F. Fr~.u~e, committeemen. ~be eommlt~ee recommended ~ Brick chimney with ~ three-foci g~le o].e~r.nce, or ~n~re~Im~telv . thirty-foot rt~e from - ~'x A'~ 18" ~ootl~. FUrther tb~t It w.= te h~ve a 12"x 8" flue of vltrlele~ tile -nd w.~ te be ~ff~e% mnorox- finitely mldw.y te cut through -nd run elu~b with the lnner w~ll of the e=uloment g~r.~e, ~t which oelnt It w.~ to receive . ~" thimble. A g" thimble w.~ to be nl-ced .t ~ oelnt It w~= te h~ve .n ~deeu.te clean-out door .t t~e bottom. 1~ thl~ re~ert, It w~.= moved bv Tr,3~tee Wtnkel tb.t the vlll~ge advert%se for bldg. Thl~ metlon w~ ~eeonded by Trustee TUff e~rr~ed by the council. A~ ~.n unexoecte~, ~fter-regul~r-meetlng develonment the council received unadvertised-for bld~ on rennov.~ing ~he rill. ge truck. R. ~. Finley'~ bi~ .n ~ reeondl%lened meter, new wld=hield, transmission gear reol.,ee~ent~, new clutch ol. te~, ~nd new b~ke- llnl~, was ~.65. 'L. of m~tert~,l ~nd wer~.n~hio, w.~ ~V0.55. ~e work ~hould h~ve gone te the lowest bld~er. ~ewever, in.=much ~ the truckh~ ~.lreadv ln~,dvert, ntlv been ~ern down ~ the Finley ~aS~Ee ~ere the extent ef reo~.ir~ w~ discovered, ~nd,further, i~much remove! frem eno g.r~e to the other the 5ld~, It w~,~ m~ved ~V Ye.% th~% ~he work on the truck or.- eee~ ~t R. ~. ~tnlev'~ ~ecordl~ 5l~. Thl~ w~ ~eeended by ~lwln ~nd c~,rrled b~ 3 te 1 of ihe council Trustee Tu~ vot l~ ~Ne". There being not. hlng more before the council, it ~too4 .dJourne~ on mot ion. Pre ~_ Ide nt