1941-01-07544 VILLAGE OF MOUND ~INUTE$ OF THE REGULAR ~,~ETING OF THE ~,,~OUND VIL_LAGE COUNCIL HELD January 7th, 1941. The purpose of the meeting was to reorganize the board and village affairs for the year I941. Responding to roll call were Mayor J. C. Krause, ~ustees N. F. Winkel, C. R. Ferrall, and Evan Jones After the reading and anproval of the minutes of the December, 1946, meetings, the floor was given to J. P. Reed on the mat%er of the Village. Treasurer's bond. Mr. Reed based his case, as to the allocatlc~ of the bond, upon an equitable distribution of village insurance in which 90% mhoutd be divided evenly between the Reed Agency, the Agency, and the Mound Bank Agency, the remaining 105 to go to H'arlin & Westerluna of Mlnne~polis through strength of Miss Harlin's ~ound residence. The council accepted this plan, and the Reed initiated American 2ure%y Co. Treasurer's bond under it, on the motion of Trustee Ferrall, ^lwin supporting. The motion called for the appoint- ment of a committee to look after the division, which ~ayor Krause filled in the persons of Trustees C. R. FerraI1 and Evan Jones. An offer having been presented in writing by ~. I. Horton, together with an Earnest Money Contract signed by E. E. ~cGinn and a check in the a~ount o~' $150.O0 as a down payment, the mffer agreeing that the rest of $350.00 was to be paid in 30 days noon the delivery of the abstract with title clesr, all of this with reference to Lot 8, Guilford's re-arrangement of ~found Bay Park, it was moved by Alwln that the village accept this offer of sale and that the ~s.yor and the ~lerk go through the procedure of contracting it. This motion was seconded by Trustee Ferrall, the rest of the council agreeing. A. E. Peterson was given the floor to register a complaint against the Village Water Dept. because ~f its failure to notify residents of a water-supply shut-down due to main breaks or the making of r~palrs, thus depriving residents of the opportunity to draw and store water before the pressure is down. Mr. Peterson was promised greater care in this respect in ~he future. On matters of re-Organization of the council for 1941, it was general- ly agreed that the committees of the council with reference to the various village departments was to continue as tn 1940. Trustee Evan Jones moved, Alwin supporting, and. the council agreeing, that Dr. J. P. Wilkins was to continue as Health Officer for the vest 1941 J. C. Stein was to continue on a monthly basis to serve as ~treet ~ommissioner; this on the motion of Trustee Merr~ll, with '~rum.tee~ Winkel supporting, and the council approving. On motion by Alwln, J. H. 2tatts was to continue on a monthly 'basis to serve as ~uperlntendent of the ~,{ound Water ~ystem. Trustee Wtnkel seconded this motion, the council concurring. Trustee C. R. Ferrall moved that B. A. Huff be retained as ~anager of the Mound Municipal Liquor Store. This motion was supporled by T~ustee Winkel and carried by the council. It was the motion of Trustee FerralI that C. E. Neumann continue as Liquor Store Assisstant. This was agreed to by Trustee ?;inkel, the council approving. VILLAGE OF MOUND ,,545 It was moved by Trustee Fe.rrall that the Village Treasurer's salary be raised to ~t50.00 a year and that it be paid at the rate of $12.50 a month. This motion was supported by Alwin, the council agreeing. On the suggestion of Trustee Jones, Trustee Ferrall moved that the village contact the ~tate Public Examiner as to the cost of an audit of the village books