1938-11-01426 VILLAGE OF MOUND REGLTAR MEETING OF THE MOUND VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD NOV: 1st, 1938. Council members convened in the offices of the Mound Realty oro · pending occupancy of the C'ouncil Room by tax appraisers under the ctate Tax Commission. Those responding te roll call were Nayor W. C. Huestis, Trustees C. L. Tuff and Bernard Winkel, and Alwin, He corder. The meeting was destined to an early adJou/~rament leading to council participation in a public tax protest meeting held at the school houso. Foll~wing the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting and a short discussion of the vacating of property back of the Klingelhoets Tavern and Liquor Store Lots for the purpose of an alley, and water service te the. Fire Barn, the following bills were read and approved: F. McCormick, Inc ......... Cluck Brewing Ce .......... Henn. Co. Welfare Board... Standard Oil Co ........... Kenneth Sehult z ........... Mound Hdw. Co. ............ Employers Mutuals ......... Interstate Power Co ....... Interstate Power Co ....... E. C. Kern ................ LeRoy V. Alwin. ........... LeRoy V. Alwin ............ Phillips ~66" Sta ......... J. C..Stein ............... G. R. Cole ................. L. E. Streater Lbr. Co .... N. Greyhound Lines, Inc... H~ard Spaulding .......... S.hell P~trol. Cor.o ........ LeRoy V. Alwin ............ Mrs. C. R. Ferrall ........ W. Kickhafer, Sr .......... C. L. Tuff ................ ~.argaretta Glewwe ......... G~eat Northern R. R. Ce... 17.35. 107.62. .9.10. 23,75. ~5.59. 67.95. 100.00. 33.69. 115.00. 4.15. 15.05. 10.00o 10.00. 25.00, 25.00. 25.00.. 2D.O0.. .2.30.- 11.40. 9.65. 14.o5. 14.05. 14.05. 1.0o. Stillman Co ........... $ Distillers Distr. Corp Smith Motor Co ........ Watertown Tel Co ...... Mtnnetenka Pilot ...... Kenneth Sohul%z ....... 18.25. 89.56 · 5.21. 5.40 · 21.30. 15.75. Crown Rubber Stamp Co. 4.70. .Addressograph Sales Agey 21.40. Interstate Power Co... 56.30. Interstate Power 0o... LeMoy V. Atwin. ~ ...... LeRey V. Alwln, ...... ; B. A. Huff, ........... .E, C: .Stein .......... ; Geo. R. Cole .......... Geo. R. Cole ....... '... Milton Therault ....... State Bank of Mound... H. arry Spaulding ....... ~ i nnetr t sta .Tow ns hip.. Village Recorder ...... ~rs A. Hafstad ........ F. P. Leakley ......... LeRoy V. Alwln ........ O. R. Cole ............ L. E. Streater Lbr. Co 2.17. ~12.10 · ~10.00. 100. O0. '75.00. 75.00. 25.00. 5.00. 10.00 · 1.80. 5.00. 6.00. 9.65. 14.05. 14.05. 5.90. 25.00. With arrangements to reco~vene at the usual hour on Nov. council adjourned for the protest meeting. 7th, the ~' {., '..9}S, in ,aa ,,~ -,-.. ,,'--,'---" COU~TY ~L~ ~0A~D AND be administration of the poor relief i~tud of said ¥ILLA~ W~, The State of Minnesota has appropriated certain sums of money to be distri~xted through a ]~elief Agency to local conmaxnities for the purpose of supplementing local funds in the care of the nee~v, and, W]~AS, heretofor and prior to the date hereof the County Welfare Soard of Hennepin County ha~ been designated as the age~ to distribute these funds; and, WHE~AS, the County Welfare ]~oard of llennepin County has ceased to function as such agency; and, WH:F,.RF, AB, it ie deemed advisable and to the beet interests of various towns andvillagee in ]~ral ltennepin County to pool their interests in the administration of relief ami to set up a~d main- tain a central agency, therefor; and, · HE~AS, the following to~s A~ villages ha~e signified their intention to Join together and eo pool their interests, viz$ the Townships of Mimuetonka nd ~loomington and the Villages of Hopkins, Ediua, ~olden Valley, ~rooklyn 0enter, ~sla~d Park and Mo ra ~ i~le; and, W~S, this central agenc~ tl~xs' formed has adopted as its name, ~e Suburban I~enmpin County ~elief ~oard; and, WHEBF~S, the Suburban ~e~nepin Count~ Belief 2card is willing to accept the administration md supervision of the poor relief f~-~ of said ?~ of ISLAI~ PAIK . NOW, ~wrm~wOR, IT IS H~I~ A~ by ami between the Suburban Hennepin County Relief ~oar~ and the V ILLA~ of ISLAND PAEX as follows, to-wit: 1. That the Suburban ~ennepin C2mnty I/el ief 2oard is hereby ~eeignated the relief agenc~ for said VIL~A~ and shall administer and supervise the rel/el fund of said Vrr. LA~ ,, for a peri~l of one year from November 1, 1935 md for eucb add- itional period as ma~ be necessary to negotiate aexd complete a nee agreement for the succeeding year; provided, that ~Ach additional period shall not exceed ~0 d~e.