1938-08-02-I.Z.V ?~INUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MOUND VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD August 2n~, 1938. Responding to established procedure, all members of the council were present; the roll-call being: 7. C. Huestis, ~{ayor; Frank Yost, ~. L. Tuff and ~ernard Winkel, Trustees; and LeRoy V. Alwin, Recorder.~-~ The minutes of the previous being read and approved, ~r. Milton Therault, reassigned to Wound from Hopkins as ~. P. A. Recreational promoter, petitioned for a resumption of the monthly financial support given him by the village during his ~ormer activities; namely in the sum of $5.00. This renewal was approved by the council on motion by ¥ost, ~inkel seconding. A delegation from the Hound.division ~f Glen Arbor in the persons of Leonard Olson and James Shea.petitioned for a manhole catch basin and an eight-inch tile drain submerged three feet along Harrison Ave. and under Wakefiel~ Ave., and with a delivery into Harrisons Bay, the same to dispose of water caught in the angle~ of these sloped streets and the adjacent railroad right-of-way. This matter was left in the hands of the Road Committee with instructions to report back to the council. With reference to a pulmotor recently purchased by the fire department for the sum of $2~3.00, Chief W~ F. Krause and Asst. Chief Ben Weiland of the Department argued that the village assume half the cost of this equipment, or the amount of $100.00. This amount was voted the ~'ire Department on motion by Yost, ~inkel seconding. As an aid to signalize and Strees local authority and to help in local license law enforcement, the Recorder was instructed to supply official badges for the Nayor, for members of the council, and for members of the committee on law enforcement. This received unanimohs agreement by the council. 5~r. H. I. Horton, H ealtor in the sale to Fred Bruckelmeyer of Lots 31 & 32, Lynwood Park, which lots make an angle with ~atertown Hoad and Lake Street, offered the proposal of his clients in the sale to the village of the Northeast corner of Lot 31 and a portion of Lot 32 in order to secure a widening of the streets at this inter- seetion, thus improving visibility ahd facilitating traffic. Py the ~ayor's suggestion and general council agreement, ~r Horton .was referred to the Road Committee for action. On ~ayor Huestis' suggestion, Alwin moved that, in order to conform to legal requirements in m.~tters dealing with the public and where considerable expenditures are involved, in insurance as in other matters, the village advertise for bids with reference to its insurance needs In Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability. Such advertisement to precede the termination of any contract where the premium is greater tha~ ~100.00. This motion was sec~onded by Trustee Yost and approved by the council. On motion by Alwin, Trustee Winkel seconding, Trustee ¥ost, by 'unanimous vote of the council, was awarded ~35.00 to cover his expenses as Village Delegate to the Municipal League uonvention at International ~alls last June. A Petition was presented by Trustee C. L. Tuff, the same calling for a 2-inch watermain extension to and down Fernside Ave and signed by ~r. & ~rs H. S. Tuff, ~r. & Ers Gottfried ~anson, Mr. & ~rs. Carl G. Peterson, Mr. & Mrs C. L. Tuff, Mrs. H. W. Ostrander, R. J. Rondorf, and J. E. Camp. It was moved by Alwin, WinkeI seconding, that the matter of this petition be put in the hands of a 417 committee to report at a special meeting to be called later. Fayor Muestls appointed Alwin and Tuff as a committ ce, the council c onc urr lng. Following an inquiry initiated by the council in session with reference to delincueht water bills, Trustee Yost moved that all services be shut off where unpaid bills were mounting beyond the pale of business commonsense and reason. This was' seconded by Trustee Winkel and concurred in by the council~. ' ' After a discussion of catalogue illustrations and prices on addressing machines designed for the purpose of facilitating the getting out of water bills