and the instituting of a new system of village accounting and that information covering this be reported back to the couuclI at it~ next regular meeting in February. This motion was seconded by Trustee Winkel, the council approving. ~ayor Krause appointed Trustee Ferrall as a committee of one to confer with the Public Examiner on the matter. After a discussion of requirements in connection with the proposed main extensions along County Highway No. 7 in the Shirley Hills District, it was moved by Trustee Jones that attorney N. E. Pardee prepare necessary resolutions and take all necessary steps to satisfy legal requirements in connection with financing and completing the project. This motion was supported by Trustee Ferrall, t~e council agreelng. After a report mhd recommendation made by attorney N. E. Ps, rdee on the Dr. H. C. Bosland bill covering surgical and medical services to ~,~rs. Paul English, it was moved by Trustee Ferrall thst the village pay this bill on %he basis of the scaled-down adjustment of $135.00. This motion was agreed to by Trustee Winkel, the council approving. On motion by Trustee Ferrall, Trustee Winkel supporting, the council authorized the Village Recorder's salary to continue through the year 1941 at the rate of $50.00 per month. The following bills were passed upon by the council and ordered to be paid: Robert Krause, Water Dept..$ ll.48.J.C. Stein, Str. Dept. J. C. Stein Water Deot .... 31.16.Martln Dressell, W. Dept.. ~artin Dressell, snow shov. 5.85.Earl Conlow, man & team... Earl Conlow, Water Dept .... 26.33.J.H. 2tatts, water Dept.. J. H. ~tatts, 2tr. Deot .... 19.38.Francis Johnson, W. Dept.. LeRoy V. Alwin, Recorder Sal 50.75.Ge~. R. Cole, sal& 2 wks.. B. A. Huff, sal. mngr I. ~. lOO.OO.C.E. Neumann, sal., Asst. ~treater I~r Co., L. ~. rent 25.00Geo. R. Cole, Dec. pumping. Crane Cc., ~treater ~ain... 12?.90?tka Motor Express, expres Famous Br~nds, !nc., lienor 76.96.F. McCormick,Thc., licuor. Distillers Distrlb. Corp... 103.65.Griggs, Cooper & Co ....... Ed. Phillips & 2ohs Co ..... 81?.lS.Grt. N. R. R. telegrams... 2t. Bk. of Eound, Coupons.. 50.25.Bondorf ~otor Co., gas .... Mound H~w. Co, Ctreater M.. 17.20.Md. Hdw, Co. ~tr. Dept .... 2pring Park Hdw. ~tr. Dept. 5.34.°treater [~r. Co. coke .... Spt. Prk Hdw. Co. fittings. 1.70.~tandard Oil Co. fuel ..... Phillips"g6" 2ta., gas & oil..2.35.Interstate Power Co. bulbs E. Rowers, sharp'g equip'~. 7.00.Borchert-Ingers~ll, shoe.. Standard Oil Co., gas ..... Miller-Davis Co., Add. rolls ~tka Pilot, proc, chk bks.. Kelly's Super ~ervice, gas. Interstate Power Co. pump.. 14.59.9t. ~k. of ~d. Recorders B · 97.Finley ~otors, rots & oil. 36.85.Tonka Elec. Co., oil burnr 68.84 18.00 12.5O 81.92 18.9O 150.00 25 .OO 10.00 4.27 148.98 456.93 2.19 10.18 2 .~0 53.95 16.60 .~0 3.40 5.0o 3.30 3.50 13.45.Williamson ~tamp Co. Dg tag 8.25 31.40Interstate Power Co. ~tr. 'itt~40.43 VILLAGE OF MOUND ~:Talter ~adsen, Prk tile ...... $ ~. H. Co. Rlf Prd ~,~id. inve~t ?~d. Crocery, Rodes relief .... ~.,~wedish Hospitsl, ~.. ~chuler. Geo. renz Sons, lio, uor ....... Padger V, tr ~nfg Co, l" mtres. 65.25.Hastlng's Iog Cabln,g~s.~ 1.A6 5.OO.R.H. Co. ~ur. Corn ...... lg.gg 3.O9.Dr. ~.¥. ~.~. Durvea Cchuler 60.00 58.56.Interstate Power Co.I.:.-~. 3.08 93.33.'.~tka Pev. Co., beer ..... ~.95 43.O8.Dr. H. C. Borland, EngliSh35.00 The hour being late, the meeting adjourned, ~ub~lect to call by the Mayor a.~ soon as work progressed for a special meeting. President Attest ............................. Recorder