1939-07-11~;~INUT~~- OF THE REGL~IAR ,VEETING OF THE ~0UND ~IIIIGE CO~TCIL H~D Jul}7 llth, 19~ The meeting convened a.t the usual, hour of 8 P. ~. and resoonding to roll call were >.:ayor ~. C. Huestls, Trustees C, L. Tuff ~ern?rd ?,:inkel, -~nd C R FerralI, with ,~1 in g,s Recorder. The m~nutes of the orevio~s meetings of June 6th .?nd 20th hav- ing been read and aporoved, the meeting gave e?r to the readln~ of bids toward the ourchs~e by ~he vl]l~ge of a trailer-~.ounted, gas-oow~red oump to be u~ed %n rosin repair operstions, ~1:~o ~ lift- ing derrick with winch, ~nd ~n electric generttor unit with flood!i~hts for night o~erstions. The purchases of these three or!nciosl unit~ were to include ~.~1 of the needed nnd ~ttendent accessories, descriptive detail~ for which ~o~eared in the vi].!~ge ?dvertisement in the ~lnnetonks Pilot of June 29th, 1939. Advertl~ed for also, ~'nd being resoonded to in bids ~t this meeting, were bid? on the erection of ~'~ =ifty-foot tower ?nd the remove! fro? the school ~,nd the [n~-'t"]l~tlon ~]~on the ~innr'cte of the tower of the viltnge fire ~iren. Res~ondlng to the village advertisement for bids toward the purchs=e of water main re~sIr ec'.ulo~ent, ~?nd vre~entln~ sealed b~oposals, were The Thormsn :7. Ro~holt Co. in the per,on of ~cC~rthy. The i~m. 1~. Z~egler Co. in the oernon of ~r. Y. Ro~derick Porchert-Ingersoll, Inc. [n the oerson of ':r. Ji'~ Floomculst. The Gopher Eouloment end ~uooly Co. without oersonal re,re ~:~ e nt ~..t ion. I. J. ~owers, Electrician, ~'.~ho hid on electrical eotioment only Th~ ~ids on water ~aln reoair ecuioment stoo~ ~ follows~: The Thorm~n Rosholt Co with trs~l~ onvemetic tire mounting on vu~o .... (diaphragm) ......... !!407.80 The '~m T{. Zieg!~r Co., with wheelbarrow t~oe oumo ~ . ~u~,l) .~:404.O5 mountlr~g ............... (Centri~ ': · ..... Worchert-In~ersol? , Inc., with trailer, oneumr'tic ........ ~P471 t~re mounting on our'o.. (Centrlfu~l) .50 The qooher Equipment Sunoly Co. oe~ering r~nd bidding only on }.(~;~rlo Diaohram Pump, trailer mounted ~%~ above ....................................... :?235 ..O0 !.. J. Powers, bidding on floodlight unit only There being some uncertainty in the mind~ of the council o to whether a diaphrsm tyme pumm~ or ~ "self-mrim~ng centri- fugal type pumm, beast suited ?!ound omer~ting conditions, s circumstance which requlre~ time for deliberation, it was proposed and agreed to by the council that further hearings on water main repair ~o,l~ipment b, ids be postponed to an adjourned meeting to convene on July 18th, 1939, at 7:30 P. ~.