in face of increasing services, Mayor Huestis suggested that action be detained pending the investigation by Trustee Yost of a second-hand machine that he knew of at Rockford, Ninnesota. The clerk was instructed by Mayor Huestis to confer with the Waterman-Waterbury Co. for expert advice on a heating plant for the fire barn and the village storage garage; following which he was to advertise for bids covering the required installation. On Mayor Huestis suggestion, Trustee Winkel made the motion, which, for Federal requirements, later was given the form of a resolution, to wit: That the Village Rec, order confer with Engineer W. N. Cary of the P. W. A., and otherwise contact the Federal Government toward the same end, for a Federal grant of 45% to be added to the 55% voted by the village for an approx- imately three-mile street paving program to be undertaken at the earliest possible moment, including the construction of retaining walls, gutters, culverts, and other like needed construction. The motion being on the adoption of the resolution, the vote stood as follows: Yeas, Huestis, Yost, Tuff, Winkel, Alwin. Nays, none. And so the resolution stood adopted. After a discussion of the mounting work of the Village Water department, it was moved by Trustee Yost that the clerk be com- pensated for four days additional time at the rate of $5.00 a day. This was seconded by Trustee Winkel and concurred in. by the council. On the suggestion of Trustee C. L. Tuff, the council agree- ing, the recorder was instructed to contact Ben Boyum, Agent of the Great Northern Railroad Co, for the purpose of signing a lease on railroad land occupied by flower beds maintained by the village. The Following bills were read, approved, and ordered paid: St. Bank of ~ound ............. $1055.00, ~ftka ~otor Express ..... $ St. Bank of Mound ............. 20.00. Gene Korman ............ Henn. Co. Welfare Brd ......... Standard Oil .................. Ida ~,~,. Bowers .................. Watertown Tel. Co ............. M%ka. Pilot ................... Stillman Co ................... ~fd. Hdw. Co ................... Phillips "66" Sta ............. %otor Power Equipment Co ...... L. J. Bowers .................. Woodend Greenhouses ........... 15.26. Herman Dressel ......... 3.43. ~filler-Davis Cc ........ 5~.50. Fred Ettor ............. 9.45. W. F. Stark ............ 16.80. 2treater Lbr. Co ....... 15.25. ~,~d. Hdw Co ............. 55.75. League of Minn. ~,~unict. 2.~5. ~fo. und I. G. A .......... 38.~7. Vil. o~ Robbinsdale .... 20.50, L. J. Bowers ........... 15.00. Md. Union Cem. Ass'n... .96 13.95 2.48 3.60 8.o0 16.90 44.74 31.69 30.00 9.81 2.00 34.05 ll.20 Jim ~tatts .................... ~ 8.80. E. A. ~.~cGinn .................. 7.43. J. C. ttein ................... 8.55. Interstate Power Co ........... 2.50. Interstate Power Co ........... 60.85. t~enn. Co. Agri ~oc ............ 30.00. '2anning Anderson Co ........... 12.40. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co ........ 874.73. LeRoy V. Alwln ................ 11.35. LeRoy V. Alwinm ............... I0.00. LeRoy V. Alwin ................ 30.00. G. R. Cole .................... 25.00. J. C. Stein ................... 25.00. ?ilton Therault ............... 5.00. Geo. H. Cole .................. 75.00. ~ridwest Paper Prod. Co ........ 5.60. Distillers Distrib. Corp ...... 177.83. Geo. H. Plant ................. 12.00. G. ~ohns ................ ~ 10.35 E. A. }~cGinn ............ 9.45 E. C. Kern .............. 44.50 Interstate Power Co ..... 115.00 ~d. Fire Dept ........... 100.00 ~.,~tka. Beverage Co ....... 12.9~ Frank Yost .............. 35.00 B. A. Huff .............. 100.0~ Village Recorder ........ 3.00 LeRoy V. Alwin .......... 10.00 Geo. R. Cole ............ 25.00 J. C. Stein ............. 75.00 L. E. ~treater Lbr. Co.. 25.00 N. Greyhound Lines, Inc. 25.00 ~'rank ~,~cCormick, Inc .... 185.87 Theo. Ham~ Brewing Co... 4.00 ?cE~sson & Robbins ...... 47.39 G. ~ohns ................. 90 There being no adjourned. Atte .......... / further bus~ness before the council, it was declared Pre s i dent